/Vem the C&siiii Recorder* * Mtfht Editors~~T}*i* in the age o ifeful inventions. The academy o of f Lagodj hi Lapurawas nothing in com- pa?.ion to- the land of Uncle Sam.— Gtsmmai is caught by a machine in a irwdays; writing in eighteen lefions, ai.d a language in forty five And, whatia worthy of efperia! note, every o^e'-plsn, or invention, is the bed.— Now* in ordet to p&**e incoiitcftabk that my difcovcrica and inventions are c:j- AesUstofzM I fobmit a few of item to the public, I claim the merit oi the following : Difcovertes. I. TheperffSual Motion—Let a hole be bored through ihe centre of the earth, fit>rn the top of the Cai.-kill mountain to the Antipodes, Let a 44 pound ball be dropped in ; this ball, by the time it- reaches the centre, will h* vc acquired efficient va'iocity to InQJeft it exectly the perpendicular height of the mountain, above the fur- face of the earth on the other fide ; its force being then fpent, ir will return to the top of ihe mountain, and pro¬ ceed on its fecond voyage, and fo on, tut infinitum > to the utter aftoniuhnent of ttui Antipodes, who will be as much ptr/zlcd w,th it as fome of the New- England philosophers were when the mo 'ii-ilonc* fell among them. 2 Thar water is entirely corrpofed of acqueou's panicles, and that it is the Natural element of (harks, although fonie occafionally live very well on dry had. 3. That, contrary to the opinion of fo'r.e philofcphen*, there is actually hc91 in fire. This important difovery I fortunately made by getting mv Lot feiurcij burnt a few daysa^o. Th it ih: bat \t\A the flying fquir- amme Brighton.—The company was excee¬ dingly numerous ; eitimatcd by j'ldpes at nyef -fOOO, and including gentlemen of diftindtinn, and ptatf ical agricultures, from the adj lining States— particulrrly from New- Hampshire. One perlun cnimted over tix hundred carriages at one time, Thebnfmefsof the day commenced with an Addrefs by the Piefidcnt of the \grcultnral Society, (Dr. Dexter) delivered in the meeting houfe ; in which I the origin, object and progrefc of the Exhibition were amply unfolded. Committees were then chofen to ex- the various Animals, and the fpecimensof ManuFaftures, Agricultural Experiments, and Inventions exhibited for oTcminms. The Hon. Jofiah Quincy, of this town, Ezekil H. Derby, Kfq of Salem, John Lowell, Elq Broekline, Mr. Abrjah White, of Watertown, and Willard Gav, Ffq of Dedham, compofed the com¬ mittee to examine the animals. The names of the others we could not obtain. The exhibition was fplendid and gra¬ tifying The animal* were inclofcd in fixty pens, numbered in order, and 'embraced a large number of Beef and [Working Oxen, Bulls, Cows, Calves, Merino and other Ram?, Wethers and I ami, Boars, ftore Pig*, Sec- The committee were minute in their examin¬ ation ; and when we left the field, (ahoot fadf pad one) had only examined thirty of the pens—The premiums of courfr h^d not been awarded. Several pens attnrHed particular at ten ion One containing 1 -v fat - xen (Max'tmus and Afagnus) frqm H.*mpron —One of thefe i* e&in'ated to wcfjjh over 3C00 wt. having weighed 27:6 lbs. in Auouft, f 816 ; and to exceed ifl wt. the famous Durham Ox exhibited in j England. A nor her, containing a Heifer or Calf %f£ months old, weighing 1520 I The Kttfg vs. Leonard WitcOX, in J!* dtctaienf found by the Grand Jury for forcible entry into a house.