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Kingston Gazette, April 7, 1818, p. 3

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■'111(1" him in bis and flint tin &«iiM,ofsir-7 Tl,v S|| tend to retire fts|#inl of wMfHir) !hirhnw>vl>.-u*!'ful ta &*'»** (:""'s; ilfi-rveiitly hope, thai rtauMf r,<- 5U»to*W«»« »' this c«»ui,try, Lin Edition to Mr. bourlav s la- bi and capacify, p»w^ jmljjmettt Md discretion, to g mode of proc.'*""'*! KAerclasses of the iiihn!>i'uiit< ofC.i- udi, jnay WWlbHie more toll ration „,d liberality, with that character of Ifnefolcnce, probity, and doni'-iUc ,irtue which renders their country and themselves, so deservedly pleasing t:> grangers and travellers. 1 am Sir your obedient, sevrt. LON*i)i)NT, Jan.<27. fyiscn $fthc Lords Goinmissionrrft, toboth Houses of Parliament^ or. MyLwlsand Gentlemen, We are common dscl by his Royrl rfighnftssthePiioce R.-?g«?nt to inf*rm yoo, that it is with great concern that be is obliged to announce to you the Cfliit'rauance of his Majesty's lamented indisposition ThePriui'c Regent is persuaded that » ! vountildeeply participate in the af-: fliition.with which hi? Royal H*;hnessj baste visited, by the caiamifous *\n\ J untimely death of his beloved and only j J Uirtrd- -childthe Princess Charlotte. Under this awful di-pon^atioa of Pmvltlttnce, ithii beep a southing nofisolation to the Prince Regent's heart, to receive j from all descriptions of his Majesty's objects, the most cordial assurance toft of their just sense of the io*s Which they hare sustained, and of their Sympathy with his parental sorrow:. Illd amidst his own sutVarings, his fi*iy- I "Highness his not beau unmindful of Jtoeffert which the sad event mtisl wcon the interests and future prcto- ^sof the kingdom. We are conunniid'*d ro acquaintrou, jtatthe Prince continues to receive "0fn Fnr^i/n Powers the strongest ns- Wittce of th ir friendly disposition »H-ard>this Country, and of their de- *»W maintain the general tranqui¬ lity. Hi* Royal Highness ha$ the ^atisfnc- Jon .»f mai aWe t0 assuro ^ thn{ Jec<hiftd«iH»i *hich h* has inwrwM) $t hi the tbbUte «| *b* «f^# - — •'- yiS-uV**1......."'""• P * erery branch *l our dmncatic ^rrrJdth.nrcsrntsfMcofpub. Ky was labouring were chiefly to J ascribed to bMiipoiarycan^. So important a change could not fail ik withdraw front the disaffected the ;:,'!»l moans .1ItrtM thry h.. a- Ud themselves for the purpose of !o- mlntinaa wtof dtsMntent, which S Uy led to acts of insurrection iStin^udhi. Roval H:ghness pertains the most confident expecta¬ tion that the state of peace and MB- *n the rlofictettry wfcfrfc i>ai )6ng exkf- j • ■<! m Ui£ number of places of public •••►Miip belonging to ihe established «Huirch, when compared with the iu- rrra^-d and increasing population of Ihe roiinfry. Jli- lit \al Ulghrtess most earnestly recomoif'nds this important subject to Viufr early consideration, deeply im- pres^ed, a% he has no doubt you are, with ttjtwd sense of the many blessing* a Mill this country, by the favor of Di- Mtifl l>rf>videiue, h.is enjoyed ; and with the lonv'ntion that tiio religloai and moral habirs of the people are the most sure and firm foundation of na¬ tional prosperity. Fn the coarse of the last year, five hundred and forty thousand barrels of flour wore imported into Liverpool fVo.n the United States of America To this circu nstance more perhaps th-m iinv other, is to be ascribed the bailn; n> of the brertd, which hah been j an universal complaint.—^The adulte-j ration of American iloor is a notorious fact, it eludes detection, except b\ chemical process, until its effects arc f. lr in the stomafth. Wheat only ought r. he inlmitfed from foreign ports. Dutdiii) January 20.