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Kingston Gazette, May 31, 1817, p. 2

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AN ACT, ST.; Rrgulatethe l\..'h-. taffUnikeiata. of Kingstvr. [Parnd U! nf Jprft, ISM.] tv Town of Kington is much in Cleaned in the number of Inhabitant*, >r.d further provision !•■■ ueee^sarv to be <RQUf* for the Internal licgr.Iatlon ol ?h.' <*iid town: LV 0 etttcfc </, by the King's 311 st Excellent Mnj*-s*y, by and with the adriscand rtrosent of the Lr\rHa- sfcu' Council nr-.d Assembly ofthePrq- Tinee of [Jpper-Canftda, constituted tijid assembled) by virtue of, and an* der thenulhoritj of ail Art. parsed in the Parliament of Great Britain, enti¬ tled, il An Act to repeal certain part* of an Act. pa-sed in the fourteenth ycaa of His Majesty1* Reign, entitled, an Act for making micro ef&ctrral provi¬ sion for the G-ovetnntrrnt of the Pro¬ vince of Quebec, in North America, <u;d to make further provision for the Government of the said Province, and by rbe authority of the same,** That it shall and may he lawful for the Ma- jgiiitm/e* assembled, in Getiora! Quar- |ef sessions, for the Midland District, or the Majorltj of them, to make, or¬ dain, con-iiitutc and publish such pru¬ dential Rule? and Regulations, as thoy may deem expi diunt relative to Paving, kgcpiug in repair, and improving the SjreWs of the said Town, regulating Slaughter Houses and Nuisances, and also to enforce the said Town Laws, jnetaiive to Hordes, Swine ov Cattle of any kind from running at large, in said Town ; relative to the Inspection of TTci^hts and \L asurea, Fire Mi n and lire Companies. Provided always* That nothing herein contained, ball extend or be construed to extend to the rpgplafffi'g or ascertaining the price of anj Commodities, or articles of Provi¬ sion4 ^ riet may i>c offered for sale; pro- Third ahus That such rules and regnla- ^]nn^bi! iintcotttiwy to. or inconsistent ivjtli Hie Laws and StatutesoJ this Pro* vince. !L And be it farthr enacted by the Uitihoitfjf ttj'ort aid* That l he Aiaj;i«- tvt*T,:*> in Quarter Sessions asscmbl-d. for the Midland District, or the major part of then'., in the m niii ol April, in each and ev«rv vear. nav raise, by as- segment from the per-wi*- rated upon o»i\ a*)C>smi ut for property in tiio town ofKirlirdon, a sunt nof exceeding on** honored poandi- in any out. }car. for pip. nasiiii'nnd i.eepiusi in repair,Fire tv'L'itvs. Lidders. lii.rkHs. hi.d other «I a-n^iiW; itVr nU Mifrm;ui*a;ug » b'ft* -, And f* r making an) other necessitr) in.pr<-»? 'menr in the -aid Town, exclu¬ sive of (he bum .such person may be ra¬ ted tor. in and upon any nffaer asw*s- n»ei.t.of this Province, and in order to carry the -aid assessment into effect* it shall be tin duty of the Clerk of the i'eace for the Midland District, to go* If ct from the General ass;-s>nients of the ^ald Midland Di trict, a list or *s- Sessmertt of the rateable property that each and every person owns or posses¬ ses in the aid town of Kingston, ready to be bud before the Magistrates in Quarter Sessions assembled for the 3tt;dtaud District in April in each and every year. ill. Audbe it.furtlcranacted by the tfltfh 'tity HjviCiiud) That such assess¬ ment a> aforesaid, >IsnlT berated, levi¬ ed, collided and paid in proportion to the sum that-*nch pi-rsow i<* rated for. upp» any a.