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Kingston Gazette, January 13, 1818, p. 2

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cftolomzation In the Rrii! != pnssw&vn* in X \. Hi' • »i •• lornr <1 n &»ltlrnipu* n? • .:i;- W '. .mP 1-hiKi—an'! on » Tini toCnn-vh becoming arc;aalnle«i ^itli i:< nature and ■•\t',at «rf tlifi lur t.;:<!.*. |M -# il a p»:iii Un moo<»p*>Ii- iittg it. Ar ihrKt period this trade was pri.tijiy. ) .ani'd <'» by an a,so.ip.- tinti of merchants catted the nartu M.-t company, which had recent!] bi- 'i "r^anucd by t!m iudtvidnals wh* br'-f»iiH'rly ptmucd tiie same traffic ca tfaHf Stf |>RfRfa accounts. Tin Stock ri Litis roniiianj i* divid id into a lion- k ■ ft 1 :•/;/»?;w'm;7. I.'»- l\>crl!cnry. h<v.v*v- nm-n. whs sent to arrest them- Lord •^r. gnlnted a partial >"j)p!v out of tlu1 -«':7«n s made under it, so that tliHr business was nol brought ic a stand. Lord Si-lktrk sent out a small body of r<;<:niitsto his colony, tvbit'h arrived in | the fail (J 181 J: Too north we*! Milt* pauy about th** same time procured a warrant fritm Montreal for the ftrres! ofGo-V. M&cdorifietlniullii ShrritlMr. Sp*nwr, tho cx> tuition of wiifrh \*ri committed <c Mr. Cameron one of tfa# oarlnor«. (low Ala 'rfonncll refused r! fnrmnll d. 'I shares, and i*ach share conl ■!« a ; I ro Rtfbn»H <•• tlris profit, and faroMutj t »te. Thin \ of these shares are own- wanted CSfPcnra 4 f:» quit the premises^ ed i>ya 'Ingli* house in Mortnal, a«.d of hU land /<//(/ the carl of Selkirk. eighteen or nineteen b) dirtVrctit 5e-»iii Montreal :»nd Lo- dan. T h m- Biatning shares ar^ hold by the wint »■- u»; partner*, who manage tb ■ afl'air* of tfu> company in the rntprW, and who pftcr having served a e*rtai*i tcritt of y*ar^ are permitted to retir** With an f tinnol allowance and t!»<• vacancj '*, f.\\.-\ by the e'lecthmof a clerk *lioj n»'( t iiuve performed a previous t -urj nfdnty, Such a ijateto la admirably calculated to sfimulute all partus to activity- Thiveomi1ptt«jf ha» in itvero- ni > about20(K)u?;//ff^«r#j whotiatts- port inercliandisc and provisions !o the vario-:-. post- and depots aud coll.-rt th'» r^uma of fur and jnlfrws. Th<--p rctomsam't.a'v. to {ibout IU6.0CK)!)»•*- t. r vkios, 2100 b- ar, 5500 fox, 46U0 vtt-?r^ I7j0>0 mu^c|pa»h7 3'2%OlJ0 utar- tt:n. 180(i mink, GUOU l)UX, 61X) wolv- errue, 1600 fisher, 100 raccoon, 3800] wotf? 700elks, and 3000 dear skin., j Ti<e distance of tue Red Riter, on: V:hioJt this company bad a post, from Montreal, is 2800 mites by the neaiv U r'Mto, Hint, of Lake Superior. This1 p-^tfsaboul equi-distanl from Luke Superior and from Hud-on's bay, and opueais (o be tlio nearest p no^ of toe contested territory (o the i ihnbitr.d » parts of Canada. Hi-, lordshiphavtog p.;s ijs^ed *i"m- "If of various Lifornta* tion in regard to the oRlabliBhrnenb o( tii- a,>o;-ialon, and perreiviug iU gr>*ater facility of access from Hud* RO(i3s !>a). v\ us Induced, on hi- rftufnl Co Rutland, lo lo .k ii>to the charter of j the *l ulson's Ba) eompauy9\»hlch was i;:' ;rporfttod \>\ diaries th^ II. lie found in this" chanter a graut to thi- coinpany of an iod^finite cxtont r.