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Kingston Gazette, October 28, 1817, p. 2

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hurrch'ttgto Farmers. To toepublkferfttftft tenting Sir,— i requcnl eomplafrift ive mrtJ of bndwgi ;t1»!. . which a Hit!" "•,,'• Hemic} pr.-v-ni.—]■'"«• jwRtaivcej if far- v i*r« / li* hstve fields of Potatoes would . ; i.i-u *• MKtnftis tie ti p* begin t- <i - audi i- 1 ©tatee* sro theo Bill} t*r..o.-ii—a-ui ftitthrm in their cellar*; (in \ * -'i\( pw*f»i ti'<"-*» inrtKbiog that cfoiitmtiwm arul etf(#Mrt«f<*, which <li< fafl rai«*jiUapoecaMO«. t Aslt rc«pt»m Onfoii*, tftey sbotiMi K pttJii d as soon as thx-y hav< attaiiied | to *neii'cxnUli, nncl flu* tops bcglUTO die : and aft r flying been drii d a daj or two, hould bv hoiiM»d on the barn llooroi ':me dry place. Is i* aUo of great eoiiseqamcfi ^ ffcw who raise White Beans, and wfe-fa <<» have tlnMi of asup 'lior quality, thai •* i •> hs puliid ivlten nil tliti b^atis an- fy[h j/rown, find about one half of the \ .- begin in $ro« yellow and dry, i» id the other part snvu and yellow : tki* an u vinis should then be eJvlrd ah. mj .-;•> hours, and then be housed for thre&kfog* One bushel of beans hnr- n rcdaftef thtsnay,w worthtwobiisltr ete harvested after the rain* have fallon-j m: the vine--SO as to swell the bra;i». Sometimes ft hou n longfall stormcomes oiu aod *prouu tliebcau^iu their pod»? j ii\"\ are not north HarveFtin^ \V( kope oura^n.-uitural fii.'tid* will accept thi-fresuggestions ; sod farther^ that ti.e present dry weather is peeu- carly favovablefor harvesting all ripe SuedUaud vegetables. A Fbjend to Farmers. '- Mps«arS:«eJKS»rif>iy for the pro-[i»rar^t ronoe^nc. « >or.f A,<ii»\iilu e.,; OnSfiHirdayjJ [nfhittt^ta :, (T;t i rs remained, and iicv started for Brighton, nesr Uohtou- !-without any or- <fMVt if a ref >n<i ml! probabh be eshibiied at the [in Spoonrr, Orijfl a|,.,.,i four reformation m&Utb? ! sin en, ivhetj ^^ §aiocd information fW( his MariP httd forcived th* addresses XJtC htr^l oftlieso ratlh\ it is con- ;of a oeiv admir<;r> fo „|,oni ,\]e had en- jpcfurrd, wlHoi tueuh any ofth ,;iii.o-ho« in Inat plaie, on the Ifth Vittd Ijth Inst-. " " "; con-j : kind i •ais'.-d in tht* "i p vl ap.i any other country. AAaxhuitt in the mdttth of V.ugi>4*181(1 tfcughed 271G poinds. Sine*1 that t'ir.u- he has eot;sid.rab!\ Kl- ( ren-v d in si/.- a-ui f!it;»ess, and pmba- ;\» feti ve full pardon. dunsfhul! in addition, ha ' ch Fifty dollars, and nfreepauki 5th LLi^verv reSei who (bit (hall be give, to fiwrv f u [ga^edhersetf itj mania^e, awd fbal eonsununation Qf f|»L» marriage nuj)(ial< tvwy shortly to faJte plaee. The unfortunate Kpoouer from this [bioment beeann |ik,- one entirely lost to all sense of sframe- and bent on mis- chief of the nvi-Keiions nature. The unfortunate iMi-N 1>. whom until noiv (lc:,ver bimfelf wirl. Ins arms, id any of the R.