[TUESiMY, MARCH 10, 1818.1 KINGSTON . [VOLUME MI.------No. 41] GAZETT Kingston, Upper Canada—Printed and Published by STEPHEN MILES.—Price Four Dollars -*er Annum—Exclusive or Postage. Agent* for the Kingston Gazette. Ernes* Town. JAMES RANKIN, Esq. Tork, WILLIAM ALLAN, fEnfc froekvillc, A. SHERWOOD, E^q. felljill*, S. M'NABB, B**. Montreal, N. MOWFR, Printer. F To Let A ND immediate poffefiion given. Two convenient HouiVs. vith Shops, in (tore ftieef, near Mr. Blake's tavern, on the corner of the (Ircct lead ing fiom the Artillery Barracks to the French Chinch For par: icularji aoply to JOHN W FERGUSON, Store Street, Kingston* Ecb i t, 1818. 38 "^"A CONTRACT, \"¥TILL be given for Piling and I t Burning off the timbrr :-t Pref- qniflc, theenfuiny Soring, on 75 acres of Ground, and for fowing the fame in¬ to g»aii> : ano alfo at King lion for cut¬ ting and Dmwt'ig about one mile, 500 Cords of W >od : —on each *f wh£< h contract flyy being furnifhcd with foffi cient feenrttv) a [r all advance vftl be made. Enquire of B WIIITNKY', Kingston, Jan *6, f 818 gjgtf MULTIPLICATION " Tables. For the me of Schools For (ale :it Uu< Office SO.VG. The bauble of picture we haste to pursue Ptoso- vales of rich verdure, o'er mountains of blue; •Sitt all is in-ipid to (hose who will roam ••o-uMk heaitfell delights of wife, children ] and home. Thesplendourofwealth mr.. ne!-gV for a while, * nd the mfi'ttr op*a * •vrom- i beguile: Hut all '.' •- *ho w^l roam PrMMta .-- ■:»riiii,'r'/-:■ .: wife, children a:id Lor. \ - cl "-*ill u- au ;? .:r mountain and ■ ah\ ll. ?y;>y the Stream!* or Stroll thro* the dak, . ^*ri'*.nl>rar.ce yet ftftsy with pleature will. roam Tr> *^e heart-felt delights of wife, children and home. Oh >. grant me, k:i."i h?aven, but these to ^•■ltev"d from the car*» which existence annov ; Ar.d oli ! I'M no* envy all thoje w'-omav poam IVom the heart-felt delights of wife, children and home. F<?r S&& />v Public AitSIion, TO LET, 17*0 R any term ->f ye.rs not . -xc?ed- in Fifteen, oti th»* mod rttf na To ///s Honor &a#vel Smith, Ad¬ ministering the iioi-ernment of Up¬ per Canada. Niagara, Feb. 17, 1818. Dear^ir, It was my intention to have beer in York at this lime, but my journey has been accidentally delayed feir a week. At York. I not only mean to gratify myself with attending the sit¬ tings ot Assembly, to note the modes of p >eedt re ; but, m a British subject a I >Yoprietor of land in Upper Ca- ku .1, o bring wder consideration, b\ th< exercise i>fro> constitutional fight ©I petitioning, certain matters of vitai imposts as well to the honor of tfau Crown is t • the welfare of its subject?*. During ruy leivute, in (he mean time, »t. i-currtd, that it may be of sou>e use, . • Ik*fore the public a .correspond a<& ». ;uch I have had *ilh I yourself, a:i ' other oliieial characters : and, to niaik. ,ome remarks 00 the same. in 1 he course of my travels through this i^r. viucc, wiift nppprtUHVttes 0! knowing til, s»:utini.Mits of the p-z-ip't:, beyond -hat any otter individual » ver before pos»css^d, i was sorry to uid, jot m one plar* Out in every place, I/^^V Monday, the 16'h day ofjjtnat dissatiafaettou, as to the conduct j \_Jr v--;rrh next, tf not prevtooflv dis*j{Ol pub<;c boM^nessat tork, was t?ithr*i' l.ufed of by pnV^e ia».- the Hull of a i dectareo openly, or ^pi-e.-sed oy lan¬ guage ol ndicuie Mid contempt. My own Kxperi rticuls very fai froui equai- 1 jc \v 'choose' of about 54 ton$ burthen, 1 •*.