—Iloil W il- rox, (prosecntoiy) not appearing, ver¬ dict, not guilty. cuitvinresporHothe fcJand have thence placed at n j^osal of the TrcasuVer, tot^the™ SL^ied Strangers froni _ C( 1 - hrter^t accrual Tower prices. le E* 4 rel arc two diltinft fnecics of ktrds, and! wt_ ^n(j girting fix fret four irches. Its th:t each aie <ffenu'al!y different from the owl. Inventions. I. A tl new and improved method" of drowning eels. %.* .\ fteam engine, by means of which the EftglJtn grammar may bt acquired in an hour, at well** \%i% year 3. A treble barrelled fowling piece* Vhereof one bairel will fpring a par tndge, the fecond Ihout ity and the third j pick it up and catty it home 4. A mechine for pulverizing brick jb<t18. $• A eoncift method of teaching Writing by means of a one horfe waggon. 6. A rat-trap for catching rr.'fij'nioes. fi A f- or wheeled flti^h, calculated fo: t'lc Well Indie? tf A portable gr>fhmill, for afcer t;> uy the longitude. v, But the ninth invention not being fei immtedt 1 dial! not mention it for the prcfent, TWIST. • • Emigration, anecdote. The Following little narrative favours fn rtrongly of the romantic, tliat We friould hentate in believing it, bad we not been LO^d it by a gentleman who witreffed part id the trantaiftiot ; A per ion who had rtiadt a co.'diderable fortune in Phiiadeluhia, as Si but her, j Xrt'nt on board one of ihe !aft fhips from jAmtterdarih which hai: a number of G?rman redemptioner*, for the purpofc of bUrchafing one to affill him in hia bnfi ,efs Afcer esamining the phy- fi'ignoiry of feveral of the pafltngera^ Without bci"g al.lc to pfeafe hinifelf. bia attention was arrefted by the tranquil and competed countenance of a man rather advanced in year-, but with much appearance of Hrength and adiviiy. Not !^li pleafcd With the conveifaiioij ,.f the German thtn whh his extciior, he dclrnbed the pur^.oit for which he wanted a fervanvandobtained 'he iwan'.s cor.fent ro purchafe his indentures, provided he would alio purchafe thofe of hi* wite^ who had accompanied him. | The parties then went alhoieto complete the rufinefs, attenoed by ihe captain | end upon the names of ?he pevfons being m-nrioned, to'infert them in the writings, they were the fame with thofe of the purchaser's father and mother ; and, apon further enquiry, he afcertaiocd thtm to be, in fac~tt hid father and mother, the la^er declaring that if he was their fon, he had a remarkable mole Upon his left arm — wh.\h proved to be the cafel It id added, thai nothing could forpafe the joy of all parries. The Providence of God h*d Hatched the venerable pair from poverty and fervitude, and con- dutt'd them to plenty and inde; endcrce, under the proteAi >n of an affectionate fon. He, it fecms had run away from hi< parents vvhen quite a boy, and fr >m the continual wars in Europe neither had ever heard of the other fmce. Raleigh Reg. fiie wa<- of the famous Bak/ wel! breed of | Enalifh cattle. It wa^ calved at Well j b 00k, near Poit'and ; its mother gives [twenty-four quarts of milk daily, and has now a caJf, four months old, which weighs over400 wt. In other-;, fevcral pairftofftout, handforoe working oxen wete noticed ;—a? nearly a dozen offing formed Bulls—one < f which of the famous breed without horns a*rr?.