Militia Pension Agent's Ofi^e, York, 84lh March, 1SIT. \ bU &TOTICE is hereby given, by the General Agent for Paying Militia Pensions l\x this Province, pursuant to the directions con- ^ hh.ed in tbr »ercnth Section of tlie Pension Act passed in the fifty-sixth ye* of His Majesty H,^,,, (hat hr has i«rrivrd the further sum of ^^Jh"11- tdilw Hunctred Pounds, in Aid of the payment of the said Pensions, for the period up to the 31st of December last; and that the same arc in course ot mm Sheriff** Sole. * • te (ho undermentioned Per*«ni«. upplcmcnrary List of Widows and Children admitted as Pensioners, between t he 18th of September last, ('he date ot the is*} rb.M. puMMli d) and l.iisdai^, «hrFC Husbands or Fathers have died from Disease contracted u hile on Militia Service, during the late war with the I m- ted Slates o*Amnira,—with t- : ■""* '*'bun twiwHwIy, to the :;ist December, Uio. _________^_______^_ Name and Hu..k t. i^ •;» j Husband or Father of children. Name of Guardian Name of Widaifc &c. nume. RANK- ot Children. Rejiim**rtt to which derca- icd belonged Time of D§. t;ease. By what Board] Recommended lleriod to which Tension is in course of Payment. Fh* )M I To 1 roviiivt Currenc} Dollar at 5>- Nancy M'DonHl Margaret M'Dougai ftlarv Grant Nancy Campbell Children of Children of Catharine Frascr F.l:za!vth Ilamblin Children of Children of Children of Donaid M'L*onell Donald M'Dougai William Grant William Campbell I' Roach Robert M'Laughlin William Frascr *ilas Ilamblin Jacob Van Camp Rodolphus Fuller Joseph Clapp Catharine Farringiou 'Samuel Farrington Dorothy M'Grath Christiana Smith F.Ii/ebvtii Hicks •Charlotte La Tour Nancy Young Anna Forbes So*«una Ben H&nnah Storms Preelove Darby Deborah Tompkins Mary Young Catharine Pulse Rr-rhel Car.tcallan Elizabeth Cole Catharine Brown Child of Children of Jiannah l-attersnn Children of Susannah Kendrick Child cf Child of Sophia Carpenter Children of • Children of Children of Chi dren of Children of Man M. Couck jtlur* Wilkersoa Zubz Ho«ar Sanh .VFCollum Mar) Stickle Jil ir\ P»fcw Children of * S.i annah Petit l£ii/ah*:th Johnson R-ilh Marks Children of ¥t$ttc *s Cops Children of Chu Ireti of Martha Itanium Children of Chi Iretl and Insane Widow of CM'dr.M of 8* rah R tbcftS Start Wi;jjl -*y Bai i.a:< lla'cl 32!fi*3beth Buehannan frmhia Augustin Children of • Star/ MeCleaa M •• ica Girtjr VTidow of • Child of Archange Meloche \ Jc.-hn M'Grath Benjamin Smith Joseph iiicks Joseph La Tour Henry Young Adam Forbes George Ben Henry Stortilfl Dudley Darby Jeremiah Tomkins ilenry Young David Pulse a Edward Car^callan Abraham Cole lleury Brown Samuel Watson Simon Arehart John Patterson John Wood !;uke Wm. Kendric! FJijah Durphy George Marlat James Carpenter Robert Cook Archer Likens Hugh Buck borough John Ovcrholt, William Cole Georg' Couck Robert Wilkerson Jonathan Hager Colin M'Collum John Stickle *:jmuel Pew -'i^rre de Lama<* Uriah i el it IVueinan Johnson L'oriicltus Miirks i homas Smith rVillhtw Cope Alex'r- Hutchinson Vlansou Pease Wheeler Barnum Salomon Nichols Samuel Wilson Levi Beemer William Roberta Christopher Wigley Richard Hazel Wm. Buehannan Abel Augostia Johnston Story v'lau WClem Thomas Girty James MiKer Joseph Porrier Louis Meloche Kusign Teamster I rivate Teamster Private do Captain Private do do do do do do do Jo Lieut. Private do do do do do do do do Teamster Private do do do Lieut. Private Serjeant do rivate do do do do Teamster do do Private do do do Serjeant do do ' 1'rirate do Serjeant, do 'rivate do Stormont 2 Glengar)' I do 1 do 1 do Nad&b Eastman 20 March, lKJ,: '21 February 'l.. 18 February 1 March, 2*2 do Incorpor'd.,l24 August; ll Crenvilk-17 May. •13 'I.; '13 »12 20March 181331 Dec. 1816.75 14 fi . Eastern "District. John Lamson do do 8 February 1 March, *is\i 27 do MS) 30 xN'ovembr.'io '13 i '13|v. Johnstown •\?