rh trUf* v»*r of ***« \? fc>***»" r- fw|»A»cH Ml, rs t^r non *J -»o>Mr>ce ef fft < .V« .Vii Mir u :< "' i '• je :\ - inpofw-u- ? h In- applied &» th 'umbi r« im i*l nl ft**«Wi liton or iu... i, aiUMi ;». piwwue* " 1 Vftw K ncHneH 3*v* ««#;•* fjxw< I,- v-!l rifl T« -d-»> '** vt,,; nw*-*f - *** h 'urn.- in a Bi'i to n-pi •' it* «i t »»*•*■ i the fcid y nr 0l rtb -^M -Vs r ; tic J I lit lie Llmti f>:a;« ! his ran bef:!t '.in partially, and bya part ofthe C mmnvi'v wh • had ><o accefl°n to! hen f; iim, r\?uv. d, ;i An Art fo d:.-»'.'. f*yLa^t*rb*itithe IfctU" *hieh thr1 fltf—j o. wij-'^ra1 >i ia!< ike and ritui l,(i to ';*- nwn use.ortl ofrhe moid • pa frtgl §uo J^i* hb Hand*, whu ..; • mty*:rtt< ' (.Uc o i=*i bfety i a facl <_"u dd ontcnud .. l;-po i^nn of H\f> Pnrtfameut ofj!mail willderry. On the fiid figual <-f \#v lUl i .i.cm liic <lCdl i*'"UL».liJc '• 1 • i a fa .if the pc pie being mi general ai'ached i * the farm* their own nidus- ;. > and labour have r* fed out of tKe wd- d-*r« I t tii n tfcey eou i • "i now. by A- -jrfi :n eVd, V md'-ccd to part wi h ifte rt I b»» luch i n. time would ndd j little to the <v»at i-rprovemeiit and loy¬ alty »l tlitf province, and wbrfe than lit U..Tr-^nr,nf3rMT.ir*a ftLdcfln r^ti^^Vtotf^ fnirit of <hr W &tjT \ , ,/and the prclei'tlituatioiiofthcColinici. 7. Aeianft l.hn Tho... •.. Efq. late —- I , Meofthe J«ftfc«8 of P*»ce for the The «Pmfc of .he pr«p,.r.-;J Ha% id a {.artii^r of the •r Mr. Mv\ it»h m-vrd fifij h nr- *ohrji» r wo "Hi* petition of Mitti.* rnhnhittiTt #rr'i^ rr«*vm«ai- Mi"v to fh h^alify of-Ma»'rt?iees within ti«is Fwnnte.— Cii'^tfd. A W»BW| Vtr* ill th'* HCf of lon^rii'T a •nj* iit'i corn, waa frivUI -n'ft'lj. ';i!'m! # [|p 8<( roatant, nrer Crowe1 cino^v. D . i«rri--»v-«;,iir**« bv n Iran ith » '"n-i a p:* hfork up hfft iii,vi* int . fh*' ^y^ **■ «l^.' wj»« ^fonpi»<r tn cafi'h up h HilCif.— She Wed to death imn&diatetyf York. M irrh 5. l«i«. >Iis Hojiot the Admini-n *r)r ha* § • n pI-'H^rti to appoint .sV'//i /'..///■;■/*. ] (uire, to b*' Kw Pmnt^ <". r -nr . J'- t.ilip f**Tr.-t frornMi,* fhi.l ot-ta'f,) . ' thtntXtn Ci< nprOft. K quin».-i->it;i'- »l. And it is Hi- Honor'-; pt-a>nr<\ tt it all r^mmnnirafioii^ far ft?P Ia">»- t-oaut Oov.*rnor'« OHr<», !»-■ mldrr^'d I ,ti,/ American e-*vern'ncnt—I will only t< Stmuel P. J.irr/>, *>qnire% accord iiifily. ■ :!i's [fnnrr ha iNo h^on nh*a-r^ ?n, ap i inr Slvphen Jttfvis* B«q«ir^ to b£ }' 2l«t*r of H*e County rf Y>rk. rire StdfiCtirt C'i'fierut?. v» quire, re»ifned< one |n.l^n'l>rr»f rie« a Vorth Welt Company Samnel B^ar;Jt, ,l(na pnrtP^f w.di of rl«ir.«»«av forbnr. la.vand oh'e v comrtUUto on • he po't o* the Hu.lf.-.iN Bny Coaipa' y t ffle a Is Oofs in Son g ■ ^' 7' -8 Affamfl Cnthhert Grant and frvrn altitode, to aoow fii.ps to la otKrrClevlnaad fcrvantaof the North it, m\\ probably be Ho f«t W.