of the m »fl wtertftmg of the documents | tranfmtttoi to the Hoofe of fteprcfe*tft- tivcifrorn the Department of iSt-^te in rtiation to Galvezton and Amelia Ifl Tn re^d to the firft named rend< z- vous the propriety of the friz-ne which ha^bcen molt qneltioned, tl.e facts now difrloled are fo itrong a- to [.lace the corrertnefs we muy lay the unavoidable i pcocfiity, of the meifuie*, bey.-d all doubt: With icgard to Ame'ia Ifl.md, fo much was already known to the r.ub- ljc, from its immediate proximity to -.wr fi-tllcd borders, that^ little remained to be told. On thispoi.it, therefore* the additional iniorrnatio'i itupnited by thr documents is of »<ijMW intcteU, compared with that relating to thr former place It may be remarked, in regard to thefe documents generally, that there arc ocean" -ins on which information ib com¬ municated to a government, a dilclomre of which would be prejudicial tt> the public intcreft, or to that of »uJi*rduai9 who have given it. The Piefident, it will be recol'ecied, communicated, as i.equeftedby Conjrrefs fuch d'cuments •only a« woe conceived not .m.)»"per to be made puMic ; and—though we have no particular information to juflify the fu;*£ellion—this appeals to tb t'.1 be one of ihv>fe occaliona on which the execu¬ tive mi<rh' aft unwifely by cxpofing to r!ie world all the information in its pof feiTiou. Front the Savannah Republican, Dec. 11. It is $enera!!y h«>lievod. or nth r \ ror tn* i-iwnmip «t Ado'o'.mtown. public report says, that Saturday nexi & Report and particular anfwers tfl Uie 13th iust. is the day pitched upon t!le queries popof.d by Mr. Gourtay, P U\e 13th iust. is lite clay pitVIWH! up for the purpose of taking possession o\' Amelia by the American forces, which fire numerously assembled for the jKupose. BALTr.VIOKKTDec. 15—voov. ^Eztract to the editor- dated Hashing- f.;n, Wh Dee. . " It is rm-ntiou.'d here with apparent ■uHientu-itytthat fhe Br.tidi Mini-tor, llr. Bagol, has, bv command o\' hi- government, ftittere*! a Protest against Ourvomtllir into possession of lilfiFh ri- w», by pnrchaso, or o'hervi-i*. J ffato wS.-it I he«>\ not ftliftl I kuoK. "•irji interference cimi hardly t>c c\- Thc Florlctes. AN**w»¥«rk K«t-tu>i% \formerly A pi"rinni (on-ul a< Twit*) a«f»p|v, il.i:' J»ein-jill^prin hi IS!:>, he rli»r*»I«*nml, fitnt tin- British Mhitov to Spain hu, mid- ov: rturss t* Hw Sti'Miish .:ov<u u~ in. ot for the pnivh.i-r of ikr pl< rf*l»« ind ul.U. In- eiiff.arifttu« imi fJot'bl that i ■jrrr I trmty exists in w)*tfi»H to «!><' ©,<up;iliim of the FlorUl'l^ 'Fo*' inference drawn from thik is that tlir r»p.»;( h! tlv* Urittvii Mi.ii'ei" having enter d hi- protest against vho occupa¬ tion ;l Ine Floridjrs. is probably cor- .reel. ------- Grow tkf Columl'us (Ohio) Gat. To the curious-—kJr.Wil- Jjpttgby, io his omitliolo-^y. gives an account ot x so'fe! wMu'b wt,i known to be e'sjhty ^ cars of age. H.ui that goote annuaBv produced (ix ;"ofl\ags. two males and four females,had iijuie ofl.n^s w'uh their prog¬ eny continued and multiplied i'ntne i.uiie rati >, ■.i.l ih-r 8orh year, at the death of the old goose, what would b - the num¬ ber of her deicendanrs ? Were thole se^te arringed in one ftraight line according to their age. each accooyln^ the fp*ce of a foot: bow lon;r muft rhe old goofe live that (lie m vy vii- it her remoieft'offspring ; fly¬ ing at the rate ot twelve miles an hour ? A rain wha' futfi oi money would purchale t heie jreese, at fifteen pence e;eh ?