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Kingston Gazette, February 10, 1818, p. 1

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[TUESDAY, FilliRCARY 10. 1818] [VOLUME Vil.------No. 3'/.] T Kingston, Upper Canada—Printed and Published by STEPHEN MILES.—Price Four Dollars per Annum—Exclusive of Postage. Agents for the Kingston Gazette. ErJtTown,JAMFS K \NMN\ L>q. frt,WILLIAM ALLAN, IMfe BrockvilKA. SHEaWOOD,£s* Bellvi1le,S. M'XAKB, F.*q. Von ml, N. MOW fit. Printer. 4 Cure for GOITRE, or Swelled Neck. Scott & McGoe, Burgeons, Chemists and Drug- HWE received f>om London, Dr. Mossman's cek-bntcd remedy fcr Goitre, or fweHed Neck- It has been fmind very generally EtJecekftf throughout England, and is a mofl ef fcflualand expeditious remedy for the above difeafe. LeltrTs addrefled to Scott & McGee, Surgeons, &c- Ctltftft^n, will h*-J punc¬ tually aufwered. and the Medir Ine for-1 ■Warded. Patients are requeued to be particular in defcvihi»g the fize of the bvdluigand the Ic^th of time th-y W been affii&id with it. They have alCo received, Warren9s Preventive to t*§ Itch No matter h^w much a perfon m?y be ex pnfcd to unclean beds, or to people af fcftcd with Itch, by applying a laiiS Quantity of Warren'* Solution to the ftin nn going tn bed. they wi" 'oe ll]°- roughly enarded ngainfl the poffiUliiy j "[ i'lfeftion The follou;ne Patent I MEDICINES will be fold cheap, andj •ananted genuine viz. Dr. M oilman's cure for Goitre, or fcribd Neck. ! Bavnton'n Cancer Ortment, Haliv* Itch walls G^afs's Magnefia, HiUN Peftora* Balfam. Suers'Orodeldoc, Lee'«P;tlft, Hn pn's, Female do. Coius'do. R lav'n Aronntic vinegar. £o£nV Sa^> Powder, Sago Grain, Cephalic Snuff, Scott'* Worn. Pawd<", Ramfay'* Medicated SpiwrNuts, Ttir'ington'a Bulla'ii, BthifhOil, . Odontalgic, or cure for Teeth Ache. Pate"! P"ivi£oiic E'vxir, Bateman's PeOwil lVil'am, Grnuine Court Matter, ' Lamp Oil. Oil of Turpi ntinc, Olive Oil and Oil of Vitriol, Aqua FortWi Removal, ■r jfl *HE fubferibers have to acquaint X i heir friends and the public, that they hivr taken ihe honfe formerly oc¬ cupied by Mr. Richard Smith, two doors below their old Brick Sure, and next d or to Michael Chyle's ftone building* crner of Store and Water street^ where they have this day opened, and will ex- pofe for falc, a choice and well aflbrted collection of Dry Goods, 8[c. CONSIST! NG OF ---- Flannels, Chintz Furnitures & fringes to match ; fuperfvie and iecond qtraJJty Ct*OT»8, amopgft which U fc\\ of England black, of a rr.o'i fttperior quali fy ; Ladles' and Genc'cmc t'a black & white lllk Stockings and Glove-,do. do. litn?ng Shoes and wo: fled Stm-ktng*« oT [all defcrlpliori? ; India Cottons, &c. "Which, with their former ftack, they «redeTermined, a* ufua!, to fell very low Ifor ofh. The above: being all fc'ecVd by Mi .Trier.er. who isjuftietuaned frfw Mon- Ifeai are well wo ih the attention of the public. THORNF.R & MOHAN. Auctions cvrry Evening, as uiual SURGEONS Scott Sf McGee, KINGSTON, MA VI NO a number of Patients rer j tiding in and near the Village of; Lroest Town, and k' owing the difficul¬ ty fome of them have in being able to viiit their Surgery in Kingfton have de¬ termined, for the better accommodating them, that ritluV Surgeon Scott or, McGecfnall v.Tu Brnefl TWu Village ev^ry Ftiday in ta^h week, at Mr. For- ward's Hotel ; where will be g£fctm evc-| ry kind of advice and Medicine requi. lite, at the Kittyi-lton prices. King* I on, i6th fun, 1818. N. 13. The different Acids, Eye Stuff., Patent McJiciues, &c may be Lid alio.