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Kingston Gazette, July 22, 1817, p. 1

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[TUESDAY, JLLY 22, 181?,] tVOLUME VII.------No. S] J- GA Kingston, Upper Canada—Printed and Published ey STEPHEN MILES.—Price Four Dollars per Annum—Exclusive of Postace. TM A.WJX The Steam Boat FRONTENAC UPPER CANADA. low \V[NG now completed her second trip across Lake On tario, will in future leave the dt&;reuL Ports on the fol jigj Days, Viz :— Kingston, for York, on Sunday,........2Sd June. York, for Queeuston, Tuesday,..........&4tii — Queenston, for York, Thursday,.........86Ul — York, for Kingston, Friday,............2Hli — Kingstouvfor York, Tuesday,. ... •...... 1*1 ^uly. York, for Queeuston, Thursday,.........3d — Queenston, tor York, Saturday,.......... bth — York, for Kfa&stoti, Sunday,............ 6tH — Kingston, for York, Thursday,..........I0tb — York, for Queen;-ton, Saturday..........i^i« — Queenston, for York, Monday,...........14th — York, for Kingston, Tuesday,...........15th — Kingston, for Yoik, Swarthy,...........V&&k — 'York, for Queenston, -vjonriay,...........c2ist — Queenston, for York, V/educsday,........2-h\ — York, for Kiu^lnu, Thursday,...........24th — Kingston, for York, Monday.............28th — York, for Qil.ccnston, Wednesday,........30th — Qaeenstmi, for York, Friday.,• •......... 1st August. York, for Kingston, Saturday,............^d — PROCLAMATION. BY HIS EXCELLENCY FRANCIS GORE, &«. Lultenant Govt*NOR of our said Province, 6[c. fa WHEREAS by an Aft of the Parliament ;of this Pprovfcee, made and paflcd in the Forty fecond Year of His Majefty's Reign, entitled, u an Ac: to enable the Governor, Lieu-. *• tenant Governor or perfon adminifter-j M fog the Government of this Province, to aopiint one or more additional Pott or PotfV Place or Places of Entry, j*1 within-ius Province: And to appoint u one or more Collc&or or Colic&ors HATES OF PASSAGES, Fiom Kingston to Ernest Tot 0 Do to Now Castle............'. • 1 Do to York and Niagara,.......o Do to [liTi1iiigloii9.............3 Do to PiCSCOttj.........•.....I Prcseott tc» York and Niagara,.......4- Do to Hurlii)i>-lou,..............4 \ ofk t> \jMn- p-.i ....... s. 10 15 0 JO 10 0 10 0 d. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 fcluWccn under llitvc^cars of agCj bail price ; above tlirce «nd itnviov ten, t\vo thiitte. A Book will be kept for entering the names of Passengers, and the IfirUts wliieil t:iey may choose, at which time the parage money must he paid. Pttssea:;-ors are aljowed 601bs.. weight of baggage, surplus •hT>"-a»e to be paid tor at. I he usual rate. Geuileiaen's servants "oft B -j /^ i • cannot sleep or eat ;n the I amii. Steerage Passengers will pa) 15s. and may either bring their ■ own Provisions, or be I'urrusIicJ by the Steward. All applications tor passages to be made to Captain Mac¬ kenzie, on board. * * FREIGHT will be transported to and from the above places 4tthe customary rates, and delivered to the different consignees. A list of their names will be put in a conspicuous place on board, jvhifh must be deeiued a suiT.eieiit notice, and the Goods, when taken from the Steam Boat will be considered at the risk oi' the owners. 1 For each sniai] parecl/2s.6d. v.hith must be paid for on de¬ livery. Kmgstflth %Qih Jim*, ISH. * &Lo'dfs mam £gmn$tj. P' a vtuuii unmv^. ,.'^ • , r r- x i A fu^ci, ho-.ell, perfevernig Man TUST arnvc! from Qoefc* z IarSe | _&_ ^^ ^ , J * ^ ^J-^ •* OTd b^nt **' l"<':tii- I t.. umiaU^tiitfdttHbtU of the Km &> A GOOD CHANCE. fohet, ho-.cll, perfevering Man, Which are now offered £>r fa1£ at the Circuiting Library Room, \W. : t Ladies Straw Bonnets, Anificnl Flowers, wreath* and Feathers o^diikr- <»t colours, Gi:r.ps, Caps, Turban* and tyikod Tiviiicns. Childrena worUfd Fr<;ckstSjlk Ribbons Cambric*! and Ir- lili "Lnirns, and ;irr:o!