**e«<nv nt he may possess oi bold ... the said Town of Kingston, and eubject to such Rules and Regulations a* may be fctnde in t\. ■ Ma*j?<ti*fltes in Quarter Sessions tor the <nid ! >i-trict, i*c. ihe pujpese of raUing^ collecting a-;d paying any sum collected, to the Treasure, of the said District, which sr/:u sort --'hall be applied from time to •time in -tub manner for the purposes flf«ff.said, as-the Ma#i trates ill Quar¬ ter Sessions assembled, or tin* inajoiit) of them ehall direct and appoint. 1 \\ And be it'further enacted /></ the mtfltorifi/ uforcmht) That The jViagi.*- tntes in General Quarter S^srioas of the I eaee. or the niajor part of them, H£ often a*-* they sball make and publish any such Ride- and Regulations fortbe r«qioscsaforesaid)tnaj make, ordain. limit and provide such reasonable iin'"* ;-...^m ' tiie otlinder1- ol such rides and t re?v!ationc- as they may think proper, nqt*exr*eding forty shillings for anj ow offence, to be prosecuted before an> Om nifsioner of the Peace of the To' nnfKington,np^nthe oath » fene cr"■••;■ ' wjtnc^jaiiyi <o be levied by "WTgrrant,under the hand and seal of Bueh v'ommis>i(»nj r. i.pon the floods & Chatty! of luch offender; and that one mo^tv of the f urn so levied '•hall go to th ifXorm r. and the ofhermoi»-ty shall 1; • >aid io the Treasurer of the said D • . '. for the asn of the saidToun. \' And be it farther cnat>*<d by the ant' wit}} 'tfrrcUtid, Thai every such rub nod regulation *o made as ufure- " Fflid b-' :e'if shall have r.ff.t, shall b%e 4'ubii bed in the Kingstoo Gazette ?a>i«? fcliso U potrfed vp in th*oe or mttc k****^*0* U*nM> fra^ Mttdlw p< bl.c places m ike >"«i I »«... j«i4#hw ikZ S" ^ctaaeewdiw AGUICULTURAL. • • « * « * a # • % » • FxfrxB of a Utter from Isaac C. jo;irs, to the Philadelphia Society for p*-omot ins avr'uuhur?. dated td month (Fel.) t I, i8i-7 •* My attentton to feeding my hones (4 fn nifmbfr) with CM hay, by me.ifurc, commenced in tfle fall of lad year. 1816, in confcqncnce of a pnblication 1 faw in one of our c'ty nrwfpa* evs, (being. I think, an addrefs to t'ne Bath and Weft of England Agricultural Society ) ir. which were detailed great advantages th^t bad been derived on adopting that practice- Experimenting on that mode of diftributing hay to the number of horfes above mentioned, I found, or as nratly fo as 1 could well calculate, a Javhrg of thirteen hundred pounds per month. I have fince extended the practice to the whole o! nv farm Hock of cattle, and bflievr the favng to be in the fame ratio, a9 dated relative to the horfes. In addition to this faving, may be added, the advantage oi an intermix tmeofcW com stalks and fome other defenptions of food that would not be enten feoarately, and without being thus chaffed. My h-rfes and cattle art- all heaHhy and look well. The reafons thou h.all aliig-iied, in favor of the ufe and advantage 0 of chaff cutting are tboe which have occurred to me as being the mofr probable—In addition tt> thefe, 1 think may be a<lrled another, viz. ihe great laving, in point of wafte, experi- eilced in the ufual mode of feeding provender entire out of racks." Nat. InicU-^ncer. ' MISCJBLLANldOUB. Vur rut; Kin"«- jn Gazette. In endeavouring iorf-fiire the op'^uwi^ cwi- tflinod in 1I1 romtn'u.icuiioo wincli appeared in 1 Iu* l?t. Gaxerie.overthe^igaatureof** Cani- deu," I am not ipjorancof the obstacle t'lat o]f|iose tbemselves 10 iheattempf, Tor ultho.