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Kingston Gazette, January 13, 1818, p. 1

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imyfeffe .w^sp y~,***^*rv*nivmmmm t?*rr»VT2HP"i^•*'rip-~~» ■ -•^«-v^y^*^'^*^^ytgW EPMrysV ' [TUESDAY. JANUAftY \3, I81S.1 KIJN TOW [VOLUME VII.------No. S3l] •■ GA Kingston, Upper Canada—Printed and Published by STEPHEN MILES.—Price Four Dollars per Annum—Exclusive of Postage. Cffl^E JI'TfTSTTit-?- '.TlKrAi B&Si£ ~*3Se>,v '4d»r t.t;A^:T^w;.*z.: Tgtj^s^.T: ^8TOI*/*^EDW Agents for the Kingston Ctastifife- gtatsi Tow n, J \ M ES RANKIN, Esq. York, WILLIAM M.LAV, L><u Bror.UviUo. \. SJTKRWOOO, ISq. ReHvillc, S. If'NABR, Ivq. MoPtrcaL N. mow; K, prMtr. E&NMT rrnvv Mansion Hotel. kWJj P. FORWARD, WriSHES tn acquaint the public TT that lie has ci'inpU'tdy nuifhed ari elegant new built two fiory h >ufc in the village of Ernefl Town, fur the ac Commodation of Gentlemen & [.adies. ,There being an elegant arched room, ftrty feet in length, Gentlemen and La¬ dies may aflernble with propriety for civil iteration. Travellers may rely on finding good accommodations for Horles and Carria¬ ge, with good attendance. The Inhabitants of the Town and its vicinity will always find the heft and pu- rtft Liquors of every defenption, for prompt pay on'y. No pains will be fparcd by Mr. F. to give univerfal fatisfii&ion to ail who may think proper to call A few hoarders can be accommodated ^»t a reafonable rate. Students at the Academvmust always havethe preference ■^Wetkiy payments will be required of grangers without furety. Ernesi Town> Jan 5. 1818. §2tf Contract. ANY per Ton willing to Contraft with the Subfcriher to take the following quantity of LUMBER, t<* Markrt; to be delivered at the Crofs, Wthe Port of Mo'tienl, or at New-Liv¬ erpool Cove in the Port ot Quebec as »;v he required, w.'H apf>!y bjrU.au fc.fl.paid, to the luhfcribcr Town o Ringflon, or to Wcflb. McLean and ftcMuUan at Prefcott. icoor het Pi. e timber ready rafted. 4000 Standi Haves Ton the wa- ■ • " " I* I ter- edge, loooo pices z -j 1 * ... • deal at the Kingston Mills, joooo feet fquare pine timber icady rafted ; 5000 Standard (tave* 1 waters 6000 ps. deals z\ \ 3 in \ edge, at Gananoque 6o»ooo feet fqunre pine between IVellcs's Ifland and Prefcott, ready raft¬ ed. WM. HAMILTON. . Kingston, Jan. 6, 18 18- 3* FOR SALE, ONreafonuble term?, that well known ' ftand for a Tavern, firnated in the Village of Preicctt, J-,oU No, 9 and 1 I, fronting the King's Highway, and a large two ftory framed Honfe, well fin ifticd, with a'large Kitchen in the rear, ftpbling^for twemy fpans of borfes, a fti<rd (event y feet long-, and a good houie on the rear Lot, fit for the accommodation flfa refpeftable family. The who'eot the buildings thereon, being fiuifhed in iiwoikmanlike manner, and at p.-dent occupied by Mr. Alexander B. McDon- d\,a« a Hotel.: For further particulars, apply to the ftbfcribers, or to Mr Alexander Mac- lionell, Junior, Merchant, Piefcott, by tthomthe terms may be mace known, arid an indifputable title and immediate ppffeflion will be given. -ALEX. MACDONELL &Co. Kingfton, 3d Jan- 1818. 