Kmgum Gazette, Tuesday, tietember % \\%\^^—Co7itinned. From the Richmond Compiler. you pay, or any debts in whatever way Manv perfons ate tOo fublle 8h0lt litntS tO men Of OUsineSS. y<>« difcharge them.— Thcfc receipt ancJ fufpicJous for tjlcjr own In the co.ufeof my ilk, certain rules mud not be taken on loofe bits of paper, • „ . i f '.-., have occuncd to tic as tlfeful to ail men which may be miflaid from their place, llllclclt d"l enjoyment. 11. MOORE'S hey C 0 b' F E E-tlO U » B. ...gaged i« bufitwf* I beg permiffijn " M fr«.m iheir file. And what injury PUt lome ""»ler COilitrUcUon --------- tolay them before your riders, as the m*y not arife from their lofs! To On every look, and find OUt if0/171 ISIOOVe icfults of an.xperi'enec, which it w >uld remedy this inconvenience, learnedly fomerhinff amifs 111 every (mile. ■** pmrrDMoi- r , ' . take them fome time and trouble to ac adv.le you to have a blank book fct _ AcHnjr in rfitsruif/ thrm 1 I "" T?* acknow!e«le. noire, apart for the ouroofe of re.rilhri,,, mUr r . f5 ™ f"1?01" »«»• 1\ ment* to his Friends, and th« facia, rather than ditlrail it an,,,,,, fev- *> P*«c on the blank leaves every {crap „ —~ "m ' j "C lTfr» havmg ««?•« cral. If yon hav. n.a.y different iron, of a uewipa. ei which had been pubiifl.ed Great Production. ™ TO 3*"*° a"d **■« b"»d- " / * !„•* I " r - TT .• r />•«_.._. lllf. lias lOHIc'd fiat i- v <-*rr irwiv »-.r -v........ in the fire, fume or them will m.ll pio- relative to his concerns, bahly burn. bo',k ",lu ,jt br«* an 2d Mind vmu concerns ; for, <'o ffiftt t"u" wiabL- y-t. in a momcr.' (ruft itly to agent. « clerk, It ^mpt which you had occalion to con- «>% bufhels of excellent pot*»,e„ u^ 3bSST ^CTl.ffrfhtlS L wifn anv thing well dune you mult h- ffc^r* ,/W* of ground This "ompin 7 "° ^ ^ ^ either do it yomfelf, or fee it doie by loth- B-J'an« your day-book at the " believed to be the largeft production j-fe j,' o0od v^rdand ft,] I, f , ««* other, Even youragent will loon learn f, do' every wck-and your ledger at of tins vegetable, of any heard of, this ,; " 2 £fa to def,ife you, a, w,!l as neglect your I-J "«•«'» eve. y year. fruitful leal0n._6y„n^«. «o ^ f concerns, unlef, you fe« an inter ft in ' ' " ^ttleyour accounts, as far as------- ^] J ^ « " °^- them y.,urlef—Uteno to y«.- bufi- poflible, at le-iil once in every year— Josephs d Aigle, wtfe of AugU'tiu _ i ...L_ . *J1_______^ nefs.andbewillatt,nu to .t.-,Vgkd Jjj* .^»■« "nable to difeharge their J'-«»bro, oM I., parish ofSl. 0,.r>, ag^d rpf^ jj A tf T? 17> V itvourfelf your age t will negled it.— debts inc-.dh, may be ..:duced to give 64, v,a, doiivt-rcd of twnss ... S. pt. -X \J IS/l /V ML ll&. If he do«not, take that man u, your J**^1**^ *« ^ £?» af ™_________^^^ >*««>•] GOVERNMENT CONTRACT. heart • he is oik out of ten ihoufaud. notebook hn. this purple, coofiftlflg of " 'T ""■■" >"~~*~m =r~ Sd-'ltnatumfy from the lad bla;k notes to be filed uP-you. Note J0Senl| Sp/vf* qPENDERS will he received at this mle.that you mnft rile early, to foe to and Wpt book« would be two of the UU5CJM1 StOU, f 0fgcc tI„t!l , oVI ,c|c p M on thecc,rfeofy->ur bnf.neU. The man niod uleful records ... y.,ur whole elta- Surgeo/l, &C. Wedncfd.y, torh of December next, who wades the fird moments of the d*y mti I^nl- .... A COTJ-UNTS the o'jblic that he f,,,rn P«WM wifting to fiipply this in bed, is fure to produce the fame habit >2th. And (honld any of you be to J~\_ hdo faken JnU) • I|tr())i H Gnr.fon f .r fix mornl,., comm.ncW the am.,ug all tho'e who live within the "'itortunatt, m Ip.te of all y,,,r care, Mc,.EE) iVje.„ber of .he Q g jd 25th Decemb-r 18,7 and ,-nd.Vg 24 h yon can devote to, is y.u.------™— ■----- ■• '• ••« lehnre moments that is. thofe moments J* ^^^ JjJJ fJ ^ •• Thofc indebted to J. Scott, Surgeon, f^HE Cncem hereof re exillin- J;;,;:; I,hOLt *■* ^ X^1!