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Kingston Gazette, November 18, 1817, p. 3

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|wv< c ieriry cn-nigli to liut*e the violence of the latter, and foUL-icut 4ifvcri»m«nt ti) gua.d igatiift tb% ihipfioty of the ;v.rmcr. I f lit b<r ovcrco.nc by either, sJlhttnv GetZ C ** *'« KINGSTON : J'C'/v'A." U J 1 ■•*, &) r;; ..f.;;: H l«, 18 i 7 t I ■ • Te pre a c the Pvttfoi Uft. which accompanies tbvi meet, Ute Gazette Iras ^cc-i unavoidably decayed beyond the Ufiia] hour oi'pub^i'MM*'1. Jfyjl rirfi /u.\(.Ni«.v Gazlttb. T\V\ v\*$k\ of Primogeniture, jHo]>'f*<rm this prnvinr»\ a<a pa*": 0*" <i>»* (\ntratfM' law system «f :Hcrnt«, i* jrerii'TOlU nJ»nHt*d m be »ioi a- tai*H 'oftestat»fcoirM>ci"f> h»«% and roil re- r.Mircrl by ttliv j;'«liiir:il em-i'Wn'ion. or any irineip!>ofrtie Provincial govern m rat; "We lavf |\n h *rerliiar\ liability. >vqniritt|» ui" «i|>- ptrt of .i fa.nilv Ma**, itrrfrofthig wi-h tin* fa- mi! \ (ill* nfrank and aufliurilv, fnvn an* e— iwraiim m am>th"i\ in rh* lino of i'm* ol|.». &«*. T&riafctirirant* of Upper Canada a-e All Com iwnen; tt*idii i«uai coiigeivfol ui li t:'pirc:ri'imtt.'HH-^,iii'i'ri'-!.s habUs a'l'l r»*< I- imp, tha" on* -cm 4io«ld inlrTi* tike \a !»;*!*• n-- £lp«ia!p, *o i!»eexrl nun* of hi- bn>!h"rs arH si-T'*. TVtc are, probably, f>w parents in ilie Province, having rftorp ruilrireu than an j>;ib y»n, wImi »vo"!(* l>« willing thai their c — lui^vho-;! 1 *ic-cr';(l a* the law at present ill- I*€t" tii**d-*-TtMi'- W »ll- ar •acciirdiiiffW ofuui marff fo- th* rapTPS* pit'piw* of £'>nriliii<: *»- gainst the o.»eraiu>t* of the l.i\y ; but s«Md»>M. if Wwyiia v.illronl* in thi< country eonlorrna- ulvtnihnl principle ©fhra. Many persons, it is irtw\ who wi>h and In* hHtiimhavv 'tiflre^ta'^dividrd amoi*Q their cYuUpo n**c;U'tv. uotil if Ut«>oia'i', n> make* t-i'Mr will- t'nr [-liai p'irposp; frenn tin* ono- nu»n linhiro; ^rn.TU'-tina.iiis uhui<'\rr «ia. h»* d:;nr«a: afU't.T :iai(\ »»sp.' **i .11-. anv rhtog of ftdha^ca'di*na'ore, n.-nv.nui dwitl; la^jor; andal^ei f 'i»na;>i*." iliar n ! u't.i'ic** isi (h^ *'.m i>i.i'i «ii*i •<• 'u.fl ioi><v!"orip n;, iM»;. nhich br;r,T. tht*<Mid ui 'if* *ot)aiiif .U\ i.ro\ir-.i. a l?i * «'\- •"■ ^on of a litft v,)H siltd "--tr.r.iini. B»***d^, ')i'r'ir(*»«tn;La-ir." nfra<M f:;uiiliv: a-iMMaiin"- WV ^lians;iii:; a id, a^hr- law R.»w staP'i*. a H*tlw owasioii fo mak** a n*\v uiil. «r acoil- ifil.a: lea-', avoffert a« kf ha-afKHdho»ft, or ^ttti^d wiihoit miii. » of ihi%f»-inaiili*- u«",'.| ftHHH bv :hr >ia"!r;\ for tilP pn v.^Vion of y:t*V; or ro irt l:ilrt!i v 0<a>Mi.a *ci«*'iM4e»H «SvHf_i,aml ftOn fail et'Ar l^alrlf-r"1 i:«- W"(lft|, PrO'H MP-* firr#mi-ia<ic:'-, Mirrp \ S*>!i| rrao.i !abi4if*vrv thatili* wMtAs nTtw»- J;vlM,rj»3v»fi«Mid"d iipifii a ^it* <»f h>pHrfi«1 u,w bi.vard« thrirr!t;.l '• -n. -» •• i!-*fca:»*d, uw •^ifTa'^ip^rf.-ic^o.-i .*nt t.mi.Iv (mm tIi^t i'1- "■dWfc, :n!i», <i:^a T. I'-trii..o oHmr fatnilir-. a""1 itef*rrj |.«*f of-o.-iriv. • law o t. ,va;:;aii' Jo ;'»r» cr^rip"al s/'iil*' Wrtn.' ftftUfr** who a-p 'i;rt ■"'»' - 1,7^-vj','. aod pnljli-lr.) In IheTroviucJal Slai- nc lion-k. Th'« iiiijoincd form aen>nliu^l\ contains \r ia*«pP<'i^nilioi:. ri|jrt".