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Kingston Gazette, February 10, 1818, p. 4

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j?n\TFpT TATTY Mansion U >-> . ATOM P."TTT tTARD, "WT? I > I IL t acip.»*.i-i! the pubUc, V '* r " he h .:. c 'ff.pl i v fin (h .! an - e£&bi i <iw Ubi't t.v. ilory b-uie in if . viiiii.-t:uf J" •irti ftviuf.r the ac • ■;-.i;i!'!'.(IiiTl(«:i of Gentle ru». fl & L^Otca. T- ere bcli«g an rifijaut arched r<»oaij fpriy feci in length, ,V-^nil*iMi and i a- di^ mar aflembie wuh propriety for civil I Travellers may rely on finding g«»o arc-™.- nodations for Horlcs and Carria j ges, with T-od attendance* I The Inhabitant* of the Town and its vtrinity will always find the ben and pu. Tc'r Liquors of every deferiptioflj loi prompt pay only. No pains will ^e fpared by Mr F. t» gu*e univerlal 'ati>fac\:on to all who may think proper to call A few boaidei'K can be accommodate! at a reafonabie rate. Students at the I i di! nymusi always haatche prefertrnei — Weekly payments will be required of flrni{(Ts without furety- Ernest Town, Jan 5,1818. 32// Contract. AN/ ptrfou willing to Contraft with the Subletihe- to take tht j >Jlow?jag quantity of LUMBER.) to Ivl^rkct, to be delivered at the Cr -f-, ,in tbe Port of Montreal, or at Mew-L.iv trpool Cove in the Po-t ot Qu< bet\ a- may be required, will apply by Lctterl P r>-T*aidf to the fubferiber, Town of j KuioflAn, or to M-fT's. McLean and McMullan at Prcfcott. t$wc : ex i\ c ttfflber ready raf'ed 4000 Standard itaves 1 ontbewa- 10000pices 2 4 3 in. deal-.J :er edge, at the Kingston .vliils. 2.0000 feet fqoare pine timber ic.idy rafted ; 5000 Standard llaves "J <va'ers 6000 ps deals 2 4 % 3 hi. J edge, al Gananoquc. 6c,oco feet fqnaic j-me betwee> WeUe^b Iflandand Puicott,' reauy raft ed. • W WM. HAMILTON. Kingston) Jan. 6, 1818 . $2 FOR SALE; ON»cafcHiab'e terms, that well known (Ian \ foi ? Tavern, filiated in the Vftageof Pr-rlc -ft, Lots No. 9 and 11. fn -nting the Jmrf Highway, ?.t\d hr^iwo tfory frfhied Ffowfe, well fin tided, with a lar^;- Kitchen in thf rca» ftiibWng forwenty fpans of horlcs* a flied feArt-^C fort long, and a good huufeoii the rear Lot, fir for the ace n<mod.tfoi» oTa efpcetablc family. The wno'e of the buiidiniis thev\>n, being finifhrd in a w- rknianlik"* ma.met, and at prclc 1 ooupiedby Mr. Alexander 13. McDon clK a- a Hotel, For further particulars, 3p»>ly to the fubfc»{ber>i, or to Mr Al xander Mac- P'lOvH, Junior, Merchant, Kreicott, by vhrm the ten's may be made known, aid *•» indtffuttakh title and immediate rof - ffioii VlH b^ iTtven. ALEX. KA'CDONE-LL ft CM Kjiigfton, 3J Jan. 1818. 32tf GANANOQUA Ptore & Mills. rttiARLES M-. DONALD having kJ t ken h\* hvoxkrr Jolin McDon ' \ into uarlJicr'hip. the hufmefa in \\\- utc wil be conducted under t'ic firm of C is: j. McDonald, Who keep for la c a general aflort- 1}!?Y GOODS, GROCERIES ' IIARjyirARE, CROCK' R\\ and mi'ft artie'e' '-nqiircd for at a Conn try >>t ne, which they offer low for Cafh. Saw LogfijSquare t'imber, Stave 1 Potalhes, and moft kind* of country Produce. They have a good Grift and ^aw Mill in full operation—can Manafact- me FLOUR, ttqual to ary Mill in the Pri'viuco ; they will -fupply orders foi Sawed timheroi almoft any defcription at (bunt Notice. c k j. Mcdonald. Gananoquti, Jfatt. IO, 1818. $3tf Alhhofi indebted toCharlss McDon¬ ald, whole accounts Invc become due, are rrquefted to to make immedi¬ ate payment.