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Kingston Gazette, July 22, 1817, p. 4

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■?7T IMA FOR SALE U ft < ,:mmm Academy * Jta*;\ mi convfnifnt MR MMM, I i|_ B„i|d{„.r now called the Hydro- cowih fctea bt |jfl*pfc«r*a Office, Stinted in tfar m„:i de- \C(( ;•••'• iWiLE, ;;,.,,.;, ^..tofti.etom, of Kmgiton.oc- «•* «*«"«■ . ,. j ruttykur a ftte of ground, with a mod rR.C^LUwitfj » «cqia«t hw | ,^1{J<Tli5g prof„e* aiKl delightful MOORF/S C 0 FFE E-UO VSE. !r£ Alends nnd the p»fclic, that &v &«. cuni'c&tfd *ift M" in rt« govern hi Dov *-* ircrt -f :kr Sckool, Mr tinfiiral Altilaat, whofr Ktt*«7 quali J £ca: so;** it i* prefa .■»-.!, «h*< prov£ a jvmi twtf advantage »lhcEl^Wifl^w'• A Few young gentk^ of gented cO?nexid»s, *riii co. ti-ne «o be rccem*. •^D'vkViirs, and it Is propofed tt> i.tcrc.f- .he nirCr.U ftrt*r«W of 2'- t« »4 BonftCP : *o whofe n*> :ilc. tienlrh. ar;d foiptotnsenktbe naoft Ciivlaiis attcntioQ fhall be puH—In the dwwfftc depart- meat, d)* bell po&We arrangements ba^Wnanffe to pro-rote the health andcotnfort ->f tr.e youth ; and dr.rii.g thr hoiT> of rccrra'Jo-', a tutor m\[\ oorJlamiy attend to regulate their con duct, and to prevent rnipwprfetiea The {iltJ and cor.Qunt exrrctTe of the religion* <j tries, t?.naht hyA"/Z> Churches, will he promoted by fhc ht-ad* or this AcsdctT.yi j Mr. DovuE being;a member of the Ro-j Iran CathiKc, and Mr. Collier, of the P-ottitaut Church. The Greek, Latin, French, and Engiiih L&itcfUa&ea ; Geometry, Men- fe.-atiou. Writin", and Arithmetic ; Geography, with the ujl ofthe Globes, &c. S:c arc taught»'»*M* School* Young gentlemen defnous of taking Jeffons either iri Geometry, Gre< k, or J-atin, rnayh?vean opoiui!*iry of doing fo. by rttenrMnc at the itourfi devoted to tlurcfofdive ftndies. TTSyA NTTED at the above Academy V? a young gentleman pbout 13 01 14 year* of age, to he articled for 3 (01 xr.«.re) years. He will be boarded and educated ffVatiVa and be entitled to all the advantages poff (Ted bv the regular bon¬ ders, dorinjr the two firft yean ; in re¬ turn fur which he will he required the third year to effiit hi the School. Application on this* fubjtct, will be re¬ ceived till July Firlt. Quebec. 6th May, 1817. 4 A small (juiii)fil\ nf ONION SEED Tor [ale at the Druggifl Store of F. CARLISLE. Kwgstm% March 12, 1817. 41 tf ^fWmi 11 rvo/vow ~ r~l~* HTE lubfc'iber has ntrly received I n fnn]] aflbrtiretit of PAPER Hangings, for r..ic on naiboable ttrms If applied for f.»on. ALSO, A few Box*'? Mould and Dipped GAXI>LESt% SOAP. And a nev frpply ».f Dry Goods & Hardware. S. 13ARTLET. 