«'d iU tonus a* him* plr a-i'l iiMiiiito, it h hplipvpd, a> rbeuihloci will a«ltat'. It va"i*> from lh* p\i>fiujf laws of *!i-frih'i- iujh in iv.o pniatvo/minor Importance. i.-*i. it givi*stfi* widou ofa.i intestate, who Ira ves no kindred, th." wholoof liU euate, after the pay- ineoi ofdcbtsanS rhar^s- wherra>h\ tin- 2':d and 2Md of Car. 2. ^Iip is eatitlrd to or.ly half ofst. 2iiiil\. It gives collateral kindred elaim- ing (hrttn&l a nearer ancestor the pn fcrence to [fm>eelaimin^ througli an ante tor more re- no:e. ' or in-lance. nephew* a id nieees, be- uiicm the thitd decree, but claiming thron^h an ancestor in tlie iir^t d*^ree tif kindnd, are lirefered touni'le and aunts who are likewise in the nird ;l* ^r**e themselves htlt claim thro* •» com am] anc■•••or in the second decree from ;lirtiute-tiUe| whereas bv th^sMtiite of Charles, !is!p*»led by a number of adjudications ujion It,naele^atid auuis share equally with neph¬ ews and iiiecc-% T ip clauses, thnpvaiyin? from the laws now in fore*, are distipn-ui-hrd bv Italiccnuracters. and may easily be -titic'c ost. if fho-e ahera- lion^ shirild lie thonn;!^ inexpedient. In other r"Sper%the principle of t!ip Sta?- wfN of dr-trib-iiion are retained, and applied u» :hede»eeaiofreaJ eslafe>. <::1}} •e*;«f it, £* tn trc iir■» i0 in* eo'iiM""*ae eil i>> sneh •p-ia,M"n'. rv tr-»ea\uio..>, seem* :«« call to legislative U.1-T ili'n im*irps^io?i, I v.a- sr-aiiTied *n NKr |';;|t (h<* M\hi -rt u-f|ji ta"v*ll ill 0 «'On ii':'- la*v, phaM v>< "r Applied, an I distnbtited in Iheirt'e manner astir* pi'r^oual esiaieof the to■tr.'nro-!nle-t:^te.,, T'»i.; sr-at principle of the eoual partition dTJiitetate r*al n*-tai'*<. mi bw% anil >n suiieral- ItittisrdeatlV desired by the iuhabitanis of t^Pnivioceat lyrir*. anji'-ars- fit la-1 to have Mri*H the eaw'ion ofthe Ceiuneil, andal- nw-tamaiorit> ftf'be M<mm\ Wlie'her those nhnvi^ptl a*ait-t the IJ II, were otvin^ed loits pri^r'i;»*",<»' on)v#r<» mhh» maMer of Form whtrh tir*\ deemed <»hj •euonaM*. I kt.ow .tot; bffl aindi-pe-el tobc!i'*v 'I? ■ latter; andronilOtl b-' hop*, tha* *n «imr 4iapr oroiber. a Hilt, cimiaininirthe sane leading principle of rfjni- fa wilt yetbe adopted, Fnrtlic onn bteratlou of tho-e, whov duty limav eventually be to decide the qnestinn. y»in"of whom may nAV have leiwire to investi- Itatehesnbiec: indetail-'hefolliv.\ in? drairghl isr-jrctf dl\ -edimit^fd, through fhi- nvd- in ofciMfimunica.Um. |l,4oes io* liweb entailed e-tates, but l«avc* thrmi:tid*r fbr Operation of ihe Common law Ifltfiht- Statute of pi)*a;loi»"its. p-*oe> not. I'-ie t)>p li !l art'd upon la-t winter, conta'wi prnvi>ii;n^ for euforeeins the pavnifn' ofdebiiand |{te.<ali-facUon nf exent- tionsasain^t the e-ia:"- r»r persons dec'itseds vliicii arc, indeed^ obj-cts of tnn|t|e*tionahfe bpodanre.: bot,lietn< dhsflnet-fvomtbe prtn- ciplffnf d **ci*\\\ aod d:»!ribn*ie»n. maj ptOpcr- Ijbf the pubj*r! ofasepavafcenct. It differs from the BiUL above referred to in Uttf other particulars It doe\notjjlvethe ttanVrlncd csta'c of a " te?to^or" eo the |e.-;a-i t'^ofhi^ p-M**;r»nale^tat' . in proportion to'.l.eir t'specti^e Irs.i.'ies; but apJ«U'tti»ns ir^no-:i« . iHhffirjtiaceordin? to the general vuWs uftte* *"*nL Tni.s appear^ tti he the tnoai ?im»ple D'dfAfdi>po'-t:ion. The|»»sfoeii *■ may •**• *!'