*s » f a':t»oft e'ery dcicri^.tlornn the DRY GOODS line, Also—a number uf iiooka aw added * 'Hfi Lihr-ny. | lTST receiver! by (he the fublcriber, aci^rripktc aflortruentof - •>! tycnlhmens Ovalhs. f.a^it!er'or T*^**7 :IU^ «v»rivm;in{hip, ^:*ch will be ft>id v&y clicap f >r Cash. * f9 J. FiSK. 'ston, June pftt 181*. A/ffJM 111 "IfUSTrecf^d amd for faleb) the *i* fubiV.Hher, fJOO Barrels Salt, .jocoUhvh ;s [f,e tl;ft R«c -f K,-,> . ■ M. COY I.E. *^' ry Wednefdny Morning, golhroo^h the village »>f SLrneft To vn, fivrn thence c<> At!tta»liu!to\vn, and ciwf' cither at Van- aHlinc'i or Barker's Ferry, and fo on rlirongh Hollowe!!, &c to the Carry-] tug place ; crofstiie river Treat., an J re tn»n to Kia^tlon by t!w Yck poft-road. Theadvant^'ea t*> be de-ived from an undertaking of this kfnd, txclufive of the papers, we are perfii&ded would l>c G?';uv ; 2!"i any honeil perfevcr»ig man, w!»o Lit'iid produce good KecAfftoiefttta- tion; aa to his r^lwiety, 5fC and Will give fccuviirfo* ivjnftuai nay:i.ei»t once a quarter, will make a tjood bargain for i applyio^io the pubHtbirofthc KING- ' STON GAZETTE.—There i^ r*ot a duuUt but thit four or fivehundied pa peis mi^ht he diftrthuted oil this route, l>> ^u(»d advanra^e. H.'j__________^______7_______ lull bALE by the Subfcribcr A few barrels of PLASTER of PARIS, and 20 Reams Wrapping P.^ocr P. WEYaSt Kingston, Jun* ja, i«j 7- 7 <l of the halt./9 has lately expired.— . And WflEREAS tl/tf faid adl has fince Ibeen revised by an adt paflcd in the Fif- ity-sfxth near of His Majcity's R.^ign: And Wicreas, as well with refferenct to the Infrerts of His Maj fty's Gover¬ nment oft his Province, as to the conve¬ nience ofinfpeAora of Gooda and Mer- chendizc,and of Merchants and oihe» his Ma;-fty's fnbjecJs refident within thiHJ Provincc.it hath been afcertniucd that; theie is inmediate occaHon for three additional ports or Places of Entry and Clrarancc. at the Places heie-in afiCT fpe* cified, St it therefore Known. That I i FRANCIS GORE, EbojMRE, Ueu-j tenant Givcroorof this Province, in ex- ercife of tie power and authority veiled in me by die f«.id recited A&t and by and with the advice of the Executive] Council o*i]je faid Province, Do here¬ by deulanand appoint, Th.it in additiaii to the Po- s of Entry and Clearance, es-1 tablilhed ly ami under the authority of a certain \ct of the Parliament of this Ttovince,called in the Foity-firft Year of Hia vlajr.lly's Rciftn, Entitled, " an act for granting to his Ma- Jjifty, Hi. Heirs and I'uccvflors, to and • fcrthe ufi, <yf thin Province, the like • Duties on Good.-, and Merchandize, im- rported if.tothis Provini'r*,fi,o.m th" Uai-J ted States, ac arc now paid on Goods and fcfercfcaildwe importerd from Great Brit¬ ain and other places.-"—And alfo, by and under the authority of ihc above re¬ cited act, patted in the year of our Lord <.ne thouland eight bundled and two, the places herein aftcir delcribed and fpc ;dried : 1'hat is to fay, the Harbour of jPrefcott Hi tlie d.iftr'ict of Johnllown, Ernell Town in the MHdland diltriet, and Drumrr.ond Ifland ion Lake Huron, mail from the Eighteenth day of June inilant, fcvenlly and rcfpectively,and the fame are by thefe presents feveraly and , jfefpectively Efldbliihcd and pioc'aiincdj Ports and places of Emtry and clearance, for all Gooda and Merchandize not be¬ ing entirely prohibited ; and for the pay* ment of all duties lialble to be paid on all Goods and Merchandize, biought in¬ to this Province from the Un te*l Stares of America, impofed and eflaMifl^ed by virtue cf the faid Act, fo nailed in the fo'ty firll year of Hin Majelly's Reign. GIVEN under my Land and fcal at arms, sit York, this fifth day of June, 1.1 the year of out Lord one thouland eight bundled and feven- tcen, and the fif y-fever.th year of His Majefty's Rci^n. FRANCIS GORE, Lieute-nart Governoi'. By Command of His Excellency, Sam' P. J.M^vts, Dcp\ Scc'y. 6 TTU8T artived and for falc by the JllJf Sublcriber, ^0 hampers of tlie best old CHESHIRE CHEESE, to be fold lit lots to fuit purchasers; at Dariey's Audion Room. ALSO,—an attornment of Choice Dry Goods, at the linjck. Store, in Store Hreet, July 7- J. THORNER. 