-fl rom,-a-v as PrincioaK, and ajrat'-lt j tide ai h.th water, t; TC< k , f |admiffl>n. iTiOMJbn-fs wmuVd fwnfm in on f CiSu'ati n; aiM in the event r>f hrtU'C •TivJion. I aprcol to your own candour t-i i"iv. vi'hcthe: t^^t loy-»hy which ba¬ rn'1*- ■ relerv" d*ihM Cooolry, Would be if.n-.l to luivegffin&\ Rrcngth hy tiieac jfjiiifithmof f'»0TTny republicans, naru.a'- ! Iv attached to a R>re»^^ power—:< Dnall fhareuf pai'iocifm inderd mini he po-t- U*f - »v!io \«'*»»»1-1 f^r pi'ivale advifiuagc incur Fu^h ^ ritque, V -i7 (i-*.;*rl' e of the right pf changing a-'e'jia'uv I can hy no meat-* fubfetibfi ii>— -1' * I think it utrhlv ^ni'e'O'^ to the imiiiform d- vvh Bny r»e nwi\ J by it, ar-d »"t fia- been certainly iinrtjuivoca^ !v d*-c">r»fi by tli - Britlfli ^on rnmcrt. a<■ fro the !aw<of nation*., as contra»y to 'he lawsof naitnnfi, w! i !i dc-'li'-.t u I hi^ l»eei atlc'i on in tlie late war wi'h Xaitricajhv •-* ninnLc: of men I.»ei'«g lcn\ tii Pn 'land for trials wlio were found til far^ a^alxfl xbrW »-on,»fry and ftho pei jronerat > Wicfi fa« r*een faM f"f a rear p ■ 'r in the Llppei I'i vi'-ce refpec- ting wh<> iho ltd ' r w « (hot Id not be allowed to fen'e in the Ganadaa, 01 ralcing theoath of al'tojai-cr andotner- wiffe c*niti>r'uin;j co the acts of tlu- Biitifti "ailia neflt, oalP1 m 13th Gci II. and jOth Ceo. HI. The firlt provide fn foreign piotift nt« fetttiog In the Biurh C»!oniV»i and the fecofld ficeiy avlo»iT, the citizens »>f the United Slates into th feprovinces. Now tlicie I'cls (li'l remain v fore-, and tiie Amer-j u-ans have u.t (f fai <■* we can Jc^rii), been admitted to fettle a? fin'ir>erty, BhC« the late peace with the Pnited Stales, which ha* given great offence to their advocate? and it would appear with (iiine feaibn ; for the queiiTcio is, ir-.n a gover nor, or peifon admiarAeriflg t'(e govern menti fufpen.l for a moment a folemn aft ..f the LejrM.Hure m a time <;f pr-found ■ Qact ? With *ut difcuding the merit- of ihh iiroorfint queOi t», »•« (hall co tc'it,, aurfelvS:wiihnbfe.vii th.u after the! bid Alexander ftfttmell a« aectffary halfp^offie^orptrfonaaadcrjtcyfe pcarrofi7^3..thechi.f Britifli colonic be for. the fact, to the Robbery of ;he eircnmftanccs. the fiiid Aleaasder M'DoueiJ m -*■«*• fary before t he fad. to Robbery oim« mttt^fnMay. 1R16 tnrhc Kiver Q^c \pr»elleona number of Boate* conmn fni.rF-.T-s belonoinr; to the Hudfon% Bay Company. an<l provffiona intended Chief- lv for the luppiyof the fcttlcra on Red] River. o Avainft Cnthhert Giant and fix OtlierCUrfcs and fcrvantt of the N»»ith Well Company as pnmfoals, and ^he merfmith bttdae over the river Thanvfi which will be 6ooo Teet is estimated 4^ I qco.cco. :—and that of the dtfi^nf(J : g* ai tic *lnt& re, the Ea.st LoikIoi^ ^ Bridge of l'r..;*a:»ar,at Rnthcrftcrfii(jaj.