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Kingston Gazette, May 17, 1817, p. 1

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[SATURDAY, MAY 17, 1817.1 KING [VOLUME VI.------No. 30] P GAZETTE. Kingston, Upper Canada—Printed and Published b* STEPHEN MILES.—Price Four Dollars per Annum—Exclusive of Postage. VtXx-zp: Price of advertifng in the Gazette. Six lines and under. 2/6 firft inieriion. and 1/3 every fuhfequent. Ten lines and under, 3/4 firft infer- tjon, and i/B every fuhfequent. Ten lines and upward*, 4*/. per line firft infertion, and 2d. per line every fuc- QttdlOg Jnfcrtion. Advertisements unacenmpanied with Written directions are inl'erted till forbid, and charged accordingly. MOORE'S COFFEE-HOUSE. Lieutenant Governor's Office, York* igth February, 1817. THIS is t> give notice that Tender* will be received at this Office horn fitch perfon orperfonsas may be defirouc of Contraftin^ to render the whole, or any part -<f the Water Communication fcc'ween La Chine anc* Kinpst^n, hy the courfe of the Riv$r Ridcau, navigable f>r Boats drawi.ip two feet water and im feet width—alfo, fistf boats drawing three feet water and twelve fci-t in width. The Tendets are to f >ceify the num ber of Locks and the places at which ir is propofed to build them : n'fo the num¬ ber of Flood Gates in each Lock—and the periods for completing the work by the Irifh Cieek. Tenders will alfo be received for open i*T .he Communicat'on in the dlrcdi-n bru"chf « Femsue Education, of the R&feui Lake, wo the water, Card, of terms and evrry other re- communieann.r ftom thence to mod H' '!*« *&™»M»a '«'ay t,c had ou W* T#£ fubferiber having opened the Houfe lately ere&cd by Mrs. Fin- kle, next duoi to J»ihns» & Pinkie's, ref- pe&fully informs the public, that he ha* taken great pains to furuiuS it in every refpeft to merit the beft of cuftom. Gen- tleuen travelling may rely upon having good accommodations and attendance. Their being attached to the houfe a *ood yard and (tables. Teamlttrs can have fuirable accommodations. •Soups every day from 12 (o 1 o'clock. Seven or eight genteel boarders can be attended to. J. MOORE. Kingston, Feb. 1,1817. 35 I Education. * Ma, h Mrs. WOOLF, BEG leave to inform the public, that on the 1 2ih inft. they pur- i.<ofe to commence a Boarding and Day -SCHOOL, in the houfe recently occu¬ pied by Dr Macau/ay ; for the i ml ruc¬ tion of Youac L~du = in tlie different wmw GOODS,, Lake, and fvo — thence to KinHTon. Tenders hVtiijrthe ftVcurities for per. forming the comva«it will he received .'\V the 30th of June n*xt iwlufive- <wri fur- ther narticular? may be known by ap¬ plying to the Purveyor Gen. Offc- at York—Tlu Office of'he D-pttty Qg*'* ter Mailer Oene*al at Quebec—en thr AffiiTant Quart** Mailer General &•. Sjrigfioti, 20th February 1817. 4» cattna t • them. Kingston* %d May* 1817. 4S «« ©' Just Arrived, 2flf< OnrtN^trfpi f\wt Fish, • 10 Barrels Lm& 20 Ho. ivo\ C\KilenrSa!!tioti, ICgS I *rcil Pine i»Vnii', ]0 Firkin* r>u'<-r. • ALS0,—\ few fetts beft ^Snglfch Kater! iinriiesses, SuJilks ami Brjilk% Arartiiigalcs*. Patis, Velieses., Borne Cloaihint,, a*id 20 Doz. Kiln* S;»ocs. The above artlcVs will be Cold for C a At »T produce. ALKX-r. MACDONELL Kingston, tqlh fort. lS 1 7 chca & Co 34 For Sale, To Let, A ND p*"fitJfion jivrn the flift day of ^l. JL Julie next, that EI ufe Garde.i, and St. b.e, occupied by the fubferiber HENRY BAKER. Kmgfton May i 1817 48 ^flHL c. ncern heretofore carried on ■ I. by the lttb^cribers, under the firm f Kui^-ini-y & Sleeper, i>. ihi-dav dif- f ■ *wil by mutna! c. nlent ; <*]\ th'.te in 1 *-v ' to ' ' fin .