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Kingston Gazette, March 3, 1818, p. 2

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Seta.** of Peteiflnw.*. vrl.o comm- ofj»1y. a^ tlwdecWioaof rho C-. anded the Ruffian brig induflri*, was ta tain wal then confirmed by the o^ n-T. t'fl) agreeing with ths i'o. t. urb sai *. •• f'.-.T ^fi»| rtf govenufteal If t fool- PprUest, »• \\ h^ir e\*r I-; lie«* adMii»i.'.«T*o •■ be?**" W • ...-, ver I ab-d* 2 -;a!i bar true al- I" ■,••.!.■<■ r<i s'-'Vi-rnm/'iit : to uhniovr r iitr. I belong ' «hiiH endeavor, b\ er,T\ hen**! mean.'. re advance its pro*- p - "•*. : vjr re ni) treasure i-. there ai- Si, shall be m\ h.-irf, AI thoi^h British statutes and lit" practice upon th"m. have, for genera- tt*i:is. re-£itgtti/.ed and guaranteed the right i f individuals to change their al- Irjnnce from one government to an o(!( t. they haw out yet suSHeienfly dc- jfinrd the term* under which thochmr.:'1 v it ion- oi our statermeii • and, but j f->r th. ir um^as!r.gcff"itsthettmJiHifln <-f tftoM! in authority would e«uv*H ! fhelr sacred h-n-t to purposes o( e\- B3iitii5ss%—th«?y vvotild *H anlde the hiws (o gratify their own whims and ca* price, Here we harfthrd ane«ainple • »>c hare been unvvati inn!, and expert- '•iu'0 the consequences. Blame not. ih*T'*f'-re, th'* eon^itufi'Ui ueiflu i withdraw from honoring the King : but hr;i,v >our-e!vo« up t<> the perform* ance of your individual pi b-ir duties. r.ndalfmavyrf go well- After what has happened it is not fur the people of" Canada to be vindictive : it i« not for Uteni tt ho . avr* been culpably ne ni- r "i i b e t Ifrctcd, Tacit I v, however. *l ^ood m/M". admit Hurt this change i* fepfto b*» iriihd with : and a valuable Tuoval lessen uas given or this head- in this treatment of those people w ho , t1. rjted from this Province during tin- v».<r. If wa«dt4termiiind and mosi pro-' f. r!v. t'at pcJ'^il'S diverting iheir oro- j rtv in Mirh circurovtances shoj'd lo^e h : and further, that if they aided or P Mstcdtbf 'M'-'nythey should in: l»ans- ?wl. TluS I'-4 on ".\a- vnluablo to tli" 3 rmince rtt the event of oth^r wnis. At: i -udi a :'-son, weafe or wick -d iM'ii* (»r puii!!aoii:iou' tit :>»• inveterate aeeii*-er-i- The) sIkmiUI drop imp* ach- r.u'nf a^aiit*-') thnir Lite GcfOHHif : but i\lvi1o they teek not blood as an atone- n:e;tt for f he mischief he has done, thej may yet very property extort his tears. in thutf addressing yon, Crfntlcroeiij [caw have no iittlo sellish ohj-oi in view—-no passion to gr-it'fv I>• 11 'hat ol seeing the. land you inhaiH priwp^rou and happy, Ficm the day <l'-if I first set foot in l*pp*r Ganada, n* w e*e:t month-: ago, my; mind lr:s ben devoted to Hie eonfi'inpiafifui of its resoiuceF, and t!ie benefits wrb-i-di might aevru" to the »vii; le British nation w.