—Wc lament to aj that th« typhus ferer has raged with such violence in Ijondonderry. that io Ie>s than 14 Roman Cath¬ olic clergymen have fallen victims :o it in their humane aitenduuee on the af- ^y \o Inete?fr tliC L»b*irjf t i t!»t Lcfci*- l/tm Council and P'loufc hf A(fcn(b!y, and tot other purpoflei therein mentijn- pd^ For the Kts(;-ra>s Gazette. Miseris Succurrsre QporteL SIR, f obfervfd in your laft papers two communications relative to the etlablifh- ment of an alfylum for the Sck and in¬ firm poor of this place ; communica¬ tions which defevve u«ir moll ferious con* fidcration, and which do honor to the gentlemen who fo humanely offered their opinions and lei vices to luch a laudable purpofe. We are all acquainted either intimate¬ ly or partially with the numerous- and dailj exigencies of the poor. Wc ali fee the hard druggies they have to fnp- port, even individual rxiftartce, indepen- dent of the burthen of a wife and help- leffi family, and this at a rime when the father is endowed with vigour and health fnfTiciemly great to fudain thofc hnrdfhips which he muft HeccrlTarily en- duretoenablc him to procureaftifficiency to preferve himfclf and fatn?ly from in- 1 A ^Uradera mail arrived yeiterday. The aecounti from Manotei state, that th* marriage of the Duke of Cambridge with a J'rincessof llesse Ca»scl» ise\- necut\ to be celebrated at Ca?sel ab¬ out th? middle of March, and hhs Roy¬ al in.i>'oi"s- with his contort, will soon afUnviuds visit F.ngiand. TH-8 VOUXG NAPOLEON. u A report of nither a novel kind/' savs n London paper, is whispered a- bo'ntin some of the best informed po¬ litical circU*s that a singular ntfgocia- ti'tu has for some time been actuall) carrjrn^ on between the Courts of Vi¬ enna and It nine, which has for its ob¬ ject to prepare, matters for the restora¬ tion o! the Kingdom of I'aly, wider the sceptre of voting Xnpobon, the Son 0l the (now) Archdache»s Maria tori** KiXGSTON : TUESDAY, Ji'ttrt 7, I8ts. ■ * * ■ ■ • • • * ^ » • • rfjUty fs which the country fc wm w- Led will be maintained against a.>, |ttempt, to disturb it, by the ptNare- riueTissilni.ee of the masistrary, a.wl by the loyalty au« good sense of the people. gentle-men rf the House of Commons. The Prince Regent has directed the .irtimates for the current year to be laid before you. , . His "ltoval mghrtess recomincnds to wur continued atti-nf.on the state of Epublic income and expenditurer; fed he ia tnn^t happy in being ablet, acquaint von that, since you were hvl N u;-nncui;ni tHfll iv *ivrrt in invviv \c<i<i Ja\ fioin \ ink, |k»* polft *l> ftiniiOuMl ISB with itM* Tiilf^ot lie* fi»Uir.viu* \cl. v*l»*t*'l* 3*=t-i pa ■■»(! hoi It branches of the I^gwlasure, Um *liii*'< li:* 1 vol rcri't^'"! "if Ittt^.'il i\*'"-»'ii! wfier. I:'. Mi >li<*ra iMiTisrsiluy. IL'^ si;nc> that Pavlia- iijimh w.t- prnrejrtitsl on Wodrtiiatlay last, a; ftu«: oVInck, An .\f\ to enable Robert Ca twright tofnrrtnder certain Land* in the Town of Kingttoti to the KMig. An Aft to alter the time of holding the Couita <>f Quarter Ceffi.»m ill ihc London, and Johnstown ditlrifts. An -\ft to continue an att to fnpply in certain cafe* the want of bounty court* in this Province* *nd to make ..further Provifion for proceeding to out- Jjlawry. An Aft to repeal part o cvit^.ble destruction. This is not daily but hourly prefent- cd to onr view ; fth r.ot a (ingle but Ml* merous fnch objeft- that momentarily call on us for onr afhllance, conftqnent* ly we mud be adequate judges of the in¬ dubitable HeceJuiy for the ellsblifhment of an Iiiftitntion by which we can re- hevethe miferies of ur fellow ci^atoree, andftTinifli ihedifrffed and infirm thro' their miferablc and lingering exillence. Thcfe fiTtpie faft« hourly ftaring us in the face, are too certain, too deter¬ mined, to require ai.y nominal deduftioi. in their fopporr. 