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Kingston Gazette, December 2, 1817, p. 3

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Then sriar the gtatf moment, ki BROCK be our theme,, When poare, with herhlesfing*. amil'd overlhe land. he had every tiling to buy on creci't. Hm* fumes of b. pipe or cfgaf? and llon9 a,uJ atten.^nce, on rcafonal So at tbe year'&cml, with Interests avd what trorse sight can present itself to term& The fubicriber, having rene Kingston Gazette, Tuesday, December 2, 1817— Continued. ORIf'lNdL SON&. univsrsal rn^e tohny on a credit, jv a convince any of my friends, to think 1*/| A \ £ * 1 > p)rj llv Mr. Scott. serious evil in our country. Many * *« ' &>i that it is pernicious and that IfX V f \3 JtlL JLi O Thes»n-b^ms<i:«:tor_Y in Canada -hine, valuable man is ruined by" it. itseflVcts, both on the mind and bo<ly; p fi F W K If it tk f I V I? Bright honor, trut -omragcau.l actions divine, There was Titus Thorubury, u^o are. far from salutary ; 1 shall certainly ^ /i - // U (/ o ii. Disiingui'li liw heroes, whose greatness of Was Htl industrious honest man. lie have purchased I he ill-will of TuOavco ~" soul, had as good a fanu as lay in the no:<'h lovers at a small price. It is far fioni tToflTl I\Fof))%P Taught onlvti) triumph, no foe can contronl. Parish of Appleburv, but unforl una?'\V my vrfafc to deprive an) one of the least ' Thus the rttleofiio^w belongs 'o each name, *,e Rav(B >va)' to the prevailing passion of the comforts or enjoyments tb*y may "O ETURN Ins (Were acknowlcdjr- But the heroe of heroes BROCK only can of »**N »" debt, and a tad life he I <\ possess: but any of our enjoyments -J-V meats to hU Friends a.,d the claiin ftfit At the age of thirty be ow/d that Interferes with the welfare and ™blicat large, for tbetr paft favors, and Cl£onr8 two hundred pounds. His*farm y$A- comfort of our neighbors, we certainly wifhes to acquaint them that he has re- ded about that sum. He could not live ought to dispense with. That the use moved *° Mr. ANDbRSow's n:w (lone without purchasing some thing*, and *s of Tobacco comes under this cla-is, few Houfe, oppoute to Mr. WeifelN Store, „_._ all the money he could raise, wen' to will deny : for who, but the lovers of In *orc ^ where travellers and oih- . rAtlUiiitai^itfw*bta pay principal and interest on his d<-tf, this plant, can sit quietly, and receive #■ ™Y rely upon good accomenda- ible ,________? .........____..... „ , . ... «d And plenty waiseeu with her joined hand in Costs, and loss of time, and extra pi- the eye of those not addicted to this this large, o-nvenie. t and elegar.t hui'd- hand, cps charged for things because he W practice, than a man or hoy with a |nft»/>aa fpared no exertions or exoence Then Wisdom and Justice, with Mercy were M* make read) pay, he was just as Mouthful of thia noxious Aei% aod im- ln his power, to have it furnifhed and ac- sepn much involved as the year before* parting to whoever he converses with a tended inifuch a manner as to merit the In union to meet, and in grandeur serene- Thi,s harrassed, dunned, and toiwfl- portion of its agreeable savour? Tnose approbation