^h :r arguments headvaucesare evidenrtv fal><s an I hi^ iaii^iia^** tfUempri'ate, \ei Uv llk< Ju- nii'v hy n-vnmii.g the jiopilar M.lror c!hm|u--* Hon il htti-Dcrr rf*ila«a I?n«"o:ie;ni! whe» ■ he seconded ncstlrt. and as a RtHMoner ?n eoi*VJo- et**aj tho e who never Ibmhttd* aud dierefore ^n-; hnil few difficult!?? l» bliruliiiiiti in i*iah- ii'hnig h»s doctrine to !iesati Tai lioaofiiHJ 1 <»f In- wwler*.— I ;*\n mil however kiIUhiI hopes tha- nIfho«Kh plain faris 1 lay a* irsc be rejeot- <aii't tiny *ri'iii dfrp^ttH'alrfe, fliry Will 1, • '.utiomiety haveflieir proper inttu»'nce. l.'nmden,aK it'tn fomUhhia oppon«*nf9 with ihi' iijran- 'jffxjMiMi-jj hi*wlyeojireptiofl of 1 lie UtH,fy(iOie fron* ill • Hrnvinci.il S'ultitcol* thr 41 i of the Kine,Chaji.5. *.•**'. ^ih. Hv nhfeh it h '.•!■-: i»i, • |j..it ail >«'3Mi», rKiffta, raft*, rar'"ia<r**-. Ac. nf wh.'.l k.in:l r.r nsttllfK wever, • otiiHiiii'icirood., wares,or merchandize^ pa.— •ini; l>y or inlo ide^aid |imi>. or cither Of *l;ein. I tiaeaniagporticofenlr^ ivnihHshrd iri l/p.pnr Cauarla) AhtdJ be reported iodic PiiH»*rwir or hi- 0«'|pu\, a"M he Puhjecl (o \i"i ^ion Olid search, by thesaid roli^r'^^orhis Deputy, es- 'ahltshril ac :%n\ of I In* said Ports j and, 'hat upon »'!.(• iUTival nfftiry vc-r-i, ho:.', rat't «»r car- liajr* *Voi»i»|iv ;»o"t firpi«"e in ih." <»*H [J'dfed Sta e<«fhr United Star^« of America having been fr/N|i:'*niiv mcoiionnl in !iir prccedilltf scciioiu> of tile Statute,) m any of the ports a- fo--'>aiH, die Mii-iiororoilic" prr-on dtily au- thorixed, Savin, the charge or r.. imaudof^uch ve*>el% ho-*'. mfV or earring1 •. -h«l» ibnhv. :th repair hi the i>i-t*;e, vS.c."—From this cl«*i*-e ot ih.'Siuiuir 1 do not think any £.<at eltorl of logic i- i-quo-.v! ?n prove that if wa ihr ii*tril¬ lion of the Li*^i-lainr*». ;-:i'a!' V*««e!«, boatst ratt- or carri:^i = contolniop gooii>, uarca an»i meVeiiamii/.e^, coming from ant/ itori or J*t&ct iKtursocvtr%^hov\d be rcp-Hted at Ihe Cn-iom IU". te,e«taWi«hed aranv portofrntrj in l'\>- ppr-Canadii,ard b" 4l»e'eailhjr<g lo \;>;i;;ti..n and search, and no?with«w»d ng ih»" a^sertioiis •jf tiii.- profound fjiomiiianno to tl.c p\./r:.i', 1 ?';ink ench aeon- niciion. ifc rreonfifnble villi r4i c nurr-i roll*- of Grammar. M'ir were the intention of the Li'^Wa ere ihatjootliei traf or carriage than suck a-car cfiOui the rjiticrd Slates should he reported* v I- convey thai neaning »•! 'wodi9dnci sentenw nvl.en owe' vvouldha^e served a moeh dearer pur|;owo ? 