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Kingston Gazette, April 7, 1818, p. 4

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* 1 'Contract. A NY ptrfcu v:!iinjj to a with the Subh-n'bcr t Central U> tike the JoUctwrng quantity of LUMBER* to Market, to W delivered at the Crop, in the Port of Mo- tid, or at New-Liv¬ erpool Cove in the Port of Quebec, as pay be required, will apply by Letter Fnftoaid/to the fublciiber, Town of fttigftoi), or to Meffis. McLean and WcMuilanat Ptefcott. 1500c feet Pine timber ready rafted, 4COO Standard flaves 1 0;. the wa¬ it j" ters edge, l©000pices 24 3 in , dealj at the Kingston Mifhu oooco feet fquare nine timber ready rafted ; 5000 Standard (laves 1 wafers Cc^jO us. deaU 2^ * 3 In f edge, at Cananoque. 0 WANOOtJA Flore & Mills. ChaUles Mcdonald having taken r.is brother %Au McDon- L/rfv into pannerftlip, the buiiuefs in fu¬ ture will be conducted nrder the firm of C & J. McDonald, Who k«ep for falc a general aflbrt- w<t of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES HARD TV ARE, CROCKFRY, and riK-ft artu-le- \nqnfred for at a Coun- St.ne, which they offer low for Nbtf 60,000 fept fqnare jinc between Wellcfi'fi Ulandand Prefcott, ready raft¬ ed. WM. HAMILTON. Kingston, Jan. 6, r 8 i 8. _ ¥*■ FOR SALE, ONrcafonablc terms, that well known (land foi a Tavern, fituatcd in the Village of Prefcott, Lots No. 9 and 11^ frc.ntir.g rhe King's Highway, and a lar^e two ftory framed Houle, well iin- Jlhed, with a large Kitchen in the rear. {Cabling for twenty fpaaa of horft»< a (Vd feveniy feet long, and a pood houfc 00 the 'ear Lot, fit for the accommodation fcf a refpefiablfi family. The who'e of the build-'ngs thereon, being iii liked in a Workmanlike manner, and at prefe it occupied by Mr. Alcxandei B. McDon- t)l, as a Hotel. For further particulars* apply to the fub<e* ihers, or to Mr Alexander Mac- Donrll, Junior, Mediant, Pre'-ott, by wh-mrhc terms rr:ay be made known, and an indifput3ble title and immediate uufle-flion will be given. ALEX. MACDONELL & Co. Suogffofl) 3d Jan. iS 18. (J2tf Rags! Rigs! ASH paid for lean COT¬ TON anoL-WEN RAGS, (Of any Color,; AT THIS OIKICE. Barley. TH^ fubfcr&er will pay the hfgh- eft maiket price for any quantity *>f Bit ley. delivered at hi* Store in Kington, during the winter- On hand a« ufual. a general aflort- iwuof DRY GOODS, Liquors and O oceu'es, Salt, Crockery & Glafii waie, &c &c. All of which will be fold uncommon is low for Cafh or any kind of produce, S HAWLEY. Kingston, Jan. 21, 1818. 35 FRENCH CORDIALS. S Hawlcy. has juil received a few #02*n of very fine French Cordials, a- Aruug which Rfe. C^'me de Nrycau, Cre'me de Moka, Crrmc de Annis, Limonada Sopnlina, Eatl Sa^s Parcille, Le Nectar de Phekrne, Ne Plus Ultra, DeL' Fan Rnpde, By dt.ze.i or Sing'f Bottle. TcTLef, A NDr-ofTefTion given the firlt of May «j_^_ next, a number >f rooms in the lint Barracks. Enquire of H. EARL. March 15. 42 THE Co-part«ri(hip heretofore ex- ifting at Bcllvilje, under the firm jofjohn Hubbard am| company, is this d;;y difTolved, by mutual content. All pd fori3 having claims agaioft the fame are requelted to pre|Vnt their accounts to Andrew Kimmerly for adjuitment ; and thofe indebted to the faid co-part ucrfhipare dtfired to pay the fame to Andrew Kimmerly without delav, oth- erwilc they will be put in the hand of ar. Attorney for collection. JOHN H!78BJRD, ANDREW KIMMERLY. Bcllvillc, acth Feb. 1818. 