-re fhfJSc r;en would tiwnk more seriously of [ ,cniipd forth by fl libera! fcystom of ma- %1 ..'i-tioii : a id the free admission ot fnrcii'fiers ua*. rendered much mare wished to nave them for tte mere p poM-of bonk*n»Hkin«. i »w b*»foreme n $MM p«i!itieat e..t', bone, able tr ui)- vr|f. profitable to jrou, ani glorious to the nation. This exeiteel me to ac¬ tion, and most nappy I H»s to find you wjlling to assist, Lol us not erase to act : stsudiu font petition* foi enqui¬ ry : pre*-fl for a cr-mnii-isi* ■ to go home with the result ; nm\ pubftsh ilus with vour Township Reports in Eugland, This will break ihe.sptll which is siut- SngtheProviticcti> poveitj & disgrace : it will producecoi»M'4uencesever) way •plendid. The Governor in rhieft *\U the Par¬ liament of Lowe Omada* that should eiwiirrotioii c<»ntini;o they night conc»- kefi by m Ahjerinr rirate, and that he afterwards t ffc&ed h» iibfraiion. The partM»n <»' t,yV' ev':nt a.re inter' eftinff, and deferving *^f attention ; we imarine, ther.fo.e, that we mail merit th. th:mks of our leaders, by communi¬ cating to them, word for word, the ju* dicfcil declarations of the captain, made before M. Von Luxel, the Ruffian Con fa] Gellera, in Portugal. *« On the 3d. of July, vrhen about two league- from Cape Fh-ilienc I remark ed, towards If o'clock in the f<uenoon, in the lonthwefl, a bug of war with En- glim colours which bote down on me with full fail. When within a ffiort diHarrce tftht tndwflfia, I was ordered to telJ from whence I came. I anfwer- rd frr;m Riga, and that 1 failed under i the Ruffian /lag 1 was fumffioncd, nn- j dei threats, to come on board, which five failors. From the National ^dvo.nte^ January}, The new Dey of Algiers lias adopts anadjtwiable mode, noval and fonoewy extraordinary, for renicdying the eScdj of the plagiie now ravaging that |jt country- He has calculated, with jj that gravity for which muflelmen «| remarkable, that difeafe and death en only be oppofed by inoeafing popu|a,j on in an equal ratio—by which, 0) efftfi* wiH oe l^allanced, and the ftaif in the end, receive no injury. Accur! dingly he has ordered all bachelors „,-•> the nr^e of 20 to be condudted to t|. public fquare and then and there (^ Oatfin&tfot'duntil they acquired a reft for matri^.o::y- Thi* is a lingular ^ t»n bach cioiv ; and if the regimtn i dailv repeated we lake it for gramrf Id, w.thout pp^fifoo, tafcmg mth\\thJt^M m;Ai in thc ".J me tl»e paprr. relat.ve to the flii(,.and ; , ybe.ftpptfad Wttl buflttft^.L*l cargo__ When I got on deck. 1. f-d ( 7 te omfidered. a f; e,„ J $a»".••. C-ae.ada. inded. j.ad in man) l^hpert* Ajr.i^ed b;, 'lie w ir. Before tfcftf v-ut..very one r»U»t hav** doubled fifii aiiiiiiv to hold r>ot against hostile UTtucks The i«siif rave enniidenc^ou *Hu important point; and ft is notori* en.-oat mttin of themo^t -pri^ht citi- 2 •- of America were on thy wing fo s n( - ^or\ as soon as peace was de- riard. Th^y had found that oven pun J) mocrary was not inimicnlate : li. ■} had been r>pprcs*pd with taxation fo hustain th^ ombition of eonqu»*t : t>)> \ had w*enthis unrighteous ainbiti .n f ;i d in all \tsinevm-uts, as if In fJio band of an offended |V>ity : they had t ••'!! liberty ^ivio^ bitffa to a Thousand *" ;r) pp$-ion- rod srndino- forth u:»d- r l"-r mask the Dejiioti of licentiousness: iv \ ti'tvV hi-en rern.ic-tfwththe mob-ol li' rtaloe and i^'timoio. When all t« - ww* fr«'sli in tfcoll^^treM :—when y'.»'!i :> "pb; had b \ ome not only wii* m*% h1? Huxions t" be mad? ptrrtttkurs i.v tilt ttd:*t(;'f>rf;'v amipr7:vV'•i*cs zcl:i h the natural born ftnhj.cts <>jtln$ realm tl" t&jttjf thctit forsooth j ufts the time |brvo»it »l.\Mci»five toQUashthe liberal .Vpirit of :>'sii-.