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Kingston Gazette, July 22, 1817, p. 3

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gnartri's of ;m inch hi 0;amctci st the bafe." they defct nd.d wrl; fuih imeom- sion force, ttar thff pafTc*>«i*r« w^e o- blii'td to feels Ihebct. In fev?ral mlbn- cc-s'ibCb«^i trfftyJightt and gprJcn fiyn.es **:'« broken i", and the tl^atch beat from oft the hou&t. LIVERPOOL, May 31. \ LttCiefl Bonaparte bas c<»jj:i£ed t?ie attention of the minr'h ;s erf the allied powers; a.id from ?n oKiJal document vhtrh ha? been ilFbed, it appears, that he had applied to the Auflrf.in govern¬ ment For paiTports for hlmfelf and ion, tvhom he ivi'hed to aceo-n-Mny to Amer¬ ica ; (ttat government feeling doubts as A 1 Tim f«m €"u. is fruitless tad *»?n, k» atm Vestal lli<-fiiMiiil.|<Tkofaii .nvjnus aj;^ Vapid in spVn, orb. i k in froUtf rage J '•n.ics,ul-o.er^>.vu:1der,,„,l!ulf;l,np, \m! wenui.g r,,,■„■!., wbo only do not h'ame , \.-.d:1u1.o^,).-,.i,r,i,vhos„,lnronbrioii5fhroa, ismiisuhul the pert willing prompts by roie : J f.'t him nrp.lrct this blind and babbling crowd TVnjoj the foronrf th<- wise and good. Kingston ,J«ac. 1817. [ P. S. Any Gentleman dosirincr t0 ob- tftiu the stgnatuPiS to this te><uuonial ire referred to tliis Olliee. wea^a MP l*niTORd who entered into ref-dutions to reitra;u Lucicn and his firil fiom going to Amer- ira ; ?nd tlvy c"en jjo furrhcr and fay, lb& as in the terrifcorie* of the iiormn pontiffs P.jfficiont cheek csrmut be kept ,up«»n l.ticier to prcvi-f'c bisefeape, P»me othr-r place (hall bo affined hi ■. f*r a refHenc:-: o£the ftrift jujticc of Cadi u decree, we have coaBdeutWe doubt* : hut the intrigue of thw fecund Deifo"';>o"e *a conlequeure of the B mrrparte family, flw hnve rendered both the icflriftton and removal politic, and perhaps abfo- lutcly aecrflary. At a conference at T^n's, at which were prefect rhe m snifters of Ailftth, ■Ri-fih, and PmfTn. and the Duke of Richelieu, the Di'keo' ttTclIrogtofi and Sir Cha-Ies Smart ; the Auftrian n.in:f- tcr having propofed '-href* qvefli- *n<: fof cou&fcratfon, relative to rhe requ. ft of 1 vir:en Kn.nparu for pa9port« for him- felf an.] f.»n to proceed u> America, it was agreed : V Thar No^th Xmer'.-a having re- ti'iv-d a great u»firuVr »f male mt"ru*.- aad French tvfi.;,v«, tl,v prefenje of Lu-j H«l lioiiapiinc in liu ^'.nted Siatt-s ^*Mild be ftifr iii.nc dan^ciMiis than it ;:. in Euronf,x„he!-: h,: ci)i bv »>. ner witc!i c'l t awl that hi c ^nirqnence rt h ;o be ^Hrcdlhr:* tl 10 |';i!!;u)US he IM-. -UlcCll for 2 TUii in iji.icr t » (Jprfve ]v v of all I |>lauRWc muLve^ior fc.lickmj tUe fat! | ra(T'0.ts it w,mim ^ rcjwUJy^lcfita^ teftf'&ffan, to his foo Charley whofc ■w*P!n»«nf the father. 