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Kingston Gazette, February 17, 1818, p. 2

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Carit'lnded* !• ,}. Qnertl of I an**. w« ' • * i (.f (I.oj^f I, [Slu* dW 175?/] ... ... r. t..« * |-r ,1 p-,« I V P1^ Trine*; C.C c; S. K.- c!.-ii.-'. Charles of Pru«ia, g.g.o.& Fn -1: rii k II -nry of l'ru«-«i», r n r:. *. \ t on.i' nartu'i liars of fhis most.-xOa- Ihiiijthat he did <-»,inmi* thp mure!. ■; : *>."• 86 87 $:-• 4fi nl QC| Ifi 13 8P Wi'he >r.i«aflf Prn««?a frOGDM 6'i 01 DA her chil¬ li uu. 111 l) • if f i ! 5. i-, „ ., ;., C G Q. I>. *•■' €1 N\ illiam Frederic k of Prussia, Fi :l -rirk of J'rn-'i G.G.G.S'M Kird-iick Charle* Hmry ofPriw- Ma.G.CJ *. 3,i Kr-d rick William Charles, G. G.fi 31 'l:-nry nt'Tru'Vip G. 0 (». S. fi fi Msrv of l'rns-r.n G. G. G. D. "' &7 Kr-ri 'rick of Prussia, UocfceSft<rf York. G.G. I). SO SS WUhrlmina of Prussia, Queen oi Hie N.'fi-erinnd". G G. I). 43 $»n N ,. 35. G G. G S. > lf:0 V- 36. (i G. G. S. t I'M No 37 0 G. G. S. I ]o_ .Vo. 38.CJ G.^.i)- » 103 ChrNiaua r>f I 'ni^ia. Princes!) of j if ise-Ca«sel, G. G. D. 401 101 N\ ifi- (' G Ci. S. ) 15 .o. 47, G. G U.S. > her rhitd- H>6 So. 4t>. G.G.G. 1).^ -en. I- 7 Kr' J-»: •) ol 1 rw-^ia. Princess I ♦o\ir-»}Ti r r»f 0':,nge, G. D. ]f*S \\, 34. th G.S. ~] - VV N" 9* N* ■ ?5 G. G.G.S. S 100.— 3ft. G.GG (J.S. Vo. |01 —37. G.G.G. S. \... i(,i._;«. f;. ci. G.I*. Vo. .'<<•. G G- 0 V> in.— U.G 8.0.8, .Vv II -15, 0. G. G. S. l-iri (•" r-k William olPru>sia, G.S, ^ 37 1' / i' jv'i ' IO D<T0th<vi rf Prussia, I rim- li R d/vil, G. I). 47 118 No 69 G. G S, 3!'J \... 70. G- (i. G.S. I'JU No. "I. G. G. G. D. l-'l N... 7(2, G. G. G. D. 1^2 Ch;irle» XIII. King nf R\Te3pn. G S. 69 l.;: S'.pb'n 'T'^-J^n, Ah'wss of Fro t&<* fofejfolm iUT^out it ■?UI b*' -mi i hit tin* tfitp*? |jpr-«Mi'« |^"a^(?^' tin- tiirnue b'iiii: :'iarried »nd Itarin^ rhilrlren, ar* the kin.-' *f VV*irfeir.bi>rg^ iViuiv* Paul, lii^ brother,and (h?* Hrm« Cffs Frod ,r»**fi Bu ni^partft, tli*ir si¬ te:-.-—Til!? woold In* a *jri'Vihin oros- p -.'t. if rt»* (It«i not recoil ct, flint al- t. n i^h fht»if is now no gmiidchild eif Gf^niiTt; ill. )vt a'l liis Si-.iis, mkI pro- fcnhli morotmn oireofhis daujjNef^, an Will *»f an n^'". vA whi-'h a proper Timrria^e wu'*< h^ hoj*erl to product rfl-priiiK« ill*' Duke ami D'ul.c>» of Cioycv^i' r are little inorv (hau foffj j'ar> ot a j-. and I.uve uotbecu fUHrri* ci'i.mrh abov." a yf*ar. It ruuat, how* cv r. bf ^nfes^cl. that, until W« have r Utore ocrHitl pm-port ef i->nc fn.-m the Biit'^h bianch. tin* pablif atten¬ tion will btf torn d to th.^ t^.o yoim ti-rfitfrttf cf l5rui's« !i k, tUi* hQM nn<l grandsons nf tho hio iUM^frious Pnk*** ci BruTlaivirk, who lo«t rii ir liv«r> i:» tho fields ot'.lpiiB'ind V\ at^rloo. Thes? VnuilS princes «rrr e(l i«'Hled in Kng*- iftnd ' but thai i bnt a -mull ajievjn- liuii of'b- r-"jii.j#fianre «*^ m""1 at haT- in^ n fniri^n King ; and tMs is a con-J piri'MMfioii whii'h ei'hanc^^ aud rdtnarj of all extraordinary ati»ir*i *;»at pN-Tcamt' to n*\ knowledge« The youn^j nmn who has bfeen spoken p'f in <h^rifwpaj>»T> a- baring had a fortune 'i X't 500,^00 If fi him, is one uiiom I know vsrj well, as wrll as his family. T .e-> ■*?