\( District. rincc Ed. do 31 Decern, do 30 April, do 31 October, do 24 do Frontenac 31 March, '13 'N '1 I '13 '! * Esther VanSteinborg |John Aerhart Kcziah Ravnic I Raymond [Frederick Hinds •Rebecca hlcnny Mary Beatty Catharine Myers JK.inice (irant (John Clark \\ illkim Scram ♦ Prince Kd. lucorpM. Lenox Addingtou do Prince Fd. L nox Vddington Hastings Lenox do Addington do FTenox Durham 3 York incorp'd. 2 York 5 Lincoln 3 York .5 Lincoln 5 do V do do do do do Cap* 'in Private Serjeant Private Ensign Acting Sailing laster teaman Private John Warrenu Esq. Elizabeth Killraaster John Backhouse,Esq. Elizabeth Rearms ■ Violette Dusten Martha Wool ley 31 Decern. 6 March, 31 Dec. 31 do 11 March, 27 Decern. 18 Novem, 14 June, 23 JaiTy. .^1 Decern. 8 Feb'>. G April U Decern. 12 do 7 April 1 Jan. 9 Dec. 1 Septem. 26 Jattty. 5 Decern. 11 do 27 FelTy. 10 Juuo, 25 Novem- 4 Decern. 5 June, 10 October, P2 Decern. 10 do 10 Septem. '31 Jan'y. 2 Norfolk) 1 do I Oxford 10 Decern. I do 1 Jan'y. 1 Norfolk 15 Decern. I do (> Mai eh Midland r District. I I 2 2 *2 2 2 2 3 do do do do do do do do do ** 2J Feb'y. '13; IS do '13 1 March, '13 K do '13 21 August,'13 17 May, '13 SFrb'y. '131 :t. 1 March, '13 27 do '13 !J0 Nov. '13 31 Decern. '13 30 April, '14 31 October'14 1 do '13 3) March, '13 !31 Deem. '12 6 March. '15 31 Deem. '13 31 do '13 1! March '13 27 D.-cem. '12 18 Norm. '12 I 1 June, '13 S5 Jau'y. '13 31 Decern. '12 8 Feb'y. '13 0 April, 'I3( 31 Decern. '12 12 do '12 7 April, '131 1 Jan'y. '13 9 Decern, 'i 1 1 'H 26 Jan'y '13 5 Decern. ' I '2 II do '12 27 Feb'y 'N 10 June, '13 25.N'ovem. '12 1 Decern. '12 • • • • * • 76 U * * « # « 4 • * Newcastle Drs't. f Home < District. Gore District. * « • * • • * ? • • • * Niagara District. Mary Roach 1 do Middlesex 1 Norfolk 1 Oxford 1 Norfolk 2 do i Essex 1 do I do I do 1 (\o 1 do K'-nt 1 Essex Pro'l. Mar. do 1 Rssex 9 October, 1 Jan'y. 16* March, 27 Juncj 31 Decern. ) 24 October 11 do 10 do 19 Septem. I April, 30 June, I Feb'y, 18 Septem. 9 October, '14 London District. - * 1 Jan'y. IS May, '12 Western District. .5 June, '13 1U October'13 12 Decern. M2l 10 do '12 10 Scptm. '13 il Jan'y. 13 1 do *13 10 Decern. '12 1 Jan'y. '13 16 Decern. '12j r? March, '13 9 October" 13 1 Jnn'y. M « 16 March, '13 27 Jane, '13^ I ft » » I'll 6 idta 9 * * ^# t • 31 Decern. '12 I 24 October'12 11 do ' 10 do '121 If) Septem. '1 c 1 April, '1.' 30 June, '1 1 Feb'y. '13| IS Septem. '12 9 Oct' r. It J 1 Jan'y. '15 IS May, 'I3i 9 • P • • ■ • * IK 7| 9101 12 831' 44 12 114 1 0 0 Sin>r>le:ren*ary List of Persons belonging to the Militia Forces, disabled by Wounds received on Actual Service, or from Acei- ccv>rf?!*g wMJ** on Put" : wrhttte Sums accruing re them respectively, to the 31 st of December, 1816. cr> * - ji'amf of Pensioner, bask. Krgiincnl or Ser¬ vice to nluch bc- longori. I Actiov&c. in wntcH Wounded. Wn ex Wounded. reKiuuio -\:n 1 * 1 • h&x i» in course of Payment. FROM James Secord" George Adams Lev. i.