4^ vuu of the Bay, L;>ke, Points Henry & Frederick, Shipping, &e. It confiils of about two acres of well cultivated ground, a fpacious and elegant Stone Manfiua, with every necefT-ry and X&M appurtenance., built of the bell ma- v waK and m cxcellert repair, neatly fit- •ed with baek and front G»Umcs orua-j rnented with Ve-H-tian Enclofures Mid furroundtc] by grounds arranged with the prrnt^ft »afle, compriiing an exten- llvc Kiu-hen Garden, we'll (locked, and in a hijsh Hate of cultivation. Adjoining this Mai-liwii, and on the famepreauib, is a fuWbuUal Building md out houfeP, formerly ufed as a Brew Emifcand D'iti'lcry, and admirably a- dapfed for canyi-.g on that branch of tn.de, being eligibly inuateJ, near the water. What adds confidenbly to the value of this propei ty,T9 its having attached to it a large avd co nirodiooa whaif» weil calculated for (hipping off and landing TH£ fubfetiber having opened the Hon re lately created by Mrs. Pin¬ kie, next dooi tu Johns & Ftnfcie's, ref- peelfully informs the onhlic, tYkal he has taken ^rsai painS to htrnifll it i'» every rcfpeAtO merit the bell of cuftow. Gen^ tlemen tra>ellin£ may relv noon hftyfng (rood accommodations and attendance. Their being attached to the bnufe a good yard and (tables, Teamlttrs can have fiiltahle accommodations. i*oups cvety day from it to T o'clock. Seven or eight genteel boarders can be attended to. J. MOCRE. Kingston, Feb. 1,1817. 5 Education. Mr. & Mrs. WOOLF, 5 EG leave to inform the public, ■rSriLLrec«»« ^.-opniVds for b^.)"- VV rogaGRtSTMlLLatO^- anoqnc.on the Nofthfideafthe iw %B«d fop ttftfcng a Ckual to ^Ie .theater from the rapids at the fordrog PJ«c«»*;j the Gully at the laming where;!: BM is to be placed, He requi as llut pw- j0ofals may he giv«n to htm beiyTe the aoth of June next. A Town plot will be laid out this feafotl at the above nam¬ ed place ; the terms of I'ale and lrt& will be known by applying to the lubfen ber, who has for tale 1174 acres of Land on the River Ridcau, being lots \'<>s. 5. 6 and 7 in iirit. eoncefSon and Nos. 9 & 6 in the feeond coticeffion. wirh the broken front, in the townlhtj SAery^s Safe. M «J vitftte of a R Jltitn/E.W ilotes. tew houfc? are as pleafantly fituated and have Co manycoPvenieiuivs Propofals for purch.Gng the fame to! he delivered into the Kaval Sto^ke^per*^ Office by the fir!i of September nexi, addrtfled to Edward Laws, Efquire, Na¬ val Storekeepcit >4 March, iSl 7, Mail Stare. f'S^HE Suhfcr&erU'ilfces tofnfijrm the JL piihlic. that hi- fntends running a Stag* Waggon from Kingfto 1) to 3t:h vile, a,;d v\ill .o^mencc on Tt'efiUy the 8th day of July—wfl! leave Kir-s STEAM BO iT Mansion House. ?"jnHE fuhferiher begaleave to inform SL his friends and the public gene¬ rally, thnt he has taken that Lar^e and commodious Houlc in Sacketfharbor, la'ely occugid by Capt. Wm. Vaughn, which is now opened for the accommo¬ dation of travellers. He pledges h»m feif to the public, that no pnm flnll be fpared on-hi* part u> render the tiiuaiion of his gueft« pleafttntand agreeable. Good Carriages, and ca: fid drivers. Will be kept for the accommodation of gentlemen. WILLIAM JOHNSTON. Sackctjharhor, May [, lS-7- ^Q^_ Unmoral. THE fuhlcriber begfl leave to inform khfyirxkaw) thtpvb\tt% tliai he has removed from Barrack Street ro thr comer of Store aod Water Street, oppo- lile to Mr. Kiiby's, in the new Stone Houfe. where he ohirs for fale a frclli ain>rtrneut of Dry Goods and Groceries, . class m& karthen WARE; all which he will difpufe of very low for G/ISIL Alfa—Pour elegant Rooms and a comj.l.