•-%• Iv:r>t» in the harbor of Kingston—. Me term*—That well k« F r further pa»ticu!ars, apply at this ! in^, in point ot V&£ttlioti3 del ;y, t!ia( of Offie* Sale ti it o'c'-ek. \ man) otliers. Mum hive Had their Kinritou Ffb. 12. \Xt&. $%'* fortunes at stake : 1 nave only uadtn> r~ "------~i feeimga iiM-ni.ecl. and my time trilled V*«. I- II k-iown va-<9wle|-j 7W10 L£Tf*n8 pofT Dion g?«tmthe] flan "In the public Hue. iln-ate or. tRvjj l£ -;in\ m?\ next, the new houfe; [fronting the March 3. ftAME ititotiW cnclofurc of 1 he fob- i | hr j 1 pnill at Ganan-.-qua, and recentl\ pied '-y c'^'h D wn», tojfeiher w[:r Bo*iV, liar \t SteMce, ^e.—For fir- Alicr oarticular8apJ*ty «o tht-fubi'cribe. . JOEL 8TON"K Gatiarwqua 7an. 9. i8»8. 33//* " Barky. [IE fabfcrifeer will [>«v tin-h!/h e(i maiket pricf f'ra-ty quant ft v of Darlev, drtivered a' his £to?« in KuigHoi., during the wint.r. Oi- hand as ufual a general affort- meat of OK? GOODS, Liqnoraand G.oceilci, Salt, Crorkeiy & Glafs wait, Ac Sec. All of which will h<* fold uncommon If low for Cafli or any ki"d of p> "'ucc. J S. HAWLEY. ginpston, Jan. 21, i8i3. 35 FRENCH CORDIALS. f OfcwCp* hatl Ju^ tec-ived a few Jozfft -■' verY fine French Cordials, a .jpojip wh'ch are*. Cre'rae de N. yeau, Cre'r^e dc Moka, Cre'rrr de Annifi, Ijimonada Soprafios^ Eau Sans Parcille, Le Nectar de Phclerne, Ne Plus Ultra, De L* E?m Rnyatc, i \_> :i-ribe:" fi nie time lad a tit U mi* a '■ i».- V|nga f'M i» led t be 1 WO or m"-re vcar« ■ 11 The owner can h 9 or nv.rc j \ "»vc hicn by it pi.ivi'.o p;t>pcit\ and p?yin«r c^aru-^e. ' JOHN W1LLET "mutton Ftb. 28 1-8 * 8. ^,o'. Advertwemenf. UST received, nd rffered for f^le j %J9 by the fobf« risers, a quautitv of! rzA Currant Jelly, prrferved Khnfpber ! ric-s, Goosberriest* Plumbs and Scraw' berncs. TATLOE & PARKFR.l J;\ March 4OW4 I TO LET, I "By dozen or Single Bottle. r* IB ^ HK huUdmy, lately -ocrupled by -if., ii. Robifon, Efq. a« a (bap, fituatC next the Government Houfe. For particular* apply to Allan McLean, Efq j j ?i Kiugfton, Jauuaty 23, 1S i S. 3.5tf| From the Niagara Spectator. a native of Fifeshire, North Britain ; and now occupies a farm of 70U acres of laud iu Wiltshire. That your Petitioner, having many friends in Upper Canada, was induced to cross the Atlantic ami make enqui¬ ry, whether he could advantageously settle among them. That, your Petitioner, after several months residence hem, lias found the country capable of great improvement; and, with iutficient encouragement from Government, has resolved to become a settler. That, your Petitioner would be sat¬ isfied on this head, with a letter, from mc secretary of yout honorable Couu- c-i, stating me quantity of land which your Petitioner may depend on having granted him, should he emigrate to tins country,—come forward, in the usual *»),—take the oaths and pay the fees. Your Petitioner, therefore, entreats to oavchuch a letter addressed to htm at Quven$lon» And your Petitioner v. ill ever pray. HOBKaTGOUliLAl. No. J l'o John Small, Esq. Secretary to the j&xeculivc Council. Sattdeet. Sov. 18, 1817. Dear Sir—M^ brother, who will de¬ liver tnix, has determined on remaiu- in» a settlL-r 111 Canada, and thinks of petitioning tor laud. Yon will there- ioro be so good as administer to him the oaths at this time, and say when is )Our next meeting tit Council, that we may havo a Petition ready to present. 