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Kingston Gazette, May 24, 1817, p. 4

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Mvtjtta Pension Aeon's Omen, York, &4thMarch, 181?. toz.. undermentioned Persons*. Supplementary List of Widows and Children adrnitred as Pensioners, between the iSth of September last, (the date of the List tin-\ pub!Mied) and tMs date, vbase Husbnttds or FbfLera haredied i?om Disease contracted while on Militia Service, during (he laie war with Hie l':n- Sheriff"* Sale. ted Stotfs of America-—with the Si m« arrnin r to them respectively, to the 3l*t December. 1816. Xamr and Rank of Pcreased I !B7ame of Widow, &c. Husband or lather of children.! Name of Guardian of Children. NAME, RAXTI. R 'Ciment to ,|«iudi rfecea- .i belonged* Time of De¬ cease. • (Period to which Pension is in By what Board Recommended, course ot Payment. .Nancy M1 Done II Margaret M'Dougal .of:i:*v (Irant J^nncy Campbell Children of * OrHclroii of < atharine Fraser 1'ii/aboth tfamblin Children of Children of » t'hildienof Catharine Farrington Jtorath) IU'Grata Christiana Smith F.lii&abeth Uieks Chariot'e Li Tour Jsancy Vouug Anna Forbes % fcusanna Ben Hannah Storms l'ret-love Darby JJcborah Tompkins Jfiary Young Catharine Pulse liaciiel Cur^callan ILlizabeth Cole Catharine I>rown Child of Children of liannnh Patterson Ciiildren of {iusanrah Kendrick Child of Vhild of Sophia Carpenter Ciiildren of * Cuildren of Ciiildren of m Cii dr«n of Children of Alary M. Couck . Iv.rti-) Wilk^rsoh iudba tfagar Sarah M'CnMum Liu..- licLle ^* ;.i.mi to •» i * ••:' ■ ■• \\ idow of Cnildi'■'.* of SsfSh \i berta . Jktof)- Wigiey Hannah liazel Elizabeth Buchannan Sophia: Augustin Children of * Marv McClcaa Jlouica Girty Widow of •- hild of - AniKtnge iVkloche • a I F.l|OM rn To »-'.•». V.. u\ Garrcney Dollar at 5s. \ DonaJd IVrDoneil D-.iinld.\PDcugal WilUfm Grant William Campbell Thomas Roach Robert M'Laughlia William Fraser Silas ilamblin Jacob Van Camp Rodolpho* Fuller Joseph Clapp Samuel .Karringion JohnM'Grtfth Benjamin Smith jJWeph Hicks Joseph La Tour ileni) Vout g Adam Forbes George (Jen •J ury Storito , Dudley J).> rby Jeremiah Tomkins Henry Young David Pulse Fidivard Carseallan Abraham Cole Henry Urown Samuel W aison Simon Aivhart John Pattorsoji John Wood Duke Wm. Kendrick Fjlijah Durphy George ivlariat James Carpenter Robert Cook Archer Likens Hugh Buckborough John Ovorholt, \\ Lilian) Cole George Couck Rob* ft \\ iikorson Jonathan liager f*oliu M'Collum John Stickle Levi Beemer William Roberts Christopher Wigjey Richard ilazel Wm. BuchanudQ Abel Augns'Jn Johnston Story Allan M'Cl.aa -Thomas Girty James Miller Joseph Poruer Loais Meloche hnstgn Teamster Private Teamster Private do Captain rivate do do do do do do do do Lieui". Private do do do do do do do Teamster Private do , do do Lieut. Private Ulj'ililt d» Private do do do do Team iter do do I'rhate do aim Nadab Eastman -20 March, 1813 31 Pebparj '13 IS Febrnry M3 1 March, ')^'( do 13 ~\ Scfimont '2 Giengarj 1 do 1 do I do Incorpor'd.24 Aimu~t; '13 _, ,20 March 181331 Dec. 1816.75 14 i I Eastern , District. «)>> ' John Lam sou eovilie strict. < [Esther VanSi jinberg John Aerhart l • Keziah B13 mond Frederick Kinds Rebecca Ivtuny Alary Btatiy Catharine Myera 'Eunice Crvaut [Joiiii ClerU L William Scrara cc Ed. do do do do J24 do Frontniac (31 Marfh, 8 F-■l>:-nry,,13|f Johnstown 1 March, '13ft Di: " ' 27 do '13;> SO Xovcmbr.'1-2' 31 jVccm. 