______________g6w2 Insolvency. 1 ¥"^HE fubferiber finds himfe.f under JL the pamfat neceffiry <>{ Adv.-r-l tiling hisCreJ;tor» throughout the Pro4] vince of U. Cnnaoa and iliev/l.e»e with, i Notice ofhi>\c v cuibauailed circum-l ilrinccs, .Jicr H*«ggU*i^ upwards of] i leven vcars, by ruid labour and ho-u-il! Fmoi a I.ondan /;c//>e/\ received tit the (Jjjicc of the Commercial Advertiser. ELEGIAC STANZAS. Kingston, j™. 2 r. |8i8. 35 o mUPPiSG PAPEfl I [Of an excellent quah'ty.for la'e as ar-ove / O S T, BETWEEN Wu.deh's vrnrf and H'notN C«46» Home, a Bin of the amount of £\o ' ayable to Brarer, on the huh or fix'h of >hi^ month, an.1 endowed on ti»e buck !*■ th ■ ha«:d writing of theS.^fcrih.r, •' Po k hi]' r" as it w-'» gfveo f" t*>e payi'eut o* iuo barrels ; of p* rk. If any perl on ha- found laid I Hill, and witl rrodnfe :l itnnted'at^y, (tfcey fhall be Rewarded ' y thi fubferiher, ■ oorc's Cotf^v H.-uie, in KingiU*n F. ROSS. Kingfton, January 2c, i«i8. 35tfp I a: cm years, endeavors, to e...» ^r.-te hi*; irf from (j-r-t—ha-, the m-"tincatioi: »o find, ehatj | ail his .(foiis have been in vain ; having j been i. bjvcted tfc lots oi' property to .'t.y co: iideiaolr a:noant at diftcfcilt times, and to col! of court on levci »l ftits a.aiult him rot debt, and what U j mi 'I ioipicai«uuoi\ll.hiar«li^i(Mi3crKirac tei maiibe csduniujaicd in pnhlio ;ttiJ ; bii"4iv. by «B?u, • ito whom Ii !».:-• tuiccj * ■ ■ taken iwict col. -,ci. and g«uie Willi 'c>. ih huuie 01 Goa. Under all h: K i*'i-j mi. in ting circutnfi n.c> Ccnikm^n^ p»twr nlolvcut drbtoi, liu nbly recjtielts tliatj vou will mtex bid at i.li Liij.o liesches [public Inn, rwo t)■"'•.■% f()v,'V. l\ ;■ '-V'lk.'I on the 'alt Mo'.d.'.y »,,, tin .,;t[i where ne wi e'-t uitv mhi i iccount ol a II re. Co, a j.,,i (,..J a,.curjU- j ihe prrop'erty tlttft hv po«*j IflUiilt -uiri-i. Mi.IV K- 1*1)1 ill ll_ I (Fes, and \.Oiiim:in. mco* may bee u«-*i ,. W ¥ • AAA >"j '» 'SMIl'H&BUlTi.R WORTH, iQ Ell \ ETURN tlieir (incere thaiiks to rfritlltl and tile p 'l)!ic in L-e- Incrai. for the Liberal encouragement that !t* ey h;ivc rective-i fi:ic- they re com- iiicuced the Hatting Bufineft. They have an ex ten five >iV.\>r nc-t of J Ladies aud Children's BON- Ordens f.-um the «rt.7 .ff'^jlKm o* various colors and lorwarrjed. and executed wtthdilpateh. Kingston, Jan. Z.\th l«l8. 35Wi {lvjpes. Gentlemen's Beaver & fir.e Barley. [Cattor H aTS, , ,. , ,| Ltkewife, Knapt and Wool THE fob&rtber will pay the higU-| | of Barley, delved at h„ btorc U. J^ ^^ ■rent of DRY GOODS, Liquor* and .Jau. 2-_________________________^ Groee^SaU, CroCerv &GlalsW.e, , ^^ All of which will he fold ^common )f ly low for Ca<h or anv k^^& \[± the ,llbfciib,r wi,l re.c„mmence „ ,Qlo 3C I a fconnd quarter, after the completion Kwgstcn, Jm. *U. »8IS. 35 |rf ik firft ( n thf |0th Fcbluary nrXI) •fli.-uld fufficicnt encouragement offer. *** A Snbfcription paper is left at i. I pr-o.T.' t'., la 'djndge ih- value the farw, a«t! dii tfttou%l liviai-jfd be made to e&ch credit of; Hod alihuugh tlic a-j monnt wi'l ucav <i' ably be very finally Iv.in are welcome l^ have it whhoUt the ; tjipenfe -.f h.wlnir.i. - m which vafv your j drbtor will expect * legal tKf.nifii ... from j thofe Remands wbs:h it i« iittyutfeJe ior him t» me t — A..