^ !a^, to eieet a • odi- **us baffJor frefween kit»dred nation-. nnd brin;. riwrtenipt and dishonor on til UHthh name. Gentlemen, I fhnuld not dwell so I«iiij5 ->n thjv r 'voliin^ subject did ir cj'e.t. m only rhe bi-Mne-s of thc present li.'*.— -did If uoiUTJIl only tin: value of j.> r oo:> rty will h WOUld have been rt^iliblent tla*moment but for the n.ir- ; « policy vrhirh has been pursued,— did ir coua-iiii orslj the di^ni'y of your I liniiK.nt v\Hicii was turned adrift l>;tfre)'jr lie au-e if if ventured to ripen tin 'In* .f< be »k. and resolve between rVu* and wien^. The p'v*enf time :s *H' Mir- ftiriw : y ■-.!, and \ ^ur pr peitv •nil! soen be parted; and it may b- Bft'd thai ? pirjiame-nt- which p-ratt- t. ! tiieiansfo befietat nought for two Jou^ y.-ars, conid Kttffer Utile diniinu- t' n in di-nity. Th ■ subj et before u.i d Mnanri- Mte ition forrea-eu**iuf;nrtdj more irnpertaut than th? e. It d.- n a' dji a'tentieu fo; (he sake of piiu- p^, 5 whi;*h govern Mid direct all thin<r« for gn*»d? now and foi ev('r ;—pri'ici- pl-'N -.vhi"h hare lon^ been the pride am! upeorf of the British 'on^fitution, —which have nursed up all that is )ci valuable in civilized life. O'U rou-titulioii. which has hern re. I) .:'■;. for a lie . and the spirit oi which i- purity, has been often laide*'. for its eff ' f' are irresUtably impressive, but if has been <eIdoin uuderslnod. It i> tii it beautiful coutrivane" bv which the m \> ,>le. « Ei.'u perfectly virtoou^, shall lipcorne nil [wx* »rful : but. which reins bftc'k their freedo:n in proportion t\) t4M-ii vice or in;b/cilily. JV l";«:-hC-)irtilntion ftOtfthelflW naje-i.ent. 'I he ;7>ore I hav* known, tnr-higher hflv« | Cifimafed tlirr-.e, bolh in a moral and political li^lit ; but the more ] become acquainted ■vifh ihe eond ici of public affairs, the more am ) afraid that all erill be thronu auir. unle-sao immediate and determined stand ic made ngain^t little policy cud reigning abuse. i have not descended to the exposure of piecadiiloos which \ou all know to be innumerable and base in thfi ex¬ treme : I have struck at groat leading principle* and the conduct of yiuir leading man. 'j de mi.sclue.f he has doiu i» irretrievable j but if his acts receive a due mark of reprobation from the mas&of the people of this Province, it Will tfVeiirly ro-.s(ab!iiii conl:<leuc<: : • it will mike future Governors: more cif\'H4^p «f : a*iW ^h^Ktf •* thr iu*o- Ieiiee 0( OiR.cc*1 to its lov.e-t grade. In all pa-f times Province.', hav been the sport of arbfcfar? p-nver. Want of public sj>irit in fiie p"- pie and a d« ire to tyrannize, which i- greattjt in lifth men, have jointly con- tributed io th!- ■ tf.'ct. if is an evil hoH"v'«r Sy no m^ans iMironqnerflbl", and it vi ill be worth; oj',4 Jjrilish Lol- ■ any tobe the first in SiJiricuutin^ it. Thl* J rovince, indeed, can no Ion- |ger be triced with : it must pro^pfror jiall. Von resisted invaion for three l\c;i;*-: ynx\ staked rour lirvs: von I sun* \.