-. Clement Alevauder Rose An.;uv McDougal Daniel M'Collu* jDonald Cameron Adam Stull Join: lcryant rn-deri«k ThoropsQA Dariel Sttttftrd Jo^ph Long iS'votgp Chase I>eter Lampmatl JoaIU Campbell Aaron Teeter Joseph Book George Jilsworth George Hutchinson William M^Mullen John Cornell Ar,:.*a'. W. CushmaQ Mi!.,an Baxter Jo... pii Dessaojc liiMre Carthier Sohn Mitchel I)!d Miioucll 'J homas R ss Dante) Cain FinU'y Monro dolm Campbell Captain Lieutenant do do Serjeant do do do Corporal 1 rivate do do do do do do do do Seamen Private do do do do do do do do do do do 1 Lincoln I do £2 do Incorporated do 4 Lincoln 1 Cjlen^ary 1 Lincoln incorporated I Lincoln 1 do Incorporated do 1 Lincoln 1 do 4 do 4 do Northumberland I'rovincM Marine Hastings, att'd. mi rVddingfon tlr'gnb.) Lenox Adiugton Dr'gns. l Leeds 1 Essex 1 do Kent Vols. 1 Glengary 1 do 1 do 2 do o Lincoln Quceostofl Fort George Chippewa Accident al Fort Wellington Lundy's Lane - LundyJs Lane Accident on duty Fort George Fort Erie St. David's QucL-nston Ac.idenl on duty do do Fort George Accident on duty Accident while on march to oppose the enemy Wounded while standing sentry Accident on service, on board a Batteau Lake Erie Accident on duty Kingston Accident on duty Brock Til le River Raisin do do Long Woods Ogdcnsburgh do <lo Hoopla's Creek , Aacnfltef i 1 TO rno tKt r. riTunpvcv Ooi.lak al 1 yUctoDr. 'u ? 1 a '21 May 5 July 26 do '25 do '25 do 7 June '27 May 12 August'] 1 IS July '14 13 Octr. 19 Sept. 1 July 27 May 24 Oct. 1^ '14 M3 M4 '14 "14 '13 '12 '13 '13 '13 '12 '14 '14 '14 15 July 24 do 16 April 10 Sept. '13 14 Defer. '12 10 Nov. '12 15 Sept. '12 7 Fefcy. '13 22 Jany. '13 22 do '14 4 March '14 22 1-eby. '13 22 do '13 22 do »13 10 Nov. '13 1 Nov. '14 13 October, '12 31 Dec. lSlo. 27 May '13 5 July, 26 do 25 do 25 do 7 June, 27 May, 12 August, ISjWy, 13 October,'12 19 Sept. '13 1 July 27 May, 24 Oct. '14 '13 'U ".4 '14 •13 'J4 '14 '13 '13 '12 15 July, '14 24 do '14 16 April, '14 10 Sept. '13 14 Deem. '12 10 Novm. '12 15 Septm. '12 7 Feb'y. M3 22 Jan'y. '13 22 do '13 4 March, '11 22 l-'eh'y. '13 22 do '13 22 do '13 10 Novm. '13 1 Novm. Ml 84) 71 8 71 lOl 0 H»;17 3 r;si4 3 IS 15 4 4S15 4 51 7ll| 10 0 15 7i 3 0 71 47 49 81 65 70 71 S3 7 13 0 10 15 8 11 0 0 7J 44 Midland District.) IT]})' tfrtue of a To Wit: S JO tVriloftiX. ECUTIOS, issued out qf Ilia JJf^.,« fy's Court of Kin^'x Hatch. h»Uling('i. i'fi Plea" in find for the MitlPtml I \. irkt (tjbresfffdi at the suit of R{>Jif, AHD R&BISOy, oj the 7'vrrw <,f iuegs/oii. in the said District. Gentle man, Ike Lands andTenements nf JONAS I'AS ALSTISE, of the Toicnslup Of JiiciiMvna, mid District ft foresaid, inn Keeper, directed to the Sherijfojfke said Midland District, / have seized and taken In Execution, a$ belonging to the said JOS AS VAN AL.\TlKE) apart ofthrSvuth So* tcrlif corner of 'tot number S veittri'tti in the first Concession of the To'x;:sl:ip of Richmond; nhieh piece of Lathi is hutted and bounded, or xmr; be other- Kisckaoicn, as foflmcs : that iftosa,jy commencing injronl of the wdtl conces* sioti, at the South Easter!,* ttngk of said Lot No. Seventeen, tf.cnce l\\,nk Sixteen degrees. West Fourteen chains and Fifty links ; then South Sevc.ih;- four degrees* first tioo rhuins ; then South Sixteen degrees, East Vijw.en chains Fifty links, more or /.w.v, to the icater's side ; then Easterly * along the water side, to the place oj beginmn*} Containing Three Acres of Lind, he the same more or less, reith a dzeliv.