1'afts fpeak for them* fclves, Mr. Editor, and from thofc faft« j we mud draw the necefkry caufe and: conf.-quent concludve efTccts attendant on their etillence. How often is onr generofity tiied iri aid of (ocietie* for (he relief of the indi¬ gent yet healthy civilian, arid how lib¬ erally have 1 feen then fupported ?— Wh^t painful «notfftn< aiife in our bread at viewing evtu this comparatively fmall I (late of diftrefs. FfcrW much more pain-] fu; then, Sir, muft [t be to tls ? What a a fcene of agony <,nd diftrefs prefenh. ir.'elfto onr light, when we perceive that father, that foleprotcfter and fun- poit. loaded with tiiftafe perhaps the mod painful and horrid, unable lo pro cure even a drink i0 wet his patching lips, and when lm i\ufortunate nfF*prinp, too y iu:ig to comprehend fcarccly the actoai value or evtu meaning of a parent, j I [Irrncry and dilfcf^. for "we iitould recol- K-ft it ir but partially wiping off that ait which \vt juftly owe to the Ctcator and prclervcr of u*i all. You have already, Sir, received the kind offer of two genilcncn'a fervice9. 'Twas but tlieirdury, .Vr. Editor, a duty they owed to ihemfrlva and the public ; for if the heart is not fenfiblc to atiue feeling for the diftreffes of a brother, genefofity will never be a con¬ usant attendant on ilie hand. I think it is not only my duty, but every Medical man's to come forward and offer his afiidauee in the promotion of Tuch an ellabiilhmeut ihe arrange- inenl and internal economy of which muft be more fully underftood by them, relatively (peaking* a? their province, during their piofciTional avocations have called on the.n to be the coultant atten¬ dants on the departments of the fick — It is from them the neceffary arrange¬ ment and confequeut attendant expenres fhould be arranged, and to the zeal of our .Vlagillrates and liberality of the pub¬ lic, we mult commit the remainder. I hu^r, Sir, 1 have faid enough to] (limuUtc thofe whole duty it is to pro-" mote the eftablifhment of an inftitution which is calculated to give relief to th iu- aands. I truft thev wtll r.ot hefi'atc in executing that power which n.«t only man but God has veiled in their hands, and which their filiation in life impera¬ tively demands of them, I trull they have nothing to fear as to fupport, as no donht there are many | breafta who feel equally with mvfelf.and who would as warmly and willingly es- pouff fur ha caufe as I w mid. It would do injuftire to the feeling* of our town* i men to thii.k otherwife, for when men are called on to put their hands to thei" \ purfe, let the nccitfion and their feelings! diftate to the heart, how to regulate pnrcE oppRormom In (he Aingstvn Market., e/«r#« the past ict* /*. ARTICLES, j BTeV........... MtiKon......... \ .-;.l........... Pock........... \'iw\ \^........ Tnrkeys........ fleeae.......!.! liiirr-e......... Duller........ I^'........... i ,'ti- ■........... Potatoes........ Oats ,......... T'jot'ijm......... Carrots......... Cabbage........ KInirr.......... do............ Tallow........ I.a'd........"* i.'i>............ Straw.......... W ooh_____ ,'" ' t'lH.U lh. | I IXrjM 0 (l 7 (1 0 (\; V HI 0 0 ■ ' ■5 6 1 <} 5 0 TO •is TS o s " $ 0 0 7 6 61 ' - I 6 ! (' ') 7* o f i 0 I < 0 4 0 0 2 0 0 8 (I » l 3 o ; 0 0 o o i o o 1 IS n ; s tfc it 4* I ^ 0 n i) o o ta 0 0 3 D ;v t> ,ME next Kingston Assem¬ bly will be on Friday tiie ioi.li April. NOTICE. ALL accounts dee :o rhe oubf tU bers, and remaining «nf ited after the iti day of Jn*it next, will be put inolhe bands ;.f an Attorrev for col I eft ion. TffOMSoy & DETLOZ. Kingfton, Apiil6, 1S1& W»6 »-*■— . Notice, their arti ins Under fuch circumftance^ would it not be better to call a Town meeting to take into confide ration and adopt meas- nres to regulate its future proceedings. 1 think this the duty of our Ma^iftrates who, I am confident will uV.iiu every exevtie-i in its fupport, and I have no doubt it will meet the fuppnrt and en jcuinagcmeut of every good member of focicty, 1 am Sir, Yours, H. M'GEE, Surgeon. It isfoJ thtt the Earl of Dalhoufie, nn tht? aprwwg «»f tK* wOTtSWWti w^W St. Lawrence, will relieve his Excellen¬ cy Sir John Shrrbrooii who retires. Sir James Kempt U fooken of aa the new Governor for Halifax with hanger painteU i ih* ir countena inteU in every feature of jl Major General Peregrin'? MamanHA nc<;t eryiujj to him for) t|,e utw Governor of Upper-Canada,. ihat fuppott which he has neither mon- I cy 0-* means to prorjure, and which then I f and to craving ippetite* demand to afful alinntc exhjulted nature ? What mull be the feelings, 1 fay, of that Parent who lying on the bed of sickr,. L, has not *>n!y the pain of his own bodily torture*, bitl that of a llarvingfa oily, eoniiantly pre- feni with him ? What mull be his feel [fogs, who i.a llrao^ei, far from his na- i tive land, where he could obtain fhelt« ? I from his h imc whtfe he w«»uhl te made welcome in his WT«tchtdnef9 ; i.um h:s friends to whofe kind eenerofity and he famvii) aoueal in the comes out early • family. in fpring with his fihn:!real Gtzctte* amend the Laws in force for etlabiilh;:^ ; Diftrift School* in the feveral Diltnftsj of this Piovince. | An Aft to impofe a Duty upon perfom felling Wine, Brandy and other fpiritnoua Liquors by wholcfale. ^ An Aft granting to his Majefty a ■ duty on Licences to anftionoers and on j Goods Wares and Icrchandife fold by auft'on. . ,, \n Aft to make good certain Monies IfTued and advanced by His Honor the admir.illrator p-irfuant loan addrcl* Of mmons Honfc of Affemb-ey. the ooiuiii¥.«w —----- -., ■P'-iri i: ,ani Mm* wrm«B4 \ An \6i«o provide for the re^jltenng assembled in Parliament, the revuu ,A". clooveyailceS, Will*, and o- ches. Ity Lords and Gentlemen. Wp are commanded by the Prince I Wnt to inform you, that h,- has con¬ cluded treaties with the Courts of Spain and Portnga', on the important subject of the abolition of the slave trade. m ,. ,i His Royal Highness has directed Data copy of the former treaty shonW be immediately laid before you ; ana k wilt order a similar communication to be made of the latter treaty, as soon M the ratifteatiou of it shall hare been exchanged. . . . In these negocintions it has been his R.--yal Highness'a e.ulcavour, as far 9» tircumstances would permit, to give et- fectto the recommendations contained in the joint Addresses of two Ho«**S of Parliament; and his Royal High¬ ness has a full reliance on your n.-adi- ness to adopt such measures as may be necessary for fulfilling the engagement into which he has entered for that pur- pose- A A The Prince Regent has commanded ■* to direct your particular attention Lands Tenement* and Hereditaments the fame being executed in the United Kingdom, or in any of hi* Mayfly's Colonics, and to enable married wo*ien redding thereto convey their real eftate which may be in this Province, &c* An Aft to alcertain the eligibility of, perfons to be returned to the iioufe of 1 An Aft to repeal ao Aft granting to his Majefty a fum of money to be a^- 