^^TOTICF. is hereby given, by tfic Genera! Agent for Paying Militia Pensions in this Province, pursuant to the directionscon- X xl i- ■ .1 In iii • : vtxxlb $ 'Ctioil of ho Pi usion Act pk^i il :t» the hUv-sixth )t ar of IK- Al*joM)\ Reign, (hat he has kc. iv. d the further sum of Iflvfi Thon- ;. • ; - H >i'did Powuds, in Aid of die. payment oftlu' said J entious, for thepeiiod up totdffi 3!? of December last ; and that the same are in course of i3su< |, i ... u« i..Tiu»utiuued Ivrsous. • C W B «/>! K-C s/e. s upplcmentary List of Widows and Children admitted as Pensioners, between the x8tli of September last, (the date of the List i:. .■. ottiiU- l.-'tl") and rMs cfote. «Ito?t*lia-«frauda <•-. Fathers lirvc died h.nn Disease cantrapred while on Militia Service, during tins iuic war with tin- Cm- ^ vu , r*j-n^ ted Kettles of America, — v% irh die tfuiw accruing ro them r?sj)ccfivel), to the Jlst December, 1810* t Name and Rink of Deceased j fiusband or Father of children.; Name of Guardian [R<"&*n»ent to! Tim« of Dc JK"amtf of "Widow* &c. of Children. NAME. KAMt. which d-TCO- •eri belonged. cease. (Period to which Pension is iuj Province ty whr^t Boardj course of PuyuKut. jCisnviio l^('< <<nim ended------------------------------------------,! »o!lar a; 1' V.OM K.r.ry M'Doneli ft;argare$ SVDougal hi*r\ Grant J\r\y. y Campbell 1 hildrCn of * Children of • i athariit? Frasor i^i/.alv-tli llaniblia * Mldren of • C.iMilr* n of * t -idreu of (.' tharine F-.irri;i£ton J i-*rotli\ iWGratfa J'l/^beth Hicks i .aiu/t^La Tour JKancy Yo*«ng Anua Forbes Susanna iien Jifluitah Storms J'rcclote Darby Ifcborah Twupkios ftlarj ^ oung f*-*tliariiiu Pulse JWlul Car-callan . 3;ii>Hb.th Cole Catharine Brown Child of Children of Jt iiiiah Patterson L'uildrn of £'» innah KendricU CtUd of rn.«idof S-e-ida Carpenter i"l"il(iiOU of » I.Udnnof Children of (L'ftiitbcn of ClUdr-u of T.lav A;. Con ok ii :v vViJkerson 2 ba h.i::ar Si iL ?.i"Collum T*:> v^ w C :.j •* . ii of • ^. aivnaii i-.tit J* i/.ab th Johnson .1- rli Marks 1" i| !• o of • .F. i ■■ •• Cope i»e!drcn of i . tJdrnn of jMortfta o^ruum Ci'Udy u uf i l...dre»' ar-d fosanc) VVidnw of $ £V!dreii of f.trah!?brts JMary Wialry Jtiinnah Havtel 3!li'/?»b'*th Buehannan Sophia Ai^usihi *Ciiiidree. of - $>J.wy M'C'vaa il-.ncA Ciirty - ■ V- .dow of IDmtaUi M'DaneU Donald M'D^ugal William ftyrant William Campbell Thomas iioach Robert M'LaugbUn \\ iliinni Frascr ^i!n> Iia!nf)!iii Jacob V'aii Camp Rodi Iphm I- uilcr jjoseph Clapp Samuel FiltTingtoil J.-hn M'fJn;:h iHeojamin Smith ' .Jos* ;>h Hi..ks ^loseph Lh four jifenvx VoiUfg Adam F-rbes IfJoorgo Ben Heur* Storms * imd.K:} Darby Jeremiah 'i\>mkins Hwin Young David 1'ul^c i iui.