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Kingston Gazette, June 7, 1817, p. 4

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N Mrtmi PnOtm Aeifaft OfftfH Vmlc, 24«h iMavrh, 1^17. betwe y i Name of Widow-. Sec Name and Hank ol Deceased | Husband nrKathor of children.] Name ofClunrdiau of Children. Aancy M'Donell ;>i ■»• -;ar"t Ai'Dougal Mft* Krairf A a ii' > l -li.ipbcll Children of - Children of • Caj >arine Frasfcr )'i«,.ab.-th ilainblia Children of Children of i ln*dreh of Cat'i.iriiM- Kanrigton JJ rotln M'Giath Cftii«tw«a Smith I\i .abi hi Hicks C-iyi'lnt* La Tour J?ancy V^nng Alii- i Fnrh.*s ^ Sffxanna Ken Hannah M.rros l'n iovli UurhjE P'bonh T mpkins friarj Yomg < "awfcrine Pulse ktti h 1 Carrailaa. | Elizabeth Cole Ca'haVin'.' l>iov%u Child of 4 htfdre* of l innaJi Patterson Children of Su-.auj rtji liendiick Cbiid of < .id of &ftuiifo Carnenter 4. irldreu of Children of < 1ti!dr*n of Children of < Inlvlfwi of ftiary M. Couck Jtiary vVdU-Tbou « ba ria^ar &mfa M'Collam ..-u. ^tickle Miry Pcm- «. .i!<iren of S*j"tntsab r- tit J. ;,».!» ilj .Johnson ] rfl M .w.s C-iilvr.-n of • JVai c • Cope < i.iidr n cf kiarfha Bamam 1 Arm of tii.iKu and Insane) \VH«« of J I NlMi:. | HAVK. " J Donald .Vl"j>onril Rounld MDougM Willi^ni Grant WHIUni Campbell Thomas Roach Robert ML'LaughUQ Wiilijun Fraser 5i-Uu lian-blin Jacob Van Camp [ludoldnis Fuller .Joseph C-lipp Samuel f&rvinsgton John .M'CJiath 'Benjamin Smith ,'Jo^.ph Hi. ks [Joseph La Tour 11 *ury Voting Adam F >rbcs .Genu, ij.-h |H'-Tin Si >rms Dcdlev Darby * Jeremiah Toxins H;*nry Young David Pulse Ednard C:>r*eallan Abraham Cole * jHenrj Brown fc Samuel Watson Simon A fchart |Ji lni 1 attei^on .f*4iii Wood Duke Win. Kendrick'Liout. Kiijah Dutphy kxpqt&g Mai lat J'inies Carpenter IRoberl Cook Archer Liken* li'iifh Huckborough [John Ovrholtj .. illit.in vole jiT.fji^i Couck tohnr \\ i'k rson (Jonathan llagcr Colin tf'Cpllum ohn Stickle Kiniuel I'hw ! ierr<? d« Lamaoe I riah i ctit I ruemau Jokn -ou "1 . il". i|» -iVrlr.fW* 11- mas Smith •Villi:un {. ope \te«>. il iiciiinson \lan?,on Tva^e xv - ejer Barnnm Snlojiiin Nicbols |T»»amstur Private Teamster Private do Captain 'mate do do do do do <\o * do . do Licnt- Priiate do do do do"* do do do do |T\?an>«fer Private do . do do Refthnfn! to »h*'!i (U-ica- ke«l belonged. cease. Titr.eof De- Uv what Bon nil ii ■ » Kccoiumenued- 1 Period to vvhic'o Pensiou is hi Province course ol Payment. Fit o u lo ICunvncv Dollar at 5s. Nadab Eastman John Lamsoa Stormont p Glengarj do Il do 1 do 20 March, I si:' 'i i February M ! «+ !J Eastern District. IS February M.i I March, '1 ! 2$ do 'l.J lncorporVl.c2t Atfgustj Mil 1 Givnvilli;17May, nm 2 do S Febnmry.'l.r Johnstown 1/7 .... f2 1 do > jRstber Van^teinbeig John Aerbart i Prince Ed. do f do d. Frontenac Priiw' I'd. lu'erp'd. Lenox A ad ronton do PKnceEcl L nr.x A'idM.oton Lenos do h i! 