1 plied for the encouragement of the culti¬ vation tif Hemp within this Province. An Aft to remunerate certain Com mifli'ners therein mentioned. feeling hearts he Could appe botti of diftref?, or to whole protection He coold yield an ihnoceni and tender offeprtttg I V/hat mutt oe r>is feelings labouring under a 1 thefe difficulties fee« . himfclfgradually fi^Mngto the giave torn fortvei from that offi^t^ whofe wel¬ fare wn\S»^xtvttm h-^ppToefs, toinhab- ! it perhaps bU aioft unpicpared for un- j welcome home. Tbeil \tt thofe who j are parents, and feej anij kft0W the ten. j der lii k by which tJther and child are | bound together, a \;e which God has j fealed as a firit la^v uf Nalure . let them j bring this fcene hoinc to fafa owtl { doo>3 and there tak^ i pr-^fpeftive view of what their fuffc.;ngt Wt,ulJ be, or .what feelings wonlj naturaBy anTe in ! their bieatts in fuch a flateof mifery.— A ftate 1 feel forry t0 fay too often met! . with, and too feld;>m attempted tobei I remedied. How i\MH would they ap¬ peal to Heaven and rry ' rrlfencn Apprehended. Boorguignon and Verdon who. broke prifon lately, vm spprehroded yr'ier- ,d»v morning, af iiawkefbury TJ. Canada, fey Mr. George Barnard, under (heriff of this diltria, and Iifcly lodged again in the Jail of this City early this morning—Mr. B- acknowledges him- ! fell much in iebted to Thomas Mean, JEfq. whoaCItU-d him on the ocenflon. Montreal Ga%tttt. Thevi'lage of Ernest Town ha«. been incorp.^rai'-d, and is now known by the name of BATH. MARRIED, On Sunday the 22d ult. at Ba-h by j the Rev. John Willsn, Mr. David 1 Shibb'y, to Mif« Rachel George, Daughter of Mr. John George, both of Erneft Town. On Saturday Evening lad, the 14th inftant. by the llev. Mr. Leeds, James THE par'-frfi»ip mentioned a f. vv months fince, between Thort;*r% iff Moron* cealed on 3d A pril, 1818. A3 uo papers have been figiirrt to couh 11 the above, .Mr. \ioran har received ac- cording »o hi** request, a rernnrreratton, adequate to hia bervlcies, froii the Sub- fcriber. N. B. All debt^, Note* of hand (Previous to the above dare.) will be honourably Settled by the Subfciber, who requefts thule who are indebted to the above firm to pay the lame with »ut delay to J THORNER. Kingflon, April 6, t8 18. 45 LETTERS 'fry E3fJU\ ISG in the P->s't-Oj}i<e9 .14. - I. M-..... . Nf * . P l»h imelin, benjurum &ji*re», cniiw.^nrr Vrmstroug. htcanui Baker, tteubt'^ Baiter, DamA tiati^, AagiM iJ-iiue E, i.!i n |;-i»-m- i, Julia i>, llerst-y, r. \. Berirund, .i.inn- bun i, JaQICr' . li.lJ,J*»iiti 1{Ih.:..«wo<...'0--uIi RUls, ».'.-|:h uVM.'i, HllHCa lS.>Mr., MftT) >i«-w.. «*, i .i miu c ; ».'vit, J amen IjiaU., Jebn u.uu- c Ujrnv. Hi :" 1 lijruei, Au^r-lim •• i at- . :i, Mra.Aa.ii ■. ^-u.i.>, K«--m - ■ ■ a •, , :f tygG (.'ltau-21 ), I'V.v COi I i-\."-ti -' ■ »» Lueat t.larK .t, ^1 4janati i.l.. vp J&bo i u '-- bz, Johi* Cock, n.v-*- Uo!J uli 11 ulli ■*» i I C*w»K, il' ■»> TnA, tciei4 L"ra\ffo d; Jos-*ph Lftfi^, ilexamtnr CrozenS. Jirtia ( •»- .cr, Jolin UuiTcy, limrv L'nrtiS, Mrt. :>« t****. John tJeunc, Jean l/e h.arr»>H!n>; «jtiurpft [)eiav« Valentine i>i*'ioi *2, NAthaiuVi ,.o<*- ItfUe, Mark Dufieaiie, tlenrj Dvpi^z i9 H*** ry liver,Thnunw l&tlwau, VNuham i.\'w> '•• •» .iniiu £!inuie, J11 iu i.vaw, J.iuuv- Kautkoer, Juicnli Felly, Hugo Ferry, ( imrles i raaci: •, Patrick Flyun, Jacob ;..;> \\uiam i^u\ , klrs. Jan*" G»)<nc-b ■£, r*iOiT»as Goeaf 'oitn CiuodearLe, Patrick Gorman^ tisanes U. Go f John GvantS, 1. Gmve^ »i;. \iutn.i*i.t m-, Ru^el Green, Mrs.Grey, Rowland tfcanfcwad, John Harris, Joshua Harris, \'/ra:iamW*ih rr- .»