32tf * FOR ~SALE^ ROO ^crC8 °^ Land iu the? Town- **"'-' (hip of Laafdown, to wit, lot dumber 10, in the fiifl concetnon, iiiclu ding the Broken Front, lot number 10 and the Eafl half of lot number 9, in the 2d onecflionc, being part of the tract granted to the heirs of Lieut. Govern^ Hay. For particulars, euquiie of 'Joel Stone, Efquire, of Ganan. que, or Dan iel Washburn, Eiquiie, o: Kiug'b n at whofc Office the evidences of title may be feen. Jan. 5.—32 THE SUBSCRIBER, IKS EOS leave to inform hij friends & mJM the public generally, that he ha« removed ftom his former ftand to the flv-p lately occupied by Jonas Abbot & Co. near the Market Place, where he l has now on hand, a general aifortment of Hardware, Cutlery, &c. Which he will fell on the tnoft moderate term.. To let, the (hop lately occupied by the fi'hfcriher, and poffeflion given im mediately* SAMUEL SHAW. ftinvston. $tb Jan. tSl8. 32 SMITH h BUITLRWORTH, ' 1 ETURN their fincere thanks to . X their friend-* and the pubhc in ge¬ neral, for the liberal encouragement that they have received fiuce they recom¬ menced the Hatting Bujin?f$. They have an exteulive aflortn.ent of Ladies aud Children's BON¬ NETS, of various colors and Ihipes. Gentlemen's Beaver & fine CaftnrH vTS, LikewifCj Knapt and Wool Kat.s. Which thev will fell very low for eafh or approved credit. Produce uken in payment. Jan.2. 3*tLj THE "SUBSCRIBER, EOS leav. to infonn \\u friend-i 8f ____ the public, rhat be has juft rcceiv- rd. in adrfttiofi to hi- firmer Hook, age-j ucial aifortment of real Jamaica Spirits, Brandy Gin, Peppermint, Wines, &c, he. Together with a &efli fnpply nf Dry Goods 8f GrROCERIES. ^hofe who will favour him with their KINGSTON AvSSEMBLY. The next will be on Friday the fixteenth inftant. January 5. Notice. THE annual M^etinrr of the Kings¬ ton Auxiliary Rible and Com¬ mon Prayer B*ok Society will he held in St, George's Church on Wednefday the 14th inftant, at ig. o'clock- Jan. 6. %Z — — - ■ <— - 4 LL perfons are hereby forbid cut- /V tfng or carrying off any timber, of any defenption, or hay, from Lot No. 3, in the 6th conceffioo of the TownfhJp of LreJSy on pain of being proiecuted tu the utmoll rigor of the law. ANGUS CAMERON. Perth, January £, 1818. $%W$p WANTS a fituation in a Grocery or Dry Goods Store, a young man that is well acquainted with the dif¬ ferent languages. F01 particulars apply at this Office. Jan. 3. Front the Charleston Courier. >i I 1 f 32 STOVES. !*rT!HE fnbfcriber has juft received at J 4_ hi? Brick, tlore, Front Urett, Dyu- bk and Single STUPES & Sheet Iron, And has alfo on hand as ufual a gen¬ eral aflortment of Dry GOODS, Liquors, AND GROCERIES, Crockery and G'taffl W »re in Crates. -Iil'eed and Cu>riets Oil, ftus-tra ground i"oil ;—and exoeft-i ill a few days an •}'*dition to hi Stock, all which will be *°ld extremely t'htft&ai wh .lefale. s. b. -'K'C urnr fCtngstmOS zo, en; 32 For Sale, THE new valuable li.)n\e houie, barti and Lot. \t*\ Iv ho : i:i:nr\ baker. Kingston, Pre. 30. 3 1WJP TO LET, A MD poiT'.-ili -n giveni immediately, -£&_ a Houfeand Lot with a Stable, cullom. will find them far fi.p.rior inI [fr«ijj ffl btiMitvillc. quality to any yet offaed for (ale in thisM *«©.