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Kingston Gazette, March 24, 1818, p. 4

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]?nvF*T TOjrx \\ Mansion Hotel. AXEL P~POHWAnD. ^J"tK'ISFE> t • acquaint th# public, \ V thai he ha* cuiuptct'-ly rn.uY d Vlu egajit new built two ftcy tv tifs iu lhe village of i-'-eil Town, for the ac- c.'Ti -daiiou of Gentlemen 8c Lsdtcs. Ti«; re h.fr t pi» clr^ant arched form., for : "ct i:; length, (rtntle-ric-n and . a- d't nay riffemble with propriety for civil ft. rtdMao, Travellers may iely on finding goorl BCi i^imod^tiou for Horlea and Carria¬ ge- with good ittendance. The Inhabitants of the Town and its ▼irinity Will aVays find the Kit and pu¬ re!! iquors ot ever) delcription, for prompt r>ay only. No oains will be fparcd by 'Mr. F to pive imperial EarfsfaftiOH to all who may tjbljik proper to call .\ lew boaiders can be accommodated j fit a reafonahle ratt, Students at the Ar.tdemvmust always havethc preference -—Weekly payments will be required of firutgers without furety . Ernest Town, Jan 5, 1818. 32/y Notice. Contract. A NY ptrfon witting to Contract a\. with the Subfcribe- to take the f.'l-wing qua. tiiy of LUMBER, t<. Market, to be deliVntd at the Crofs, \n the Port of Mo* treal, or at New-Liv. Cfpool Covf in the Port or Quebec, a<- may he'required, wii! anply by Letter P *-r.aH, to the fubferiber. Town of Kingfton, or to MefTrs. McLean and |4cM dim at Prercott. ic~oo feel Pre timber T?nrV rafted 4000 Standard fhves 7 onthewa- loooopices 2- 3 in.dealfij ters edge, at t'^e Kingston Mills. Xoooo feet fquir^ pine timber ready rafted ; :ooo Standard ftave* 1 waters iooo ps. deals z\ ^ 3 in \ edge, at Gnnanoque 60,000 feet fq«nre nine hrtween Welles'* Tfland and Frefcott, »eady raft¬ ed. WM. H\ MILTON. Kingston, fan- 6, tRi8. 32 Pfore & Mills. f^1H \RLES McDOiNAlD having %>J E»keO hi* brother John Ale Don \idd% into partneiflvp, th** bulincla in fu- Iturewdl be conducted under the firm of C & j. McDonald, Who kerp (or fah a general afTort- rttmt r * DRY GOODS, GROCERIES HARD WARE, CROCKKRY, and mofl artir'c- enquired for at a Coun try St'ue, which they offer low for Cnfh, Saw Logs, Square Timber,Staves, | Potatoes, and moll kinds of country Piodncc. They hare a goad Grift and '^aw Mi'l in full operation—can Mnnufact- t»e FLOUR, uqual toa-iy Mill in the!, Pr evince ; they will fupply orders for j j md family, and no lef* Sawed timber of almolr any defcription "**"" "" at (hurt Notice. c si j. Mcdonald. Gananoqua, Jan fO, 1818. $pf Allthoft indebted to Charts* McDon¬ ald, whofe accounts have become due, are rtquefted to to make immedi¬ ate }.»a\ment. u 1 I THE To partnership hert.tofore cx. ifting at Bellvtlle, undc| t^e fir,n of John Hubbard and compan- j8 (n;s day difToived, hy mutual confenj% \\\ ptrfons having claims againtt t|ie fame are requclted to prefent their accounts to Andrew Kimmerly for ad;u(imcnt • and thoie indebted to (he fai.] co.part- Derfliipare dc fired 10 pay th*. [arne to Andrew Kimmerly without o^lay <>th- erwife they will be put in the f,anj 0f an Attorney for collection. JOHN HUBSAh d andruw mm merit Bellville, 25th Feb. 1818. +0i To Let, AND immediate pofleffioag^en, the HOUSE and premifb,n Stuart villc, lately occupied by Mi. Daiton, lituated