3- i oat 1 ,)e pew received by differ- W me^ns fro n dilF^cnt counrvies, oar- jculatly frQt?1 Nanlcs, Icuyc r.o do-ht of Tiiat discov- ,-5 emotion, approach.ig to an- Wlirn 0v |„o:v of tho once smiling etTaph pevcals TJiedark frown of disdain, and her beamy conceals:— S.x-tndc.'l f>o.!)nWn,—from r&afch dearest rela¬ tion, Unheeded, ach tie,—and unknown rach sensa* That dw »*lls r.n tho chord? of tlir brail's soft vi- hrafjon, Tmmur'd in thefi»r^st, in its ilfppest recew, Unregarded Fd live, and nn frrorconfess. rite soft u'MiHinjrsraila,—should I e'er cease to cherish. Or, the gfatiee vf reproofs unnotie'd sliould per¬ ish ; O! then v.ouM I fl) to some far di>:an' phore, Where toe \mh\ pinloifrt, fs^ej o'er din* loves-to coar; TheJP wiitim a lone cave, waslfd by the lour? billow, Sea-WTedfor a roe.di, andaiockftjrnjypM* Tar, fur from the slow fnnrm,ringstreasm« hy the \ nillow; O! (hen lik'Tt hermit \ -r.rlly woillil dwell. Pour w\ e!*ie& ?o the wa\r»—to the worl ! bit) f:ir"v. "H. ^'. X- ftaaTlhtd. Jij»i! rnftnyday^ago, a Duel wa*fought :'t York, between S. P. farvi.s F.fq. and j Mr. j-hn IlidtMit ; the latter of who-r. I v<< ttved a wound i?l his hieail, which ean- fed hfs death in shout an hour after- wuds*—Wc have not learned trie par- rjei^ars of this melaecholy affiir, but lh til t*;ol>.iiv r\c i't- ihcm by lLc next Gazette from York. Emper€(»cf rfAtflr 1 w alto ftuted to have taken poffcflionof Rome/ The probabiiitf of a war between Sp^in and Portugal fa fpoke* of, in con- fcq;:cnceof the cofdod of the latter, in entering foto a ire^y with t!ie mfttrgents- Accounts from Sw*iizerk»d rcprrleni rliat country to be in fi inoft dfftrcficd fitua- tion on account of & fetftine. ■^ genrleman, pafTengerin the fchoon- er Milo, arrived this forenoon, ftaten, that when he left Savannah* (29th ult.) Amelia-Iflnid liad not been taken pof- fefTion of by Sir (Iregor M'Grcgor, but he GODternpldted attacking it on tlie 2d inft. a brie with part of McGregor's troops was ipoke-* offTybee on the 25th ult. His whole force amounted to from roo to ?c,o men. principally from the Ui itrd States. The fo'ce of the Span- lards, at Amelia Ifland, is (tated to be about 50 n<en. The Britifh government continue to make e^eat retrenchments in their army and navy—Since 1814, no lefs than 221- 794 have been reduced from the army. (which wajtiot W zttanM 0! his tr&A Criii*i!£>J Gf barrafltnentfl any other way tl^an in pay- ] k.Jil?f€tl€l F5fl CllD^ and that he niny np!WfU>flnndi.no; the ;e- f.W of pafloo t« find irniw ot d-ci iv- inff the vii>ilancc of the Rom^n jroycril- X»U a"d Ufelcapiro, tt> prwcec«l to A- IFC Ci3». merica J it would l>e (kfirahlc that an- oth-r abode be afltfjned him than Rome . a,,d the Ro'i^an Rates* by the high allied powers and that he fhonld be further removed f^om the ectalb* in oroer to ieo £& theflaro of r(cA^c which he may meditate more difficult. mem BlitTil. On Monday the 21H hfr_ th? T arlyof Lieut. Col, FosfH-R, WfTistarii .Mjotaot General, of a Still born female child. "'./Kingston, July 22, 1817. ill. ElMTOtt, UnlirtSS h*'«;T nr-|iniv.ted for a Length NEW-YtfRK, July 11. The Speaker ..f the Houfd of Com- ■ rnonn, it U laid, i? to be promoted to the Houfe of Loid->, by the title of Ban-n Kidbfooksi. The Orders of the Emperor of RufTn, ^o\- a fupplv .;f d thing for Ids armies Horn the EngliSb manufactories, have been renewed. Dutch Rmigratts—The Phi'adelphia papers, of yefterday, mention that the Tnip Amazon, from Holland. !»a<l arrived ntthe Lazaretto, and had brought out -too paflanrrers—not one of whom, it L; laid, is over thirty veurs of age. j1 fncon Trade.