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Kingston Gazette, January 20, 1818, p. 2

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8/7grinv' S.e-honi, "f> , |ll\ - n i..| uiijfcl lb dueCuVfl 'f Si thy I*. ! c ii'f w'|] f-c .in.i.ci.c*; £ la Hid (patter, «*ftcr the completion of > he fir1 ( i> ili«' ic'h 1'Vbuiary neici) ill >u1i| iuflicienl euco'in^crnc m -Her. %* A Snbfcr prion ja er i* hftat this « dice.—Ttrm-j 15 (hillings p»r Quarter. THOMAS SWEETING. fisfa jArt»« Jan. iz. irtirt. 33 r^j""! 1 ,*■' fubfi * tb* rs :o the Singing :t fcbool nf I'hnrms Sweeting in K ■ o"« arc notified that the (uhferip- t' "v- wi'lj be lodged with Mr. Jr- tl'-'i'i.1 U.:f't/roi/(f. to whom tlicy will f_-....e in fwy their fub?cwpii.,n«. when t! cy (i)3il become d'te. 7H0MAS SWEETING. Kinjjuon, Jan. to, 1*18. 33Wcf ftTCHE Cnpntnerfiif* earned on by . i the fuhferil -1- fn Kin all m U C. under Ac fiiav .J f '4 N SlM..ONr & Co i* tl)io day diflolvcd by murual C0O- fent. J hn SirrTon ivhertby pntlm^iffd to eollefi «»M rVhr« due »o, and fettle all ac¬ counts uw'ny by T-u'<• »arn. John Si"-.fan, John ThoiTtftui, John Whitehead* Montreal* Dec. 15, 1817. 3.^3 Tlv bvfinefs can fed on under the mm ©fj-dta *vimfi)P & Co. Js continued br ■John Siffri 11 who has uw band a general •<lfh>rtn;eii( of DHT GOODS, WHir*h he is difpofing of a: very redece-i prices. mid? hv 'be Ltgiflatttrtf, not only for the immediate relief of the Infteu'r, but alfo f©r futntiUiing the hjuVindmrn with Seed Whe« t and other grain? neceflary f.ir i!»e enfnitig feafon, has, by the bles- ling of Divine Prcvidenctf, bicn attend¬ ed with the happitft confluence*, and there :s every reafun to hope th.it ilie produce of the 'ate Haivcll will prove more 1 ban fuffieient for the confuir.p- tion of the prefent year. This afTjiancecf the important f"rvi- ccs you have thus rendered co a jjrc.it un ruber of your tvl<ow fubjeeta, will, I doubt not, be as gratifying to you as it i* ("atj'laeiii'y to me. Altho' fome parsof thehtternalCflm* monicattons P>r which fueh liberal pro- vifi >n was made during the lall S« (finn. have been cairied on much to my lai;fl- factionj there art other*, I nm fprry 10 la;, that are Itili in a very X\ff rent llate, in confeqnence of the diificu'tieb and .ie- laya which occurred iu many pans of the Province, on the attempting to cany the Act into execution, i'hcfe impcdi'me-tii will, 1 full, however, bt (uim..unt-^l and aa only one half of the I'um voted could be expended during the lylt mm, iRcr, I am willing to hope that he whole of the l*.a:u vvhicij have been approved, wi.i be excca.ed during the appioaching fcaiuiK •vjth rrfue(S to t!.e agriculture of the Province- (though very d"f<r<d«vc*) I have «c-*lon to believe it to be in an i.n- proving ttcite. and 1 teei aflurcd that you Qjfirr of the Federal Gaze!.'.'* 7 Ba!timon'3 Dec. 18—-n'oou.y GENERAL "MIN.v. We Cxprefied (bine 'IP fit at ion in giv¬ ing full credit to a report of the cap¬ ture of General Mina by fiKpri/e, a« re¬ ceived byaveflel from IJavanua at this p<ut. The fo'Ioiving feter comrrnnicaied by 6 gentleman of the (irll rcfpcdability to the Editor, will tend to (hew at leait that hh capture by lurprize is not very probable* Ext raft of a Letter from New- Or/tans, dated November 27, 4i We hsve-to day 3 rumour of Gen. Mir.a being in the vicinity of Mexico with an army often thousand men, a. 1 of hi* poUVniiig the coi.fiJer.ce, aud hu C3ufc the affections of the people at tare* the probability of his final fucceii gains iirength daily.0 J^TOTirE is her-Sv jfiven to aM con- -l^j cerned, that the r»ibtcvtber« in« tend to p.