|, t-i chord will be 34OO reet, an-1 ([} fiiips to tail Bceicrli *bnvc the neo not \0 [exceed the !um pi ^300,000. The ilaitrr will confifi oi three a<\'he9f of 320 feet each, over the w-iter, and 8 otherSj of rroie than 300 feet .each on the average, o«er the land on either fide. Be'l's MeffengercrfPec. *»thj ftcft .that w G'.vert'ment will no longer c,\c . encouragement to period* *vho uiih 10 ! proceed a'" tetrler- to His MajeftyN p0t. ftffion* in North America, exeept tr>. hatj's ttioujihi theniMve.s iiatumhVeC [H- VOfttL March 5, On. ThUTHdny !a«f fho Jfonsn (.f fhr B v. .Mr. Sampson, *t fl»- JO mttetye^k > ;. dp«froyV>d bv fire.—Tin* l^s of I* i-itnre ami BuoSswa* very «?naf. addi tint lioce my !a't arrival lutti Ca- njfda. ! hive Seen ^o fymut una u* w-lle Ptid decay, that appear to have alar ed von To much To my j "dgemtnt, \, h daily exhibiting mi"k« of nitreafiig wealth b).ih>- cie^iio: of bui'diui** ^ every detcripti »u : Wiibirnhof I«ft tlo-e year^i lowii* hate rapidly rifen from thei» .'die , and vi laj - hivr. he^n b'oh w'tce ilier- w:^ n 1 n finale hibiuu'jn TlieK- ("**-, a-e not the fymptpnu of waiU and C-cay 1 hold no p*ace undc gpvciunient, have received n tax r* f o • becann independent tote*, and that the %e3 of 131I1 Geo II h< wever laudable| it m;iy huve b**-n, whc» made, could not be applicable »f r th: Tois of tiie 13 cokmief After 1 hat jreat event the ad- ought to h-j^c dccii re/i-a!« d or anicude.l; f»r it might have b^O rO'efcen lh:t thnf- new and in le.en* nt ili'e* would :m, ne» or later be a fwee of uneifinefs r • the jenifufifjig co!oi/ea. But inftead of aduptiPK :l" >" nwafoW of precaution. fcven y*»f» afti-ran actW*8 p-'lfed iavitJUgj old offendei * inti the >pfom ot ih'.- co»n- Tiunitv, and a!! th it M* ocennrd !inrc has iscefl lo feed at w^ fine" ar ufdff te«enet hy tlie Irgtfl. 1 'e of th** moiher ( befon the fact, to the Robbery Hudfon'c Bav Compaay'ti pott at Bran- don b"ufe. in June, 1 o' 16 IO. \yni fl Cuihbe.t Granr. AleX- and -r Frafcr.and Phoma" WKay and fourteen other fervair-8 of the North j Well C-*mi-any partly Canadianfi and p rtlv hilf bietds £»" the murder of Goven-or Semple, -.nd twenty other p*"fm- ne-.ir the Icttlement of jRed River. jont^e 19:Ji nf June, 1 S 16. and alio acuiitd the f^'d Alexander M'doreil. and '.i'iu M'do.'K-ll, ;tlib paiirter, John Sevewri-il;r% Scraptin I "*rr«rre aiid Peter Pa'iourin.conim ntyeaBed Bolton- oi<, ClenStf and luerureter , as ac.-es- fa-Ie* b. fore the. f.:d, and a^ai'iil ,-\r- chiha-fd Norman MM c .a, L.fq. -Mex- i country. After tne ptaee f Ohent. Ml lb- ol iadsieU'in^ t -he ftuliny ..f the j an In M'Krnzie Efq. J hn Tnomf-n, Aiei &w»ld have rWr-n •' ho,. Hiv»h V'G'thB, Efa Jin W On Tuesday morning an rxSu.-ivi .i-.nordo I 1 ok for any 5 perfectly la pf.Nolan liufi.-d with thi litji 'ou ih«ve rh^ten. B» it-Hoi«r, bHoujrin^ t^CT< a: VolarviMo- in Vlnrkatn,waa burnt. b t f rfunaf»d\ Ui^'greater part of the giiiiu was saved. To Mr. Gourlay, I: wa* with fcnrfiP^t^ of turpi lie ac ♦•ill aojjr.t, thit I taw your lec<»nd a-' 'refs to rl.e [nhrfliiianta of thJ* l*'o feure. Wi-h fun (fe. *< if pmfrfT. fe-MT.rut fowMe^y dJffeTCul f rn rhuh y.i . firfl rxpreiTct ; I'd with rCfifet, ^* x. '» deHioyid th.