••- rifii-or randitie.nai : in wine'i <n»*s. it \vo"M fcp diffidtll to make them a btaadllfd for the a;»- pwionment of the real p=fae not dovisedac- "tfdia;; tolaw. A will may l»evn!idas to per¬ gonal cvtau*. but V(ud as hi real rotate, for i\ ant DrvilBffJenl a^<* in the u^'a'or, or ofsomere- ViHiofor-npJit, in the e\pcu*ion. If, in Mich •■will, the ner«on&l e^tUi? should be given to w child, and the real e-tatp to another, it *9vUbedt»iUybard. that llie fortunatexbild i^hmiM, on accouut of his legacy, inherit the vtnlcreal iriate al*o. The Bill of the last session conformed the focpQtofreai estate* to the distribution of per- *oal f«tate=, by reference to ilu* laws of dis- [Jihutmn, without particularly staling them. «MMr laws are not contained in any Pro\in- nuSfaiute; and therefore arc not officially pfirnnlnatpd in the Province; but are to be *"'cht for in several successive art* of the Bri- Kn Parliament, expoundeil by a series of ju- *»pial d»*ci,ion«, wliich have ascertained the jBif of«o*ne doubtful expressions in the acts. Tn'inderstand them all, requires ao inconsid- °M« research. But, as this is an Important branch of law, "res&ary t* he Considered and acted on, no'. •°lv hy the Judges of the highest Court e.>f law, i Drofev-ional men, but alhrt by the otlicers * various Surrogate Courts, aa well us ad* ftftaton, heirs ami other parties Internaied, v he useful, for the direction of all pei tons 'nied.that the rule- uf descimt and distri- j u^uuldbe s^ciucd, comprised in v sin- Aii Art rc-rulnting (he Descent and Di\frih:i1i»n of h'ltestufc est (ties- Whereas the rijit of i>rimogeuiture and otIi"r principle*! ol th^ Com mo u Kivv, reapcctiitg the (1escftu< of real e<- tattts. are not so well adapted t«> the ciri'iifiistaiioo*; of His Mij^slv's subject** and f'le stale of <oeiofv and gotvrit- mewl tn Hit- Province, a« ifte laws res¬ pecting tit* distribution of ppiwwal ^5- tnt°s : and w-h^reas it is exp^di'-ni. that the nilfl of d-'sreu* and di-lribu- ti n ^f iMt.vtat-* estates be rendered nnMc impl<*and uniform, and be spe¬ cified in a Provincial Statute, for the iiirectt' "• »T all persons concerned : Therefire beH enacted. cSe. That whe- «i.*v-T hrreaffer a person shall die cei- /od, in fht*s Proviiice. of any land, ton- rfljRnit or herodita netif, or any inter¬ est therein or ri-'ht thereto, in fee WMf *i!e or for lllC life of another, not '1;IV_ tncj lac, fullv (V'vised it. the same (>ub- }i*Ci 'o the payment of the int>ctut.-'s rl*b's, arcordiu^ (»»iawa witen the per* ■ ■ \\ e^fcolc ^hal! be invuRtcierit tbt'rc- fcsrj h'lll doM-rnd to (he intestate** child nr rh'Ulreii in equal shares, and to tit" laufid issue of any deceased child, by rigM of representation, sav- ini» to the intestate's husband ins ten¬ ancy bv the curtesy, and to the iittcs- ialo?5 widow, her dower, as at com- rnon law ; and* if the intestate shall Iftivt' no is-uo. fhc snnte shall descend to tin* SurvifHij{ htis|*and, or [the xcid- ru\ in c/ise qfa mdtna and no kindred afthi' intestate* but] if there be kfw- dred, a*: well as a widow, of the intes- • . % . »u» iwMi'". \ tfi i'lif r.ntit- -slial'i Jle- ••r<M,d to the said uidou, and the oth¬ er iuoietA be inherited by the person or persons, ivh« would inherit the wholi', if liiore wer« no widow ; and. if there be no UsttC, hubatid or