-ritinn the l,q ffiature ■ f rhfs rrovincc, at its c-fuiV^ fefll mM to pafs a *hill to P?r the entail to tbfm, of Lots number Seven and Ff;hi »»• the ftrurrd; orcrfltaii. w-lt iidei.f the We!i I.ak . i.[ ilr towuuSip of Hail we 1, de- V;fi ' U the fuhfrrihers by the late Peter 'Vafiaifiit.e I'Touir*- dereaftd, CYNTJ^l ' VANDYKE. ALLY BORLAND. FOR SALE. ^')0 ^crCj °f Land ir, the T.<wn- hurrbei 10. i. the S*fl coucelJi mf inelix- dii l* rli Broken Frc-r, lot number »o S:^ C P^« half r-f lot numb r 9. n the 2-J Oia ePlouc. bti'ug p.:rt of the trart gnnted to he hetrvuf 1 icut Goveritoi Ifejr. F.«rpartiVn!ara, enquiie of %»/ ^MTi F/quIrr, ofCarvan qU.. .r Dan- Ui. WABrtattRM, Efiq'.he, ofKiVt-n, at wh de Offict the evidence* of tide may be feem Jan 5. —;z f*'HE CaP?Ttne»fhipbetwteen Tho- JL ma- Cueu.au & JJm Ev^.itt, Junior, Merchajit Trader-, BellviJle, UJ ftfi Can ida, was (iffl'oivrd by mutual <Oj;fcnt on the Temh day of *p,jl [aft. T!:om!s ColeiTLin, j.>Jin Eve itt, Jani-tr. Be liviiki Diw 2 3, 1 fl 17, ' 3, ,4f q Ouo&daga Salt TT I'Sr-eceiveds.d for Lie at the •J store «f& liu-t-cr. 2n prcvincinl P«*rliamenjt of Lciuit -C .Tiuda* LFGISL.VI IVlLCOUNCTLj V-^dJ«.fdayt 71b Jarma y, !wr8. THi^DaY. at two o'clock, ifis HxittLi-NCY the Governor in Chief, v:a PC . .wn in Ma;c to the Legiuative Cotmeil Chamber, and bein^i f*ated on tfi. rhroue, the Gentleman Ufhei oft:ie Bluck Rt-d wa- icnt to command the in u.e.fcc aitcndai.ee oi the AlTcra])Jir, Which beii'g e-»me tp, Hia Excellency WH-- pieif'.d to open the Seflion with the fotlowfug SPEECH :— Ccnlleiii'n oi the l.e^ulaUw Ccupeif, OcnMmen of the Hi/'tjh of s!JTcml//y% Win »i i Mti you iu Clenera] .. Dun- b!y o' the opening of the lad Seffioii, it wa •. > pair>lul duty to reprcfcnl to you t r <l\\\ ,(f<-N witich 1 he iiihahiianrs of f ve.->] <#r the Pariftes m thi> DiO.frl, vc c <*! that time labouring ouder, fiom ti _• f :-i..n- (if the tJ rvrll. h it. there- t'"r >.; !i p.c diai I.iti.farli- n thtft I Jj.tvt .e p c ]"• re of Raciug (from the Lt it ■ f ru;;uK)i. 1 huve been abj< tonro- the liLerai ffovifiou then \rill arfird every encouragement to ito further adva«ceoier«t. Should fie emigration from Europe Continue, it migirt be a matter worthy ftf c m'iueiation, how tar it would be aJ- v liable t» ho.d out Ionic inducement to a K-w good farmors ur laboureu to fcCtU in thin Province. If oerlons «it thi.» defcripti- (ti were \. diciouily lelcftrd and located, then example vfonld be uleiulin nitro- dueiiigan imprftv^J fyjlc;n of agricul¬ ture in this c »uutiy. { have received the commands of H.a Royal tii^hneiathePii»iceRegeui#t.ocaiI upon the ProvinciaJ Legiflaiuie to vote the linns neteifary t^r ti.e ordinary aa- Dual expenditure of the Province. i'Jicfe co iimihiiJh wdl, i am pcliuadtd, teccivc fiyin you Uiat wti^hty (.oufider^uoui which tiicn impor auct detcive*- Ccn:Wm:n of the Houfe of stjprmhly, In putiUatice ut theie thrtcttou^ which J ha»e received from his Majctty'g GovcrwneiU, I (Irail Older iu be iaio be- ftw > 9 ?,V fi?W?.W& 'A '):'. .'