-.ard Carseallun Abraham Cule lienrv Brawn Samuel Watioa Simon Arehart John Patterson John Wood Duke W in. Kendrick Klijah DuTphy G-'orirc Riarlat James Carpenter Ilobcrl Cook Archer Likens Hugh liackbordngh Pnh-i Omrholt, Vv Uliani Co4o ((I'-orj?" Cancle liobert \\ ilkorson i-fooaiiiau Ra^cr Colin M'Collani | !« ill) Sicklo i r :«iMuiei \ \\ "Tcrrc d«- La mace Uriah Pctii i ruciaan Jnlin^on •irii'-Iius Marks JTiiouias Smith \\ i!!:,*im Cope Ucx'r. IL'tihinson Manscn Pease '•\ becter liarnuo SulOmon Nichols Samuel WiLsoH Lvi Bcemer Nv'illiam Roberts Christopher VViglcy llicliard Hatol IW n. Buehannan 'J'-anistcr Private Teamster Private • do Captain jrivate do do do do do¬ do do do Li'iit. ft Private do do do • do do do do do Teamster Private do do do Lieut. Private ■v'li'aiit do Private do do do do IVamstur do do Private twormont j^ Gleiigarj do do 1 1 Nadab Eastman do !•) Marc-h, 1«U 21 February 'i# IS i*'('biiiaiy 'I'J 1 March, 'I 22 do ur; To 'j+. \. 1 — xf/AicU'rii 181 r \;\ FcVy. 'ii ■aslcrn (is do 'li uttict* John Lamsou - TNfhcr V^fiStetnberg John A<:rhart Kexiah Raymond Frederick Hinds •Rebecca K- nay Mir) Beatty Calhariix: iMyort iRntlHU' f irant Urihn Clark William Scram Iticnrpor,d.j24 August; 'L'iJJ 1 Grenv3hsll7 Aiftv. ' 'I;- } 9 / > do I ii February,*);}( John/town I Viarch, /L'-li Oiitriet. do Princ*4 Ed. do do do do Frouten&e Prince I'd. [ncorp'd. Lenox AdtMii^toii do I'rinee Kd L.-tiaX Ad«ing*on Haittht^s Lr:r.o\ do [Addlngton laf/lviairh isi |31 Dec. ISlO^h'l 1 77 4 77 7 • 76 1 S 7.) ll2 f)7 01 72 10 £7 do 13 > \ \h\ 1 Aa^ustiD Johti5trn Sj [>ry Allan aj'Clcao i'homas G'ufy .Janics Miller Child of Jkrrl.jngo M°lo.rth#» Joseph Parrfpf Moloch© do do do Serjeant do do Private do i Serjeant. i •'", [rriTota do do do do do do Captain 4 BVWate S 'fgeanl IVnat-.* Ejusign Siting ) railing > Master ^ S»<aman l'rivate John Warron. E?q. ^•ifab- *U IvM^ ^tiffT do Lenox Durham 3 Ye.;k lnrorp*d. 2 \ ork 5 Lincoln .J York • 5 Lincoln 5 da 1 do ] do '2 do l2 do '2 do '1 do * do '£ do 30 Xov?n br. *wh 'A\ i.Veem. *131 I :;0 April, 3\ Oetobor, 21 do 31 March; 31 Decern* ii March) ?,] D:c. 31 do 11 March, -7 Decent. 18 -Vovcra. !l J June, 'j.t Jan'y. Jl Det.em. 8Feb>. Q April M D0CCXA4 12 do 7 April I 1 Jan. f/ Dee. 1 SJi ;.tem. IG Jati*y. 5 D»Trni. 1 I do %7 IVb'y. 10 June, 25 jNovem. 4 !)- ceni. 5 J outs » 10 October, l*J Decern. 10 d> l<) Septem« |3] Jan'y M I '1 r '13 ;]i *i.V ■la 'h *i: '13, •1 I '1 *] MV M *I ' ?i 1 *I MMImd District. - .VewcastlrDi-j't 1 > f Ho'.nc District, Core District. 3 do 2 Norfolk] 1 do 1 Osfi id 10 Dr.-em. 1 dr» l Jan*y- 1 N i*" !i J % r>4Miii-n.. I do j /> March mJ '>j ' Niagara ,(0I 1 ^Di.trict. fi 231 John Backhouse,Esq.] I da Kliz&bt'th Krarm« L\liddU:rx Violeti3 Ehifiten \Iartha Woo I ley Mary Uorch * * 1 N.Mf.HU 1 Oxf. rd 1 tforfo'k •2 do I B'sex l d- I do 1 do 1 do 1 do K r.f 1 K-.-.OX fro'!. Mar. do 1 E- x t • % • • t " • • ■ • * * > t t t J) Oet.