- C. Hatch 4- Co. OFFER FOR SALE, Elegant Br a-! top b^ll back, "* Fancy & Wind for bamboo, do Slat back, R*:d Cane fcat# Waterloo, Common, Rocking and Children'-? J WARRANTED GOOD, At their Chair Shop, oppofire Wyn' PowlVs Tin and Grocery Stoic, rtorc lire. Their Chairs are fnperior to anv they have hitherto offered foi iale. Country Produce received in payment. (X> Cabinet Ware f >r fale as above Kingilon, Nov. 10, (Si7- %^\i ofi 5 BOOK STORE Removed opposite tke ft»§« of tin; Bible J. B. Clieesman, n ESPECTFULLY informs his it friends and Ac Public, that be continues the BO( K BINDING, and in. nk book m,\ nufactory in all its various -anches, two doois from the Bo k 3t01*- Blank Bo ks Rjledand Bound to a y pattern j lihractes repaired and old Book- re bound to r.'atd. in Setts, or in any llyie He has*" hand, at the Book Store, a general allotment of llltnik Books <r Stationary : Confiftinsof Ledgti". Journals, Invoice, Day, Letter, Gua..-. Orderly, Receipt and' Memorandum Book-. Alfo, jufl recei»ed,an Invoice o( Books ; among whii-h are, liutton't Mathematics, Ben- jnmin's \rchiteftuu. Walker and John- Ion's Pronouncing pictionarka, do. in Mmiature : Nugent"1 French & Eng'ifh Di<a;,n3ry, Pcrri.," French Grammar, and Murray's Scro'1 Books ; German Fh.te Preceptor, S#»* & Utde's Vo- eal MuBc, bibles, refiamenfa, Watts' Pfalnw 3nd Hymns. Camp Meeting d... and Scientific 1 i^'"" adapted for Children'* Inftniai-'"- Ail o ders in his "e of B»fine6 will be ihankfully receded and punctually Jttendi-d to. Kington, Dec. |» '«' 7- *$£ MOORE'S COFFEE- H 0 CSE. Executive Council Off.* ce. For tittle, ■ ririHE N^w MI LLS on Die Creek, JL iu KieCcrick;b"rgh, in ^.»oJ re pan, with the Weft half of Lot No 25, jn ih-- fonrih conccflinn of fair) Tov.n ihi- , with a fmatl, but t'Onveuicnl Dwtl- Ijpg iioufc lh<non ercc-lcil. ALSO, Seven Hundred ami Thirty acres of L*nd, iyinr' in the Towulhip *if Lueh»- bcr, Diftrict of Montreal. at,d two h'.in- dicd acies'ii* the Townfllip of Camden, Midland D«ii.id 1% whole will he fold cheap. — Io» particulate, apply to Mr. |. Ttittle, Kingfton, 01 eo theiub- fcriuer, on the prcrr.il-s. Matthias Smith. Ft cdtr'ickfburghi D X. 9. ! 817. 29-13! J'ork, tzdoa. 1817. ^TOTTCE is hereby given, by oider 1. • of His Honor the Adir.inillrator in Council, t»* the Reprffenidtive* o' John Galloway and IV-iHiam Caldtuclh to make good any pre ten fit m t^ h)t nlln bcr iwtfiuy nne in tht- fifth coneciCon of tin Ton '.(hip of Kfngtton, vpichmfix months fmm this date, or it will be granted ro the occupant, wh.> haa been tu poiTciEon iixtecn years. JOHN SMALL, Cli. if the Ex. Council. & NOTICE. THEfnbfc.ibcr hereby forb.*d9 ail and every pcrJVyn orperfon^ fivim mtdling 01 n ;:kin{j, or Cutting anv tim¬ ber, 01 tvefpafling in any (h .;-l whatever upon Lot No. 2ly intii**jih conceifion of tiic tow (hip "T K.i.vritin, on pain >>{ beiog proteciHcd acoVdrng to Lav. JARVl- WORSEN. Ktn.ifton. OS 22. 181*7. 21 m6 FOR SALE, Kf\f\ Acre^ of Land it. che Town- flup of l.anfdown. 10 wit, lot number io, in the firfl conceifioi*, inciti ding the Broke1 ^ro"t iot number ic and the Eall h^lf .f lot namber 9, m the 2d onccfllonc, beitjg part of th<* traft granted to the hefw of Lieut. Governor Hay. For particolarfl, enqui e of JoJ Stone, Efqui'e, ofGanan que, or Dah- iel Washburn, tiq'.iie, ofKingft*i0, at whole Office the evidencen of tith- may be feen. Jan 5.—32 Mail Stage. fgpHE fnbfcrit r informs the public A that he iotends running a »Sta^<- from Kingftonto York, and from York to K-ing'on, the eniuiog winter, and will commence as foon aa the fleighing will anfwer. To leave Kingilon and Yoikevery MMnHay.it w«> o'clock. Stage Fare. From KinjrUo.-to Beiiville,three dol lar- ; from Kingston Io r>\ Idea's Irni»fo do Is ; horn Kingsron t Y»rk. ten dote SAMUbLPURDY Kiu?f!on, 28/A Nov. 1817. 