• r*^p« "*abtr farraer? at Chip- p-nham. n**ar Ncu m»i k<*t, and their Nrmifpari oi the Thorpe estate, of wlr hMf.W Urecervft by appoint¬ ment of the Ourt of Chancery, When j thfi hidings wne first made public here, I it «a> cr.|i<itl.r r! ;\- a j«k« upon t!u- [ffftherol tli vonn^nvin: and after it hogan, in «4»ine very slight degree, to hi credit- d. no one could think it pos- Siblrdia! thf prop^rtv bequca'h-d sras o imnH*n*p&* it has tnee-proved. The fli'eoont*! you bay? :<e< ti in tho paper are pnM> COYT ct, a^ or a'i the) iro, with theVxcepiii n - f this particular, the person v. ho Iff I tho property uw-r knew thf.* faniilv nor fortunate objvel of bis bounty, ufiV furliu i than by see- ing him^olng V- and fr>m the Shrcuat bn*y school. Cut iuttii for the am¬ ount. The Dnkf of I) vout&tre'a in-[ come !> ^33,000 a v i ;i. and that ol | (he Duke of Rutland ^126,000 by) lent rcdl. The inco;ne left to this ymxth i-. raore than double that of these and Thornton ha^ plead for thi- prW* legp.—TS»e la»c Kj^ii.sh paperSgiTethe parti, ui.trs as thej uivurnd at th.^ se- cottd anai^nni-ni „f ThonitOu,and the manner in which tfcg&ve the challenge which in pufsuao^e of tha ancient u- wjte, wm to take n lar^e pair rfgaunt¬ lets or jjloves, put one ot them on, and thrfcv the other ojjon the Door for the appellant to take up. This mode of deciding thrt cap wa< objected to, on the ground that it fc an obsolete prac¬ tice, ifhieh hasloii^siuetfbeen out <»f use, and a!*o beeause there would b" no equalifj in the combat, a- the pris¬ oner i« a N'^e antl powerful man, and 'heapjielhnt h young and f.-t ble.—^ Lord Eitenhomu^h, hotterertpruii'H|it- eed that such «*an flje law of Rowland. —The CHU're u.is final!) put ovt til! another term in mdc\ to >;ive time for consideration in a "a*e at onre so un¬ usual and imp rta-it. —Alb* GrUZ. fM, Is ■ corr of fte tfa*G*&fc\ &*f**1 m f'^oved ; tie Q?urt ^ SljJJioM r.f the *W»« Kpistlea of ktdoWO very gently. ,U w« C?r«f4y r\\ o IH'I; ;es Mr. VV. the receivernbov£ mention¬ ed, and who i"= a gentleman of great -espctUability^ was requested onTiiur-* la) b) i!i^ futherofthe youth, to go| to Ch;pp'-nhaui imnvvJIitrlv to meet th° fajniJy, and he staid with thorn -i1' Saturday. I harehr-d nvjrh ronrprsa-l Fsom the hvmlan Courier of Nan* 19. Trial bf Battle. In c&*eof a i appeal of murder, if a bnttlp l* fought, 1i- ciuub'.a)t> meet bare ucadedntia bAtefool d^ttti appal- !".• a«< u^.:al buJ bojij siuil hi* dre*;» -d ftlikts. Thfty nie.-r at »ur rise. auJ fight nth -tavcaof on- length, bnnn^d at tfir end. i'uey fa t take the oath a-^- iie-! qtomI^N and ohv.v. If the ap- p.;it • be *Q (m v i" |u',-hed that h<* ranuot or hiH not »s?ht any longer be shall be adju !«;ed > be hanged intni*'- di*H\ ; and then, af \v-ll a* if lia !>• kilh'fl ;n !>'•'*!". pr *> K'°ce is d> m »d iv-* d !