1 -dial! thank you also to inform me if my Petition has been, laid before the Council, and,« hat was U> fate, iii Honor, the Adnijiii-trHtOFvw-ns to c<-u- .-»ult witii tin*. Council, as to my being (furnUhod with a copy of a Et'pott on Uie state of Ike Province s*>nt lunne, a lew jcars ago, hy .Mr. Ridoot Per- n:ipN you can sav what was determined iu to that, and «;)ou!d my brother not .neet with Colonetl Smith himself, pro. i ore and Hid it me, if the dutermina- hxcu-e .0 much trouble, and believe ■Air voiir >, .*vT/-. ItUBKRTr.OUPvLAY. , ,...........n ..,, ^ No 4. ettiujj a zi fi 'f lai,,l. Ur told mc J! T> Lieut. C t?nrel Cameron* Secretary that it was iirs'n^c^ :iry th;U I hour] 1 t& the (rover?rot\ iorlc. actually be univ.-d u tin* Prov"»n ■-«, *ith the intention of v'.n-'iuiu^. 1 n - plied, Ilia*. T,,y »ole ly-et in enmhejr, at thistiiui. •• r.s to ascertain, by ei- Ujiirip, niadr- oti the spot, whether i* would be jM'licious tu settle hore ; and that b'-toi : t could deride on Ho poijit.it whs important to know wh:«« tuantity of land I t^nld obtain fi-on with. nay next, -ae new noiue 1 ,hall submit th<^ correspondence to Mam? t'uard. E« qmre of, fhepubtk, in due utter 1 and ask PATRICK SMYTH, [jtnein cosftud) ttwuu, hdtons rhw pro- 4°: ce*-d to the pjrusai 0; mv elaeidatious : ce-d to the |,v.TusaV ol u\y eiuciduti 1 -mlj remarks. Corr^iwuuivtft^e, &c. Sla, 1. To J-ibn Hmntl E«u>irei (farh of (hi £i c t;<cc ... ..,,1. Dc ror« t mo;- I, York, 30! Ot sober, 1817, Dear Si v—Sdi.c^A la-t >»\v yon, I (have had a c»uv r-.Ji ,u \« it i> HI* lion- or the AdminiAirator^ conce,rniou; m\ the country, will, I find, so consume mv time, that t shall be unable, I am afraid, to get to Yoik before I set olF !• r England ; andam anaritius to have a communication dbrectid fo me, >;<5 Queenston, respecting the Petition f left with Air. Small for presentation u> »iie Council, May 1 therefore request this, as S(>on as the matter i determin¬ ed ; and, il i am to be allowed to have the perusal of Mr. Ridoufa Report of the Province, it would b* very cbli- gtng if you wou'd order it to be sent to me *t same time. 1 have the honor to be, vo*rc &c. BOBBRTGUURLAY. Wrote a M aiorundum the ahovh date, to Mr. Jnrvis of York, reunit¬ ing to know if he cottldfurnish mexcith a cojf of (1 ivcmot Sititcoe*s Proclamfc (ion rwculit* il in the United Slate*— u»d 'ttso askinghi.'/t to rcait on C'doncl Camtmn and enquirei for u,.\ after ih<> list of deserters during the zcav. n owrnmeut ; upon which IP* Hon (* jlsngg0*t«-d, that w.mv the matter laid fty TO LET ! jheWihim/inC-janviil, I mi^ht Iviv* ■ \% wrritten os-urance, tiu^t. as soon as ■ THE premifes at prefent occupied {» r.Ttnriieci from R i^taiVa, took theoarhs. by the fubfcnbei, confillii^ of|U^ttonedand p*Ud tV fees, a certain a large Two-ftory houfe, b;,ke ri£mfe,} jntmber oj acn.s, nww to he named. j liable, &c. For particulars, apply to Removal. THE fubfevibers have to irqnaWj iheir friends and th the lubfciiber. j '.0U1S TAPIN. Kinrston Feb. 2,iHt8. 