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Kingston Gazette, March 31, 1818, p. 3

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an(| iceurtfy "fhnnnu l»H;)|Miir;i«. What hi MS I yet exp»'rictv*«fl in re- jnrn f'»t mv bmniil* SndcMWft ? I» re- turn for having offered mj? services to jhl<Pronnee« I have not only been .treated like a blackguard by the fix- «utfc Council ; but, have *tood the pelting* of every fool and sycophant, '*|»ocho-c to vent his weakness or hi*, ipleenagainst iti**, through the coward¬ ly medium of anonymous writings ;— in return for having sent to Vorfc a pe¬ tition, in my right as a British subject fraying, to be allowed to pro to., whal it was my duty to aver, I am d user ted, degraded, and insulted by my friend : May the monstrous height of all this injustice he the cause of its own down¬ fall: and, may my friend be the first to triumph over his frailty, by an im¬ mediate, a zealous, and a persevering endeavor, to perform those tacred du¬ ties which we have a right to expect, even from the nomi/jalhc-uor conferred upon h'unbyour S-vrivisu the Kiiur. ROBERT GO&RLAY. v- tafeft or tie TniRfr?<; W t|t)»**ft {n hr^U m^tJi i>< somr ima-ifJiorWed application h. tvhtrli Uh Honor the ftritnitilstraror ha*beeii impo-ed upon ami induced to make a pram .alrnl.H^rt.in t'io rxistinirMate of rhis Sorictv. in divide and thereby destroy it, and to ootid >»p,M Its ruins the partial interest of a rival Horirty. K'yi-^5. Viy*5. RrxotoeA, that the aid Deed be deposited wiih Mr. Bortlel, the graateetirM named inn, to be preserved a* .1 ci:mi*it\ j»t uthertoi&edis- posed of. a- circumstances may render expe¬ dient. Ycas25y {fugs 5. Mr. Pringle made the following motion, Aiiioh was agreed to without opposition ; that Mie Pro .eaters be fnmbtted wdt5i n Copy 0! all Mie papers writings and proceedings of tttU evening,and that the> or one of them whom the ajorityof the Protesters shall appoint, either hr furnished with or be permuted to extract aeons of all proceedings which have b-?en holde.i !>\ this Society before, this motion. The thank* of the St>ri;-tv were voted to the Chairman, for the Impartiality wiife which he Uh* presided ; and the Meeting «a* adjourned withoutday. D. W\SHBURN,&cy Fob the Kikgstvn Gazette. KINGSTON : TUESDAY* March 31, 1818. * « • * • » AT a Meeting of the Kingston Presbyterian hftetY, holdeh at the Con-t Hon^e, March Ifi, 1818, pursuant to no ice published in the .Xnig^too Gazette, by order of the Tru>tees. John Macleaw, E>quire in the Clair. On motion of Mr. Bid'vell, the following Ar-oliitinns were adopted. Whereas the Assoriaiion for building a Pres- byer'an Church iu Kingston wa- formed with • virfl toageneral union of all-Christians, of Presbyterian principles, ifi Kingston and it* vicinity, in oue common Sociew, without any national di?tinc;ion or connexion ; b"t the So¬ ciety bave unhappily beeome divided into two part*; one of them "resolved" on co-meeting theoiselves with M the established Church of Scotland," and authorizing the .Professor of Divu ity in the University of Edinburgh to tend out a clergyman of 'hat establishment, *a> a minister to the Cor.grregatio.i h^re {" the Oiaer, opposed to such connexion ; not witling tohind ibeai-elves to reject a clergyman of ap¬ proved character, talents and principle*, bft- fca^heUnnt of that national establishment; trideq-nHy unwilling to delegate u» any man we patronage of appointing; a .miniate.' fur w«fl, without ih'Mr own trial and nomination; ■Otoosecpieuce of which division, now render- W»rreconciia-)le the original object of the WOebUbn i> defeated s and, as it would b<> UnJusi-|'oreiOierof he -ai« parties to collec* JJ««1 apply to their own use the sums^tbonV-d ty the other $ and subscribers of MMfemrt d*».