<5fccd much notice. In one pen was a beautiful Cow- with a very fine Calf, raffed in Pi motion, and appeared a prominent candidate for one of the firft pr^nuumM. In an adjoing pen, was an AmenVau Ewe, with herlijc offlprtng, of full li/.e and perfefl helth, all lambed at the fame time The faft wc are afTured, is well artefled. The famplcs of Sheep exhibited were pronounced by thejutlge^ to be very fine. We heard the owner of one flock ftate, that he had fheered from one 1am and a weather 39 p >und* and a quarter of wool. •Sl£:«<uz-mi Front ihe Upper Canndft Gazette* Prom the fin/Ion Centimh BRinilTOV CATTLR SHOW, &C. The fecond annivrrfyry of this popular Inftltmiofl was Ueld yefterUay at 1 At a Court of General Quarter Ses¬ sions of t%e Pearr ir, and f'r /A. Homt O/Mrict, fwi<fcn at J'r//'/;, o/i 7 uesdtn/ the I Uh and $i edwedav the l&tft dtiu* of {)<tihn\ 1 SI7, the foUomug ludktaunts vac present* ed find tried : ' The Kine vs. Alox. Stewart^ inflict¬ ed before f he Grand Jury, for -loliroiv inga verbal challenge, A true Bill, James Oiley, convicted of Highway Robbery : Sentence, death. Wm. Rowan, convicted of Assault and Battery; sentenced to pay a fine of five pounds, fo remain in prison an- HI llie same be paid, and also uiitil ho lind security for his good behavior for twelve month*;. John McDonald, convicted of Pefif Larceny j sentenced to be imprisoned j 'hree months in th.- Common Gaol, and a! (he expiration of that period to be publicly whipped. The Kins vs. James Small, indict- ed for delivering a verbr.l Challenge; convirtcd—ji:dgmpnt Mispended. Harrison EfajgM, of Gwilliambury, Jooman; Stephen Good/, of King, Tonin ; and Samuel " Arnold, of Vauirhan, \eoinnu ; fined forty shil¬ lings each for non-fittendance at the present AssJ/es as Constables. James Hroun and Thomas Saun¬ ders, convicted o| Petty Larceny—sen- tenced to one week's imprisonment, to be p„blir|y uh-pped and discharged. J he Kli% «#. Thomas Majors, for an Assault and Battery—sentenced to pay a fine of two pounds v> if h costs IV King vs. Xhornas (.. Kidout, for Assault and battery—seiitencedto pay a hno of ten pounds with costs & to enter info Recognizance of the Peace for one venr. The KlogW. Wm. Marshall, for an assart—IitdlcfmeiK fnifoncd io tu.si Smions : also ordered to enter btlli cognizance of the Peace for one year. The King**- Allan X. MeXabb, for assault and bflttijry^iudictmciii j traveled to ne*tSession. Io,A, U/AOct mt* At a meeting of the Director of the Loyal and i atriotie Society, held at the* chambers of Chief Justice Scott, present The Hon. Chi^f Justice Scott, Hon. Justice Campbell, Hon. and Kev. D. Strachftn, J)r. Macuilriy, *William Allan, Ksq. AlexA8Kh'»- Wood, Ksq. The treasurer nMMtted thata com- mittee might be appointed to audit Ins accounts. RmM,- That Crant Powell, Esq. WilUaro Allan, Rsa- and Lieuf. Col. Cameron, be appointed a com¬ mittee to inspect th« Treasurer's ac¬ counts, and that the saiu? be presented to a Gertenl Meeting of the Loyal k Patriotic Society, to be held at the School House on Saturday the 18th inst. at 1 o'clock. THO's SCOTTj President. At a General Mating of the Loyal (and Patriotic Society, holdcn in the School Hou^e at Vork, on Saturday the 18th October, |6i7f The Hon. Chief justice Scott, in the Chair : The Report of the Committee upon the Treasurer*? ac<*>u"<s> was laid be¬ fore the Society. Resolved wanS#o**tyi—Thst the Report be received a»d passed accor¬ dingly. The Treasurer tl^» presented his re¬ port upon the sta*e oi' the Society's fjiui In his haiwls. HU'Mltscd)—Tlia* fhesame be recei¬ ved, and that any balance remaining with the Treasurer; after discharging the debts and dtevMtttd* ul)nn the Socie¬ ty, be appropriated iu a'»d of the fund (or relief of distressed and destitute ftr&ngers. ALEXANttBft WOODi Sim rtary9 L. Sf P. S. RI'I'ORT. The Treasurer of the Loyal«nd Pa- Iriofic Society has >'ll: lioiiorto report That niiicrs the fi'>' of A»go«'t, isig, he has (liatrib'ifed agreeable to the ordftrBof the Directt»,,n 'levru linudred *»d >ixtv.n?...; yft«,'j]j.., fcfi shiJJfHRfJ and two p.