'ISj 30 April, '14 [SI October, 'i i; i rinco Kd. IncM'pM. Lenox Addmston do PrinreEd. L oo\ .vddir/Jon \ Ha,ting's Lenox do lAddington i * • * H • » do do do do Captain Private Serge;1, ut Private Ensfgn A •tiny . ailing Master Sea;nan Private Martha VVoolley . i vlary Roach • do Lenox Durham 3 Yoi'- lutorp'd. '2 Vork 5 Lincoln 3 York 0 Lincoln 5 do 1 do 1 do 2 do 2 do -2 do 2 do 2 do 2 do I li»scx 1 do 1 do I do I do I do Kent I Essex Pio'l. Mar. 'do 1 E^.cx 31 Decern- f» March, ?.\ Dec M do 11 March, '27 Oi'ccJi- 18 Nov.'Ul. I i June} •2ft JanV il Defccttt 'i April :i DcceP* I'2 do 7 April 1 J :tn. 0 Decv 1 y(>pr^n. 5 Decr»a- II do 27 Feb'- 10 Junt-'i I'i5 .Now m. 4 I >ec W- 5 Jtinei 10 Octnl>er, ii Dec^iu* lo do If I C; ..i,.^r i\ Octobt i M do 10 do l(; Septem 1 April, ^ 30 June, 'i: 'U 12 'l.i 13 '13 | 'la *12j ISj I'd 13 IS 'lr? >W '13 13 '1 i Midland District. Newcastle Dis't. i i > Home District. i Gore District, Niagara I/iitiict, |1 Feb'y. 5!3. 18 Jo MS I IVinrch, 'IS 22 do 813 fi) August, '1" 17 May, *I3 SFeb'y. 'ta 1 March; »18 .'7 do '13 :0 Nov. »13 Jl Decern. 'I.S 30 April, '14 |oM Oe'ooer'14 <21 do ::i March, 81 i)'-cm. (i March. *IS 31 Deem, |31 do 1 I March l*7 Decern* 18 Xovni. 1 1 June, 25 Jati'y. SI Decern. rM |,8Fii)y. M.J (» Apnl. 'M 'M Decern. M4 Mi M-i M3 Mi M 4 • • • • f • * • .77 4 |77 7 7615 75 12 6 4 :67 q 3| * • '1$ «^- hs • • ».|4 ■ • 'IS • • MM . # MJ • • M3 • • M2 • • >t« «• M.J • • m io 177 18 Vfi 1.5 ,75 6 181 15 [GO 1 53 9\ 7 43 7;11 i H 44 10' 1 I n o 1 J&3 15 7 5 SO 68 60 60 70 '13 i<2 Midland District, JO Hit: S -ID 'Aril,,, EX. EC illION, issued cul of If Is Mains. i)l .v Court oj King s &>irhJi„/(l,„„(Ji. i'ii PL-us in und for the M '.land Ufa Irirl aforesaid, a: the suit of Rirri IKh ROiUSOX, of tu 7„^% lungslon. in the said Bisfrki, Gentfe "an, nmimtike Lauds,mo 'Ihianento LeiCftshfy of Richmond, and district 'foresaid, {nn Keeper, directedtothe Sheriff of ih'e said Midland District / '•vr- sewed and taken in Execution]as 'longing to the said JOS AS A',/,V ALSTIN 6 1 01 l<tt 1 1 4 5 K 0 I 1 Fcb*y, 18 Septan. u 9 Oo't«be no 7 Ap.il, 1 .Jun'v. * 9 Decern 1 Sept 20 Juivy 5 Decern. '12 17 do tl Fcb'y '] Jj 20 June, '13 •25 Nov cm. 'li 4 Decern. 12 5.Tunc, 13 10 October'13 I'1 Decern. '12 31 Decern. 12 1 \ October 12r i tot 71 7HJ12 60" 1 77 IS 7 115 HO1 1 HI 1 7 1,11 [SO. 0 jlli 5 l& 13 7\i, I i > - • 9 * Western District. r^ M 1 Jan'y. IS May, • i t » * ^ • * • # * H do 10 <\o 19 Scptem. 13J 1 A mil, '1 SOJmie, 'U- l Feb'y. '13| IS uptcm.'l'i 9 Oct'r. '1 i • • • * • • SI m i S2 7! 81 l 1 4 54 H i «4 10-L I U ' 0 (i 6* 7 0 61 4 s H i 0 I 11 I II 3 i / 4! 