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Kingston Gazette, May 24, 1817, p. 1

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[SATURDAY, MAY 24, 1817.] ■ TON [VOLUME VI.------No. 51.] GAZETTE 9 Kingston, Upper Canada—Printed and Published by STEPHEN MILES.—Price Four Dollars per Annum—Exclusive of Postage. Baruwi-T *7*cr»srai./,sCTH»aafci»ji sst wajwcwrs Price ofadwrtlSn^ in the Gazette. Six lines and wncler, 2/5 nrll i.nkrtion. and \j% every fuhfequent. Ten lines and under, 3/4 firft infer- tion, and l/S every fuhfequetit. Ten lines and up**mhj ^L per line firft inferiion, and zcL per line every fuc- cccding infertion. AdvertifeTieuts unaccompanied Will. written direftvMW arc fnferted till forbid, and charged accordingly. MOO r,0 F FEE- II OUSE. -r~*r T Lieutenant Governor9s Ojjkt% York* lyib February* 1 * 1 7. HIS U to give notice that fende* will be received ac ihia Office from j fnch perfon or perfon*. as may be defirpn* ofContra^Jng to render the whole, or any pan of the: Water Communication between La Chine aiH Kingston, by th.- eoiirfetfftbe River Ridean, 04vi^abkf*r Boats drawing two feel water and teu >«! fcidth—a(f>f for I "'its dravi cr three feet vcater a*d twelve *. t in wi&K The Tenders are tofpedfy tfrc mm* fcerof Locks and rhe places at which it is prop- fed t build them : alfu the Dum¬ ber of Fto<>4 Gatesin each Lock—and the periods for completing the work by the I rift Creek. Tender* w-ll 3H0 be received for open rig fUe Communication in the direftion •f the RH-au Lake, and the water* «om-nu!tieiring from tbence to mud Lake. and from thence to Kin^Son. Tend *r<u ftatin^; the feea*&* for per forming rht contract will he received till 4h?3Gth of fnnc brst incluGve, and Fuf- Ihei particulars may be known bv ap- •Iving to the Stjrveyai Gen. Office at Y'.rk—Th*- Office of the P.-aty Qttir- ttr Jffaft, General at Quebec—«w the 4ft3**» Quarter M^acr General at K«' i.'!1 tmh FiUtury 1S17- 4! Just Arrived, 1 100 Qui^lylsilry Cod Pofa* JO barrels Lh>t»\ $0 Oih Bay ChnlcarMnini #0 Koi;s Lm*-ii h'liie Herring, )0 Firiuiw Ratter. jLSO,—A lew lem bed ISughth P!aU*«l Harnesses, 'S'^^tin s ami Bridles, Riailirgulcs, Pads, Yelieses, Horse Cloattiiiig;, and $V Doz. Kino Smo< s. TV 'hove articles will be fold cheap £brCafh 01 produce. * ALEX r. M VCBONELL & Co, Kingston 2^th Jan. 1817. 34 For Sale, ^7* fd« 5/on? */" *&<? subferiber, r lour j Pcafe, Outs, • Jtt Seed Corn, %da General affortment of SHAKER GARDEN SEKDS. P. WfeTBZL. 9tingst»n, March I, 1*817. 39 T'fE fnhfcfiber having opened the Houfe lately erected by Mrs. Fin¬ ale, next dooi to Johns & Fiulcle's, ref- pgctfully informs the public, that he has taken great pains to furnifh it in everyf ■eftfeft to merit the beft of cultom. Gen- ilcren travelling may relv upon having gOrtd accommodations and attendance. Their being attached to the houfe a jocflynrd and (tables, Teamlters can have fuitable accommodations. •Soups evety day from 12 to 1 o'clock- Seven or ei^ht genteel boarders can be attended to. J. MOORE. Kingston, Feb. 1,1817. 35 Education. Mr, & M:is. WOOLF, "r^ EG leave to inform the public, .£3 that on tlie 13 thin ft. they pur- .'Olt to commence a Boarding and Day SCHOOL, in the houfe recently occu¬ pied by />-. Macaulay \ for thetrrftrae- tion of Young Ladies In the different branches of Female Education. Cards of terms and evtry other re- <lM\ic information may be had ou appli¬ cation t tbem- K'moszcn, 3// Maj, 1817. 