\g and out Houses thereon erected. Note t do herehy give SOTfJK, that the aforesaid piece of Lund, /:>• gether xrfth the buildings :'hereon erec¬ ted t will be sold and adjin!- d tn the highest Udder, at the Market, in t'.ie. Torvn of Kingston9 on SA'i"Uil'i'AYi the Tllffi I) dun ofJAl\ UslR Y\ »*# ncrt ensuing, at the hour of' Blevcn 0*Clock in the forenoon. 11EM11 THOHP, Depnt) Sfcrriflf. And every person or persons having claims on the above described pieee of Iband and premises, by Shntgtigti* or of her right or incumbrance, are here¬ by/ advertised to give notice tl trcf, to the said Deputy Sheriff, at his //-vv, in the Village of Ernest fJ\>;cu, previ¬ ous to the $ate theretf, JIEMiVTr?PR!\ Depute Sheriff- Kingston, 20th March, I.S17. ~*s SHERIFF'S SALE. Midland District, viz : BY virtue of a writ of Fieri Frt- rw.v. Issued out of thf Court rf KHtft** i>» uch, at Ibc suit oi Samoa Robin.-, o£ the town of Kingston, E.squire,against the lands and trnaments of AiiosAns. ley, of the township ol" Kington, \ eo- man, to me directed : I have seized and taken in execution, as belonging to the said Amos Ansley, the north half of Lot number 15, in the second concession of the township of KineS. ton, containing by admeasurmcut one hundred acres, be the same more or less : together with a log house'and framed barn thereon erected. I ch> hereby give notice, that the above mm, tioned lot of land, with the buildings and appurtenances thereunto belong¬ ing, will be sold and adjudged to the highest bidder, at my office in thp town of Kingston, on Tuesday the third day of March next, at the hour of tea o'¬ clock in the forenoonn—at which time and place the condition* of sale will be made known. CHARLES STUART, Sheriff. Now this house and bnru and sixty acres of lot 'So. to was not sold. The Sheriffcame into Court as a witness a- gainst Jethro Jackson., and declared upon Oath to twelve Jurors, that he did not sell the House & barn and six¬ ty acres of that lot, agreeable to the original survey; wlierefore, that hou>e and barn and sixty acres of land, is the lawful right, the labour and prop¬ erty of Amos Ansley, and will be re¬ covered as soon as Justice can take place. Therefore, these or to forbid all per- sons*from making any waste of timber, stone or clay for brick, or in any man¬ ner injuring the house, bam or orch- ahard, fences, out-houses and build¬ ings on said lot Xo. 15 in the second concession in the towmhip of Kings¬ ton, now the village of VVelli \ntoit- AMOS A*N>LtX March 3d, 1817, 47 {EREOLS EZQBPTEDO UPWARD MA'CMAllOX; O'wral Agent for pay hi* Miiiqn Fvisjons. Sensible of the predicament in which we stand, and conscious that we have done our duty as subjects, wo should be wanting to ourselves and to these teocb r connections, who from necessi¬ ty hare been the unhappy companion* of our misfortunes, if wc did n>t make our claim lor justice Jo tho^c who are authorised to grant it ; ami therefor* we do appeal to the fundamental laws ot the society of which we are mem¬ bers—to be protected in the original Landmarks and Boundaries by which we have reduced a howling wilderness too populous Pi evince. 40 AMOSAiSSLKV.