4Qr To Let, A ND immediate pofleffion given, the J\_ HOUSE and prcn.ifra in Stuart. ville, lately occupied by Mr. Dakon, [ Grated within half a mile of this Town, lire Ft,OUjCuquai"to any Mtll in the I a favorable iituation for a Gentleman Pri. vii.ee; they will fu -ply ivdeis for I land fauuly, and no lefa to far a Sawed timber of almoft any description | DilHHer, or InH Keeper. Fo; further at fiiorl NlfuiVf particulars enquire of the fiibfenber. inort wmice, ------------------ p 1 E, B A RN ETT, Kingston, Feb. 24, 1818. 43tf irv Cain. Saw Log, Square Tin-ber, Staves. Potafr.es, and moft kinds of country- Pi oduce. Thy have a wood Grift and Saw Mill in fu'l operation—can Manufact- Notice. 4 LL perfohfi indebted to tr:e Eftate J\_ of the late Jafiies Gumming* laic ofHallowell, deceafed, are requeftcd to ca!! without delay, and fettle the fame with Mr. James McGregor, now in charge of the eftabliuSmeot, at Hallow- ell bridge ;—and thofe who have claims againfl the faid cllate, are defiled to prefent them for adjullmcnt. The Hock in Trade of the deceafed, ccnfilling of a very complete afT-rtment of Goods well laid in, and very fuitable toihr Country, is now felling t«ft at pri¬ ces fo low, ar< will defer vedly claim the [attention of the public. Cafh or Country produce will be tak¬ en in payment, and a credit of 6 .nonthsj given to refponfibk Farmers, o» others. JOHN CUM MING. 1 v WM* MITCHELL, j Kingston* 03 27> 1817. >2 Executore 1 a*. i c. * j. Mcdonald. Gananoqttn% Jan. 10, 1818. 33// All ?hi ft indebted roCharlss McDon¬ ald, whofe accounts hn/e become due, are nqueftcd to to make immedi¬ ate payoienta C. Hatch 8c Co. OFFER FOR SALE, j Elegant Broai) top bdl b-ck."] Fancy & Wit dfor bamboo, do Slit b.-.ck, Red Cane feat, Waterloo, Common, Rocking and Chil Iren's J WARRANTED GOOD, At tlirir (hni» Kliop.oppofite Wm. \ Powe'l's Tin and Gi eery Store, (bne iflrr. Theif Chairs are fupcrio*" to any they have hitherto offered foi fale. Country Produce received »'n payment- CT^ CaSinet Ware f .r fale as above. Kiugilon, Nov. 10, 1817. 32tf £xtruti'i>r Council Office* Tarki tzdOa. 1817. NOTICE U hereby given, by order of His Honor she Adtninf&ratQj11 If! Council, to the lic^refjnifitiv-R 0/ Jolm Galloway and William Cmunveltj to make good any pretcnfioo to lot ouuber Iwentv one 10 the fifth cotueffion of the Townlhipof Kinglton, within fix mouths fiom lliis d^te, 01 it will be gianted to the occupant, who ha* been iu pofltffiou fixtcen years. JOHN SMALL, C/L of th Ex. Council. ' *** Notice, ALL perfons having any demands a- gainil rhe EAateofthe late Bry an Crawford, Efq- of Adolohultown. de ceafed, nre hereby revjurlled t.» produce theii cbims, duly authenticated. — ////o. all perfone indebted to the faid FfVat^are ! hereby requelled to make immediate I • ' payment to William Alexander Grant, Executor. Kingston, XQth Jatfj 1817. 32 STOVES. _ THE fubfeiber has juft received at hii Brick itore, Front ftreet, Dou¬ ble and Single STOVES & Sheet Iron, And has alfo on hand as ufual a gen¬ eral alfortment of Dry GOODS, Liquors, AND GROCERIES, Crockery and G'afsWare in Crates, Linietii and Camera On, Paint* ground in ii! ;—and expuft> in a few cay* an addition to hi* Stock, all which will be fold extretpely cheap at wh.