48 To Lei^ A NO po/Tcffion tjiven the firft dav of mxL /nrtiivxt, that Houfe GardcOj a.id Sub:c, occupied by the fuhferiben HENRY BAKER. Kingftcr:, May 1 1817_________48 ■ • ---------------------- "" " hnriHE concern heretofore carried on j ! il bv the fubferibcrs, under the firm .if Kuigpbury 5c olci^tr, h ck»»dajr iii(- iolved by mutual c .nfcut ; >.ll thofe in debtcd to f;iid firm arc requeued to call and fettle them, a-> lluir Note**, accounts Hud Cloth is left with Mi. David 8c- c«nd ; the Notes and accounts forcollcc- ti ^fl. Daniel Kinglhuvy, jona. E, Sleeper*, Napanee Mills, April 26, 1M 17* 484P i HEW GOODS. THl{?day received at the Store of Bartlet, 100 Calks wrought and cut Nails, of all lizes, Window Glafs, Iron, Steele, Nail rods, Sheet Iron, CROCKERT& G LASS WARE in Crates and Hogiheads, White Paint, Mustard in Kegs, Hyfon Skin Tea, Cuffee, Chocalate, Mufcovado Sugar, 'Jamaica Spirits, Currier'n Oil, and A targe addition to h'm Stock of Dry Goods ; And has on the wav up from Montreal,! J GREAT VARl&TYOt (G o o ms. Of almost every Defcription^ Which will he f id very cheap by whole-, fale only. j __Fcbtraary 1, 1817. 3 J j/ 1 PROPOSALS; FOR PRTVriNO, 15V SUBSCRIPTION ALBANV, N. Y. Skttekes of I '••her Canadi Cuctom-House Office, \fl Aprils 1817. VefTcls, Boats, Rafts, &c into th^ Harbor of Kingston may be a- wareof the regulations Of tiie Port ; the following notice is given fur then Infur- mati' n a**J guidance. The Master of every dtfeription of] Ciaft coming into the Port, it, on hie' Ij arrival, and previous to 1 nloading any * part of his Cargo, to make report at the Custom-Houfe, and there receive a pro¬ tection and certificate of eu.ry.—Tbia rule i-> to be obferved by veflels of every description coming up the river as well 1 as thole l'iom above, and to be as rigid-; ]y attended to by Britiih fubje&s W*/LNTE1j>, IN order that Makers and owners of! I A WAITER at a refp^ahlchoufe, VefTels, Boats. Rafts, &c. coming!! ^ «*«» understands hi., bufinch m *- ve' y - fpedt. No on? ^eea aucly but «ko is thoroughly acquainted with the bufiuefs.—!EiH|utreat thl*# OiHce. 1 ■ — - - _ — n-------■—-m-----------■--------^-^-raw-----'-----m~w For Sale* LOT No. 23, I2th conceflion of the t-jwnfhip of Peicy, DillriA of New-Caftle.—also, one filth of an acre Jhi the Town of Kingftpa, For term» enquire at this Office. Engfton, 14th april, 1817. A.6rf JUST received and for fale at this Of¬ fice, price ifS, Poems on his Do* mestie Circumstances\ by Lord Byron.— With the Star of the Legion of Honour* and other Poems ; to which is prefixed^ a» fo¬ reigners. All craft on leaving the Harbor to b piovided with a Clearance. Any craft not belonging to a Brit'fhj Ncrj. 28. fubjea, found engaged in the ceasttngj ly^ f** Qrthe N0Ue AutJ:or trade of th'S country, will be fetzed, to- ' ptthcr with it» cargo. Office hours from j! 9 o'clock, a. m. to 4 o'clock, p. W. CH'n. A. HAGERMAN, 46 w 6] Co!lector. Not' 2$ \:;ri a f^^ntfb'^tl anil KifUmcal D*><crlp tioiM- in- *,'-.-:- ', ,y-hi \\\v\wz ili^Ute War vvil'tn - i«.l ,ir,tr it.. Limit*. \CSL, ;'IOMj 1. This \\i:.k vsjil |)o comprised in an Octavo v^luMf, 01 about 'MO page?:, priatrt' on a _rood iViw :mu1 lino paper. %, XJ//pf/W •'- ub.c.ih r> will' be One l)ol!;»r ami Si \ v>ty-^\v<i Cei^S in hoards, or Two Ut?iuur>and Fift) Ct-nts usv.Oy bound audi iclu.,.?,j. The Books' will bti'detivt'rud in Kingston at the! AH,an> jnico of T\vo IX.ll-trs and 1"m'-I tv Lcutr. with the addition e. the im-J post d it), only. ^ 3. To those wh, -bscribc for 1 