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Kingston Gazette, March 24, 1818, p. 1

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[TUESDAY, MAUCH »A, IS1&] GSTON [VOLUME VII.------No, 43] G ETT Kingston, Upper Canada—Printed and Published by STEPHEN MILES.—Price Four Dollars per Annum—Exclusive of Postage. ..v^'STSreWKW'* ^t^p •*-■• . V ' —--**&-;■ K^=* '-STTCT^l! v > ;«*- Jgenls for the Kingston Gazette font Town, J A M m RAXK1 N, Esq. Verk, WILLI AM VLLAN. K*q, ftfftekville, A. SIM.K WOOD, Esq, SHEIKS. M'NABB, Ksq. Ifintmri, X. MOWr.R Printef. LOOK HERE ! THE fubfcribcr has jnft received a frefh fiipp'y of GARDEN SEEDS, *hich he will feci by the box or (ingle f*f>er, taifed by the Shaking Quakers, Ind warranted genuine, viz. White,Yellow and Red Onion, Biood'. md Early Turnip Beet, Scarcity, Car-1 tot, Parfnip, Long and Early Cueurn j fcer, Watermellon, Muflcmelloo, Dutchj Summer Squafti, Crook neck Summer! d<k Crookiteck Winter do White Head* CIRCULATING LIBRARY. Miss Read, T^ KES thw opportunity of ac¬ quainting her friend a-id ihe pub | lie, tl,at (he has given up h!::r c -m- ifli >n . Store in Store Street* but inte.id-- com-j meucing bufinefs immediately, on her, own account, ^he intends g"ing to] Montreal in the courfe of a month, to purctafe the moll fafhioaablc Spring i arric!es. She alfo returns her roost (in-j cere thinks to hei friend* and custom-Taj for past favours, ^nd b'ipea for a contin- J uauce of them as loon a (he can procure i] a Store She wiflies ?o nforrr. the fubferibers j A,ndlhei*airformof Happiness, to th~ ' ibrary, that (he will m.-ke every " i Which lunerd round, intent to bless, allowance from thi- date until the Li- * j ScarM by the pltaaiOM of distress, bra*y i» a*) a in opened ; and any perionsj who have books belongxn to it, will be to [rood as to leave them ,-t VIr. Thorn-; From Dt Camorns Poems. 0 weep not thus—we both shall know Ere loiij; a happier doom ; There is a place of rest below, Where (liou and I sh*El surely go. And sweetly sleep, mea>'d from woe, Within the tomb. M\ cradle was the coich of care, And Sorrow rock': mc ill it; 1 a;e seem'd hersaddfit robe to wear, O.i the first day thai -aw me there, Aud darkly Bbadow'd witli despair My eatliesi miuute. L'en then the griefs I now possess, As natal boons wer* given ; I Lettuce, Early Curled Head da Speck-i | Wddo. Salmon, Scarlet and Early Tur-. .^.^ Morr »p Radifli, Drum Head. Savoy, Red! Mifs Rerjd a|f0 Teq0e«s all p.rfons and Early Yorkshire Cabbage, Flat and | |whuarc incicbted m her to be fo good as j \ir;>in's w c re (he now refiJe** and ietlle their account* With hr. .' Kiniktony March* 16. 18 1.8. 42 » French Turnip, Sag?, Cayen e Pepper, | \ cfi„ ^ ^ -, Squafh do. Double Pepper^fs, Bur fct, Rue, Summer Savory, Pa fley. \f- £r*g»w, Pink, Saffron, Early June) Teas, Early Golden Botfpur, Charlton, I I JjO l>OLLARH REWARD, Green Dwarf Marrowfat Peas, Straw*' i tery Dwarf, Ranv Sixweek Dwarf j | ^*$TO'« Etf fiom the fubfcribcr, on Brans, Tramherry Dwarf, White Cram-' j ^J torypole, Kidney p»fc. u Flew back to Heaven! For 1 was made in Joy*^ despite, *i.i'd im a.it for Miser* V&lafrC ; .i-d all my UUUrs of brief delight Fl^d, like the spccd> wind* of night, WiticbsooD >Iiall w-k**] their Milieu flight Across it\ prove! From the Kwgaru Spec!