-te Cellar Kitchen, to be I^t w the laid Houfe. MICHAEL COYLE. Kingston* Ma*- ?o, 1^17. 52 X^ that on the I«h inlt. tbey nur- 3ofe to commence a Boarding aid Day SCHOOL, in the h ittfe recent!' occu t-icd by Dr. Maca»lay \ for theiuHrno- rionofYoune Ladies in the different branches of Female Edqcatiotl. Card^ of terms and every oner re- quiiitc information may be had 01 appli- vTitiort to theon Kino j ton. yl ftfayy 1 ?. 17. 5 Jfusi Arrived, I0() QuiiUjils diy Cod Pi*, i() Barrels Ling-, l>o. Ciiv C'ljaleur Salmon Kegs l.urli Pine Hefting, Firkins gutter ALSO*—A few fctts heft Enw'liah Plated lUimesses, SadUles and BruSesj MarUn^fjIeSj Pads, Vclieseb, Horse Cfoafiling, and y() !)oz. Kiue Shoes. The above articles will be lold chea^ for Cam *-r produce. Al.RX'a. MACDONELL & Co Ktags ton, 2_}/A Jan. 1817. 5 Mland-IXstikt,} To M!t: S RCniOy. iswedMd aj Ills Miff?!* tjf*s Court of K*ng?s /*<?/.//, Ittrhtit gQ- .'// Intern in and for flu- foidkutt ki*% frhi ttJuresttiiU ai ,iut Sft,i °J HIC1J- JUI) RCJIIISOX, of the l\mn oj Kmgstoih&t them/d Dhtrkft Gentle* aton. a^/rin.stthe LantfouMlTvMMWts of JOS AS Fjffi Al STiSE, of the Township of Ri'hmor.d. and District aforesaid^ Inn Keeper, ttireckdUtfte Sheriff of the said Miofard li.*n :rf. f have seized arid taker: in Execution^ as belonging to the said Jf/»%.J4 * --/ ALSTtNB* a port at the Snath Ea, wirn tne 01uft.cu i.^.^» » -«- •-- -- ( ili&HriEi% (t purr Of rue omnn wrs* nf Marlborough : Alio for Sale, feve.. I}crilfCarnt.roftot number Sevcnica*> rrt ral lofeea of land and Town ]0ts at niu lhtjrst ^iw/w»aw>/ of the IWnshtjioj jn the vicinity of the Town of Kmglton, i{,;:ju/t0fI/j . zc/l7Ch pica; tf La ad is and a Houfe and Lot in Kinglton. For further particulars apply to JOHN FERGUSON.^ Kingston, t$th May, 1817. 52lf N TEW G l4\) SO 10 B Booles Sf Tracts, } LAIR'S S,rmonr., Porteu>' Evi denrcs, the Canadian Vfii'or. bonvd 01 lingje, t>»}{e\hei IVflh H JfUW Boriety of nfcful Bo .fcfi r.ud Trtfim foi younv; people, for Sah Ht thisOfiiee ; — ubcic iKXxU »>iay bc«^d co a fm#il en CUlatm,f Library, thra tim« a week, or modeiate terms. a ii«; nil 1, 1S16. ugv<5 PACKET. J HF^HE Schooner Cotnmodere Pe^ry, I _!£_ will another feafon fail regularly to" every ivect onTuefoa\ at 10 oVo'k ! j hvrween Kin^ttoB and Saekernharbon for Bclivilhr, auj leave BeMsiHe evtivj Thtirfday morning at 6 o'.;!o.k, for | Ki.i^fu^i. The fubfcribVr hopes, by his fahhful attention 10 this undertaking to nc*t a flikreofthc pub^V favQiir. Ho*fe^ and ail feiis'l offrtvht taken on board as aftial—Good accommodation for pafTcngers—For Paflage or Freight apply to the Mailer en board. TO L E T, J\ ND pafleffipn giv^n the fitft day of * "i Mny nevil, that !