Copies, or p-oeun.. ,£VnS:ib*crib8rsl Khveuth C« py a'i;i ^. gi\e»grails,on11 delivery and pajtrngnt 01* the Copies sub cnoi'O for. , ^TSubscn'ptr)nsrcrfiie ft^m Work id be received at this Ojicc. ce. \ LL perfons indebted to the fub(cri- **• ber are rcqucAed to make imme¬ diate rraynient. All kinds of produce will be taken in payment, at the Market prices. The fnbfcriber has taken imo partner- fhip his brother, ^Hau R.. yi/acl)otiell. Thehn'ln- fs in future will be carried on' under the firm of ;r,E.V. MJCDONKLL^ Co. In addition tc their former ilock, they I are now receiving a general aflortment of 1 DRY GOODS, JLIQUOM8, GRO lEftltifl IIARBlVJl.lt. Earthen 8f Glass, PAPER- IIAyGL\ GS. THE fubferiber has lately received a fmall affortmeat of PAPER HANGINGS, for fale on vcaionabfe terms if applied for foon. JLSOt A few Boxes ^Touldand Dipped CANbtES& SOAF. And a new fupply <;f Dry Goods & Hardware. S. BARTLET. March, 1817. 4^ For Sale, A VALUABLE Farm, with build. ^*- ing.- also lar^c improvements there- [on, favorably fitnated wiihin ^R miles of Ki'ig ton. Peiions dchrous of ^ur» 1 '"'-:.» to rioiifre of the Pijnlen <? *in«tton,?ulj IO, l8ie. 31VS Btt, an f AF.X'r. MACDONELL. Kingston, \jl Sept. 1816. JV OrtHiS is to foibid ali SUid every per. Jl. (or of pedoffi who'ni'ocvcr, med- dling with, 01 in any wile interfering wiih the Lois in Johnfonviile, purchal'ed from Join) Fergoton, Efq. by the fublc<ibcr, Kichaid Smith ; and alfo with the Lot ( bought troni J'-an Bapiiae des trow j inpH L lublcribe. begs leave to inform Maifoii. called Keau, by the faid Richard , j J|_ h;s fricndsand y\K public IP jreneral, .Smith, and Cyrus his fon ; for Beam- I ]t^al be has jnft rcccivej a,,d D»w olFers mm Walker Sn.ith and K^aria Smith, without teavefirll had and obtained from i \ iiUS SMITH. Kingston, April zi, 1817. 47"'6 For Sale, ' pHE West half of lot number nineteen 1 in the feeond concefilon of the town- Ihip of KM* Apply to the Printer. Kingston, Juh IO. IB If. *"« BLAIR'S Sermons PorttU9, Evi d'.-nccs, the Canadian Viiitor, bound o* fiogle* t..rrethcr with a oveat tariety of ufeful Bc.»k« and Truct^, for young- people, for Si'ie at this Ollke ;— where accef^ may be had to a fm&H en - culatine Libra' y, three times a week, on federate termSt-j anguft 1. 18 »6. 4?v6 3l v^ NUi'tCE. for fale, at the Stor^. formerly occupied ! by Mr. J Richar^fm, near ttic Scow Landing, Best London P0rtev in Bottles, Beit Port, \ Common, "' .T— 0 L. P Teneriffe T WINES. Cogniac Brandy, II Peppermint, II Vinegar, II Pickles, II Muftard, U Pipes, Common, Jamaica Spirits Holland Gin, Shrub, Lime Juice, Sauces, Pipe Clay, Loaf3t Mufcovaooij Hyfoo, Green and 11 ^ ' « *-r> MONTREAL Air Furnace. JOSEPH LOUGH& Co. EG leave to announce to the Pub¬ lic, that they have commenced the bulinefs of Founders, On their property, foot of the Quebec Sunuibs, immediately adjoining the Ship Yard of MeffrB. Hart Loj.;an & Co.| where they will flirnifli Mill Cartings of all defcriptions, agreeable to [uch ordera artbey may receive,—Mfo.Blatklmith's work of every kind executed with neat- nefs and difpatch. Montreal, Nov. 11, 1*|6. N. B. Caftl Jiiven for old Metal, dehv- ered at the Work*—lay ai the rate of ^5 per ton, and for old Brafs 4d, and Copper 6d per lb. il TO LET, \ TWO &«y Houfe, in Stuart |-|JqL Ville,! tit outlideof the Town, oa 34.I i«he road iea-lm^ to the Bay uf Qti.me. ___^jjThcreisa Baker's Oven in the lower part of it, and an ixcdltnt Kttehui For farther particular1 app1/ to the u ufcru ibcr. JOSEPH CLEMti.T. Kingston, March u, 1817. 