• r':rn d iu roed I)- volnraux ; liv d reelue, and was little known. In the funds hav? boen found mi "ion* his pronerfy ; not one o»- tw", but mtlii<'05 ! TtieeHtafciMti rion with him diireo" the niat*-«>r. Thej.lu },.IV^ ,| (l rr;,:M d iu favor of the person who left this pr^erty n*as lia7 J j frufh, and Ins blood>hal! be attainted. iR-tifhe kills th<" ap|Hlb*nt. or ran [maintain the fi^ht fr*roi >unrisi'i^ t»l! I the sturs appear in AewenwK,h« >h^:i j be afquifte*d. So also, if the apaUan* •Spain is valued m ^100,000 a year—*| become* recreant. *od pr uio-.n^* th- fhe Se< tch e*tat- is im-mense—bwdea j horril.U wrord a */•"'• be* ha! I lo<?o hi aiu^fat-of groHi vilu- intfee Wwt t*-\\meri/.n legem% aw1 b*eow« infamms , dies. There is not a Sovereign in Ku-jlaud th»m»peNee,^tl rorov r hi-dam- rop.» but what is inJebt- d to him, and \ \\i?d to an i umei)fip amount—beared) a loan thai ue has not a Hhare in ; or a ft.Pttulvmadc mthefonrtn rcntuTyby His op Ulpliilas. the teiof which ha, been regretted to this day / n;du!a> translated ail drtBfflM into (heAI?^o-GothirIangua^, that is to ^ay, th* laiKuaue of th" (toth« of \U»- *%L Tliere remain of this tnurttfioa only the Codex Jfgcnfem of LTp<al, rontainiiiffa coiibiderable part of the fo:r Go-pels, pubii hod in 1663 by Francis1 Janiua, and a manuscript of VVolfcnhut^U containing <wral verses of tirr chapters of the Dlphilantum translation of the Epistle of ^anltothe [loman^i on which Francis HLnlttte commented in 1702. By him thei uer° discovered. The present Manuscript contains ri*ht KpistJrM, at lea«< in part. Thej may furnish great opportunity forBib- Ifeal Criticii-ui, and for tlie students of j German antiquities. They arc writ¬ ten in a hand writing, which is differ¬ ent from that of fl)P other, and which appears to be of the 5th <»r 6th centa- rv. A Personageat Milan, estimable for his km^rl'd-;' and hi.s liberality, and ti!' d with zeal for the publication o! l.Mphilas, haa had a co .vdete set of Al:e-o-Gefhic characters cist by a Ma»- vO-G ••hie founder : and the A Jibe will publish a preliminary dishertatioo upon »he Manuscripts. U is unnecessary to -peak to the learned upon the light, which will be thrown on our copies of the [{•.!> Srri;»ti-rfts of a translation, made in the fourth c&ttfury. or from co- |.-ies oi probably a much older date. I >oblemnn'i estate involvM* but this man hflsa claim upon.. Whatever you may think of tins statement, it v;ill soon be found to be true. Mr. W.says •t U a property of mo4 dan^rous a- momit, f^r it i.'. more than sufficient to;• overturn the slate.—I am Korvy to add that vrithin these la^t Tew days the fa- »"4 d \A4j*(.i ^«Jw>i- .Sir* .»u«t lg ,--t,^ rTr" fa^e) ha* tak.-ntohis hed, ami cannot br persuaded to jet up it is f a red Miat bis good Uuiuue lias affi ctrd hi- mied. aud great uneasiness and alarm! arc felt for ium. ' MUSCULa* ii.\SRGfSB. Nothing^ m »re cammon in K<igland 'hun trials of muscular strru^tu, speed and bottom of their tilt;n ua »cii as flora us. The>*e walking and rj*iuiiig matehos ai • \*t'll kr.owu : tuc 'a^ ex* iiibiti. n oi t*ie kind wc iuve seen, .