(dor• To Mr Gourlay. Sir, 41 SO, GRASS SEED, ^1 tturfday wVbtftOt ea.Iyon Friday'! Your fecund ad.Jrefo to the people cf I.Mvr ytg% March 13th, a fight bay fforfi, |thit Province, has piodncrf in the minds " bout fourteenhands high, Mack mane ! ^ n.any perious. a„ cfft-ct very diliercne 1 a: d tail the tail ci! (hort, fifing five or Pickled ilern..,;^ Buttrr, Cheefef'; «k year* o!»S caik in the tice, Ifl good 4c ic. N. P \'.V'EK, ,'c nditi>n. '"ht ab. vc h^rle was stolen Kingston, March 12, l«l« 42 ! ;by h fervant ■ -fihefubfciib?!, who call- •*-------------------,--------- -—--------------;'cd himfelf Gtprge McLauphhw^ %>m Ttnat 8hn» nn~1 IF tulCsj abi,l,t lwcn'y one ^a,8.of MUW ami Ufia U^^la complexirm, about fee &ct jjajih! iuchtshJgh ; ii. don when bed', a ucii, bi x c«ar,gie a an.i white sniped w a»tc*Mt and bints J lutul oi-s and a |ljlauketon theh rli without u fadd e Leather STORE. S M from that which yyu probably expected to excite It is Ci j rely the extreme of anwavce in a ftratiger who acknowl- edgea himfetf but a few months a rcfi- deiit in, nr rather $ wanoercr through, the c,» :- try, to oit'cr iiimfclf as the iav- iour of it ; and in ^wt telf-alTumed ci»a- rader, to diciavc rr.tafures and cvcn words to it* inhabitants Have we not, in thin extenfive brovincef a fingic bc- ing fufficicntl} co jgbrcnedto diltinyuifti j vVboevci wiii rfct<a -he villain md between nVluand WTong> or ppffoffiug [i .-„ ».;... ti. iitisit, ■ . n«- .'-.I......om .. ifufh* .^"t pub'ic ty,i,-it or independence thill will Icrad io thcre(OVL-;\ o: ilK-lun'e, ' t *..f n.imi, to affitU I*** WIT.MAMS & Co. at rftp ^j, ,cceivet,R. aboVK rc,v;,d, i)V api>iy.;! wc mu« fecita \aviour in an unknown 81011 of the Golden f.«*i. Mor c ftrcct, Kiii^flo^, and its viciutiy. thai they UiWj jpntinue their Boot and Shoe AUnufatton* vhert thev k-ep conftantly on hand, * Un»e affortment of Lady'« and '"ieutlc- wn'> BOOTS and SHOES, of every defcription Likewise, a fuoply of ^ood Sole ttdUppei ! cat her, of a\] kinds, Kington* March 7, IK 18 41tf 11 • 11 IgtO JOHN BLAKE, /(hip's .-"wis Inn Kingston, March 14. 4- To 7.e/, j lUangi-r—i hat we tnuit place uur inter- \*&* in the hands of a man who invited 01 confidence by an addrcTfl which cx- p.ieitiy it a ted motives of ei^uny Uis» lecund as directly dilavowa ? Sir, when motives are really pure, thcr. i& fc-doni| o>" never, a mceiluy for dct-eptii n ; and when we have or.ee been ' deceived, I: i- not eafy, by a few prcfes-j li ••% or good will. 10 regain confidence Y fur fecond addrcft accufea the inh.tbi- a of warn of fpir m?tory addrefles, or whining petitions, fuch an end i» to be accomplifhed.—I leave the bell means of attaining it to men of long tried integrity, of public fpirit, and defcrved popularity, and that kiiid providence which has bellowed on us every other bU fling, ha» not left us deftitute of fuch characters as I have defcribed. I had no perfonal acquain- tance with your late Governor, but he Hands high in the ciliwation of all who have known him. Without entering in to tiic particulars of hit aJminillration, I mull acknowledge my conviction that it is impoifible tor one man 1 >ng to fupport two charafter*, and lhat the fame princi¬ ple*; of honor and integrity iudifpeulable to private viitue mult unavoidably ex¬ tend their influence to public conduct Governor QoTCtvay liave been impetuous* but of deliberate balenefs in the betrayal of 1 he lacrcd truft repufed in him, bis bittercit eneuacs would blnfh to aceuft htm. After your fit II addrefs I (hoold have been aflinrifhej to find yuu an ad vocate t'»i the admifGin of American fet- tletniutothL Province, had you not pre- ! tfiOtiOy difavrJwcd al! attachment to your own country o» your own Government— and with unexampled aflurance treated the houeft principles of loyalty as a Phantom, and the facred Oaths of Al¬ legiance a* mcrdy a temporaiy bond. Lives there a Man w ith soul *o dead Who i;evor to himself hath said T"is i» mv tteur mv nalive tand— is a<]uellit'n doubtfully afked by a Po^t of your own country,and thelpontaneous reply ofevwy feeling and patriotic heart j would be, Inch a man cannot exiil. If your iall publication has been the eifeext of millakcn zeal, be advilcd and acknowledge that it was mittaken, If it was produced merely by the wor¬ kings of a turbulent and fadtious fpirit, be advifed,—and remove to fomelandof kindredipiriu, for licre ate none to lup- ;.ort you. If it was the effulloii of difa^pmuteJ auibitiou and a nnlchievous cnelcdvo to involve the public in a private bra the failure ol the attempt will be a fui (tCtCut punirtimcnt for h;tviii£ made it A Rcjuknl Land Holder. Garden Seeds. RAISED at Lebanon in Canaan, State .