'A lij Oot.it Oiierhav* --aiil—w 'l\\n' all \c"v^ss boa:-, :aft>, eurria^es; &c.oftvha kinH or na¬ ture =oeyer»coming froni tfie *ai'l United ^caics oT America, *Vc. -l-c." Ir'suco had bernthe in- enlion of toe L- gi-ln'i.re I'lere i» Utile doiibl [but iliat theirlaraoiog ivounlfeave beeii so cx- |irc*-*cd, bi'l ihcivrr-c being :!ic car, they 'ir?' provided'ha' ail v«scl<^ boats, rafts aad parTia^cs romiug; ftomanj pori orpiaee v^fia'- •ocver, I^Jen wiiii troofis, v arcs or merriia.ie'i- 2C3,should be reporfe/f, aiif* nexi proceeded to ;»«int out a more de»a.h d roanJier in uh»cH vps. -c|«, hoais^&C coming from the United States nhould ma.'.e their reports. Cuindeji nex' oi!OSi*vfi'oixi -he ProvincIaJ Sta- luie, 4:>u oflfie King, chap. ^?d. Xcct. 2d, bat I rorrfW mv hiabitjty tc. diiacover that !-i? arpn- meii* derive* an\ -*ippori1*'0mrh.ii "notation a* he ha* stated, That Statn'te ;.oiiu> out 'he rule-to he oli^'Tved hy niiia'irsof vessels, iSrc pacing hy apoet ofentry on ihvir route to the plo^e of fheir nl ft mat o desti'tation, and requi¬ ring thai they -hovld make report at Mich pla- ce-,al.hoiifffi i. mljfhl oof b*» intended lhatanv pauofiheeareoof SUl'H v.-spel,." c. shnnlffbe di^eharjted ih^reat, cxecpiiop however, froml the nece—ii> of making this imennediate re- i)ori, ccssei- eioply^ed in ihe inland trade efi thecoontr .and Cann**!Tio Batteanxcoming 'iji the S:. IJtwr»*nce from Loner Canada—hm l>\ no mean- relievine'anv v^-i'l, hi'at.rafi or car¬ riage whatsoever, from the i*u*j of rejioriiiii: on arrivin^ai the pori or ploe'cwhcr^theircar- £oe> .:n*-rn he i!i-charged. The fi»««as tfre*- poet that poi;u, wa--not, Chen, nor has it since been altered. Hov;ii£ thiK&r endeavoured to phew jhe in- eOrr»*c| deliniMiii' tfhen of 'he \;\\ l>v ffaib Ciu- Wtecnrrrroei iaior,4 .-iiall n: vt point our a few i f ihe motive- uhich probah'v Inthteed ilie Le- c; - la I nrr to pa- iho-e Sfatute&aeeord'n^ ;o "'•> eoflrfirueiion pia'"i'd on iheoi l>> he offi 'erv ol ■ovvnmenl: ;\ f am not wiilio»ti Ito o*«fhn* I It has bcenCorrvctt^ stated in the common! cation alluded to, j ,at tlieSanues thereiM «• led were for the tivnja:j4)n ef trade between Ihe Pn-'.inceof l,|,,l;.r( anai|;* and thr Untied States, ©f \meriea TH;t in order to regulate thai, trade with preeUm^jt js ntce^ary tiiai ?iim■■ Official noiiccMnmid be pivcu whether gmdfi Hiiijoriedi 'o any pai>t of the Province, art from a domestic oi fi>rftcn pon,else ho« la the fact to be a^eertanj^j^^^nd if it v.ore a snf- hciciil exCiiM*|o*:>t.m|nve^e|.>-ioais &C trmn reporting hatUioj bad come tip ili»" ?'• Law¬ rence, a means woijJd b-4 pre-^nted for can> tog on 'inlieamd rnta^ij^*and fraud with impu¬ nity. The I'lutci Stags' side of the Si. Law- .eneei? now liueil „iti, nopuloitn \illeg-s and .-euiemem ,and il nonld ite no difficult maticr f«>ra buitoan to Ue partly laden at l.n "bine, and to have iis'cat-;,, c.>«opletcd at Hamilton, Opjen^burghi or .■lscwherc iriih conirainnd or dutiable arti<*!i.-; and here it may be pro- ;xv tisobseive, thai Canadian B-4l*'aux romjue up 'he M. Litwre* ^care in general laden with European ftlnnufaeture*, which are prohibited by Sta'Mtesof the Imperial Parliament, from Coming TD to thh Or tjte si-tcr Province- thro' ihe United Slates j therefore«altboucbthccar' pnea of'.hose c ft -ire not diH)abic,yct i* 5s ne- c—sary positively >o ascertain that they are im¬ ported ihronjrha ht^ful ciianoei. 