'IS '1* Addhtston . a \nrii 1 March, M.k District, '27 do M.V >0 Xovemlrr. '1*2 3] Decern* M:j <0 April, SI October, 24 do 31 March, 31 Dec*'in. 0 March, il Dee. ol do 11 March, 17 Decern. IS \T>v-m. ! I Juiid, th Jari'y. 31 Decern- S FjI/v. r13 k Midland •la, i District • * f • * • Keziah Raymond - ' - Frederick IRnda 'Rebecca K.enny i [Miri Bcattv X aiharitu M era Knniee Grant John Clark Vv illiam Acrum John Warren, Esfli Samuel Wilson C niidr-'H of - taetih ii *efts ]idi:uau Haiti . El:/nVth Uuchannan Sophia Aui-us;iu Cnildren <>( IRiary M*< L-an Ivionica Giiity \\ idow of . • Levi Bvvmer U'i!!i'*ni iviberts Christopher vVigley Richard Hazel \\ m. Btjchannan Abel Av, T'isiin Uohu^to: Story Allan <u'Cj an Thomas Girty * 4' Jjimes Miiier do Elizabeth Killroaster lolmBarklioi^e, K«q, l-fuabriii kearms \ iolette Dusteu (Jo Lenox „ Din [.am S Vr»rk f "Korp'd. 2 Vork 5 Lincoln .'^ iork S Lincoln Jl t do 31 Drcem. Mi do 7 April I Jan. P Doc. I ^"pr"m. [26 Jair;v. ■^ Decern. •R •13 •ijf M.i 'i i M*2 M.j Newcastle Dis't. Home District. • » • • • • • • •1D|/ 5 do I do 1 do c2 do <1 do -2 do l2 do a do c2 do 8 do 27 Feb\\ K» June, SS Xoviin. 4 Decern. 5 Juno, '! ! 'la 1 Gore District. 10 ,]0 Jo Sf-pirm. f^>l Jan'y. i: X^rfo'k! 1 do 1 Oxfoid [10 Decern. I A rfc'-kjlA |>< ,rm I do l da (iVliddleFes 1 Norfolk I Oxford 10 October, M.;!> JJ^J* 1$ Decern. M-h «"*»•• Martha Woolloy fl42 •13 M: 6 Match 9 Octob< k l J any. 16 Warch* -27 June, lNorfolkfel Dcccrn, *i% MJ; Ml' •Ml •la . • Child of Aiehan^e Meloclie » * * 4 • Joseph Porrier '*-■-uiv Meloche -Mary Roach I 2 do 1 Khscx 1 do 1 do ] do 1 do 1 do Hi nt 1 Essex . T ' • 4 # • I'ro'l. Mar. do '2l0ct0b: 1! do 10 do 19 Si-ptem. 1 April, 30 June, 1 Keb'y. ISSi-pIirtn. 9 Oct.bc- r 1 .Tan'y. London District. 20March 181331 Dec. l»lo.751J V Fcl.'y. '13 IS i\o MS 1 March, MJ '2'2 do »I3 [ii August, M:5| 17 May, »U ST'Vb'v. M3 I .>larch, M3j .'7 do Mi !() Ntif. M.J •il Decern. M3 |3f) April, M4 ST OcloberM H (34 do MJ 31 March, »13 31 Deem. M'>1 B March. M.j 31 Deem. M3 131 do M3 11 .March M: |27 Decern. M2J ISXovni. >m U J»rv, MS 25 Jan'y. M3t 31 Docem. M2 8 Feb'v. '13 fi April, '13 31 Decern. M'2 12 do M'il 7 April, M.j 1 Jan'y. M3 9 Decern. M'4 1 Sept. ' i 4 26 Jan'y MS :5 Decern. n. i do 10 Feb'y M 1 17 June, »t3J '25 Nt>v«m. M'2 •I Decern. M2 .i.l ii ne, M3 I0 0etobei/13 12 Dpcein. M'2 10 do M-2 tOSepfea. M.3 |3'1 Jan'y. ').{ I do >i3 10 Decern. M'j 1 .lilli'y. M i i.) iv.'("in. !*} ff March, MS 0Oclobt*rM3 1 Jan> '14 16' March, M3 '27 June, M3 31 Decern. M*2; • • M2 M'2 • * I ■ • » • 78:! I t « * « « « idland District^ 1(3^ virtue of^ To Wit: S -»JI Wr/MrftC. BCUTlONy mned vu uf kits Mqjcu ifs (kart of Kings Umifakhold>ng£u vil Picas hx ant/for the Mtttlatul /),>. trkt itfbrvsatd* at flte *<"' °J RlijiU JRI) ROBtSQfo <>f l>« 2u®n » Kingston^ in the s&id Distri**, Genti man. ngwmttke I.antlsond TctifmenH o,rJONJS y*4iS ALSTISE. oj the Township of Richmond* and District '{foresaid, Inn Keeper* d<r- Jedtntk? bheritfoj the said Mietfmd IfMrtct, [ have seized and