^ wi*h very uupleHi- aui reflcftiuns, f«(blfeubefi himu-if, Your hu,,rtblc ferva-.t, D VNAEL PICKETT, Kingston, Fed. 3, 1817. • 37'f £?TQ LET! THE premife\ rt prefent occupied . by the h'oiferiber, confifling of j a large rw«»-ft<.) houfe, b^ke honfe, j ftjble, Sfc. For particulars, apply to the fubfciiber, tOUIS TAPIN. Kingston* Feb. 2, 1X18. 36 ■ ! FRK\TCH CORDIALS. S. Hazvhy, has {lift received a few dozen of very fine French Cordials, a-! I l&dng which are. ' Cre'me de Noyeau, Cre'me de Mokn, Cre'me de Annis,^ Limonada Soi.rafina, Ea« Sans Parcil'e, Le Nector de rhelerne, Re Plus Ultva, De W Eau Royale, By dozen or Single Bottle._____ ' ^TO LET, AND poffeffion given immediately, a Houfe, con:aininjr fix * a jrood Celler, Well and Garden ; . a good Bake honk adjumhip it, the oven of which will hold 200 Loaves of hrt.-.i Apply to the fubferiber, "tar the Cittio- lie Church. PHILIP VIAS. KinjTuon, Nov. 7, 1S17. Hli Blank Deeds and] For (ale «tt vhis Oilicc, I -this office.—Turns 15 Rolling* pe r 1 quarter THOMAS SWEETING. Kingston, Jan* 12, 1818. 33 i^W^HE ftibfcr&cj begs leave to ac- JL quaint hi" fvieudf and the public, that he has made ^ large improvement j on Lor N<». 1, i.. ihe iirft conceffion of! the townilifp of Jramahe, being well ! ihiMied on the P'X fqUC lfle Bay, for a- ny kind of bufuief^ as veiled of 60 tonn burthen can go i<r>. to a wharf now built k Me hope1' to fee ^ Vi:ia^e there in a; lh:;rt lime, and ua.i \d{\ out fwm arr<*s -f ] land in Town Lot s which he offer* tor falcon re:.fonablc Verms. Ja:»es Richardson, Sen. Cramahe, 22d ;fsj0/< 1817. 261:13 rooms, and Notice. 4 LL perfon<-hiv,:';jr any demands a- J\. gauift the Eftateof the late Bry¬ an Cvuvford, Efq. ff WlolpImfiown.de cenfed. are hereby requcftci to produce t-hr-fr claims duly nut'h.-nricateu —dlfo. !a!l perfona indebted to the faidEftatcarf 'hereby requ< tied to make immediate pavment to ' till Ham Alexander Grant, l Executor Kingston, \yh M'i ,8|7- 32 ATIORNIES Blank Bills o< Costs, tor vale a: thi- Office. Fo th Year iSi6, For Sale 3t thi? Office. £\.omplcte,J Elegant Sleighs. |1\V0 e'egant, aml h;;,hiy fi„;a,ed t DoubleSleij^g for fate. Apply to SM^fH BARTLET. Dec. 16. 2<_;tf »? 28 •.. l.'i :\~-ithms 0uw vtj'are tlt'ir Gutl, .iml j/itfivnt b?ur /irsrhrtitcHing rod.- Expectant everj heart brat? high ; Hope sparkicfl bright in every e#Yf ; l:or soon the tiding roii^rl will fly Of BrilaW*granted prayer : T;i<* RockeW rang'diii or.; n -: jt; i. To ral-e m airfrom Kni.isli Sfraoil, Aii.l l)la/iugtril rhc iK^liUour t..ui4 Tiiathnrn »? Britain* i\*ir. Bat ali! bow WuU' munals know Wnut rare awaits theft here bei^ ! Iusteail of jo;, camp Jeeqeil woe, T.'iU' Mancii'ii each cbeek'i red hue; To life the infant never woke, l'lreic w.iaborn Life'sTtiread Draili broke And tuen wiili «ii,:civ repeated*! «ke, flit" ko\;»l \finli«T •!»*«' ! V\ he«i tu»d i;< r nen'»bikrn h«M liaJ died, \ra-d bn' pai^ithe rnotZiej lifsird, ^ -u;t!! iii ii'.- u -ithmi «.«iii cm d, Ti v u II. '•> <;.»,!! ..:■ t(o*n ! V I!, r ( til 7'" 1 i.;;, !m-i -...u.i :i;;UU ! SJi.'st. .;[ ; Int. -oon f'-.ir hope WAS |>a*»l ; Her Ennui "•" hi . '■■• h r tris"*i her last, % ;',*'*•*. (hi clieml) on ! Tin* o;ir.* wwwItcsrei Iip. r-'u-M foliar i ('!.» 1: ;;• i' ..1" • i'\(\..imfr lo\r'» l>: ii»,h» -t'**i; l'i\*-1 are 'ho <• hp? n h ell *n!il*d 30 . ;vr*'i , Tbarr^eeli i- i-ul<';it..t cbHl, Sit Mm •ain^ojico—i<-^liii' lied. 