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Kingston Gazette, May 17, 1817, p. 3

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cnafr of ^fricr\ Wed finite*, or Conti¬ nent of /V'turjca, the Briuih Colonies and United States* excrpted. DREADFUL GALE. We experienced kill nigh't (Tay our Pfymoth acconnt*)i»nr of the moil awful (lorrm, in the memory ol our oldeft inhabitants.—The damage done is incal¬ culable ; many very didrtfliug c^feshave corr.c to our knowledge. The Pi inccfs Mary Packet, which landed her mail Here laft Tburfday, ia a total wreck, Under Cat-down.—This melancholy event took place ab uit a quaiter part 4 ilifo morning ; dreadful to relate, the fcafter, Mr Gidley, his wife and fon, together with fevcral others of the crew, fcave perifhed ; the former locked in each •therV a» ms» and thin died together. Since writing the above, we are grieved to find, H. M. fchoonei Tele¬ graph, is completely wrecked under the Hole ; but by a molt wutidciful interfer¬ ence, of Providence, only one man b loft. H. M. brig Jafpcr, and the Lap. wir»K> revenue cutter, arc alio total Wrecks : the former of which, it is faid, ^olt every foul on hoard- This dread- tul eataitrophe took place under Mount Batten. ,YcoalUr ftom Falmouth fink in the Sound-, having ftiuck on the Cobltr. Our private accounts from Pans ftate, that th: liludfi of the King is of the {loft ffrioufl nature. The Phyficiana avc pronounced that dropfy has taken jplace, and that the cafe is hopelef*. Benjamin Weft, prefidcm of the Royal ^f'cadervy, has been c1»fted a ©ember of tht Academy of Painting at Rome, in conTideration of hi* diliio- guifhed taients a* an anal. The proclamation of the Revoluti¬ onary Chief* has heen received ;—it de¬ clares the ports of Gu4yno% Cumana% La- Muita and Porto Cavcllo. riguroufly blockaded ; and veiTeiR attempting to filter Ad*1p»*rt** will be declared good prize, without any excufe or extenuation Whatever. «hent the MreiTed ftate" of trie nnrf-e- row emigrants who arrived at this port at Hmoffice for aid tn return to Great- Prirain and Ireland, or to His MajelW'l Colonic ,n Upper-Canada, and having prom.fed to give public notice to th-m of the rcfult, I hereby inform fuch Briiifh rubjefts aa can produce fatigfaftdrY evi¬ dence of goodcondua and iiidullnous habits, that I am a1.thori7.ed to place all fuch in a fjtuation whereby they may obtain the important privileges of fettie- metlt in His Mn;efty'« provinces of Upper Canada or Nova Scotia. Ap¬ plication to he made between 10 and 11 each day.—No reply to kny letter if not pod paid. JAS. BUCHANAN. N. B. PafTporta have already been granted at this offij'e to 340 perfons to proceed to Upper-Canada, ExtraS of a letter from Havana, ekted March 6th to a gentleman in Charleston. *' We have no news here, only that the Ktng of Spain has ceded Buenos Ay res to the Portuguese ; and the report is, that the Colony has delivered itfelfup qnitely to the troops of that notion. Troops have arrived here from Span for Mexico, and in a few days we cxpeft a reinforce ment for this place." From the Commercial Advertijhr. Summary punijhment.— Our Boflon (E. C« H.) Coriefpondent, writer that he had juft fcen alerter from Port au Prince, dated 20th Frb. Rating that an Unfortunate fracas had taken place the day orcvioos,on hoard the hiig Merchant, Burnham. of Kennebunk, while the cautain was on (hare. It appears that two blncA niLii went on hoard the brig while the mate arid crew were at work between ^cck» ; mat the mate £»£ Procefsfdr fweetenmg TWSly Corn. Sfr Jofeph Banks received .a letter from Mr. Hatchet, who informed him that fcveral years ago he was employed in refearches into the quality of wheat and barley, in confequence of which he difcovered that mnfty grain which was fo bitter as to be totally unfit for ufe, and which could fcarcely be ground, might be rendered perfectly fweet and found by fimply immcrling it in boiling water and letting it remain until the water became coil. The quantity of Water in this cafe was alwnm double the quantity of corn to be purified. The wheat or grain is afterwards to be dried, ftirrng it occaficnaily on the kiln, when it wilf be found improved to an extent which can be fcarcely believed without actual experience. tc EXTRACT. Lumbardy poplar deflruQive to the wcazle." " A weazle will not enter a bin made of the boards of lumbardn Popla'r-^and even the branches of the tree fpread over the grain, will prevent their dcItruAive effects on wheat or Indian corn.'