taken in Execution* tsr ht'&angin* to the said JOh'/lS VAN A /.STINK* apart of the &0Hth Mis* t&rb/corner t$ tot number SevenUM^ in *^ IlMfl first Ctmce&iM of the I'ozcits/lipqf \x: j\ Richmond; xhirh piece of Land it *' hid tea and bounded^ or'may he other* icheknm&t^ as follows : that is to $at/f eofnmenving in front of the saidconces* sioiu at the &mth Easterly angle of said hot No. Seventeen* tin n<e North Sixterv degrees, il est l'\taftec/nhaius and Fifty links ; then Soyth Seventy*, four degree^ H'Bst two chants ; then South Sixteen degrees, East Fifteen chains Fifty links, more or less, to the wafer's sule ; then Easterly, along the reffter r/rfc, to the place of beg/nnim; containing Three Acres of Lao!, be the same more or lrrs\ with a utcetUn* and "id Houses thereon erected. Ntm I do hrref-y give NCTlC$f (hatthe aforesaidpirce of land* to* geiher tvuh the {wildings fhete/m erec* led% a ill be sold and adjudged to tht highest Udder, at the Muek't, in the Toun of Kingston^ onSATUIli AY, the THIHndat/ofJJNUJ&}\0M ite.'i ensuing^ at the hour of Eleven o'tlcck in the-forenoon* UMNR1 TffOfHK Deputy Sheriff. And every person or persons having etui in s on the above described pieee of Luna and premises., by j\jort<r</>rt><t pr other ri»,.t o: incumbrance, are here* by advertised to give notice tfa reo/\ fa the said Deputy Sheriff at his h'nsc* inthe I tltrtge -f Ernest Tozau prczi* oas to tuc $att thereof. iiBx&r Tftonp. fteputt taerilF. ' IlMgst'w, 20/// Marcl^ is*|7. 43 » E&tex Jis May. • * * 1 - 24 October M2i Western District. 11 do M2I 10 <\o M2 |W Soptem-MS 1 April, "|.j 30 June, M3i 1 Feb'y. M3 IS Scuiem. rlS 0 Oefr. M ! • * 4 9 • * ■ ft - ft • • SHERIFF'S SA1 v . !^ vi't»eol a wrrt of Fieri Fit. , -h.l.nn1oiivi1).MoI,,E,quiI.t.5 l2 0| he lands and te„,nu nts Pf Amos An,. J ley, ofthLto«-ii>j,i|,ofKii.ei..n, Vr0. 18 101 m 1 1 S.ijlo 7 10- I Jan'y IS May, * • • # M3 H t i" 12 Supplementary List o; Person, belonging to the Militia Forces, disabled by Wo«I'r " •' * V ' * * NAME OF PLNSIOM.R. •hme^ Serord f>eorje Adams i.i'wU Clement Al&xaader R^sfi /viigus McDougal h*u\.-\ M-Colium Ddn^.la Cameron /.dair. ^tuil J ./.it Bryant Ftt'd r-*K Tnrrr.pson ltento! Sieward Jk»ceph Long George Cb^se } »f«T Lr-Hijirnna Joini Campbell Aaron Teeter 4 Joseph liook George EUnorth G sorge llutcliia-oa "William M*MulUa Jrhn Cm.-II Arfi ..a- \\\ Cushmaa Naihu Baxter Jo-cpb 0 '^aiix Pierre Cartliier John Mit< hel DonaUj M-Doncll 11- »mas Ross Thnli ! Cain T' iii\v Monro Jonu Ctunpbull 4? RANK. •ire i« tvliicu be- ArTfov^-c.iw wniru WoDKDBO ^ HEW Period io \\ in h u i>. Of Pavhext. ;vski\ is im-.iur>e :?. • Captain LiLinenant Jo do Serjeant do do do Ciuporal l*ri\..te do do «lo do do do do do Seamen Private • do do do do do do do do do do do 1 i."'Coin 1 do 2 do Incorporated d., 4 Lincoln 1 Cleimnry I Lincoln lnn>nmiated 1 Lincoln 1 do incornorated do I Lincoln 1 do 4 do 4 do Northumberland IVnvincM Marine ]UMii:g*,aua(l. tuj Vdiliu^ioii dr*gn*. J Lenox Adin^ron Dr^ns 1 L* (tls 1 iv^sex <j. do Ki-nt Vol*. 