■ H wi*t$k \\\\\ be reqi.iicd 10 iitir;'y the exjnucca oi ihc Civil*Joveniment ««i the Province during the yeai i-l>iX, and I dei'u\- you, in ni» Majelly'« name to provide in a couititutiunaJ mai.neijtl.e fupplies which will be uecetfary tor this puipolc.-—I ihaii aa"o order to be teiu o^ /ore you the Accounts of tlie public Revenue and ex¬ penditure Jot the iatt twelve months, by which you will be txablcd to ascertain the uiraiis of fupply th<jt aie at your dis- polal ; 9ud I anticipate with confidence a contmuatce ot that Loyally and zeal foi His Majclty'j* in vice on your pait wfncl* I have hitherto experienced, and a ready execution of the dfer which you made una former uccafiooto defray the cvuenee* oi Jiii iVJajcity'a Provincial Go- ve.nmcut, with a liberality that dtu you honor. Gentlemen of the Lcg/flativc Council (xsntlem* n of the tiaufe of djjhntly% The amount which has been alcertam- cd t^ be due f oni this province to Up¬ per Canada, for the prr»poition of Duties Upc'fj Goods- &c. which have palled through the Lower Province in^o toe Upper, has bten paid over to '.he perfona au.horited on the part of Upper Canada to receive it. The Report of the Commifiioners ap¬ pointed by an AS of the lait Seffioa, to treat wit., th.fe of Upper Canada for the formation of a new ProVifional a- gieement between the Provinces, will be laid In fur- y .u in conformity to the pro- Vlfionpot that Aft, previous to its being carried into execution, From the London (fazfifte* Thf Gazette jtnnouitces a furfhef prorogation of Farfiattrent, from \ioi- tU\ ih» 3d irfuex* rnonrh. to Tuesday tli» 10:h of JX'ccmher.—The Garette a!-o contain- a proclamation, declaring fh • new gold coin, called w hall sovor- ei(M or ton shillincpieces," to bo cur¬ rent anti lavvful money, and that al! fciirh pieces, not ttei^hiog le^ litflo two pnutiyireisbjs U grain* ni\d owe quar- ter uhnil pate and be rffeeiv»-d an of Hie initio of t."*u shillings in all payments whatsoever. TIIK ARMT- The following letter was addrc«cpd from the Horse Guards some time since to the Colou'ds of tin4 army, and we. an1 happy to find so hiuli an au¬ thority concurring with the general fe, Iius of the country, anrl recoir.nnn- d:«j» a lint* of conduct so agreeable to htrii'tnity and judgment: : " Tnr CommaiKjer-in-elii.f is rorf- fuh'iit tiiat the Otlleer* of the Army are universally actuated by a Rpiril of |n«# titre. a.id impressed with r*Titiini nt of kimlne^Mand regard toward4- their men, ■\\ hrrh the} on $o many oerasjous have proved th*m^elve< to de-erve ; but his Uoy.rl Highness has re»9on to flppnv hcud, that in many instances sufficient attention hac not been paid totrVpttb* ViATiov of CHIMES. 'J'hp timelv In- trrfewifi^ <»f the officer—his personal intercourse and acquaintnru'e with his mni (\-.'::ic*h attentions i« suie to be re¬ paid bj the Roldieri' confidence and a'*iehmen,,> au<1 a»«.»»...»11 his |*i rann* ,M exantph^ an* tfii1 only pflioiciims mean** of pr» v» nfin- military OlfrUces: and the ('omman(l-r-in-cli!er* has no In.sifatien in d*elc)riii>r. tltat the main¬ tenance of Strict discipline zcifhont the teveri/jj of punishments and the nup- port and encouragrrne'Ut of an ardent military spirit in a corps without li- renfousness, are the criteria by which hi< Royal Highness will h* very touch guided in forming an opinion of f/ie ta¬ lents abilities, and meiit of the fillers to whom till? command of (he diit-Ti nt regiments and corps of the ar.71^ are confided. (Signed) IT-CALVERT.