->f New Y'»'k — Jntt ve etiveJ and for fak «t the fnt-fcrtbrr's jloflitm Room. ARCHIB^ -13 Vt'DONELL. Kington, March*)- tBli 4«tf rHAT well k ow« lar^e white STORE, in from -if the DweJIing h.u-.lt- of the fubf.^ribei. It i^ we'1 ca' ['culated for Commercial Buli.:ef- having ala..= ci.mmodicus cellar , ■. ,ble uf ; lap,. Qf Up-^r Oanads holdinu- 1 ooobarrels, with th« advantage •;, want ,)f fc..,; Wa0| of dlgI)ily_of jofth. Wharf, where veffch uf 4c ion* n,vilh f.,bmi(n.,n to a corrupt and ty- i n,av 1,-ad and unloaded, F^wa-.e.s r..n„;, „1 Govcv.i.ent ; and Itill you mo- j 'would do well to improve this OMHPft*- fefe a m..ft aff^onat? regard for our in u.ty. For panicular* apply to the lub . ,CJUi a ,(. au ^fa, w-:(], lo ie\y£t Us fenber on the p-rn.fes. fromthe miferie and opprcfiions to which JAMES ROBINSON ,ou, DW„ blindntft m our own depravity Kingston* 11'b March. ^ 42 ; j have fl!bjt.aed 'is. If fuch is really thr prevalent charaflter amongfi us whence, To Mfjor Richard Leonard, Drum* niQild Hill, Niaewa Falls. THE fubfcrfhei has jufl received a large quantity of Cast Iron JVare, * confi&inji of POTASH KETTLES, Caldrons and Sutrnr Eoi<ers Franklin, Box and Oven S'oves, together with a( wriety of Kiu-hen Furnituic, as Bake] Pans, Pots/ienkettles, Dog Irons &c j To Let, il ha li Sir, ariiea the tender intereft we nave _ . excited in the bcfooi of a Irranger ? Do A ND im-T.ed.ate po^iTton given, youbel«vea8 fo ea% dekdedf Do you Il Two cnnveuicnt Houfe,, mth , f fe m p , w fli,ck roun{J thc firR J Shops, in ftoie ilieet, near V'r. flakes j1 K - - - Tavern, on the corner of the itrec. lead¬ ing from the Artillery Barracks to the French Church For particulars apply ta JOHN W FERGUSON, StoreStsixr, Kinost<m,Eeb 17,1818.38 TO LET, 7^0 R any t-.-rm of years net exceed- in Fifteen, on the moll reafona- \ MULTIPLICATION lc all of which ate of an exceienl qn^l JjTableS, For the lite of Schools, fcv. and will be riilp. fed of on very \ea-l, For y^ tf thig office. iuoabie terms, at wh -lcfale onlv, . SMI TH BA RTLET. K. B. The Pot Afti Kettles will bel •arranted if required. Rhtgtten, \ctb March 4' * NO'iiC£. ■ A LL perfo -sin Upper Cai-ada. who EL haveclaim? oil fhe fubU riber, tliHt have "nol been ack* owledoed by Km, Will be pleafcd to deliver them to dllen M'Lean, Elq. at K-npflon, with* *w delay. And thofe in<i< bttd to him. totTiake payment or »rrangtm«nt t ^ateffefl on or before the ill of M.-v next. P. GRANT. ( La Chine, tfh March 1 8 \ 8. 41 4 Advertisement. hie terms—That well known valuable Hand to the public line, fituate on the point a* Ganan qua avd recently *'ccu- pied by Se:h D-wns. togeilicr with the Hoo'.e, Barn, Stables &c—For fur¬ ther particulars apply to the fubfcribcr. JOEL STONE. Gananoqua Jan. 9, 1813. 33{/ --------- - — A !.L perfon-- are cautio'-eJ sgnuiA J^k pttfchafing of Sa^ue' Hough, aj cromifi'oiy note, given by the fubfciibei i him, for ^50, oattfd Se-t. 5, 1817, vhieb Pfitt wa- obtaii ed by fraud and without valuable c >nfideratton NJ ^TH tN BRIS- O. Ernest Town, March 10, l8l8. 2 4P JUST received, mi offered for fak U----------------------------------- b> the fubfcribefH. a quantity of j '-. -: t< ji ^ > nt Ll4$,fOV\ **t Currant Jeilv, yrc-ferved RhafpHe^ I ] q ;.V/S ft %(- — AUo, Arilh- , individual who ratfisa the baneful ftand- ard of faction in our free and happy country ? N'» Sir,—you are not the full counterfeit javionr vvc have had —r-Othtr ruen. wiih talents and planfibility infin¬ itely more dangerous than you pofiels, have fought to diilurb our tranquility, and have fuind,* few credulous and dis¬ contented fpitits amongfl us. I hope the dkrte&ion and expofuie of thnCe mei» will refeue us from fimilar credu¬ lity Their f&Tehoods, their pretences, their anoyance, h<ive been expofed by an abier pen than mine I fhall not pretend to dive into the real motive- that have influenced your two eddiefTe* to the people of this Province. 