*ir forU:nes : yoie\poed your I wives and children to rrerr prhatjon ; land fer good cause yon did s->. Yen jar- here as freo, if you will, a* any j people upon earth : you have the pow- j"r of taxation ittj our own hands, while j Britain, ta- iimsf yw rous of nations, (bears man) r.f your bindmis, and has j-h fl Iter be-t blood in \our defence. , Aftei all this are you to look back up- o\\ the Striicele of war as mere fordish- ness ? having repelled an oiiPmy' with tho .sword are you to stifi^r a more j deadly loc to v. a-te and destroy yon ? ?rp 3'ou to^ pine in rgnomiuous Niolh der ofselcetinjf a fijW nood fanneM ai« labourer*, ana b) locating them j'»di- uiouMy. introduce improved husban¬ dry. Our worthy President tolls your parliament to consider ol paying tlto tijes of [edition to emigrants. I h ive bcarnlj patience to read such stuff and sht reu it for yon as much a» po - mI)!o. It cou'd not be \»ritieu by the honorable character^ wiio^t duty it was o lead it. It mu-t be the drivelling pr-"dnrtion«f some half starved clerk in Louden, fhaf know> nofhiiig of this country.—«honeither fetfh nor tares for it. Gentlemen, this i> the a^e of Com¬ merce, and I advise joh to transact \ our own bu-iuess. 1 advise yon to correspond with vour friend- at liom»'. I aduse you to swep your house, an?! in that Gate it shall be furnished in stile from iOie-lnud. 1 know hundreds of able farmer1 who would immediately corneonfbere, were all as it should be: men who royfe f on bcaid an Algenne privateer, of 22 puns. * 1 (ho^ed my papers to the com¬ mander who immediately looked over them, and as he fjw no Totkift pais* or j firman, he afked if i bad none, when I ftf&ftered in the negative, and obferved WYii Id dildaiu being selected,—wh • would I'ono with monev in their hands. arid ploflW fhemsHvefi as to location : --men wlo woold brinp the poor un- d< r their iving,atid keep th*m employ¬ ed till the) could notonh pa) fees bur pun base Ci:!'irat/<1 farm*. I know some of ihe best and wealthiest farm* ci.sof England who haie (P>n^3 within the last year, to the Ifn-ilwl S'nte^. on hpeeujntton. I know thn>, you rni^ht jdiB« evt-rj one ol them I|h^#*. Uym would but clear tie* Jipuj r rf rei- niinand Rlfh. It is unite n.-inral for us to keep op our cooi|fr*cfion wit' home, but wo cannot prefci,- ft |an(; cf - lice to a land ol liberty. liObKRTGOirKi.AV. aiitl flesert a cau«e which now only want- reason to maintain i*. Gentle¬ men, tiie prosperity of this Province j needs nothing more than your peacea¬ ble exertions to procure respect fertile laws and to introduce a new system of management. I have been told that were Canada united to the States, your property would rise to twice its present value, and it is true : but it is aUp trut? that if* liberal connection with Britain was established and a system of business introduced into p-diiic oftices here, in¬ stead of n system of paltry .pat- r<Mta_,'e and ruinous favoritism the same property would rise to ten tiuiea its present worth. 1 ho people at home know nothing of thi> I rovince. T.'ie Prince Krgeut ne¬ ver would insult its iuh;il>iiani;. by the Ifer ofconiUcat* destaSes tomuLe.?ood a bo vo all men ; and thai the luwmav } fh« claimsof sufferers by war, did I i.1 oe revrnuc. d and implicitly obeyed. li ifc Ktifioiuted ttKin^tobeit!>arand V' HlliU '* 'Jhat we may look to the jji',-""«.;' vi(h uneon>iiff faith and r p ". he is clothed in fieii ni.and it \% i.'kinwl. drfed by the law it-elf that h nd no w roinj. in courte?yand fi (i i, -yen tiling belong to him J If lu< * 'UtJ** o, iM.