27 / Rags! Rags. ^Abli paid for Clean CO I- ION and LiNhW G S, A 11 AT iiiio IHL SUBSCRIBER, "I5T> EGS leave t inform hi* friends & UlU the pnhlic generally, rhat he ha removed fiom his former Itaud to tlie ftop lately occuoied by Jonas Abbot & Co. neai the Market Place, where he has now on hand, B general aflortment of Hardware, Cutlery, &c. Which he will (ell on the molt moderate terms. To letj the (hop lately occupied by the fubferiher, and p •{Tefllon given im mediately. S HMUEL SHAW. Kingston. $th Jan. 1818. 32 For Sa : at this Office, A READY RE' KONER, Shewing the valii'- f Grains ol various Gold Cmn$i current in the Provmc- '«fUp0r* Cana da. ALSO, FJ. -.- iVS [mpnwed Tab • - \\\t mh e of Grains j.i Gwld Coin, 4 *tr or under weight. John Moore, rfc ETURNS hi- foctrc acknowledp \j ments to hi" Friends, ad the Public at laroe, fc <htn p. ft favors, ai.r wifhrsMft acquaint I'heOi tha' hi haR re¬ moved to Mr. Am'^son's nrw Hoik Houle, oppofire t« Mr- Wetfel's Store in llore flreet, wherf travellers and rih era may n'y upori L!0"d accommoda tions and attcndaM^e, on reafonabie erms. The fubu.'»ber, having rented thU large convenfe."* n!,d elcjjani build- in a, has fpared no 1 xertiou- or expeucc in his power, to h^v* tt fit ru I (bed and at tended in Inch a ma""er as to merit the approbation of his former cuhVvmers and [other* who may h"f'or him with thtii compai y. Notice. j ALL prrfons indebted to tr.eEflat- of the late James Cnmmhig, lai- of HaHoweil, deceafed, $n reqoefted 1 cail without de^ay, and rcttle the fen.« with Mr. Jamfs McGrkgor, do^ « charge of the cftablifhmem, at Hallow II bridge ;—and thole who have clam gainft'the faid efiate, are dciired h prefent them for adjuftment. The Rock in Trade of the decealed confiflfng of a very complete affortmci.'. of Goods, well laid in, and very fuitabh to the Counfiy, is now feJling eft at pri¬ ce* fo low* a* will defcivedly claim UM attention of the public. Cafii or Country produce will be tak¬ en in payment, and a credit of 6 month* given to icfpon/ible Fairncrs, or others. WM. MITCHELL, j LXCC"lor* Kingston, 032f$ mB\J* J* THE fubferiber returns Ilia niofl grateful thanks to hi3 friends and cuftomcrs, and the refpeftable inhabit¬ ants of Kingiion, for the libera! en¬ couragement he has received 11 nee he commenced buiiiicfs in this phce, and would inform them that he fli.l carries on rhe Tin, Copper, Sheet Iron and Lead Euftncfs, in all its various branches, neai the Engineer Yard, where he hopes by hi.- aiTuluity and attei tion, ftill to merit a fli.ire of public favor, affuriug them that nothing (h~iil be wanting on l»i- part, to faithfuilj execute all orders with which he may be honored. llrhasfor fale, a large aflortment of the be(t Englijh Double Tin Ware, of ev- ery description, ever oifcied lor lale in rius Province, and a larrre afloitment of Japan d, Copper and Hard Ware, H-: ;i Io kvcD^ on hand <»u afloitment of Sheet Iron Stove-, Stove Pine* and Elbow . 40 boxes of the brll Double Tin, and 60 boxes bell Shi et lion. f. f Ule cheao- (£sProduce will be taken in payment, James Meagher* Kingilon, Sept. 30, 1817. 