- fair profp f\< there- ^ fTered Ha I you perftv-'e'l in yotW fi I uitmiion, thfi Province 'fight in c »d have re^aidv'd yon a* a friend and a po1(in. anJ the b n lit- likely to ha-e re fc ted fr «rn v-'ir rliu were manifti^ and 1i»eit. It wa^exvc^Sed in exhibit thtf an-aotage^ r/ this country in a li^ht v oVh has never yet been thrown upon them, t-i a wealthy clji? bf peoplei who r Peht thereby h 'v.- been induced to en*»J- p or. from (he Caired Mm^don, and v us byincrcalrngcur population, and evnenib'ncr thefr cptt.ds among ft up, v mid havf (Treat!y added to the orofper- i y and cotifeqnence i,f the Co! ny, and (1 ured ptopcMy snd independence to th '-v/eives. In you-' Lll adjreur, the BO'ife y >u effo*i to hiive difever-d til our tjovernrricnt a«e f»uli, that certainly j r- • man would rifk his ptrf m and pro rerty budt'r it ; but perhaps a |on*r r re- fiiencc and more careful exam max ion rr.av induce von a^a"i to change voir o putioft- Fn-m my limited kn iw e Igevof theitYhahitam* r*FIT. Ca'aJa, which ne- *• -ithe'efn ia of hi'uMi longer^ stauding than voor'i, I am convinced, that no! people under any government, hav, rew f grievances \t\ complain of, a«J it is a ilroug ^rgumrnt in fnppori of r»»y opinf j o'n, that nofympt »ms of difcoiitent havvj rvpr appeared arnongn them exeepi v«* n agitated by peifus who 'ike yriur f f, have pointed out the roev s of le «3».l]ii'e injuries unf , and 1 (hould hope, vjjionary. Your opi ir»r» is f y no *>ie*o*p fl itten'ng to 'he well informed and refpc^ble par! j rf the community, finer if ft he jnll, | th-y mint either, have lo"g fubmitted j timeiy to injitrifi anj Infill: which no ! governmeot hrr« n \\n 10 offer, nor any * people i»f I pi it a temper to bear, ami leal! nfall the nv-lt indulged of an indul- g ri ,»nd • iM conOirytn n jpryout abi- .li'l.-* rnuftbe fuppofed tranfceiidant in need, o enrtbV yon 'o nav, difeovered«i in (•' ill"t a time, wr-n^; and abu(« to' y>oVh (b-y haw r-eeu lo lopg b'i; ;l — I .U 1 '.. I i«e they ltill have at leatl v.Th ». i' prud nee uiou.»h to uiab!e |fiem t'■. f My to exannne thole If tied Jul 1 i h .iii.i pe f ."tl> in nVehatii ihur «x ' 11 ■ e\ 'Ifaii u;-.t 1 le and extent, before tv» 1 : .* 'lie 'Tuufe <A' \IT.-' l!y. i-r $*-v .. pi of thw inothtT eomii y with I "■' f -<_' - ' ;i> rimral, ot raider uni| ^.uvante >ot> a^tar 1; [ havefecnjjo reafoil to re^ie* *he par Itiah'ty l»x ti.is country, its Inhabitant*< 'and it*; go.ernmrnt, wliieh induce I me j j to fettle in it—I am, rher fore, pcfc^ly dffintereitctl in the i;>;nion- I Irive ^iyen, and lavt ih warn inlcell I iiave ii the j weifaK -ft e colon ■ —t nfc y nr own word*, '* I am fire f on influence." 