\a» i feut of one W'anicll, ivho ran three iu sivtciMi iniiKites and r»<;.ve he-' a;es, and «faa11 bf l,>^\ v qni-**t, n-t only of the appeal, btit of all iudi*t- ments likenise for tie1 nam*- offhice. Th^re are cr.sys wh^re thi-app-MTormai eouiitei plead^and j?u* M-1* ftppelleefT»i» his trial by battle Th-"-- sirp T»»he« m<-nt presumpttoa or S'tflBeient proof] that flw appeal i- 'rue ; or whore rv-l appellor is uiuI*t I I,orab/»ye60, years id'u^o, oris i worH l«*i ftra priwt, or a poor, or lastly acin3B0W flf '-■'> idon, be¬ came ffti" peaceful hab".t*of the cit'/eii^. were Pwppo^fd tn n» ' thr-w ~*e hi**I The reason glrw in- ' **» *ni liat?l for fchi* Statute proei^*' tfW '«« »**-■ nM» iu ihelf the sV'«"d«uby d leKiur- ivhichthoappelleeNf'11^^ mound by times he defeated. ^« may sou, - trial by battle won* Tbi »np ol no I where thwewasan' wlwed in =• e rect proof as to the *^niceof ali di- eonmiitedthecrim Fp«" u!l° |?ff instances murder Ni qut-rion. t*t the author vvas ,M.k "«' p^rprtrateil . next of kin to th* "!wwn A" B- bf,m* presented biroselfanlj^rfwed per^o. ..............................-..._ ,had committed n ;" -ore tuut t,. r) •couds—going a uiJJe :u hre udnu'es k there *4*. no proof, *•*" u' (( N1 . • aflimiatkm on one .<» J«f °,n,> T "^ niaioi! the other, idi^and poUmde- riiiK . (-onus—^oing a inuc ;n HTe mvi'uty lour seconds, Th-^e t^ats ap- ! pear it- ir.atiy to bt*^r*i » if not brutal:! ' 1 ay ton, (Ohio) Nov* fi. A tmgnlfif Ocriifvcncf—The fol- Inwfiig iu-ulu' occurrence took place on T ie-d 'y iftfvf, in the presence oi a number of per ons employed at thi bridge lately built across A'ad riv»r neai thia place* A large ma tiff ai f! :\ v'Mv small cur dog entered the rii r, at thn fording a tittle b«l <\\ fbr bridgi —the !2i^e d-^so^n reaeh'd thooppo- •-it" shore., but fhi* current being ver) \ •ktrmig. the small d^i; drif*ed a conrid- ernbiedi-tance, and roiurned to ih- -.tore tie had l.*-ft. tl. then went Up the liver -one- distance, got upon a to^g widen lay in th/- waten, as it intendin.: te mak * a »:eCOiMl .itu-mpt to cross, hut his courage .remed t«> fail and bo U- ^an to novsl. Ttte large dog seeing his distress, re-ero^erl ihf; river, punited him into i'lu-v I) th pfbeeedi d '•. ero%> the river 'a:>Oi. T'e'1, h.id^one little ni'WrthhU half v. ;t v pfsw « h *ii the Willi do^ got cutan^l,vd iu s -we hruxh, and fta*« i: dialer f beini. drowned; the lau dog pvrccivinii luayit iatioo,<eixed bin. by tlie neck and conv ?yrd him sale t<> i o shore- Celebration of cj.-nd F« tday, in Brazil. N'r TC ^er, i« hi< T-avrls h BrMtF, thM rtclc/ibea -be "trv.ee ot G *od FrM-v— The Church," I)*- f y , j; w ua.-> h «^ ■• cr wded, and ihe diffi; u'ry uf getting in was confidurable An jbut tht*y axciti ((. musician mv^y and'jdnlieultv, wbrre^ d^ • {n a cabe (>' fil1'f | »«^m« i < u« Ai hunt- from the ceil:' g, ,a-fiv:t> j vihieh hate bi»< a found ino«11pfl*a«ihJe by human ' ,*"°11 >l,'in^(i m»- jrx-Iudin:i from the fight the who e of i ui •»t nafiotiAl in». i^. ueies. 