withio hair a mile of f(ii3 Town, a favorable fituarion for a Oentlemau fo for a Diftiller, or Inn Keeper. $\* further particulars enquiie of the fubl;riber. E. BARJBETTg Kingston, Feb. 24, 18 (8. *Otf CANADIAN COU1ANT. Notice. Fftate I ALL perfonc indebted to t>e of the late James Camming late of Hallowtil, deceafed, are requeued tc call without delay, and fettle the fame with Mr. James McGregor, now in charge of the eftablimment, at Hallow- ell bridge ;—and thole who have fclaims againfl the faid eilate, are defired to prefent them forad|u(lment. The ftock in Trade of the deceafed confiding of a vfry complete afT^rtment of Goods well laid in, and very iuitable to the Country, is now felling <»ff at pri¬ ces fo low, as will defeivedly claim the! attention of the public Cafh or Country produce will be tak¬ en in payment, and a credit of 6 month*I I given to rcfponfible Farmers, or'others. MAT®. SMITH & BUTTERWORth 33 ETURN their fincare thanks.£ 1L their friends and the public io ow nerai, for the liberal encouragement that they have received fiuce they re com. Tht> WM. MITCHELL Kingston, 08 27, I 8 17. 32 STOVES. 1 a.enced the Hatting Bufinefs. have an extenfive aflortmentof Ladies and Children's BON* NETS, of' various colors ani fliapes. Gentlemen's Beaver & fi^ Caftor H -iTS, Likewife, Knapt and W Hats. Which they will fell very law cafh ot approved credit. Produce taken in payment. Jan-2;__________________3*fc Public Notice. C. Hatch & Co. OFFER FOR SALE, Elegant Broad top ball !>-ick, "• Fancy & Wind for bamboo, do Slat back, Re:»l Cane feat, Waterloo, Common, Rockinar and ChiMren's < FOR SALK, ObTreafonable t" m-; that well known fraud fax a Tavern fltu.^te*! in the Village of Pretoria, Loti N^. 9 and 11, fr..ntiniT the King's H«qhway, and • l^ree two flory framed Floufe. well tin i/hed, with a larije Kitchen in the reai frablintj foriwrn.y fpans of horfes, a filed feven'y feet long, and a good houfe mu the rear Lot, fr f»t the accommodation of a refoedabIe family The whoV of the building** thereon, beinj finifh-J in y workmanlike mazier, and at prefect Occupied by Mr. Alexander B. McDon- cll» a* a Hotel. For further particulars, apply to the fubfcnbei >. or to Mr Alexander Mac- X)onr", Junior, Merchant, Piefcott, by vluiP". tho terms may be made known, find t- <n !if"utdble titie and immediate jpoft" (Hon y\'\\\ be given. * ALEX. MACDONELL&Co. Kingfton, 3d Jan. 1811?. 32tf Rags ! Rag-s f WiRRANTED GOOD, At their Chair Shop, oppofire Wm. PonveWs Tin and Grocery Store, (lore ftrt Their Chaira arc fuperior to any they have hitherto offered fot lale. C«Unt*/y Produce received in payment. QCfr Cabinet Ware f>r faic as above. Kingfton, Nov. 10, 1S17. 3ztf Executive Council'Office\ Tbrit 22d Od. 1817. j 1VTOTICE w liercby given, by oider j X^ of His Honor ihe \dmIniftrator in C ouncil, to the Rep»/^fematfv v of J/Am (ittllowny and William Caldwell* to mike good a"v i>r< le-.iion to let mi :ber twentv »-*iie in th- fifth co-'^eflion of the Towufhipof Kinjjfron, w::hin fix months j frnntJ this d-itc. or it will be granted to the occupn it, who has been in poilelfioa I iixte^n yean. JOHN ^MALL, C!L of the Ex. Coundf* & NOTICE. TREf.bfc.iber hereby forbids all and every perfon or perfons frrttn medling or n.aking, or cutting any tim¬ ber, Or trefpafling in any fh-tpe whatever, upon Lot No. z», in the £th concfiion of the town (hip of Kingft n, on pain c»f being profecuted accordina to Law. JARVI i WORDEN. c ASH paid for Clean COT- 1 ON and LiNi.tf R A G S, (Of any Color,) AT THIS OFFICE. 