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Kingston Gazette, March 24, 1818, p. 3

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•Kurt, fa e««w«wm oftlicffi difeo.f The Petition of Thomas Gourlay, Hat tV Committee of Cam&QO- vrrus, youi 1'ciiu. ik, n- iWc i»ade further enqtiity into ihe lattice* of th- J Col MitM admmiltra»J0iVf and, into th< oiufeowhich Have influ«reed the dirtc- (ion of puolic affai'8. That your Petitioner, having done fo; pith an unprejudiced mind, and i" p >*• l feffion of i» vait body ,»f informal! n, it i* lift loKmn opinion, ihai a full and par ticnlar enquiry ou^ht immediately i > be *i4e. by v.uir Honorable Houfe, iiitoj the Hate of the Province, and, that a com- j niflion (hwuld be appointed to proceed : ft England, for the purpofe of laying thcrefultof fuch enqnhy, befo-v the Throne ; in order, to ©iforf mra'.urcs,- for future peace and proipenly, now endangered. , . j That, in the mean time, your Petltl- <mer entreats to be examined at the bar #fyour Honorable Houfe, sn4. to be al¬ lowed an opportunity of fuhftantiating the fafts, here, above, alleged. And your Per loner (hall ever pny. ROBERT GOUHLAY Niagara, Feb. 19th, 1818. Niagara Fall Mills, Feb. 23d. 1818. To the Editor of the Spectator. Sir, In your paper of the 19th inft. tinder the bead of" Elucidations and Remarks" and figned M Robert Gout-lay. 1 perceive a following wor tlUMiil SHBH KTji Th.tt jroilf Petitioner ia a native of FUtflure* North Britain, where, for up- vvaids of forty ycarSi your Patitioner's Father was the molt extenfiv« improver of land ; and, for the gieater part of that time, in ihc comnufJion of the Peace. That, your Petitioner, was bound ap¬ prentice to a writer to the G^net in Ed¬ inburgh, merely to qualify him for the liberal puriuitsof a county life, at home: but, having changed his views, he has now come t» Upper Canada, and meant to engage in Agriculture, and the gener¬ al branches of Commerce. That, your Petitioner underftands that your Honor, in Council, has a pow¬ er of £1 anting the wild lands of the Crown, to Britifh lubje&s. Your Petitioner* therefore, folicit* a grant of fuch quantity, a*, undercircurn- ftances, may feern meet. And your Petitioner (hall ever pray. (Signed) Thomas Gou*lay* January 9th, 1 Si 8 * Kingjlon Jamaica, Dccemler 8. Houfe of Affembly, Friday, December 5. Report from the Committee appointed to inquire into the prefent ftate of the , . ,»i fciJ Colony, on part of the mbjeft matter re - paragraph, in which the- * - r r , v. , r S r \ . , tl ■ I ferted io them, preiented, read and lerer- ■ds viz : il that my brother . , Q. r„ r ^ crl to Commit.ee on the btate oi the lenceb* inlt'o^Ud t> uiied the I (hind Agent to iciYionlUate in the fumed manner ag§H*fi tlule orders ; to infill upon the tight of the Legiflaturc of Jamaica to Kgulate the fees and remuner¬ ation to be received by all publicOfficers where the Nature and extent of their fervices can be better known and ap¬ preciated, Ihwi hy any perform not refiding in t«e Colony ; to (late to his Majefty's Miuifters, that fhould it be made to appear to the lioufe that the Officers of his Majefly's Culloms are not fufficientlv • enumerated for the fervices they pertaiWi this Houfe will a& in fuch matter with ita accuftomed liberal¬ ity but t>at this Hottft will neve* recognize &r»y authority in the Lords CommiffioiK«> of hi* Majefty's Treaforj, or the Com'ilhoncrs of the Cuftoms, to order the Oncers in the fervice of the Cu(loins in Jamaica, to demand from the public, fees, not fan&ioned by Law, but on the contrary, that this Houfe will rcfift the fane as a dtiedt violation of its mod important rights. from a vein, an Artery fhrfbtd he cl)t* 13th. That a Surgeon is often disap¬ pointed in the quantity of blood he wifh- ea to draw, by placing hia pal ient's hand in a (late of fupi^ation ; he oatUtally turns it to allow it ro flow into the Ba- iin and thus renders the fedion of the (kin and vein not coincident. 