36 I c public. \':at jc- hev have taken ;he houfe f -rmely upitd by Mr. Richvd Smith, :wo loors!: elow their old Briik Store, mf neX [ &orto Michael Cvyle's ftone bul ••',s , >rncr of Store and Wat^r otr-ets, wlu-ve- ( ley have this day opened, and w ex-1! Onondaga Salt TTUST rerelved aod fot fale at the t - ce f S. B-H-uet- - 29 A T) -JF. SOLD, G'*^-'. '; COTcnien* ffottfkt with oar* f * I own Lot, fituated 10 should be granted me.. ;n the ordinary way. This would suijf exactly, a^ i have no wish for laofd unless in the event of my really settling here. May 1 therefore request of you to produce (liis letter, avt the next meet¬ ing of council, and write to me, at Queen^tou. if iuth ar^afigcment is ap¬ proved, and what quantity of land 1 may depend upon hav[Ug granted aie. 1 am &c- BQB&Rfe GOUBIAY. SnU.leet, Nov. 18, 1S17. Dear^ir—-Jl umr leiMir* has admit- l -d of your deav. ins' out Hie li£t Of peo- t>te, wha dt*strted their home-' in Cana¬ da, during the war, which yon were ^o gn« d as promise me9 I -hall t .auk you ;o give it, for me^ to the bearer, my Mother. It la an important matter to know, to what nation these people he- longj and. 1 suppose,you can also dis- rin^utsh which ni tliern retorned u* tii- •'ovirtce, were tried, condemned or i'quitted. If any thin* has occurred to vou, generally, «s to my Statistical enquiries, since i had the pleasure of seeingy00, I shall be much obliged b* your mentioning lt« J am. &c. ROUKIIT GOURLAY. No. 7. Tu Mr. G otrfnn. care >>f Thos. D(cS9 iQP^ fi>7 Q ■ 'ens'on. (TriTnte) York, Dec. 15, 1817. Dfar Sir—[ had t»e* pjea»ure to re¬ ceive your letter, a few days a^o, reta¬ il vp to your Petition* There not b»»ing a full Council, I thought it would be best to let it lay nver until there ws§. Mr. Baby having lately a»rivpd [ «hall lake the opportuni'y flaying it b'tore the first Council thts.tor. land mat* ters. Believe me. De r >ir, Your rro -h A,*f\x servant, (Signed) RAMHSLSa»rriL No. . To Robert Go rlai/, jB«£ Queenxfov? 15th i^eoinber, |fii7. Dear Sir—JmmediaWv**i ttn» re- reiptofyonr Mimorandum. enc^ed by Mr. Q. Hamilton. I applied to Mr. Cameron fer th'- pronrisrd li«t o| de^ sert^r^and obtained qpromise of h=«v- iugitai soon as the existiug harry n tlie office -ho ild be over. I cannot ami that a proclamation of ^*&U^yw**Mwid»*" WJft ***** wi mistered in the S^rreary's OYce. £ enquired also of Mr. Cameroneoncentt* ing it, who wa« as much at a lo« as myself. Shoa I d^ however, I bi-adto procure it lor j ou, 1 will uot fail to> send it. Very trnly vours, (Signed) * SAM'LP.JARViS. tllt^tion of Dry Goods $?c I I He for (ale, a choice and well aflo tec. ^ ^ t ftVcc^ r'.r *he Market, in a moll eligible fituatiorj for any linp of public bnfind—For o:wic.ulars apply to the pri-ter. Kingston* ^pt. 15, 1817. $t ^ f. infen .1 CONSISTING Ct — "Flannels Ckinta eurnitnr.s • match; fuperfiuc an3 fecond qua uyj 'LOTilS. amoaifft ®Hi h is WeM of] ngland black, of a mo'l fttpcriorqnah 11 Ladle.' and GetrVmc^ black & Kite filk Stocking- v-3 G". e'jd©. do. rong Shooe and wo:{led Stocking;,, of '1 deicriptions ; ledia vo.toos* %c. , Which, with their former Hock, they rtdcttrmuied, as ufuaU to fell very low * ca(h. The above beintr all fe!ca-d by Mr. Phonier, who is juft etnaned from Mon- feal, are well worth the attention of the •ublic. THORNER& MORAN. Auctions cvtrv Evening, as ttfual Viw?s/on, Jqn. tf>\ 181 8. 35 WRAPPING PArK^. ffilp cx«sJlc.otciu.alityJfui 14c W above* No. .5. ATTORNIES Blank Bills o. Costs, tor ^ale ar. thi= Office. TO BE SOLD, A Houfe and Lot iu Store Street,? No. cj To John SmalU EtWtfirfy Secretary of the Executive CcunciL York. Xnv^mber 3d, 1817. Dear qir—Since W'Hring you on the 30th ult. I have had a, second conver- station with His Hono^ the Adniiis- trator; a«d, after (eonsideration^ he think-it best for me U0 |ay a pett*on before next meeting <nf Council, res- rjecting the a>wrance, 0f!and. 1 there¬ fore inclose one, and ^aj| uC happy to A between Mr. DugW and Mr. I hoar from you the re^,^ When (he S^vcPa-bi pamcttlar. apply to the tVmi»« ,s ,«■ m-nted, yoil may at same C..UI.t.ru„ Y time produce my form«L.r letter. Subscriber. ALEXR.TREMAIR. KinSfl,n,Feb. 16, ;8i8. (Stf JUS r received and for fale at this Of lice, price l/R, Poems on his Do¬ mestic Circumstances, by Lord Byron.