« re and Ho. feat [piefent occupied by M,-. Ric!;ard Smith. A opiy to ! TORRANCE& WcLEOD- , Kingston March 13 1K17. 41 " NOTICE." \ UL perfons haviig any derr*nds C\. againft the IfiaTt of the tare ELI PH si LET jtD4M8%Q\ Marya- huich, deceafed, arc erchy reqnelted, to pro luce ihcu claim duy authentica ttr#'»—a-foafl jxifyifc indebied tt> the (aid Eflate are hereby nccjiicrted to make immediate pay ft n nt t<* SIMEON WASHBURR Jtfling fcxcctiolr. Hallowdl, 12th No-. 1816. r THIS day received at the Store of Hartley 100 Calks wrought and cue Nails, of all fizes. Window Glafs, Iron, Steele, Nail rods, Sheet Iron, CROCKERT&GLASS WART in Cratea and Hogfheads, White Paint, Mustard in Kegs, Ihfon Skin Tea* Coffee, Chocalate, Mufeovadn Sugar, Jamaica Spirits, Currigr9^ Oil, and A large addition to his Strck of Dry Goods ; //nd haa on (he way up from Montreal, J G RE A r VA RIUTT Of Of almost every Defcriptiorr, Which will be fold very cheap by wfaefe- faie only. February I, 1817. jj^tf J\ LL pCtfons indented to the fublcri- *"a. her rue requeued to make iinme- diote payment AU kinds ef produce will be taken in paynvot, at the Markei prices. The fubfrribcr ha-; taken intopartper- Hn'p his brother, v^Ilan R. A/acUontll. Thebnfincfs in future will be carried on under the Swi of ALEX. MACDONELL^ C«. In addition to their former flock, ' • V are now leccivmg a general afTirt mentor DRY GOODS, JL IQ U OliS, HARDWARE, Earthen Sf Glass, fcc* ^c. «%c AEX'k. MACDONELL. Kingston t [ft S.ps. 1816. e 'ratted and bounded, or may be other- wisefenotfti) asjoiious ; flat is to a</^, ronwamcitig injrunt oj thoaid cottevs-* ww, at the South Easterly angie vf tid Lot No. Seventeen* iheaie Jsonk Sixteen degrees, West Fozt'tef v chains 'ind Fifty links ; then South Seventy- ;>?/r degrees, fffaf izC(* chains ; (IlCtt South Sixteen degrees-. Eist Vlfievn chains Fifty links^ more or le^. to the reciter's side ; then Fluster la. atun^ihe cuter side? to the plaer oj In'v.inning ; containing Three stem, of Lund* be 'he same a/ore or /ess, with a dxeelliug aad out Houses thcreo;? erected. Note I do here,'*, givo FOTtCJh.. that the aforesaid pieve of Lantl> to¬ gether tC/fh the buitdiugs thereon creo ted, i:ill be sold and adjudged to the highest bidder, at the itm krh "'■ l"e t.ncv of Kingston, on SJTUROdTf the THIRD day ofJJXUJI! J", no* next ensuing, at the hoar of Eleve/l >/Ctock in lhe/onro< n. JiEAR} TFFOUP, Do put} Si.oiilf. AndtiQ&tjyperson Grfwrian* havfag claims on the above described ttieeC of Luad and premises, b;j M.jrfga^e, or other right or iueun.bra ,<<-, a,e hrie- t'ii (fdwrtmttto give /*/t. there*f to the said Deputy Sberif ..? I k thtWtr* in the Filiate of Ernesi To:*;u iu<vi- ous to the mte thereof, UEMt) TIIOII }\ J>'[)KU Shrriif. Kirgston, 20th MtttrJii |si 4 . U SHERIFFS SA1JT. StuUavd Ljitrtcf, viz. BY rirtoe of a wri-f of firerf pn^ f/V/v, issil (\ «.nt of the ( « mf ,| j.;,,,.,,"* (Vnc!