1 have tie ho n- to be. Sir, Your rrtnfl i#bvdient fervant* RICH "RD LEONARD i Qrurn mood H\H. hlagota balls, iSi/j February* 1813. ? — in 3iiliuS co'.oni repea «d aud riewonc*li,d>dit<it'-d. bcit-r j calcuiared for their c<»' u» m fecurity \\ at tht* fame .tme ^ivniv-f'id po*ver to tlie j cblorual legjfbcute^toHegulatethe inl^-.d tradv wnhttic [Ji'tted 'tal' jt° ln:,;ove the in ecnai condition w th- ir t "fpetl'vc | pr«.vines, and to nivt'" h afu'l.ance to new ledhr- fion the ft ther c-unuy a1, might be deemed falul^ y With fueh power i-« our own ban Is. and moderate diilic* \\ d on our com mo lilies wdien laudcv* in Biiiaii:, we think the North vmo'-JI1 col 'rtiea can le rendered popufoiH and fl^itlrifbingj without the i?»dHciiim"^tf lutreduilfoii .f Am rjrjfti fet*ler Such has Ik en .»lir ■:-.( \& <ivr.mn,Mr *'iU** "*.•» I f'll %» \ II [coi ti'.oe until ■.* fir it** takin :o ihe-ftme (loifc bericviug that Njtid-4 inviting the unericans to feti-^ til we Ice f "C dtouCT reafo it» a dirT'.triit direction B . doifc bericviug ib:u a l.v Donald L.fq lateJullueaof thePtoce, for the li. 'ian Tcrriii rfe^; James ! e th. Ji»hrt H<> d>ne, Thotn^s M"MwtaTf John MM.ou'dm, John Duncan amphe'l. Robe- r lenry, Simon Fin trJ\'^'^^f^^ , and rciubal.IMM e^an. partnrr^of the |jw fwcrve from her >Orth Wi it Company, and WiMiam Shaw. John Sevewrfghj John ( lebaiTa. Scfphln I amarre and r*eter Panyman, ihrii * .erks and Intcrpieren*, a^ atces- larjes arte- the fa<£) On the part rf thr N'ortfi Wed Company, feven bids of indiot",ent were laid befijr* the Grand jury, but e.n*y one w* found, vir again fl Co'in Robin f*n, r;'q. and f.ii'other per fon*=f- Riot. , A :r.- u\ OK d ve-i -.- ' dtfiltoyfciG ^tv^. U |"i'e iS'o Of the fix otbei liilbi tluec ww r«rf«Me impril fmm the Mvutretil H.raU. The public will rrmrmb- r that OcioSerlr.fl, vm. Robert Gourlay, a iffiit'.c«nan --it !y fanSiEn^landi and a MhitJon of the late fjon Rohert Ham iiion of QuceifftoOi Upper Canada, ^d diff^d a eirenlnr letter 'o refide t Ian" owner* u\ Upper Canada requnin^ Inch iriformati hi fiom »h( in as vv.iuid tn ble hi.r 10 -*0-nolle a compendious 8 ittftical •crount of he Province, that it- intrinfie value m:ght be the better m;id- known tore Government at home. a*»d t. the j .Vv ji-;/>n^ o« upon certain conditions*! Fhoiild enter our proteit agaiitfl t\ Sh^ckinp Circum(lance. On Satin lay fe'nnight, a moll fWt in^ circumflance ©conned it. the rilagt <>f Went field, in Somerfetfliire A yoting man, the fori of a farmer, vboft !oiu>e we forbear to n-cntion, had pro. j ff frVd an indent ?'I ftinti for tin* djui-iitjr j of a neijjlr.ouijw !io'c cticum!la"Ces wae 'too lo.v to gain the friction of the jyou.h'n pa^enti to ari union. Th poor 1 gi 1 wa> 1 .off* lied of a greater fh <ic .( • diferttmn than Ivr Inver, and refuted to jemfent to a private maniacei convincd that it would Ditty be a lource of ui.n*d« pinef nUimately to both. Ir WM in v«.Ul that he U&d every pcrfu..fion h:? paff'm could devife, flic remaned reb bit!