1'rior to li'i'mi of 4iur ior- fr.r""HI,Sl rr* s(,p r- | jf,e principal chat^al. An Iraliiii mis 'iMebaiMeo* Wjl.rl o, the J'riti-.ii ar-' la n miedj ; th-y {'.u^'T *[' ^ in Vv'r'1 j! fioua.y trici, • f th-: Penha conueot, with '*nj t^k n bv - iipiis« had tor-vtl mar-Ijtwomon, dieapp>Uw<*^v *; l,,al ,! Hl,e « I mg beard, •and rireffvd in a ihic-k .l" , . . * i ,. .. . : * i <• - i > »«ip a uo the. :ini*■* -! « . i . .1 . » • • .1 i !eh > to miilC, and fatigues to undergo, leewer- faiti* i>ir* 3,° fc'* ;' '"* daikbrown eV'thhabif* wav in tf.c poi ulMtti nothing b it tiie^xr rtions of tioM er, without human h *** *1,t ,i;lj " ^'^ » pa, and j1 out t» tA-nmeitce so e»trm phystVaVbfr iigtlt of which tiv* inmiau1! ^eieni'iinrocailoW" «■' J^iwr use ^rc |tririi>>_ Af-er an exordium o irame i eapabl^, eotdd have prrii:rni-t|!u"",<!'r,<*t-, ^lu-u , ed. We haiv indubitable . v;d< net o. 'i wmlri fat rfere, aiii^*/?" the most asnnvbhingf*ats rf the kind,; in whole coijjs and individuals* it ha- emoito tMi'l ther areti wiiich the loss our|j'leeM P'<>vrd, rl-.atTajio-,a scr^raetof witioTclyand excellent 1 riocean e\-Hfa' British dragoon ^natds, ami a fa- 7* * Our read«*r« will not fail to oheiv with nit*i" t. the -fate of the electoral Ji»eih itllc'-e.iho reijerable a^e of th ! Ivlfecti rand his t^o brotherb, and their ueuier^a cftiidven and grajid- chddr n : and ttu - m tain ■ ha the three « r ^ bet c edderPtin- C" ::; -1'.' ' n:i,. (l.sc of them b^in.: "m f* ' e; v ri^ld. aswi !l a tii ii nuc- fca--d . j:» ?ucee-ion 'o the British tM- ) hHJ not b easily parallel'd. 1 llie uumber ol \olum- > wr* bari t> .1 -d over t< make thik list- and tue Fhoitne^g of our tinu, it i probnbb t'» it *enie errors n>aj bav e*capedour r.<'tfre ; we-iintll'f'-el obitsied to ot.r r- ad-rs for any corrections, additions, cr -oh*' n«tioiis. whtrh mav *erve to makf this Curl us and importunt lisl perfect. Fr^nf r:n Kn-Huli Paper* korxr .L\sorf;oi.o. V\ '•'•ly Jiav.- an account <f an >m- rr ft ..ft-..w hfJoy left a >onli» l>\ ;: p tiemao who bad accidentally m< t h* ■ in a Mage coach, on his way ti s. h 01. at S lAn-tbury. We have now b-e n-ns e teller on thisn bje t, from mou» 'i',!^'Hk(. od^el) p1i>y«r9 fcfU led tbr«u- of tne French coirathicura, in thai iiatti^. by the exertion ol Bi* ^rt^tstrength andnkiII; a/;d thatCor- ui)i:i| Shaw, ol another Knglish corps, j »a» encountered by -ix ot the lwpori-i ul Guard, aud by U\- musrular force killed lour of them, before he nns de^- patched b) the fifth. .j,,.,* Mi tbi thvine supM- pi \ (I'iire ibclf the coital h-n.i.ij Z1 h-' ,,:" K;"" oi' lerm.4 it) wbtdi y-'-'^r (wm*, ^.iiitv »i,d dt-ar ti.,,".l,ltJ l,u,,!sh "" ic MMveent. i !ii foTf* length, adop en to the day I he- liit u b"iu^ th, more wrhereeitherdirwfl ",iU »" ,a1 ' ^ du(v(i.!„tir.oac«H1l"v10'C0"'J be8d- «irh the crime, or !>cd *M /on^cted ^tucw.dir^tpro, v,i,,'";v"J "•*' ab' ..Inf sneni.-j.,, arose 0"' "J",l'"'l,t f»u«< denc«Vo air nl ma'"1" ^1!at'-"' 'vi- n.ent,th.,,«,cH.r.:',er f"f «" f»ditft- haw his trial by brU™^d*"*l,0.tto nnc a ;• iif;i-ij:aii .n (] ;nujt ;tL4 lliir. (Iu'mI O t -lvr(20, from which we extract the following particulars j i, TRIAL HX BATTLE, A very sir.