-hin^ : and though U c*mi ■ uov.rfM:,,. Ins in»jut| ft- thro1 \*.. .:., ,-v t\ a t t • •' .;■'•> o i, <*re 0- £K-n £0 our tsUiiuia aud anitfiifldble t* ! know how little these will e.ff-rd, and were he apprized of the trutn that un¬ der pond management th" public pro-- praty of the Province might not only dtb ay every claim, but yield to Eng¬ land a handsome revenue. Gi ntlemen, the atu ntion you paid »:• my first add res? was mo-t gratify- \\^ f -ni., bi f i id 'fly lube valued a^i ",u :<- liMn..■ E| rt« y.u ni, arvo to your ' i ■ * i : Tii* U. porta ofj i'uWUbh;^^ nijah i have lect'ived* far j N. C. As many of the Inhabitant of Upper Canada may iievou- bavr seen t-h#2 l>ill of ri/ht , the f;r>f-at n od rn e barter of Ifrit ish'frcedoni, it may no I \bf imp roper to inform therm, fliat tins |?eci.re.s t*- the 'Uiijeel iij^- v..Jit ofpeti- troning the le^isiflture at: a'l times: land fJ*s* it is the uniform practice ai ho y«3 on exlraordi.mry oreasicn9a to | express public opinj^n hyp ho exercise of this grand constitutional pjivile^e. L'pon the pe*ieui o'casi-m the fttt- nexed form n»«y mif the inhabitaufs Ol this i oentiy. although rt would be most desijable to see every man or bo¬ dy of men using exr>res>?oa$ suitable to hi< or their pecu'iar feeling. W hoevtM wi-hes nril to the Province should n i fcr a moment delay desjnt.niiu to Fork such a Petition, ad the sesM<<n of Parliarhenl may soon be over. Xen.- ber of Parliament pre in duty bound t^ present ev< ry l'.titiou s»m:j to theii care, which is expressed in becoming language. To the lion, thc Commons "f l-ppcr Canada in PurUamunl assembled* The huaible Petition of SlIEH'ETlt, That God has given to the people of Upper Canada, for an inheritance, one of (he fairest portions of the globe. That LJpp< i Canada is subject to the mild'.st monarch 'ipou rarfh, and form- part of that nation, which, for wi dom and power ha-, outsiiewn ev.rv other* Thai noVerthele^s tlii^ ) lovince, so happily circum-tauced, is in a ^tate oi waste and decay- That there must be some great cause or causes which produce effects so uu- uatnral. Your Petitioeor, (or petitioners,) therefore most earnestly entreats your honorable assembly to make serious enquiry into (hesame, and take etiec- toal steps towards proniotm^ the pros¬ perity oi the l;rovinee. And your Petitioner shall ever pray. [Nfrtguru Spectator*] GALLANT EXPLOIT. The following i* a more particular ac¬ count of the recapture of a vrtfle] from the Algeriues than ha- yet been pubhlhcd : From a German P,t ><*>'. It will be tcv'olicctcU Unit Captain at the fame time, that the ufe of them was not fcnewn to the Ruffian fiilpa in the Beit ; he d dared my thin a good prize, me 3nd my ciew prifoners of war. After this declaration he fent me back fn my own boat to the Indnllna, accom¬ panied by eleven well armed Tutfc**.to | whom he pave orders to take 5 men from it, and to bring 1 hem to the privateer,! hut to retain me with 5 other perfons of the crew, on board the prize 14 After thin painful feparStion, the eleven Turks who had obtained p-ifTes- fion of the Indnilria, (rt fail about fix "'clock in the evening toward* the we(l. They examined every part nfthefllipi to plunder whatever they chofe, audio cram themfelves \vi:h the bctl provifionm They faid the privateer had two days be¬ fore, T.ik-n two other Ruffian fhips a brig and a galliot, from the Belt, and j deflined for Spain, and fent them to Al¬ giers. " Thc fame eveninr/ they made ufe of a great deal of abufive langtvage tow¬ ards us ; they hitrS Ihe batches wfth ax- Ci that they miyht examine the cargo, and left thew half open* t w»8« |»tt»*»1 leii in t!ie Cabin by 1 wo men, whore mailed with drawn fabfiW ?t tlie door, and t' ey were rel eved every hour. " By orderof tlie commander of thc p»iv.tr-. r, ihe pcrfi il placed ?