-nr, |p!fp(.„nv. |,v ^hicli many famiil.s i|iaTP bcen Velieicd from great distress. lie has mtirli, plea,yre in rnpimnni- ratitii-- tothi (,v,nen| Me^fing n fourth donation from our late gallant 1'r^i- dent,General ^Gordon J)iumr;:.-nd. Who transmill.,.,] tn ()|() [foil. Chh'f JifStice Scott, £,so? ,)Hllg ,)!s ,1,;,-^ and last dividend of j ri/t. n;01„.}. for the aapture of pOTt Siamr*- This sum, toother \vi,h ()10S(. aireadyghen iti aid ol the fufoefs 0f this Insti'lution, b) General %. Gordon Dru.mitoiid, amount to d£<S80- a most munificent jornation, dese^Ting our most grateful acknowledgenjfcHts ;1|1(j fating com¬ memoration. The Treasuif¥r hegslravP to call the Society's atten^nn fo ,|u. Mim |osf in atrampt'rngto %„p,,|v fhe poor of this town with broa.,1 at'a cheaper rate, in the autumn ai,rl ujnter of 1(SJ4 aiJ(J I81A. After i^tirh trouble, rexatiou and expence, ,|)e p|ail fai|r(j aQ(j a considerable l%s was sustained. Another It*,,,, 0f expenditure re- quires the consideration af this meet- ing, namely, the Sllrn distiil.ut. d am¬ ong dt.-trrssed emigrants, When calls were made upfth the Treasurer iu be¬ half nf these unhappy strangnrs, there seemed to be a riifl-r-nce of opinion M to the propriety of diverting any parti of the funds of 1 hi? jJocjery to tIlPir r)1. hef. _ The distress however, «as no pressing that a majority of Directors consented that some aid might in the mean time be allowed, and according. V it has been administered as sparing lyasPoscii,le;axwilIapp,ar from £ detailed aerouut. Although tli,. Treasurer never had any doubt i„ hU0xvnnihu)otf|io pnojy of relieving strangers from the fund, of this Society, »h0 had been driven by the pressure ofthe times from he Mother Cov,nt,y to settle hi this Irorince; yvt a^uch a doubt w,*co. tertatned by Members entitled to th- Z County, the jvhol. of Hds,n,e, est,fmounting to&to » '•.-.. I is for the consideration Of th, *.'.:„„ wither tbev will be gaided trail of a fetter akv aHutfrJ lo. r!ateJf 44 London, Jih f>ept. ib17. " The harveft mull be going on unm. terniptcdly well, and the Corn " houfine will be in very fine order Meeting whether they «ill be distinction in disposing of the hand- by the same the balance still remaining m of the Treasurer. This sum, amount- to .f 145 2 l| b '"' tlie fi^P" 1112 lace Zhirctto tto expence of publi^i^ the Report of the proceeding* of the Society, wtioh has been long in the press and is now very nearly cowplc- ted.—The amouut of this charge lia? nol yet been exactly ascertained. On this account perliapr it may be suHi- cif-nt for this meeting to authorize the Treasurer to pay ov-r to the Society now established for the relief of strain gen in distress either the whole or part ofthe balam- which may remain after the expence of printing and dis¬ tributing the report shall have been defrayed. That the Society may with great propriety adopt this proceeding will appear evident from the fact that near¬ ly one thousand pounds of interest ha^ accrued upon the funds while in thf: course of distribution so that more money hM been already given to ml- ferers than has been contributed by (he subscribers.