— Were thepurch*f: moiey giv¬ en in folid gold, allowing a cu¬ bic inch to be worth 177 dol¬ lars 11 cents, and the ffold dc- jxalicedin the plane contained wnhio HerichalN orbit, uhofe &mi-diame;eris 1,803,5-84,399 miles, to what heighr would the whole plane be filled? Who¬ ever will aniwer ihdfe inqui - ics. (hall be entitled »o one of thegollh^s. Z£LOS Man Is a tree; thefiuii whereof Is nev.'r »pr hut in the lairer [erfou His nature c«"noi he diicivfred '*iu t U ?h green ; KINGSTON : TUESDAY, J.isvaux 13, IRIS. Error Corrected.—Parlia- iiieut mods at York on theJUlU ia\ oi* Keoruury next, histead] oi' (he 15th hs staled in our last, tlinm^h mistake, for the actttr td despatch of puhlic bus ness. At a Meeting <*f the inhabitants of! ihe Townfhfp Or '\fh>li)hn(T.'»ww, at the j Court houle in die Village of that town- ihip. on the firtt dai of January, t8iS. Mexancier Flftier, Liq ii» the Chair, it was unarii'iioiifly Kciolved ; ill. That this mcedng approve of the fcheoie and propofaii by Robert Goor- iay, l£lq. a-< pul'lilh.*--! in his addrefi to ihe " Llrfident Land Own^fc of Upper! Canada/1 for obtaining the means am] I information 10 ciubie him »o publtfn a- Ihttiltical accnunt of this Province. I 2d. Refoiveii, that i; is the opinion1 of this meetin;f( that (houtd fuch an ac- j couot be puWiflicd, under the aurho ityj of that gentleman, ii wriil be greatly and very generally beneficial to the intercilu of this colony. 3d. Rcfo'ved, that as it will be for the inter eft, fo it istl>eduty of all imerefted { in the profperity of the Province to fa- j curtate the publiffrmeat of the propofed j account, a'M thai, therefore thia mc^tinv;; do, iotihwith colled nnd transmit t:>| MrOomlay. the information he requires for the lowrifhip of Ado!phoftowo, o ^r(.fiion'iii theFnnds, wl.icli was further -lL,M'av'ted by a icport in the city, of i]\e Prturc Regent having been taken daniJ^ondy ill in the country. in hin addref-, having then bctn prefent- cd to this meeting by Daniel Hayerman, Efq. 4th. Rffolv. d that the fame be fad ! and particolarly cKaniincd, which hav¬ ing been doi«e— 5th Re*olvrd, that the renort he ap¬ proved of and forthwith tranfinittcd to Mr. Guiidav. 6lh. Ref»lved. that the proceer'int/s of thiti 'ueetinjx be pnblifheH in the ICm^ ston Gti%cttc% with the hope that it may have the effect nf t-xc iting other Town- (hi;>s in die Diilnct to adopt a fimiiar plan. fc communication of the lingering flat*' of the Princefs had been Cent off on Tu^teay night to his Royal Highncffl the Prince Regent, who has been foi fut|\C days at Sudborne Hall, the feat of the Msn<|tiis of Hartford, in confequence of which his Royal Highnefs immediate¬ ly \s'X out for Claremnnt. He pa fled ihr«'Ogh town a little pall four this mor- nin^i and reached Claremont at twenty minutes pall nine, only in time to (hare in the deep affli&ion in which the once ha; j»y maniion of his departed daughter, was now plunged. The Duke of York undertook the du¬ ty of carrying the melancholy intelli¬ gence to the Queen, and other members of the Royal Family, at Bath, and fct out for that place at an early hour. The Piincefs was in her 22d year. She was born on the 7th of January, 1706, and married 2d May, 1816 We recoiled! no occurrence, during a period of many years, that ever produ-l ced fuch general, fincere and