> the head of the prtee, faved f«'*r A Igfer*. and ei dreed t' c five Rt*lfijrl faflorS to WwtK, thuG g them and threatening r° ';*' fC 1 hen' in r d*c of diibbe.'it "Cr Relynig upo tie fouca/? 1 f my fivefailorc, w' h whoir* I bad btf ue hr'nd ronceited nva« tiles tor '*• raf'n^ ihe (hip and cargo in 1-,-fcofaa opporttinity prrf<ntfr»g it'elf for lb d«»u?g In carrving dm plan in- r.i exrrntion at the I HU ct n.y life* 01 the 5th Ju:y in view of the UcrJingU35, in tliC foi lowing manner : — ** M>out 11 o'clock, in the forenoon, while I w.' ii thr cabm w»th the com- man der of the prrze, where be was tm pioyed in p' in ting 3 ch.Trt which was lying before h;m on iht t'b'e, he deman¬ ded a gal? of brandy f>o*n me, which I ordered a Rnfhan, (ervinga*- a cabin bov to bifngto him—add while I called *o him to d» this, I (hewed him ar the fame j t'*re an ax Banding in thccomer.and told hi - he might fplit the TorJt'd flcnll be- hir '. hi* back, wlun he was btily along with awe in lcii>king over tlie chart- As I turned the examination to theei'trance ^■"the ha1 hour of Vlgiers, the fituition of which compelled the Turk to turn h.'s back e-ore rhan before to the cabin bey, I the InUei gave him a blow which I (1 retched him dead at 001 rVet. without the leatl found commg fro • him. " We immediately (eized hi" p'floh and his fabre. with which we firft kilted [the tw" guards attheu»pei dorr of the 1 cabin, with whofe arm.-i we now,.uppor' ted by the foui failors who were on deck attacked the other Turk*. After a drug. j pic- - fan horn they ah Inft their lived, J woh the exception of <mot who roar¬ ing out "Chrillfans" fpraeg into the fea (and was drowned As we tu nbled the ; others who lay ft retched out on deck, iiito the fea, one of them, ItilJ alive held fait to a rope, but a faiio: hack<d of bin hand, atid be difappeared m the waves conjl. ription per fed 1 y comtituttonal io Tm key, and if a man has no fofr or tender p^fuons, and is, in m inner, 1 difeb'c of Ovid, J.dianues Secutidi^or Petrarch, the devil's in it if a good bailiaadning will not aroufe feelira of fome kind. 11 is however (Irange (0 contemplate the adopt! m of new m«. fnres in a government where cult <m ii the co-nnion law. and where no niovatii« is permitted* It \9 well febiwn :M polygamy, which is pcrnit<«(l frf the murTelmen code, is by no mean^, fa vow able to population ;but the ewlv „.ar. rfarrecare like wife a powerful obllacK It is no uncommon occurrence for ahoy of fouitern and a £\A of twelve yell marrying among Mahometans. I recol¬ lect perfectly well an old Turk calW Pfratid, who wif in the habit of fnmift. ing the American v (Tela with provifiott etc. Pfraud fp^ke Eng'ifh perfectly weld and when he got on the deck of an A- merican flitp he felt all his veneratiw for the code of Mahomet dwindle awifi and he drank wirC and brandy f< cop'oui libations thc alcoran tu tb« 'mtrary notwitliflcUiding. Pfrand, P <»ne cf hif n.crry moodp, told me Ik was going to marry hifl ton, a boy of 161 and that the prorcfii.ju would p.iffi ^ door on a certain day, and 1 wl occaOon to watch for it. IuKcr however, of being in the narrow ibect*. il... ,..