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Kingston Gazette, June 14, 1817, p. 4

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Militia Psvnios Acrw* Offtc^ York,24ihMarcli, 1cl incr Militia Pensions in thifl Pnwince.. pursuant to the clircctioj ons con- Tlvui- ssuc H1IMTIA rr:\SUJ> :\u.ns UFFICK, n»rrv, ,vtui '.dtMi, . ..* ■^pvTO^^F. is -tereby given, by the General Agent for Paying Militia Pensions in this Province, pursuant to the directions c j^ **# i.. ! •;» t!-: ,-sewuth Section of the Pension Ait poised in tlie iifiy-sixdi yenrof HIsMftJMty's Reigi .that ho lias iwriwfl the further sum of FIveTI K *. I'm. linmr.ed Pounds, in Aid of the payment of the said 1'ensions, for the period up to the olsl of l)ueml>er last ; and that the same are in coune ofi ta t > ■ u tide mi vntion<^! Persons. Supplementary List of Widows and Children admitted as Pensioners, between the 18th of September last, (the date of the List then puHMi**d) and this date, whose Husbands or Fathers have died from Disease contracted » kite on Militia Service, during the late war with the L'm- f**d States of America,—with the S1 ••• ncsTriiliig to them respectively, to the Jl^t December, 18Lfj, iVnnie of Widow1, fcc- Nameand Hnnkof Deceased | Tin band or Father of children. NAM1T. HA VIv. Name of Guardian of Children. Regiment to which i!rn\'i- l.-cd belonged. Time of De¬ cease. By what Beard K< commended [Period to which Tension is in course of Payment. From T o Natiej MVDonell Margaret .'vI'Dougal Man Grant It-Miry Campbell Children of Children of Cat .arine Fra«rr Elizabeth Harablin Children of Children of Li.Jdien of Doaaia -WDonell Donald M'Dougal VVUHam Grant William Campbell iThomas Roach Itobert M'LaughliQ William Frascr Sila-. llaiiiblin (Jacob Van Camp liodolphus Fuller jJo?eph Clapp Ensign Teamster Private Teamster Private rruviure (Cnrrencj Dollar at 5s. Catharine Farrington Samuel Farrington Porothy M'Grath (John M'Grath ■ Ciiriitiana Smith Kli/.abs ih Hie ks Charlotte La Tour Nancy Young Anna Forbes Susanna ben Hannah Storms Preelove Darby Deborah Tompkins Alarv Voting Caflrariop Poise Rachel Carscallan Rtfsabeth Cole Catharine Brown Child of Children of Hannah Patterson Children nf S. ahnah Kendrick ChM of Chad of Sophia Carpenter - Criifdreu of Children off Children i»f Cli' 'Inil *:f Children of Marj M. Couck Ivlaiy A ilkersou Z' ha linear S«iaii M'Coiltna ]>»«n Suckle j!ar\ \\;w Cii; <lien <f S«« au-iali Petit Kli. abcth JonUboii ft'iirtt JBarJta Chi";' u of 1 Fi; i"N Cope C\ ' ll.'U Of C -• I ... n of IW . tha IJaruum ( iiildreO of C hiWren and Insane) Widen of ] CiditiK^n of Sarvi Itoberts Alary \Vi;»ky Zianaa!' Uaznl Fii/abeih Cuchannan Sophia Angus tin Children of - Mnr\ McCtean Monica Girty Widow of On Id of Archangc Mcloche Benjamin Smith [Joseph Hicks [Joseph La Tour Henry Young Adam Forbes iGeorgc Hen Henry Storms Dudley Da;by Uercminh Tomkins Henry Young David Pulse Hdward Carsrallan Abraham ( ole Henry Brown Samuel Watson Simon Arehart [Joliu Patterson John Wood Duke Wm. Kcndricfc Elijah Dorphy George Mariat James Carpenter {Robert Cook Archer Likens Hugh Buck borough Mobil Ovcrholt, \V illiam Cole jGeor^e Conck iiobert Wilkorson 'J ma than Hager Colin IVPCoIlum John Stickle •» iiniii 1 i "H i i».'ire de Lamace • riah Petit rmniau Jobn«on ..omelius Marks i nomas Smith \\ illiam Cope AlcxY. Hutchinson Atauson PcaSC ^Vheeler BarnUId iSolomou Nichols Samuel WllsoU f^Fi Beemer William Roberts iChristophei' Wi^ley Richard Hazel \Vm. Buchantian Abel Auc'istiu 'Johnson Story Allan IVrCIraii Thomas Girt/ James Miller Joseph Porrier ILoiiia Mcloche 'Nadab Eastman John Lamson Storm out 2 Glengao I do I do I do > Eastern District. 20 March, 181: ?t February M-«| IS February »13 1 March, '13 122 do ' 1 :< Encorpor'dJs I August; Ms 1 Grenvillel? May, M:;ji h do 8 Februarjr?*13|f Johnstown 1 do I March, ']:*j^ t>i»trict. 27 do M3 30 .N'ovembr. '12 3\ D.ccm. '13 [30 April, Ml 3L October, M t do (20AiaFch 181331 Dee. 1816.7514| 6 Prince Ed. do do do do Frontenac I rince Ed. Incerp'd. Lenox (Esther VanSteinberg John Aerhart i Keziah Raymond Frederick Hinds jitcbecca Keuuy Mary Beatty Catharine M\ers Eunice Grant John Clark William Seram John Warren, Esq. Elizabeth Killmastcr John Backhouse,Esq. Elizabeth Kearms Addiugton do [Prince Ed. L-no:< Addington Hunting's Lenbx do Addington do Lenox Durham 3 York Incorjj'd. c2 York b Lincoln 3 York 5 Lincoln 5 do I do 1 t\o 2 do 2 do 2 do 2 do 2 do 2 do 3 do do V'iolettc Dasten dartha Wool ley c24 31 March, 3\ Decern. 6 March, SI Dec. 31 do I I March, 27 Decern. 18 Xovem. I t June, 2S Jau'y. SI Decern. s Feb'} • 6 April M Decern. 12 do 7 April I Jan. 9 Dec. I S"pt*»m. [aeJany. 5 Decern. II do 27 Feb'y. JO June, "25 .\ovem. 4 Decern. •3 June, JO October, ll2 Decern. 10 do lo Septem. pi Jan'y. 2 Norfolk I 1 do I do 1 Jan'y. 1 Norfolk 15 Decern. I do 6" March *) October, I Jan'y. ' 16 March, .Midland f District. M3 '12 '13 •181 '13 M3 M'> M2 M3 ■la M;: M.; •13 •lg Mv 'IS Newcastle Dis't. Home District, Gore District. Niagara District. I do Middlesex 1 Norfolk 1 Oxford lis i Mary Roach I Norfolk I 2 do l Ehsex 1 do 1 do 1 do 1 do 1 do Kent 1 Essex 27 J une. 31 Decern. 24 October^ II do 10 do 19 Septem. 1 April, 30 June, 1 Feb'y. IS Septem. London District. Pio'l. Mar.) 9 October S Western District. do 1 E%<ex 1 Jau'y. |l8May,' • • • ;................................:.......^..."....!.1.?V!X ,18Vla^ 'i-ij ' ; Supplementary Lisr of Persons helnncrm<r m *i-~ iiW r (^lFeby. '13 IS do '13 1 March, '13 22 do M3 24 August, MM 17 May, MJ SFehy. M3 1 March, *13| 27 do M3 |3G Nov. M3 31 Decern. M3 ISO April, M4 31 October MJ| ;24 do »13 [Si March, M3 31 Deem. '12 6 March. M5 olDccm. M3 31 do M3 11 March M3 27 Decern. '12 IBNovm. '12 1 I Juue, M3 |c2.; Jan'y. M3 31 Decern. '12 8 Feb'y. M3 6 April, M3 31 Decern. '12 112 do »12 7 April, 'l;j| 1 Jan'y. MS 9 Decern, "l \ 1 Sept, M4 26 Jan'y ']3 5 Decern. Mc2 21 do ►loj 10 Feb'y 'i j 17 June, »J3 25Novem. 'ivj 4 Decern* M2 5 June, MS U) October'13 lsl Decern. M2 10 ilo »|-2 10 Septm. M3 31 Jan'y. uj 1 (In lo Decern. *t2 I Jan'y, M J 15 Decern. M2 « March, M3 9 October M 3 1 Jan'y. M I 16 March, '13 fe" June, M.'il 31 Decern. '12 m October '12 J! do MS 20 de M 19 Septem. M 3 1 April, m: |30jlme, M2 1 i;Vb'y. Md| IS Seplun. M2 9 Oct'r. M I 1 Jan'v. M.