-— It will be feen by a reference to our fanflation* from Havana Papers in Saturday and this warning's Courier, that three t Lou fund three hundred and eighteen sifrienn Slaves % arrived at rhir port, in eight velFetst between the 5th and ZOthof June—Charleston fxp.er. Sfaptfdj—This fpot of ground will fJmn lofeall rtr^otortety in iiafe affair?. '\ row of houfeBi« already built bef re the figti of Merlin's Q^ve ; and the tribune window I 1 recently attra&ive t(; | the populace, is now completely envel¬ op- d. Tut aJ)o\e fields are, we under- iland, the prone*ty ofrhe Earlof No'th- ampton ; and ^ruuud ha; been purchafed foi the immediate creftion of 400 houfes. 'SuCCfXsJiil Cct7t*nicrCr* — ^' ^ffiTofctailft 'vf "T-'-rnmooth late/y ifreiphted a (hip at that port, with 37»OOTO cju-ntah; of New- Ifoundlaud hfli, and fceat a cargo to O- pofVi ; afrer brrterin;/ the fiHi fur wine-;, he fiied for Briftol,, where the Wtnefl v/ere f>ld, and from tthencc returned to Tei/r'Jrnonti), having cleared a net prolit of i-'iOjOr.o. 1 ing another perfon's dcbt») which fifty pounds, as well as that fetzed for, w»e due for rent, their ajjreeinr";: was f*%r two hundred pounds fs?r the brewing fca- fon, which is now pafr, and there is now a balance due to the fubfer'ber. The aiTcition <»f their being between a bun- ^red and fifty and two hundred pounds due ro them before they began brewing i*» entirely void of truth, as the accounts will (hew ; and it 1*3 well kn#wn to peo¬ ple of this place that one of the parties was apprentice to tie fuhfcrlber, nour- jifhed and cherilhed as hi* child, in return for which he has endeavored to injure him both in his bufinefs and credit, the other, the fon of a :nan who carried on the brewing bufinefs on HiP-res with the Uloferiber, but who is fiuce dead, and a-< the fud party never adminiilered to the FMecls, whatever fmall balance may be due he can have no claim to it rnlefs he will prodacc a le^al title when he can immediately have if. JJMES ROBINSON. July 22. IIK subscribnrs hare on hand, and rpuEsi JL ortbr for sale, the following Tor Cash or short approved Credit. lr> Puncheons Jamaica Spirits, 2 Pipes Cogiviac Brandy, 3 . . ilo!ki;idv. (iin, 4 .. Kii<i*iuality Pott,^\ ■ri .. Spanish, J 2 .. L. !\ Tcneriffe, WINESi 4 2 rinegar, Fitte old Sherry, TEAS. Eg ILGS leave to iiiform Ms friends nnd -iJ9 the public, th:it he ha^ rcc«ived thin year's importation of j HARDWARE & Cutlery, From London and Birmingham ; enn- prifing a finall but choice affortnv ntt whieh he will fell low for cafh or lh"tt approved ciedit. Among which arc t)»c .ollowing ; — Carpenters* Bench and Monlduig Ton!s 6 and 61 fectbeS caft fteel Mill, 6S feet Whip, 5 feet Venerinfc, 5! fit 6 ftet German (leel crofs cut Saws ; Tur¬ ners' G(iiirre^, Carpenters' beft cad (letl Goup-r-s and Chifi:'!s, one complete