^.,lar case ha? occurred in Eu^iAud rtJtkh tscite* ifrfit attention. Our r-adfrs will probablj recollect tiiat we. mentioned some weeks ago, the trial of one Thornton hi England fot ii«e nin Bit of Mar> xV.hford. Attho' the teffimony-ms very strong agaitnt ili»nit.>n>M (he jury did „. t tlii.ik it • uffioicnt to convict, and he was acquit¬ ted. 0„ .-xaiMUiatiou, it Has found t..at bj the common law of Great Bri¬ tain, in cases like t-.i-, the nearest re¬ lative to thetleceased has the right to appeal f<ra new trial. Arronlliwli rue brother of the deceased a sjeudfii youth Jia^ availed himself of this prin- lege anda HOW trial ha* been granted. it hah also been discovered thai by the ■in i. nt and unrepealed laws uf K„K. land/he defendant afi. t an appeal lor^a new trioi, has j .lju to d.-eid • thetrU JI b; Silljle cvuiWat with the appellant words the imrpos:.Ut!0; °,r ln °,h'r notlobeu.n)eces,nCl.;".01 * "! » W ho^anSa^chymi«1|r;l>rmTO^T,,Pr \Vl1..,i!,rt|1ep.rse::l;tU,,raT;,1.*l,ek,,0t- comes under this :" .l"a^.of. »:»<>r:iio.i rreatpointtobede df"M>"«*0 h th- //r/e we cannot bu< TU,"d : H1,d /"•'"'« that the verdict of if <&*" *» ,°pi»^» .i-.d the subsequent il ( «^n«r's l„q.,esf Jury, tho0l!h they U,nd?,«o1 a «,f""' [idsitiv«pro-f,at 1( fl,> h0< amom,t '" er requisite in a con a*J suPPl3 «» <>*»»- ff. 1 'uuterolea—thr» fv istence offcl valrenr l . , n tx _l»ent suspicion," MANUSCRli:™7M1, Av In Mai, one of Ihe^T^ Ab&e Ao8»- Ambrosien Librarv" *-,bra"a'» ^C «ip ed,that two Toluir'.'"r;"l'as(list,rVf'r- : e:i<-d outf ,l Pc'ued h fn !' the en tain Iimmediately diopned tnd dilcoverrd an euo mci'S erof wi;h a f:d fu d w oJm image of our Saviour, excecdinoly well carved and piiiucd, and ar- und it a number of angel* rtprefeutcd Kv leveral | yO'ingr p. rfong, a'l finely decked out, and each brarin-; a iar^e pair oi out ftrch-hed wingn, made of gauze ;^ mae,j dreifed in a bob wi^t and a pea-giecu robe, a* Saint J ihn, a d a female iuee- lin^r ai the root of the cx-jfo, a^ the Magdalen ; whole cbarafier, as I was mfr.rmed, feemiogly that nothing might br wanting, was not the molt puc. rhe 1'iarcontinued, with much vehein- rUCCi and much action, h!s liar-alive of »h crucifixion, and, ^tter fome minutes again oicd out •* Behold they t ke him him down !"— whet* four habited in iirii»aii m oi Roman Hepped forward. The countenance^ ol hefa per ous were in cart concta ed bv wrapp-d up in a \vh I- fhcet. All trifi w-8 4 ne by word cf command from the pieacher. The fermon W9$ then qo;ck- ly brought to a coaciufion, and wc lcfj the church." rilOViNCIAMMKM \MP.NT0F' VVi'FAi CANADA. from the Upper Cttnnda Grtzrtte. Thursday, Feb. 5, 1818". At tvo o'clock, this d.y, His Hooof the Adminiftrator of the Government of this Pro¬ vince came in Stare to the I.egifl.uive CounciJ Cham- ber, and being ie-itcd on thd Throne, the Gentleman Uib- er of the Black Rod wasfenb ti require fhe im'j.ediate at* tendance of the .Aflembly?- which being cime Hi< tlo« nor was pleafed to open the. SelTirn will the following SPEECH :— Honorable Gentlemen of the l?