-ya! commanders, or any of the cooitsof jnflice. . From rhN it would appear. J hat tnr fituatloil of Mioa a«d his hand of patriot*, lis not lo defperatfsw th« Covemme... fented it. Klj willal th' time overgo S®00I1)S. The famous Durham ox raised in fcu* st!and was sold at Sve jqpkw ol^l for he had vainly flittered himself as uu- sbort time af- ■ willing to fnnn » connt;etion with an; hi £\ »0 sterling, and in n ter,^(K?U were otfrre'd for him wa: exhibited in a ear, made for (he purpose, for about 4 years, and when fslaughtered, weighed c2604 lbs. beef, aide and tallow.' From a Lherpoolpaper of August 15. MKTHOMST CONFERENCE. On Saturday the 9th mst. the 74th Annual Gonfere.tice of the people call¬ ed Methodists, closed its silling Near- lr S30 preachers, from different parts of the C/nitftd Kingdom were present. the greatest part of the time. The imftfe enVdial nfiVet'ion ami nnnnimity pr-vaU'd amongst rhem : anil they had tlie satisfaction to Bud that, dn- rm^the last year, the work of God had ^•n(*ra!ly prospered in their Soeielios, both at home and abroad. Tliirtv-si< \ >uno men having finished tlnir proba¬ tion of four vearsa wftts received into full rontieetion. Thftsfght of such a itMmhfT 'if men. in riie prime of life, P's-t -.siiii; genuine pfciy* fervent z'a!, p"d WHtsiderable lea mini;, devoting th in eW • !*» fh" work of the Minis* try, and ioIrmi^Iv w*I auart for t\w vfov Mr(r^d. \\n< d -rply affecting, Th* IS-ideiiL the Rev. .'olio Gaolter, wirlj his usual ;:eal and .xtivity, dis- pi'tchrd the bttsiit^ss which came under consideration trifft such promptitude a«'d ^hHltVi tliatdie (Vnf'renee eon- i'*mh-:l :tt ;ni e^r'ier period, than it hu i done for r,v\n\ preceding years- O" the following dav- the Prea-.'hepv vho were present, received the Saera- mi'lr.ftf1'; LonrS Sapper, from the handa of the president, assisted by *4 me of the rni:>r brethren. The se- v nil rreaehin^s, during the whole time of the Coufereneej were attended hi crc^w'ed ( or.^rcgafitiiiSj and the j>-.»wrrful and impres. i\c ^ennonswhich v ere d* ilvered, not oniy commanded deep and silent attention, but excited the most Hrefy feelings of devotion. and elevated 'he sou! to? bles-edpnr- tivinntion of those pleasures which are a; God's ri^ht hand for evermore. Kight additional Missionariefi are to b.- *n\t to tiie Ivi-t fddies, Ceylon, India, and other parte of the World, the ensuing yrar. The number of Travelling preachers i* as follows : In r^land,..................583 v ^'e^.«...........,.........-ji» Scotland.....................l27 Ireland.................... {{)} Isle of Man,. . Norman Mes, On Foreign Missions in Asia. Afri- . ca, the West indies, Briti-h A- naerica, IVewfoundland, &c.....98 87'2 BcsideSp Supernumeraries,......77 The total number of members in Great Britain is........193,685 In tie* \\"'*st Indies. Nova Scotia and the other Jlhssians......22.807 From ihe E tsleni JrgW* _- Horrid Effects of Intemperance. The foMowiuij ncconnt of the mur¬ der of Miss rattan, m\\ doubtless be read nithwi e interest. The partic¬ ulars oi" this melanrholy occurrence; •ire gif»n in a letter from a youn^^cn- Meni;?n in Georgia, wh-ne the circum¬ stance took place, to his friend in Bos¬ ton, dated Fnyette, August 4, of which the following is a ropy : " DearMr—Itunhappil) falls to my [lot to it.form you tff an event incoo- coivably tragic ! a melancholy gloom pt rvadestbe whole of our tittle village. When you was with iif the las! winter. I think yot: must have b-v-Miie ac¬ quainted with the beautiful Miis 1 at- tan, wholmsevei been justly esteemed • the highest orn.noent of our fair