•-(• i>-qu 'tied tr call 4ird fettle the t. . % their Nv>tc*», aceoustri •..-.(1 Cloth i eft with Mr. Davtd Se- j.u-.l ; the Notes and accounts for col!cc- ti. u. Daniel Kingfliury, Jona E. Sleeper. Mapanc* Mills, April 26, 1 8 I 7- 484P IJCTHELREAS Hannah, my wife has ^ ▼ left -y bed and b arO, and tc- fufthto live with me ; this ib therefore 10 forbid all pe»-fo;ig from ha bo> ing or fruiting bcr on my account, as 1 will n^t pay any debts of her contracting alter this date. FRANCIS TEEPLE. Loughborough, May i, 1817/- 48 rfHIS day received at the Store of S. Martlet, 100 Cafks wrought and cut NiHs, of all fizes, Window Glafs, Iron, Sleele, Nail rods, Sheer Iron, CWCKERTcsf GLASS WARE in Cr?.tcs and Hog&eada, White Paint, Mustard in Kegs, Hyfon Skin Tea, 0>ffee, Chocalate, Mufcovado Sugar, Jamaica Spirits, I CunierV Oil3 and A large addition to hit Stock of Dnj Goods ; Avi has on the way up from Montreal, A GREAT fARISTTOi ' G © 0 PS, Of 'almost every Defcripihn^ Wiich will be fold very cheap by whole* fale orly. I ^February 1, t8t?. JJlfl W^MTED 9 CUSTOM-HOUSE Ol'FICE, tfi April, 1 8 I 7. IN order that Masters and owners of VuTels, Poats, Rafts, &c. coming into the Harbor of Kingston may be a-|! vcrV refoeA. No one reed apply but •" W thoroughly acqasfptd with the A WAITER,* a refpe«aMehoufrt who undei-Ftands bisbufioef* in e- t?arc oi the regulations of the Port ; the 1 fullowinif notice is given for their infor- m<iti-)ii and puidancc. The Master of every description of Craft coming into the Port, U, on hi? arrival, and previous to unloading any part of \m Carge,tO make report at the Custom-Houfe, and there receive a vco- tefiion and CcVtJficatfl of entry.—This! bofiri?fc,—Enquireat thin Office. April\%t rSry. igff OTNo, 23, i2rhcor.cclIionr>rthe toxvnfhip of Peicv, Diftricl of Ncw-Caftle.—ALSo, oiw fifth of an acre rule is to beobferved by vcffVis of every! Iin the Town of Kingllon. For terma T For Sale, defcription coming <ip the river as wdl as thole from abore, a;*d to be as rigid¬ ly attended to by Britilh fubjects as fo- leigners. All craft on leaving the Harbor to be provided with a Cfeataoce. Any craft not belonging to a Britilh uibjcCt, found en^.iged in the coasting tra«!e cf this count, y, uil! he feited, tv)- gcther with its G.»rgO. Office hours from 9 o'clock, a. M. Co 4o'clock, p. m. C:H*r. A. IIAGERMaN, 4^v;6] Colledor. enquire at this Office, Kindlon, 14th apiil, 1817. 46/ PROPOSALS, ^'•r pri\m\?.\ vn sifBScniPiion, ALUA.NV, N. V. Skeirfm ofVpper CunwUt. Notice. fa LL petfon- irdt*bted to the fuhferi- I'lH A MAP m»'THB PttOVINCK, ~xl J a Tojio^auhieal ff«d UUiorifaJ Do-iiip '■on o*':!»t* Rallies fongh? din' ij: Tie-late War ii^lUtii otid war ii* i/unise. CO> UTtONSs !. Ti '* ^^ •""-' wil' '*'% com|)r»"rd in iv o .*. »0 viiluinc, ol aiioul ->U> pa^»'S. prioted pm '•* S*yod f>pc and liuo psper. r2. Thtf p.ice lo subscribers will !)«• One Dtwlarand Srrrut*-I'iv-'Crnls in boards, - rTw« Hollar* and Klfty Cents ••nntly bwund ntidletlerod. The U:>oks «ill he dlellvcvcd in Kingston at the Albany s>ricoofTw« Dollars and Kit- {y Cenr»g with the addition ef the im- oost di'ty, o:Uy. 3. To those who subscribe for Ten Copies, or procure Teu Sub-'cribiT-^ an KicVcuth Copy will be given gratis ou deliver) and payment of the Copies -ubscriii*:d for. f£Ti»ib*i ription&florthe above Work t$iU be ro?i Ted at thfn OJi'-e. AT the Store of the subfcriber. ^ Pork, ' Beef, Flour, Pcafe, Oats, Seed Corn, ^nda General iflhrtment of SHAKER GARDE- SEEDS, P. WETSI'L. Ringstm* March I, 1817. 