of his former coftoflferi and TVcrepiacMon his bio., and proclaim'*] to cd was IH,or Thorubury for twe?ty evils, bad as they are, donot constitute others who may honor him with ihcir the world ' years. the worst part of this practice: for company. That in BROCK was the hero of heroes no- * Not £0 M ]th his cousiu Nl'd VorM theW is an **" resultiit- from it, more , He has a good yard and liable fo.1 car- furrd —He rowed he would oz:c no /;//»• alarming m its consequences : Ijllude wage* and none*. • Thcnsc]~e frc The produce ©fills farm was about fa to the clanger by lire. Numerous are Soups eve. y day from 12 to trfclncfc. *r ■ ' same as Thombury's ; but as bo **& the instances on record, of desiiuctive Kingston, Oct. 13, 1817. 20// Whea the thunder of discord was heard from not forced bv duns, to sell out of se*- accidents occasioned by the careless- " ~ /T ~C/T/> /->i> o r o afar, son, he got the highest price. Ashe ness of cigar-smokers : and this piae- 1 ML bUli^CRIBLR AndihcprideofColumbiaUindleHawar, paid foAhings when he bought thf™, tice of drawing smoke through a piece *1 J&TILL recew pwroofalfl for huild- Wien va.n of their power they dar'dou our he got his necessaries 12 per cent ch*«- of rolled tobacco, has now become >o ▼? mg a GRiST MILI.at Gan- sbore per: as he paid neither interest t°r common that you cannot often pass the anoquefon the Nonh fide of the river, and Theirthrea^, their bombast and their soldiers costs, and lost no time in runninu^ streets without meeting boys with a ci- for making a Canal to take the water our. borrow money or to see his ereditiflh gat in their mouths, little interior in from the rapid?at the fording place, to Then BROCK hasted forward, ^as hi. he Wd UP ^9I P««* U T?f» ^ M^e to themselves. A.ul rhi, practice, ^Jf^l^^f^ wi^ch. Mill (juiteas well as his cousin, and iutin^- must cerlamly he eonsulereda nuisance 1* to bt placed. He requcfts that P»o- y nH J hannier ■ as it r-^ards the comfort of those uh<> petals mav be given to him before iKe But the hero of heroes to >ietor} led. When poor Thorubury saw a rrA" In company with dfcftr smoltexs haw to 20th of June next. A Town plot will Thenstize,ice. rKliu"1 up the road his anxious Irok pa-s their time t"velop?d In smoke of be liid out thit teafon at the above nam- WhenihebannersofBritaiobvBROrMw-re ^old as plain as look coe.UUcll—*plak<^ the n.o>t disagreeable kind. I submit ed[place j the terms of fale and leafe 'imAnra ta on that fellow he Is coming to dun trP-' tho:° remarks from being a personal wdl be known by applying to the fubferi- ln .r;..«.vi ! 1 i_ , *» __Wl.en a cud don ran at the ilnar n'l- SllliV-rer l>V this detcstablo practice, & ber, wdio his for fait 1174 aetes of Jn tnumpu and glorv ihev shone to the worhJ, >» i.en a suaiU .1 rap, ai ine uoor h i f-f Bore down ev>v foe and eomn-ilM rhem to "ounced a VlsUoP, no matter how liv '.V Sincore > hop-that the time will come, Land onA he Rim Kuleau, being lots eoo.uM,v,v focandcompoidueuito ^ ^JJ^ ^ ^^j ^ and |o/k- when the demand for tobacco will be Nos. 5, 6 mid 7 in firft concern and *ri t Tt - ' . ed sorrowfuilv anxious uiitil t*ie vi *i^r excluaiwU oa the other side of the Nos. 56c 6 in the fecond conceffion, Though Arte* brav, others oppos-d in tb« ^^.