( tor-l ritory boundingOO ilud-on's Bay. lie! f'in.id too, 'that fhr uoniinal Et"ck of tl*i* company «as £iQQfiQ0% and that lit* *Knr(#h l«{««t tn\\ it \$%t\tt v.'iO per cm t 50 or 60 per crnf. IIS* lordship purcha^d-haresto t:ir or'iataal am- onuf of f*J0,<-0(\ and obtniuod the vir- tua.1 control of *!»• compnny*s atfain. TJt* no-xi procured a ^raut Co himself cf pbout 116,000 M|uaic nulcsof'tin-roMi- pony*< -iiij|)ocod rerrifory,commenciu^ rt |a'ko wfriaipic- 3"d r>nnni^ sumo haudrL<d ffliie?* into the territory of th. United ^£fttC5> His lord hi;> now b - ffuii fo stdrer'fee fat settlor*, and poou t>b.*aiModa nutnburof Irjih and Scotch fasvUira, which he shipped ffto Flud- son, under tUo conduct of Mr. Miles ZVfaclXonnell, whom ne app int-d ^or- er^orofthe colony. The detachment a<rir:*d at Fork Fort^ and proceeded t<» »i :d River, which it reached in tlio autumn of 1812. (iovernor Macdnn-. fifejl'-fir^ can;\vi:sfo mok; due pr'-vi- f:-ifi f-r the subsi-fonrr of his pi'pple. This hp was no* immediately uble fo j d.i, bid wa> obliged to di tribute th?n» * fa the winter in th * cumpHiiv's for?;. The tvwt winter hi? issued a proclama¬ tion in his qmlity of governor of h ()>»- pioiboii,' prohibiting t!i^ exportation J of prnvi-ionc ot any Lind from thecouu- j trk>-wirhiu hisjuri^icHoa. 'J'i>i< pro- rinco N ?!ni9 meted nod boauded in tiiis document—hfc Beginning; on tiie western shore of the lake Wtnnipic. at n point in fifty two dngreei and fJiirtJ' winnte» north latitude, a*?d rfrence running duo w;-.i fo the Ijftke Wiaui- piqinrbifh, otHrrv.ise called f i.-? Httl**. Wianfpk ; then in a southerly dtrre^j tion through the >nid Inkr. so a* to ■tribeit* western sftorein latitude fif¬ ty rwo di-gro^s : then dne w« t f.« j|,^ p«are where the parallel of forty t\v0\ rh»or'es north latifode int'r-'"*ts thel w^tprn brau-h of the K^l !liv-r. oTii-j irr.vi<* rallod A-iniboin |{iv r : th.-u'l dtte south from that point cf in-' tersection to the height of la-id iflii-li Repa/ate; 'hevvators running in- 1> HndsouN Uny from thO>?e of fh,- Missouri and Mi^irsipi river* ; th n in an eagerly dir-clion along fhr* lu*;zht of land ;o ihe source of the riv- MacdfliincUVmen, howfVcr, foca be- Uan to desert him> and heat last yield* ed himself up a prUonef; After' h^ < doparmr«",one hundred :»nd forty fa ;..•* lie?* f>: Ihftcolonics rvmov *d to Cainuhi Lord S-Ikirk in the mean time h;u! pr^'jectf-d a sottlemcJ't in «h-it is cal¬ led the Athabasca (Athapu*cow) eouo- tr), another iinwiwiiseand -till morere- hjole district,includ d in the obsok-tu iclaioi nlf the Rjidaon Bay company. A Mr- li.MnrtM.n %ras ir.stniclrd with the etd uiiou oftliisi project, androllcct* d n partv or th" purpo ein Canada. His lordship wa< eqnaltyactiTe in Lond u. and havinj;furti8<*d h»m«elf with the opinions of Icanu*d lawyers, obtained Ifromtbe HodKOii,< Bay comj^uy U« I appointment ol ;» eovr'rnoraud conwcP. j willi paramount jurluial and exoentiv* I power* rtut all th»* company's territo 'ics. Mr. S.-mpW1 WKisi nominated ^o- Vttmor, and emhnrked lor fork Fort on Itndsnu'tf bay. K^bMt-on pr«- CCid (i Irorn Mo<iM'"rtL;i!Hi dc patciMsd n Mr. Clark with about tOO men ht .