39 BLAIR'S Sermons Poneus' Fvi dences, the Cana.lian Vifitor, hou-^do' Dnglc, together with a great variety of tifeful Bo ks and Tracb, for young people, for Sak at this Office ;— where accefs may be had to a fmall cir¬ culating Library, three times a week, on moderate terms, augurr x. 1816- BLANK BA.1L BONDS, and SHERIFF'S SALES, For ^ale at this Office. r For Sale at lais Office. March 13 4.:vfi / Aw ?J rcafonxble terms, a remarkable h»ndiotne TlHiS is to forbid ail and every per foil or pcrfotn whv)inf^ever, med 1 dling with, or it* any wile interfering with the Lots in Jormfouville. pnn:h;ti'ed frum lohn Fergufon, Efq. by the fubferiber, Richard Smith ; and alfo with the Lot bought from Jean Bapttfte de< troi« Maifon. called Reau, by thefaid Richard Smith, and Cyrus hi« fun ; for Benja¬ min Walker Smith and Maria Smith, without leave firft had and obtained from lohn Fergufon, Efquire. J * RICIIARDSMITH, CYRUS SMITH.- Kingston, April 21, 1817. 47w6 o Bay Gelding, About J years old next Grafs,—goes well in Harntfs, 1* ve*y gentle, and known to be one of the beii bred Horfcs in the neighbourhood. Engine at this Office, or at the Store of Mr. Walter -McCu;.iire. Kingdon, April 4, 18 17-_ ____44*. TO LET, AND poffeffiongiven tht firft day of May next, that Store and Houfe at preient occupied by Vlr. Richard omiih. Apply to TORRANCE & MeLEOD. Kingston March 131X817. 4l For Sale, THEWe^t half of lot number nineteen in the fecond conceflion of the town- Sipoflvingfton. A,»Viy ^ the Printer Kinzston, 3uh 10, 1815. 3IvG Received July 13, 1802. of Am«« i/r-flcy, the title. Deeds and poff ifi.>n of nine thoufand acres cf land—We thr fobferibers do promife a*id apree to pay to Amos y/nfly, twenty fliillings pet acre for fuch part and fuch quantity of the above lands, as we have in pofTcffion, and may wifh to retain a* our property, the money to be paid in ten years from the firft day of January, 1803, with lOtereft until paid, and the fubferibers (hall rneahire off fuch quantity as they j wifh to purchafe out of each lot thai they may have in poflcfli'm, and for fuch quantity they (hall be confidered to pay lniereft, fnd no more- As IVitnefs our hands at Cortiuright, in the county of Delaware, and state 0/New-Tori, July 13, 1802. Signed George Sip!ef Abraham Hougbtelingf Samuel Whitney* Sinis Greejiflate9 John Houghtcting) James Toung, John Rarisier, Jost Strode?* Adam Fan Vollinburglh Eli ana Holmes t Frederick Kroft, George Krcffi, Jefepb Grimmon% 41 bcr lire iwiuelted to make iir.me- diote payment. hXi kinds of produce will he taken in payment, >t the A/arket prices. The lu'jf :riber ha* taken intopartner- (h;p bia brother, --^llan R. 71/acDonell. Tqe bufineffi in future will be cariied on ; uiider the firm cif ALB \': MACDpmLL$ Co In addition to their former Itock, they are now receiving a general aflfrtment of DRY goods, jl i u u a ms9 GROCERIES HARDWARE, Earthen if Glass, &r. $;c. S$c. AEX'r. MACDONELL. Kingllon, if Stfit. 1816. 34 MONTREAL Air Furnace. iOHEPB LOrGil& Co. EG leave to announce to the Pub¬ lic, that they have commenced JUST received and for fale at this Of¬ fice, price 1/8, Poems on his Dc- \mestic Cirtumstances* by Lord tfyr>>n._ 'Wuh the Slur of the Legion of ffcn&ur, and other Poems ; to which is prefixed, T&fi Life of the Nolle Author. Nm>- 28. 