-, and he **r;nie to the I.on id deter* mfn tiou of putting an cud ro the «• ill-nee of the gii! and himfeif He ; fucceeded but too \tfcll. He [iGiTeOal hi r ielf oi a double barrelled p;Il >1 r.ud endeavours t'« msts fei ib* of du'v. he !haftHytookf«»m hf» pocket thr pilal ; ano tied, but from what caofe is not known, it biirif, and dreadfi.Uy wouw'fj I th*- ciil. as \prfl as ffianerinir hi* riifW hand, all fell to piece-*. She felf, m :is he thought piobd.ly bTe-'ef* ; lie d""i : ti ok rrom his pocket a knife, whirh he Iconftantly wore about him. and H.-hteJ [Irinfcll iu riia-v part** of lii^ back .ii"» he on \i\t\v The h Kc^ vv*ne (Jiund vffX hoi-.y at'icr the f.cnibe eai:|lr,t.' mii tieithir \ca« dead Tfce eirr fs '„ lif{ted to recover hut me«t| *nd one for RfT^iiitand battery, alV . cfitiilheJ of hi- recovfry. sea nM ilea M" 1 -uei'. R»q liite Gover- ^-JL A fuhlrirar**onB ca t.o ho»| . ire iter of the ' i\ i"' 1 et'.le ten: .. t e Red and nit VWH az.tinli the tame genfleQiati jrot-erument that w^iild fufprnd it ^lljand Lou« ^o'iu. f r It ano{ .n a dwe-1 m i-liauu If wc have Itatntes au.il Knjr houle; hut all thete we-r thrown o:<i In t*-e Grand [iiry*. as «m ?"fli one again'1 fohn PWtchAtd. v icntl Hayde" 11 ordi •nncei,.let tnem be dnet.y a*3*'j'j UDui. auo if ;ve bawfe a COudrtiltt u lei enjoy ft according to it- true interp1 tiou, let not a mockery re made oi true and facrcd a U- pofu. From the CtW<nlf-t>i uoitrant March c The lonfjr expected cOmmiM%h of (")^r and Teruiinei» fur the tid of offcut s rominit'ed in the Inchar- Ternt n.„ wa.s opened h«'re .»n SaturaaV 2 1 It Uu iTIl'l >piuion bedirikuit toafiigu j«dl mmivrs for Inch c •tulu-'it. Wc have no:iccd in the Upper Cana.da Joumatft, feveral rommun; aiiuut, decide/My h fftfe to that _ent'emoi*sdt;fi^us ; and were for:y to oblsrvc they w re dtftatid more by pcrfona] hoftillitv and the raticpi of party I'pirir, tnan by the tores of found realon. '•■'.•- r.ourlay wa- told that bting a ftraui/er he wa« unfit for the nffc, and it waa indecorous in him to meddle with public affafm ih tht face of fo many fuperiprs ; but the t- nth fecma to be he wa* found poffciTed ..f fuj.erior ta'enn, and th.ii waaei) ugh to get him enemies In tiie midd of the nrwfpapei conteutru, it Ih.nj.d be policed that Mi. G:>u Lys j .lUbiic at »a,uc-;f..r_ which purpof< a by the Hon. .'h-ef judice .-VW and 1.,. copy of the faidal .efs waa forwarded H*n. Mr. JulKce 2fote». *o the lutrl of Bithurit. But from' rvecirt intelligence there is reafon fo. j The Curt fat every day laft weg^j believing that Mr. hominy's p.an will.}a^ hav'e m>rw »'U«>un.ed to the 4:b (>|-| notbe copntenanccd by I.m M jedv^jj M^"u' Ci,V,:K ve' lw ' ^»KH ip ftm, a1 h-ufth it would in om tria'» W^TPJ 1>j;!'s'»'Ind|Cto>eut b.ve been fund fiy thr Gi^nd Jury : viV,. 1 Againll Taut Piiimau and ele^ other pcrfons i.*i tlie fervjee fcf the IV r.i Weft Compai'V at; principal* ; a"d jgamfl Alexander Macdonell one of r» s 1 pai tner-'a* arreff'irvjfor Vifon \n bur:;; the NbitfeS • f the Icttlement at Red k\ ver in the yenu 1815. 2. Agaiufl Alexander Stewart ! partner of the Norrh Well C« moatl ' Robert wenry his Clerk, aud one bf*iL Canadian engageafer hurjj«ary and ^:? laging a po({ of the Hudfon's ^ Cou pa^y at Leffrr Slave Lrffek " Athab'fea. in winter 1816, 17. 