—The balance now re¬ maining does not amount 'u one half of the said interest, it cannottherefore be wrong to transfer a small part of it ko this new and most important benevo¬ lence. The Treasurer reminds the Society, that £-2.50 sterling still remains in his j hands for the purpose of purchasing 1 Medals should tho-e already ordered w be found insufficient in number. The \ledaN are under the care of fhe So¬ licitor Cieueral and may be daily ex¬ pected. It would have been very satisfactory to the Treasurer to have been relieved at this meeting from the duties of hi* Office, but the correspondence which he has the honor to cuhmit afi'ords eve¬ ry reason to suppose that a large addi¬ tional sum will soon be placed at the Society's disposal it seem therefore inexpedient to close its concerns on the present occasion. All which is humbly submitted bv JOIINSTRACUAN. now touting will dc 111 very nnc order for immediate ofe. Wc have not a hefhation in Rating it as our belief, that the porti will clofc on the 15th November againft foreign Corn, and at the end of the firft fix weeks of the quarter againit Rye# Beans, Peas, and probably Barley. You cannot be too early in communicating to your American friends the probability of the pores (hutting, that they may not be.- CaUght with Flour fpeculations/* —-— ExtraS of a letter J rom St. Helena % dated in 'June last- " Madam Bertrand continues the fame gay creature as ever. She was brought to bed a few daye ago. Bona¬ parte paid her a lying-in vifit.—She took her child in her arms, and prcfctited it to the ex-emperor, faying," Sire, I have the pleafurc of mewing you a great eUriofity—in a word, an unique—ihe first stranger that ever was aUowed to approach your majesty in thi (flaiid, Without penniifi:n from the governor, or an onier fr^rn the fecrctary of sr<*ttf." Boney was quite uleaf-d at the bon mot, and laughed haitily. . > iooy s. d. A O I 3 *l the Lnyaland J;atriotir Society of U|»p( r-C«iia»Ih, from the oth of Au- «u-f, IH16, totho i 7th of October, 1817. **I7, Oct 17. To ca-h paid bv«rders£ since 6th Aug, WIG.) To cash paid to Cat. -Vi- chol Sc Mr. backhouse, formei') aptiroprfatrf!, to be distributed in (lie London District. To eash paid fo frmi- granf^as per acc't To loss sustained in at¬ tempting to furnish bread ior the poor du¬ ring the winter 1SI i and 181.5. To postage on acc't of London, August it- State of our Venerable Monnreh —ft has been reported, and we K:?Vve par¬ tially credited, that his Majesty had W his hearing as well as his fight ; but we are happy to state, that there is no truth in the rumor. When hi* .*.I:ije-ty is m a compofed state of mind, be can readily dfetinguifh by the footstep- ihoft who nre approaching or palling hi'V. As bill few arc a Ho wed to let him, he gen¬ erally amnfei himfeif as they pai«, by calling to (hem by name. Mi* Majesty's habits have not, in c« n.req;:enee of in¬ firmity or ild a^e, undergone material change. His Nfajcii). as ufual, r>ics early—brerbfaats at eight o'dsckj <* (bon after—dines at one—continue paitial 10 mutton and beef, and when m a tranquil stare, he orderh what his din¬ ner tabJr fliall be furn.'flied With. Tti« principal D3ge N in constant attendaucft as are alfo the fubaltcn' aliisrantH of tM medical mt-n, A funk \v;»!k baa kt° made adjoii.Jng thr Knit's fuit of roooei b(jt latterly his Mnieity, ft "• 6*M« ^ declined walking tlieiv. alle^Ling that 't s deprived i.