| ^mii'dtionscannoi Wi.equiiy be hottten to pay. totJie -eparaie and ^XClujtive u^of vvt of i:«*' *Wparties wlmt wa< ^-nerou-iy irsteaded «»r the jot n t be letii of bo h ; the:ef<>;v, liesat* JJj*»thatfhv *aid K *$cku\oi\ for t»»3dlwg ci *"rc«t be, and the *mfte o«*«^bv is. dlysnl-vedj Jjtttjipsubscribe^ thereto .U^e^H^d from ib» Mvmrnt ot theif »ever»i nut < »»' • ■ "£5£te the thanks of ihi, Society b, presented 10 *#*#*« "J. a" ft*1" A** iominat.onN *** *«*7*»l» °f*f* '° °m ** Ke toward ihe bulling 0 the-prop" ** Chirch- rithauHS^ta-ice. thai tt» Society lincfrelvreirr.t their having bVett preveuled . from a\ailing themselves, a* present of the lib- eraiifv of their friends. K**v \;. Nmfr IS. Mr. Pringle moved thefollmv»:igRe,-oIil*tons; \Vbcrea<a Ocftd for one acre v»f land in he Town of Kingston has been granted by the jieciitive Council, tor a Presbyterian Gh«rcn panonag'* hoi|*e« a»'d Btiial-gro-ind, ve-te I iuOrUii" trustep>,and under certain limita- ffetis and restrictions ;viy.. for a Presbyterian Church according to tue form of ih'1 Chlivdi <>»' IcDtlaud,being in connexion with that Ctui.ch, & having a ClergMiiyn in comm-'oioo with the fame 1 and whereas some of the Trustees wWe pguie^ are mentioned in said Deed have in!i- nat«d that they cannot conflcientio'isiy accept of,or act upon, said Deed, under the limitati¬ ons and restrictions therein sta'ed : Eitd whero- istheremay be some individuals, who have proposed to contribute to the erection of a Presbyterian Church by a subscription bearing 4aw loth June 1817, and enieied on the re¬ cord- of this Society, and who from the same Conscientious motives may b* aserse io encoa- lage or support a Presbyterian Church, under loch limitations and restrictions, it is therefore poved that the following Resolutions be adopt- • 1st. That such Trustee, or Trustees, a- can- no 1 conscientiously accept of, or act upon, the Government Deed, granted io him, or them, with others, for a Presbyterian Church, Par* imago house, and Buii*al-ground, under tho limiiations and lestrictions, expres>ed in said B«ed. tnathr, or they, be authorised to resign livor their office, and foreiinquishlnll claim, ortitle, to said Deed by some instrument in Writing, in favor of ihe remainir-g Trustees. 2nd. Thai, in order effectually to release loch individual^ a< may-from conscieniiou- 'Mtivesnot b*» inclined 10suppo»*tor encou-a? ' • Presbyterian CUurvh, established under the .lunitaions and restrictions specified in the Deedg anting a Lo; of ground for the erec¬ tion of a Canrch &C; the subscription bearing datel8th June 1817 and entered on the records • of iltisSocieiY, shall be considered as null and Wtd,and tue subscribers discharged from any obligation to pay the same. 3d. Thai the Trustees who may be disponed to aci upon the Government Deed, be ami are hereby requested to take such further Hep* aa ttey may find necessary to promote the view. of those, who are desirous of having a Presby- fcrian Church established in Kington in con- o^vion with the Church of Scotland. Afteraomediscussion Mr. IVinglc asked nnd Stained leave 10 withdraw his said Resolutions. The. following Protest wa-offeredand unan- Iraouslj admitted to be recorded. We "the undersigned do hereby enter our Protest against trie Resolutions now voied a- ttotfSi-y tv> die principles upon \Miich ibis St- cietv was.irst formed as inconsistent with th. Petition preseated to Government praviug f<>i * lot of ground 3ujd incompatible with i'jimer Reioluuonspaiied by rhis b'*oiety. (Signed; a.. PRI3fOI#B« tMmtoen* Kingston, 26ih March, MS. Mr. Johns then moved th: LW« follow;:1' Solution?, which were aj -,jv:d. IkiW, that the Deed, delivered to th% ^•■retary by Samuel ^.iuw, and comiauuica- lt<* *.o ;. vteeiing ewitaioutga grant <»f a Qhirch Ijiu lo Snu I; i/v«-utfj an-iothers, is not ^tiiWrnatilctoany PctkUoj) autiorWed uy lb* Montreal. Marc^ 15, 1818. Some of the proceedings at the late crimin¬ al term of the Court of King's Bench have ex¬ cited a good deal of surprize in the public. It is well known that at the term inSeptem- '>erla-t, two