\t!ia|-.ana. tthilst he remained with fomeofthe K«*d ltlv**r*ettlvrf\vho had s**t out in the spring for lind onV- Bay, and \*honi he 'II in with In the ilcin- it^ oflaKo VViiiiiipic. Scniplr atlvan- rod with his reinforceni^nl from York Fort, and b'in^joined on his route by Kob> rt^on and his party, proceeded »» lied Hirer and re-, stabiisnod t: e colo¬ ny. Scon after an attack was made upcii Fart Oifcraltarfl the north weal co?npany*s post at the toiL^ of lowei K**d Kivrr, where Mv. Cameron and his people weiv taken prifoners, 'Mo: hai>ii proceedtnflpi of governor Seroplc led to retaliatory men,vure3on fhn part of the north weM coiiiprtnyi Governor Semplu Titled out a joh boat on laUt VVintiipic to Interrupt the commuuica- tjoii v. it |i ilir -company"- rem .t"r e**tnb- R*Iummtf. and erected batteries, with the 'aim- view. The company attemp¬ ted to open a commtmieafioii bv laud. between n'vt-re QifJlp/n'te and tin ii^i.e. About fiftj Indians end halt breeds worcrnipu-wd for this nurpo>e. in the prosecution of this enferprise, a skirmish took place, in which :!w go¬ vernor and about twelve of his nidi were killed. The rest of the colonWti* on.'r more di-paired. WiiiNtthin;s were inthis^afo in the interior.J,,rdS»lkiik hadarrlved in( a- uada? end after rectMving a commi^iw a^ a Justice of the peace forth:1 (ndfrui Tcnitory and UppfrCanada^ had cn- :ist. d ISO dhbandftd soldiers of I), "euron'sregiincnt principa'h foreign¬ ers with whom, iu addition to about \xu canoe dieti, and a wqeant'* guard granted for hia Lcrd^Mp's prot»ctin In 'he governor of Canada, he prep*- reu ?o enter upon his setgHorjal rights and magisterial duties, in hUpro^n-iji he received in^llfgence of the divi-t.-r wnuh had belatk-n his Colony, ii* imnicdiiitt-ly pushed on to Port Wit- lianu tin pun rpa! 'b-pot -f the Xoffll tt Oonr|)a ny, where he nrriTed the 11th -I Aiij;h t, lftlo. IJi, Lordship took possesion of this post—no resJstauce b. iiii; made, althongh the company's seivanb rhere, a; that time, amoanfed co nearly S00. Umhtg thus far cti'v.ct- ■•d his ODject, by military power, his Lord hip next assumed the character ■•f th.- magistrate, aud in this capacity pntaJlthe partner, whom he found. th re, in confinement, and afterwards! Ait — f ■iolktrk not only r fused obedience t he precept, but p. t the constable un¬ der ginird, and »ion after dismissed him. J!ewas b\ thifmcan^lefl inpo.*- sesfion of his coi C|tievtA during the la^r winter. It is vStat «i fhat he was pre¬ paring to rv*tt a fort between Lake Superior and Lac de la riuei, at the point uhiih he defined the commence* nient of lb" HedMn*" Kay Company*'* territories, and tl.nt he h.id removed from Kelt \\ illisn. into th** coHfigUOOS teriitoTjes of tile United States, one of the Hoode;i buildings or stores be¬ longing to tire North West Company, and was taking stt-ps to remove other property eftVrtaaln beyond the reach f t'ritisb authority. Governor Shejv i rookeand C'"re J-ave appointed B4esrs Co It man and Fletcher, (gentlemen of high character, to investigate the pro- ivediuas ■-. iiich \:\n been detailed : and those commits, oners hare entered. upon iheirotfice a< \ proceeded on their destination, it was supposed they mouUrarriveat F#rt William in S\x\\^ A report ha** recwtly reach d us from Canada, ttnt a pffdficaiion has been So far eflected that tie trade of the North West Conmany h reatmted, pending the legal adjudicanion of the dispute. We util not voich for the aceoiacji . f the above relation.