6 [ vv LOST! ! ON Thursday lafft, a NOTE of hnnd, for FtKTy Dollars, given by Marlbfield Laiub, %q tlie fublcriber dated the loth i--ik-—-A handfotne re¬ ward will bSt given to any perfon who ill return faid Note,-nnd all pcrfons are irtcby foibid purchaii.,f~ ("aid Note, as it [will rrot bepaiJ to any OUt. but the fob- fcr.ber. PETEI^ LATOUR. Kingston* July if, 181, ym yw$ 1 | uit received an^ tor iUlc at J thb Office, 11 Reams Writing p0ft No. a, 9 . ditto du^v uncu}- rvnili; following ASTRONOMIC- JL AL and PHILOSOPHICAL INSTIILMKNTS, will beoffi-rrd for rtlleatthe HYDRO^sAPttEZ^K Offici. Kingston, U. C. at any time before th. 1st AUGUST, 18179atthe prices men¬ tioned Against each ropcctivcly; 1. Best spirit Level, nith ifsStaces, an oxerh lent InVtruizicni f.«r levelling of mill dam-, &c. &c—100 doUare; 2. Four liich Theodolite, divided to fU of a de- (free,an excellent little Instrument for Land Surveyors—80 dollars. 3. Transit Theodolite, w'uh silver scale,divi¬ ded to Vo" of a degree, ami reading oil in three places, a mu»t complete instrument foi Astronainical and Terrrstrial purposes, ^ith printed instructions for its use—220 doliars. 4. Transit Instrument for observing lh** instant when telesdal objects pass the meridian. Q4Cful to tiiose who rcffuiatetime—IW d«U. 5. Regulator Clock, beating seconds of com- moo time—MO dollars. 6. Beat bras^textenits divided to 1.V— 50doh. 7. Art'uicial Horizon to do. with quicksilver— 16 dollar?. 8. Perambulate! or Way-wiser for the measur of RotuUor diMauces—30 dollars. D.Telrscopo of the best kind for Agronomi¬ cal or Tert&Hml |)uq>o?c5, magnifying pow¬ ers fr.no \H0 tiroes to l%2, with a Mfcrootetei head—100 dollars. 10. Beam Compass, useful in plan drawing, with ebtnn and other rulers—20 dollars 11. Siandard Brasi Measure of three feet, divi¬ ded (oiochrs and tenths of iuche.-,-6 dollar*. I1?. Pantograph,8fret, brxs,twit—40'lolUr^. \j. du do 2feel,brats,- best—9D<lollar^. £~T The»e last particularly useful for eop\- ing, reducing orMicr«*JLsiinj '/latis. 14. Hydrometer complete, tutu which thespe- eitic gravities of substances may be measured, —40 dollars. \h. .\Spjr-Cila>slo make the approach or re- eesMon of objects—10 dollars, lo". loiproved Circuntterenfor—!i0 dollars. 17. St-niiidreutai brass Protractor, 6 inch Ra¬ dius to SCuf a decree—b dollar*. V^ BrAs*bi-xCio^3wuf, witbwut a stand,—? dollars. 10. Circular Protractor 8 inch diameter, divided to iQinatei —10 I dlars. ALSO) several Hooks on Mathematical subj< Ccs at prone co»t« W. F. W. OWEN. Jnly 15,1817. 7 McDONJLD & JONES, Bj>LG leavtmoft refpedtfully to in- JlJ) form their friends and the pub¬ lic in general, that they have jolt recei ved, a targe and elegant afiurtmtnt of Di'y and Fancy GOODS, suitable for the feafon ; confiftinnr of Fine JaconetSj and all kinds ut* Muilinc both worked and plain, Supcrfi.e London li^ht Printed Cal¬ icoes, warranted to wafh well, A new article for Dvtfles (the Co bctfirg Stripe,) Corded and plain Cambrics,—Fine Mavfei!l3 Quilting for Vcfts, Fine India white Janes, for Veils and Trowfers—Black Silk Florentine, Bumbazeenes—B^jmbazeets of every Colour, Rich Black Lutfirings, Men's and Women's Stockings.— An e.Htenfive affortrnent of Peifumery, Stationary, Con bs. Knives, Sec. A BALE OF WHITE COTTON will be fold cheap by the piece. Sewing Siik, Tiycads and Ball Twifl of every colour, ALSO, an extcr.Gve aflortment of Groceries. Brandy, Rum, Holland Gin, Port and other Wines,—Real London Brown Stout, and a quantity of the belt Chesh¬ ire Cheefe. On Ci.nfignment, a quantity of fine Straw Hats elegantly trimmed, Silk and Sattin, Hat:, Ribbons and Other Fancy Goods/too nnmcn»u» to mention. All which mil be fold cheaper than ev¬ er was offered for fob before in Kingston. Kinglhm, July U, 1S17. 