of the Judge* declined to sit on iuv trial in which tfw" North West Company were in ;ere?ted, on account of their near con¬ nexion with the hea I. of that concern ; and as this had led to the appointment of a Commis¬ sion of Oyer and Terminer for the (rial of of* fence- committed in the Indian ferri'ories, it wa^nauralU and universally believed, that no business of that description would come be¬ fore fiie Court. But, to the a ,oni-!imeut of he whole citv, the North \V • f Company, iin- ding several of their partner*- and other per¬ sons connected Aiib them in |>ecui.iar\ inter- estsan the list of the Orand Jur\,took the op¬ portunity of preferring a number of Bills of Indictment -against the servants* Of the Hud¬ son's Bay Company, and person* connected with the setlleiviem on Red River. The first tSa» was presented was a^aio. 1 Mr. I*. C. Pam- I'Hin, for robbery , on v. huh oeea^iou a mot iofl &v made '• qua h the Indictmen;, on Mie grouitd tha- it had been found by a Grand Ju- rv composed in part of pstrthers *»f the Sort1! West Company whotfere direeiii interested in the question, Kiom the pnssstire of other busine*?, ihiw motion wa- not fully argued nor decide.' ■•pen ; b«u it wa- supposed ti-«T afer so public a statement ot1 be objection, no oth¬ er matters in which tue Eame paxtit^ txereenn- ceri.ed. w-» ;id ha\*r been blOU^b' i'ur a*d or acted upon. NeverJJiel*- s, six hilt- of indict¬ ment were found uiider ihe *W\v a' pices, R- ^ain-t the opponents oi' the Ne:-.» Weittom- »aiiy. for simp'** or compound Larceny, A- DdOug teese were several v\hich had beemhfow n Of" rvthe Grand Jury, in tln-eo;ir* of Oyer ai»d Termin*:!'; u rna i<l ,?urv atnog DliOm •here we.e no pa.iners of the No th Wesl I Company, b^t which ivat composed oftten- ilrmen who ha'i u*i interest in ;bi- question* brOt'gS** oefopethMn. Several oftJie'oiHa were al;OC »^eernhig lie %'er> vanie .na-.iei- upon | ,'u-f : he .1u:i*r of the Co't'i of iS»i r'» B-i;cti i „•; i **'cu'i\ Tf(- id 10 Si*, in S-'prm1 e i.vt, ^he«i itr. iN'0">i-o!i, ^:r. Spencer and others No- . H tui '../, j;," it ;/ H-tfCi' (»f the (V.:.d J;»ioe» ii.ter»v i\! 1. >»• MoKh 'Ac' Con.pa- •\,-e%eiu» '.T- *if 11:1 »,niti,i, p.ei»'i':"i| a- 'Kii'i'Jt C&piall) l>'t )r oniiei > and oi'.ri g*« |»-- I on coi.nected \\\t\\ the -ettl"n»;"t mi Red Ki*er, w v tli'o\« ii (mt, a.id pa 'icrla 1 one for murder ( ahicn hail al-obeeii .lirowi out hi » le Court 4)t*')y*'t ai.d Terminer) again I John PritChland and the other survivor- of the par¬ ty hat were butchered with Governor sem* ple,0il the 19th June IHIti. Among the bilUi"oun«i. are two for Grand Larceny, agatitst John Spencer, for the?eUure nf PeuJlcan, made in 1314,ill hi* capacity of Sheriff, and by virtue of a warrant from Miles MacOonell. l>q. This isver> singular,ar the Norlh W'e?l CofMpauy thenselve- ha\e stated both to the Secretary ofS»a e and to Ihe piib- I'c, ihat the criminal proceding- on this -ob¬ ject in the Conns of Canada, had been dtopp- ed, as upon " th** advice of ;h<" mos- emiivu' Council in England, titere was. not sufficient proof of a felon iou» mten ion. ^vbirti mod lerioud ■/ fffe* I? the 1ibrVtV of evev r.\ ^ubp-ct rft hi: Mnjr-lv in this Piovince. It !ie( own can bind parties (mm this district, arc. .edof q m. drmi-anor Uiappear at a eonii m thewemern District ot tipper Canada, the same principle mii^i apply toatiy otiier Brit¬ ish Colony, and the Court could equally well bind them for a misdemeanor to appear in Ja¬ maica.