-ber, 16 March, 'J June, Jl Decent! ^4 October, 11 do 10 do p) S^ptem* 1 April, 30 June, 1 Peh»y. is S. o?,m. 0 October, 1 JanV In May, IS m.tI Ml' 'l.i M.' Ml? fi:i M I -ii '] '2\ ' I "3 •IS M.i > London District. 1 Maicls, '15 '2'2 do 'l.i M August,'1H J7.Mav, Mj RFeb'y. *U l March, '1.1 ^i7 do 'l! '0 Nov. *13 31 iTocem. M.'i 30 Aprils 'H 31 October,i4 £24 do M:i 81 ?rlarch, 'l?\ 31 Deem. 6 March. '31 Deem. :3i "do 11 March ^7 Deem. .18 Xovni. 1 I .Juiit-*, 25 Jrin'y. 31 Decern. '1'2 Ri-b'y. '13] G April, '13 31 D-Mvin. '12 1-2 (Jo '12 7,-Wil, '13l 1 Jm'y. 'i.3| 9 Di-i-<:in. '1 t I Sept. M 1 *9htn*f »taj 5 Uivr-ui. 'J'2 -1 do '1'2 10 K.-h'y '1 I 17.Tune, 'i:?| -.7 Pfpvcm. T2 1 !) lumi. '12 Sjaiitr, 'I*1 lOOcinboi M: L3 Deeem. 'ii2l 10 do M» 10 Sephn. '1; 31 Jan'y. 'l.Jl 1 do *i? • «> Decern. '12 Uno'y. 'l fj March, '1 I y Orcol). r-is ! Jnn'y. 'Ii 10 Starch* '131 27 June. > • ■ ■ • • 4 77 IK 76" 15 75 6 81 15 60 1 5: 43 63 15 G U •H 4 31 u-i 44 to Oi I Oi 7 T.I 75 2 80' :C0 ffiO * • » 9 f « ■ « 5 7G 80 8* 17lj 0 7S 1*2 ho- I 77 IH 711/) SO 1 SI' h 711 I so: u *i s hi 13 rsin 6 L sjioi 1; I I si M 7\ X! h - * 1 1 5} o j 7| 1 M toi 1 U 0 Si 7 0. G| 7 ; H 4 * • « ft 1 1 ^| '] 1 'i • v W--tern Distriflt. 1 Decern. TJ i 91 October'1'2/ 11 do M'2 10 do M'2 inS-ptem. M3 1 April, '13 30.In.Hj, '131 I Fr-b'v. 'I.!| lHS.-ptern.'l'i OOefr. Ml * .» • * •■ * f »f Ml 3 17 i o' '0 H iO :oiii 1 u l 1 '< lu 7 U 0 0 0 0 9:101 l'2;oA 0 1 I G • K! s- (i' Si Rti |Sv ;70 k:I iu b/>ii8;io] t 1 1/ MiguelID'srtrictJ TfTi) t rwd -i^Mit: ( JO »>uvib vii Pica* in ut4jbt\t* Mi(&1^ % Tkt tijorcsiutl, a! tkt>&& °J ItWlL fi ingsiii,n ni the tRthi hni: /VrS^/Wci /;?u;r* (tzuittst (iw LmitM &tnl 2', ac*%cw HfJf/NJS I JX AL8?tN*% aj g Torc::shqt ufRfcltMontly u.J IJhim aforesaid* Inn helper* dftvrtvutow Shtriffvfthe $«>U Mtatamt hktrui have setzril and taken in Emmtimrik !feUirgiv§ to ihc said JONjtf f'A$ JISTIXK, 0 purl of the South M tMluco; .nrcj lot number SfvetUentLa tbjjirsi Concession qf tnc ToUHshipq Richmond ; zchien piece, nj Lrri.fl l baited and bounded* or tnrnj he otlw icheknrrzzn*. an follows ; flail hto&ux. ct'/nmeticwg in jront of the said wnm .v/o//, id tht S'nnfh Easterly ungU q| mid Lot A'.>. bevriifien, tlu.in* h'ort &'j teen degrees IVest fourteenchm and f'Y/'V/ Hlfcs ! '^?w Soa/H Hci&hIj four degrees* West two chain* ; Jk South Sixteen degrees^ Em? f.jui chain* Fifty link*, more. o>~ ^.w, ic I :?t.fcr*s hhh; then Easterly, ahngL renter side, to thcplaee of bex'-nnm, eontr/ining TtlteB Acres oj Luna] I the s'ame more or less, vcith q, dicvllq j atrd out. Houses thereon cre<\\:d- Xou* 1 do hwchii give NfJTll. that the aforesaid piece 0 Land, I get her zdth the handings tTur-^na ied, ititt f/e sold and tfcffiiCtgzd to highest bidder*, at the J\hn'L /% ;n To ten of Kingston, on SA'i I'll- i the Thllil) dig ufJj.