deep af Bid ion, throughout the capital of the Bri;i!h empire, as the (Lublv-hmented evtnt which it bz* been now our duty to record. Every boloru fweiU with for- rovw and many give vent to their grief in tears* Throughout the whole of ihe widely extended dominions over which it was fondly hoped her mild fcepfe would one day (hed happinds and glory, theforrow & grief will be moft poignant. A general mourning will of courfe take place, and the tlieatres and all oth¬ er places of public amulement be fliut for the pieftnt. !or, wlo, wtien Cardinal tPoof/lj to'd f him he wa« the vericll fool in the council ; I G'id bt thanked faid he, :hat my (nailer. has but one fool here. I dt-firc fo. ^HARX.ES McDONAl.D WtlS b.,n.n,r my life, not by o.htr men's ^ ,.^n hhhr0^„ Joh„ McD,Z opinions, but by my own actions. GJNdNCQUJ Stare & Mills Explanation. A lady diked her hnfband what the difference was between exportation and ; tranfpor'aiion—'* My pear/' replied! the good natured lutiband, ** there is a difference, and I will endeavor to bring it as near your underllanding as poffibJe ;! luppofe now that you were Exported^ I certainly fliould be 'Tran/ported" \j taken hia brother Jot. aUiyXurx* partner'lv'p, ihe buinrfi in fu¬ ture will be con Hn:t-'l \w\fat the iirm oi C & J. iVIcOont d, Who kvp for laic mer.r o f a gi nciu. affort* DRY GOODS, GR0C&R.CE8 IIARBJVARE, CKOCKKRY, Dean Swift. and moft article enquired io- ..t a Conn- Harla great avcifmn to angline- ^'ing j i^Y^^^'e, which they offer low for aflctd by a little ^»irl wImi a lilh rod was, he replied, " it mean^, my dear, a long Itiek, with a worm at one end, and a] fool at the othet." The Dutch have a pood proverb.— Theft* never enrich, alms never impover- i(h, prayers till det no wo*k. JX OLD WATCH. Would it h«* believed, (hat th^rpisa Watch, at present Io the Township of Kingston, made in the year i860 r A^ >tr»u^e it raaj appear^ It is uevfrthetess artnnlly tin* case. It i^, oi course, 457 years old. MAlUilED, Cafli,Saw Logs, Sona e Timber,Staves, Potatoes, dnd moll kiodi of couutcy Produce. They have a good Cri'l and **aw Mill in full operation—can Mann fact- toe FLOUR, uqual to any Mill in the Province ; they wili Jfu^ply nrdtis for Sawed timber of atmoti any defcription at flinrt Notice. C 8i I WiiDONALD. Cananoqua, Jan IO, 1818 3 pf Allifaufi bdebted to Chat Ua Mcl;(...- a^d, whole accounts hive become due, are rcquefted 10 to make immedi¬ ate payment. TO LET, "fT^OR any term ofye^rs 1. in Fifteen, on th*- m not ex^ee-J- jiotl reaiV-na- On Toefday evening laft, at Emeft bte ttrm«—That well known valiwbte town, by the Kev Mr. John Wiiion i Hand in the public line, fituate ^n the TO THE EDITOR OFTHE l\l\'.. •) % (; \/r n {\ Sundf&ich Dec 20, 1817 H 1 r , ssJjBHtd H1 1 iiu i\ molt- coruf 1 o f thr Ptovmce, I have only now ubferv-ed ihe pu'j'icati n o\ my addret* to the Re- fitl'Jt Land Owner* *f'Upper Can-nhi* in tV.per. tiavinc done fo much to ur ■ pc 0 forwarj tpv vivWK will ym be fo »r >»,d 4« mi publiijitlii^ ncte, to reqa^ll Gentle- U bvi'ow t.-ik-r O'ltaiio, v\h'»! *we not already defpatchrtl cotmunications for ii.c, to Qtivenfton, and who .miy ItiII in* 1 he Io ravour m^ with re/rorfs ofTuiun- ffnpi, or iitlwr corrcjhemdence, l* 'uhiicf? i^x meat xlu-* PjJI :$r Kingston^ thro* which place I (hall lh>rtly pa -s on my way t- England. Should the fcheme !)e as zcaloufly lupp-rttd below, as ir lias been above the Lake, a mala of in¬ formation will be collected greater than was ever before obtained in fo fh.ort a time, by fuch fimple means. 