—but we can au- \\f\ for the candor with which it ba> beeh eamplled fr'»n ti»f' d icoments be¬ fore ns. Ol the p r>onal character of oid Selkirk we haw no knowledge, L we ale equally i»i.«'"aut of the coiiec- (iveor individual ficritsfcf the partners cfthettorth west iorajMuy. The au¬ thor of the narnu.v which give.*5 t'lU te [this article, in en'm^ratin- the good t}m]< of the lai'i'i sets forth that ■Mtufl h-ivt, uiih l pitit of IJUerallM and expense, in nfl "> In-tance^ oure- (pnted by (iurrg&nta <sf their nnd Mfa- kiuiis, expired th-' "hole eontinrnt ol North America, ?:u' ascertained the : fl£c*o>:iapbien! sit'ia:'ion ol almost ever. river and district o^ those immense ro. $\on*. They havereeeotly established a considiiable and fIu-vijU colony on the banks oi tlie(.V'unhia i.vrr, on th- I'acific Oe.an, ir. direct communica^ tion with their *ctl '^^Hts in Canada. find are iww exii*^vM 'heir inland trade southward t. t,l*: Spani*h settle¬ ment? in C'aliforui.V :,ud n> rthwavd to] those ol the It'tssire'* a* N^w Are 11 an- - u ■ n* J * ^ * ;ii in. ..i upward ■>f f<«0 Can.ulian, ^plfiycd ill this tr<M»e. between the Rocki Mos nt«iii< and thu ft?a, and ttiA> a\e ,1. j»ateh-d three Shtpftrtitind Cn\> »llnrti, ;v:(hsup- plfet, all oi" uliioh have taken carpet' ol furs from i ciumhia. for sale to tm Canton matin in China." We eouh contli.nrd by t^e vciy prcva'ent _nn;l j nrarly univeifa*. c Ro* of fmoLh-g cigars It was rendered evident, th, t thi'fe two caufefl co-operateo1 and apjtravat^d each other ; that ihc relaxing habit or (mokiag difioclined them frtsm evernfn g m the open air, as was the euilom, before tin filthy fjihien of fmoktug""became lo i in^rdiifate and fo general. J he p?> frffor tlien defcanted on the narcoti'- tfTec^ of tobacco, which, he faid, lik- rur. or b'andy., firl} IlimuUted Rtld then ftupificd ; that when chewed, it was a confotidared or dry dra.n—He ttocu explained die importance of the faliva todigellion, and (bowed how the func tions were injured, efpecialiy in yotliig perfonn who had not attained their foil growth, by cjceltieg it. It was fiid ih it inordinaie Im^kers were in danger of becoming tiplera ; fro-n the unnntu- ( ral ihirlt, created by ihe proeeffl of hot fumigation;and that to remove the [fainting and finking of the flomach, | incident to young fmpker*, too many | Lad recourfe to Itimulating dnnkn. (The picfcflbr he'd up to view the thougli it w^.s a con'fi'.Icn!/.