<« **«?* f* i;ot( fituated Province. »J by the Frtneh Chu-eh tateiy occupied LIFE'S LIKENED Written in imitation of the poetry i the 17/A century. Life is—what? It is the shooting of a star, That gleams along rh** trackless a*r. Vnd vaimliei, almost ere seen, to naught. And snoli is man— He bhir.oand flutters for a span, And is forgot. Life )■,—Wbal ? It is the VennriJ of lite rose, Ttmt blooms ha1 till the bleat wind blow, Then all ejitomb'd,itsswectsdo£h&dcand rot. And SOCh \<- m.in — He strati ta brwery for a.-pan, Am! is forgot Life i-—ivhar ? It is a dew drop ttf the mom, Tnat, quivering, hansr- npou (It»* thorn, Tii!,quaflV by'sun-beuuis/iUjio loflgcriugbt. Aid >«'.h is man— Iie'bsttvp'uiu ftofrovr (Sira sparr, And melts, forgo;. Liff N—what ? A stone, wh.vriail doih circle* make, On the SfliOOtbf surface of u-e lake. V.f-'.rh i«pi*i ::d till one auii ^11 forsake the spot A*-d so"ll »s man— 'Micist friend- he rtvA* fot a -pau, And hinkfe%fin-goti Lifci*—what ? It h a hi V»i;* on the u;orn, Jia'^'d by a 'iith %hbf. of rain. Who e heir destroys the fabfiC it has wrought. And socll is man— Snell'd m'oh'M.w for a span, And broke, (bigots l.ICe isi—uhal ? A pbadon on (he mountain's side, Ofrocu.iiiat cloth on ether ride; .)H'.»«mi n»^ lln »•.».' it.p, it-.i* mil'W iruipeiflt ■ frang'it. \nd -ncfl fvmail — lie liong- on p'oaturs for a pun, LORD SELKIRK TUE NORTH WEST COMPAJfY* -'(III. 14 lOt^lK. Country Produce will be taken in j payment. JOHN BOWLING, Store Street. Kingston, U. C 20th Dec 1817- 32 3 Fur Cap% Beaver Gloves h Mogasins, For>fale by MOKJEAU & St. GERMAIN. 32: 7:73. Mail Stage. hy Mr j ffepfc St. Gc-inv.ia. One Houfe «uil Lot, next do'»ir to Mr. Tou- f-iiut I eflfftgr. Fu'jiiire - .f MONJB -U & a.*. GERMAIN. Kingston OS. l6. 1817. $1*3 JACOB H. BELL, who went from J this place to liclat'J, about two years a^o, rt^juefts all p*i ;ns who CftSy (have claims uoon hur., £x> give in their j accounts oropcriy aurhentfcatcd- to the ifubferiber, who will Foivv.trd then to him, a. he is defiroob oftic^iidatfrig thcrfl. JOHN FERGUSON. Kisgflon, 241^ D-c. 1S17. ? -'"* 0- TO IXi\ Life 1- -vrhal ? Ii is the^onnd 61 eanoofl near, N\ IllC'l Silii*- .- i-yO :he t:n'i tr.l ear. And eoa-es ere w ran (JUtifiguUli uughl. And such is mun—- He frets and liln ler.-for a'pan, And i* foigOt, Life i—ul.ai? Tt i-: the raoJIo>Y*fl fc,M»»u nmrnt, W ho, ere ;!ie ^n.uioer"- robe is renf, I'litt lo orne dl**anl Lourne, by in>tinei taught. A:u\ Ufh \? vrtftP— He renis his dwelling for a span, And Bits,forgot. And islhlfi—Life? Oh yes ! and, had I :.ine. Id tell, In hundred shapes more iraustea! still. lint, uhiist I >peaK, fa-e wlie:i hi* -*langh«'r- oirv knife, *a,' -eeh t>man— While IVCk'iiiiigftV* lirV' little span, Diarh e5K|pfHe>trt«-e. n * 4 ND pofleffion "iveu imir'rr«"?.tc1v, a. a Houfe, COQtair.?r\g (ix rooms, nd ^rK» ami rrorn iorici| ■* „ , ■ ,- .- . . to Kincrttoni toe eniuinp- winter, and I c- . . - .,, , ,- • t -, . will commence as ioun as me II irii">k! | , ....i„ ... .