- gifiative Council, and Gentle* men of the Houfe if Affembty. The temporary adminnTac¬ tion of the Government having devolved upon rue, I have cal¬ led you together, in General Affrm. ly, at the ufual feafon, to deviie and enact laws for rhft peace, w«-lfjr'f, and t/ood govy er/f tnent of the Province. . No change appears ro havCi taken place fince your iaft Seflion, in the&tie of His Ma*. jetty *s Health, The melancholy death ofhef Royal Highnefs i lie Princefi Charlotte AtyeusTAs in cir- curr ft ncc- of peculiar intertill, Iu* difappointed the h< pc of |rh- Nation, ar.d fi led everf bear* with grief and Ctdnefil* The hlellrngs derived froirt theilluftrious Hotiic, which it was fnndlv hoppd ?h-. ;nniablff T'r'w t^ wmmiVmtd <•.<, coV.'fll nuc have no^ ben linn ted to fhe Rririfh Hies, ur c.\renclC(f to tterrmo e ; houn s ot jU Empire. 2ndin a> efpcci.il man¬ ner have been felt in ti..s t<«. tered t'olony.—Trie ex ttfiion .T its forr.^w wi,l be unfeigned arid un;ve> fal. His Royal i iighnefsthe Prinne. Re 'cut, has been pr-.ici uflv jp'eafed to devote the procc^lg if the Kdafes vetted in IH.-. M* jefty, under tlie prr,vifi,,ns ^ the StHtme, to dedare certain perfonstherein described Aliens rocoirpr.nfit? the lofe of \lx&\, vidujls by the invafjon of the Enemv. To carry in*o efTect the gra. coirs bntentkm of His Rovaj lliirhnefs, fome further Legisla. live provifionmay be required. The Comroifliotiers appoiatj ed to meet the Commiilioncrs Lower Canada, to form a o •fit contain a second wr toimous nnrns^crpt> 1 or between the line" W, ****** »T » <l-r.osHvn,!lrch-uCS"f.a,",,"'r' ** «N well kuuwa tw ^^""w^^rrMiee OUIl, oldicrs, bla< k cr-.pe Two of them aicctuled ladders ptactfd on each five againft the crol's, ami t mk livvu the b.<ard, be^un^ iht Icliers 1 N R I. Then was remove-! the crown of thorns and a whi-u cloth was pot -ve>. a.,d piefled down upon 1il.r hea-l j whi.h wa& fo0li ukenoff, ami mown to the people, ftained with the circitlar mark of the crown in b oo.i • this done, ibe mi% which t a-.fix the hands, were by dtj/rer.- k. ocked out andihls pr-xluced a violent beating 0f brenftg among the female part of the congregation. A long wbiic tine bandage was next p^(Tc.|, n d r,j,ehar«„ Parian criuw>__ , jj, 4 lhc ifI1Itfe . J, ^ ^---| P'oviiionai agreement in re!a, tion t«'the!vevenueari[!n^from imporrsf.om Lower Can'./Jain. to ; his Province, have reported ■heir proceedings, which will be fubmitied to your confirm. ation. Gcn-lcmey of the H.wfe of i 1 he Accounts of the Expert. diture of the Jalt near, will De mid belore you by the proper Officers, with an Efttmateol what maybe requifue for the rapport of the Civil Govern- men-for the current year. Hon Gentlemen. a«<{ Guvkmen, Hls MajeUy's Government having countenanced a Mi>ra- •ion horn the Uniicd Kingdom r.-thePruvi.cesot Lower and Upper Canada, it is extvrled that grrat be .eiit will reiltlt to this Colony from the accerTion J aninduUrious and loyal n-p- ul't-on, and [ rcconpi cm to T »rconfine aiion, Im-.v t ,• it *uav be expediem tc, niU the,. A4B 67

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