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Kingston Gazette, December 9, 1817, p. 1

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[TULSDAV, DECEMBER 9, 1817.] KINGSTON [VOLUME VII.------Np. g&] GAZETT / Kingston, Upper Canada—Printed and Published by STEPHEN MILES.—Price Four Dollars per Annum—Exclusive of Postage. Agent* for the Kingston Gazette. BrtWtTjffMAMRH RANKIN, £3q. lULViUtl-All fc-LtiAX, K<q. BrockviU^ A. sriKRWOOi), Esq. BVllvihV, S. M'NABB, r>q. T Militia Pension Agent's Office, York, 1st October, 1817. HE General Agent for paying; Militia Pensions, having received the sum of Eight Thousand Pounds, in aid thereof; hereby givos Notice, that the same are now in course ot issue, agreeably to the following Lists :— LIST Of Widows whose Husbands have been Killed in Action, or by any Casualty or Accident while on Duty, or have Died of Wounds received in Action, or from Disease contracted on Actual Service during the late War vi ith the United States of America. Cusack'a Hotel, j THE fubferiber having opened a new * and convenient Houfciuftorefti- Bicjft R*fpcftfnlly informs his friends and the public, that he has tAen pre at pain- to fnrnilh it in every refpeft to merit a bat of public patronage. Gentlemen travelling may rely upon bring good accommodation and attend inijc. l.a'y's and GentlemctJ can be dally fupolied with Confectionary of all kind and belt quality. Alfo the Prinze Rerrenrs morning Drink, com no fed Pud carried «;n at pref- tnt ?t the above concern by James Reed coufe&ioner. ' R. CUSACK. Kingston, Sept. 6, 1817. r 5?f JUST received by the the fubt'eriber. a complete affortment of Gentlemen* Cloatks. flfafuper'or quality and wr>rkni3n(h!;\ which will be fold very chc-p f>»r Cash. j. FISK. • Kingston, June 7/A, 1817. Its To Lease, 1^0R the term of ten years, a Town p_ L«i, adjoining the Gaol, cootaln- H top Fifths of a;; acre—apply to the "Bkriben.' N.vtfE of Widow. Name a\d Hank of late Ho&BaVD. N A M K I RANK I //,C THOMSON, . CHs. SHORT, mvton. Sepi.%. 1*17. 7 Church $ warden-. S -I idam*, Mary •dair, Phuhe Vu^o-tine, Sophia .>oi.dy. !.;. Aladelene •iuo:h, Margaret 'ii.Schoii, Nancy \n udo, Margaret tlttucii * ■'. YUry Stutter, Sn-an ■inrwi, iSu-oura ifetyer, I tenor Halm, Ta*ey , Jen, Susannah • to wen. Catharine iiirrntirc, Martha i$.tcha;.'in. Uu.a'>eth Hrijcbaui, Ijucinda, Do do 1 tivroll, Nancy 'iitr.hfll, Elizabeth VI itdetineo,Marjf Conn, Mary Cla'k, Mary iVndennen, Hannah •'ahast rre, At.n v'ai.ipbrit, Naiicy I .'a Ca'l r... Sac iel v'ole, £J'/.aoeili L'arpeater, Sophia L.'</ui.'k, "Via; y t>, rope, I'ru'ucea Co« uiii. Mary »o Jo !>e:lor, Jcnisha llcmii*, 1 uza . *ih i)arb>, Fiveio\e i Ills, Margaret Do di> 'or yth, Hannah ira er. ('a)nai me I'Vring on, Catharine iVbei, Ann ;i:a-.-, Ma.y* (Ira -, Mary BOOT, SHOE and Leather STORE. ! »•« Jo M WILLIAMS ESf Co. at the • Sign of the Golden Last, 'lore flieet, refpeiifully inform the inhabitants tf Kingfton, and its vicinity, that ihtv will continue their Boot find Shoe Monu- fuSory. where tiny keep c 'nftantly on Kand, a large afTortment of La-iy's and Gentlenicn's Boots and Shoes of every dffcription. Likewise, a fupply of trend Sole and Upper Leather, -»f a1l kinds. Kingston, OBober 6, 1 8 1 7. * \<)\\ STOVES. THE fubfeuber ha> juft received at hi? Brick ftore, trout ftreet. Dou¬ ble and Single STOVES ® Sheet Iron, And has alio on hand as ufuai a gen- Ctal aff.Ttment «>f Dry GOODS, Liquors, AND GRO-.LIilKS, Crockery and G'afs VV^re in Crates, liuieed and Curriers Oil, Pair.ts ground hi oil ;—and expe&s in a few days an addition to hi? Stock, all which will be fold extremely cheap at whvlcfale. S. BARTLET. ■ Ktngstcn 08. 