Sfu? was the only daughter of col. rattan, j a gentleman *>f th* fir 1 respectabtlif) | of this village* The p&ith ularsof thi: tragical event areas follows : About two \ears since, th* unfartu* ' othor. received also a ^hare of Ihe op- jprobious epkhels with whioh he re- Inroachrd her Ilrends. tC i\ev<?i', (did he publicly swe*r) sY\\\ tlie ungrate¬ ful pr^-engagefll Maria, become the wife of anj otlnv person, than myself. if life is spared '<•> present it." Alas. altboush the viU oaths and impreca¬ tions of the ra b young man wrrr then I regarded as onh the fruits of intoxica¬ tion,yet, sad fo j-hitv>, do has since re¬ alized them by u »]■ ed of dreadful note. Having) by o>ans unknown, a feu dnys since obtained information that thfi marriage ceaeuiony wa* the even¬ ing following to th performed between Mtas P. and her new suitor, (ayoung gentleman from Maryland j) the vile murderer, it apptars, b*i.ran to devise a plan and to'funish himself with such weapons as won'd enable lorn to effect! hi" hellish design : te<M'etlv ol;t;iinin^ a brace of larg ■ horse [listols and a } clasp knife, thefwner he charged with a ball and slu^ ea«e.h : thus armed and instigated by fhedevilj he? on the eve¬ ning of the *£Dtii uJt. repaired to the house of col. I\ for the unfortunate Maria, where (as appears by his own eon-fi sion) after &nri tig-skulked about the house for.sniiM time, seeking an op¬ portunity to destiW) the innocent and unsuspecting victim, and becoming still :l nate youitg lady b- came acquainted. with a rooth of reRpecMblr parental, I g°« ^fP^ated at a view ofberthro' by the name of Sp.ont. vU.o at that , [hr >v;ne.<'W, e.M in,tt convivial mood time sustained an unb •. i* hod charac¬ ter. Young Spnouer. who -oon after his first introduction became Constant in hi- visit-, exhibited tint part in lit) for Mi-s I:. indicative of urtfei^usd af¬ fection, attd which she apparently ac- kiiOW I edged w it.h reciprocal a.dor— their parents ton. at thi^ period, c" far from disapproving of the mutual attach¬ ment oi tie- happy couple, seemed anx¬ ious for the arrival of the day, wlu*n, in thir union in marriage, (he two la, ndlies wnt'ld also become h:i^u:'% c*m*-I t;ecied. # 'it. alas, i*ow unstable are the things oi this life ! Il'-w prone are v* c to di-appointment ! Adversity un¬ expectedly mark'd one of tilts feud pair as h'erown 1 \ ouug Spooncr, w bo until now, had been esteemed as a young gKntlerfftfl of unexceptionable charaeter, suddenly becani.- a v tafy to dis-vjpation ; in vain ivojre the en- treaties mf his food parent, his fair i\iaria : in vain the attempts of a targe circle of friends and acquaintance;*, to i lie-id. \wr lover. 4is disposition would tm 'ou^er permit him to postpone a do*-d, which the deceptive art- of Jiel! (If I u.'»\ be allowed the expression) were prompting hint to execute. On entering th« piaz/2, with a eock'd pis¬ te! in his hand, h> tapped aj the door whit h. unfortuttatt Iv. being opened In the ever to b. lamented Maria sftthu stantaiioonsly reeeirty! in her U ft the couteufs of the fr»tal v.<-apon, ] tiie" two fiI.||frHHfcl'^atijwii thetioor. Tin- vile ii e -•-,, conscious of his n-nilt, and proba' • .-.. . *," J . '.