-!ef>.le. BARTi-ET. S Kingston 0-3 20. 1817 l- BLANK BAIL BONDS, For •.^ilr at this Office. Officers Half Pay, and Artil¬ lery Pen Hon BLANKS, For falc at this Office* Church Catechtfrn vor 8»le at »his t^ffire. A SMITH & BUTTERWORTH, BETURN their fincerc thanks to their friends and the ptiblii in g^. nerai, for the liberal encouragcrreu tl^t 1 hey liavc received finee they re -:om- menced the Helling Bufimfs. 'lbey have an extenfive aflortmerit of Ladies and Children's BO^t NETS, or various colors and fliapes. Gentlemen's Beaver & fin> Caftor H aTS, Like wife, Knapt and Wo6l Hats. Which they will fell Very low foV. cafh 0? approved credit. Produce taken in payment* Jan. 2. $2$ Public Notice. THE Subfcribers, Execotors to tie; Estate of Charles Stuart, EffJUnfe deceafed, bte Shtriff of the Mulianfl^ Di-trift,hereby requests all thofe indebb. ed to the faid Estate to make immediate payment to the faid Executors ; and all thofe who havt demands against the. Estate are requested to produce ;he fame duly attested, in order that a ScU.emcnt of the Estate mav be effected a> i'pe-edily as poffi'-le aft'-r thefirstdaydfjuly j8i8. GEORGE O. STUART, 7 Ex«tf. ALLAN McLEAN, j* otor*. Kingston, Auguct \\> 1817—^^tf a- NOTICE. THE fubf. 1 iber hereby forbids 3II and e\..ry perf*m orperfona from mc'fliny ot m.ikiYg, or cutting any tim bcr, o' trcfpaiTing in any fhape whatever, Upon Lot No. 2if »n the 5th co'",'-fltOP ol the towufhip of K'n^-ft.in, on pain of being proftcuted accofdinw to Lawi jarvi- worden: LOOK HERE! THE fubferiber has jt;ft. received a frenS f'jpn'v of GARDEN SEEDS, tvhich he will fe.l by the box or (iflgle |japer, taifed by the Shaking Quakes, »nd warrantt-d genuine, viz. U'hirt.Yfllow rind Red Onion, B'ood and Early Turnip Beet, Scarcity, Ca « rot, rarfnip, Long an' Eaily Cucun bcr, WatermeBon, [vlulkmellon, Dutch 6um'«t-t SqnaQi, Crookncck Summer do. Cn oki>cck Winter do Wliite Head Lettuce, Early Coiled Head do Speck¬ led do. Salmon, Scarlet and Early Tur toip Radifli, Drum Head. Savoy, Red and Early Vorkfliire Ca'.ba^e, Flat and Trench Tu.nip, $age, Cayerwc Pcppert Sqnaih do. Double Pcppergrafs, Bur Oet, Rue, Summer Savory, Pa'fley, AI r^rayus. Pink, Saffron, Early June Peas Early Golden Notlpur, Charlton, Green Dwarf Marrowfat Pea**, Sti3W- bc'.y Dwarf, Eaily Hixweek Dwaii BcaKT, ' ramheny Dwa*i, White Crani- ijprrypole, Kidney pole, 4L80* GRASS SEED, Pickled Herring*, Butter* Clieeft, THE SUBSCRIBER, . ||JJ EOS Itrfve to inform his friends 4- AJJ rhe public generally, that he ha- i removed fiom his former Sand to the' j (hop lately occupied by fonaa \bbot & jjusencing b\ Cu. near the Market Place, \vh< re Ik (own acco- has QOW on hand, a genera' aflbrtment of! Hardware, Cutlery, &e. Which he will *ell 00 the mvit mouerate terrn^. To let, the fhop lately occupied by the fubf< iber, and poiTeffion given im mediateiy. SAMUELSHAW. Rings/on* $th Jan. 18 I 8- 32, For Sa »at thi> Office, A READY RECKONER, Shewing the v^ue of Grains of various ' Gold Coins, current in the Province of Upper Cana¬ da. M.SO% FERGUSON'S Improved Tab!* of the value of" Grains jt Gold Coin,* er o> under weight. TO LET, PVlffE1»uildnig !«*tciy "cc.ipied by Jl R. Rubrfon, Eld- as a fr«p. 8*0"* next cl.e Cvernrn^"1 Houfc. For particular" apply to .