1 shall COOteni i/iyself »kli presenting n\\t- further considerauftji to the public from many ■ hat might lie cited \n favor ,tf this evidently Gtirrect i"On*tirueilon of Uir Statutes:—of lai • vears it had been iJ • practice to permit fow»j|jn Te--el-., \c. to par iripato iu the Coaiting and iola d trade, and th**«vil wa* t»fa^' Socrea^ing liiat it i>do*:hiiul wl'.etlieriiurOwncrafi would not eventually bate h(***ii enfirel\ «,\elfi.l»*'i from (he iia\i«;.i io - of the St. Laurence, bj fo- reijpnerss bad i» bee«*-ni!"*r^d LO continue, i.a-! \caragreai prppo..'on of tnc Goods and pro- lueeof ihe ectlom'f«. a< wrJl a< tiiat f/ou; the Southern >iti»4 of Lake Ontario, intended fortbe Lower ! a-'ada ^aritet, werel 'ftiisporterl down ihe river in tf,»i»i*u S'*lt»'s 'ciaft, which al.o bro »?h' bade lo rei ;ru 15ri,i-h Goods an. Ma- nifjeuircs.—T='a costom, de«tniccive to ihe viia'in eresisdfouruiari ii;:»* iate/e^i, and di- recrly o|»pojiie CO the S*a:u»ei-of the Imperial Pwliaoient, mttai remaJu uacorrpcted, if u should be reeo^ni/ed a*= a !aw, tha< no craft bin such aa arrive from ihe United State*, are to b. reported,as In nchcaseil would be 'npo >ihl.- to «f: cover which a^c foreign and which domes¬ tic eraf/. |POM COme tOthe eoo^idera'jou ofiberon- rJndmjrpa->.i^e>of " Camden's^ commiuitcali- on.—A i< respect-traiiK. &c laden with mer¬ chandize, thee are governed bytiicsaiw taw* that wereniari'* in alia ton to'.aiieaaXvS.c.aw" they are therefore, eque.lh bound »o report,— bo I cffofess myself wnaWrio reply to hi ob- •er\a'Min" relative to tb«* Carts of the poultry vMnncti, and verniers of hutiei and potatoes,^ therefore mostJ^avehim to die enjoyment of the triumph "tie may derive from this plausible Miopor, to hi> ofber cog'iit rea-onir^s, nnles the Clerk ofihe Market will think proper In ar*v i.-e li'io *»!' Ihe regulation- ro whicn ilio-c v*-- hiciiv. are "objeci on arriving at Kinaion— pt ev.oiis however \*t di-uiis:1r:^ the au'.),*ct, 1 Cannot forbeai ob.«* rviitg rha* •• I'ain lenVi" USU- ai variiu >* '•titirr'ly fursonk him when be a*- •ern*d .l»a< (he t't'ieer-of tTovernment had no ij:i'(*ruH>'iV'-i,' plainer th,-* nrtf COnrtiuctton on Ihe ^tauoe than to put mone\ inU» the |KM k- el .if ilie <"ulleetor for fees, and KtlbjCCl he Men h.iiit-. ea-r"er«. and fannef*, ro needle ••Yiiei'..- ahd fffPh] >.icli an a-^'T'iou. it .i« haaBDV koowb-.I^eol ,ha( ;IU. ;„. M» imj'Oo.K medrlles with, and wii^ unii,h be profe^n >o mnchaeoi.aM.fanee,b, mi,s( t)ra„.aojs nieti- Iv renreliet.>ible, if Qg( rriminn|, on :hi* d. re¬ liction from prudei-;.,. af1(| propriety lioir- jev.r. l-»hJi1lmak^noriil.th#.ro,|^r,a!i0!;.| „mY Uioilve for r |?ly|H|E FbhUcouimHuieatioii are tiot io convince him, b(ll ,0 ^(vea fair a.:l lm- partial explanation ol r(|f. Q^v to the public, who have been a!rcatty t04l mlK.n blinded In prejudices, and whom ,;t. Bernw ,|eall,UI> ofeoo- finnh'g in error, F f:IItt bc-.ve\rr their beiter) i.-t.M- will preserve t!l rm faw the. alio.