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Kingston Gazette, December 2, 1817, p. 6

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Hank and Jtoeiracni. or Service lo NAME. whicli ho Sel«'».c;cd. IJST of Officers, <fcc. concluded fro^ second pn^e. S/rviivT,— A?iion in which or however ^mT^^---------1 iCriod for whirh and when R*\K II. Ilorton. Samuel H.'t'hi on, George liodkinson, Samuel do. Holmes Daniel do. Hull, Richard Jarvie, William Jams, William M. . do. K. Kerby, James Kirkparrick, Robert Kennedy, Andrew L. Jjong, Joseph I/impman, l'eter, Jun. Lee, Peter, do. M. M'DonHI, John JVl'Gregor, John IVJ'Gregor, James WDou^al, Daniel M'Dermid, Dooald Alaltirnore, William ATKinnon, Charles APBain, Farquhar M'Kenzie, Roderick ArDou^al, Lauchlia Marten, James Major, Thomas M'i>ougal, An^us JVl'Collum, Daniel Wif-h^IUJohn M'DoneM. D* nald Muiho. Kinlay M'Mullen, William M'Kai fiie, John do M'Dougal, Peter do. MNaughtou, Robert do. Mullet, James A. MTherson, Alexander do. aTDonall, John do. P. Powell, Caleb Pctiie, Philip, do. Prcsser, Samuel do. Quick, David do. (juick. Alexander do R. Rnttan, Henry R\prion. George ft:chardson, Jam.*S Ri hardsop. Robert R- aume, Michael Rlbhie, Anthony K'-ve, Alexander Ross, Thomas Ryan, John do. Robinson, Joseph B. do. Randolph, Samuel do. Rose, Alexander do. Row, Colman do. s. Simons, Titus G, Smith, Thomas Si!v;rthorn, Thomas S'-rvis, Thomas S-.elve, Jnhn Shrpard. Joseph Siiider, Jacob S.'cord. James Sfull, Adam Steward, Daniel Servos, John D. do. T. Treanor. David Thompson, Frederick Teclor, Aaron W. "Wier, Samuel Wheafon, Joseph Wells Jesse do. * IVarm-r, Zachariah do. Urr,-vkvt. Sec. ACTION. rnvate v.anian rnvate do do do do [Captain Li-mtenant do \ Captain >.V]:rjor Rusign Private do do do do [Captain do. (Lieutenant do do Private do do do do do do Serjeant do. |PriTate do do do do jVoluoteer do. iPrivate do 'Seij.?ant Private ' do do do do do do do do do When Wounded. 'encicm is in course of Issue. FROM I TO AlUOlllll Ol' PlMi- *ii>n Provinrr Currency. l)ol laral 5^. I 1st Norfolk ]Provl. Marine l>t Liucolu do. Kt. Volunteers do. Incorporated Incorporated do. do. 2d Lincoln Incorpo j2d Lincoln 3d York oln J rated? ■ Incorporated 1st Lincoln Cps. of Colou do. Incorporated Kt. Volunteers do. Incorporated 1st Glenijary Incorporated 2d Glengary 1 sf do, l«t do. Kt. Volunteers lid Lincoln 3d York Incorporated 4fh Lincoln Kt. Volunteers l»r Glengary |2d Glengary Hustings [Dnndas do. 'Indian Dept. do. 1st Glengary do. Jjncorporated Ut Glengary do do do Kort Kric Lake Erie H\>rt George do Long Woods do Fort Erie York Do. loss of an eye do. Fort Eric Chippawa Queenston [sSth Nov. lUthSepl. |27th May do. 4th March 1 do. 152th Aug. |27fhApriI do. do. 5 2d Dec. 12 fl'ith Aug. 14 [3th July 13th Oct. 12 1st Jan. 13 do 1327th May 1st Jan. 14 4th March 1st Jan. 14 do 1817 13 17 14 17 13 do 27th April list Jan. 14 12 13 17 do do do Lundv's Lane Long Wo'»'ds Itiver Thames Lu'idy's Lane [O^di'nsbursh Lundy's Lane .Vear Cornwall O^densburjifa Accident Long; Woods tfiark Rock Queen ton Luudy's Lane do. !Lon» Woods lO^densburgh Hoople's Creek Accident Lost an eye by accident do.' |Lewiston do. IA cedent do. |Cross Roads A'cidont do. O^dcnsburgh do. | Cross Roads near Ft. Ge. 19th Sept. Fort George 27th May Fort Niagara (accident) 10th March do. do. 25th July 4th March 5th July 25tluuly 22d Feb, 25th July 10th Nor, 22d Feb. 28th Oct. 4th March 30th Dec. 13rh Oct. 25.1, July do. |4th March |22d Feb. loth No? 1 4th Dec. 22d Oct. do. Iflth Dec. do. 21st March do. lath Oct. I ft Sept. do. :2d Feb. do. 1st Norfolk (Malcolm's Mills 1-rov.A.Drivers Accident do. Incorporated do. | do. Fort Erie do [Incorporated l*t Norfolk Prov. Mariue do. :d Esse* [2d Lincoln 'incorporated I=t Glrngary |Arv. Drivers do. [2d Grentllle do do do !