«.^K.*a , "tfir-j, wKii nil the wall4. a<»d this was the firfl (riafrimuna! proCr' fi*>n I had ever witmffed in that COurUn Two black flavea carried on ^ hradaa di(h of kuflcifo, (an Arabtc^Ai hand ft mely ori.amentcd and covered with colored filk handkerchhK 1^ otbe- fl ivs* borr a la- GT« Iquyre wor,(l(n chcll paiivted w'"h lively colours ^ Oiuitslning bride's dreitea ar:d clothfn- for a prefect, Tl*e bride berfelf WaJ fcatcd nn a camel* whole e^r-, r^i) ar^ long n.rkwcre decorated with van\u, coloured ribbons.but flic Wat cneloffj m a hope balloon 1 f fi k, or fpeciev ^ cage, that, with 3!! my rjBwt«, conU not get a peep at her ; a few wind fnlhy, mfiit* in the fhap^ <*f H3g|ft.*3 together with a dull tamb'^uWne, C-onftituteJ « wretched band of mufie ; a mwtiey afiern. blage of l)"y«, came! drivers, Sec. fiiltj ip the pro* effion, which went io the hc.fe of the bridegroom ;:tnd ihr wliok ni^hr the firing of it ufleets and n^ifr revel- of guefls difplayed ihe fum and ineafore oj a Turkifh in:irn"age. Turki.': girls who T'engaged in mar. riage, *rc generally kept c!<i»c. and ar* fattened fir the p'.irpofe, corpulency being conf dered a mark of beauty ; and for thi^po-poff rbev are fid with nut. rinous food gnd qua thiesof oil. The fiKer cfnftortn thsrt .ey wear on their ankles are fil'ed gradually, by U'creanW in fleih, and they arc not unfie~|0cntiff repoited tit to many, as wc WOulfl pronounce a fat Acep tit &>r flfanghttff They (lain the palms of their hand- and naiU with the juice of an herb called henna, which produce* a brown or titijjjr tint, they likcwife colour their eye hrowg and the infide of their cytlidii with lead ore. Thus corpulent and colored, it may be qneflioncd whether the hailina- doing, ordered by the Dey of Algiers, might not be ncctff.ry to enforce an hi- laehment tlu»t pcrlonal atfraaiuiiB, could they be fern, \vould fail U> pifl*- duce. " ThevefTel was all over covered wfth blood, and I t'.icemed mylelf fortunate, that on an "ccafion in which my fi*< !yi- lor» were txp-'ictJ to the danger from which we were f« providentially faved, the only blot d which flawed was niv own I was fllghtly wounded nn the head, the right hand, a* d the left hip__ j Of ihe property of the Turks we retain¬ ed nothing but thrir armes, the dtend of evcrc quaraurim mduced me to throw «i [rOMMUMcATi-.D.] TO THE PRINTER. In Vo'.une 7. number 37, 1 had pub- lifted, thc Sum of Reiigiou, faid U bf written by Jodgr Hale, I#ord Chitf Jndice of England* And think it ■■ greeswith tlie following fcntimentfi.ivriu (en bv the fame highly ref;.eclcd, and ref| cuablc author, (To wit:) "Thofe who truly fear God, hive a fecret gn d- ancciiom a higher wlfdom than afhat* barely human, namely, thc fpi it n« truth ami Wifdi-m, that doth reat^aad truly but fceretlv, prevent and vlifccl 1 hem Any man ihat linccrcly auUti'uC" nH . n . • , , !> frars AI r i, hty G"d. and calU n'"1 i tic invciligatioii tuojc place the i-th I i* i_- / i • • 1 .1 aU 6 ^^iuwci,tii relics upon iiiin iorhij guidance ami «*• 1 their bodies, with th ir * loihc.s, into ih* fea-M

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