fett Tinfmirh'j* Working T»»oU of the heft q-.jp.itv, Wrought Nails from 8J to ^c^!, Window Glaft 7| X8|, 7X9, 8«io, and 10^ 12, Putty iu Bladders, Trace Chains, Iron and Copper Tea Kettles, Sauce Pans, brafs Battery Kettles, Hfo- ffr* of all kinds, It »n, Tin, braf?, Nab a"J flock Door Lock-, Cuiricia Knives and fleels, Butchers' Knives, Reels a:ul Chopper?, Grid lr«ns frcm I 2 to 18 hnrd, Frying Pans, Rat ami Monfe traps Kitchen and Parlour I ire Be'Io^fs, do. do. Dogand Fir^- Irons, Iron Wire, 6 and 8 07. Houfe Belli with check fprings and crank-:, brafs, fofTi 2nd bed Caftora, Lignum Vitado- fcale beam3, Hambro Lines, fl:oe, clo h sand whitewafh brufh- es, white Lead, black, Pruflranbjne, red, yell..W| green andSpanifh brown Painty boiled and lit.feed Oil, Sec. &C. &C. Kingston9 July 19, 1817. 8mj "Noli .^ftiine with .Mr. .». C. |iK»r«U». i f eatiicr i 1 ........ ihc Ac.cW.y in Sloro Ltret:t since hie arriva.l from Knt;!aiul, Iliid.iluri'^ 1ms ivfUleitce-.in both Pro- wftfe^We can >vith pU^ttre pcrfify thatle* has uniformly ^u-'airird rr\ ir- fppronrhablH xAniwivrj \Yv the. .»f-re. fWSr1;uov.u.d.:{cot tertftlnrt*»ad itie- rit,d-f) rh(< toiiiTuoof caiuuny to im- japacli his reputation. Lt not the man,whe?p.?xn' ted mind, Urnrnvcd by -tv.dy ami «b*'*rvctWm> J 5urve\s with s\ cti<criw*;i'n*tti" 1 a£ ry- ***$\ moral depravities aiV^l mrntal w;'Hkocs- scs nl buniHf] nature, >ub*.:it to treat \\U *>Hvious interiors with invetrrak- fl-njjeJ j Hid nndistiniT\/!-;iiiuu revert". Their, envy is a tiibuto oi' approbation to his greatness. Let him look vilhfnc^n- tleeye-of pity upon those irho r»*r. nt- tlwrliom thewVekeclsiigge^ttousof i?lh- *»>, lhan from the molev.derwe of tlieiir owuhearts: Irth.im not confo-itid th: veuk and innocent reptile with t\v Rrorpiou and the Viper ; let him listen witji emotion to the malignant barking* andenv'uius hissings that every wherf attend the foobtcps of trfliw*e?ndatii merit; let him disregard, with Philo- sopl;ie dignity, the sen^cl.-ss clamourli of those noisy adv/'omie^, vvh.o are Minded by prejudice and dca.f to the Braomeuts of K>n<e and reason : let him ntiier, by a mild and foibeariu^ tem- ]>?rendeavor to make sonic imj^rcs-iou on their heuvts: and if he should find ftrfT bosom? >-usecuub)c, be may hope. in time, to convince tiit*tn of their er¬ rors; and, without vio4en.ee oj- eoiu- JuImoh, briii^ back their deluded un- «'■ rstandiiiiv to a sense <_.f truth and the P::,-rUe rf ?i;-hio. pnt, if experier- e |wuviuceliiaj th^t eyery fb-iicil-Lvcr io u»* From the Montreal Herald, Jtdjj bth. FilOM PORT W!L!J\.VL " We learn that the Honorable Wil¬ liam McOillivray with the firft brigade oi North Welt Traders, had arrived fafely ai Fort William ; m whieh were found Mr. Spencer, formerly j Sheriff of the Red River colony, and] ?hree or four other individuals. We are told, they were immediately taken into cuftody a'id ordered to Sandwich, where the Weflern Dillrift Court is hf)lden. It is faid, that Mr. Smith, Under- Sheriff for the faid did rift, atten-l ded by others, clothed with