*1 The fellowinrr regiment hare b'^n ordered to b'» disbanded ;—yd battal¬ ion 53d- 2d battalion 60th, 5th »'id 6'h West India, 3(1 Ceylon, and 'he Garrison Company in the West indies* The 80th regiment uns reduced iu es¬ tablishment '25th August. The Oincers of the S?-vy have b'f'n called <»n bv the Lords of the Atfroiial- ty to deliver in statements of their \**m peetivo services from the period d » n- tefinu, and through their several i,?l* datious, r»u board his Ai'ajesfVs shH18' Tins measure i* supposed to be for *"c purpose of selecting tuch as may be wanted at any future period for partic¬ ular services, in places they ma) be acquainted with. CURE JFQ&TBfi GRAVEL, Tirv. J. KdwanKof Ci!«fonP : T fonnd hint Inboui'UiJ under the niont alarming' symptoms ol lyphos f« v,*r on that day, being Hie sixth from tlie hr-t attack.- f!e had beer- delirious throughout Ihp m hole of the preceding night and at tinier so u>.manageable tlcir it required two men In keep him in bed : his pulse' from 1'20 to 1 'Q in the mtMUte ; his toui{ue parched, dry, and covered with a brown crust 5 his skin hot and dry ;. his eyes wild and inllamed ; bis hands constantly in motion picking the bed clothe* and other things about him, muttering and talking incoherently to himself. Under those truly alarming and dangerous Appearances, I comics er<d thai no time was to be lost, as such I immediately sfati il my opinion to /lis Master (Mr. E-) and pnposed the application of cold water by r-ffO;-. sion, which he, as well as the friends about him, readily assrufed to, I had him taken from hi« bed and placrd up¬ on a stool, supported by two men, a third stood upon a chair behind him, and by my direction poured ti lar^e pan cf cold water, fresh from the well, <>v p his head fend body—heua« wiped tlry^ and immediately returned to bed* Im less thsrt ten minutes, In m^ great ^Ht- isfuetinil, find the surprise of those u ho assist id, lie became perfectly tranuuil, his puUe sunk under CO, he answered every question put to him with thr*gr«a- tcst eorr«^et!ies>, and the delirium and ev»*iy other unfavorable Sj'mptOflfl left him ; upon visiting him the n-xt morn- i'»?, I tnund hn bad na^scd a £'»ed ni-iht, with a gentle perspiration dn- rin^tlu' whol" of it. From Wlte time his fever gradually Iff! him, and he, is' now quite recovered." From the Sdkwtnah ftepuhhcitn of Dec. \ y. The Indians. We havr- feen a letter from H-irtforrt,- dated the 7th inft. which oonf?»n»8 the intellijreucr" ^iven in the Republican of* Monday of the murder of Lieut. Scott and the men under his command by the Indians, It appears m< re live; were loll tfaaa were mentioned in the account — Lieut. vSc»tt,44 men 10 women and 3 children, were ki led, making m all 59. The clothing f r the 4th regiment, under the guard of Stotr was alfo taken off. Anftr ia ewes Great Britain nearly or.e»- hundred milliooa of dollars ; and at the lafl date wan makhitj arirtt>ecoicnii» it> commence paying of the debt. Tbfi Ruffian