-mcl - die Jaw ot the land if a n„Mon, opponceCand !m- luckily placed in rh,. |ianf|.: of lU 0rriccrs power torna-tUealU^.h^^y^^jgH^iv^l. fully lo oi'enJ against :.. find ^ ho w.ti uanoe^ MJoa% a Baitr, *Porhr> a Stntt& wi] The Do&« nf WrntiKctoiL, iwoTmlw* Among ti era t'-c c t% bo Manbeuj/e the i^th March, »i|f one WmhU one Savage* one Hrti&, on< Rtiflian Grand Duke Nicolta c,...M ^n- ATff/e 'and one Slorftr. latter mip hia 28th yenr. Sfrrtig* one Hah% a»»(l one There is one Brown* one Lumph'm% on- TWi and one Blunt. There are t!;rec Kingh though hut one Stsartf but they are not without a Campion, an sjlrxander. and a Nelfon. They' have Go/d—zvd Ltwe and Law—*There will you. find a Marjhi with a Root and a Rced~ How many Bells there are, it would not be Pkafani to lay, and perhap-1 Qvould not Tell-fair. Kent is the only Country, and Toll mage the only woma,n. There is a White-Wr and a Burn fide, a Burth- eye and Birds- all- They have two Clurksy and two Moore bolides, Bojhn Intelligencer. FOREIGN NEWS. ■ • - - • ■ ■ 0 LONDON. April io. " WEST INDIES. The heads of the Colonial Depart¬ ment have been occupied for forne days in the invcll'gation of a/erious mi«- nnderitandin^ which ha^ taken place b latter la in hia 28th year. L A petitum'from the iettlerinL Bay* to Parliament, ' com-.Jjii " favours are here (hrw'ii to vcfTeK vhii'h are denied to tho! ging to Britilh fubjc&s." [ Copied from the jfev-York NftW-YOftK,! From Doctor Fraser, wh oilier iu the ship Fidelia, from Orleans, wo Icr^rn, that Mr. H{w "h" Spanish Consul, at that p|Jv pttblic'y assaulted a fen daysU*. =ni!ed, on the Excbftnge« w, down, and otherwise ill-trcaeec-' Mexican officer, which produced8] sidcrabh; agitation in the public||F ut thetimo- The quarrel orinu* coti5equencc of a dispute rolatitu Meximn affairs. The officcrh ' his escape. SAVANNAH^- From Buenos Jj/rc*-—htu 1 . 0 f f „r „ .cat*orIierefca«t.Garuock,iaP between the Governorof one of out \\ eft , m> port vester(!n v momi,^ fn|* India MM and the LegbtM, \m<>* Avws. She sail, don thfiu thepaiBng the law wlilch has been now adopted in nioft rJ our Writ India crossed the CordiUerasof ChiliJ n general ongatremont, aud hr«a! Ubndh,;topw dRd more r^fdl/ to. Lncmvat Chwabucto, mid «fw the aboht.oo of -he: fiavc ty.dz. The .Kin^|rtiww.«dw«SiW. Aft roeafwrc, which the Ho..fe r.f AflVmb!jrj!fililt. tll0rc had arri7cd in , in the prefent Uitacevmtccd ani inc!:- j |>ir.t.., Cnrrobns, with two sr. nation to ad-.pr appeared to rhc Cover-, ,0,. frnm (ht, tT.,;^ St.^aof On His «f e, ^!l th.? rt rrr--| Boriobecnmpted, at mfu^ withJf£^^i^^JS^SSTm. \ ih.n-lhnifonswh.el. be had received, j wa< llo dftuW that hofh frrrw I ^nd calculated to ev^ the humandjiWnjrfortlteWMWrtiert*troi,IQl intention* of the Ugiflatnrt at home. | anoffter time the liberty of thai Ihe Attorney General or the Colony! loonntrv—th* Mtntt)9M6enifie| wa. the orgnn ,,f the Governor on the! a|r,lui. sl„.mouotr-d. On tho ocraimn ; and by the way m wnich he] sid(, nfrh(, riw plate> cominuMcated the nviifi e«g th icl their Speaker. iiTuei a waerent wukej|tem^ into ctlitody the Attorney General, forj (|i;i{ r\tVm what they termed a breach of privilege. 1 The officer of the houfc, and all ihe con-! Maulea who could be collected; were) frfit to< xeccitc this wirrenr at the At¬ torney Ger.rral'K country f'lt or planla- tioot Aware of what wa» in ar<irarron. the learned gentleman int'enclied h'*m- felf within hi- from (he W(j the5Irro*aHr The night hfforc Town of Buenos Ayrefl was brillp illur./iaait:<r and ^ront ifj^?r?ng on, in confluence of th'* vjetun cd over (ho RoyollKts hy the IT troop-in Chili. Sfvcrnl Stolid ^ lor.