1 THE SUBSCRIBER, PERSONS who have he^toforeie- ceived the above paper « this Of- \v t. are informed that they vii' hence- •o-ward receive them at BfOORG44 Coffee Houfe, and that they ,vill be ac- C on table to Mr. Moore for rhem from the Firft day «-f rmwary, i3|8—who will receive fubfcriptions in fiturc.------- Tbofc indebted to the fubfcrr&er foi 'he Canadian Courant% arc informed that itis necclTary to mak immediate payment. S. MILES. Gazette Office, Kingfton, 20ih Fcb( ary, I 81 ci 39 rjnHE A-hfc-ibcr has jufl rccdvrf «j\fW^% Subfc-rJhcrs, Ex J. hi. Brick aore, Front ftrcet, Dou- J[ ^^ |>f ^, S ble and hmgle ■ ' S TOVES 5ff Sheet Iron, - Notice. 4 LL perfons having any demands a- X\. gainit the Ellateof the late Bry¬ an Crawford. Efq, i^f Adolphuftown, de- ceafed3 are hereby requ. (leil to produce their claims, duly authenticated —/llfo. all perfons indebted to the faid F.ftateare hereby requelled to make immediate payment to iVifUam Ah xanU'Y Grant Executor Kingston, 19M Vutyy i$i-. .2 And has alfo on hand as ufual a gen¬ eral affortment „f Dry GOODS, Liquors, AND GROCERIES, Crockery and Glafo Ware in Crates, LJnfeed and Curriers Oil, Paints ground' ii< oil ;—ar'd expe£t* in a few days an| I addition to bifl Stock, all which will be xnecv.cly cheap at wholefale. S BARTLET. Kingston ft? 20, 1817. $Z Mold $? TO LET, AND pofTeflion given immediately, a Houfe. containing fix rooms, a good C»!Ur, Well and Garden ; and :a good Bake-hotife adjoining it, the oven iof which will hold 200 Loavefi of bread. Apply to the fubferiber, near the Catho¬ lic Church, PHILIP VIAS. Kingdom Nov. 7, 1817. 24tf BLANK BAIL 1&(\ D^ For «ale arr this Office Officers Half P>^; KtH\ Artil¬ lery Penii >;, Blanks, lTor fale at thi< Office. Church Carcchifrn ^or Sate *+ thi;s nfflrp. Valuable Lands FOR SALE, XN the Third Conceflior of the Town- (hip of Pitfburgh being Lots No. |6, the half of No 7, and No. 18.—An iudifputable title will be given, and the terms of -javrrcnt madf **s>fy. F. C. THOMSON. Klngfton, July 28, 1817. 32 xecutors to th{ Stuarty Efquire. dtceafed, late Sheriff of the Midland, Diftri&,hereby requests all thofe indebt. Jed to the faid Estate to make immediau I payment to the faid Executors ;nnd aQ ihofc who have demand* againat thi Estate are requested to produce the farm duly attested, in order that a Sutiemct* I of the Estate may he effected a* fpeedily as pofliljleafter thefii>tdayofJ'.iy 181 S» GEORGE O.STUaRT, I Exj ALLAN McLEAN, J ut0i« Kingston, August I [, 1817.—^2tf ADVERTISEMENT \ The fubferiber offers for Sals tjg Following Lots of Land. 200 acrea in 4th and 500 in the % 6th conceffion of the Gore bctweft Erneft Town and Frederickfburgh. No. 18 and 19 in the 8ih conceflkS of Murray, No ^1 Eaft half 2d con. of Sidny. No. 9—10th conceffion of Rawdnu No. 4—8th cincefTi n, Huntingdon No. 14, 15, 17, 18: 25 and 26 in thi 9th conceffion of Thurlow. No 34 and 35 fa the 4th conccflioo of Vaughan, ne^r York. Also, Several valuable Town Lots in tW Town of KimrdoD' WVL CRAWFORD, Frcderkksfargh., Jan. io, 1817. *v«f Blank Summonses For the District Courts, for Saie at this Office. Notice. A CONTRACT. f I iHE Partn.rfliip heretofore cstidin, X bctwe.n the I'ubfcribcrs is this di ditroive.I bv mutual confent. All fon, indebted t the Gtbfcriberg are^* quelled to make immediate payment \\TILL be given for FHuar and] I IT T Z7 T* "■'"'\'J,aic1 w**m a .