—Tiie verdict ofn Jury need no longCi be required to inflictbanWhment,it may beas ntfectnalls done b\ a reregnizauce. In like manner might the Court of King's Bench for 'hi* District, oind over potties accused of aS- Miull and Battery to take their trial in New- Holland, To the Editor of thr Kingston Gazette. Niagra, 19«h Aiarch lbi8. SIR, I hare this day seen 'n your pa¬ per of the 3d inct. certatti Resolutiouj-* of Inhabitants of the township of Au¬ gusta. Be so good, by the publication of this letter, to inform these people, that, if they are hontst nren and sin¬ cere in their endeavors for the public good, I expect tber will, upon the same grounds of sincerity, and injus¬ tice to my character, immediately pub¬ lish what they think is wrong in my political principles ; This will afford me an opportunity, which h nothing but fair, of correcting th'Airerrors, and of guarding the public against the ef¬ fects of b'isy malice. I am by no means anxious about procuring any more Township Reports, 1 as those in my possesion are quite suf¬ ficient for my purposes. My duty, however, to the public i», to let the people of every quarter of the Prov¬ ince have an equal opportunity of speaking for themselves, as it is evi¬ dent that the tide oi settlers will flow strongest to those places of the Prov¬ ince which are most fully described.- I take this opportunity of informing the inhabitants of the lower parts of the Province, who have not had an op¬ portunity to read the Niagara Specta¬ tor, that all the writings which have lately appeared in that newspaper and some others, upon ilu, f,tos( important subject* that ever engaged the attention ot the public in Canud4(% are now in the course of being pub^jah^d together in a pamphlet, which will be sold at Stores, all over thu Province, by an early day. ROBKRt GQORLAY. To Ca!.1;voaku^ QvotUM. As *o many fea«fe aud fasts are reg- nluied by Easier, ( i)JlV(> heretofore felt ci me pain at thv ^^ 1hal the r?. gulation of that da N itse|f k|l0Uid be COUiidu't (li'.- 'Wilt- , \1\ \n\.t-\ mvva fiiitne , hut your learned labours huv rctifvetk] my mind, by pvoving, thai the full I* moon; viluch introduces Eas¬ ter, h not the real, bona-tide fult- moou, Il)tit an artificial or ideal one v\ hen Uhal governing planet, although appealifnj* le>s enlightened, is found h\ long ex;perience to be more influential. RoPd b> her inl.nenee, not her light, Our L;ast«r day trtH now be light. LUNARIUS. THE BA Y AND RIVER TEAM BOA?) TO be launched upon the opening of the Navigation^ tuill soon after commence running, N the Bay of Quinte and the River St. Lawrence* between PnEacpTT and the Carrying Place, at the Head of the Bay ; and will receive Passengers and freight, on reasonable terms, at all places within the limits of its Route, On the Hay and the River. The Timet of its leaving and arriving at its feveral stations, the Rates of Passage and Freight, and other particulars will be advertised, as soon as the arrangements for the purpofe shall be settled and ascertained. SMITH BARTLF.T, SOLOMON JOHNS, DANiEL WASHBURN Kingston, March 7 44 PETER WETSEL, Committee* 24. 1818. In i it Errata, Major f conard's letter to Mr Gourlavy, publifhcd la(t T?eek, in th* 2cl line fr'im the bottom of the ill column, , for " thit- mod indulged of an indulgent Another proceeding v\luch has </ven rise to i and m.ild COnttttUtionf*9 read rt thofe a good deal of animailver ion, relates to the Bail that had been required bv Mr. Coltmao, h-om the Karl of Selkirk, Captains Matthey, and l)"Orsonnen> and .Mr. Allan, to appear at Montreal, to answer charges brought forward by the North West Company, relative to pro¬ ceedings at Pan William. It was sh^wn that this Bail had been improperly taken, the al- ledged officers being cognizable only in ihe western District of Upper Canada, ttwas however ordered by the Court, that the par¬ ties should enter Into new recoginzance> for their appearances in that Province. Against ibisii uashrst argued, mat .he Court had no authority to take sicn a recognizance for the appearance of parties at a place not within their owujurisdicuon. It was next stated to be uni>ece-har> and oppressive, as the-e g**n- tlemtfn hadreccatly -.aken a journey to Upper Canada for the expres* purpose of meeting any c-.iaigCa ilta*. migiit be preferred again -t iliem ; and had there appeared before the .Magistrates