magilterial| anthority, had gone in quell of Lod Selkirk. The Commiflioncrs had arri- Jved at the Sault St. Marie, aud would fo'MS proceed over Lake Superior, for the ceicbtated Fort William* on vrhuh Icio-etiling like a Romance miVht be j wriucn, witliout p^rt^kmjT of the iu.a^hmy tales with which fuch produc¬ tions are fraught. A METKOR. On Thurfday morning, about One (o'clock, Mr. Dickinfon, a Farmrr in the Psrifla of St. Michel, about 4 miles from town, vefe, as had been tubal for fomc ui^hts be%ie, to fee whether ]\U nefcrh- biuir-' catt!c miffl hr trtfpaCn orr on his crop fields. At In'Tpafc 1 he wz* ft ruck with a fndden illumination of the expanfeof the f!cv, i«fomnch that the] cnuft miuutc article could be difcovered Jon the ground. He obfeTved a bril- liant Meteor, attended wiUl along blue train or tail coming from the Weft, pui fning an Estfttrly direQioo apparently tat no great elevation, and gradually defoending, for rather better than two feconds, when itdiftppeared in the rc»r of the WOOdP, fn.Tiewh.it to the noith m Pi^pincau's Road. Mr. Dickinfon, thinks it fell not far from the Brick Store, at the foot of St. Mary's Cnrieiit : when it dii'appeared ; he heard no noife. From the 3'rW- York Herahl July 7. The London Traveller, of the 13th H«*Y, ilaies on the authority of private PORT OF KIIXGSTON. j:\rrjty-ED, July 14.—Boai Sneeztvr, Battle, from Rack •*»>iiarbor, w'uii brick' mnU pa^^eit^eo.-^-HeJi. Pairplaji Kit)!in, f:oin Sand] Creek, wiiii brick*.......IS.—£cb. >I aimer's Dane.-iU'i. lne;ill-, from Sa'-ket-haiHmr, with pawiiffefo —Sell. Com. IVrry, ParWu-r, fr.S. I!.ir*m;\ 10- liacco.—S'j&i Presideut, Lariby, IV. Kieniand, hraher.......1«.—Seh.. Triumph, Re:d. fr. S. rlarbor, potaioes and ua)ta>h.— Sen. Doipliin, Pot. tr, Rich land, luunber.......H«—Seh. VVoeldey, Kound-*, fr. S. »*!arbor, pajsengers.— Sell. A*p, Miller, fr. Vor ^potaMi.—Scb. Van- cy, E'/di--, fr. York, l>aHat^L,—Srh. Mayuower, Fa'ter.i>n,fr. Niaa:a»'at3Ma Larrels Ifoui".—Sen. MoininsStar, Bush, fr. Oswego* butter.—St "am Boai Fruiucnat, .VlcKem/ie,rV. York, pa- on- ;*ers.......18.—Sell. Rainibler, Cbc» ry, t'^- S. Ka^bor,nas'en^ers.-Sch.. Mary Anne. Mu>ier, fr. liurlirigrron Bay, floiift-, oota h, Ui.itT, fnrsi and lumber.—Sell. LeiQ«esier, Prime, fr. Baj OfQ ;iiu<*,Iinaids, i!oura4nd no'asli.—S.li. Ihi- mer% Daughter, Ir.^alls, fr, s. HarJior, payen- gers.—Sch. Com. Perry, l'arkrr, fr. S. Harbor, paper and fish.— Roan Adtventure, WetsdiU.fr. IJenderaon'd Harbor, e^tde.......19.—IJoal Liibert}. VlcXitt,fr.Sandl> Creek,4(»0Jfeel o: j Soard^and Krraw.—Sdi Lauy Mealy, Cover-, IfrtBftyoFUHitfe, *W Igbls. of Ktour.—Sch. I Triumph, Rcin\from S. Marbor, with 60 Sheep [and 50 R*«a*n»of Paper.......ul.—Sloop Ar- eadla, Injjenoll, frijq oro. pawengp'J'?.—S^Ii.. KanitiliM',*riier« v. t>. do. 1 -. i*e; Hook** and Se- ftar&—SeJi. Swallow, Meters, fr. Troupvilie, J l*ota=h.—-Sch, l?olpUiii, Grazer, from Ogdens- liuii:ii, with Pa?*enser5. jutv 11—"Gnrtt Saeez^r, [5attle, for S. T7ar- bor.—Sr.'i. l-air,ji.'-v. Klb;tin,for Sw dv rrefk. .... \ j.