-... ...u . l(^r „____■».. rv..L~ rjlHE fu^fciiber informs the public J I tbnc he intends running a Sta^ I ^ CeUer> WcU ^ ;^^ ^ from KiogftotttO York, and Fro* York |o %....., R^^K.^f, «.!;.,;.....« U rh*««- ghu>g will aniwer. To leave Kino.lt.ou and Yoik every Monday at two o'clock. Stage Fire. || From Kingfton to Beiivillc, thrte dol-jj lsr»s from Kingston to Spolden's Inn,fix dole ; from Kingston t<* York, ten doib- S\MUELPURDY. Kh'jflon, zZth Nov. 1817. 2? Apply to trie U s.-.t'jer, n^ai- i\ii: Catho¬ lic Cherch. PHI1 IP VIA3. Kir.o-^cn.. Kov. 7, iRi-j, 24tf FOR SJLE, BY :he fubferibers, a few ba.-r.-rU fi; €11 Direc*l frofti Niagara. j. THORNER&Co. ■ 3°, * 1 Dee 2? rnHE Co-PartoerftSf betwnwa Tho X mas Coleman & John Kvciitt. Junior, Merchant 'I'ra-.i»v, BeUviile. Up:.er Canada, was diffelvtd by iflutwal oowent o!. the Tcnili rlay -)i ,Vp. il lad Thomas ( oleman^ John Ecerkt, Junior. JUS'!' received and for faie at ihU Office, prire 7 }6. the MONTHEAL ALMANACK, For the Year of our Lord 18 18. Alfo—ESSATS on PR \CT1CALHUSBANDRY, Addicted to the Car lOiao Farners. By C. F. GatCE, ot Montreal. "h (member 14- 25 To Let, "jF^OR one or more year* frorn t^e pi ft il day of January n^^ the well known Staud as a Tavern, Jn SandvIUe, Jin theprcfeiicoccupancy of the fubfeti- bef. SAMUEL, puRDY. i Kingston* i6th Dec. \X \j, 2.9 THE PANQPUST, For th Year ,816, 1F01* Sale at this Office. [con.'clcte ] 28 A yoj tig married Woman hi the jLJl Country,.of good charaftcr, who has loll her Child, would he ghid to talce one to Nurfe. Inquire of the Printer. January, 6 i3t8. J7. I Blan k Deed* ami Memorial?, For fale at this Office. Onondaga Salt "flTOST received and for Lie at the 11 <tJ iiorectS. Bartleft 99 TO BE SOlfy k Geuiecl oaivenieni Houft* with jt\_ pan of a Town Lotf gtuated in Liont fircet '.car the M»rW| j,, a molt elij^ibif ;!tu. V u for any imc 0f public Imfmcb—For iwvticplars aj?ply to the . .uri/ter. 1 Kingiion* t*pt* '5» l$1}. 32 MULTIPLICATION Tables, For the ufc of Schools, For fale at this Office. Officers Half Pay, and Artil- lcr> FenfionBLx^NKS, For fale at this Office; 11 Blank Summonses For the D.strict Courts, for Saic -11 this Oiike. From the American Monthly Muga* .zinc. A Narrative cf Occurrences in the Fn- dian countries of North Arnerica- since the conhexiouufthe li;.-,i; iio- norable th Karl of Selkirk \rhri rhe Hudson's Bnj Company, aod hi it- tempt to e ialilih n Colony on t!»<% R.-d iliviT ; tttrlj ddetailed •» o«nrrt of Sis Lordship^ military expodilinn lo, and snb"equent proceedings at Fort Willi»vn, in UpP'*" : wiftdtft Loudon, 1817. Svo pp. 2,29. - Though no' directly interested in the result of the controversy I -"ti Lord Selkirk and t- e NoVth S^-ent Company wo cannot feel wholly •■» !if- f«n%nt to the dec-isioh of a c!aim t, ■ > *>l— virtif thr* jurisdiction of n tarfp ti8f( '>f (his continent, nor view* vviih une n- RCftt I he violent measures hy which thai claim hasheerunfViveed, Iladlhs sanguinary scenes to which Lord Sel¬ kirk's pretensions have gt-ten rir«e, oc¬ curred in a remote quarter of the GIofte,they would have attr»cl.'d irme attention from the novelty ot t!:» -pec«- tac!d exhibited. Not that bloodshed is "uncommon in our u^ay, not