>n, Ll^aijur Had, Fanny iiatl, AiuaOlc ilf* mux, Daniel ttewsoft. i nuina< iiilUtr, J *u^ L. ilodgsiin, Ra!|>h liotis-oi, Levi Uookec, John Korskal, haac iluugit, William Aa}9 Margaret Johnson, Blizabeih Jone-i, Colemoo J. Keeler, John Kelly, bajir Km^!it, ii-t=ry Konorvlau, ,»acquc LiilYanee, Peter Lai our, Wtlliaja C. Lee, George Llnley, John Link, ■dr.I/O^el, WiHiam L)nui. Mo*es AUcAiu^- ter, John Mar.eH, Denis Macau lay, Henry I vlcDoaald, Jobti AlcDoiiald, jai;;.-- MacDua- ald, I). McDonell, William McDonelU J. HcDooell, John HeDoagaU, Jobn McKimlry, Duncan MLcKrniie, John McMillan, WilUam VicNisU, il-ury McVen, Andre .Uarroi.e, Stuart, Efq. M. P. Ba.rifter at Law. ,. -~^. ^^^Hy^' m„m £ Jo^,fi 10 Mifs Elizabeth Robertlon, only ji Mat^oni M«ry May, Thomas Btrars, Mi Is there no Hum i0 p\ty Nv hand tofave. Ah! Sir, thofe very peoplc wnofc I daily profligacy wm^y fufficc to relicvc ! many an onfortuna,c f„ffcrer . fhould blulheii viewing evcn ,his fcanty> \\\. painfed miniature <,f a&llai diQrefs.— i.ow much more greBtf„i w00y jtKc to their feelings to have the bleflings of a miserable, perhaps agfd pam)t 2nd fuf. 1 Fcrina family, pO'irtd down on thcnit daughur ,.f th-- late Altxr. Roberti'on, Efq. of this city merchant. Montreal Herald. UucnT At Savannah, on Uie llfh f****!*'**' a Ion-ami llnseriog iltn«S, Mr. PPILII »• •.NOul.Hi'PIM-'i.U'o'^Tly editor ami p.ro- priMor of the Savaansft sfamm) a nauveot For Sale, Lionable terms, that An Ad to repeal part- of and.amend , g^^ft ^ - Qy ,he moft pleaS- an Aa for granting to h^d y *» 11^ rf ^ 3 y Lfons therein menrinned, and tu extend, Ao.\a to repeal fo.mer ,ds rela- ,iveto provlfional agreein.nts. and t eo.dum'hat entered ir,, at *M««ri r° Anlvato appropriate a fum of -non- [| us for our utmolt ^pport in Aviating fellow creatnrca arc i\arvifng with pov¬ erty and diW reft. If we think for § moment and remem- bei what the Eteqy bouk of salvation fays. Be that pwdh to ty poor, hndeth to the Lord; docs it not alone Sfe Chiiftiana call on ON reaionable terms, that well known Lot, and Buildings there on, in the Town of Kinetton, fronting two Street,, formerly the property of Mr. George Maiklmul. For particu¬ lars apply to Joseph Brandamaur. Kingston* April 6, 1818. 45 4 TAKEN up adrift, near Wolfe Ifland, a numbe. of FLOATS. The owner is defired to prove UU pro- I pirty, and favc thern. S.imuel Cone. Wolfe Illand, April G, 1818. , 45 yledcatf, Apolb^ M<»yrr. William UooreS. .iolin MwrribOO, l.inC'Hn ^t»^l'^-, Otis MttF- ,ifvk, Jacob Savior. Ann Kevins, Fanny North, .Jonn Nolan, fcdward tVC'onner, Sam- U'i OfA 'n, Maria O'ilavji. .lux:». s Oliver, Fre- itcricK Orton, Maria Palmer, Martha Parkrr* I \M/.Am:\\\ Parkinson, Francis IVmU*r, Tho¬ mas Perry, Joint Prondfit, Gilbert Pwrrfy, George Kt*1i% 'Ehoiira? Rixau 2» Ifamfp Ro- 5T.M-., \Ikviii.i Koy, 9ivi\# llun-tion, Jr>a*pb %B Ocrmaln 2, J. B. Sam-airtie, Parii^ 9mitb, iihrahn Sanford. Akim Hen r, S a than Srar^ TnoMia- Si^uor li, .*aim* Snn;li, Simon S-phIi TbomasSmith .inuti»i*ii-!oni*i, Rtcbard S-ainU Lev, Andrew BiarJc, Mi».Steww,i»J»mr*l iy- or, Joseph Theri^n, Masjr'.alwi rbonipaonf William Thwnpsnij, lUnr, rbopiaj, V-.-a.l Tnwiney, Jaraw Tonamv . pbiianaer Ira- .-«• .-, \laiiiicv Vanamburgb, John Walsb, Jolm Ware,WU1»wu B, Walton 2, Bilaa Wn'Mio, pbUfn WrU\\. Betsey Whr»*lrr, Prter Wb*n . Clia.bv Willnm-, Joiin WiHh. Fanny Wooil« Dafiiri W.ieht, Bimcofi Wri^hl, »ie. XN......- 1 coci an I btbere. i ba> Wrox. Doctor V *s> I'lora VorW, ./ohn \<»un^, RtJCCft YmjngS. JOHV MA€JULJV9V-Vl BLANK ■ Suminor^es Su'pot-"^ and Executions for Hie COURT OF REQUESTS, Foi Sale at this Office.

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