7*3 Notice. To all unlkencvd Practitioners of Medicine Und Quacks, in and about Kingston. DOCTOR Scott will indifm'mm. ati-ly and impaitially make known to the Attorney general's office, in this P ovince, and profecute with the Utmoft rigour of the Law, all and every perfon, whom he may Ux carter difrovtr praclifing any bianch of the Medical profeflion, unuer the above denoinir.a- tion. JOS. SCOTT, M.C.S. ftc &c. 6^c. Kingston. July 10, 1817. ywa For Sale, On Reafonahle terms For CttiB, \ HOUSE and Town LOT ,n -LAs the village of Adolphustonvn* and 20 acres of Weadov/ Land, ande* K»;od cultivation.—This fituation i0 ad¬ mirably fituated ei.hei for a Tavern. o# for the Mercantile bufinefs. For further particulars, apply to the G^ferihcr NOXON HARRIS. Adolphustonvri) June 30. 18 1 7. 7. f2 For S ale, TWO Hundred \cr<* of LAND, being Lot No Eighty On,- in th> fifth Conceffi^n of tlie TWttiWp ol Louv-iiboiuujjh—Enqnlreat iliis Office. Ju!y 14, 1817. 1Wli ~REMO vJlT THE fubferiber would inf«rm hi* Cuftomera, thit he has Removed to Mr. RoMeau's Sfone Boufe, dote fit, next door to the Cullom-hoofe, whetc he will continue the SADDLE & HARNESS bufnicfi a* uhial. A. METC.II.F. July 14, tSif. f$* LAWSoiUP!M.:s-CANADA. Fr.om the Uimcr-Cunada Gazette. JSoiice. A LL pcrlona having clainie agalnft _r\. thw fuhlcrihef, aic dcfucd to pre- lent them for payment on 01 btibre the ! 15th of Atiguit next ) and all perfjna j who arc iirdebced to biro, either by Mote ox Account, he expedl^ will call un or before ihjtdiite and p»y iU :-r.e with om further invitation. PLTER WETSiiL- (BankBmCtMclattcd.} IX. And be it farther fwcfScl hi) the authority tf-ruoUi Ti.r.i eacH stockholder shall i)(> eutitkdtoaintm- brrof Vole* proportioned to the nnro-* ber of shares which h^or *. e hail lave indd, in hi-or her own name, at Inost ihree month- prior to the lime of Vo¬ ting, according to the following Ratios. • hat is to «*ay3 at the rate of 0110 V<»te Tor each Store, not exceeding four; •re \'ote:. for Si.x Shares ; six Votes for Light Shares ; S»v-n V,.,ies foi Iimi Shares ; and One Vote for every live Shares above ten.—Stockholder-. actL- ally resident witfcln the Procit.ce of Upper Ca'-adn and none oth:rs, any Vote in ElectiQU by Proxy ; Provided altssajfS, That no person, Co-Partaep- ship or Body Politic shall be entitkd to more than P'iftetiti Votes at any such Election. X- And be it further enacted by the '(ttthotitj/ aforesaid^ That it shall he tlie duty of the Directors to make half yearly Dividends of so much of the pro¬ fits of the said Bank, as to them or a Majority ofihem shall appear adfi>a- l)le. atid that once iu every three ; fearc^ and bftener if (Iter«ut»to required bv a nvajority of the- Votes of the Stoekhol¬ ders, to be given agreeably to the tts- tics herein before established, at a fie* ueral Aleetiug to be called for that purpose, an exact and particular State¬ ment of the debt* which shall have re¬ mained unpaid, after tlie expiration of M.c original Credit, for a pefiod of tt< - ble the term of that credit and of the surplus of profits, if any, alter deduct¬ ing 'os e and Dividend. XL And he it fitaker cntrtted bit ilit tutthuriii/ aforesaid^ Tit;it the Di¬ rectors for tin* time being, or a Maj01 part of them, shall h:u'epower to ti.:;i ■ itnd seb^ciirii- such lales aird rogii';;* ti;U5 as tu thtin -hn!l appear neetutft :i.id proper, tnuchitig the* n^irta^tnnHtt iod iiispo-iiion 01 the Sro#:k, pwpc-rfy, i^tntc and Ijfeots of the said Coipoiu- rion, and lOUcUitlg the duiii? uiul ccr.- duct of the Oifc(.rs, tfittfli* ai.d S?»- jvunti umplo\ id tiiciviti, a;:u a;l seta lolher ruaiters zs uprxttaiu to Iht woa*« ..r's-uiu Litni^. ana ii.-.tl also h. v pi>wer it) ai^j'.ut as mj \y Ga'u . . [Ckxfci arid i^t\w:ffi. Ux tu.: .7'.^, t}U I

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