«! Barley. i/F.Gs leave to inform his friends & the public ffcnerally, that he ha^ji TTIJSTrecei rrmewed from \m former Rami ro thCiJAfl Store of S Bar (hop *?.t« ly occuDJed bv longs .-A bbot & I' Uo. near the Market Pace, where hcj has now on hand] ^ general aflbrtment of j TO L m T, v**$t%WB hwilding late y occupied by -IL F. R -hifon, Ef*j. a<. a (hop. firuatc | next the Government Houfe For particularr apply to Allan McLean, E*q Kingfton, Januaiy 23 1818. 35tf Onondaga Halt i qmfflr, the enfuine Spr« g. m 7? M»! fe T* ^f ***? \ *"* Al lhofc K*l of Ground, and for Ummz the fame in.: !havc dcr,an4's Wlni] ?»«■ ^e r.queflc< THE fubferiber will pay theMfrh- efl ma'ket price for any quantity pf Bailev, delivered at his Stoic in Kingfton, during the winter. On hand as nfnal. a general afTort- mentof DRY GOODS, Lrqnoraand Grcjceiies, Salt, Crockery & Glafs ware, tCC &c. All of which will he fold uncommon¬ ly low for Cafh or any kind of produce. S. HAWLLY. Kingstont Jan. 2 !, 1 81 ft. n FRENCH COR DIALS. S Haiulcy, ha^ juft received a few doren of very fi» e French Cordials, a- tn mg which ;»re. Cre'me de Nr^ycaUi Cre'me de Malta, Cre'mt de A.nnis, I^imonada Soprafina, E^iii Sans Panille, Le \ectar dc PKeiern^, Ne Plus Ultra, De V Eau Royale, By dozen or Single rjottle. Hardware, Cutler- ^r Which he will fell on the moll moderate terms. To Kt. the fhtip lately occupied by the fubferiber, and poffeffion given im mediately, SAMUEL SHAW. •Kingston, $th Jan. 1818. «ved and for fale at the tlet. 29 A TO BE SOLD, Genteel convenient Houfe with part of a Town Lot, Gloated in Front ftrcet ncar the ^*ket. i* a rnof! eligible lituation for any im/ cf pub):- bufineU—For paiticulars apply to tiie printer. Kingston, sept. 15, 1817. 1 ATTORNIE3 Bhik BUls Costs* 'or rale ^ thi« Office. iA For Sa ;at thi* Office, A READY RECKONER, Sbewmg the value »>f Crrsinp of various Gold Coins-, current in the Provinc f Pppt r Cari2 da. ALSO, PEHGUHON'S [mproved Tabi< of lhe value of Grains IJ of Gwld Coin,q ter or under weight. t 1 U ST received and'for faVa' ri. ."'f d^jJ fice, price l/8, Pnemi n 'v Uo- mesttc Circumstances- l\ L •*. u n,— With the Star ;f thr j.evh,r jf honour, and other Pt'ci - ; to hir ^prefixed, The Lift of the :■• U utbar* Nov- 28. 52 Notice. A * ; A To Let, Ui>> ND*' ifeflion given tdefirllof Mav n»-xt. a in»H cr < f t»»oms in tlu Batr ck.. En^oiiT f id.LAKL $3 off LL Perfons to aIi t the Eftateof the late rTcm.i iffioner Sn Rob c'RT Hall, h fnd< *<d. a»e requerted „ . to prefent their deman '*. for fettltinent ' We«ved and for fale« tllis —And all thofe indehtrd to lhe hi' Office, price ?id. the E{tatc. fo ^ lhdr lt., ,.;t;ve dcbts> „, MONTREAL or b- fore che firft day -f April uext, to A I'. IMS M ~\T ACT? tl,e u" ■" '^»-r,e(1 "" «it,,er °* thf >". who For i!ie Year of ar Juord the fan <•. Alfo—ESSAYS on S. CHRJSfT, PRACTICAL HUSBANDRY, , *%*+ f g 0 _ ». tht t,th March 1818. 