^ ^^ ™^ Atlantic. i. M. S. wih the broken f,u„t. i„ the .own/hip ». ,e ; Mntiv n rmn (taps into a store frv a mm^^^mmmmmmmmmmmBmmtmBmftamtM ^>f Marlborough : Alfo for Sale, feve- »-«„ ,„. -«r, •,»aslb„c to „ 5. _ £«£-. J-*J »-» U*y .. _ ■■■■■■" «l .«« of I,,,,, »,,„ To„„ taj. a. ,,d „ « s fhi^sslrik^hM'aiuv hr-hasno n*>- f Ci IZ ;4 i\ lit ll&. wthewcjmty of the Town of Kmgfton. ;>'-• mai;, Pav d ■ must a)me, and ,n Government Contract. L.kewife, forfale, the Eafl hair ,f Lot chnnoestoon^Kkeacath it finds us _ENnERS- ■„ g fecefwed at this ^'oHhe t'" torf fiSLST AlthttHRjihrtdfpartfdwemfWnkonKUname, onnrei»»rc»Uo meet Jt Till m°, >c I _ ,. p .. cniu.ii _ol the to.sofn.p oi Dar.mgtoc, And the chiWren of heroes:^hall |Up Ihrift Ms who have ej^rwuccJ ., cll.l tlu- pb^ Wednefd ,oth of ^.^ber n.xt, For,other narS,r« aonlv t, faaie, ore of possessing tie articlf, bear nJ> f ,/* .n . . lV _,.. ...... i or winner panicuww apply to Ami while wi'h a tear we r-»ret he's no raoiy., Lniid fame shall re-ound it ro evt-ry slvorc, Thai in BROCK was the hero, Ihc patriot aiui saee, »......,....,..., .......;•:. . . VUur hirmlhed Ivom the King's -»* R"h»iuuuuuw m W* ntraor MO The dread of hU foes aud.heb.ast of his ape. WeU 1kePt» wU' «Hlt«bnte »«*» Mapa7;ncs> b cuflumers. and the rdpta.ble inhabit- Cnon.s. voulhH,.piu,Ssancl «*1»*"«»- ^ ^]^ V,^,^^ ^y |» h«A^„ *'« «f B3>^«P. Sw At lihmd, «,,, Then U.teach Canadian, white BROCK i>the WfT V*™ f*0 -^Zt 'P«L nrwl, 'i„ application to this ..ffice. CJUragemCM he has received fince he theme. possibly do ...out. aLe pr d, in PP ^^.^.^ officej commenced buf.nefc in this pl»ce, and lUsolocthm to conquer, or perish like him! ™*WI* t0 }'. * Vi,,..^, M Kiru«'on, l3 November iSlT. 4C Would inform ihem that he R ill carries ----------- >V.ves are sometimes thoughtless— ---------*_-----^__----------------------/--------1 on the Tin* Cqpr, S&«t fam and Lt«d For tub fa^rov Guzettz »a»Kfc^? nn,V,aml fh:" «*«««»■*■ ADVERT 1SEMEN T. ^«WS, in all Its various branches, near For tub toKOST** VJZ&TTZ ^ a ^ ,|CM , eT wlfo nor ^ ^ y^ ^^^^ ^ ^ THE OPPRE8SFD SOLDIER !N TI,K *«% ^ W,l,,"« >' P^lfS THE, iTT'" f^i /7V^ '"* h,% •H**J ■«« at'=' ** «H to merit t0 a fatl|er,s bo8omj lUy urge aild J_ nn,erlhehrm of »/?«//• Gf^foo-. . A,irt. nf _,..,- favftr_ arri|i.. „ ,. OF PEACE. nnlertherumof»M- V Alcxr. g ft ,re (>f pub,i(. favor> ^^ {hem ■^.," at Point Frederick, was t,m ^^ r^j be wa,,t; n ,,;, . ... . . . ... teaze him to got articles pli-a.ant e- Mock~,, - ------- ------- . tIiac no,m,„r mall r,P .„,,,.„„ It waseve-nirtj, and Pha-bus had sunk inihe i > __*.. k. * Jim .-^ • ill i.j . ti "ot"' *> IBa,« De *ai,[!"g nesC no»*h, to be sure to possess, but difli- d.fibU-ed on the24.h uhimo. T>e ^ tnfaJtbflslTvpw„t„ aM ^^ But thraueh the wild woods pale Cyntbia-iid c beam. noofll, to^Be sure to pnw, •«.. "in.- a„!oive(J on ne 24 n uinmn, ,ae part, to faithfully execute all order, with cult for him to buy. He purchases ou SubfcnSer h -Ids hmfe'.f refponfible for ^^ ht ^i honored. credit—is dunned—sued—and many al| ]egal claims acrp.inlt the faid concern, ,- , _ . , , _, , , 1 . .... f.i. .. ,, r. V 1 ■ 1 • a 11.