141116 LANCASTRIAN SCHOOL ^J^HE Midland District School, on J- the Britifh System of Education, under the fuperinfrndei'ce of Mr. John- con, who has been engaged as Teach- • i, will be opened on Monday n-xt, ifitlt November—The terms of Tuition ihrer Ihillinga and font pence per manth, pay ;ib»e in advance. M0RNT&AL LADlts Seuiinary, (Tndcr the Direction of tyr & Mrs. ANDREWS, afliftej by their Son ".nd Daughters, rlJE Pupils arc limited to Thirty, and mult Ciiter for the term offo nonths at leart. It is requeued thi ! hree months notice of a icnioval w[] be given, that vacancies as they occur, may be filled. * The terms for Education, are fromj <o 3 Guineas per quarter ; always n^ in advance. School Entrance is One Guinea ; an! j Fife Shillings per Quarter cbatgedfoi Pcof and Ink, fupplied by Mr. Andren One Cord of Fire Wood, for eact child, (who \i a boarder) expeftulio the Winter. Every lludy comprifed in aofeful.lfc erary, and accompliflicd Education, I taught in this EAablifhn.ent, by theref. pedlive petfons engaged. In Drawing and Painting—inftrur£liV:?s are given bt Mr. W. W. A; ORtws ; and in Mnfic, Dancing, and the various ufes of \^ Needle, by the Mifles AndieWi, Mt'j'-Cj Dancing, Drawing and Pm, ingj in its fevera! bianches, are charge! for as Extras. vJufic pei (^j_. 3 Guineas, entrance {guild Dancing, 2 do do Drawing. 2 do do Young ladies admitted aa boanlm at Nine Guineas per Quarter, (paidin advance) and arc required to fuwlh their own Bed and Bedding ; and a Table, Tea Spoon, and Napkin, for their own accommodation. They will be allowed tovifit their f> ia*u* on Saturdays only. N. ;*-. i; 18 kii'Mvn that unfoondcd«« ports are in circulation in diftanl p!ac« (fuppofed to aufe from finilkr motiw) calculated to leffen the reputation of thii feminary, The Principals therefore confident neceff.iry ti> reqtrefl perfoni relidingltf ftom Montreal, to feek information con* cerning theii ellahlilh'ment of any o their truly n-fpectable patrons, whofe children are under their care* Montreal Dec. 27, 1817. 3,ffl1 HehaiaBoody^^fe^f^twvjt ^ "^^^^l^VrX k*X riagwand Horfe.- 24 R. M ANi ON.Scc y. Soupflevery day r irp 12 ro 1 o'clock. R in\\;tont Del. 1JJ , jj . - . ^ 2tf J rut sutocRusm lirll-l' receive propofals for hufld- f f ingaGRlST MILl.at Can- anoque.on the Nortl, f,de of the rive r, and for malting a Gao»1 to take the water fn»m the rapid* .\ \\v fyrdm^ p?aee t- the Gully at «... biidiiig wberetbf Mill is to be placet. He reqUelle that pio- pofals may be given to him betore the 2Gth of June .^ext. A Trwn plot will belaid out thi- ieat.,n a. t|ic above nam¬ ed place ; the tcrtRs of fale and h-afe will be known by apjiJyjjigft! the funferi- ber, who has for f;iU 1174 acres of Land on the River R/dca.i, bi ing lot> Nos 5. 6 and 7 in \'{v() conceffi m and No^. 5 Si 6 in rh. fceond conccflion, with the biok.-n fry r in the towulbrp of Xfarlfeoroiigh ; Mfo for Sale, feve- ral lote* of land and 'own Iota, at and in the vicinity of the r, w . of Kingft m, and a Honfe and L,t in Kin^t^on Likewiic, N>r fa.e. the E^fl half of Lot number thhty four, in the freond con ceilion of the tow. hip of Dar.ington, containing too acr < For further partict1^^ app'y to JOHN FERGUSOR Kingston, ip/j Mtly, (817 52tf ~~ sTOvm" npHE fubfotber ha, jufl reaver] at 18 hi- Brick iloi>, Front ftreet. Dou¬ ble and Single 8 WVES Isf Sheet Iron, And ha< a!fo on lr3nd as ufual a gen¬ eral aflortment < f Dry GOODS, U<mxm9 AND GRfK'ERiLS, Crockery and Gla&Wan in Crates, Linfeed and Currier Oil, Paints p»ound in oil ;—and exoccY in a frw days an addition ro hi-Stock, all oH iVh wul be fold extrerreiy truai,at wh c fair* S H \RTI.ET. Kingston O'd 20, 1817 32 For sale, or to let, ON remark »b!e low terms, and pof fcflion ,:ivei. im.ncdi.uely the two ttory ^to«.e Home anlyow.ed bv Mr, L) To* 11. Fof fohfer there. B 5 . STARVES. Kings/on, Dec. 5,1^17. % H ^ ^ T E the fubfciibersdo ccit'fy upo: v ^T oath f't the original fctt.'e- inent in the townlhip <>( Kin^lt :n, was m.idc a^n-..;blr to the annexed plan, that the toads interfered each other a? right a«g!e*, and that at the f«-nir cor- ncrs, !hike^ were plant. J at right angles, n"d 'hat <ach lot butted and bounded ditcAty oppofite in concfo >nding num- l-c, and that the lc>t*« were ftakf ' a-. w-!