- (io.Urt^ fr. m hi OWn army, and Vie l*ad to paig through h country full of nrgroc«, who had very lately been his m*Mal eiuiTiieg. Meanwhile Monn. Roleme, the French commiStoner, wrote a lctt-r t<, ToufDnt orjfinghimto fei/c the Brttifh general and detain him a tniionei. Of thw pl,t the general ic eivel iidom uiiun by the a ay. but proceeded forward nevenhelcfe, '■ When general Mait'and, and bis astendantP, arrived at Toa{Taint7t hea'd- qm«ter«, he w^w not to be Iten. The genetal w-j*difircd to wait, and afict much df!ay the ftcgro chictltill did not appear. General Matt Ian d*a mind began ro milgi've him, a- was natural upon a reception fcctnfngfy fo uncivl, and fo much fa;iinn Ml with the warring he had receivc*d. But at lent'tb out comrj ToufFant with two lcttv-r» open in l,i$ hand. "Th-ie, genera!,,,( (f-fd the upright chief) " read thefc before we talk cogcthet ; the one U a letter juft received from RoSeme, and the other enf anfwer. I would not come to you, till . ..w t-----.w........r...........-.. I bad tfrntten my anfwer to him ; that i uftnre of vit?mperance. and c^ntmlted it j \ you may fee how fafe you are with m^« with the pidlure of juvenile health and\ i*nd liow lecppdble 1 am of bafenef*.** vigour j he entreated ihe yon ng gentle*! General Maiiland read the letters, aijf men in an aff-6t 0'iat.e ma one to guard || fnuul one an artfo! ftl'cmpt to excite Touffmi to feizc bi-guen, a> an act •"?' | duty to ihe republic ; the Other a noble and indignant -refnfal. TeufTaut'j [agamft^and re tilt the fHi inroads upon their youthful conftituti-na and pointed out, In a forcible, but delicate manner,! the effects of that folly,'4 which molt eafiiy befeta them." The Doftor allovvcd that frti<*Kl«|j j W3»i cordial and comforting to eld-ily prop" I in certain btuations, and nndei certain eirc*jmflanceff. He fed he (houid b? unwilling t-« d.-tirive tht- labouring man of the foparifcrw regale, \w\>.x a havd wish tout Bnmftfjall their doing.- h*id can sod ; :S ll ie\ . _ .... _ Jay's w">:k, or the ^rief ' worn weaty neafro> *'tcr he lias Imilhed Ihn bard taft on the planattoOf and • whofc wretched condition excite* a wifli l^folleej^ lii- fenfes in forget fid ocfcj*" jNayi faid b*% I would light i^e pipe myfelf fo' 'hi* diode fon of affliction, if its fumc6 wou\! indi Cf him for a moment to ferret b»R vrictchednefi Hut f-r a yo'ing per(o**% a young ifntltmdBi not yet arrived at thepcrftftjon of hi-* gr* wrh, and f^cultic^, and who i•: or ought to be, all life,activity, aleitn.fs nnd ncatnefs ; for him to wilh *' lo tteep hta feuftfl into forjjetftilnefs.*" i^, if not a vice, a (h-in t iul depravity : ablolotcly un-tvorlhy j the blooming cinrgi^.H f youth. The profcflln likewife remarked that it wa. hPowmJ by all, |fen fiR^ \\V foundation of the college, the emlon' ol finoki'ng was never fo general as ol late yiars ; md tb-jt it wn- conceded by all, that individual* ncv.r carnVd t)\'; ornC'tk-e to 'nth exeef befrire ; and that it wa* confrfledj by all, that the Ions of Harvard never appeared fo la: guid ai d ui.healthy, and chit be could fay as a uhyrn uui. that doviojr the three and anfwer to Roleme wa$ te the following no'>1e (halo :—,c What • Have 1 nop pafRd my woid to the Brittfh general;' how then cany u fi-tppofe tliat I will co^er my&ifwith difhonaur by breaking it: His reliance on try good fa it h leads him to put himfelf in my power, and I Ttiould befoievcr infimons wrre I to acl a-, you advde- I