1 have tome more Opinions to give, but fuppoGng thaL you will be (atUnCQ with a Baker's dozen, I conclude, Yours fir, S. MARRIED, On Thnrfday Evening laft, by fX\i Rev. John Wilf* n, M '• <rittt Merchant, of Bellvil -. 1 - Mid Ma;y Ann Hawley, of Lmttl Town «i ■ Would have no other anfw^ to his rztttwn ; , than what J had received to miner wj * "fir- ^W.r-Your Committ (la.cda.aa anfwer grven to mef,y one of. t:/;nqiJire i!lto the prefent t^e clerks of the Executive Council, at York to my enquiry rcfoefting an ap- 1 phVation for a grant of Laud to Mr. . Coailay's Bnuhei, and afterwards : fdelivered by me to Mr Gnirlay l! Bould not have troubled you on a fnb- jVft in which my name appear** merely from acci.'.en', did not the word> above ftatcdap]>ear to me liable to a conftruc- tin different from thofe I af^mily :i»ade bfeofto Mr Gourlay ; and I have theie fee to rr.qneri ihr-.t y ffl vffil'l be tjooi tnough to give thi> note3 place in y .ur nrxi paper, and to acquaint you th it rhe j *'»nis 1 male nfe of, and :h- tfnfaw «iv- trtrr\i at the Executive Con< ci» OfTic *aa as follows : tlvit, " the anftvtr to his B'.'tthers Petition nvts //>-• fii'fK as that fbhtck wat given to his own." 1 am. Si:•, Y"iir humble fervent. SAMUEL STREET, Niagara, 24th Feb 1818. Sir, Mr Street, of the Fall Mill*, has (hewn me a letter, addreffed to yon for puhlicati -n, in your Ncwf iti^er wherein he coiiefts a milhike *>f mine, in In", report->f what wa< told him at the Executive Council Office, refperting the fate if my brother's petition. The pub- licwill obferve that there is a little &if fcrence :o the wordn (owing to my writ¬ ing from memory) hut n«me in the meaning, which in the leaft affeftb the point ar i£w ; and. I am glad fiat Mr. Street fhould, with his fig nature, confirm a proof of the ftran^e way of condu&inj affairs at York. That rhe public may fee more cleaily what I have been ad- vaiicl'.f;, I annex a copy of my brother's Petition. It will be recollected, that mine prayed for an ajfurance% as to a gr^nt •flii* 1. in the event of my coming out here to fettle ; and, that theanfwer was /haTteful!y rvafive, Confidering, not nn!\ the cl-ar intention on the fare of the pe'. titi >\k but the previous trouble which b:'d been taken by me: to make that in- Irittotl obvious. St. PATRICK'S DINNER. Sir, Lad Tuefday, being the 17th of March, the anniverfary of St. Paterick, a number of Irilhmen met at Walker's Hotel, to celebrate with their utual hi larky the return of a day which every IrrHiman holds facred to the peace and happlnefs of hi> Native Country. Among ft the company were a KINGSTOin . TUESDAY* March '21, 181H. * V 9 • COXM UN ICA TtONS. tee ap- pomico i> iiiqmre ttito tne preicnt ftate of th- Colony, to whom was referred his Grace the Governor's 8'h Meffage relative to a fcaJc of Fees which the Lords Commiflioncra of his Majefty'a Tieafury ordered to be obferved in the fevera! Cuftom-Houfes in the Weft Indies, confidered it aeccflary to fum- mon before it the Adlng CoflcdATf Mr M;D^wal!,and Vlr. Inow, one of the Waiter* and Searchers f--r the Port of Kingfton and examined them in rhe moft foicmn manner refped>iug faid Fees; alfo touching an order recently received fn)m the Lords of the Treafmy, autho¬ rizing the water Grle Officers to demand a*id receive certain fees on exportation of ihe Colonial produce. The C mmittce having put thcf*>Unwlng q i^-ftion to Mr. M'UowhU, " D-» y^tj or do you noi conftder yourfe f bound by the Laws of th?