-•ila" M^Uean, Efq Oaonda^a Salt JUST received and for fale at the Store of& Baalct. 32 US F received and for fale » thh Of fice, price iy"8, Rnevis On hh Do¬ mestic Circumstances\ by 1-rd ByroOt— Wah the Star of the Legion oj Honour, and other Pocir.f ; to ivhieh is prefixed. The Lift of the Noble Author* Nov. 28. 32 CIRCULATING LIBRARY. Miss Read, -^T?\KES this opportunity of ac- j & ro LET, ND pofTeflion given immediately, 1 Houfc, containing fix roornP. a pood Ci-Her, Well and Garden ; aid a good Bake-hiufe adjoining xt, the oven j i of which will hold 200 Loaves of breads » Vpplj to the fubferiber, near the Catho¬ lic Church. PHILIP VIAS. Kuijjfton, Nov. 7, 1817. 32tf Valuable Lands FOR SALE, IN the Third Conceffiori of the Town- (hip of Pitfburgh, Lciny Lots No. |6, thehjlfof No. 7, and No. 18.—An j iudifputablc title will be given, and the teimsof payment made caly. H. C. THOMSON. Blank Summonses For the District Courts, for Sale at this Ottice. ML quaint tug her fn-uri-i and the pub !ic, thnt ftehas*given up here mmiffiou Store in <tore Strtet* but info -'d* com bufmefs imm^GiatelA* °n her [own account. *he intends g^ing t" Montreal in the courfc of a ?°onth, to yurchafe the moft lafhi mabi* Spring arric!es. She alfo returns he» loat ^n- ccrc (h-tnks to hci friends and -ustorrTer* f >r past favours, and h. pes for 9 contiu uance of them as loon as fhe cf procure a Store She wifhes to io&roi the fubferiber* to the Library, thai Ihc will nvke evrry allowance from thi» date utitil lne Li¬ brary is ag^in opened ; and an>' perfons who have bookt belonging to »l» Wl" ^e fo good as Co leave them ot Mr Thorn* er's ^tore. Mifs Read alfo requests nl' perfona who arc indebted to her to be l'1 8**°^ as to c;'H at Mr. Turpln'a, where ^e now refideg, ;md lettle their account<w,tn -*er* Kingston, March, 16, I 818; 43 w A CONTRACT, ILL be given for Piling nnd Burning off th- timber at Pref- qtrifle, theenfnhig Spr6»g, on 75 acre4* of Ground 1 and tor fbwing the fame in¬ to erai.. : and alfo at Kmgfton for cur trng and Drawing about one mile, 500 CordK of W.vid :-run each of whi-jh contrafl (by being furnfthed with fnffi- cient fecuritv) a fmall advance will be made. Enquire of B WIIITNEY". Kin?stony Jan 16, I 8 1 8. 3gtf " V ALUABLE LANDS "~" SALE. LOTS No. 24. 25 and 26, firlt con- cdfiuofihe townfhip of Ma- ryfturgh, Eall of the Rock, in the Mid¬ land diltriift, comprifing the moft valu¬ able part of N point Pleafant," and con taming about 300 acres. No. 51, nift concefTion of Sophias- burgh, Midland Dillrift— 200 acres. N09. So and 89. Second coneefij m of Ameliafburgh, bay lide, Midland Dis- FOR met— 400 acres. TO LET, Itc. Sc N. P-iLMliK. K v -v.p March 12, iii 18. ' IT US !' resetved and for fale at lids U Office, pri.e 7[A. the MONTREAL ALMANACK, For the Year of our Lord 18 18. Aiyj—ESSAT* in PRACTICAL HUSBANDRY, Addrrffcil t« the Canadian Farmers. By C. K (JKEeii, ol Ma ureal. November i^. g.^ A JTIOR any term of yc.m no1 e*ceed in Fifterp, on the moH reafona- bkterm—That well known Vi*'"ab!e ftand iri the public line, fitnafc on :')tf point at Oananr^qita and rece,,l'X °ecu- pied by Seth Downs, together w,t" x^c Houfc, Barn, Stables "&c^For. r"ar- ther particulars apply to the r-i'^cribcr. JOEL sfONE. Gimanoqna Jwh J>, 18 J 8. SVf Blank Assessment L'sl><>for tek at thh Office.