> |18May, M3 ♦ - * • • * H H 4 n 114. ■ * « * • • • • 7T I 77' 7 7fi 1 5 lb VI 67 0 7210 77 18| || ,70 15 75 6 ,81 Ifi "60 1 53; 9 4s: 7 ,63,15 |75- 2 ;80! 1 56! 9 60 E 1 (0 76 S( 82 71 7S SO 11 • * • ■ ■ • * * 7GJ 4 >ol S * <> 1 m 74' 1S ■so' 1 81 i 7l!l-i Isol o • * * * u Ifi 78 SI SI 58 71 0 15 11 i, X 17 10 H i 7 'i 6 1 101 1 I 4 5| "1 7:- i H 101 i n 0 i 0 ' 4 0 Ql [KIllO s 71 |6J 81 81 1* l* I 10 11 U)li-i 1 li 4 l 3 10 7 |J 4 I 0, o Sheriff's Salt. ■ « ■ » * ■ ■ Midland District,) 7T)} virtue of% To Wit: \ JLJ 0W/4r&& nan ion, issued out <///* M,;jru tj/\s Court qf King'sBench? holding Ct vit Pkas in mid for the Midland J)^ trivt ufurrsuhL ut the suit Of HlCH* .tilt) ROBiSON, of the T«m oj Kingston, in the said Uistrkt^ Gentle iiunu tt'saiitstthe Lands(tnUTcnetnentt of JONAS yjN ALSTINE, <,/ the Toicnship of Richmond^ and District aforesaid^ Inn Keeper, directed to the She/iff of the said Mitiiund htdn^ / have seised and taken in Execution, as belonging to the said JUJSAS VA8 ALSTINK, apart of the South Eos. terlj/ comer of lot number St veutecn, in the first Concession of the Township of Richmond f which piece of Land is hutted and bninded, or vtfty he other* wise knoizTt) u$ follows: that is to say. commencing in front of the said conces¬ sion, at the South Eusterlj amele of said Lot Ao. Seventeen, thence North Sixteen degrees, West fourteen chains and Fifty Holes ; then South Seventy- tour degrees, West tzoo chains ; ttun South Sixteen degrees^ East foftaa chains FifijJ links, more or /cyy, to the renter's fide ; then Easterly^ along the mater .v/V/c, to the place of beginning f containing Three Acres of LaiuL he the same more or less7 zcii*- a awcl^fg and out Houses thereon erected, Nozc 1 do hereby .aire /wV/VG'E, that the aforesaid piece of jLmnh to* gether izith the buildings the/co-nereo* fed. icillh? sold and adjudged to the highest bidder, at the Market, in the Town of Kingston^ on SATURDAY^ the THIRD day of J AN UAH) . now ne.ct ensuing, at the hour oj Eleven o'Ciocfc in the forenoon* HENRI TtionP) • Deputy Sheriff. And every person or persons htning claims on the above described piece of Land and premises^ by Mortgage^ or other right or incumbrance,,ire here* hi/ advertised to give notice thereof to the said Deputy Sheriffs at his Ift/hse* in the I illa^e of Ernest Town, previ¬ ous to the sale thereof. JiENHiTJJOni\ Deputy MJ,, | iff, Kingston. 20th March, KS17. 43 ■ * * • ■ • SIIKUIIT'S SALE. M Yuiuevt a v.,it otfUtrip 0 , cmb, issued out of o)t- Court ,i L-• . M the lnmu and t^S^SS^ '-i "5 II.... »**L_ j.__ ,. ^ .. " -*"■"- Am, SI 8(! so f76 pi \<V> 75;IS [04 0 i;:in in r>^« Aim. »- -i . tt llJ *60* * * t • • * » * * ■ * ■ t « • t • • * • • # • t f 1 • man, to me dirt cii d ; l"LVl. . , «* taken in execution, „ L^ to the said Araos An^l Jftf* half of Lot number 15 in,,i n°"h -.cession of the Jaj %* JfN ton, containing by a<|meaiurmcr"if hundred acres, be the sam, no J^; ftrfe* Vfth 7•|?SS2 •a-rwdhan, (hereon £&*{* hereby g,re notic th t , "• I (Jo 'ioncd lot of land *lft£Eg£» and appurtenances thereunto h"8* ing, «i||b-■-■-• .'"