* '\ oi fhe atom men. -lo d-njaud for an act aur -o Ivibarotr. at' , . . ... inpfed tf» escape hv • mst reward h\ pi ., . .V -/ _ • ' ni-in^ the k111Tr• mtn hi-ow bo-/Om hieeei! twowver mod by I ho So: him, thfl' the) prove mortffl- 'iu?. although he gate - wootids. 1 am \t\for- ;f/ru who attended ire not such as will NEW-VOh From Matieir K, October t<j.. have re^»-c L ATEST NEWS.—The fafi fallor, Captain Porter, in th<* elegant fliip $mhs Monro,, brln-s the cH.tor* of the Gazette a file of London papct* to the cthtand Liverpool papers to the fth of kft month^mne than a wrek the latell. The king of P-ufTr., in company with 'he Duke of Eeggio. lefi Paris at * o'clock on the rr.arumg o£ the 30th of Au> nft. The fame day, Mnrfhal DevoOtt *M prefcrntcd to the KinjT of Prance, and it was expcfti-d hh wouM that day receive the baton of a Vlarfnal of France- The Auftjian troops had quitted Naples. Account* from Madrid of the 19th of AinjuJl dates that " Old CalHIe Is ovcr- \ Rowing with wheat, and prices low. The barns ate encumbecd.' The prefect harveft however, U not fo favorable as had been hoped, the j/reat h^-at having injured the quality of the £raiu." Welnve fcen a letter from I 'verpool ofthe6ih of September* which fjivvs the following quotations, and remnrki. " Trade in the country has experienced a moll wonderful (lore. We believe that no inftanc* has occurred for the la.it feven years, when fo much bufinefs was d-nie i" one market day, as upon la ft T<j: fday at Manchcltcr, in goods and Cwili. and as tar as we can Icat'n, feCfns likely to continue'. The cuuitty preients a flonrifhinff appearance, and if the weather we have had for three day*: Hrotdd Continue, vr£ (ball have the bar- veil well leaned, and the ports will then certainly be (hut fn November, 'Pin crops are ceitalnty very good, if thtycau only be well got in. Pour was at ^cw. nominally to d. y, but falcs Could twit be extrefivdy eff.-c'ted even for the bell /quality a< thai price. The Queen of Spain was delivered of a daughter on the 21 fl Augft lit.e P%iris papers contain the pni- ttcolarsofan atrocious ddii>n to afTaa- linatcthe French Princes. The piin- eioal tnlKga'or »f thin fangntnary fcltcme was a man by the name of Defbaus, nut mt;retban z 5 years of aire, but.va ,m-< 1, and condemned t» death. The King of Prnflwi trader the as fumed name of Count de RuppiOi bad arrived al Pan's. Marflwl the Dofce Raenfn(Warmont) has been appointed to rommandat Ly»»n . Stune accounts ttate that he was ap pointed comoiandei in chief of the tgth militaiy diVJliut). He had hf» audience of the king, and fet ofut from Paris at midnight of the 29-11 Auguft. Hi uh td li^p'ordil.tp fntkurdevit rd'tt^k *n tit l»ft St pren her. The Emperor Al v ■pi1'" vac cn (|m eve of'eaM'g St. P ri'tfh«rej\ rr»r i>; month*( <^" 3 to"l of infp ?-"i' n ihrt ugh the fotithern provtoccu ut bisimn eifc ti'o- miuions. The differences fetveen the Tnrln and RulliHUfr. arc 1'kely to Le amicably fettled, and a nrgoc^taifon is inid to be on Fort for engaging the Sublime F01 tc \0 pern h ihe t'tee pefftgeof the P3":.n;lics to all vcifels payttig u 0 odtrate duty. LoNfTON, Sept. $. The Lord Lieotenant will ihonly qie't Irelnnd. Lord Exmonthi ft is fafd, is appointed commander in chief at Pfyd-onth* in the room of the late Sir J. T. Duckworth, " IVhnl'or