20,1817. XI For Sale, SEVERAL valuable Town Lots.— Apply t" the lubfen'ber. Allan MacLean. Kingston, OBr. 2, 1817. IJJtf Wants a Suuauon, AS Waiter, Bar and Bo:.k Keeper; to attend a Gentleman as Body Servant* or Butler in a family the fub* Rriber, whrt has lived three years 8c two Months in his prefent filiation at Wal^ Kt^'s Hotel, where an unexceptiona¬ ble chara&er will be given. CHARLES DAWSON. Kingfton, Nov, 7, 1817. 24-tf TO LET, A NDpofMTion given immediately, A a Houfe and Lot with a Stuble, fitoatcd in Stuartville. Alfo. onte Houfe and Lot, fituated by the French Church, lately occupied by Mr Jjfeph St. Germain. One Houfe t.id Lot, next do;.r to Mr. Tou- famt 1 fftajre. Enquire of MONJF.s/U & to. GERMAIN* Kin^stonOa. 16,1817. **lf ii |Cirani, Mary <*.er'n, .Munraret Do iU>' iiaiior, i.'ii'Uurine ilaii.iTj hujjhra tia^ntr, Harriot Si I] ' V '.yU-'fll , .. .1 oei< to If' l.enl. 1M.1UI..1 . l.i.nblni, I It /.'iheth ilieks, LJi/.alif"Ui Hii^ar, A/i'iftilll liazell. ilannh ., i:ni<toi.T Ann ■io it >ott KU/aJ>eth Kuigj l'a» aara K'-nderuk, Susainiah K>e3, S^rah Do do l.iipnnriier, Catharine Lotind^e, Nancy La Toor, Charlotte ftlcDoaeU, Susannah JMnrra), Frances \\*\. Dorothy' Al.i^oimell, Nancy MrDoucal, Margaret AieColl'im, Sarah Maiks, Rum MeClean, Mary Miller, Thesis Meloehe, Archange McWhiTbon, Jane Do do Merekly, Catharine Do do Martin, Saiah Do do MrDonneli; Ann Do. do Peer, Lydia Ptll&t, ("aiiiarine laucr-on, Hannah iVw, Alary Petit, Susannah Reautm1, Cecile Rock, CathariHC Rubbee, Marie Angelique Roberts, Sarah Siewarl, Lwcretia Sionn>, Hannah Suckle, Mary •spooner, Parthena do do T'.irney, Ann Taylor, Sarah r.-al, Barbara Teal, t athi-nne Tovnpkln*, Debarah l'a>lor, Mary do do Vandcibarrark, Mary V ansickle, itmrpaxt Walker, Harriet Wright, Elizabeth v>"ilkeiM»ii,Nai.cy \Volfruni, Catharine Wolf, F.Uey Warner, Pincbe Wtlkerson, Ma^y Wilson, Klizabetb Wigley, Mary Wbite, Hannah do do Young, Nancy Younp, Mary 107 Samoej Adams Ijohn Adair Abel A 11M;; hne Lanreiue Bondy Joslnra CmiTii Pierre Badichon Joseph Bastido Loui; Blanehette Jobn -on Kniier l^aac Brown Martin !5o\er Jacob Balm Geoif^e Ben Henrv Boorn Wheeler Bar .mm Williani B'fnhanaU Mo&ei li. '£.-.iiti\ John Carroll George Cophell Adam CI *iidennen Joint Conn Ijohll Clark AVtn. Clendennen Pierre Cu^a-ietre WHKam (^mpbell Edward t ^reallon Abraham Cole Jamea Ca-i^-nter CleOig-' Co ck Wiil.am Cope Cyreflua Corbia Jonti I.VHnr .lo^ec.'i Dennis Dudie) Darby David Ktllv James Cors\;h \\ iii.au. FrUaer Sai»*oei Karang'oft Adam ronr-s IMichaeJ (ir^ii |George O.u^s WiiUaoi Grwt . Sam.'^l Or* < n Tivaj George Hainer iach-riah Uainer David Wainer Kiati H'tll l> . iu tii if ii Si!a^ UautblUl Jo^epli Hicks Jonathan Hagar Utcltard Ha/eil Joint JohDHlOB TiauKin Johiiton Grot ire Kinc Duke Wm. Kendrick A-a'ttel Kves Alexaitder Lymbuxncr John Mittrldee Joseph La Tour Chri ioplter McDonell Dattiel Murray [John Mav Doualrf McDonell I ion,,ul McDougal ICollm McCollum OomelittS Marks Allan MeClean James Miller ■ Louis Meloche Daniel Mcpherson ( hrutopher Merckley John Martin Hugh McDonnell Stephen Peer David Pub* John Pa;ter»on