* Ifi md in rcrr-'-d >o fees demanded in your Office ?M He immediV.tely aufwered w I do n(.r.,J It annearhiff fci«n Mr. Editch, \r\ inf;rtion of the following tnles for finding the day on which the Feaft of Eafter U zo be obferved, m^y tend to j remove the doubts which many of the jrood people of thi* Province feem to have entertained, ref;>e6ling thecorreft- oefd of the Almanacs of this prefent year. The Ecclftasticah and not the real full moon, <eeu^ate? the time of thL Chriftian partover. Thefo'merifi not found by aft.ohomica! calculations, but by menn*. of the golden Numbers and certain tables prefixed to our Common Prayer Books. In the firft Table we are directed to Uink for the golden num¬ ber of the year in th^ i ft column, agamfl which, ftandnthe day of the Pafchal full moon. £1. Gr. Gol. No. 1813. March, number of highly refpe&able EnglTfli and Scotch Gentlemen, as friends, who • j greatly added to the enjoyment of the ' evening. After the Cloth was remov¬ ed the following Toads were given, viz: ti.Fi.iM>—Maj lirrfri'Miii- fiouri^ like be. cvcrgrrr»H Shamrock, and ner ennnir-. fnil \\. .\\?\\o\Yn snaroa: at\er which liio Duett of Erin no hr.iisb kym sting. T«ik SiiAHaocK*-Whilst it lovingly embra¬ cer the Rom- and the Thistle, may ibey ihre»* ouri-h, ib*- pride aodgtofj ofcuch other and iiit* envy of the whole world: after which the nvlndy of the Gt\cn 'Manorial Sinamrcck, BMW mng. Oramiawail—May unanimity and liberai- ity evei 'ie the h'ailing characteristic of be? chiliirrn—.ilier wl.'ich the Melody of: Rich tint! Hare icrretfn- gam* she •wore—wa^ sung. Scotland—Maj tlie Bonnet and Plaid ^v- erbe h'hi t:p a* ihc emblem of Honor, Hon- -tyand Integrity: aft'T, Scots wha hca wi iVtttfa>:e hUit— nasbtuu;, Enrlaxh -Ma\ her hearts of Oak u»ver feel the worm of dfeaffectron and bcr tn?, ^ve •Maintain her Uauut »uperiorit\ over die world. THE Members o? the KingftonPres¬ byterian Society, are hereby notifi¬ ed to meet at the Court Monfc ii thta town, on Thurfday the 261I1 mtlant, at half paft 6 o*cluck afternoon, to takr ii- to confideration the ful'ijc-c.t of coilefling or difchargmg theSubfcripi-on- fo-buil¬ ding a Church, and any Other bufii*efs which may be laid before the meeting. By order of the Tru'b cr, D. WASHBURN* Secntqrym Kingston* March 20, ! 8 18. Books by Auction* fcjE ONGING to a gentleman who O U about to leave this for England* On H iTURDAY Evening. March 2$9 the fubfenbers will I'd! at thcil Vendue Room over *heir Stnrct Hooks* Paper, A Gold rVafck, SfC. Sec. &?c. f'v lint/1 It anoonng '"'•■ i I ilj/pl "I'lg cvidenc- fo takvn, that t e the \t 'Ui the only fees XIV. si*, 09 c ictogrn/ed and c»ctually tnkefl by the OlftccAidf theCollum of Kfngllon* ?re X y to tht contrary to, and in violation of the Act, jMd'dbythe Le.rifluure of ghti Iflmd iiithc 56th year of hi-^ prefent tfajeity'i ici>n. entitled, « An Ac't «f rc^lati ,g the Offices and Fees of the Officers of theCuftoms and Receiver -vae-al in entering and clearing out v.ffeU, and for rcp-alingr iomnch ofth- \& pafled in the year 1711 1 m refecta facli FVa." Your Committee therefore dec m it their duty to tecommend to the Houfe to ad>>pt fuch meafuves m the occaffion as fhall efFedually compel the ufficers in queftion to aft in conformit Law-* of the Land." Houfe refolved itfelf into fuch Com¬ mittee. The Chair being returned* Mr. Stewart, (St. An;.) from the Com,nit- tee, reported twelve Refolutions, which were deivered in at ihe tabic, where the firft ten being again read, were agreed unto by the H.mfe. 1 ft. Recommending the Houfe to agree to the Report made from the Com¬ mittee on the State of the Colony. 