3. ^gainftThomaVM'Kay cleriof the North Writ Comp-my. f,.r \^ nend-were alfolavifl: enough ^jwrfrtn-J munlerofMr J (hn Kogtrson the i0l|, d invective;!), tt .dwell on iht iiupr. lit- i June, 1 8 1 6. 9 4. ■■ train If Peter Skci'n 0^den? 8 cleik of the North Weft Company, f.* the mirdei of an Indian at Green !.,k c l IjUi ' J !,n Pourfee o* mnfiev iiUedgrd irjli.ihav: b c-. com-nitted nn the 9"h 1 J-nc. rhtffe three pe-fr»i«are trirviv r< f ;Mr>v wh" were d^'*ro t\ at Red Rivr fette.tent on the t<;tli June. l8;fS, a'-'-L' with r.ov-nv r Si mr'e, on w'o.-hoccafion ore of tht haif breeda w:is kiln d. L11 the eourfe of the week nu'tton* were mnde bv the Connftl of the Nfo** b Weft Corner y for admitting to bail Mr. Archibald M'l.edau, C'cthbert Grant a .1J if«'ph Cad tt*-, who ire \\\ c ft) dy t ir rb'* mn"'er of (^01 Kiven ey as all > two or the furvaiit^ of the Morth Wed Company, who are in cuttodv f 1 rrVmu'de- of ihe Governor- I helc:moti.uiH tfave nk" to good deal of deiuaory debate ; but were negatived by the Court, my mrte ClTfTfi V?ar_£nte ba*l»te!y extended uelf;n s i'vr 8. ]• v Dnv-irds Cobb's Brewril W !..: h 1 oil ."40,000 :'n erefling^ f& *. r^jfi 1 hafi ; how fo aWu rng thnt i, , Ha* :f;i ' 'lH.-cr* hv.e crt-civa a iaiti»uf9 prevent peifon-* from approaching it. A Few day* fi c*% 3*= G>me g^nxTen» heJoitptn^ is, th* filury .n the . ivei t no., above AnmoVl fWd^c wiredrSw. tl:g for r-iT,;';. r • w;»h wh'ch that t,,r ah nnds, tJiur net hecairc fo lzc^ with fifh. that they wire blige'.l to ap. p y aJdi'ti- nal Rrengih to g-t h afh:ire "Iv.u >t *va- round to coniain upwatji of two t.ms weight of perch, falling tionr, pike, aud wthcT fih ; the prir^i. pi pair (.{'which was geueroufly givtn to the p«or. m-j. al near BnjjHfti or Churchill ftiVerj jn' winter 181 c-1 r>- 9 'guind Francos Mainviile a |ln|f breed fcrvaut of the North Well t: , i.b.e t,.pr^ ih for-i^n to om purucfe, aud ihunld never hnve been coupled with a iubj ct I 1 important in it< nature. The plan of Mr. Gouii;iy w*s exceedingly laud-.bieas far an relate^ to an impartial dvfcri-itiou of the Province, aud to the ciu.ouia.or/Mtmnf ('r.ti)h fubj-cia *o fe;t-e m a countiy loiWiug 1,, cue capiiahtl.j p;ny, as principal, and ajjaieft Jean |;a" theitidultrion. fannera"d the meih.uu'e. lifte IXfuiarls, another half hrrcd M i The Sovetnnn-nt i:t.home have been **.-.- * uupai.'o ab'y ig-oranr of the value of ihe Canadas and if the Provincial Gnvciionei.tb Imwc hitheno h*eu buck- waid i.. giving lalutaiy adv/ee lo bin. Majefty-'a miniftera reip^aing the u&uid Uati- ol things it'thi* a rcaJbn why 'udiuduajs Hi nld be rcproacln-u I.t I dcVotuu- their limit and inltut., in di%. The appeal of 1 he Duke of We!h' ton from thedcri&uj of the |»^h Couit of Ju•tree at Bruilel*, was nhput to le broujhi before the Conn of Caffatioa ■ On Saturday »he Grand Tory wcr j-^^^j"^ *'^M *. occupied for m. fl of the for en ■ on andj 2S^ ^ l° b* ^[<lit » H tillahlti hour in t'u ev,u.i g hi th exam¬ ination of witnefTc* relative to the indict- un-ni of Ciubber: G<arit and others, fur the murder of Grtvernor Semple* ■I l.ltuuii uiiiL- nup -I am nuth' to our rulers [in particular and our hi nw fubjefti in One Negonabwefa, commonly c,,] cd Jofe an Indian, a« acccfTuies to tlie -hur ■dee of Owen Keveuey. 