0 10 10 SO, I BSJ15 1 Jau'y. 1S May, 15 '13 1 + ^ * • • * * ■■ „ SI SI 6S 71 9 10 13 10 2 I 7q a 7 si 6 85 J! 10 7| 101 °4 15 l 12 0$ 0 0 hi) 9,101 ■ ■ t • Supplementary Lis. of Persons belonging to the Milida Forces, dfeWrfby WoT^ ^^.^.^ on A ^ rent, occurring WhUst on Duty ; with the Sums accruiyg g them r^ ^ ^ ^ D,cembe;, , g , g. <" o K^MC OF PENSIONER. Regiment or Ser¬ vice to which bo longed. Action &c. w xrfacxr Worvoro. ?mes Secord Period to which iJr\.*io\ is i*. cc»ur»»» I f.i I*av>m:nt. ■ 4 ' ■ eorge Adams '•wis Clement Alexander Rose Angnv ^IcDougal ijauiel M'Coilora. , Bonald Camerou Adam Stull . John bnant Frederick ThompSG* Daniel Steward Joseph Long Geoige Chase Peter. Lampmaa John Can'pbell . • Caj^ain Lieutenant -do do Ser^r-aat ■ Aaron Teeter ,» . Joseph Book f George Elsworfa George tlutchin'on William M'Mulleu Jol:!'. Cornel! Arv.maa W. Cuskmaa iS'athan Baxtes Jo-pi. Dessanx pieire Carthier do Corporal Private do ■ do . do do do do do ' 1 Lincoln 1 do 2 do M Incorporated do 4 Lincoln l GJlengary 1 Liucohi Incorporated 1 Lincoln 1 do Incorporated Ho 1 Lincoln 1 do i Join. MUche! •0o«i dMDouell Daniel Caip JFinlr) ;. ouro "john Campbell. do Seamen Private do do do do do do do do do do do 4 do 4 do Northumberland Provinci Marine Hastings, att'd. tol rVddtngton tlr'gus.) Lenox Adiugton Dr'gns. 1 Leeds 1 Essex 1 do Kent Vols. 1 Glengary I do 1 <io 2 do 5 Liucola Quecnstoa Fort George - -; Ciiippawa Accident at*Fort Wellington Lundy's Lane - , Lund)\s Lan^ • Accident on duty * Fort George * Fort Erie St. David's Qu >: aston Acddeat on duty do do Fort George Accident on duty Accident while on march to oppose the enemy WoumM while standing sentry ' Accident on service, on boa id a Batteau Lake Erie i 1 UOclobr. 13 <J1 Play >13 5 July '2G do '25 do as do 7 Juno 27 May 1^ AngHSt *U 18 July *14 13 Octr. '12 19 Sept. »13 1 July '13 27 May '13 2 4 Oct. '12 '14 M-i M i T14 '13 i'ROAi ! J October/12 27 May M3 5. July, 2ft do 25 do | 25 do 7 June, 27 May, 12-August, *14 18 July, Mi 13 October, *I2 19 Sept. '13 1 July 27 May, 24 Oct. t TO I Cl'KTiENCT !)()LLAR a( 5.y. ', a part of the South Ects- (erljj r.orncr oj Lot aunther Spvchtcen* in the first Concession of the Tomishipof Rich mond ; zshirh piece of Land is hut ted and hounded, or way be oijier- Kisefcnoxcn, us follows-; tlwt istosauy commencing in jronf of the said caiices- #ion9 at Ihe South Euytrriy an fie of said Ii'd No. Scirtffein, thefteeNorth Sixteen degrees. H'etti J?omie?n chmm and Vifty links ; then Son(frSeventy* tour degrees, fPbst t&o chains ; theft HoUth Sixteen degrees^ Rasf Fifteen chains Fifty links, iv'tre or less, to file ?c/der\v ride ; then EttsterU\ along the renter .v/V/c, to the place of btz;*nnjtig ; containing Three uteres of Lands be the same »*iore or few, with a dwelling and out Houses thereon erected. Nov I do fterehty give SOTFCE^, that the aforesaid piece of Land* to* gt'ther -z:ifIt the bdildfngx thereon ereo* ted* Kill be sold and adjudged to the highest bidder* at the Market* in tli9 Town cfKin-sion, on SATURDAY* the THIRD dag of J INU. tJR i, no& next ensuing* at the hoar of Eleveit 6*Clock in the forenoon. • MM&'&yTHORP, Deputy Sheriff. And every person or persons fuming claims on the above described piece of Land aid premises, hu Mc'tga^e, Of other right or incumbrance* ore here* hn advertised to gipe notice 'hereof, to the said Deputy. Sheriff, eft \\ lfot/*t, in the Village of Keoesi Town, pra?