of 1 re Western District, who. on a full consid¬ eration of each charge separately, and the ex¬ amination of several witnesses on behalf of the pro ecntors were sativtied with recognizances 10 tue to al amount of i: 850, from the Earl of Selkirk,and proportional sum> i/om the other grntUmen: yet the Court of King's Bench thought it reasonable, upon the same charges for acisalledi^ed to have been committed in a couury over which it could exercise no jnrib- diction to hold the Karl 10 bail, in th^- sums icquired by Mr. Col (man, viz: M 6000 him- <e(f ai.d two sureties in t St'HiOeach, « greater sum for an altciged misdemeai or, than the to¬ tal amount of recognizances taken by the jus¬ tice of the >ame Court, from all the partners and Servants of the North West Company, who were ?ent down eighteen months ago, against wuo i charges exist for the murder of half a hundred of their ftdlowsubjects,A against whom . Il5 0f iudicrment have now been found for .arious murders. Arsons and Burglaries. Of I the two Judges who ?at on this occasion Mr. j Justice Reid. brother in-law to Mr. M'GilUv- I ray,is one of the two who in September last, teclared itiudehcate for him to sit on the trial of Mr. Robertson, or of Mr. Spencer. By the order given in these cases of bail, it will appear that tue Court ofKing s Bench for Montreal, arrogate, to itself the power, e\**n m cases of no greater criminality iVao alletlg- •d rn.-de.uieai.or of binding parties in reco<- u /ances io appear bei'ore tue Courtsol Upper Canada* This assumption of aathonty «a ^. matt.* which calls* lor ctijoying a mod indulgent and mild conltitu-ion." In the 17th line from the top of the 2d column for «4 who had no fceoeffion," read *( who need ne accefliom/' Sec. In the 27th line from the top <of the 2d column, for M difcon- tented.^ read « difinterefted." In the 7th line- of the lali paragraph the words I ** ss to Uht laws of nations" are t© be I ended. In the 15th line of the lad [paragraph for 4£ arrival into Canada," rcadu a.-rival in Canada." Niagara SpeSator. NEW IRONMONGERY " STORE. John Watkins, ESPF.CTFULLY acquaints his friends and the Public in general, that he has opened a wholefale and vetail Ha.*J%vaic Store, at the ftand for¬ merly occupied by Mcffrt H. W. Wilkinfon & Co. Mam Street, and from the arrangements he has made, will have ropftaetly on hand, a general a(T rttnent of HARDWARE, Cutlery, &c which he will be enabled to difpofe of for Cafli, or approved Credit, at nearly the *flo-wi*'i piVk<* > -*rc«<.i.g which arc the following, via : Engliih and Sweed« Iron, Crowley and BUfler Steel, Wrought and Cut Nails, Tiacc Chaint, Sheet Iron, Horfe Shoes, Frying Pans, Sh-.veU »nd Spades, Plough Moulds, Hollow Vv\-.rc, Grindftone», ChiffeU and Gouges, Lockt and Hinges, Filet, Knives and Forks, Pocket and Pen¬ knives, Fiih Hooki, JJrafs Cocki, bTiifiies.hammets, Augurs, ^avvs, Planes, Tea Trays, Siampt and Cntl brafi Cabinet Ware. Wire, Tin Ware,- Pins Needle*Fowling GuusBraf* Kettles &c Sec. He alfo offers for falc a fmall aflbrt- ment of Crockery and G^afs Ware. Kingfton, 30th March, 1818. 44^1 To be Let, MASONRY. /ff^ a numerous and refpe6lable mee Q/jIl ting of Companion* reprefeniing Royal Arch Chapters in different part9 of Upper Canada, held at Companion Robert Walker'* Hotel, in Kingfton, on the 9th day of February, 1 S ; 8, for the purpofe of taking into confidcratiort the prefent (late of that branch of Mafonry in the Province, with a view to the ad¬ option of fucli regulation* as mi ;ht be!t infure its welfare, profperity and good government throughout the laid Province of Upper Canada. It was unaoimonfly agreed to cftab. Ii(h a Grand Royal Arch Chapter,which ha* accordingly been elided and duJy confecrated. agreeable to the ancient forms and ufageft, under the name llyic and title of " The Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Upper Canada," and the Grand Officers for the prefent