26 PAPER HANGINGS. *" THE fubferiber has lately rectivrd a ftmll allortment of PAPER HANGINGS, for fale on reaibnabfe terms if applied for f .on. ALSO, A few Boxes Mould aid D:pped CANDLES & SOAP. And a new fupplv of Dry Goods & Hardware. S. BARl'LET. March. 1*17. 4T? uft received and for fale 1% J * f this Oilice, dilto dino uncut. B the bufinets of Founders, On their property, foot of the Quebec Suburbs, immediately adjoining the Ship Yaid of jfifeflr*. Hart Logao & Co. where they will furniih M\\\ Callings of all descriptions, a^reenble to fuch orders as they may icceivc,—Alfo, Blackfmith'a wo»k t»f everv kind executed with ncat- nefd and difpatch. Montreal, Nov. 11, 1816. N. B. Calh given for old Metal, deliv¬ ered at the Works—fay at the rate oi £5 per ton, and for old Brafs 4d, and Copper 6d per lb. 31 And the highest price paid for R YE, AND NO 1 ICE. % LL ncrfons having any demands A aaainft the Eftate of the late EUPHAI.ET ADAMS, ot Mary- gh.deccafed, are hereby rtquellcd. Produce then claims d-dy a.nhent.c-a tedv-alfoaU perfons indebted to the .aid EflaK are hereby reqoefted to make immediate payment to M SIMiiON WASHBURN. Atfirv' Exawtr. HaHowen,utbNov.i3i6'. |H< bin ro pro :i tilXMl into the enclofureofthe fub- ' fc»;brr, on or about the 24th ult a Cow, narked as follows, viz : Light red colow, with a line back, apparently fo*ne adv.ncc(j in years. The faid cow has had a0a!f fince (lie camp to the pre- mifes of 5,e fubferiber. The owner w 'equelled 0 prove pioperty, pay charges and th*. p-intcr for inferting the fame— and take L, away. MATHEW BURNET. Kmgft% May 2, 1817. 483w Blanlc Summonses cor the District Courts, for Site at this Oilice* \t the old Brewery of Jas. Robinson Gillespie § Burleij. Kingston, 26th December, 1816. 32 toTet, Suitable for a perfon in a mercan¬ tile or othei public line of hnfu'efs, a large new built Houfe two Horieshi^h, with a good cellar : a Wharf and Sto^e, Innate in a mod eligible part of the town for bufinefii being in the vtcimty ..f the market place* enquire of the Printer. JJI& FRO. JXDERSOX From His Wejcty's Dock-Yard INFORMS the public, that he h car¬ rying on the bufined AT PAINT* ING, in all its branches, majl pnttcuiaf* ly that of Figure Painting. It will he done with the utrnoll i\ tty and expedition. N. B. An apprentice wanted* Kin^fton, March tj, 1817* 4.1 tfv For Sale, A VALUABLE Farm, with build. *■ ings aUo largr improvements thi-re- >n, favorably fituateo within 28 milea of King*ron. Pcrfons difiroua of pur* chafing to inquire of the Ptintei. f( ingsto?t, July I o, r 81 s. 31 vS TO le t, A TWO Story Houfe, in Ftnart . Ville,juft ontiideof the Town, on the road leading to the Bay of Qui; ;•-.*- > There is a Baker's Oven in the io*er part of it, and an excellent Kitchen. For further particulars apply to the fubferi¬ ber. JOSEPH C LEMENT. • Kingston, March 11,1817. 41 FERGUSON'S Improved Table of the value of Grains of Gold Coin, over or under weight, For Salem. thicO^ce. For particulars 4* A QUANTITY UY SEED COk > For $alt\> /ft PART of a Lot near the Mar- Q/JL krt Place, wiih a houfe on it. l7or particulars apply to the Printer. Ungston/jan.ZSi 1817- 3* r For Sale at this Office, 43 CAME into the inelofure of the fub¬ feriber fome time i'uice, a Cow. The owner is requeued to prove proper¬ ty, pay charges and take her away. Thomas Graham. Kingston, May 3, i8*y.________4^w3_ A sraaO quantity of ONION SEED For fale at the Dr^irill Store of F. CARLISLE. Kingston, M- trek 12, 1817. 411 f O A T S, For Stie at thU pffia?l

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