\ l/Jh i . next ensuing, at the hour o/ Eh o*Clock in the forenoon. UEMll THORP, Depnfj Sheriff] And every person orperscrx hav \ claims on the above described piece hand and premises* by JW-'ri^.t.-1\ other right or incumbrance. .n :. A^j by advertised ta .!"ve ttbfird thereof the said Deputy Sh. riff\ <:t his flid tn the ('iltarcof Rrncsl Tout?/, pel tats to the sate thereof* JWNli} THORP, - J>*p:itj Sl.erilTi I Kingston, 10th March*. Ibl7. i 70; fi i so] i * ■ j % 1 Ti an v. IS M.iy, Mo' M3 * • s-1 S! 65 71 7i/ 7>- S.. 4i I 7 . 10 I .J 10 n .1 III ol , H i • * * * * * * • 15 I ■ I'2 C{ o' 0 ii i o| • • • f •Supplementary List of Persons belonging to rhc MfUtia Forces, disabled by Wousds received nn Actual Service, or from Acci¬ dents occurring whilst on Duty ; with the Sums accruing ro them respectively, to t lie ust of December 1816. wn NAME OF P ^ __________________._________ ?T^n>e^ Sejpord Ia v.i* Clement Ai*-xanMer lltv*e Angus MrPnugel Drniri M'ColSum Donald Cameron J on;! brym)t ih\ ■ •! Steward* J'^M-pn Long tiooi^e Cliase 1 eti-T Liunpnma John CanvpbeH Aaron T« etor Job* ph Ucok ©force Elsworrh • G» orge lliitidiui-nn V. ;>iam M'SIullcn 4 T.NSIOKT.R. ■^d'*r>3t.^^j^.w-.u^ .■*;_. ajfry^.^. HANK, Kftfirnejif or S»*r- \nc to urndi bc- ■ Solifl Cornell Arfniia* W. Cushniatx I\r.thon Baxter* Jo ) pu i* tfl'JK r*'»-rn' t f tiu-r John Miithi-I *• uald .»l-iioucU '& MB* - taS i> tk 1 t aiu i". >lr>) .\iMnro Cajitnin L;! utrnant do do * Serjeant do do do Ciiiporal 1'iiTiite do do do do . do I do do do Scameo Privnte do do do do do do •do do do do do 1 Lincoln 1 do 2 do Incorporated do •1 Lincoln l Cilengary 1 Lincoln :iiv-*.i|)oiattd 1 Liiuolu 1 do Incorporated do 1 Lincoln 1 do 4 do t do Xorrhumberlarul FrovincM Murine \tl'1iri^*on dr'gn -S Len* v Adington Dr!gns* I L» ds 1 K>*i% « do Kcnl \rols. l Cilcngary i do l do l2 do 5 H/ujcqJji ArTiON &c. \y T\ii*rn Woitxdbd, A' HEN | Period to',rWell Pjeksion is in cuius* of Pa\ wevt. : Qut'ertNtoa Fort George CluppMrta Accident at Fort Wellincfon Luuclj '•> Lnne LwiMly's L;ine -\ccid -nt i>a duty ^ i'ori Gcoige v Fort Erie * St. Dufid'a (Jui^nston Acvidcnt oji duty do do Fort George , Accideut on di'ty Accident while on inarcli to) oppose the rticmy ) Vfijnd'd wliilr standingseutry Accident cu service, on> FROM I.K^ctoln.'l.l « I TO i > R'iKMT "oi.i.ar al r.v. 2fl dc 12S 'i t '13 - •I May 5 Jirfy J do -•> do 7 June IU May 1-2 An^iul '11 IS.Lily '1 i i I 13 Oetr. 1!,' S.-pt. 1 July '27 May •21 Oct. 13October,'12 ;31 Doc. \*WM\ 7, 8 •27 May 5 July;- 2« do '25 do 25 do 7 June. L;i a.e b>aid .1 Catt^au ' - Erie S Accident ou duty Kiagsfon Aucidrnl on '. !ufey liit»cKviM L* ii.iv • r Rq IMIi do do ■ J/i)»«r Words • O^dciiNbi ir-h do do II op!.-*. C-fCi k AtUCiistcr 15 July 21 do lt> April luS.pt. '13 '11 '] I , '1! 27 May, '13 12August, Ml '13 j 19 ^-pt. '13 '13 1 July '13 ! 27 May, '12 j 2-4 Oct. 