-i li^ht as ri 160 G 0 -p. * — lie TOnmk tint bia Nfaj^ty nnS ^ttendaiiti c, confi&t? of (lurtc:n & they arerxfr/ 7 wt\\ ver;tf!aied When rhe (kt^J at Wfndlor, her nnji-fy gmoaOy ,jjj* her Royal conlbrt abi»ut ten o'clock ' 55 17 9-f 38 8 0 lo postage on acc't of 1 the \j. k V. S'y. since > it- e<>mmeneenient, ) To tiauscribing part of ) the Report, 5 To bad Bills,.......... To balance at the dispo¬ sal of tlie Society, 9 4 0{ 5 0 0 ..3 15 0 447 12 14 lSlrl. , Aug. ti, By ;ush at the disposal of the Society, By cash, bein^a dona¬ tion from (.'en. Sir G. Drurumoud, Bt\ ca«h appropriated to) the London District. J" 17<2| 2 2 £ s. d. 2 2 180 0 0 160 0 0 greatest consulerntion and re.peet, and .'islHSohce u,s entirely Mi'.isreri.l he sought for other sources to meet this new exigency. On commanding with the Trus- e.s.nbowor Umuht, on t|)|9 h ; )ythpul»HenlKr^o«he fund, of t\H. boval.od fHj^ficSoeictjh! London, tobo dratrlbttM if neee^arv in tH, J72-1 2 c> Vork, 17th Oct. 1S17. E.E. JOflN StRAClfAN, 1 a Treasurer. L. $ />. gt balance in the hands off Treasurer. Churk'stt . (A (\ ) Q*t. \i Latett from the S«»uth. We have been politely Favced wi^jL following extract of a lertca-, dated St Maty'f, ^th * ad'rr, 18j- w I am informed ih r the plan 0f attack laid down by Governor Cob penger, to his t&eek* flic wed a 11 deal of llciil, and mim have ft»ccceded« thecapuireof Fcinanc'nvd, if p.oprrL conduflcd. But as that event did no! take place, the Governor h exceeding difgusted with hU ofti.ers and apeJ Much difconient ptwafts nrnotxjr^ inhabitants of St. Aogihtinc, and a, regard the people of the country theyar< daily coming to Femand/na, to malec terms with the officers of &* Liberating Aiiny. Some of the ojficers of the maine, civil and military, have alitor applied to Governor Hubbard to renew their enmrnfffions ; fo that whenever a tefpetfable force may a/Temb!e, for the I pn-pote of reducing St. Augmtrne ^ opinion is that they will be aflisted bj «he people of the countiy :and that j will become an eafy conques:. There are iome difficulties to be fettled between fihe American and French paitfcs at Fernandina, about General AurV>*'** ^troops bunir m garrifonjl hope it will be amicably fettled. th, S Lass, an error of I01)\>i not charged by him, ( -JJ7 12 II 2 10 0 Examined Itj/ as \ C\„. U5 W. ALLAN, D. CA.v.KiiO.V. 2 l| fy in fh.-if "'^•"""■•."""^'Himl that ll.is Wm still rpmaioftdwnexpeuded. TheTw« £•«*?***«T^■»!■ Portion ofS (ntUrn-u, ol Kmi^anu, co„c,ivinl rt mrd be to alt*, its i\m a'"* nt Uulti- tiou, Oul Ihcy had uoi the iUtUC • dilli- J Extract* <>/ Utters newfred umrc. "Liverpool, 8th Sept. 1817. Annexed we have the pleafure to hand you a., extra* from a later rccei^ vcdthi. morning {rum intcJhWut corrftfl pondent, ir1 London, cxcc^dl «', ged m the Corn Trade/' Y R -Sept 9^-Flour;sinfomcj^and «°-d*y. and the holder are aflc.W -s and 49' i but it is irnrmffible feA T 1 J4k> '-...... '"'P'^thlc to proeeed m Moflimportant----The Bank ofEnr- !and i!.,s agreed to receive the notca of .the Bank of Ireland the fame as their own. To illnftrate this fuhjecr, it il only rtcceflVry to ttate, lhat a rr-erebnc in Dublin, inllead of payhjji 10 percem, lor a bill to meet his engagement in I.o"« dou, may tranfn-.Jt In'fh notes, and they will be received ;»a Britirh currency. It may bt a " wonder <»f nine days;" bet Irtiand reaps the advantage* if raffaltf property 10 pe. Cent, fa price i" the great markc of the World ; and, if it I be true, as we are confident it is, we4#t to the prefent minillry, on this §c&M alone, moie than to all 'heir preilcvi/Tors fiace the revolution.—Dublin JuruaL » * Km great ait JT P >*ip wa> •**«?«« l>y c«** 7 B Otttt! even at 4ej |M«Mrel| and Mr. Surgtou U>«-~ I.aO ft from Bonaharte —Lord Amlicr: on Mi rcitmi to it%bnd| in the Cafin hid Oeeafion i,» tcnieJi at St. Hr'cii.i: and ey.pr. (fed a defire to be itttHHfccd t>. Bonaparte, An miervfewtiiotp^ on rht jd July, at I ongvvrnjd". Htf L»rdf'*ft) was accompanied by Cd**