Sqadron, under* Admiral MoMtr, whofe cgrefsffom the B lfic fo tenib:y-^laim'd the Loudon Editors it Is now faid. hat been loaned or fold to Sp »in, md that the crews are to be fent back in tranfpom froT. Cadiz. Important Commercial In formation. The American Confnl at Malays write* to his friend at Gibraltar, under date of the 8th of Nov. a*> fellows *«—• 41 An order has juft heen communicated to me, that American vefleJs are hence¬ forward to pay atnnnnge duty of one dollar per ton in all the ports of Spain,- of which 1 will pafs you a communicati¬ on." In call] calling you together to deliberate on ,he metres foil adapted to advance theinreifltH of the people whom you prefent, I eel affured that thole delib. Take one g{f| ()f the expressed jtffo pMiorse-mint, and one M'! I of red .mioi oMiorse.mint,ai,doueM'!Iofred.m'on juice, evening and momiufftiUthctWW be perfected—White or,ioM „i|] not have the same effect m red ; and to g«t the juice of them, they maybe c"t mito.ftimltH guided by'theTamVwi^ !!l , ff1** a,,d welJ **«l, ™* Jjptai nfleyaity, and t& fame" pot uTt ***?* tW° **** I*** U-lUof mutual confidence and eoodCl mlZ^U*** J-** °f t,,e h«*™~ ?»»«whtrh possesses the most tiftue »' ""^c border, and a strong dr. *c bonolfkawHI generally in time ejfeet a cure. Charleston, Dec. ig. El Tclegrafo, de Floridas. An attentive correfpondent at Si- Marys, forwarded to Qfl by the lait mair^ the number of a weekly newspaper under the above trt!e> printed in Spaniilr at Amelia I (land.—It announces a meeting of the Reprcfeniatives of the Florid™, under a d.Tcharge of artillery, on the Hi mil. when Col. Irwin was cleded Prefident of that body, and fleps were tak'.n for the complete organization o£ the new republican government. The paper abounds in editorial remarks upon the future dr(times of the Republic of Florida, and with fentiments of contempt and deteflation for the overnment of Spain. Its objc& la to furniflta record f* paf]lnf? cvtntfl fn lhat ifland. with mterelliug extrafts from American and other foreign papers. tuiv t it;- L ^..y.X. «JIIU IfUlJU Will which you evinced in your lail Scfilon, and while an my part I fhall be •»nx- ioua to give &ij ready afiiftnnce to every mtafure which flrall have ior its objeci the good of the Province* I cannot doubt that with fucfi feciiu^onal] fidest the ief ill of tilts Seffir»n will beat once ho'oialde to you and ufeful to your Country. £%ufcc Gazette.} * r i I CoM te/itcrin msMofTimfius,- Mr. ^. Sn|uulllf,KllM((|it|i,r-|;;isiui|i)|i|i_ ?n' .•'•",'lowi,'s NifWfcllHg r„.t :— Ull li'(iav,"vns).r. « Hie 5th J««t. I w^cnllod iiii»»i«it Ui.ji,,.! Davy, a »«at»r iu tlie emplo/mcui of &e Wc notice with p!«-asure, Hint large rabies, anchors ail<l l>t\^T apparatus "•• Hip straw-boat, m l>Bilding un lafce hne, have ronch.-d this rilv, <»n »<»r way «• fiufttlft. Wc are iufnrm. ed it is the intention of the projector? 01 th.s nov-l ,.|.t,Tj,riM-,^si,!i,,jr' in this 2[k '"P** Uirbrtat iu operation by'he 20th of Juno next. Wi- ,]s0 Jrdv„ tlwtcontractors have go,,eou f,pm |i„9. ton l« construct Hv* |it,ht houses ou JW&le.s that flM, oil for &tm\, in '"• riv«T, and that it is intended to ^htthem at thpopening of Iheaoviga. ^,u-«tliespiug._^a -yj r,su,. 45

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