1 Clengary 1 do " L do 42 do 5 Lnu'olu 1 Qweenston Fort (tcorgc Uhippawa ^ Acndt-.K atFortWeKinyrou Lnndj's Lane Landy'a l.une i\cCldcnt 011 duty o ( 1 (ERRORS EXCEPTED) Fort George Si. Davids Qut'«-nston Accident on duty do do Foil George Accident on duty Actiidenl \\ liiie on march to onpottO the cneiiiy , Wounded «hil<: standing sentn Accident on .service, vn( board <* Bftitcau ) L:»Lc ISvie Accident on duty Kingston • Accident on duty Ijioclvville Kiv^r Raisin , do do hoitg Wo >di O^d- uabur^b, do do iloopla's Creek Aucs^tcr l:<Octobr.M3 2] May '1 5 July (26' do 25 do 26 do 7 .June 27 May Fk(VM ff* TO '1-1 MS '14 Mf M4 13 nOctober,Mo;siDec.l8lo^1 27 .May 5 July, c2ti do '25 do 25 do 7 .Time, j 27 May 13 M t M.; Ml Ml '14 MJ 12 August 14 I 12 August, M4 18 July '14 ]8j,llVi tu "° 13 October >H ISOctr. 1 'J Sept. 1 July 27 .May 2-1 Oct. 12 18 j 19 Sept. 1 July 27 May, 24 Oct. '"tjhrknct J)oi.tAR ai •5v. Pi 7p8 71,10,' 0 40.17 3 08jl 1 3 I-4M15 4 48ll5 I hianj to me directed : I how *•• •/..(, 11 and taken in execution, a.s belonging ll60 f'le s0'^ Amos An4ey, the north * "lialf of Lot numtor 1.5, in the secottf concession of the township of Kings* ton, containing fav admeasunncnl one htnidiVU acn>, he the same more or less : to«.('-ther w ith a iog house uud framed barn thereon erected. I do ; j j hereby give notrce, that the above men¬ tioned lot of land, nith Che buildings and appurtenances thereunto belong¬ ing, will be sold and adjudge d (o tho highest bidder, at my ofhee in the town of Kingston, on Tuesday the third day oJ March next, at the hour of ten o'¬ clock in the forenoonn—at which time and place the conditions of sale will be made known, CHARLES STUART, Skmif- Now this house and barn and rfxtf acres of lot No. 15 was not sold. The Sherilr'eamr into Court as a wifoc s a- gainst Jethro Jackson, and declared i pon Oaih to twelve Juror.-,, that he did not sell the Jio.ise & harn and *iv- tig acres or that lot, aurroahlc to the oitginnl survey ; \v lir.ro lb re, f hat liouse and barn and sixty acres of land, is |tho [awful ri-fht, tin- laliourand ptcp- ert} of AttosAnsley, and t»i!l be re¬ covered as soon as Justice ca;i take place. 15 July 21 do 16 April 10 Sept. 14 Decer. 10 Nov. 15 Si pi. 7 1't-uy. 22Jany, M3 ■I'l do Ml I March M4 Zl Ft l»y. *13 ■-•l do M3 22 do M3 W \..v. M3 1 Nov. M4 13 M3 Mi 14 J 15 July, *14 j 24 do '14 ' 16 April, 13 , 10 Jv-pr. 12 ! 14 Deem. M2 lONnvm. "12 j I.Am M3 7 FebV. 22 Jany. 2>2 fl„ 4 March, 22 Fch'y. 2'2 (]„ 22 do 10 .\i)vm, 1 Novm. •13 M3 »I3 '14 EN '13 •12 'VI 'VI '13 •|.> IS »i 1 MJ •13 MS MS M4 64 7 6:, ij 70 (; / - IVrefore. these or to forbid all W IS ^.-theviua^.;;^,,-;-;^ EPw^D tai^ M *Mr«i» «n p,:;:1 »af»peal to m',; T * .""«* *h-r. r„ro 'i,,k'^')or«r M:1',ie,,,:,ll'«s !^^-«o ho;nrc,.;°:w,? arc ""*- rn^"^louslVnvi',;.:H,,,,6«'n«ler.,c»

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