^^&^ ^bepi^^fettletbciracG0U^ l^j^w.^ ch Irt Tu credit always keep P«* "f f°rtuuc bas proved hin.lVf rI« addition to the former dock of Mf«*" 3t P""« F,ede.,,k, was bar5; \L } ,n?!f liTer ft-.-t.-n fwpcior to temptation ? i)iiliuS & 55KD1C1NES d'fio;VCfl °" ih' 2+h U,,im"- Thc fctrC g 5f*S 4' ^ Many of the." rules are truifm,, but The following have arrived fatJ^L J^*« "* «» «*««« ^>^ Ton fij h rnet^t|lr wor/ fcc hat th--y are all worthy ..f beiog re,olleaed, Boweu's S ,go Powder, i, q.T,0X,s a11 « chums aga.nd the faid cncem »«i. MMkrUW of rZi - bufinefs, -They are all a. y ,,r fervice. Ramlay's relto.ative Vegetable Tcoth S """ ^ f*rf ^1*' "f"* than of hSldtiP'SttSi-^!l you *M-mM*mJfimJ!iL Powder, h.s R,o,h:r. who from ,t, an-l wdl therm.kefl»^and !..:«, gggS^^ ,^..,;-v^.u-^<<A.»..^. Ramfay's Ante Odontalgic, or excel- ,nan> th"'«: 'noebted to either of the 1I6 ral ,h,. venturefome -,lk. -that you labor **„{* Q, lent remedy f,„ preventing To„th Ache, C^WbKt^JuSTSI mhtrtlw gamble m y.t.r vocation. 111(111 &[((.<?€. '• quantity of.xcellent Cephalic Snuff %,M' , Vu „ r 5 • r * BafidH in theft dalhiue eotefpn^, a mHI, fu,,lc.ib,r . . » ... Barclay's Aromatic Vineg,,-, for the J? ' C°^aSt ™ f^J. "!. fl,turc' .m v 1 •/, I- ',-,;, .. ., rRinBMMOTOW informs the public F, ', n , 6 ' Company wrh the Suhfrnher, under ttastwEO-'T'iik« his own .reoit, but I thar he .W H • C cure ot head aches, 1 e 'eni ,-, , , , ', ma., not o j _■_ tfiat tie in* d< running a btage f»l.6«. M,™ ;. ! . n- • tl,e h,ai "f ^"*«V Graham & Co. tafks'he?..dh,.morofh.Sfne.K]3. from Kingdon to Y0vk. and from Yo.k . Glal. s Magnet ,n great efbtMtim R.MACKAY. 6th. Whenever you nre tr.oer the tf) Kj Hon> the ^. „. ^ ... England and the, &,r aadi- R; h N g - br.-eOi-v^-appea'mtrto your frKudx to wfJJ commencs as %„ft to the fl ;.),;_ ty in the domach or chol.c m the bowels, --------S---------.____________ * incur for you any ferious refpowfibll'ty,.wja aofweri To | Ki (i()J' | Indian Arrow Root, jy, „ Mrn you ought never to adc it unlcfs you in Yorkevery Monday lt two o'clock. Barclay &■ Son'sgeunme 'tch Ofnt't, a yJKJL-iJ-> your turn incur an equal refponfiimity Stage Firp Lamp Oil, Oil of Turpentine, Olive Tn)Y the Subferiher for them, or make thrm fecu.e by a v _ v.^„„a„6...„,..;, . .. Oil, Linlietd Oil, and the cold drained Q plvjcre of property. Thefe trai.iafti ni8, 1 know, are generally ordered in quite a different manner. Men hurry tl cir friends into banks, or moie perilous _ ftTV?UJi*' **VK.UX. Ramfay's Medicated Nuts, anfefu? ar-----------------:----------------'-----------------? place- without caution or fecurity. If *-™Jton> 2*"> "«*• '8'7- 2? tide in expelling worms in children :— P h 11 TPh C 1 t PPh \ fm 'hey fail, ,way go their friends with 0, jq ~TfT------------- Thcy *'" maUn'aliy affift J' ***** ^I1UICl1 ^<*«^HUII1 them. This is a ritlc which very few ND ^ irnmcdlatelv, Worm^owde^fo^ generally L.-cefsful Ff)r Sa,e at th;g 0fficp# ought to incur, 01 impole upon Z» H f rni° . . f -* ir • . .^ „;„.. Uurirv -L*- a tlouie. coi, fix rooms, . If you cuffhi to give tecunty,_____, n.,„ „,,, , J . in children and adults. SCOTT&McGEEinCo. others. Ifyoo ought to give (ecur.ty, -aood Ccn""weu',L"7^ 'J* '-----'J SWU SMCtittmU of courfe you havea ,i,ht to aflc it. £* Bat-L^e ^^tthU'n ^ZI^^cPT^ MVeHtSSmeJlt. 7th. Make DO Important agreement, -fr . . n u ,j J , K ' ineoven near the Catholic Lhurch hnlefs you reduce it to writing. M« «™""^ StS^ to»w»of*,»* id Dec. 18.7. 27w3 m HE Snbfcriber refpedfully Informs may prove fcound-els, or their memories Jj^Jf iublcr«bcr, near thc Catho----------CTra^^ir©-------- *• **InhaW^«» of *■ T°«» ■* at lead may prove treacherous. 