4t AQU'.NfTITY UF EEDCOft^T For Sale at this Office. 43 titv of A small quantiiv ONION SEED For fale at the Druggift Store of W F. CARLISLE. Kington, March 12,1817. 4 * * Fo) Sale ygl OM re^fonaWe terms, a remarkable h-mdt'on.c Bay Geld!n About 5 vtm old next Grafe,- goe mil in Har,,efS, b W f?*%*t W.vn» he one of the bell bred H-^ fc in the neighbourhood. Enquire « th. •ffi-e, or at the Store of Mr. Walt.r BlcConifte. t Kingfton, April 4, 18 • 7-___ 4* TO LE T, 4 ND pofTedion ,:ven the firft nay ^[ A M-4' ne*t, that Strand l--^1 Vtffci.1 occupied by Mr. R.chard South 4toam Mar4 & ***1* 4i * LL perfons having any demands 'A a,rainft the Ellate of the late iUPB/lLBT ADAMS,* **£ hurah, deceafed, are hereby rtqueftrd, l0 produce their claim, duly autb,nt1Ca :,P__alloaU pevfons indebted to the •aid E'late are hereby requeued to make immediate payment to . SIMEON WASHBURN. Jttino Esecuotr. H-Jl.---ell, 12th Nov. .8.6. 3lv6 STEAM B0,'.T Mansion House. ,HE fubferiber begsleave to inform J hi* friend* and the public ^ rr^d^pt VV,n Vaug,w lately r-ccugi ^^ ^ ^ accomiT,0. He pledges him fhallbe r 4 , hi- oart to render the Biuation bugsr?! Caded & Bailey Teas Raifns, Cask and Boi. Cloves, Nutmegs, Chocolate, Common & Shav¬ ing Soap, II Soufhong Tea*. H Engliffli Chccfc, II Almonds, Pepper, Alfpice, II Cii namon, II Coflue, II Pearl & common Barley, CAS OATS, For Sale at this Officer Wanted^ Fig Blue, CI 'IT siiuir, 1 Starch, Tobacco, &^_ ^c. Together with a fSv DRY GOODS, fuhed to the fe;'f->'i an(J a variety of other articles, which ,ie w\\[ difpofe of cheap for cadi. ED v'd. DOYLE. Foist Frederkkt dtrV, 18.7- 49 which i» now -, dation -f travr lert. He p Ulf to the pnbiie. that no pa o. o «ri :,l '^"wihlPM JOHNSTOS SathtJ^onMayi^^r 49 the SubfcriLfj Fl^ur, Pork, Peafe» C<-rn, Oats, Cheat for Cash. THOMSON ^ DET^OR. a& My* i**l* 49w3 And the highest price paid for BA RE* E F, HE-, MOPS, M the old BrewfflPjof J as. Ilob.n=on. Gillespie Sf fim %• Kingston, 261'u December, 1816. 32 TO XE T, uiTABtE fera perfon in a mercan¬ tile or other public line of buHneft, a la.vre new built Houfe two ftories high. with a "ood cellar : a Wharf and Store, fitoatt in a moll eligible part of the town fo. bufincD, being m the vic.mty ,f the market place. For particular? enquire of the Primer._____________44 For Sale, At P.lRTof* Lot near the Mar ii/jL kct Place, with a houfe on it 1 ur part«c«l ra >p, y 10 Uic Ranter. Kir%sten9 'Jan. *$, l8l^ 2+ A COOPER- Liberal wages will be given for a good workman b/> appiyim- to JAMES ROBINSON. Kingston, Fcb.zz 181.7. - 38tf - ----------- * I Wantsasituafion^ ||"[TN fume Writing Office- in *his pl^cet JL as a Ch-.k. i\Ierchants or Auftioii- eers who may be in w«.nt of afliftanc? in that branch, will do weU by caMinq uponf the P inter for father information, as the pyfon who wiBm to engage will be in rcaclir.cfs to attend to the feme ort Monday, next, the z8th inft. ^ Kingston, Jpr9 22, 1817. 47 IVof • nplHE fubferiber refneAfully informf 1. the public th?t the thi^d Cpiu^ls fion, or the place of his rtfidence, in the towuihip of Kin^aon, U le-jally na-ned Sandville, fiom Deeds regiilered in the* Regifters Office, though invidious per- fona have rcpr«-fcated the name of f?ii place to be Waterloo. All letters d> ro&«d tiThim will not he opened as no fueh place is known to him S.\Mi.. PURDY. • Kin°stMt May 13, ifclj. "if

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