1 am, &c. ROBERT COURLAY. American Generofity. The inhabitant* of Boftou, Salem, New-York, and Philadelphia, with a Inrit of benevolence and pCOv^ofity, which will confer Jailing honor on their memory, have nobly fet on fiot fub- fcripuonfl for the immediate relief of the lutferera by the late dtftruftive fnes at *^t. Johns, Newfoundland. The (food tfvfiomans fet the charitable example«| iin.! uu ilie 2Cihult. they had a wcflel of >50 tons, ready lobe despatched to tne lecne of diilrcid with provifio^s. tollibly fometldng may he d *ut for (he ut*bupi>y lurtVrsiu this quarter, which lTUHht be laid out in provifion.i at Ncw- *M»k,llu only cii lead l-y wi»»%:i$ fp*ft»iy lelict can be conveyed on the cheated term*. Man. tier. LlsT of Subscriptions and Donation & t<* ihe Kut^sto'i (juuipUwiuiitUe S- - cut j—Continued. Sttfnerip{Jvm, ; Dona!»<*ns. From the Montreal Ga%et'e of %m. 7. .'. i a late houi Kill evening, we were obligingly favo rd with the Bo'b.n Comm Trial Gazette, of the 1 ll inlbnt, containing the dUlrrffinj; event of t-ie deathot the Princefi Charlotte of fPalest j on the morning oj theftih of November, aftc. the birth of a foil llilL-born. We have iniea'ed in thiV day's Paper, tlie London Gazette Extraordinary, iffucd on tkta rnouiwful Qccafi n :— Lo.:idonGa7-ctrrKx:mordioary. Thurfday* November 6, 1817, V/HITiiHALI., N0VLMB1-R 6 Ker Royal Highncfs tne Princcf* Charlotte Ahgufta, daughter of hi* Royal lii'hnefft the Prince Regent, and | contort wf his Serene Htghnefs the Prince Leopold of Saxe-Cobourg, was delivered ot a Hill-born male child, at Am"*, published 77 *Uj v;* (ir bcl.......... win v !SttM*f.......... •'^Miies 1 wail ken......... s. ii, : t *. ' \H i :i>:> 5 1 • i . : i 5 * • • • ■ I ^ V • • ■ tO| I »> 0 0 Tnial.m \H I 4 ■■)< 40 ni-.-c o'clock laft nizht, and -ibout half ov/cr ■nd 'ruit of it— , i vemt.n feethefl......._.......... t'cevnin^r crown* the m.-rmng, and 11" ihe lift of man nagg be qpn^ied by turf.- palt twelve her R.iyal Highnefs was] feized with great difficulty of breathing and e&han&loil, wlltch alarming iym- ptoms increafed till half pall two o'clock ihiv morning, when he^ Royal Highnefs expired, to the incxpreffiblc g'ief of hi^ Koyai Hijrhncf* the Prince Regent, of her fllultrioOS confort, the Prince Leopold, and of all the Royal Family. Deipatchcs were Immediately lent off to the Queen and Princeffca at Bath, who wi i probably return forthwith to iov*u, and to every other member of the Royal Family. T' e Duke of York, and we believe E31I Batborft, are cpo le [n Claremont, to Prince Leopold ; and a Council, we hear, will be held in the c urfc of the day, to give the neceflVry ordiT" for the funeral of the iamenteo cfs. and fo< a general mourning wii » we have io doubt be as general oiil, as ever to k ;;lace m Una country melancholy event produced a dc Princ MONTltKAL, January 3, Letters hav been received iu town *t*tmg9 that km fhu AnnMicau troops »**v • tak^u pos^c>sion of Amelia IA- a»,d.M Wc do not leant that partcu- |ai^s arn uieutit»iu'd. ELEMENTS Ol*1 PHYSIO- GNOMY. From the Spanish, lie who ha? a low forehead ;Ud full ot' wrinkles will look ht'.c a monkey. ije who lias a high forehead wirt'l have his eyes under it, and w«l live all the days of his life, ai«lt!iis is