wid¬ ow, (he same s all be inherited by the intestate's father : and, if there be no father, Ehpu, in equal shares by the mother and each of tin* brothers and sisters of the- intestate, and the child or children of auv deceased brother or sKt.T, by rtghl ofrepresentaiicn; and, if there be no mother, brother or sis¬ ter, or brothers or sister's child, then by the intestate's next of kin, in equal shares, without any distinction be¬ tween those of the whole and those of the half blood ; the degrees of kindced t> be computed acco ding to the rules of the civil la-w ; [collateral kindred \ \rbiimng through a n.'trer ancestor to be preferred to those claiming through] a common ancestor more re//?o/e;]aud if th» issue or next of kin, entitled to any estate by virtue of this act- shall nil be in the same decree of kindred ro the intestate, they *haU share the es¬ tate 'Mjually, otherwise they shall take it according to the ri^hf of representa¬ tion ; and when there shall be neither issue, husband, widow, pareut nor o- ther kindred, the estate shall, for want of heirs, escheat to his Majesty the intrrvvr >" hln life time, !o a child, in advam em'-'i't ef the said child's por¬ tion and *4° expressed in the said gift or griwt ^'r so charged by the intestate in writings(r so receipted or acknowl¬ edged in writing by the child, the cs* fate so adfancr^*> a* * ^e v:1luc thereof as expressed or charged by the intes¬ tate, or acknowledged by the child, or otherwise «•*• ",0 just value thereof by estimation °f nnpraisers under oath, shall be spnsidercd in the settlement of the intestate's real and personal es¬ tate, as a part thereof, and shall be ac¬ cepted by t'1P sa*d child towards his or her share <»f the intestate's estate. Membersftf the Legislature who may hon« or this comnemication with a perusal, sre as- ntred. that »**** fbrseing sketch of a Bill is not proposed atap^rfed draught, but is coramQ- nicaie-d in inform,a? an exemplification of the ideas irK*ch the writer, in the exercise of a common p|tvil«*?e,u|ion a subject of general (tincern. h-'g" leave to SUgeett for their consid¬ eration * no* with a disposition to encroacli up¬ on theirnrox11,00'01' •" anticipate the result of their delibe^tinns: hut to k»*ep the oltjert 3tilHopuhWView^an4doall in his power to abridge and facilitate the labour of attending toit. AMICUS CURi.E. f ACCIDENT. On the 2_7lh of OtEtaher one James Val- lentine FJafec» beloo^iug to the family <>f Capt RmK- Wi'kintt, at the Carrying Place, hea4°t the Bay of Q^fnte, went .out in a Bn'ch Caroe, to (hoot Ducks, ja^'alnll the^onfent °f the family, and by fome unknown accident, upfet very flea* the Shore;* and was drowned, though a good fwimtutr. His body was fouod next! mornine—^e JurY brought in a Vcrdift of accident*! death.—Communicated, We undo'ftand that a treaty wa^ fijrn- ed a' the fe°t of the- Rapids of the Mi¬ ami of Laks Erie, on the 20th ult by Governor C'alsand General McAithur, CommiffiotverB appointed by the Prcli- dent of tke United States, and the Chiefs of the Wiandot, Delaware, Shaw- anoce, Scne-'a, Ottoway, Chippewa, and Potowatair.y tribes of Indiana ; by (which thefe tribes have ceded to the United Stales all the land* which they ciaime will in the limits of the State of Ohio, with certain relervutioni. National Intel, •«• • We are informed that a ftout healthy young w.unan, who is on the point of lying in, is already engaged as wet nurfc for the ch^ld expected to be bora next moi.th ff thePrio- ceis Charlotte Hie p-rfon fo engaged i> the wife of a refpec- table yeonan near Clareuioat- London paper. 