— With »hr Star of the Legion of Honour, and other Poems ; to which is prefixed. The Life of the No&k Aufar. JST0V. 2$.. "J Yours truly, ROBKlt>GoiTitLAY. To JJh Honor Smuttf S)nithrJdmm- tiering the Govet\uin.nt 0j Upper Canada*—in C»tni< -^ The humble Peti,lioU 0f Jtobert Gourlav SUF.IVKTlf 'Vb?f -vvour FeMfiOPfr is < - To His Honor Swnurl Smith, Admin¬ istrator, . cVe. fee. £{c. Saltileet, Nov. 19, 1S17. PfHtr Sir—My^brother, the bearer, isooius to Vork" to take th* Oaths, preparatory to presenting a Petition to tlte Council for land, having decided on remaining iu the country. II the Council agreed to let me have Mr. Ri- doutN Report of the Province, may 1 trouble you to pfe him an order for it while he i* at York. After flattering inyself, that the ad¬ dress which I published regarding th*- Statistical account of the Province, had '•very one's good will, I was much cha¬ grined U> find, that some people found iHiilt with it. I have, in consequence, directed communications on that h'-ad to be forwarded to Mr. Thomas Dick¬ on, Queenston, that no personal dis¬ like to me may impede an undertaking so very necessary for the public weal, i aun wiih due respwt, yours Ace. KOBKRTGOUllLAY. No. 9. To H/s ffopor Sntaut'l Smith, Jd»in£- t&tratoi, cVc 6*^. fire. 1 ork* Sandwich, Dec. io, 1 sir. Doar Sir—The zealous ma: u- • ir> which the magistrates and other innate Hants of avery extensile tract of coun¬ try, through which I havn lately tra¬ velled, have taken up my proposals of publishing the Stat^tie* of Qppor Ca¬ nada, has given me the Atrongesf hope* that the business n»ay be brought to a respectable bearing: and, 1 am en¬ couraged to ask of you, if I could ob» Jain a correct Mup of the province from Mr. Chewitt, at York, together with copies of proclamations or other papers, which have been published, from the time since the fir>t organiza- 'ion of the present Government of this Province -* and which could be furnish* ed me from the Secretary's Otlice- Could I have your assurance of ob- taining, these, I should take York oft my way to Kniilaud ; and it will be o- bliging if you will directa r.'i»ly to he addressed to me at Queenston in course ni post. 1 have the honor to be, with dlte respect, Yours, ke. ROUKRT GOURLAY . No. 6. To His Honor Samuel Smith, Admin¬ istrator, cSc. tVc. SfC. i ork. Burford, Not.27, 1817. - Don r Si r— i a*" *rXV} t0 trouble you ,nce more, as to my business here: but the tardy nay in which 1 ge* thro1 No. 10. To John SnalU Esnuire, Cterk-of tlCe* Ericntive Council* York. Queenston,0th .lanuarv, l^lfi. Dear Sir—1 wrote yon nearly two months a^o, by my brother, requesting to know if my Petition luul b-en pre- sented to the Council, and what, in that ca?e, was its fate. I rec ire rt no answer, but attributed tKs ro Rome negligence on my brother's part. May I now request of \ou. two Hues.perth© bearer, Mr. Sheet, s*iyin^ what has been dene- a? I am an>ions to know thi>. bef re I Icavi- Queenston for Eng¬ land. Vou will alM> have die (jond- !ie-s to inform me if the Council has admitted of my teeing Mr. EU4»p{fe Report of the Pi oriuce>