0'1,',lh." l■' l" '•"•"- ftrjncrft i P S. Thof who hate any;rf iir ^o »••• * u-a&c«,al M«ntrw! \\bmHali$s B« k. in tb«» i-oi'-fTiun, W,M atwufcr 14. 25 } j be pk-aied to rctoru ib«uj iiaracJiiicly. Executors. 4>w4 to grain : and alf<» at KuJjjftoti Tor cut- ring ai d Onwidg ab in one ni'e 500: jCord- f Wond :—<>n each -f wbi h |conti::Ci (by being fun ifhed with fnffi- jcient fecuritv) a f->al! advance will be [made. Enq-iiwofB WHltNEY. K'wfton. Jan 16, 1818. J8tf VAt.Tj' BLE LANDS FOR SALE. LOTS No 24. 25 and 26. firft con. celfi n of the* tifvvn'hin of Ma- irvfhurtrh, E.ill of the Rock, in the N'id- ic diflriS, comprifing the mod valu-| a-j-e DdtEof u Point PUafont,*" and con¬ taining about 300 acres, j No CI, nrft conceffio'^ of Sophia?- -• ■ jU Midland Diifrift—200 acres. N . 86 and H9 Second conceffion of I 3 eh'afbu'th. bay fide, Midland Di»- i"\B — 400 acre6. Nob 5 and 6. fecoud conceflion, Ante- iarhurglu i ,ake fide, 40oacrci. No 3 third receffion of Hallowell, Midland Diilrift, 200 acres. No. 12, eighth e-nceffion of Thur¬ low, Mid'an.! Diftri^, 200 acres, N'/. 9, f«condConceflion of Camden, St id land DiUrfft. 200 acres. No. 7c, (if»h Con. Camden,200 acre?. No. 9 third conceffion of l!urrayiu the Diitridl of New Caftle, 200 acre**. No. 5 4th con, of Murray 200 ro- No. io» fourth con. Hamilton in tiie Diflr-icl of N.'ew Cafllc, 200 acres No 32. fifth coo. of Hamilton, 2oodo. w 19. feventh con of HaMimand, Ditlrnft t>f New Caftle, 200 acres. No. i firit con of the townfhip of Oarke, in the Diftria of N. C 200 do The local (kuatiofi nf the above lauds particularly of the fnft nine Lots, is very advantageous, and the foil is excellent.— to pre lent them for I tquidati< n. NEIL MeARXHiTR JOHN McaRTHUR. C once con, 2 <\th Dec 1817. very rca a 1 fhe terms f fale wi|! be found l-naMc ; and a jrreat part of the pur., ■ hale money will be left at iniereH iu the I hands of tiie purcharer. r\pplie%tion to I be made to the i>.l 'ciher U. H \GERM.*N. # Smiths IVork. THE fubferiber moft refpeafull. informs the gentlemen of Ki„ei tcm, thai he is ju(l arrived here fr0nv Dubli-i, and has commenced the bqfi nefc of Black and White ^mith, in ,|j itr branches ; more particularly that d horfe Shewing, in which he will a\,c the greateft fatisfaaf- n to thofe that en* ph»y him TheV may rely m ha their wo.k we'l hW, cheap and u applying at Mr. j. Me.ghers, Barracfc Itreet, where he /ias commenced. All mien in that line will be gladly received and ltn& attention given. Kingston 13th Oa. it ' ■ "n>T cat. by rTlHE fnbfcribeii beg leave to inform -8- their friends and the public in tt- neral, that they carry on the TATLORING BUSINESS jfdolphvsto'wi m March TtO%Uil 1 i IBIS.! -J llf in Main Street, where they intend mafc inp every article in their line, on more reafonahle terms than has been done for a number of years back Thofe who wifh to favor them with their cuftom, may rely on having their work well mad^ and on the fliorteft notice, for Cafh. Nonis& Stevens, j Kingston. Sept. 9, i 8 I 7- 32 rot * PAN OP LI ST, For the Year 1816, For Sale at this Office. rVompIrte J t& r ^^^^ ^_________ — Blank Deeds and Memorials, For ialv at ihia Ui2lcc#

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