1 Pennsylvania Election : It is row afcenained thai William fmlay is eleoled Gov. of Pennilvan a, f »r the en fuing thrc? ye irs, by a majority of fome tlioulandb over Gen. Heiiler. N. T Herald, I lung. Wonderful Fecundity. On a tarn, near La Prairie, under the managers -t of Mr. "James Clarke, a Scotchman a piece of ground, not three quarter* °f an arpent in extent, was planted laft ffiaog with 10 bufheU of po- tacoes, of the Euglifh white kind. The crop tneafurei 420 buflie's, or 42 fold. Six of thtle potatoes were brought to this Office, wishing 12 lbs. 14 oz. I oft^JMi wei^hied 3 lbs 2 oz. The feed was planted in drills 4 feet apart. Montreal Herald. 11 2d* And be it farIkcr enacted^ That whenever hrr-fter a person, domiciled in ihis Province, shall die possessed of, or entitled to, any chattel, or per¬ sonal estate or right, not having law¬ fully disposed of the same by frill, tite same being subject to the payment of the intestate's d^bts, the funeral ex- peuces, and charges of administration, according to law, the residue thereof thai) be distributed to the person or persons, who shall, by virtue of this act, be entitled to the said intestate's real estate, and in the same propor¬ tions as the real e;-tate; provided, how¬ ever, that the intestate's husband *>nali have the whole of the ^aid residue, as administrator, whether there be issue of the iutt-tate or not ; and, if there be a widow and issue of the intestate, the widow shall have one third part af the said residue ; but, if there be tie issue, she shall have ene half ol the said residue ; [aid ij there be no kindred she shall huvc the uhok of the satu residue.] 3d. And be it further enacted* Thai if a gift Oi grant 1 a*tj estate iy*i ■'» periouul shali lave bucu made b) tin Au agricultural Society has bec formed in Montreal. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. " A Canadian Farmer** will have a place in our next. •* W L." is reccfv ed. His " Opprcfled Soldier" will find a place in the Gazette, in due fcafnn, The Poem, which be fpeaks of, we really have not had time to give a thorough perufal. DIED, At Montcalm Houfe, Quebec, Col. Myers, 99th llejrt. Deputy Qj. Mr. Genctal to the Forces in the Canada^. fct • >* :+ -'..«t u.*-.; Tenders w ILL be received at the Cuftom Htiufe Office, until the Tenth day of December next, for drawing into the Government Wood Yard, at this place, during theenfuiug winter, from one to twelve hundred Cords of IVGOD, from the " big bfflsf* on the road lead ing to the Kingfton Mills. Tenders to be fealed, and to contain the names of two fateties for the perfoim- ance of the conirafl. Kl mion* 1 Jib Nov. 1817. 