2d. Recommending the Houfe to come to the following Refolutlans :__ Refolved—That ft U the inherent %bt of His Majefty's fubjeds of Jamaica, tube governed by their own Laws, and that any attempt to alter, rflterfere with, or coutrou] the operation ofrhofe Laws by the Loids Commia- (lonern of iiis Majefty'g Treafury, is) unconllitutional, and ought to be refilled. That a law wa» pafled in the 56th j year of his prefent Majrfly's rei^n, regulating the feea to be taken by the fevera! Officers of His Majelly's Cuftoms in this Colony ; and that any Officer in the fervice of the Culloms who ftiallj prefume to a (lc, take, demand, or receive jjt * S'intffii tetter/or I8tft Hence 2i(l March U the EcchTialli- cal full moon j and 22d, of courfe Ealler day. In tin fecond Table, we are direc¬ ted to I'ubk f v the Sunday letter in the ,1 ■■ I tllL' rHJinUV iC'U-l Ml l'l< n ,. , and ihe trol.Icn No. in tlic uppermoftltrvj m b , ,, ,. j - den N'H and in the lame t- »iumn o' if ,-, , ■ . 1; rt , s ,e holiday letter, we Inve iMte, under t . * 1 • 1 r? a ,, . e , inonih on wuicn c* a tier tin day of tn -(m m vi\/ i c u .1 ,r S I hiw wiih A I V. ijol i \t l 'id U ouuduy letter, wc. den .\T ibci, h 1 J have 22*' M v n t i'/i j t *n. . Is wa« eilabiilh- d at the I (I'M or.)c< 1 • • .. I ,-> -ir- ive and it wis recognized by UmrftCll 0^ N)l .n . 1 1 7 ¥l n • -n r R'll.tureat the tunid that' the Bnt.fh Is* , , .. was adopted, the new itv-r , • T /.ci ms In tfie dir •ns affixed to the Tabic fter froMO A. D 1900 t-i for finding T ! -., c , .... tderg wilt rind an alluhon 2 too, your rt a- 1 , ;r n * .l 1 /fHlticlcand reaJtml mwons; to th-. EcclcG , ,, , a lion m.»de that they may of li¬ as nea aily as and alfo pmv r 11 L<- ne flays tdll on the fas 7 t\ ^j ours, C\LE^DARIUS QyoTLTM- Sir, ^PINIONS, tn ,, ated to a burgeon. been told that you public- Having ,, !„^«, tj ot hiving talked a great ly acculed me . . ft . . B, deal without #Tl*l7 ^P,^U"n, Wu I1 conlultedon th/ ^i*\f* lever,wh.ch lately prevail.'* !f th,"k lt ft6? pubbckiy toacont foA ™? ncs!cdt>fby now giving i,nanv 0P,iiI0n3 in few wor/'8- c- 1 f ■ • L i 1 ft. Then am option that the Fever in *»*"£• wa3 not typhus. 1 2d. That it wasSynochus. ^d. That iftwas no1 In KW* formida¬ ble. 4'h. That lbv nio^er3t*rig the inflam¬ matory aftion11 in the beginning, the debility in the' lattcr ftages wllJ bc Ics" fened. cth. That lts WOTft fymptoms arofe from undue ex*cJrcmtrnt- 6th, Th'nt »thcre was one indance of ex.raordinary Recovery; the bad fymp- omsofwhichh cafe arofe from W,ne* My brother's petition, ppr,yed for a grant of land, lie being aSuaiiy arrived lo retrain a fettles** in the country : and ) now a&, how could the fame ar.fwer anply both to his cafe and mine? It is plain that he ha= been treated in this manner becanfe of his connection with ine; and that a total difregard of difcre- tion cxills in the Executive Council Of¬ fice. 1 wifh the public to underhand that I neve petitioned for a favour from tht in- dividual who are paid by 0->vernuieut for performing the duties of the Execu¬ tive branch. I petitioned in my right, \ *a a Biitifh fubjeft, to be t tea ted in tint character, according to my (lation in »fc During this winter I h -ve repeat- [ cd'y wiitten home to my friends to ma<ce W offer, dire&lyto Lord Bathurlt, for n»y contracting to fettle the country' Wh Britifh fubjefts. I now fay that,1 A Government will give me the manage¬ ment of the public lands of Upper Ca¬ nada for 30 years, 1 will maintain, du¬ ring that time, two regiments for his Wajclty: repair, and keep in repair, al! the forts ; and for the la ft twenty years of the term, pay an annual rent to Brit- am of a hundred thouland pounds fter- img. ROBERTGOURLAY. ^ ------- \ r«ide .cy :•■ fmpofe indirect y a :'.x on [1 (hould ferve to 0 a*ruie him of the nature *° His Honor Samml Smith Administer • I n* rna* •!