infallible. He who has a long nose, will htfve (he more to blow and the better to handle. A great mouth from ear to ^signifies much foam & no bri- d!g ; but are not hard mouthed. A little mouth drawn up like a burse denotes darkness with¬ in., and looks more like a loop hw|e than a window. A watery mouth that splut- tefg when it speaks and over- »Qws when it laughs, will n«ed of a slobbering bib. Whoever hus frizzly W||| put the barber to tr<4ubJe ; and he who has ver- ^ln will often scratch his head. He that is bald will have no ha-lr, and if he happens to have *UV, it will not be on the ba;d pWce. Rodent McKay* Efq- Cohtclor of his Majeily's Cultoms, to Mil's Ellzaleth Rjnken, bofh of that place On Tburfday evening laft, br the Rev. Mr. W'H'on, Mr. John Daveyt Inn-keeper,to Mil's Francest¥oody both of Smelt town, LCO.UMUMC; VViAh'j DIED, jV Prrr-cntt^aii Wednesday the \lth inst after u Jong and pui \J)d ilinetts^ which she burr fcffh christian forfitwdei Mrs. J.\\ 0JRuies9aged 40, wife of Peter (PBricn, Enquire^ of SpHng- field Park, and dattghter of John ttrmity Esq* late of jjcnhfgusj North Britain* She icilt he fan? and deservedly re- fretted ftif her relatives n//// all tchn had the pleasure of for act/uanrrnicr, "r a< ,/a' t,e ///.."">7/o»? a;td ^-nfL- tnunnem having endured her iff altzolio /.;/(•;.' hrr. ShcpUtd the debt <>J nnhtrr .cith fortitude and resignafo/i) which \ vtrongiij mtrrfeed her pious and innoA neut life.— Her funeral ivus at/ended T/(| tf ennenrsv of the most respectable pvi suns iff the neighborhood^ and jor vevertd wiles off. Piwcott Due 9S, 1817. i r i point at Gan^n^qua and icc^ntly occu¬ pied by ^eih D"wns»together wi:h the Houfe, Bam, Stables &c — For f-r- iher particulars apply to the fubferibcr. JOEL STONH. Gananoqua Jan. 9. 1S19, 33^/" ^TSTH \R?A B my wife T.His YerJ V T ex, formerly thr wife of Hvu- . ry Travictj has denied me my he J and •botrrl, and alfo turned me out of door-!. 11 do hereby forbid all and any perf. n or perfons harbouring or tfillmehcron ny account I aMo f. bid .11 and every perfon or pcrforw of buying »>r concenl- ing any of my pv^ptny which h novr in her hands. I d'i a!fo forbid all and every peifui or perfons from moving hfr or atiy houle hold eoods fo<- her without my order. Any 1 ei ton or perfot»« tres- paflinr; in all or a' y of thefe, fliall be jpr ttdoAtdtd aoMMliijiriWiiih- liflWK nfcfthjr Law. WILLIAM YEREX. Kingston, gtlj Jan. I 8 i 8. 3 r * jHIIH E fnbfcn'berfi to the Sfcging I A. fehool rf Thomas SwCitinc in Kingston, arc notified lhat ihe fubferip- tion Paper will he fodgv ; wrJj M-- //r- chi!aid Richmond to w! CBWE * > ■ -<— -".'-■»■.-.■■■■**.: have liair, much the j I •' out :J \ am not much concerned what the corhmon people think of mc :—Nay, if l,Icy tell mt lama foil, 1 can have the f^tt fciitifficnts with that gieaj. chancer 1 Singing School. rflHE School under the direction of JL. the fubfaiber, wtll rcfcommencc 3 fecond quarter, after the completion of the tint, ih.uld tuffieient encourage¬ ment < ffer. *%* A Subfcription paper ;a left at this office-----Terms 15 Ihillings per quarter. THOMAS SWEETING, Kingstony Jan. 12, 1818. 33 LETTERS Remainingiaike Tjst-Ofircat King¬ ston on 5th January^ 1818. TVM.ES ^rifin. IMnifil \dkinas \rao? Ins- ley, W;.l;aic A»W'.