>* Lincoln do. ffiiver Raisin do [Accident do Lundy's Lane Fort fine Oswego Ilivrr Raisin do. Chippawa [Accident Oldens bnnjh Lundy's Lane do O^d' nsburgb do [Prescott do jChippawa do. [Prm-I- Marine Lake Erie 115 do. kd Yorh do. 1st Norfolk (Stormont 'incorporated l^d York [incorporated M Liucolu do do do do [5th Lincoln [1st do. 4th do. 2d Lincoln 1st do. "9 Ad. Dragoons do. fed York do. Lundy's Lane do [Fort Krie Ogdeosburffft Liinday's Lane \ ork JiUiuly's Lane Queenston Ffrt G*>orge Queenston Black Rook do. Queenston St. David's Accident [Chippawa 'St. 7>avid's Accident do. Lundy's Lane do. [25] Errors Excepted. [6th Nov. ISfl.May do. l'ilh Aug. do. 22<I Jan. do do do 25th July 28th Nov. [iith May 23d Jan. do 5th July l-'fith July ^2d Feb. 25th July do !»d Feb. do. 24(1, Oct. do. 5lh July do 10th Sept. do 2,5th July do 27(h Nov. 22d Feb. 25th-July 27th April 25th July 13th Oct. |27fh May 13th Oct. 1st Jan. do 13th Oct. 18th July 15th July BtS July 22(1 July. 20th Dec. do 25th July do 13 do 13 do 14,10th March 1st Jan. 14| do 14 do 14 <\o 14 do 13 do 14 do 13 do 13 do 15 do 14 do 13 do 12 do 14 do do 14 do 13 do 13 do 12 do 1 122d Oct. W Jan. 13 19th Dec. l^t Jan. 14 21stMarch 1st Jan. 13 do. 13 1st Sept. '1st Jan. IttSd Feb. .1st Jan. 14 do 14 I 5th May 1st Jan. 1112th Aug. 1st Jan. « 13 22d jan. jlvt .ran. 22.1 jan. 1st jan. do do do do do do do 30lh June 31>t Dec. do do do do 14 1st jan 1st jan 16 17 16 17 16 17 20 20 72 20 56 20 20 10 73 20 0 0 0 0 12 o 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 <H 0 0 0 101 0 16 17 20 0 0 20 20 20 20 56 20 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 43 20 60 20 55 20 20 66 20 77 20 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 0 11 0 13 0 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 5| 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n 0 5 0 0 H 0 4* 0 * - THE fubferiber has received a gen. cial Aflortmrnt of Medicine Late from Europe, together with tht rroft approved Patent Medicines, p^. pofely fele&ed for the Canada*, alfo ( quantity of Oils, and Dying materia^ for Manufactories, viz: Paregoric Elixer, Turlington? Balfam, Sir John Hill's Pedoral Balfam Honey, Dr. Ben. Godfrey's Cordial, De Lambert's EITence of Tyre for changing Grey or Red Hair tog beautiful Black or Auburn, Steers Opodeldoc, Bntifli Oil, Lee's, Andcifon't, Hooper's and Coil's celebrated Pills, EfTcntial Salt of Lemons, Wheaton's Itch Ointmen in boxes Dr. Bateman's celebrated Pecto. ral Drops, Dr. Gilfon's Reumatic Tin&urc do. Female Pills, ' Boynton's Cancer Ointment, , Oil of Turpentine, Olfve Oil, and a quantity of excellent Lamp Oil, in jars Spirits of Wine, Oil of Vitriol, and every eflential oil in ufe. The above are genuine from Europe, and free from any adulteration. They may be depended upon as fuperior to any as yet imported, and will be difpoi'cd of on reafonable terms. Country practitioners will do well to avail themfflves of this bpportunity to obtain a fupply. Prefcriptions caveful- ly made up, and the ufual bianchcs of Phyfic, Surgeiy, &c. Sec. punctually at- ! tended to. JOSEPH SCOTT, Surgeon, fcjV. &V. Kingflon, 3d Nov. 1817. 