25 1111 BV AUCTION. '•"TOriLLbrroldflt the fubfcnVr'a y 7 ' fhec. King Street, on Thnn- dav, 20th i^tant, a quantity of CliuicC GOODS Cotifibtiug of Caffi meres, Cloths, Flannels, larpe Blankets, Cafflmere Shawls, whit< and Blue cotton Cambiic, etitton fumtti ft Calicoes, Mnflins, Leno's, vesting, h !h Linen (hirts, flannel ditto cotton Shawls, white and Gray worded Hofe, Lamb's wo^l ditto, lined Gloves, &c. ALSO, Skates, kint Hammers, Locks, wool Cards, Milliard, &c. &c. And a variety of other articles. Sale will Commence at 12 o'clock preclfcly. Archibald McDonell, a. & b. Kingflon, 17th Nov. 1817. PUBLIC NOTICE T' HE fi.st SnW'crtotbri Ball will t*ke place at Walker's HotH,, on Friday, the a&h it nant. ^ LLAN V»A T P Kint* it on, Nov 14th 1R: 7. N.^J. Tickets of Admittance to be procured from the Treafurer. 2f JITST received and for fale at this Office, pnVe7{d. the MONTREAL ALMANACK, For the Year of our Lord 18 18. jfifo—ESS.irS en PRACTICAL HUSBANDRY, Add.ffled to the Canadian Farmers. By C- F. Grece, of Montreal. November 14. 25 hand* for Safe. If OTS number 6 and 7, in the 3d Jl_J conceffion of Rawdun, containing 400 acres; I ,ot number t 1 t«d cenceflion •->( Murray, 200 acres ; E It Iialf number 2, 3d conceffi.m of Richmond, 100 acres ; Lot number 24, 2d Range 3d concefi- (ion of RtehiHondi ZOO acres ; Lot num¬ ber 20, Sib cenceflion of Richmond, 20c acre* ; FaHernm>ft half number 21, gO concefnon of Fredericktburg 50 acres ; Lot number iT 9th conccIHon of Lough bBFSUjgll 200 aSFfft: For term* apply to Richard Robiron or in his aofenee. Allan Mac Lean v F.fq. Kingflon, lyrh Nov. 1817. 2etf L ANC AS FRIAN SCHOOL. rjfl-W, Midland District Befool,«n M. the British ^ystrm of E location, under the fupcrintendence of Mr John¬ son who has been engaged as Tc.tch. er, wit! he opened on Monday next j i6ih ^ov^mber.—The terms of Tutti hi three (hillings ;:nd four pence per month pay able in advance. By ordei of the Prefidenf $t Trustees R. STANTON, SecJy. N. B. An EVENING SCHOOL alfo will be opened at the 'ame time, thr terms of which «• ay ^*e k.rtt»WO by apply¬ ing to the Su'.jfcriber. Rb. JOHNSTON. C. Hatch Sf Co. Logan Rock An Extraordinary Phenomenon. In Silliman'* T.avels, juft publiihed, there is an acc^umt of a wonderful p!ie- nomenon, called the Logan Rock, near Penzance, in Cornwall. It is from ad- meafurmciH ctiimated at three hundred ton^ weight, b-t is fo poiled on the ^wrgeofa precipice on a b^fe not larger than a man's hat that a fingle man may move it backwards and forwards like a cradle. Formerly he fays, it could be moved with a fingle hand, now it re¬ quires a (huuluer.—Watchman* Potatoes. Receipt fjr boiling tvei Potato's —For a famity of eight pcrfona, about the lizc of an egg of loach lime, thrown into the vcifel while the water is partly heated, will completely caulc the vretteft potatoe to be dry. {Dublin.paper. Vermont Beet—A Beet was raifed the late feafon in the Garden of Meifrs W. ind A. Chapman, in Middlebuiy, Vt. which w eighed, including the top, 24! ; without the to^>, 16 pounds, 14 ounces. < u v LLAN >"A LT /\H% "J hom,\s "yRLAND > MaflngT . *eter Smith, J OFFER FOR SALE, Elegant Broad top bdll back* Fancy & Windfor bamboo, do Slat back, Real Cane feat, Waterloo- Common, Rocking and Children's WiRRANTED GOOD, At their Chair Shop, oppofue Wm. Powell's Tin and Grocery Store, (lore flrt. Their Chairs are luperior to any they have hitherto offered fot fale. Country Produce received in payment. 03* Cabinet Ware for fale as above. |-| Kinglion, Nov. 10, 1817. 