^"nfo belong NAWE OF PE.NSIOMJL RANK. Janips Sect'id George Adams Lt*vi- Cedent Alexander Rose Angu« McDougal Daniel ArCo! Ion Donald Cameron Adam Stull John t'naMt ■ F.ed^rck Tliompso^ I>#!pel Steward Jo «ph Long O'-'rii** Chase Pcti-r Lampman John Ci<'i!>I>ell Aaroo Teeter Joseph Boo\ Ge >rgo lilswoith G. oi^e Hutchinson "William M'Mullca Jo'n Cornell ArtiiTia W. Cushman Raiment or Ser- %\ce 10 wliidi bc- on Actual Service, or from Acei^ he 31st of December, 1816. Action &c. in which Woqkdsd Natlmn Baxter J-> eph D r.saux ^ iprmCuiihier John Murii-I linnaia M-Donell TJi..rnoH |{ MS Daniel (,'aiu Fiiil.-y Alonro John Campbell 47 (.upturn Licuieiiant do do Serjeant do do do Corporal Private do do do do do do do do Seamen private do do 1 do do do do do do do <\o do Vt n e v Bounded. be made known, Hlii ^wmifti^FJunifoarbiBaQ Of PAnifiNT. iirse 1 Lincolu 1 do 2 do incorporated do 4 Lincoln I Uiengary 1 Lincoln incorporated 1 Lincoln 1 do Incorporated do 1 Lincolu 1 do 4 do 4 do North uniberland rovWu Marine lla^unSs,atrd.io^ Lenox Adinoton Dr'gus. 1 Leeds 1 l&ssex 2 do Kent Vols. 1 (ilengary 1 do ! do 2 do 5 Lincoln (ERRORS EXCEPTED) Queenston Fort George Chippawa Accident at Fort WcllingtoQ Lundy'a i^me Luudy's Ltme Accident on duty Fort George - Fort Erie St. David's QueeiiNtoii Accident on duty «• do do Fori George Accident on dutjr Accident while on march to oppose the enemy 9 Wounded uhile standing seuiry Accident on >ervice, on> board a iiatteau y Lake Erie Accident on duty Kingston Accident on duty BrockvUle River Raisin do do Long Woods O^dcnsbu'rgh do do Hoople's Creek 1 I^O.fvbr.'l.i 21 May »is 5 July 26 do 25 do 25 do 1 June 27 May 12 August 'II IS July >it LSOctr. 19 Sept 1 July 27 May 24 Oct. »13 Ml Ml M4 M.i •12 MJ M3 '13 '12 15 July 21 do 1G April 10 Sept. Ml M4 J ___FROM 13 October,*! g c27 May 5 July, CM do fc25 do 25 do 7 June, 27 May, 12August, MJ 18 July- '11 13 October,'li2 19 Sept. >i;; 1 July »|g 27 May, >,", 2^ Oct.' 15 July, 24 do ! 81 Dec. 1816 'Wj 16 April, 'is! 10 Sept. 10 0 J83/15 7 m u mu\ a HDecer. 'P> 14 Decmt 22 Jan/. .{I1 7l,e,,v 22 do ', , 1 March 'n 22 Feb). >,.< 22 do »i3 22 do '].-{ 10 N',,v-. i|g 1 Nov. '1 j "POM Oath to iVSTTni™" tJtiCJa,ed ^••^sH.t..n;;:^;a^.^ Iv acres of Uiat ln( V 7. **dsMt* covered nv H- /»*""« H«J w re. place °°n ^ JuStite «.« lak. "■"',,ow a» >»>v of w ;.iii„c!„„.° •ft 3,., ,S^'0S *»«»• 22 Jan'y. 22 do •J MarcL 22 !vbV.' 22 do 22 ,!0 10 .Vovn;. 1 Novm. n •% &m* ptv/^^ J S bleoftl,epre«licamenti„vhich te„7 S °"rsc,vcs ■»•> to *«• f !',:......I/'"-. »ho iron, nece5Si. ,.u.^ , f ,t.U"es' 'f »»-e Jid n„f B.U J««homed toMl.a„t it . aild ()imfor,v «« o appeal tothofuMdameotalUir* ; '-■M.c.(.w>f„l.ichue are „„u,. , to '>«'piof.-.ted in «l,e o/uinal ••;,(l,n'"^ and Boundaries bv Mk w« ,»-'v.' «edue-,| „ |,,nvli.Vm[1cImM ro' l'"I'oivu.slrovinee. iU -VMOi AiVSfJ.£ir.

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