- ! oas tit the salt tjkereafc ilEMtV THORP) Depotv Sheriff. io the said Amos AlHcy, the north half of Lot number I % in the ^::cond concession of the township of Kings- ton, containing by r*d;neasurm« nt one hundred acres, fee th'j same more or less; together with a log house and framed barn ther- n erected. 1 do hereby give notice, that t!x- above men¬ tioned lot oPiandj with the buildings and appurtenances thereunto b^Iou^w in^» will be sold aiKl adjud^d to the R *i4 m »14 Ml M3, 31 Dec. IS16.|81« 7 i7U0 • # A'^cid/at on duty Kingston Accident on duty Bvockville Hiv r Raisin do do Long Woods Ogdensburgli V do do Hoople's Creek ' /v.CU*tu| 15 July 24 do 16 April 10 Sept. 14 Decer. 10 Nor. 15 Sept. 7 Feby. 22 Jany. 22 do 4 March '11 22 Fel.y. '13 22 do 22 do 10 Nov. 1 Not. '14 '14 '14 ♦13 '12 '12 '12 '13 *U '11 4 I »13 '13 '14 15 July, 24 do 16 April, 10 Sept. 14 Deem. 10 Norm. 15 Septm. 7 Feb'y. 22 Jan'y. 22 do 4 March, 22 Feb'y. 2'2 do 22 do 10 Novm. l Noun. '13 '13 '12 Ml '14 '14 '13 '12 '12 '12 '13 '13 '13- '14 '13 '13 '13 '13 '14 0 -i ( highest bidder, Kf my r.fttce in the town of Kingston, on Tiiwday the third day of March next, at the hour of ten o'¬ clock in the toreiH.oun—at which time- and place the conditions of sale will be made known. CHAiiLES STUART, Sheriff". Now thU house and barn and sixty acres of lot No. ! j^was not sold. Tho- Sheriffrarao into Court as p witness »J ";ain^t Jclhro Jackson, and declare^ ipon Oath to twelve Jurors, that ht did not sell the Uoe.se & barn and six¬ ty acres of that lot, n^reeable to the original <urviy : wherefore, thathoust and barn and sixty acres of land, h the Iwful right, the labour and prop¬ erty of Amos An^lty, and will be re-, covered as soon us Justice can tak* place. :. Therefore, these or to forbid all per.-; son? from making any waste of timber* M M stone or «.Iay for brick, or in any man-, UOt injuring the house, barn or orch¬ idia rd, fences, ou(-houses and build¬ ings on Said lot So. 15 in the second concession in (he township of Kiugs> ton, now the village of Wellington, AMOS AN&LEXi March 3d, 1817, ' » • • 781 . J3)WAXU) W\CM4JiO^; Genera* JgcntforptyingMmta frm*tS* Sensible of the pivdi* amen* in which we stand, and conscious timt we have done our doty as subjects* we .should be wanting to ourselves and to those- tender connections, who from necessi¬ ty have been the unhappy Companion! of our misfortunes, if we did Dot make- I j | our claim for justice to tho-e who are authorised to gran* it ; and tin.nfore We (\o appeal to the fundamental law of the society of which we are inem* hers—to be protected in Hie original l^agdmurks and Boundaries by which ie have reduced a howling wilderness e a popoJousiJrov;nc'- •

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