thai there is any thing remarkahle in the Organi¬ zing of a body of desperadoes, by a poputaf leader for any enterprise, un- der any colours, but tint a British peer's turning connnercial speiulator and laud jobber and leaving his seat in parliament to uage war in his Britan¬ nic Majesty's dominion-against acom* puny of British merchants, is, pti n in these extraonlinan times, a little stu- L'.t-lar—whilst the apathy with frkicli {the British ministry and the Colonial Oovernmenf havelooKi-d upon trnn^- actioTis *o di'-^raci-ful to rhe Dtiticmal chnractor. and *o derogatory to the national faith, is still more >tr;i v- nnj uiiaccouutahle. But the m«st inp»r- taut conseijuence of LordSelktrk^ex- p difion. to 11s and to the world at largt!. and one %*hirh, iudepciideul r»f his lailuitf or ^urcess, \% lis bringing again into notice a region to which a century since all oy> wen* turned; & reviving a question which bad been put at rest without be;ngsolved. Thr im- piactihility of a North West piwsageW tin* Indies i-. far from being aacertaifx- e<\. and the present occasion has! d to a discussion of the subject in the Quar¬ terly Itf view*, which we trust will once more put discovery upon this track. How >o pregnant nn enquiry should have b»*en suffered to fall into ■uch total neglect is not ea y to ima¬ gine. The same fortitude and peisf*. v< ranee which have been wasted in ex¬ ploring the sterile deserts of Africa for comparatively frivolous purposes would long since have arrived at some certain conclusion on this most momentous* point. We feel as if a degree of res¬ ponsibility attached to our own gov¬ ernment on this head. As the second commercial power in the world, ami the first in this hemisphere, it might I have been expected thai s<>me portiQa qf our national spirit of maritime ad¬ venture would have been directed roan object so worthy, in either regard, of our attention. The Russian Count Roman/olf, with distinguished liberal- ity, has equipped, at his private ex- peose, a Vessel under the command of Lieut. K -tz.'bue, for a voyage into the Arctic Si-a, through B6tfriug*s Strait, in seaiHi of a passage into the Atlan¬ tic. This vessel was despatched more thiin a yetfr sines from St. Petersbarfjb, and touched at Plymouth in Kii.Jaud. Tlie attempt U> -ail through from the l-a, ilicOceaninto Hudson's Bay.or Laf- liu's Bay. wasprobably made lu*i sum¬ mer. VVe are yet to luarn tht: is^ue * f the enterprise. This splendid in¬ stance of individual munificence and enthusiasm in the cause of science should rouse an honorable emulation in enlightened and opulent mercantile communities. We cemmend this ex¬ ample to the consideration of our na¬ tional Legislature. t From the narrative before us, from Ma'-k'mzieV* travels, and from theout- line of Lord Selkirk's 'Fkcfrh ol the fur i'uC\c, vScc." coutrtiued in the r vi \y alnadv n f irred to we gather r inr ! i- lowing history of the origin ami pro¬ gress of the dispute between iii lor.I. ship and the north-wst traders. IV.*. vious to the year 1806, the arlof Se - i|kirk ^eugaaid iu several schema .

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