<, niid some cannon, wn-fnlwfi ALPiXK UORRORS. Extract of a letter rrom gft tfern ar,f dated, D«. '2.^, 1816. It is with grief j inform you that on the 18tli afngbffpJavalaucheswailow^ pd \}p two domestic of the ho-pitaL & fourmenoftheto^ft0f St. peter., with¬ out there being a possibility of r^ndt-r- had set out fr^m tl.e hospHal with lr-t- t*n. Two others wen* *o row>t thr^". from the town, a^j a|i di-appoaivd. Receiving no nciv5 from them, vve si-* out iu great anxie(y J,, search of them. Ni^ht surprised u.* \0 the gorges of <hr mountain, and it Va*witii rhe greatesl difficulty we could |*nu| one another. The wrath we pass ing it. / On the 19thand'>0'hwe madefruit- less search, and < t, die 22d we found fhreeof their boding sefeu fe?t under the snow,n quarter of a league from tb« convent.—-All th«> families of the unfortunate men are in d.^pair and in tears. To increase our misfortune all o ir dogs are burhd under the snow. There i-no lon#erat the convent a sinr- i;le one «t those rnura^ *ous animal- who Have been I01 so U>«*{ a time the hope., of the traveller. The useful race is extinct. For ei^'ht hours the wind had been 'heaping up the snow. The avalanches have changed thefi»rm of the mountain. it will be no longer recognized. Ail the inhabitants o^ Si. Peter, able to la- hor. are on the mountain. tdFwKlm hi «nvn camo, and arm<d In* {the enemy. Tfie Reptiblieniicn-r> negroes to drfeud it. W«- need fcarcely t j rhat lime! was never in a hftffcM add, \hz\ rhe officers ^r jiic, H-....V , r .- 1 rVnemUy were pjt to ijn/ht, and thei We also learn, Ihnt the war hal mace captured and retained as a trophy! ceme'Mitirely popular, and rhe F* by ;l.f K'ficoed. . ] gUese Govemment is odious iu thji Whiiv the enemy was advancing to; treme, and that ambitions nation the ficge, huwever, the /-etomev Gene- j —who had employed tnitor- to^ eral contrived to apprifethe Governor tite their mean- of entering the.- of what was intended ; rht- Latter in (hiiitly jlrry fosubjugat ■ jt^ |{Uf it ha^ seel re fort cd to the extreme p.-wers with* j treason crfhnof destroy tho oniiflf so many inhabitants who bate al tasted the effects of liberty. TI vernment of Buenos Ayres, in .', quence of not having declared WJ *j gainst the ge^ierffl will, are lock^l -! on a> traitor^ and bekt^ pnbliCil jlmed, haTfl taken t1'. m^* vioi^'r scandalous means for teepine trtf\ which Lis f'wereign had iiitrtlfted him, by uToitig a proclamation to difT^lve the Ho ic vt .A. iTcmhlv, end erfoieed iu execution at the head of his regiment* The wonant agai^ft the Attorney Gene*] lal tlviis fell to tlie ground, and the mem bera quietly difperfed. Remonftrancca hoveof courfe been fent I home by both parties ; the fiov & At'y-1 Gel. appeal 10 tfeeh 1 ftm^tiom f»oT the mo*her country ; the Colonial Le^is-] latme, on the otlier band, complain loudly of what they call an infringement of their rightaas BllClfh fubjeds. They alfocharge the Attorney General with do fligbter crlmei .than treafon and rebellion, in rcfifting their wan ant. 