6 A gain ft Seraphln Lafl^trV. a clerk of the Nnih W« ft Gomj4ny/an4 ei^ht othera of their fcrvantt a* pn*H7ija|« and airainll the laid Uesandrr \f •0|li| 11 • and fun(Tani Vo-idrie. d c:e;k ,1 i((Trr j prater ftheNo.th Well Compuu, H 1 acedTuiei before and after' the fici lo ttfe robbery*f$ l\H 0i the HudW •I I IOVDON, Janfrary t. By Hamburgh papers of a recent date, ky iht*mor«-mg?s mad, we have f m- thing of moment with refpedi to ^wedtfh arrangenient-- wiih foreign p. -.ver>, fumed by the Kina At the late Diet the fol¬ lowing was. reported : ** Atfti fve to profit by every oppor¬ tunity to pro* ure new advantage* to the J trade of th. Kingdom', His Mnjeity h;is j eonchid'd a Trerty of Commerce with he United iS'at-s of North Am*.rica. f rme.l on a pcfeA equality of rigbta and tin'vi'-.re- M ■ A levy o'7o,ooomen was to take place in > ai t'- becomp.et om f^ir ycuo*. Th- RtHi ii iq abon ttih leniaincd at -pit.-c.d co:difltut* of live 74, and thr r 44% ferine *•' them waning repairs, I'b'-v were 1 • fo! for Cadia iifeOU! the n dd'e »' January, 10 b<- 1 eie iloiiveied ovu t the puilh GoYen;meiir, and rheT crcw> to return in* K fEin ti;:ne- p rr». \ -eport i* i.. riu u'oion'h»t a ne^o Cid 'On Km«i f oi tier wee >,ii;i am! h r r-v-bt-dC loutes. and that hn Catholic *d ij Hj S i «.),.' ro ,ta!;c cefli.a i . pJeading*. An aitf'clf from rhc lower Elh an*ioua- cesthar the rnarna^e*if hh Royal htjfa ne& the Duke ol Cambridge w*f»n ( Princef-cf RetTe C.;.TJ. -ua, dcfini.iv It J nrrEnvred and that (he legal approfetiw ' had been received fmm ! ondop. Tlie marriflire ceremony was tot-he ulacr v loon a* the mourning for the Prioceb Charlotte ivas over. A vapirof the ^o'h Dec. menfcaic that ll|c Dcy of Ahrfi-rs h.is had a f» ow.fi.ap. f ,yv the f.-te of his pre > rrffor. On roe fir t mttmation of,the meditated ?'tacL he withdiew itrtn s f rtrvf which the c 'nfpirators rr.aile^* unfuccxf f«il attempt to-rtcrm Trpgl •h- ring-leaders were fei^ed a»d 'irang* "j-_______________" I-mm the iL.,,a\ A. i . Ihpnsitvnj ft em qrfable i'n'*erva,'hn.—\ dr.uuhl'M ofDcfi.ori .N'.af; H.fclKm^ of thi- l-'un, about H years old, m*t on the Itilh in*t. foppd h} a iftdjjhb; r- ih« wonoin, in lb. bot-tomof M*well, 18 fret c!r-. p. ..\s 1^ uouiftu vUff fn« to tin- u, fl io ,:,.--, vr.r. 1,J-1". [1 anl tnr (bid Crv, iffth su oinieni 'out.. - tkuMj ! daijilj !" tiheettpM ^"d '*• n;..i, but cpaJd uol fell wlur ■II • • ol,/ to ua!;c b,n.e con- «» ••','..U,s, 0, -oji- to Jit -»-H « taw. oof die luiwrgenujj . i-uud. toftcj 4,U(p, i^ ifs trnWv