* AGENCY. THE fubferiher having been upcrargj often years in the Dep. Pay mailer General's office, and being one of the re¬ duced unfortunates, he refpectfully off¬ ers hit) Cervices to all ftaif, retired, half pay officers, and others who may have occalion for an agent in Quebec He trulls that, from his intimate acquaint¬ ance with the nature of furhtranfactions* he will be found tit ting f»t the bnfinefs hefolicits. JOSEPH CARY. Quebec, April 18, 1817. 49 3 I do hereby notify the public that the parperty late'y exchanged by Mr. Blake, with Edward Barnett in the Village n£ Stuart-ville, is fubjeft to my claims of doweiy, and 1 forbid all pcrfons purchflfing faid property withe out previoufly calling on rhe. MARY BARRETT. Kingston, May 9, 1S1 7. 4^tf THE tbbferiber begs leave to inform his friends and the public in general, feh'it he has jull received, and now ofFert for fa!e, at the St'«re formerly occupied by Mr. *J Richard fon t near the Scow Landing, Best London Porter in Bottles, Belt Port, \ Common, . f wimtto A. r. L eneritte .ommon "S one !! ;: 1 tu A letter from Santa Martha, dated 9th Jcb. Hatea :—"That Bolvar. ha* been •in rely defeated'On the river UuatK, bet wen Barcelona and Cape Condcra. He had dilembavked upward! of qoo men, and had loll more than 500. He w» wounded, and efcaped by flight with Aril;nendi. purlued by the cavaWy. The roval tr- ops oonfilted of eeo rfteii, 9eve« hundred muflcetn, & piece of caw hot?, and 20,000 cartridges, with bftttffc drums, ftand^rd., the writing defk of Bolivar, ?n which was his picture, and Ris feather, fell into our handa," or-.«»S'.\' .71.'., The Curacoa Gazette of Feb. II, alfo fays:—.•• We have letum from ^orto Cavello to the 30th ult —They lay. M On the 19th we defeated Piar, in Guyana, and Bermudas and Marino, ftt Ciimana. 0.« the 9'h, Boliva^ and Arifmnirdi, (a Creole) were routed. M On the 19-h the Royal H Q^werc at Chagtiaramu^ We are on the march lo "* rq<Mi*. La Toirc is at Baiines, and Mnrillo wasat Chire, and to-day will be at Harines. ** vVe have nothing to .dread from the enemy ->» FRENCH CHl'ISERS. Capt. Alesandcr, of the fchr. Frank- Kn, arrived at Baltimore, in 19 days from St. Coix, dates, that a French Frigate, with 1 tendrr, arriw-d at St. Thomas, iR of Feb and failrd the 2zd, on a cunfe for Carthagrtiian privateers, on account cr r,.«p .'epredations committed ou the jrench fl^g. ^^^^^ The following gentlemen, (members of rhr Houfe of AfTembly)arc appointed a- Grnnmilfioum on the part of this Province, to treat with Coaimiffionera from Upper Canada, relative to the revenue, vise. ftfdTr*. Davidfon, Sher- wood, Cuviliier, Viger, and MeCord. Montreal Courant. ^Thefollowing Notice has been advertifd in the Mew J orh papers. Hib linta.imc M»]eiVyrbCunfulaxe,! Nrw-Yo.k, 28th Ptfb. 18.7. j Having laid befure n»y govcra- crew to odcr them away on deck, and ohferying the negroes rather dilatory an to leaving the omjv, took up a itave, and ilrtlek one >r" ttlciM ; th> t\<%r» thus ftiuck,fell, into the boat al.mg ftde, and eitW by trie blow, or the f4||f hid his Deck broken, and hecoufcqurialy di*-G.__ The man who (truck "htm was immedi¬ ately leizedj taken hefore the Court Ali/itckre, and condemned without benefit of Counfcl to.be flint ^t 4 oftlock the lame day, (live ljoupb pfter the fracas to<«k place)—an.d,bhe fentence was put in exectituui. thefcrrjan/eceivrng 17 balls in various pans 01 the body, amiJIt the (bouts of as fine a mob as ever graced Paris during the rcigo of ihe bloodieft DireAory. AMSTERDAMJan t$. Prompt Punifiment-—Capt. de Noran, of Embden, in a letter dated Tripoli, N^>v. tith, writes ;That on the 25th September his veflel, filling under the Entrlifh Hanoverian flag, was captured by a Tripolian fhip of war which carried her into Tripoli the toth of November, with the Englifh Hanoverian Sag half ivav up his fore topgallant mast : That on feeing this, the Britifh Conful took down his flag, and went in compniiy with Captain de NrSran, to the Bey, and made his reprefentation : That the Bey r/3ve immediate orders for the at reft of tl« Captain oflhe cruifcr, and directed the Hanoverian vrflel and crew to be rcil >red forthwith ; which was done under a iaiute of cannon. And while the veifel was re hoiftingher colours, the Cat ^1 of the miifi 'fwar nvas hung up to Lis mast, at the fame bight he had hw-g the fid* not half an hour before—as a latiatac- Jamaica .Spirits, Holland Gin, Shrub, Lime Juice, Sauces, P:pe Clay, , Loaf 2c Mufcovadofj CLASSICAL EDUCATION. SCHOLARS maybe inftiofted at the Academy, in Mr. Hehry Br¬ ier's red ho-jfe, rear ftrcet, in the follow¬ ing branches of Literature, at th> annexed price**, viz \ In Orth-graphy, Read- 7 £ 1 : 2 :6 per inrr and Writing J Quarter. Englifll Grammar, Arithmetic and B^ok Keeping^ 1 : ro ; o per quilft Compofition, Oratory, the Ele¬ ments of Natural and Civil Hiftory, Piactical Mathemat- icsjGfo^raphyj^c. £ 1 : o : o pr qt# Latin, Greek and other ClaHica] bianchei. £ 3 : o : o perqur. Both fexes have feparate and commo¬ dious aoartments. The Miffes may b« indrufted in Needle-Work, Drawing* ice. Kingston April9 1817. 48 ll it u Sugars, Ca<M & Barley Veaa Raifius, Cask Cloves, 11 Cognjac Evm9jti Pepprr«nmt| VhcgHT§ r-icLlc*, Mu (lard, Hyfon, Green and A HOUSE and LOT, in the villag* Soufhoug Tcaft, -i-*- °f Stuartville. For oarticulafd FOR SALE, I! N'.itni eg. II ll II En^lift Chccfc, Alun.inJa, P. pper, Ci'.ina;non, Ct'fl-.e» Chocolate, || Pearl & common Common & Siiav- || Barley, ing Soap, || Fig Blut, Starch, || Snuff, Tobacco, &c. &.c Togeiher with a few DdY GOODS, fnited to the lea fon, and a variety of other articles, which he will difpofe of cheap fur csfh. EDWd. DOYLE. Point Frederick. April, 1817 Jg 3TEAM BOAT Mansion House. THE fnhferiber begs leave to inform hi> fiieuda and the public gene¬ rally, thnt he has taken that Large and commodious Houfe in SocketT.iaibor, lately occtJgid by Capt. Wm. Vaughn, which is now opened far the accommo¬ dation of travellers. He pledges biili- felf to the public, that no pains (hall be fp^rcd on lii- part to render the fituation of his gticfts pleafant and agreeable. Good Carnages, and careful drivers, will be kept for the accommodation of gentlemen. WILLIAM JOHNSTON. Sachet/harbor, May 1,1817. 49 enquire of J'jHN DARLET. Kingston* April 26, 1817. 4.7 THE weft half of Mr. John Btijftii* Houfe> Tor particulars enquire of the owner, at S. Merrill's, Kingston, z^sh April, 1817. 47 fllHE Widows Sc. recommended by J_ the board in the Midland Dis» tnct, can receive tnetr EN8IONS, by applying at,.the Office.of Dam- iel Washburn, Efq..in J^ing;ton. , April 25, 1817. , ,, .',' 47 To Applicants for LAND. A 1 GENTLEMAN who haS> been for fome time employed in the Land OfficCH in this Province, and is well acquainted with the neceflary foims in making applications for Land, &c. will prepare Petitions, and tranfaft Land bu» fine& generally, for applicants. Enquire at the Printing-Office. Kingston, March 27,1817. 42 Blank Deeds and . lion 10 the Anglo Hanoverian flag. For Sale, Memorials, For fale at this Office. Liverpool, Jan. 7. Confideranlccuriofity has betn excited 111Leeds during the I?lt week, by the appearance of a paiettt coach we under- Hand built at Sheffield ; It has fome- thingthe appeaiaucc of a boat, the outride work being entirely of heat iron | the ItiggagC is ll owed as it were in the hold; the outtide paflengers fit mod comfortable 111 the firlt half of. the vehicle, crc;.tly Weltered from the wea¬ ther, ivith convenient benches, the inlide paflLngera occupy behind them, a com¬ pact four-iQ-iide coach. The wheel* are io clofcly and apiiy fixed, and the lug¬ gage fo tightly llowed in the very heart ot the carriage, as to render an over.- ttrovr very iaiprobable. B the Subfcribers Flour, Pork, Peaie, Corn, Oats, Cheap Cor Cash. THOMSON & DETLORi gth May, 1S17. 49w3 Wanted, COOPER. Liberal wages will be given for a good wokman by appiying to 7AMES ROBINSON. A Kufgiton, Feb. 22 1817 Rags! Rags I Cash and the highest price paid for CLEAN COTTON AND LINEN RAG AT THIS OFFICE. Wan ts a situation, 1FN fome Writing Office in this place, JL as a Clerk. Merchants or Auction¬ eers who may be in want of aft (lance in that branch, will do well by calling upott the Printer for farther information, aa the per fon who willies to engage vrill be fa readirieis to attend to the fame 00 Friday,-next, the 28th fnft. ' Kingston, April 12, l8l/. -^7

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