'i';u- |?*r alune of Char toTTBdead, I-?*t. <).'(! upon «hr fnoeral Ued4 11} ll'\.M-n- inylcrUnu - ill ! A 1".'I'm w m !i', (iuu in -,-, ;!.'»(!ay Begins, whiSM llierciiMirk away, Vio:.!(J. fmd slii'! fl li..;r .jis nil ncr s«ay: \ri I 11OW—sli• (>.(!. nr.'-i- Tii** ^<:-.tm.. >tti*>V|Hi1r space j \. » *■; ; . i-^,.i(». Biirt Ko.ai Race, \\\ \ \\ \m ■' 1 .'1 -ii'iidntacc, An- '■ ••' o«Mi 1'n Mfjti- deeds! T,» r iti.,Mii'> Dca'dy -1 nun.•thuswere, PROVINCIAL PARLIAMENT OF LOWER CANADA. \ \.%i\\ -a •::- j ' r"i! .1 \a*itni\ pra\rr, 'lit., .i. i. lov'l Pii(,i.'^ God Would -parr. \\* ride iu rhttpjM Ucalm ; Bit! (tin*! i»'i:i;iit- (lod's wnysand our*- : Ih- itolts^ifi ivitihriunmiv^ionMpowers "t he * oW ;>'•• *pai s, rtoilsi loft^ FovretS Tnoirbllgliiing ftfroke »*erwheJm. Then l*'i n- how to U« bvcree, W!»o Recife i^o hTgh or lo«v dcereo : ThenVf m]h ftfiid ihe tremliting fcnee, li. fire in* Hravenl) Throng; And Mi|jpli(\i> wHii fervent */ral, T.iu! do,! A'OiiIJ ii) U\h mercji Ural The nouodsofothci heart*, H'hlch fori Griefa deeper than onr own, T'i'" kAii'Ka —fvoi.; hi^ da"<;[|tkr lorn J'ii \» iTttsn—dot):uadfui j;i .omoTii; Tu." ycken—.')) former »»rroM worn. And all the lloyft!Train: Thf\ wnoher ^ociul iirnic^know, Her well-sflorTd mind, her licai^s warm] glow, On thein must heavier fall tho i>iow. Ami keener be their I'aui. Bui ORB—feela t'anga more keen than iliey: H»%r no'v lone Partnre l*fl a pr^y To aguish, shun* the light of day, In iilunde 10 bear ; PniMK. oVi rhyj;ireft I draw a veil. All means Jo sontttf >ave one musifail; Religiono.ii> (iaivaVnH Tosfmsffle win* despair. And (bun, <> Kivi. reverd, whose mind I* like (by slgnriess eje-balU i»iind, 1» m:iki-Min people wore reilgu'd To Aether as Hum ar»; Rrtron"* ihv want of tienfal light Hasspar'd |hj a*edeyesa >i^:it, Wli'diJiad^C ih'ni'-i'tll iU\ you'lifnl inigfil >. mild neat ba.ve broke thine Heart. House of Assembly. Saturday, l24ih Jammry. On Ihr second reading or the Bill fo ratiiy a;id coutirm tiie provisional arti¬ cles of Agreeioeui relating to Duties b'tween Lhia J'roriuce anJ Upper-Ca¬ nada* Mr. Tttschereau ub*erted, that he did uotintend to opp »-.e Kn*ra^reeraehl foaile b\ the Commis'-ionL-rs on tiie pari of this Proviucc with tho^e of LTp- |ni' Canada, yer-uad^d, a^hewns < iat i u-y had reciprocally -ougfii for the interests of tluir raspectirc Province ilr, how. v.-i\ vrould b • glad ro be in* formed on what principles th^y had i'.'i d. For what reHsons id rite Coniroooa oi Upper Canada permit Mug province to tu their constituents ? Why did not th.' Commons of Upp p Cai-ada (akc the odium ofthktas :poQ ■ tneiO- U<r% i This Province no* only ua? charged m th imposing r :nfa\, but we were ai*.^ their tax-gatherers. \\ otild it not b« better thai merChan* to/.' imported iuto (his Prorinc \ dej. ilii d for Upper Canada, sIuju'iI he exempt from duty on entry r Would hot this ho more conformable to roo- stitutional principle's, and would it I m,t exempt this Previuce from a charge cf which it has no cau^e to b? proud ? If, however, local causes should red¬ der it expedient, for the mutual ad¬ vantage of both Provinces? to collect ihe duties at the port of -'ntry, would it not be expedient, in tend of adopt¬ ing the present mode, ol giving Upper Canada a nfih of all duiifs uollectud in this Province, to gmot a drawback to the ruercl.aril- of Upper Canada. wa passing th ir nnrcliaudi/e at Cof-au- dij-i.Jt ? ile proposed the-e yu^ru^>ui order that some satisfactory explana¬ tion mighl be given on Hi*- Butrject, hy such -Vl<inbi-r-av were Coronuwioaera (on the pait of the Lowr ProfirJce, who he presumed would sati-fv 'i»e iloU^e on the points h«- had observed. JUST receive.., anj for rjle ar this Office, price 7id> t|lc MON'-f re \\ JLMJ-iNACK, For the Y- „. ,,f olir Lord 1 Hi 8. ^.'"