\Y» -l^euh K II, N. Bennett, Horatio (i. Bcrihroiiff, Jacqnc BUo- do,JamM Biacli^bj, J^sepu Btai*, Bpfiraifal BlanChard, Jonepii &«1mK i>mu. 1 Bri****, i^aac Brunnfi, PblnMfr Brinrnal, John Brew- I er. Iloval Byrt, Mu'iael B.vr.e, Kr-bi't-cai Byrne, A igel-qu* Gsntam, James Chaiwick, QentW C.»a-j nan, (J. Clem.'.u, Zacba-^h i lump, Joi.n Coaltlx, jainfi Colder, Iamr» Cue!, nan. !'eter Cra.\furd, Alexander Grocer ;), WitiiU'D t'nmnnu?s Mr-. Dvftf, Ctiarla.- 0>11fp, Henr» DwgttcZ^, John Doncan 2, J«v 3. uii ivankiin, UrsuUeOanloo, WilUaai t»ea- ry.Janc Gkitn -s Patrick Gorman, i>ouc 3r*y, Abvnfiam Hender-^n, Amabie Herihix an BtiiirgainvTllr. WdHamJajr, Da-id Jraitina^ r.it/.iTofrU Innw., Jo*epii Jniuson. Charlotte ILendrlcIC, Ouucan Kennedy, Jolin King, Dan- id Km.; uerry, .; «ni« KiPPi that] \l^n' belaw, fVii-r Lalleur, Louis Uiporcr, \S 111 lam j (\ lv\ \'rn\c < Lefebvfft, tteoife IJnie , Monsieur Iny^h M«r. MrT>oniild,4ttlp» right, jamis MuoD.»uatd 2, John Mjwl>o..a1d, .1. MacDnno.'ui,, jo'io MitcDongall, i). &I*tatfr- iand, Ro!*e*t MaeMHIan, Mrs. ^ vfacXaUy, Vrch. MacNeil, William AUcNeiaii, U^nrj MacV.a, J Ream VlarstonS, Andre M;v.<<*to, l.o.na. VIear,,Joan Uedcatf, Apoliu- Mo,ire, W:|lia.<n Mnore, lAacnln Morris, Qtis Map- 4ocli,Joriu UAnrll^, l-\uui> No-th, Sa^iuel Ogtlrn, James Oliver, tftchari 0*Rourkc, Jo ia i'a'toi, Daniel ftu-lp*, Rat^ela House, iiatitUte !»rico«iU BHa» P«"lcCi ****&* u •,'1'^ Uial Row!.on, Mfcbw-1 Boy, WRf Runtii m, liM.*ph Saint (lennaiu 2, Kpuraim ^aiilurd, J. B.^ancarUer, rhomos Smitti (outpen»um« .-r) Mrs. Sfowari, MtTi Kr^t. Jacob Stickle, lU-iijanun StyletyJoJiti Toom«n,(uttt peusipn- er) Magdalen TflorapsOU, WUlten Tlminow, Jo'in Ttiur.vMi. A ...a llle Tro.nMe^ OouM Walter, Uttkf Wallis, John Walsh, ^iiilii. Welsh, Elam Wbaplao-. Bitsev WhcuVr, ;»,.. ter White, Diaries Wlbure, (ieoi^e Wilkin- m>u, Joi.n W. S. Wright, Winiaoi ^-uriit, J0H11 Vuurtg Silas Ma>,riioma> Madd.-n 2 w-s Slao'V, Viilliam Rilfbylp« J*'."; V adnn. .»ohn Grant, ttavld F^Usu, John Mac H»Ua. J: a j StaeLeau. JOjW .\l.\CAULA-V, PonMabter. h wiiom tncy wtll pleafe to pay their fubferiptions, when they (hall I'ero'fic »!ue. •%-*.^ 7HQMJI& SWEEflNG. Kingftou,Jan. iW^dtS. • 33^4, — THE Copartnerflitp cabled on *->y the fubferib-rs in Kin^ftm H. C. under the fiim of JOHN SiMoON ic Co. ib this day difloived by muntai coit- fent. John Simeon 18hereby anthorifed 'to coileft ail debts due to, and fettle a 1 ac¬ counts owinr by faid concern* John Shnfon, John *1 'homlon, Michael Scorr, John Whitehead. Montreal, Dee. 15, 1817 33.^3 - The bi'finef6 carried on uodcv the firm of J. hn Simfofi Ik Co. is continued by John Simfon, who has on hand a geflttul affortment of DRT GOODS, Which he 18 difpoftng of at very reduce! prices. "f^TOTFCR is hereby ptvetl roall co .- JJxl cerned', that the f-:h!c»ibere in¬ tend to petftlori t't^M f.'eViffato/e of thts ; Province, at it*; enfoine frfTinn, to pafj a [bill to P>nr the F(^at^ er»fo'ed to them, of Lot? number Seven and Fi.'hr iri the' fecond I "onrrfii^n, w^il fide of the W<'\ r.akej i.i rh- fuvnTnlpof R^llowcit de- vif. d tf the fuKfon'Scrs l;v the late Peu; Vanalih'ne Efqmr*. deceaC-d. CYNTHIV VVMnYK^, AIJ-Y DORLAND. y.rn. rj. l8l«v' 33 4 ter. WANTED, GffooM, wh »ean be w&l rejoin* meud«-d- Enquire of the i*»in- Kingsion, j-xn 8- 33 RAN.A/vVA\r, DROM his Father, Abr-uH*m Ph'l^ tf) f'rbid any pecfon from erop! ying ihe fud \brnh<;T» fclflipf on r, r, Gj 5^ in^ deah wiih a%the law it- ft< PETER PHILUPS Frccbrid.bur$\ fan. 4,i$i& m;