Cojl'c, Scj>l. 6—His Mayfly has pafied rhts lafl n onth in\ Itranqnil and COmfoitaHe Utile. Hi j Maj"ftyfg diferder conMiues unaltered, hut his Majefty^ health »graft" ^ Kew wheat hn; decUned to day in die I market (os a qo;oter, rn famplcs of our own growth* it is of an , uncuniinouly fine quality. I.tvKRpnoL, Sept. 8. The accounts from all parts of th« countrvi cnAtftin the moft dicetinj iff. tellfgeece of the (Hie of rir cops yirl the propttious weather which the coun- j try has ger.erelly etjoyed, during the I la ft we; -k. far rtpeiiir»^ and ( ] bareeft. We arc alio oj :d ! ^rorr. tin fame account^ that the Ironi the Woolen, the Cottutt, the Leather, the Soap & Candle manwfjetutes, ^rryll rapMly increafing. Ev.-ry loom, tntff faftory almoli in the kinydom, eniploya more men. or gives them higher $2)t j than it did fix months ago. Com-Twc equally incieafes tkrougborll our ports. The*e have been imported into L»vcr- potrf, fiom the United States of America between the fit Scpteo.her, tBt$i *u& the ift September 1817- n->t lets than 49,1.5«4- barrela of flour, which, together with theftratn brunglii fmw the hr* :oun'ryf would be fufficient to load 2780 tfcuring the- fl chfent vclicU of too tons each. 1 , From Made,r« We ^ j ^ m^n,gbi ei U,e 79rh Aflg«ft. H. ! Loui.a, that the n',nr«.«F.."#irf. Kv-„> ; \toaa** departure natttraUy g=.vC r,re to a -liect a reformation, gc yt< <■• nHau- i »-ou"^ "!at ,rc 'ftpTwoFnends, Ryan, eJ to visit the house of &A. P. b^t if fr"nJ ""nwnft, Euglaud, bad touched being now too jippanMJt Hiaf the {•,>-• a"N"adt'ira;'lav,II«-<,ii board nii'tty-fc'vcn lin-r and gambling heu«e «a^ his ro- ■; j, officers^ beiongrnj lo fv()rd Wrllington's ("nvjiiic resort, the colonel eoactftoirfit\\Kmt»ty °"c .°' wbva Capt. Jfcrftnfon aBittdJ.<pensalj!eduiyto<teitl hin. this; wa» informed it ^ t,,t.;r {ntentj0n t ' pensame duty privtlege ; bis doors won- <i---f'cl »g- alnst mm. and ell fui-tfier communica¬ tion bi'tweeti bir- da^bter and tbfnow iJO'n tlit Patriot ai .'and that two moi • deftinatioa, and WJt|, a ,;„-,, m & * •• • t / Total 216,583 intention, dMpftfed Spooner, *rric(;> forbidden, j I:-*** r° ,ail ,rom Englai j a fhoit time The unfortunate Maria, wJwwe real j Ia,ter t,icm- atfucinnent for youou ^;)noi»er w;»s toojj '*"______- apjercntto be. doubter!, with fefaeJJ At th« lad d!teg< Mr. Sairller was tatter yielded to the indi-p^nstibh-eom-j about to m;>kc at alcenl from Dublin m mauds of a t-ndtr parent—slic^eonld] • Wa baJlnon acCQppanied by a yunug not in a moment cea<*- to foci an afiec-j| ,a^v by the name 0f Thompion aud a tion for the youtliwifb whom she had! Mn l«iagfton, Ln American !] spout so man) happy hours: but to be¬ come uom his wife, she w,iv too sensi- Oli: (bppoJStion that fomclhfng cxtrapidinary had happened at Ly^.ns. An article from iVapels ftates, that the eruptloosi froha Vtfuviaa are aflonifh- in^. Ceppcr, iron,a!kaIif»e, at id, lulphur, ihi Koib-AmerlCa^! I^P^ *cUh> chalk, and ani-noniac, '(hips, for ihe fa.ru-! from l,|,s ,|iat a,e fom„imcs In a muf)() and foinetimes divided. The Duke oi Wellington had Jefi Paiia fur \!face, A contagious fever, and the fmall pox, raged in Ireland the laft of .Augnlt. Thirty patients with the fever were ad- milted in h-fpiraJ at