Saur.iel Pew ] Uriah Petit Par>chal R'-aume .John Rock Jean B. Rabbee iWilliain Roberts Enoch Stewart Henry Storms jjohn'st.ckle Nazareth Spooner George Tvtrney Robert Ta>lor Lawrence Teal Zachertati Teal Jeremiah Tompkins Peier Ta>lor Corn's Vander Barrack David A an©ckle l,dward Walker Cuarles Wright Jacob W.lket-on Philip \\oltVum Con rod Wolfe Michael Warner Robert Wilkerson Samuel WilaOO Chrisio])her S\ i^ley Nathaniel White Henry Young Henry Noting do do do do do do Captain Private do do do do do do do Captain Private do do do do Teamster Private do Captalfl do '.•out. 'rivate Service or Reg! to which he belonged. seioi.d Lincoln llburth do first Essex do 'Additigtun second L> ex ueoiid Lincoln do fourth do m ((»nd \ ork jt.ri: Lincoln isecoud Lincoln Lenox do jfir-i Not folk .firsI l.*>et 'AUddle.-ex (Oxford (firs! Lincoln jfirst Norfolk IteCOlid Lincoln do |fir?t Lincoln lncoino rated first Gleugary Ha-:ir^s Lenox l.ft.i Lincoln SrCi/Ild Li'i-oln tfr^t Sort'nlfe lu'orpo.atcd klird York third litncoin A tdlngton Oxford Action in nhich, or how Killed,or Deceased, and when. ACTION, Sic, I WHEN Period for which IVn-ion is in COUTdfiof Pa\ mint. FROM I TO Canada Currency, Dollar •■:• 'i< : Cluppawa l>i>ease do Fort Meigs Casual" y River Kasin >'nippawa do D^'a^e do do do do do do do do . do Casualty Lund)"- liane Pot' Krie Disease do do ilo do do do do do 00 do do 'York l>: ease do do IJ tf 'IS •w •14 •IJ MV M^ •1» MS unh Julv ■ ■i^hteenth Deem. •tat April :?fth May we»ty-M*vc»lh t^ct. wentv-tirbt Jauua v laftli July tin! 1 Julv rirsl December leulh December twentie'h April [second Dee.-mber ti»irt>-hr5t D.eetnberMM [eighth February lW ifixtrentii March fcl^ uinetec uh Sept« '13 lU tee nth At.i;u>t 'I * twenty-seventh Aug. |twel:tv-fifth July *14 11 We|i(\-eii?hiu NOV. %l4-:| srrond Juottary 41S ifoltU!' ) r'.'i, !).»r '1 , Itwenty-frftu October ";' Feb r.ary *lo iiir?* Wardi *13 tWenlv-tifih January ki."i [Miirtv-: nt December *»•"* twenty-^ixlh Janiawy' l^* b"».r;h Doc« mlcr l-W a(*h Karch *18 kwelCih Ala^ch lhl4 1 i.-x Jan. M2- tlb do do do <\o do (hi lol.WI^ December Itf 17.SU do •eor;d Lincoln Ph'rppaw .1 r,.-, -viiU- ,0i«-a»e ••itnee I .L.ard lncorpoiai' d liir^i LincuJa do CO do iio do do do do do .ffeenthAt:g, irsl Jac. do do do do do do do do do do 60 iio do 'l4UeIfthMardi [rtrsl Jan. i\o do do 14 47 rwcttty-sevefith April' iS Jan\arv fc15 eleventh taarca 'l^j twentv-scventti Oc». M.lpih October , rrsl Jau li.f!l: Julv f «4 *l-; • ir-i ril'S'.Tary 91 •v'td V«ir|& li J •In f,-.e«opo a*eo ii ih I iKViiln ;• -noJOrenvUb 1*.. nit i- duaid [liPtrOIld InUfOllI f > ,;'i|i Lincoln Oxford '-' -Olid >*'>ik bird Voik 1."1 m Leeds do [fnvirlh Lincoln iiTh Lir.eolu I rmleuac ■ »ud Lincoln In.d York I 1 1 Lincoln ^iwrtnoul evond Glengarj '•e-ond Lincoln 0 . ford Ke-nt Pi«ov'l. Marine ftrvt F.SttCl Atldiugton Durham « 1 Addtnulon Dr's. do do do do do do !Cv-a;ty '•■ do to .... do do on do Jo do ilO do do do do do do do '.h'ppawa York DUcase do do do do Casualty l)i>ease 1 Mi.-'cih May .tr*y.!:rt' Dec. mher *Ll v vrntfYftfh DecenK 'hir.ieth Vay |pSglit«*enth Feh'y. [rix'h Jaly ivcaty-^crord JJov. incond February ivil. «Irtober No^em'ier |i'ic'nh Fcbruarv i\.ent\-fouMlt Oct, reii.b October IU!> OpioVrr itiM Dec-nber ienth December i !)