>, :i( (lie stiiiof Jaino ,';, i.;". "' JVl:.-t««i, ofKiisftMt,.,, Ks,,,;,,,^;,; the bMlS Mtd trk«m«iif« CJ Am,.** I Icy, ul the tt-Mi.liipof kii.fc.f,,,,, y' man, to me directed ; [ ]v,Vt. ](.;,(' and taken in execution, m i>.>]0VSlrt to thn• M An:«K A,.^l,y, ,|, ^ hulfof L,.{ imnibpt 1;,. i„ ,;„. S|>(|. confession oftlw tefitu-nlp ,f ^Ul ton, coafrintog by u&un*xamcnt orl hundred irrfe, be rj,,. .,,.,. „,,..; less : toother with a loS house ni.i framed barn thereon em fed i (. I.ercby give notice, tlia< fhc niwr^,,,! Honed loi of laud, Mild ifr« foffldfi* ;i!i(l nptmrtenanees «h«-iv.n.fo |)c|(jl.e ':"h; Ma^e fnre per pallcn-jer. wil bt afdobaety and 5d. per mile for way pgj. feuger*.—44 lbs. baggagt «i!l beal- lowed for eisch paffeiijrrr, ?\. R. T!ic Stage will Ihn from // ■•n's tavern, near the market i,i J. G.PARKER. may 17. F or Sal e *?.. 1 **r^ . Kingtlo.i, and iWWf« BvltviUe. SAMUEL PURDV. Kingston* June t%% 1S13 51 f N Police. THE fobferfbergiven notice to al! tho'e indebted t.> him, in Stttlie tlicir accounts on or before the iorh Augoft, ot the) wi!l be mu \n a way of oic^im. ; L-'kcwifeaJl thofe havi»^ anv demands a^ainll him by private ac¬ count i-jTOI'i the Andi-n Room, to riv? t!«cm into :hc a-ieui-p. room by the ibi>ve flare, a^afiei this n-tificaM'jii, no ucinuud whatever will beadmiued. JOHN DUNCAN. Kingston, $fh J'.:!yy 1817. Rags! Rags! Cash an'd the Iiigltcst price paid tor CLEAN COTTON AND LINEN K A G S AT TO IS OFFICE. MOWliiOAL Air Furnaee. JOSEPH LOUGH & Co. Pi&ULiUSON'g lie vdlue of Grains 1, nver or under weight, For Sale at tlu\ Office. j Improve;! Table "f of Gold Coii — 6W5 To be Sold, 4Larjfe two ftorj dvvrfling Ifonfc, with a garret and a lar^c Cel- b-r. and 2 Kitchius, fu-'atrd n°xt the W'l'e. • Bear in hfire lltc-.t—has a ia«-ge ywd Mid (/aide?;, fuitabk for u tavern or b» an fvg houfc, FOR SALE, "JOJY -he fibfcnber,anexcc:lleni: OATj? Ji-fl iTOiWiJ CART. JOSEPH DFVNIS. ft. Fretlr'.d-, "June 2+t iiJr«. ^tf ^pf^weftha^fofM,,^^ v -:S Rnuft. For ;Wt(Vulars enquire oi the otsmer, at S. Merrills. A Gent.emu.. wifljeft to procure a ---m. Nurfe, to ar;e:.d h fick UdyJ y woman wouUI be preferred -I ';im |*WJ wagea will be given. ' Applj to thoiYinter. Kmgltcn, ig'J. Jan. 1S17. ? •All elilcil to w| on, favorably fitnated wJ thin 2« miles of Kingston. P'rfr>n7 defirous nf ur- chafing to inquire of GhePtiistet. h mgstmt July rot tftf<. 