2aftf Advertisement. THE Subferiber refpedfuHy informs thr Inhabitant* of the Town and Town/hip of Kingston, the Townfllip of Pit fturgh and Wnolf Iflanrf, thwt he its now errc&tng a P'/t Afli wnk in the Vicinity of this T wn, where he will receive good Houfe Allies at the rate of Seven Pence C*y pet Bc.fhel whfn delivered at the Wo»k». and Iik pence when collected in Town ; the .vfheti to he paid for in Mcrchau. iV.e. A Sleigh is ro be fent, round Town to colled the Afhesoace a week, or ofuner if nccelTary. /.MACPHERSON. Kingston, 171!: Nov ib'17. 25tf N B. Caie mould be taken to Keep the afnes Diyand Clean a? none but what t of a good quality can be received. A » PETKR DilUMviuNU, ^i"q. Ji. 'ate a Captain it. the 29th Itcffiaient of Foot refidv-s at prefeut in the Canadas, and this (houid inert big perufal, he is rarnelUy requeued to lommunicate hi* addrefs t<> D- ;>uty Afli.lant C-immiffjry General TUBbY. at M> ntreal, as the latter 19 drfiroofl of correlp.• :rjiug with him relative to thc.fftirs >-f Lieut. Hill, ^HBcilynfilicta il'.giWcRL Montreal, 7th Od. 1817. 25 "to bakers' Gt'VERNMKNr Contract. TEVOFRS^vill be received at this Office u- til 2 oVl .«k P. M. on Wednefday, 10th of D-eemhrr r^xt, trom perfoos willing to (apply tin's Garrifan f "■ fix month', commimciny the 25th Decemlicr 1^17, a"d ending 24 h I nne, 18 .8, with B*e«d tobr b;kcd from Flour furnifhed from the King's Vla?a/ines« Further fnform^tion may be hud on application to this office. CommifTiriat OiTice, Kin ft Bt on, iX November 1$TJ. 25 ADVLR riSEMENT. HjlHE Concern heretofre exi'ling 8 under the firm of*' Roik Cff Alexr. Mackay" at Point Frederick, was diflbived on the 24.lt ultimo. The Subfcriber holds himlelf refponfible f<*r all legal claims againR the faid concrrn, as well as all Pcrf.mal demand* againft bis Biother, who retires from it, and will thank thofe indebted to either of the parties to pay their refpeclive accounts to Mr ROBERT GRAHAM, who will conduct the Bufinefs iu future, in Company with the Subfcriber, under the fiim of Robert Graham £5* Go* R MACKAY. Kingston, 13th Nov. 181 7. 25tf ZT ro LET, The Ccmgrefs ®f the United States meet on the fir ft Mon- Iday in December. AND pofleflioti given immediately, a Houfe, containing lix rooms, a go«jd Ccller, Well and Garden ; and a good Bake-bo ale adjoining it, the oven of which will hold 2uo Loaves ot bread. Apply to the fubfeviber, near the Catho¬ lic Church. PHILIP VIAS. Kingflon, Nov. 7, 1817, 24tf To be Let, A Room with a fire.place and two J^\. Bed 100me. Enquire at this Office. Kingflon, Nov, 5. 24 Church Catechifm Fur Sale at ihis 0.111c?, JOSEPH MURDOCK, (Late from Ireland,) "T^lEGS leave to Infoim the Publicly JlJ? that he lias commenced the Chan¬ dlery Bufinefs nearly oppoiite the Union Hotel. He flatter*; hi ulcif that from hit experience in Bufinefs, he will be able to give iatihfadion to thofe that will favour him with their commands in the above line Kingston, 14th Nov. 1817. 25tf For Sate, Or I'O LET, IMMEDIATELY, an elegant 2| btory dwelling Houfe* fitted out in the tnoft commodious mannci, filt*j an excellent Stable, tn get her with the Town Lo* on which they Sand.— Any pcrlon wiming to Icafe ot puichafc the above will find it then" iniacil to make immediate application to usNJtr cjssjvr. Kingllou, Nov. 2» * Si)r. 2jif

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