year have been duly elected and in (tailed. War. rants will therefore be iflned to the dif¬ ferent Chapters! on proper applicaii >n* which, with all other commanicationa, are in future to be addr cited to the Grand Recorder. By order of the M. E. G H. P. ~ JOHN W. FERGUSON, ; Grand Recorder* £ FOR SALE, . fl 1H \T beautiful and very valuablg 1 A Faim.fituated upon Point Plecfant, in Maryifl>urgb, containing 200 acre-$,J being Ls,t$ No. 18 and 19, caft of the Rock ; (here are nearly 100 acres under good improvement, and 73 bearii g apple anj pcar ;;rees. For particulars enquire 0f Mr. Walter M'CunirFe, merchant, Kinpfton, or Mr. Wm. Ben^ niker of Maryfburgh. Havit^g been informed that Aaron Conner ^aR „cen trelpafiing, by cutting timber, throwing down my fences, and putting v:avt\e into my cnclofure ; now I hereby forbid faid Conner taking away the timber he cut—I alfo forbid all and every pe.fon or perfons to aid or aflift laid Conner to work or take laid timber a way, n% purchafeit of him ; if they do, J j they ma,. cxpC(a to be profecutcd as the Law dirg&j, JOHN McBEAN. Ma^ynjurgh, i Mavchl8, iSiS.S 44tf I ME next King: ton Asscm- lv wiW be on Friday the Immediate iuvtotijAUOu, audi I io\a HpTll« OR SOLD, 4 ND PofTcffioo given on the id !jL May next, Fhat new and Com¬ modious Two Stoiy Houfe, (with .Stable Coach Houle, and Well of ex¬ cellent Water,) at prefent occupied by Dodor Short, near the Block Houle gate, which leads immediately to the Race Courfe —Apply to the Printer. King lion, 30th March, 1818. 44tf r l iiiL Copartncrihip of Afctcalfand A WdlUton i» this day difTolvcd. A. Metcalf ia authorised to clofe the con¬ cern. to- j\ \ Apollas Metcalf* (big-nca) {.>, ,,, 0 ' fUONSlDER WlLLlSTON. Kingtton, 18th March, :8i8. The Subfcriber intcndi, continuing the SADLING BUSINESS till about the full of June, at which time he expefts to Leave Kingfton. He particularly delires all thofe indebted to him to make payment without further notice—And is new ready to pay the demands, heldagainft him. 44 A. METCALF. Notice. THE copartnerrtiip heretofore Ex- ifting between Jumes R.Armftrong and James Dougall, (under the firm of Armtlrong and Dougall)i» this day diflolvcd by mutual confent. All perions therefore who are Indebted to the laid firm 1 ither by Note of hand or Book account, are hereby rcquefted to make Immediate payment to cither of the Subfcrihera. JAMES R. ARMSTRONG. JAMES DOUGALL. llalluwcll, 25ihMarch, 1818. 44W4 NOTICE. WHEREAS, by the Ian Will and Teftameut of the larc RICHARD PATT1NS0N, Efq in, bia life i-,me of Sandwich, in the province of Upper Canada, Robert GffiefptC, William Gilkifon, and George Moffact, are jointly and feverally, appointed fiduciary Legatees of his Eftate, and Executor* of faid Will. I dohcteby rcqueft all perfon? having claim* upon faid Eftate. to prefent the fame to me, duly authenticated, f»r payment ; and all perfons indebted thereto, are required to pay to me the amount of their refpeftive accounts. Debts due to faid Eftate in the province of Upper Canada or in the United States, bordering thereon rray be paid to George Jacob, Efq. of Sand¬ wich, John Afkin, and James Gordon, Efqrs. of Amherltburg, or to either of them, they being duly anthorized to receive the fame and grant acquittances, G. MOFF-vTT. Montreal, 20th March, 1818. 44yl For Safe by the SUBSCRIBER, THE houfe (and Lot on which It Stand*) at prefent occupied by her ;in front ofNn. \ Bloc^hotifc, and immediately adjoining the Parfo'iage. The fit nation u Surpaffcd by very few ir* the Town. Thofe who may be inclined to purchafe will do well to avail them- felves of thin opportunity. Particular! may be had of the RuWcfth- JANE PAXTON. Kingfton, 30th March, it. 18 ^4tf FRAME. For Sale% on reasonable terms, /fl FRAME for a Houfe, 18 by 30 <&/j£ feet, two ftorics high. —Enquire of the Printer. Kingston, March 50, 1818. 44

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