'It I 15 July, Ml 21 do Ml 10 April, *13 v 10 Svpt. MD.-cer. rl% j 11 Deem. 10N..V. M2 lON'ovni. 15 Sept. M2 ' lyS.Tini. 7 i-Vby. '{:; : 7 1%1,-y. 22 Jan v. MJ I 2«» JIii'v. S2 do M 1 I '22 do' 4 -March M 1 52 Fchy. MJ 22 do MJ 22 do M3 10 Not. '13 1 AoY. M 1 I J March, B2 Pi.b'y. '22 do &2 do IU Novra. 1 -Novm, 4^ fCSAPilJS KXCEVTEl)} ' 13 '13 '12 M I M4 Ml '13 M2 •12 '13 '13 Ml '13 M.i '13 'l.i M I 71 10' 0 1017 3 f6H 1 % S 4815 4 •is 15 4 a il 71 si 10. 0 7; 47 81 05 70 •71 s.; 4'J 15 3 7 13 0 iu i.". 48|10 5l! i 1-1 6g; ISO 10 82 1 (J 8'. I I .77 19, 7«!5,ll 44 71 0 8 I I 0 0 H 5 11 to »i 5i 1 EDWAiU) MACM4IiO;V, ii^M J^nt/cp^un MM* fti 501" ,77,' 1 |77 1 '77- 1 G'2 17 •13 6 10 /MMflft. HIir.Rlf-T'S SALE. Midland Dhtvitts viz: 1>V virtu.'oi' a writ «>!' fWi c/'tfa issnrd out of fJitr CoUi'l M tin' iowii oi' Kingston. R^nuire^sgi I he (ainU and fcuftniotifs of Attbs^ U»y3 oi 1 tie toHtt*ihl|) of Kin^tbfl V rnnu- to tnc direttvo ; i have sej land taken in evvcution, as b Ion I to tri<- yaid Amos AnsKv^ then ' luilf of I/.t nambei 15, in flic sei concession of tlw township oi Ki tttii, cAjifaiiijug hy ardmeasurnirnt hundred a ores, • be tin.1 sairit* nun |less ; tog'*th£¥ uith a lo^ bouse iViim-'d bftfU thereon erect-'d. ] liereb/ give n* tie;-, thai tlie abow^ tioncd lot of land, »i!|i tin.: iv/\\cl and apuuitcuiuit'C6 tiierounto bvhi iiig- will be sold and adjudg'd fe lii^l'i Kt bidder, at my c^c^lulE ol Kingston, on 3fce«d'&} tiictbi of jVIarcu wertj at tlio Lour of ^|11 -lock in the florenoofin—at ^rhiCi'Mi stud place the couditioub of $&lL v be made kito ->n. CHARLES STUART, Now this bouse and barn awl si acres of lot No, 15 was not sold. ' SliiriU'curne into Court a?» a witne*. gainst Jtthro Jackson, and dccls] apou Oath to twelve Jurors, that did notsf-11 tlto House & barn and t> acres of thai tot, agreeable to Oi'i^ittdl survey: wherefore, tliathJ and b:..ii and sixty acres of laud' the lawful right, the labour and pj ertj r.f Anioa Ansh-y, and Avill be covered as boou as'Justice cau place. Therefore, these or to forbid a U sons from making any wa.-teoftim stone or glaj for brick, or in afiy mT injtirftig tli^ hou^« barn oft ahard. fcficen, owt-house^ aud Mlgs on said lot No, io in .ti*<- concession in the township of ki ton, no* the village o^W'elling AMOS A-NSli il/^/r// 3d. 1817. ?____________________ SoiiMblif of the predicament ini| we stand, ajid conscious that we done our duty as subjects, wrsl bfi wanting to ours'clves and to tender connections, who froiniH fyliave been thejiuhapp? contft ofuur misfortunes, if vve didnati our claim for justice to those *»lwl authorised to itniut it ; find thor; wo d.o appeal to the fuudiii»en^| of tiits society of which Me aiv bei>:—to bo protected in f'»e < Landmarks uiid Bounuarioa by we have reduced a howlingwjh tou pouelouj>I'io»niC|!, L , 4t A>10SASVSH