2jWU ffl jpgi virtue of q Valuable Lands FOR SALE, Notice. EDWARD IvfAcMAHON, General Agett for Paying W^SLJ 104 I"J* f1^ Conceffion of the Town- I A ~. r-......» ..-v„.g any (Jemandg a 6 the ha! of No 7, and No. ,8._An ™ ^awH> ™+ of AdolphuftownS Wdifpuwbic tnle will be given, and the terms of payment made eafv. ' H. C. THOMSON.- __K inp IWjnly_28, 1817. x o Officers Half Pay, anH ArtiE lcry Pen Hon BLANKS, For tslc at this Office: II net™ •' J1^ ai"h-^'catcd.L,///0 payment to '"imcaiate William Alexander Grant, For P.a * at this Office, A REAI^Y RECKONER, Shewing the value of Grains of various Gold Coins, ourrent in the Provinc* of Upper Cana¬ da. ALSO, FIOMCibSON'S Improved Tall* "f 'he value of Grains of Gold Coin, * ?er or under weight. ATTORN, ES Blank Bills 0i Costs, for sale at this Oifice. Notice. Midland Dlstrfi To Wit: $ JLD tt'ritojEX. ECU! ION, tosueH o«/ oj IIh Uqk* n/s Court of Kittys BtnchJivtdiit«Ci* pit Picas in and fur the Midland Dfa trict aforesaid* at the suit of RIVU* JRD ROBISQN, of the Town of Kingston^ /'// the said District. Gentle- mail, aitaiasfthe Lands and T\ nementt of JONAS VAS ALSTIS A\ of the Township of Richmond^ and District aforesaid, Inn Keeper^ ^itectt'dtotii Sheriff aj the said Midland I hut rift, f belonging to the said JQKAS'frjng ALSTINE, apart of the South Ens. terly corner of lot number Seventeen fl the first Concession of the Totcmhmnf Richmond; which piece oj la?:(i /. butted and bounded^ or may be othef^ iciseknotcn, asfollous : that istonajr commencing in front ofthesaidcunc/sl ■ $icrt* at the South Easterly m^ ' said Lot No. Seventeen^ thence North* Sixteen degrees, West Fourteen chains and Fifty Hftks ; then South Seventy t'our degrees, ft est tzco chains a ^e- . South Sixteen degrees^ East Fifteen * chains Fifty links, more or less, to thi*. .eater's side ; then Easterly, alongthe:. tcater s/de, to the place of beginning -1 containing Three Acres of Land* 4C. the same more or less, zcith a dxctlthv and out Houses thereon erected. Non' I do hereby give NOTICE that the aforesaid piece of Land, to* gether with the buildings thereon erec* tad) will be sold and adjudged to the highest bidder, at the Market, in the Town of Kingston, on SATURDAY*' the T/JiliD day of JANUARY, mm next ensuing, at the hour of Eleven o' Clock in the forenoon. IlEMll THORP, : , * Dvputy Sheriff. ' And every person or persons having cictims on the above described piece of Land and premises, by Mortgage, or other right or incumbrance, are here* by advertised to give notice thereof to the said Deputy Sheriff, at his House* iit the Village of Ernest 7 own, previ* oas to the sale thereof. IJENJO TiI0r/\ Deputy Sheriff." Kingston, <lOth March* 1817. 43 ' THE fubferibers beg leave to inform ' their friends and the public in ge¬ neral, that they carry on the ; TJTLORfNG WSINFSS ' in Main Street, where they intend mak¬ ing every article »n their line, on more reafonable terms than has been done for a number of years back. Thole who wiih to favor them with their cuflow, may rely on having their work, well made, and on the fhortcft notice, for Cam. Norris &c Stevens. Kingston, Sr/>t. (j, 1817. '5 TO BE SOLD, LQm BLlCK-SMftHS> BEL. '™\1"VIL and Carriole. WALTER M'CUNIiTE.

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