an. f.iithfdly dt> voted lothereptiMie, but will not fu\* it ut thecXpcnce of my coofuence and my honour." Tim nohlentfs of f.iul rendered TonlEtm the lef« fufpiciuus of tneannesi and perfidy \n others. And tecordinglv. tir he wae fbo:i afterwards inveigh ! by f. I and fniemn prumifeir to tinll bimieTin ti*e power of the French general le CIcrc, who loaded him with iious and fern him to Fra; ee, and-by order of the Tuft uounful be was throu., i:(i0 a loalhfomc dungeon, wheiv he die ! ; but bow 01 ih . what manner, ih left to co-jecture. ' Mr. Laioktok's.Cow. We have applied to Mr. J.ai ton lor foir- lac's relating hi cow, which we noticed we- k. He inf..: ins u-i that ll-emoraiKinmof ifu miJk anj butter which (he fernifhe<l for 'feyeral fucceffive yeais he na<3 irili.iicl, but when' found flia|| behande«l us. Mr. LA^ghioo*! all: aft 4 to as pii-rn.-rs t,-» Upper) ar ^Vinnipic,(mf anin^ by -itch IttSt na- m^A pi'fer, *hc principal branch ot the irat^M which unite iu th** lake Safiln- f!n* :) thence along the main streams of tlmvp waters and fJic middle of Ht« se- y i;:' l-rltes through which they How, to tlr* 'm \\'\\ of tho VVinniptc rvtot; mid flir-nr. in a northerly din cfion, thro* the noddle of thelake WlnnipiCi to liip pfdr^ of hc^fiuiing.*' !• wili be p'*r- (c\v™\ r at thi* new £ Island ol ij,ira- ffar«hi' Extends cooMdcahly iu'o our ' t:f (h.'m ntf ^wda'MJ"re«'">y..b»aJ,„.df|,eirS. U.TIT ,lbrwriror//«*«-'"^"- ,..,:,.,, , } , "' "»« '■"ions i[| £*« .r!„n<|.,1. s,„lL,.ll<l.Mr.ai,J: f. n/""a !»•««« of fheKorth West Compaij, a„d t^ht other wrJo^ »rt> fo» uic wpcttw, of the , '•'^oy. Sit Jom, Sl,..p|,nK,kBl Sor*r" f:iut in foil, a (ion fo geoffruph'T^ noarncsnd Mackenzie ch^erve much credit forUieir rcsoltttion and p^ivcr*?" rnncc in penetrating into more inhos¬ pitable and d -oliti" clinic^, but haw; not nccornjKii'i'-d theirintineraiioswith ! t harts MilhclfnHy pe^picuotii- The present publication on the b*ha!l ol the [lurtfa *e>l e/.iu|>a:> 3»ld> nothing x fhesfock ofscogriiplncstiknowledge, The contest- d srotn d is U; all but tin parties<*nga d in hostilities, a trnu incognita in tduu/it evrc.> respect- from ihi United States Gazette* Docfrf Watprhoufc's Let!we on th? Pen.icious ejlds of fmating The prefeff>r of the theory and proflice of phyfic fimfhed his difcourfes by a public lecture in th- Chapel of. Cambridge, phichhas juftly excited no] fmall attentie" without, as well as within jthe wails of l*K college. ! We Hiall t^oi attempt an analyfis of ;t, [but (imply pwniion fomc of its moll i ttrfking fcat«re»- The fubjrd is indeed [intending to t,u? cooi^n--ity, being a j comparative v^w °/ &$ health of (the fcholars al prcfrntj and in years pad. It wil clearly proved, th *r iuilan ccs ofdeprav :^ health had incrcafed, and I were incrraftAS > ant' l'liU t,lrrtf wcrc more hcccVca' a"d coidumptive <om- plaints wirhf-tll,vc 'T four years p.-ft, thanfi rupwff** offap&ffh years prrvjous, ( during whir'1 r'ie profeflbr made his! icbfr-rvaiions. Hc adduced this (Iriki.ig m€t9 that ihe*tahc fa f'r *'»e frefmen in could trace tin', alarm.." fnrovd On tkcfr \07C m^iith^rt .