^J in the rear a- in the front) ai-d that tilt I foil fftler* took their land* Fart and Weft from the road between the lots No. 17 and 18 in the townftipof Kfngfton. Signed JOHN WARNER, SOLOMON OR.-ER, ARTHUR ORSER9 J.sAAC OR.-ER, ELIJAH GROOMS, Kingston, Nov. 2, 18 J6. 32 fu order that no oerfon may plead Ifrnoranct in taking any title from Je thro J-ckfon, on Lot No 15 in the fc¬ eond conccfTtoii fr» the townfliipof Kings ton, the property is the fubferiher'; in 'r»\v and equity* and will be recovered asj C«on as jufl ice can take place. fept. 16 1817 Amos Anfey. Public Notice. THE Subfcribers, Executors to the Estate of Charles Sf»art, Efquire. d-ceaftd, bte Sbrriff of the Midland, Di'tridt,hereby request-, all thofe indebt c' to the faid Estate to make immediate payment to the laid txecutors :and at! thole who have demands against rhe Estate are requested to produce the fame duly attested, in order that a Stttterotnt of the Estate maybe efl'ected a: fpcedily v- uoffihle aft. r thefirstdayofjuly \%\g GEORGE O. STUAU.T.1 Exec. ALLAN McLEAN, j mor* Kingston. Auguyt I j, 1817.— | uf Valuable Lands , FOR SALS, Z N the Thin! Conceffio,. of the Town II. fh-pof Piifburgb, being Lots No. 6. h.li fofN« 7, and No. i8_A„ AUVKRT1SKMENI. The fublc4il>er offer* for Sale iht Following Lois of Land. 2Q0 acres in 41b an'd 50001 (he Ernell VoA'z\\<\ |frt**tomgh^ No. 18 nnd iy in the ttih coitceQb of Murray- No- ^1 Eafl half 2d<*on. nffiidny. No 9—lOth coiirtllion r-.f Kawd'm, Mo. 4—<Qih c-nceflion. BuntrngcU No. 14- 15, 17- !o>> 25 ancl 26i»tht yth conccflion of Thuriow. No 34 and 35 h the 4th conccfEQt) of Vaughau, near York. Ax.so, Several valuable Town Lota in |k Town of Kingilon. WM. CRAWFORD. Fredericksburgh, Jem 10, 1817. j^[ Stolen, 1R0M theYa.dof tbe fohfer^ <^n ^nnday evttiiiglaft, bcetw^ tcven and tight o'clock, a Buffaioc/kiu, Marked ir.fide '„ ' in large lettea Vny pcrfon that can pive informatioa f> that the Thief or Thieves may be brought to jtrit-ici .fha:! izczxvtTHRRt POUNDS REWARD, by appiyin; to the fubferiber. ROBt. WALKER. Kings!en Hotel, 'January ty, \ S | S. «J azmc, litnated :n a pteafam part ot ttir p^rtic itara apply t*i toe dtlpntahle title will be j)iven. and tl tenns of payment made calv. H C. THOMSON. KiftHf.ll. |Miy 2S. ,8,,. 32 it Smit/is Work. THE fubferiber moft refPtc4fi.ll; if.forms the gemlemenof King*- t"n, that he i* juft arrived here from Dublin, and has commenced the* bufi- n*-(? of Black and White Smith, in all its branches ; more particularly that if horfe Shewin-T, in which he will civc t- c greatell fatlsfadt -n 'o thofe that em- ploy him. They may re'y nn having their work well dor.e. cheap and Heat.by npplyingat Mr. J. Me:iqhen»f Barrack Itrret. where he has commenced. All order in that line wi'l be fcladljr received and |tu& attention given. Kingston i^ihOcl. \ %t Blank Sunirno For tite 1 Ditfrui C: urts, f Sale ai thb Oilice* ur f |?HE fubferiber btg have tc-inform -a. their friend- and rhe public W gc* neia\that they carry on the TAILORING BUSINESS m Main Street, where thev intend mak- '"R every article in their line, on more reafonabie term* than has been done for ■« numbi't of years back Tlmfe who wiflj ?o favor them with rlujr cu't"^ "•ay rely 01. h vf L-rhei. w rkwe'1 m*, ■1I1T on ihc fho t r| „.. iV, for fli- Nonis& Stevens. Kingston, Sep/, y, 1^17. p

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