1 he 'Pt-jti TPvrac l nil oUJJoLKIlJhK Town/hip of Kingston, the Town dup ink will cental!! as it i-; but words, TC;n_(ion j^ov . ,o,_ \r \MTILL receive propofals for build- of and Woolf lfland, that he voi-tile woids, will fly away and be ' 5 ' ' " ta'7-_______24" ^ f i„e a GRIST Can- ls now ereding a Pot Am work in the forgotten. Nearly a fourth of the J^r\v t7 / anoque.on the North fide of the. iver, and Vicinity of thi- Town, where he will caufesthat lumber our dockets, proceed J1 OP &(Z[e, for making a Canal to take the water receive good Hr.ufe Aflies at the rate of from negleft of this obvious rule. [TTTIHY. Ead ha|f Qf Lot number from tne ral"'H* at tnt fording place, to Sewn Pence C'y per Buffi?) when BtSrlfo, death may fweep.ff one of the Jf Eighteen in the fird couceffion the Gully at the landing where the Mill delivered at the Works, and fix pence partjes, and the other may be at the ut- of Frederir.khbi.rgh, 0Q Wnicb J. a e„0j is to be placed. He requefts that pio- when colleftcd in Town ; the Affie wolPofs to Drove the cxiliencc or terms Houfeand largeimproTement.—Saat&tt pnfa's may be given to him before the be paid fer in Mer. i.anrlize. of the bargain. at this Office. ' ' 20th of June next. A Town plot will A Sleigh is to be fcllt round Town to -8th Obfcrve the utmod oider in the Ki.igllon, Nov. 24 ,817 26wx be laid out this feafon at the above nam- eollecUhe a week, or oftener proiecution of your buliuel's Enter --------------------------*' "_________3 fd p,ace . t|(e termi> Qf fa,c gnd jpare if neceffary. :s to ei'er every debt or credit as it occurs. rmr\ T n a c- n will be known by applying to the fuhferi- A. MACPHERSON Beware of the fml ff. nd Ennui ; and _£ U MJJKaSK- ber, who has for fale 1174 acres of Kingston, 17th Nov 1817. 2ctf mind the food maxim, t> do every ihing t</j.i s&V/a • r,, ,„J Land on the River Rideau, being lots N. B. Care mould be taken to Kerp Whileyoil think of it p/ppv r r V *&"***» Nos. 5. 6 and 7 in fird conceffion and tbe aftie^ Dry and Clean as non. but Have a place for every thing, and let A J' . '-'Vound, foppnfcd to jjew. 5 & 6 in the fecond conceffion, what is of a goo.l qu.l.ty can be received. ©very thin2 belli its place—more ef-e- -^*- be about an acTe) eligibly fitnated wjth the bioken front, in the townfliip ~~ CT\ir lAT^ tsrunnr------- cnKy paper, ; for more time is lod, and °" th? bordt« of Gr,en Bay. Point Qc Marlborough : Alfo for Sale, feve- UNO ML, bLHUUL. vexation incurred by a hunt after lame JJWW>ck»J '"J" a brewery, Dill.llery, ral l()tes of land and Town lots, at and fpHE fiibfcriher propofes 10 teach a draggling document, than is geocaily Tanneiy.ora ll,mt'Vr Yard. For par- Jn the vicinity of the Town of Kingdon, X Singing School, in the Town of conceived. ticulars enquire or to... fubfCr.ber. and a Hollfe 2nd Lot ,-„ Kingllon. • • • Ki^gdon. to commence about the ictb Havea place for all papers to be atten- Aud he hereby forbids any pcrfon or Likewife, for fale, the Ead half of Lot of Nov next, if a fnfficient number oi" dfcVto ; and pajiic'.! for ail letteis to perfons from trcij-auijr.g0n fajj premifes, number thirty-four, in the fecond con- Scholars (hall be fubferibed for. The I"-' anfwered—W your coriefpoii.ient- efpecially in taking Qff faruj or gravcj cefTjon of the townffiip of Darlington, fubferiptitin paper may be fecn at the •HI think, th- .. felves neglected, and from the beach on p^;,, 0f being profa- containing 100 acres. PtttXtlHO tyflCS, where alfo the lerms Wctimes fcei t.i-...lclves affronted, bv a cuted 10 the utmod 1 jgor ,f the law. For fuuher particulars aoply to and further panicnlers m.'y be known. •antofjanft,,., (.- JOSfepH DENNIS. JOHN FERGUSON. THOMAS SWEETING. !>th T-kca receipt lor all mot.ica ft, FrcdtrUk, zJ JOecsrr.icr, 1817. 27 K'mgtion, %$th Mag* 1%IJ% 5*'f Kiugfton, 0<A. 28, 1817. ZA