•-- ■'.**, without tfie conteni of|[af the complaiuint and coniequent neces- any other or greater fee than is fpeci-j'i and were Gtirefl^ ^Y Brandy, fied in the faid Aft. renders himfelf j ^th. That:t >4 f"^ an error, from a vain lijbie to beprofecuted f<»r fuch offence. [ a^piehenfion of^ Typhus to leave a pa- 1 hat the orders of the Lords Com- I tiVnt feveral 1 ^aYs without bleeding, miffionen of His Mafcfty'a Treafury,; whofe difeafe \M Pneumonia. ! f*.nt down to the Houfe in His Grace! the Governor's MefTage, are ii'» lets objeftiouable in the rates they feek to e!i<<b-ifh than they are fnadmiflible in princij)le, more efpecia'ly the order which remunerated the Water-fide Officers out of the produce and exp *rts of this C >lony, for fervice". in which the Col* oy ha< no intercll. an^ which are 8th. That 1 the Warm Bath will not cure Enteritis.*' Oth. Thar I ^e mnn wno confides in it, wil1 not lofeft one patient merely, but every one thatlt may fa" under his care. 10th That^t the Lancet is the anchor of hope in this'* dkeafe\ I ith. That .t the debility which attends it, (hould not j- and would not derer a alo'.r h-.: rfictM to the Revenue of the ! wc|| i .formed 1 Medical man from ufing Mn'her Country, atid fuch >r 'er havr a i \ th.t i- (tiumeutut, but on the contrary \t>ng. The Ki.vo. The PftrsCE Regent. Tn^ R-i^al Tamily. Tiie DtJKEOV Wki.mngtov : accompanied ijv thesorjx"©fiiieSprig ofSfiiULift. Tlie flAiToitTERs of Rrin—Mh\ th'Mrvir- •■i(f»- i»vft atimitlatP Iri-limen loacNof Honor. Tie MtTUo&YofrtlM* late Siii Egbert I'at.i.. TUo Cavaoas—Success and prosperity to Lhf>m. The Lkti^lativb Poijmil. Jst«R Llhc ahtjv o' home a»d abroad. During Mk rveiiit e ?«f*vf>ral beautiful spprf- -:,./...»! ftue Irish Music wweifjvn^boUi w>- r.? ftnl insirwmental, tegether with several aptiropriiue Toasts for many of « hich we wen ' .,1 to oitr kind guests; ihe company . ,»kp up v 11 liU« h«urA afio-;«»v<rv inur h:n' • imKi-ii|i ;«i u late hfMir, :ilii— pverv inun li.'i'l 1 itlj itronm«*dhh Rhioiiniefc in u howl of hi- Vativi; Country's H;kI.-> 'A'aier. Kini-t.'v, lOtli March, 1818. Mfho moniMv meeting of r!»•» Pimimi't ■■ »f tlir hiugttt.n Companionate. Sori-ti/t at V « n.MKoofMn* H.-v. K. H. Cvutoih, the Visit i«^ f«>r th*1 last month reported that die sum of t s 6 I had hiM-n expended by Ihom, in affor (hn* relief 10 ohjerfs rreorurnendeij to tb** e't;irit\ ami a*?istAflCf ofljff Society. V»«iior-for jhe i*i • lir.sr month, JT. r.TMOMSONMvq. Rev, H. G. rvui irp. A)> Jenny. I h-li wed chee line j IJ-'tnou m\ dream ispasL 1 >ee ainhioi>n\ linetnred hue. UiA-* reached thy breast at last. H mv com!'!'