Limerick in two days. In one grave yard at Strabinc, 107 had been buried. Died at Plymouth, on the 31ft of Anguftlaft, Adm. Sir fohn T. Docfc ht t BaTrrmott Currtfpondent, the bfe would not onl)• be acting in oppoj-i-i editor of the F«^af CazeitCj has f«u< l^^1'1* G. C^B, Vdmiral of the white tioii to the best advice of her friend*,)' 0s the Havana Jo.r„al 0f tjlc' j}th ult. I j J^dron, and commander in chief at jbnt would serve only to entail upon | jcotttaT.iii,B a Ptti4am3won by Don Juan """ IhiTselfaud family a complication of] j Rn«k Governor if Mexico, &c« dated ! Increase in Great Britain......2.005 Foreigo Missiohs.. .1.800 Total increase 3,805 SPRlNGFtfiLD, (Mass.) Sept. 25. Ptri Gtftfte-—Mtixhmts aad Magnus* — These two famous cattle raised by rol. \he' C'hapiiu of fhik town, wore Bold lit week, for the mm of 105Q1X ft » cofupany of ten geritleffiea of the )W little hairc to for from them,! yx*£ rolloving mandates :— 1 a Notrt? fhalfofd nraiSR in any wav (the tiaitor Minu iflifCl ptrna|ly 0f death, ' and thif o -utifr*.-,,, of his propmy, one tturdorwhnb till g„ {wo lhe A o mi^nes- II I2th m »«'7-in which, after a long flu-neglect with which young Sp^o-* 1 preamble, fettiag foaith the hopeJefi nor uas now treated not only by his] jc-nditton af (he traitors Mina, Mier, fair friend and her connexion-, but In f Tovrea and Mo>-cr>, he (how* h'% those who were late his mo-t intimate11 the goverumeut associates, had not its desired effect ; apparently to drown sorrow, 'o barri¬ cade the mind against self-reproach on a retrospect of past event*, ardent spi¬ rits wore almost constantly rduijied to; j in short the Unhappy youth became that despicable character which rile dissipadnn is capablrofredficingusto; yet. in his most sciber as well a* in his intoxicated hours, would he tail* of hi* unabated love for the unfortunate Ma¬ ria, and of the cruel treatment of Tier friends who were compelling hrv to act an involuntary part toward him. Although not privileged to visitor exehan-rc a syllable with MissP.il «as evident CJimtthc r«tsh youth was of the foolish opinion thai «Jie would im^ rer consent to become the wife of a*j 'ithcrpowon but himself: to her pi r- son be made public proclamatino of ht> jii^ht, as he had not only gained h « onna.oscnt to a fttiiou. but that of her treafury, one thid towards defraying th ttpenfea of the amy, the other third t the informer. *( Z& Any faihful fubjeft of oUr lord the lifltg whi fh,-,]| apprehend the ttat.or Mina, anl deiiver him to any military eommaider, or to the royal juftiVe. Q)A\ reicive a reward of live hundred dollars, Jf$d- If the K-rfu, who apprehends him be a fouber, lr (hall be immediately ',ro nnred 5 and if any of the rebels ihemfclves Dial! d- thi^, he (hall receive parddt) fot his crmes m addition to this reward. J*4th. One hindred dollars wfll be •'iven for the appehenfion of every f(;| lower oi the ftator Mina ; a^d, whoever Plymouih. ANTICIPATED. PHILADELPHIA, 0&, tp By the fine fall failing /hip I.ancafler. Captain Weil, arrived at this port hl\ evening, i„ 31 d;.ys from Liverpool, the editors of the Freeman's JaiunaJ have re ceivod London papers to the Rth, and Liveiponl to the Ioth September, 12 days ihe lateft f.om the continent. The King of th-^Netlnrlands has ap- poiTUed Commifii- ners to ncgoci;ite a Commercial T.e.,.y with America. 