—kssjrs on PR -iClICAJj, HUSBANDRY, Addrcffcd t.> Eh Canadian Farmers. Novrr.-lcr 14. a- ~BLAN*•< S AIL BO DS, For %ale at this Oiiice TO LET, Fffl ffS httlteiag lately fceei»f»ed by 1L R. Rubifnn, Efq. as a fhop, innate nrxt the Government Houfe. lor particular* apoly to Allan McLean, l-'i Kingll -n, January C3. tSlB. Ouondasfa Salt TFTJST received and tJP Stove of S. BartleL d for fale at 2y (Mentr—A clause had been iutrodu-* ccd into the Bill, authdrUingthe Cam* mbsieners on tiie part of [jovver , ( anada, again to meel the Commission* lers oi l.'pp r (.anada, and to pn-po-; [and offer them a drawback up n att merchandize going into the Upper Province, »whieh if accepted should take effect after being notified hy l~r<^ - lamati#n. The Bill not having a-\ t passed the House, this clause lemama i to be disposed off.) Mr. Davidson—Had not b^en pre¬ sent at the conference^ hold at Mon- | (real with the Commissioners, (as he had, upon a former occasion, stated to the Ilnnse.) lie howeter saw Mem¬ bers in their places who were of the , Commission, and he trusted ihey woe.ld as far as lay in trrir power, anawev the queries of the Hon. ?4ember who «poke last. It was worthy of notice, that in the negotiation alluded to^ (whu'h he concerned to be entirely a ii; *ociauon relative to taxes, and as such ought te he a matter exclusiv "'y belonging to tne Coinmo::s of the ftro P.ovinces) Members of the Ijegislathe Couaci] of Upper Canada had be-n commisbibrjed by that Province. The [original agveerfleat entered into with jthe Upper Province had,beconceivi:d, in the lirst instance, been founded in error, a:vJ so persevered in, until the present time. It was ci?ue to make some alteration in :.t more conducive to th** Interests of both Pr--vinc-*s.— ile thought '.he faire-t and most equit¬ able mode of dealing with the SlStOr Province would be tonllw the Upper I anatla Merchant a drawback upon !is merchandize, equivalent to the full amount of all duties paid on th* same upon their entry into thi- Province, lea ring it to the Legislature of Uppex Canada to lax their own Constituent* as they should deem expedient.—T.uis Province had quite enough to do iu le- gislatiug for itself. Mr, /"/Ve/-said ihaf, the Provinces ef Lower and Upper Cumuli wer* *i|- hahited hv people entirel) diiV-r'tit. it would no* h«i diilicutt to justify the JsW Hm\ V TO BE SOLD, . Gen'eel emrfcerijen! BotUe* with .. ._ parr «vfa Tow|i Lot, liteal d in Fro-t l^.e» near the Market, in a tnnft. elirr;* I- litertioo for any Ike of pttWic' mfiueU—For M'tittta apt1!" io iliC r.rirr i*. -* > rfgJll weeveict^i I In im;>o>iUiC duties up;-:i merchandize imported into this 1 vn--. upon the principles e.ttb- i. bed by the best of public writers. Tli s, Ikowever, wa» not now a subject jf 1, <• •■ ry d;-usMon. WTe urer* ,;;... wbjrclsol «hesa/.'c Empire, Co- ■ottii i tuo trot metropait$, childrc

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