*! rhoo cruel be fo me, When in the poriiyecroud, 1 though) t'bavetript El down with thee, My long hid love avowed. How oonldst thou <li«appoiut me Jane, A passive1 fon! to make, Rejected too by thee. A stain In time iny heart will break. C. Another F/Rfi /—On Tuefday eve ning laft, about half pad 7 o'clock, an¬ other alarm of fire alTailed the ears of om Citizens, which proved to be a Barn be¬ longing to Mr. Eaton, about z miles from Town, which was entirely confum- ed, together with a quantity of hay and grain. The fire caught by a candle fal¬ ling out of a lantern into feme ftraw. Gurracoa* Feb. 14* Letters from Lagoayra mention, that official accounts had b"en received therefrom Spain, stating that 18,000 Hussion troops had arrived at Cadiz, and were to embark immediately to take possession of the Floridas, Spain having ceded that country to Russia. What will England, and America saj to this—the hopes of both nations be¬ ing (has frustrated. TKORNER & MORAN. N. B- Amu- gfl the colle&n>n, is ihe BE iUTiy.H', FSi OTLAND, wi a 8t Engravings in the belt order. Sale at 6 o'Jock. The Books may he fcen on Frtd 7 and the day of (ale March 24. 4^ Joseph Murdock, Tobacco, Sr:'/ff& Candh% MANUFACTURER* Store S'r'.et, Kin^fton. INFORMS his fiends and :e pfy He, chat the above trtipies arr Man- ufciclured by him, and he hopes to givi* thofe merchants and houfe keepers, w i» (favour him with their cur. m, the a- bove art'cles, zi good .md en as reafi "*- ble terms as any that can be imoorter^ and he alio thinks it reafonaWe hat tiny MauufaAurer in thefe province*, fnuili be encouraged, provided hi^ article^ ate equal to ai-y that « an bc ol.tained. March 2 ;, i*t8. 43tf THE fuhferiher inform^ al! ihefc who are iiKiebfcitohi.ri, irrier by Note, B-.nd or othcrwlfe, th-^t un>efi ihe fame »difchar^ed on. .r befote tht 6rfl day - f J me next enfuing the dale hereof, their refpeflive account* will he pliaced in the hands of an Attorney fo* Colle&ion. Y GEORGE DOUGLASS, Kingston, March 23. 1 s »8, ^atf [StG8WQRTH& :.AYCOCK, Gardeners, EG leave tn J.if rm th» inhabit- ants/of the town o< Klnrrfton, and the public in generar, that ihcy wi I undertake the abov bufinefs, cither J y the day or year. Fiom long rxperieni t in the ab- ve branch, they trufl that they will be able to pivt fatisfadHpn :o all who wifh to employ them. Applicari'-n :o be made to the fuhferiben, 4th con- ceffion of Kingfron, or at the Printing Ofuce in the town of King lion. Garden Seeds, of thefirtt rate quaTir ties, for fale as above. ' 43 •w Fr)?* Safe, ~ ON reafonable tctms, a lar^c T-.vo Story ftr.nc Houfe, in the town of Kingfton. For part.'cu!a-8 apply to Mr. Kauris, the owner, in Montreal, Qr to the fuhferiher. Kiriffftoij. NICHOLAS MORI>7. Kingston, March 23, 1818. / ----------- 45 "'3 tog t,.e Government of Upper Canada :, |th ir 'n^cfentativw in the Houie ofijlity of blcedtn^ig. l-i Council. j|/\ff<mb!y, jj i2ih. That^t if blqod cannp.t be * **r'-4a got NOTICE. AT a Meeting of the Minifler and Paiifhloners, held in St. Geor ge'p Church on Monday the 23d March, the following eentlemeri were chafen Church Wbr<lcn"rf foe the cnfuinjf year. Dr. JAMES GEDDESj Mr. L00MI3 NORTON, KINGSTON ASSEMBLY" THE next will be ftn Inday, the a?th inftaol. To Let, 4ND pofft-ffion given Jrpmnwdiately, tbe large houfe lately cccupied by John Size, e i^ibiy fitnated in Stote Itrret, either for a tavern or (lore___Ap¬ ply at this office. March 17, 1818. 40 tf FOR 84LE, AND pofT-ffion given immediately, . ad ublc Lot, ih Stmrttfllcb <'a which 1% a Brown Earthan-ware V m,.jv faaory, in good order, a fram-. boufe, anda Stable. FOT fmther o:ir>icu!ar* appiy to the fohfcriber, nn the u-cmil'cs, Marturin Foumaisc*. Kingston. March 18, 1818 ^?tf my d I-yBlJEAS fiaph.nl C,a. n, m f f » iK-, has left my bed .....' h.-a, and refute* Ui lf« with mc This i* therefore t.. forbid al! (ierfo * Karboor- i»g Or trdtf-r '• : W\ .T!f j. ^n-M, a* I wid not pay <ny <}ebu «if i»c. crtistrad. mg aftc- tiii- .',a e ■'• 1 - GdBlOT. Kingston, March, 2 j, 1818. j h,

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