—Srli. Farmer* ^iui^hter, luKalJ'S, for S. ihu'bor.—hefe. Com. P»orrj, Parker for do. —Sen. Pre^ileiit, tMtth\ , f1>;. {Lichtmid...... 16—Seh. Triumph, R-id. far S. Harbor.—^eh. Dolphin, lox,ibr Richl[jlud.......17.—S&tu \\ wihey, U.-iuids for S. Uirbc^r.--Srh. Moni- u-c-S-ar, Rarfi, for <h\\v^0.......ls_SchY. Uambier. (. errv, for Q. \aibor.—beh. Miner- va Ann, Ptnklc to; STii:^___;fi.._Srh. Com. JVrry, Parker,tor S. U;^rttor*—Keh. Parmer's najigiifer, Injralb*fordo^_B0^j r^iberiy, Mc- Niu.foi S.ind> Greabtf— ^oatAdventwre,tVei-< s- ui,for Hei:der?ouS UaviKKV—&A* trlupiph. Rrid, for S, Cfairbor.....21,—Shmp Aivodla, !oa:ersi»ii, foi-^'.—^0. itamhlei, Cherry,for do. -Srli. Sn.iiiow. \ia-...r<_ f1)r T-muiMiic— Sch. U*ul[riii!i, I rtV/tt. fi% « ilarlKir, Twatikey, llyson, CruupMider, Campoi and I'iue S iiicholig l\ Barrels bright Muscovado Sugar. 3 Uhds. rettited Leaf do. 15 Do/. L'-ndou Porterj ■JO hoxes iCnglUh yellow Soap, n'li do Mould (.nndk's, 3 do Sp?rraacctti do. in P'V/en \\ .tkUoi'Soap, 8 Irancls II cl S«r.yriKi Raisins^ I 5 boxes Muse il ihr do. Currants, Fi^s and French Plumbs, c.'Ot; ib... Greun Coffee, l !5n^ Ulark Pepper, 3 Barrel^ Alvpicf% IHfi 11)^. Indigo.— rjfi »Io FigBlufij 152 .. Poland Starch, til |Seg« V\\ (Junpowih?r/»(ry 1)13. mefi (') ( u t. Shot assorted, 1*2 KegH L»(kiino liemngS- 150 Unn.l Suit, 7f2 R.-ams WrUin|r& Wrapping paper, Ui Boxes llavHia Sw'gars, Shrub & P»^ppormint, Martinique Noycuu i'.i hottieSj Lime .•nice. Chesh¬ ire King's Anns k Pine A polo Cheese : l;iek!i\s, Caii rs, Olive., M^eiice, and Gorgona, Anchovies, Mushrooms, Catsup, Hiirrcy's & Day's Sauce. In¬ dia Soy, Fine Florence & Salhid Oil, Mustard, Cayenne Pepper,C-»rry yow- dur, Mare, Xutmoga, (Move*;. Ciuna- mr«n, Ginger in ll^o( and Ground. Cam*way seed. Ana roo*. Sago, Vor- mecela Maciuona. Lomou and Orange Feel—re lifted juice, Candv & Barle) Sugar, Salt IVti-r, I Jacket Salt : Boiled Linseed Oil, Faint-, Putty and Win¬ dow Glass, 10 Tons Iron, Slrel and Hollow Wire, Nails different sizes, Spades, Shovels, Syrhes, Traces, VVflgff' n-box- cs, Brushes of all kinds, Locks and Hinges, Plough Shares, Axes, Cow Bells, &c. &c. With an assortment of cutleUy. Ij i lc e iv i s e, FnrHalc, that valuable property for¬ ming the corner of Water and S^ore Streete, well known as being the first stand for Business in this Town—Vurt of the purchase Money may remain for a time by Bund and Mortgage on the ee. IT Is requefled that tfl! perfon« having any claims upon the Commtfhriai l)e~ partmenti atth!-. Poll, >J a date fubfe- quent to the z/fii April, 1815, mil bring forward their accounts fir payment p»c- vious to the 20th Atlgirft next. It is, however, to be underftood that this notice only aoplle to fuch art idea as may have been furnilhad, or fcrvices performed, on an orde^ f.*om this OfS^e.. Gommi/fariat OJfire, W$2 JSngsiortj 1 -}th July I S\ 7. s Thomas Murph ey Manufacturing Goldsraithj * Diamond unit r> «/r/ $rJUr ; Late from Dublin : i O? E G S leave Iki infornn the inhal it- JBL3 ant« *»f Kin^fton *nd h* vicinity, lhat lir baseouimeneed hufincfi-: part °^ Mr. TnkcWuy's H-mfe, (opnofite the Poll Ofilce.) where evgiy atriclc in the above line will be made and repaired on the (hurt eft not ire. Kingston^ 14.'