1 he conferences have been opened at the Ha,,'ue The London Globe of Septemcer 8. J^ys, " The appearances of the Corn JJarkei this day are extremely f.uor.,ble wh«thw fallen 8 ftilKng, per quarter below Monday's prices " A private letter from Pan's, dated «pt r, (tales that fn ions troubles had SJ?".m ***** hl" ^d entirely f«hfided, and the march of the troop, coo8tCTma,<|ja. Marital Marmoni had be.napp.nntedtothe canunand of the ^hMihtary plv/if)1,,lfvvlil.djI w-'«o he .the head quarters. PftftTjtMotn h. .A"cr- ?'«" The Ii.conltant frig.ire, Sir Jjn»« Luca* Yeo, hai jrrived fmta Havana, New Vo.k, Stc, Hh< !ai»«.Kd aoo,oca d. liars at Havana, jew 000 at N-«'- York ; and has, brojlght bn"»« i.^oo.OW coiiilgned lo Bn'tlfh merdiant* Important trorn Brazil. From the N. T. Gazette. From £raxil.^.Thc fl . ,, par3 Captain Pierce, arrived here y, |trrt.d' from Bah fa. CaptaJn Picfee •/ f.irmotliat -he Paragaa aniwd at rfc port of Eaht'a FannofajOM tin- tuh At>» from I^evv.York, where (he ■ b.t.ined £ following news from the eo.„m.,n(iariI 3t thai place —About two month, ago, ihe Royal Portoguefe met il,c Pa.ii„i, rear ht_An|ufline, with 4c.oco i.0,P» from R,o Janeiro and St. S:,had„r, where an action rafted, which lulled iwj days and ni.uht«, with grCjC |t)f, on b(J!h fides. The Royalitfa fiwaiy gained the vidory. The Patriot-, weie 'j-urfoed in .every direction, and whenever thry feil in with flragglin^ panics thev mdffcr^ min.'.te.'y put them to d.cath ^-Fifterarf the pnticipal chirfi Were executed at St. Salvador, a numbn- at Pcrnau.buco, and feveral at Paraiba, Some of the Patriots have gone into the inttu'or, and others ha^e returned to their homes. The Royal Portuguese have, in fhii viftory, gained p..fTflinn of the wh-le Brazile coaft, and indeed 'li. interior ei fa' as can be afcertained. The commandant further (fated, that an Wtimate acqiia-'ntance nfhis^ col.^l of Bahia Formofa wasfliot at Prrnim. bnco 5 and that the Royalifts «-0-Md not have gained f. decifive a conq.-efl, if the country had been armed. The wm J are.es was the great can ft- (and fevrrai difafteaed patriots,)^ their total ever. throw. lie l.'kew.Ye tnfmmed, that tvyo American veflels,faded with all kinds of mnniii/ms of war were taken going into Pernambuco, by the fqnadron, and the crews were ftnt in irons lo Rio Jai efrn ; and thai a few days after aa American fchr. g,.i„g ,'ntd IVrnawblie^ di.'.overmg Portugm-fe colors on lk cattle, piitahout when me was ctticfctf by one of the I'qna'drnn, but made htr clcppe. after giving the Portuguclc two Ill th I I An-.-ngo-hervidimsto'the deftruc >«M, u Mr. Juftice 0ihuUK jjJrL broad (]«!ts*. The Paragon bafl coaffed fmm Cobo Blanco to Cape ^t. RoqilC : aIKf h« Ix-en ..t .in.-horin tlircc cjiffcffin phcts, vi«. fix miles north of Paratift Trcafoa Bay, and Bahia Formofaand has iooktd into every bay and harbor nn$h** fcuwl ilic Rorhitriidtf in quiet pTrffc/fton of flic coaft, :fi.<I in evt-ry pl:tce uns tl»r PoU"* RUdj flag Iioi'«rr'._ThcTc could wt be whfMfnrd ;nry informaifon of no ^my n«y where hcboyiVg w 'he p;ifrf-t^)f (iJJBiazU, 'iiic Portuftocfe h-'c icvxiJ

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