—Ahtb Aritl>' metical TublC6,jbr the U8e <?/' Schools. i; ATTORNIES Blank F"f ^ Co6isj fo? bale ^t tijih OUkc. Nos 5 and 6. fecond conceflion. Ame- liatburgh. Lake fide, 400 acres. No 3, third conceflion of Hallowell, Midland Di!ln\3, 200 acres. No. 12, eighth cwiceffion of Thur. low. Midland Diftrift 200 acres. N'>. 9, fecond ConcefTion <»f Camden, Midland DillritL 200 acres. No. 70, fifth Con. Camden.200 acres. No. 9. third concefTion of Murray in the Diltnd of New Caille, 200 acres. No. 5 4th con. of Murray 200 do. No. 10. fourth con. Hamilton, in the Diftrifl of New Caftle, 200 acres. No. 32, fifth con, of Hamilton, zoodo. No. 19, feventh con t>f HaJdirnand, Diftria of New Caftle, 200 acres. No. i.firftcon of the townftlip of Claike, in the Diftrictof N. C 20© do. The hied firuation of the abawe lands j particularly of the firft nine Lots, is very advantageous, and the foil is excellent.__ The terms of fair will be found very rea- jh'nabic ; and a great part of the pur- j chafe money will be left at intereft in the hands of the ouichafer. Application to be made to the fubferiber. D. HAGERM.vN. AdolfJwsf own, 1 efe5 jtfmpi *i*:3. J ADVERTISEMi^r. The fubferiber offers for Suie fa Following Lots of Land. too agree in 4th and 500111 the 1 6th contrition of the Gore Utwe^b^ En.ell Town and Er..deiicklburgh. No. iS and 19 in the 8ib co:a*effioa of Mnnay. No. ^1 Eaft naif 2d con. of SUny. No. 9—roth ^onceffion of R^wden. No. 4—8th conceffion. Humingdott No. 14. 15, »7, 18, 25 and 26 in the yth conceflion of Thurlow. No, 34 and 35 in the 4th coucttBdfc- of Vaughan, near York. Also, Scvcrnl valuable Town Lots in ("&"' Town of Kingdom WM. CRAWFORD- « Frederickshurgh* Jm* 10*, f H t -. iWLi Smiths Work. TIHE fubferiber fftoft ttfyeSGMf it forms the gentlemen of K-ng*. ten, that he is juft arrived here ft-'m Dublin, and has commenced the buff. nefe of Black and White Swifli in aII itp branches ; more particularly that of horfe Shewing, to which he will grve ithegreateft fatififa&inn to thofe thai -^ ploy him. Thev riiay relym havuig their work well done, cheap and nt-?t, hy applying at Mr. J. Meagher^ Banac^ ftreet, where he has cnrtmit-nted. All orders in that line will be gladfo* received and (tiuft attention given. Kingston IftkOft 32 THE fubfcribern beg leave to inform their friend* and the public in gc* nera', that they carry on the TATLORma BUSINESS in Main Street, where they intend ouk ing every article in their line, on rr.oie reafonable tei ma than has been done for a number of years back. Thofe v ho wifh to favor them with their cuftnrn, may rely on liaving fhcirw. irk well made, and on the rtiortelt notice, for Cafh. Norris & Stevens. Kingston* Sept. 9. 1817- M PANOPLIST, For the Year 1816, For Sale at this Officc. [_Complete J ?8 Blank Deeds and Memorials, For fale at this Office. 4-1'.f i To Let, THAT well known larpe white STORE, in frontaf 1 he Dwelling houfc of the fubferiber. It in well eal. cu!a;edfor Commercial Bufmefi, having a larKe commodious ceHar. capaMe of holding- 1000 barrels, with the-advaurage of the wharf, where vcfTcls ot -fo ion. may load and anlumied. Forwarder* would do well to improve thisi opportO* jnity. For particulars apply to the fub« [fcriberon tlie prrrnifee. I JAMES ROBINSON. traftk/rif t -jib AJutrf,. tfi'

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