* has tor iale, a large ^(lortment ot Aad dan-crs ne'er shun'd, for he feared llot Above all things, good people, neT- the fil(n 0f ftdkn Graham S? Co- 4° boxC9 uf tl,e bcl1 Double Tin, and deaih. er ?o in debt at the tavern. To grog, R. M ACKAY. 6° ""^^ bc(l Sh'« lron- M ^ thcap. n . t. . . t , to toddy, to sling, to bitters! O ! hor- Kington, i»th Nov. 1817. *««£ fTr Produce will be taken in payment. Bat ,he wars heme now over, he Sighed ajam ^j J^ ^ bHf «_Nl.ver owe your ______5----------1------------------------------— Jr»meS Meaglier. To visit the soil that he firs, trod upon, shoemaker, yourtailor, your PRINT- IT F PETER DRUMMOND, Efq.. K;ngfton, Sept. 30, 18.7. .4^.6 Bat depriv'dof that pnv lege, be'sforc'i l0 g» your blacksmith, and your labor- JL late a Captain 11: the 29th Regiment-----------------------—-------------------------- ^main er ' jgesJdeS the bad policy of becom- of Foot refides at preient in the Ca.iadas, IS^OtiCG. Inacoiintrywhercpleasuretohimisunkn(,vn. j;ilf •„, deot it is downright injustice, to and this fhould meet his perufal, he is . . . .... .... , ... those whose labour you have received earntlllyrequeftcd to communicate his A LL perfons indebted to tl e Eflate And,hatiad,dea.,ro>,ghtthe.eartoh.sev, « e v.n t 1 y addref, to Deputy Afliftant Commilfary A. of the late Jan.cs Cumnnng. late £k once nas inclined to cnHaftie widerivtr. ... will never. ii0T'd' , , NOTICE. preient them for annulment W_L-_ He lives far «.ore blessed than a prince or a L ^ MAtd to Jonas The (lock in Trade of the deceafed, I ■■■■ -I Front the Gleaner. *l*cn t»ke my advice, if a fortune you'd get, AL; bbot, or Jon A3 Abbot & Co. eon filling of a v<ry complete aflcTtmcnt cited to make immediate pay- of Goodb well laid in, a^:d ve-y fnimMe are requelted to mnfce immediate pay- ot U0O03 wen iai<j in, a-r:a ve; y From the Desk of Poor Robert *9*^**<™*****?*m*m* wtnt to Thomas S. WmTAK^ „ tothe Country,!, „o* felli.:, , .Tat prf. the Scribe. ' Fromthe Portland Gazette. all accounts remaining unpaid after the ces fo low, as will dde.vedly dawn the 20th December, will beprokcuted with- attention ot the pub.ic. P.ay take my advice, if a for„lr.e you'd^ ^^ ^^ ^ dif^mination. ^ Q, Count 0d„ce ,,;,) ,w tek. Pa> ott what you owe then keep ou. of del,. ( ^ (fcrough the med.um of your Jf)NAS ABBOT, tn ;,, e|lt. J) J ^f, 0f 6 „.....,,I8 This may be bad poetry, but dep,„d pi(pt.r? to surest some hints; relative to B hjg At«orney, „ivtfn to .efconfiWe Farmer*, ... other* upon it, it is excellent sense. It i> ,„ t(ie use of Tobacco : while I know T S WHITAKFR ™ ,, -J^rr,- ., r-rr 1 old saying that the « deblor is a s-<V(. tl)at •„, S(l doiug, , shall draw upon me X J' V™"J*""j, 7?,^ Vr/^W/ f E «^«" to the creditor." If so, half the w- ,id the displeasure of all lovers of tfatstfar- Jonas ABBO*l ^ ^.O. 1/M. M FTLH ^ l.l, \ enter into voluntary servitude. rJue /c/,.r plunt—yet should i be able to Kingston, Nvutmtsr 2+, k8w7. 2.6 a Kjs.-oh, 03 37, v8i 7. 2a

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