5 JUST received and fer fa'c at this Of fice, price i/S. ^ ^ ^ /;0. \mesik Circumstance b^ Lord Byron___ With ^the S/arof th, Leftnn of Honour, nndot'ier PoeAM ; to *h- h is prefixed, The Lfr of: be Noble Author* For Sale, THEWct half of Jo* number nfnetten in the fecond coiieeili.m of the ;own- fliip of Kii.gfton. Apply t<> the Printer, Kingston, Ju/v 10, 18Iff. r Partnership DtSHOLVEJX nriHE Uifinefd herefofarc done under ■**. l'|e**,,fno^ E. B. Faukihld & Co. is dfffolved by mutual con lent, All rhole indebted by Note or Boofeacconol are requeued to ma.'cc immediate pay- mem, aithe (lore lately Ofctic/cd bv them. E. B. FARPiELD SHELDiNHAWLEY _Jflly _9p 1817,___________^ 6^ Blank Summonses i?or the District Courts, for Sale at this Office. A y^LUAEI,£ Farm, wirh bui!?. || "jl^* EG leave to announce to the Pu jng*aU large iirproveir.cr.T.t.herc ^ b'c, th.t rirfj} have GOumtea 'he bufjnels of Founders clock in fh.-foiri.o<;l,„_„( v,l!i,|,f,mn and place the. conditions of sale w'dl be roado knov.ii. U(,\iUJvSSTL'.\KT,Wov7. Now this house afid hum and vjff ^ acres of :0f .No. 15 «.as l;of p0j(jf ^ iSherii] camr.iiKo Court a.s a wit-.e." ,i- gD'inrt .leiluo Jackson, at;tl declared upon Oath to tudve J«ror,. nW he UTdttol m'II ihc llousefi barn and sp¬ ry acres of that lot, n^m-auiifo the onsiual si.iv.-v : wherefore, that Jnoa and hart. a.,<l :.ix(> anrs of |w|d f| Hie law fnl right, |jw lalwur utMf pr,,* '••'> uj An.,.sAii;-Uv. ami will be u> covered as sooa as JusUie can take place. Thorefore, those or rd foihidall per. sons from o.akii.^aoy n«kte of Mi.i.'r, stouoorcla^ fci brick, or in any mw "••'"uiuio.; (hei.oos,., barjiorewft- Ianord., krtc'jy, oot-hooses sm\ bu'«!- mgsojiSiiid lot No. 15 in the scroud concession m fa® lowusJiip of Kiogfr j^»,iiow theviiWeol' V.oHi.^ton. 1 Or, rh.eir property, i0<;i of thc Qnehcc I t»nbuibe, immedJattly adjoining the Ship j Va.d 0f Mcflra. H,rt" L.,gan & Co. where they will funjifh /J/.ll CaUflirs o| al. ddlvipuons, agueable to fiicb orders as they may receive — .A I fo. 81a, kimfth's work r,f every kind executed with neat- neis and difpatch. Montreal, Nov. II, 1«16. N- B. Cafh gi«en for„ld Metal, dehV wed at the Works—fey a, the rale Gf I'J pei ton, aild f„, 0id Braft 4d and Copperjd pcr lb. - to~let, u.'TABLEfora peif.nma m.rcan- I ^""l^ of theprediramenMnarbld KJ» t.leorother phVBelueuf bufineis |?°sfa,ld> n«"1 «em*ia«to thai neliaw a large new built Houfe twott..ric«hi«h ! ']n,w l'ur doty as sub j eels, »e i.lioi.ld with a good cellars a Wharf and Store J0*m,tl'n* to oorsei»«s and 10 (Lose awe/i 2d, 18)7. AMOS AXSLBX. nate in d rr<,fl rffg'jle part of the town fi„ bnfioef,, bv:..g En the vicinity of he ..nrket ph,,,.. Far panicnla,; enquire of the Printer, For &fe9 ///V/^rofaLotnear.he Mar *?M krtPlace^vhhahoofeonft. ^l-taWppI,,,!,^,,,, . Tta',Jtm.%£t i8,-. 54 J .imhi comu ctions, who from nemo* f.Vhav,- h •.. „ /|„. unliaj.py roinpjiiiltfBl oi Di:r mUffuiuiiei, if-ue did not make ■•'urelalm .'oi justice tb lfau»t> who »'» aii!!...ii.((| (0 ^,;Mlt j( . a-1(| farefcm •»<• do appiml to the fund»n.erital IflW •>' tlie society of whiuh «e are »>- ><>• hers—fa be protected in the oii^iaal U«Utttuuk<u*td li..iin.!aiic- In ulii;li i*e have reduced a buttJiiu vuhh'iaes* 'on IV.;.,'.,;,]',,,,,,,,,, - ■Li

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