^ n ^ tende. conil rut.W. to the pern.dous \^\ W*Wl*f rOOO IbS. aflll '"-..... " ' - avenge mds of miJk for&vcr* equat:y pernit tout c onewnitantu Although ihi> iedurc was replete v\"tli folcmn advice, snd was in iome paffages a ftroog rovciSlive a^aiufl a darling fefhlon \ yet the Undents, im¬ mediately ncuclU-d z ropy for ihe prrfc, which wc hope, will be the means of checking a vcrv fcriooii evil. STAPLETON. T'urn cigars fall* • bren PirMifced be wren months afrer leaving n,.r falfiy i i quarts, or 22 qua: th per day From ihe cream, 12 lbs. 0f buner per week is made; and ;ii is not unufurl to find in the [pail, after milking, particles^ butter already formed. Wc r«.»ffandp»rg£ob«i,by one vo ,s g.n.ie- j j ji fterd iy faw (he cream which 1 SJiake>prare* -----^*B>--» —-------------------- From a London paper* flie Rave the hit 13 davs, the lap of her calt—it was more la/dy dclivr.fd. at hi- honfe at Framjno l.am, near that ci'ty, of three Tons and a daughter. M.s. KJghy la a, ,Vtl! as ufoal fo fiwn after child binh ;the chiWren are al! allwe and qnite hearty Brfonr the birth of thrle Ifttlc- one.«, l)r Iligby wa, tliefather by hi- prefrnt wife, oi eight lovely and healthy children, the twoeidefl of whom a.e twins. Rrn.iik- able a. is the ahovr event, there are cireumftaBcts which reuder it peculiarly lo Dr. R.^hy i, a great graoiifather. and probably never before we.e bo,n, at days ol.!)received k\f fuftenmce from the a>w during the time. ft 19 unneceffary to! flate that jher n..ilkja of uncommon ex- •cellence, a quart of creamalF ways yielding a wound of but. I ten She is never fe,d on corn jor meal, but receives a peck of raw potatoes per day. Mr Laightou has reared thq .. . £............,«.,pocalfoftlieold cow, whichia one h„th, th.ee guat uncles and a vrr.at:-now 7 Vca,s of n.r. QkT2 he above mrntioued parties and the' " i X r &lfl* fize and -fc"r" f' ' " -- • color ot the parent-The quality of her rotlk is judged to be a little inferior, and aoour a quarter lefs in qeamirj—Tlw mfant fon „f Jolu, Ikwtree, Efq Jan. of Co'cheller. ____ , J From the ConneBlcut Cour ant, Nov. 1S. Touirant, the Negro Chief. In 1802. during the fhort interval of ■-- uthor^Wrfnri^. „„, ...duecm.sul 5 ,*. , 'f »'»«•««.-P; | watt fet beforf them If a keen appetit k I ' •" 'r"11 who 1,,J f^ ; *'lth mi'k and «« •.-.,.- ,,, a nr.rth.rlvdir.efion, ,|ir„- (hese om,,-,,, ' V ' ^T °f |be a critc"'"' "f hca,th' there wa W I,;?4 Infant, wtot to hi- fot domeftlC nuroofes and hnr pl?.-;•• h..-i..lli„g.>. ,, w„| ,,, ll|0 ." of l'l'l'-r ta„B,la, and deprtve. the W^ f>«l£?2 S T C*"?- "5 ' h,,n PwWy "' the L fi r„Z *[ [ ^ °U fcw1- m:7.f •! thin iiew <Ha„dr,, ii',,- 00^^,^^.!^ '° ^"- -h„ C1,ue u, -% ^ and / " Ipo ^barfatWn°f^ traoP«- >' -,„ a f £7™***fl*^ 5° f© IOOl5«| P" ™.....' «W**K»W, i,.o ...„■ Viare foTr^ Tllr,f ' ^ W**^>***^7^ P-erb a.onf the whi-ea of St D„. ,"^d, , ,l,out |o dollars wonh * -n and nor,!,,, ,,r„ t,rrit,ri, . J las, £,,. c, „ "• ; aA*",*«.»««t Theea„feo? ""'■ declining h,aii| C 1 1'T' a»-" - ^ bla.k, that Tons- M -mlk ibid UQ|»HV to uL / i ««praeirttu<*ui rcaJursa icictlwii

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