^ July, 1S: 7- 8 ■ Notice* 4 T,L perfons having any demand* a- -/»_ gainft the Eftste of the late Dry- an Crawford, Ll'q. of Adolptlilihfcra, de* ccafed, are hereby requrl*ed tn produce their claims, duly auihtnticated—'41/9+ Lall perfons indtbicd to the laid fcft.ite i^rc I hereby requcftcd to make immediate payment lo William Alexander Grrmi? Execu:or. Kingston^ Ipi July, iSiy. 8 0"D' i roper ty. TORRANCE^ ■MLEOD. Kingston, '2'2«/./'////. 1 si/. Stf No f ice. ALL Perfon? who are indebted to the [ubfci'iber, Jamfs Robin*- son, ort'> tVf-' fi'*m of Roiinfon <5* Har- dif9 are defired to mr.ke payment of the fame to the fnblcribe? on or before the 1 ft of September next, to ;ave expewje ; and tlinfis having any claims en the fame are drfned to fend them by the above tin-e to the fubferiber that they may be arranged u>r p^vment. Ktngstm/jilj x*£ 1 Si7. Bif the NOTICE. rfflHOSE who are indebted to _Sl fubferiher For their Sunday School fubferiptions, are very refpeftfidlv infor¬ med tint they were due on fubferibing, and they are rexjuefled to pay them on or before the firft //ueult next. J. GUNNING BEDFORD. Kingston, Jdy * 7. 8 • No ti «TK Mr. Foitor, 11.' Vft \°- f HER Til AS fome evil minded v 7 Vtlltail or Villian?, on evi»u- in*rs wrthin thei'e lall ten davs have telu- ui'milv broke in a door and windpWd 1111 the dwclH sr houfe of the fubferiber. and ' In the parajjrapn o,r 2revert?fernfnt 111J hrver.t different ti^nea wrote fesiwhtlwna your pnper of :hc i;t|iin!l cnti;Icd The \ [libels on \\\i cha-iC:;er on different pan* ciftiie preffilfe^—Whoever will give in- lornuai.m of the offenders fo th<3t Lhey may lwbrought to jtiftice", (hill receive Ten Pounds Cm.-crcy, on eoq^i&ion of 1 i ar d o Sheriff*^ r>cerf;.leahe:f.;sjia;cij a, r<md?d facts, eircumlt:incede;.tli..iy vo;(] ,vf until ] as ou a It^al i.K|ui:y Uhich the ftbtcri- ber* of that performs^ iay wjg cornc before a Court of L iflvtces from Hamburgh, that ferions before a Court of l.u,y} jtwj|| appra^ j either or both offences. i;fFeiences had arifen between the Courts thai notwithftandirtg \\)C'H profeffio« of JAMES ROBNI30N. A Stockholm and CopcnUagen. The !ibeul:tyiu advan«nb hIin gf^ pO0n^}[ Kingston, zztf Jit!/, 18x7. 8tf ee. ANY perfon having a Mortgage or other incumbrance on Lo' No. 34 in the thi'd enoecCicrtl of Erne ft Town, i Midland Diitnct, formerly lAvncd by I Daiiusand Samuel Smith, ^re requefled »o make them known to the fublcribrr, as be hr.* purcbafed bid lot. BERNARD DUBOO. Kinvstor.* July at, 1^17. 8 To Let A convenient bo>:<"r, \vi h a gnnA cc'i- J3i. hrnnd^G.'t'kn —Tor partirti!..r-> apply to tt:c fubferiber, o« ihi pc.-mifc*. " F. bv)SELLV ffiBgtm, J»h 21» •s»1________2 A KEN up adrift, this cnortuuK *t Mutncfs ee..:,?. f--.i?n SKIFF. The mvn,i can have it by pfo*iug property and raving charge?. P P } JAMES nAWDlSTER-

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