1 hope your manifeit ii.confiflency will fuffice, of itfelf, to awajten doobtaotyoBrboafl- ed pniity of Intention in the public mind. I will i.0t canvas the propriety of the mcafures you arge, bin I hope and believe no hlCh ilep will be taken without mature confederation ; and fine¬ ly, not at thc inlHgation of one fo a- vowcdly loofe u\ political principles asj yourlelf. 1 am no advi,„att, for "paltry patron a%e" or il ru'.nou•favonritifm ;" but if the &xtLhpaltry*h$ \}\ effcc.ls will not be very cxtmllvt ? anj that the fecond cannot have b?en indulged to a very ruinous degree, ;„ evi*dent t© every tern T«*JCorrav.t Jelly, yreferved KhafoK^ ***» Oooriberues. Plun.bs ahl S;>-\v *"&•« TAYLOR & PARK'- 8 y 1 [fad Tables,for Hit use of jCUOvlS* crate and unnru;lK);tXd n>Jnd.— If. how _..... J . 'r 1 .._ > . Niaoaba, 'i'id fob. 1818. SIR, Vou have caused fo be published, in the Niagara Spectator, two letters, addressed to me. The ISditor shewed me these letters, in roauQScript, and. irpoureadiug the first, I said <o him, rnatit was a weakforshaLlow) produc- »i m ; b'Jtj a^ ii had a real signature, I nould ruply. Soon afterward4- T met you il) the street, and told you, that 1 was sorry 011 your ovyn account, that you should publish such things ; and begged of you.to go with me to the Printing Oilice, that I mi^ht point out, to you, wherein you erred. I toldyou that sarcasm, or severity, was quite allowable ; but, that no one had fl right to question motivts: that, it WW iiiigtuitlentauly, and would not b^ per¬ mitted in the House of Commons of Kugiaod, \\ here the utmost latitude was given to speech. Vou were immoveable. You said, (hat, you had consulted with a very •ihlc person, and several more of your friends ; and, on no account, would retract. 1 repeated my sorrow : and. -aid, that your conduct would obiige me to be severe. Now, Sir, knowing it to be true, that beating a fool in a mortar, can make iiim no wiser, I cease to regard you a^ a man, aud shall cut you up, as an An- itomi^t does a carcase, merely for the benefit of the Spectatok. You beghi by evp'essing surprise .vhich invariably accompanies the debut if a Goose : and the regret of such an animal is only laughable. Your suiv ,>rise, i^ occasioned b\ your thinking, that my second address professes sen- liments different from the first . but . ou are too much surprised to think of proof, aud forthwith go on to cacl;le. You cackle through nineteen lines, and .hen tt-11 me. that, [affect. Sir! tW ucusrs me of falsehood, and I return ou thr compliment. Having cacUcd :-ver seven lines more, y»»u insinuate. Iliat, )HU Ipiowtiadgeof tlie lnbabita.sf^ •r Upper Canada, is inferior, ev-u to I oir u limi ed knowledcn :' and L am viuredM that no people have fewer grievances to complain of, aid talk of "Strong argument" to support your opinion ; but, had you bfcHS htgeuuotffl you would have quoted the fr.llowir.5 parage fiom my address which is stronger than your argument. " You " are here as free, it you will, as any *fc people upon ea:th : you have the u power of taxation in your owu hands, " while Britain, tie ra*-st generous of *4 nations, bears many wl yourburdenSf u and lias shed her best blood in your defence." Your argument rests entirely upoa an attrition, that there are no sjrnp- X' ms of discontent ; but, lo<;k to the annexed Petition, and you will fiud> that 1 offer to prove in th" most solemn manner, thaf. not only