'enther was bn temprtuous that ssedoue another without luiow- LONDON, April it. On Friday, an ejehibitiun of the fale of a wiff N»ok place at Djartmouth. A brute of a fellow dragged his wife to the public quay for fale She had been , married about a twelvemonth, is not yet twenty, and could fcarcely fuftatn from j fair.tfng a« her unworthy huiOHud drag-: )r;ed her al-mcr. She Waa pnrchafed for two guineas by he- firft fwcctlicart. STEAM BOATS. A Mr. N^thfll, of the Bnt I ill ! Royal Society has jriven public txpeii- ments of an improvement in the art of propelling boats by Steam, by which the ufi;ai vc:locitv of a Boat may cafily be ■ * * tncrrafed from 3 or 7 miles an hour. The weight of the mac! fnery docs not exceed th»*ee totW [ for hoTU large a boat\ is not mentioned] and the fpacc it will occupy comparatively final] i Wonders of Congrefs. A Griffin and a Lynn—two c'lies. Parts and Gtafgom—Willi but tw.» Wards — It was propofed at fir ft to limit the aft fufpendin^; the grant of writs of Habeas Corpus to the end of the iefTion ' of Pail lament, bnt the hill has paired withn limitation ro ihe 1 ft July, 1817. The Courier of March 24, fayn. ihe | complete furprclfion of revolution-mon¬ ger.-, in England, mnft be '* nielaftcholy news for St Helena." The army of Gicat Britain, lately fb ! numerous, id now reduced &0 I2l,0^c From the Tsondon* #//», April\ Having made inquiry this fun we arc happy to confirm the f?v several morning papers,aud co* that of the Morning Chronicles « tine, thnt the health of the e?*( speaker of the house of Commons much improv- d,a« to leave no dm his bring able in rVsume his ar station at the end of the adjourol NEil^WRh\ M,yV, POSTSCRIPT. 3 oYkock, f\ The fine (nst sailing ship A arrived just a» thU paper wa*' pr»4i for pr*«s, in C2S da)s from LivrpoA t>v her we have received London f..iverpool papers to (he 24th of Aj 'Choir COnttfrttii are not yerj Intern nor important. The Dnheof Wolf ton had landed nt Dover from 1J The henlth of the >ponUer of the of commons continued to improve, it was expected he ^<hjIc~i take the on the 24th of April, the (hy to*[ parliament was adjourned- Thcdi tor general of commerce at lia^im] Wiciiers, has issued a decree, pj Kith Apfil3 informing that Ameril vessels are placed hereafter on the s» footing in respect fo tonnage dntiry the vessels of the Dutch nation. A* ricun flour in Liverpool on the.ftici April rs quoted at 7*2 to 7Us, |h*i There wasimporled in(o Liverpneli ■the we<*k ending April Vld^ JS.3M)|j >hels of-wheat/and h.Vtjv bbis. ofi orienu flour. CottOB rcuiurnod :-he, at tiic last quotations. there are Woods ai(<. with Clay and Rice ; and Broois with fliitti* There is one Ml 'trey«UtftecoL4dei^«>4nn«)ai.|>f.»;«fCted 6t>A/ / f' j? """' ™"rfber> . - , f - . > f .vUJ. io j true icre> cits of thccowjitrv, a- u> a oarlcr (011 ) a Caru?M, a Govper9 a nceao, is oow redvved iJiaoll to a//W/*i. j jau J ^ivc \ui uddu^ounl BctUlrfr <• il 1 . • ■ 11 men, including ihofe in France and India, The Navy, which has cuvcicd every I,ON*DON, April fjj Tlieprincesj l'luul«;lte. a- we 1* from/"od autliorify, is in a Miiiail uhich must iirnfJfv ihe nation at

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