• ember flit 1 .!.l Hiary ifo'trtci nth l"ly thirteenth 3 £"st twenty-ninth \ov. [tbirty-hrsl March IlifiiiJuly I M3 •17 ■It '13 MS I MS M3 •W MS M« Mi •w M2 do do do ixth March it 'an. tOtli May ,irst Jutt. do ixth July ur^t Jan. do do do lbs do do do do do do ,!v do do M;. T. MM M7 MS M7 \ Ma Ml Iwrutv-seventh Aptll M3 do Casualty do Disease do do i do -ecwndGlengary do __ do ■cMnd Lincoln jChi]>patvA [eighth N ovember IWcnttefh March [first February twelfth December (iipt January irsl February inth October, ighteeotfa May llbird January MSfburteentt July l'?» .»an. • I V £0 do d& do do do do dn do ro do MS M7 IS M.3 M3 iia M3 MS . If fifteenth March fourth December |twenty-eighth Feh'y M3 Ad^ingi on Le*u>x ecwnd Lincoln eonod Norfolk •irav L*-sex hii-d Lincoln Disease do do do River Rasin •,c<Nnd Lincoln Fiojntenac ^••■eo-nd Lincoln do Ihir^ Lincoln do Prince Edward Ctafhtji pr°V4d Lincoln RftA Lincoln lneo^p0rated •n>l Lincoln >ecOftd Lincoln Incorporated l»l>l Lincoln do |-^°Vfd Lincoln "r:»l Norfolk ,ir'1 Rsan **Wtod Norfolk Disease Pi'V Ar'y. OrvsJ Casual ty L , From wounds "in Wr«Htfsa acMonatFLMeig, Ml^tiaArtiUery Di:>ea»e ^'l^ms-ton do do do do Chippawa do Disease do do Action on Lake Eric do Disease do Fort Erie FortOeorge Chippawa CasuaUy Disease do do do do do do do do fifthJnly fotirVenih June twelfth December .tenth September (first January '13 twent\-tirsi January M3 Ihrst December twentieth March Ml do M:?i do J MSjthtrd Jan. Itiryt do ftfteenUl March rirst Jan. M4lfmir:h Dec lir-ii Jan. i-28ih Feb. first Jan. do M5 M7, M4 M7 14 •17 M.1 M7 M4 •13 M2 M3 •12 43 tenth May nineteenth March thirty-first March tenth December thirteenth Octohet fifth July Ditto ninth January t M3 «M MS MS M3 •14 MS srventeenth Jtttuarv M.^ twenty-seventh Dec. M2 leuth September *I3 MS MS •14 MA PriuCP Edward |UiiolX |e:gbieenlh March December twelfth August |tweuJv->evenih May Wfth July twenty-first A "gust tenth December firil November loth June ihirty-lir-t December 'IS eleventh October 'Pi lifteetith Match M4 Jtirty-hrt Decembr. M2 eighteenth govern 1. Mv2 •I I M3 Mfil M! la do do do do do do do do do do thirteenth Oct, rjrst Jan. do do do do do tenth September rirst Jau. do do do do do do do do do do do [fifteenth March ihrst Jau. do do •IS •17 MS •17 M4 M7 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 10- do do do •ib* do do do do do do do do do <?c r-o do do dn do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do (See next page.) Mr- •17t IP 20 2(1 20 :0 bo iu so t*> BO 10 to) MO 20 -20 47 iio 20 CO iO 0 0 0 I I Ki >0 --. I I20 %6 M7 M/ fct) Sfl «0 yO 63 SO -0 xo •0 ;>6 -0 71 »Q 20 69 20 90 i20 an m M6 Ml •16 M? ■Itl •11 ") Ml 0 0 0 0 0 0 t) 0 0 0 I) 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 9 0 In (i t) 16 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 o o o o a o o o o o o o u 0 0 0 0 D a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 1) 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 t- 0 0 0 10 0 H 0 fl I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 o 0 o o o o o o o o o o o I * 20 0 0 yWTli Blank Deeds and Memorials, For &le it this Office, and Bakt-houfe number of vcais Dwelling Huife ____to LET for a;«) that may be agreed upoin# Forparticu- lars enquire of WALTER M«cUNIFFE. Kmgiton, O&27 i8i'7i aztf Blank Summonses For the District Courts, for SaJe at this OlUce. To be Let, Room with a fire place and two Bed room*. K'ujtnre. a; lliij £ingllo£]j Nov. j. ; f

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