discontent, but t*ood cause for it, does, now, actually exist* You go on to say, that, u my opinion " is by no means Jluiterin* to 'he well ** informed and re pecluble part pf the vt cotuniunity/' K:r, I never meant to Hatter any parr ; the community ; my invariable object has been truth ; aud I have point a'out the con .titutionaU and only peaceable mode, not only cf coming at this, but "f correcting •• iu- juriea and ingulfs" (I useyourown lun- gu&gd)** which no Government has a right to offer"—1 hav : told the people j of Canada to petition for enquiry, into the state of tne Province. After this, we have some cacklnig, of which a grammatical Goose would be ashamed, dosing with an a>sertioa that the "; only grievance 1 appear to u dwell ouj is, the non-admittance of 56settlers from the United States ;" in contradiction to which ] quote my own words: *• if allowed, 1 will pivve the fc- fart, before the itfrof VOUf Par'ia» u meut, thai g-ood faith has been tri- y- (led with, and that the ri^hr.- ••* prcw ••perty harn he u violated by tiie re* ury functii nane- appointed to rendep K them sacred "m! <*cure." "r|| Three sentences follow, with ."re '•? JI nonsense and perversion, than I hare time to expose, in detail. Your dread of the thousands who iroutit swarm in xzith aentth and jtmcrkuti g(ddy must have taken hold of yoil, wheii a (loa? ling, for, DO Goose <-f r.i-IUw* n-ive could eV'-r he affected U) it. I <lid not ask you to subscribe to my doctrine of the right of changing alle¬ giance : but / proved //, by quoting an act of Parliament. m$ could have referred to several other acts, all cor¬ roborative of the same principle. A -a -hould have told u< what was Ihe f.ue of the men Rent to England for trial: you know, that, I approve! of the hang* ing of those who were found in ftrms^ against thHrCou iliy here. The Declaration against America published in England, in the year 181*2 was, in the main, a masterly produc¬ tion : but that part w ich dictated to us Concerning alb fiance, I never «d- ever, patron'u^e ~nx favonritifm do cxid in a'.y degye« jt ;B time to reaJ y check their influence . ^uC [t Ja Uv>t by iullam- mittedtp be sound ; so far from it, tiiat at the time of its publication I had a serious intcntiofl, w hirh i could prove if-necessary, of protesting against it^ as an individual, in the London news¬ papers. An allusion was made to it in my address, because I jtnev that the arbitrary step taktu by the Execu> tive in opposition 10 law. which provi¬ ded for the admission of Americans in¬ to this Prouiuce, rested upon the au- th^rity of this 13e/-.laraii.:u : and-th'-re is not, among our iojral and patriotic duties, a single one. so exalted and imperative upon us,as resistance to thc encroachment of Bxecotift power op* oil the Acts of the Legislature,—tho rising of the servant against the master. You think my doctrine hi'hlv dan¬ gerous to the fci tt 'informed :" hut »f you can «tend it, sll fhe rest of the un* informed are perfectly secure; for- surely, Canada does not hold another man, so grossly ignorant and weal-. YoiL even forget what vou are: yotf say, you hold DO phue uiid^r Govern¬ ment, while you are a h.tlf pay Officer, This is not '•o easily forgotten by me^ w ho am charged wiih taxes iu Kng!and$ 10 keep you alive, Ycu see 4l iit> symptoms of wu;m and deea> " becau^A you *ee nothing bejpnud v«ui itose — nothkf^ beyoinl fbe little [fame dwelling ; ou me ereetiuj; 3t Oum'.'oud Hill. My vit-\., »ir. pix* res before me at one jjlauce, <-_■'.ms- ourgh and Pre^ott, L • ■ and U 'lliiij to let the inhabitant* decide. iQucenstou, t^iifrio' v id j?ori !rie, II k'iiig in happy conteiituifiu with yot- l)-troil au-lSauiiwi -h.— G the Ame - jl • limited k^»ied$e" >ou a;'e tf WjptJJicao >ide; i s^a j|t*U« ?od*;ciir^; ca

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