f gU (he WTl if :: ?»r;nry gto* n sftfl I acswnitofthr R »ynl I) »*rh'T> a' Vt*\\ czula.—lt war. wy- fix* Writer, in it njltie-t form, istirr*<?f;H : (),,( UrSmith Jtacrfc^ &is {vr.>aoetvto(l with iudivrri- Trtbie liorror—1h.-* sttn shitfc* fa-cla;' tij)^n at U'SSf c20.»() hii-ivia skM^tou* fcirnrhi'i* in raj u/MhoI tiuira, IhjU: - crcc! by r!u* >p • iM: as^nsHins under tit. COTmnri'l of- N'onlrs: a»cl roi*£* thnn wn!TK;t,chil:Irrn. ami ueeroes ! — Ip,fciftji-Ptrrtjy fchiiiij-ftti thttt ooas; h,i befiu di^troytfd—(cuira evtsftatio mora L'dc fr^.i 7v/:v/>/.-—P^' Mi- rirr'ivai offiw lYrr:. in StfS ifov-i Jrnm Lon¬ don, pnnors fwiwi I'm city Uxxm buun rec*fr*<] totb* I5l«i ;-n:1 Liverpool t-. (lie 17th M*irt'li:— Wan riolcms pr.»- cecdinj^ hr-.vr tak'Mi pH«u; at Manches¬ ter, !>ut Jhny wrrfp soon i|u "Hod bv ill- citfi ni!l:>rity, and uj>w.trd< of 200 of tiie rioter-; wnstcHl. Cn hm.in,«»iic of t-lic party \v!ia ivtfs found{gniltyof [ifuu- drrin^ Mr. B*ek«W$ shnp, has bt'CII p-i!)!icly handed. So.nr a(tetj>|>ts wrr ■ rind:'to r--pjne him, hot thi.-y wer* Rftdrrcd afenffiYG by tho vi^ih'.ire of th^ p'»!"0/»;n'.!'ii hy a troop of hor ;(.'.. Hedi/tl :\ iituu'n'-fl and l)!n'o:i-Miiou- wretch*—The bill IWsiipprassiiVgs.di- , tious assemblies iras p&teed t* a ilyrd ■ rjafiog on thr 1 lift, by tlio following Tote^vcffjj- 179—;-•"»* 44. We d«* "pi tin;! (no nam • of Sir Francis Bar- nsHnmiMt^ flw ffppoii^nts to this mrn- surc.— '!'lr»pn*j"/f<of Lrvs s-iomitf-d MhaFroych L^'K^tnre, bnw been adopted in both fiiamb rr#. A rupture Mui.^n SjKiitt and AJgieiri •* exprt;-(l. Bruw^ Hc.onn*^ vftitC- on tli?author- . ftjfof letter-; from PimtH, that a new law ^amnesty waiiu coutvmphti'ni, which ^•fouvory fivwe^C'sjrfiuiia, wotild itcain PI*.! ili<» hrv.om t»f Fonc« to all her ^ildivn, who hr.vc cmight refuge i" **'- "*<« comitrie;. The RligiUh funds DjalutaiiKid their appreciated value. Kingston, M\y 10, 1817. * * t Prom thi iVE JV- VO HK $P ECTJ TO /?, Of the 3tt Mai/. mrh*-1 this Morning, From Bristol, England.—Arrived \A evening the (hip Chauncey, Capt. Dow- dafll, in 34 days from BriffoU By this arrival papers are received to the 10th of March tnclufive—6 days later than >Ur former advices. England had undergone no material change. A number of perfons in vari- r)U« (.arts of the Kin^Jom, had been ar¬ reted for trenfonable pradttces, fubfe- quent to our former dates. Fourteen were arrelted nn 1 i-nprifoned at Glafjjow, .on the 1 2th of March ; and 6-\ the 16th f>o were arretted at Manchefler, and J bftl igfht to London, where they were 1 committed to pnlon to await thcii trial. The Morning Chronicle of the 15th of March, predicts a fpcedy dilTolution of the prefent Parliament.—The fame paper gives a correlpondei.ee between Mr. CohSett, and a Mr. Lockhart, in which the latter offir^ and the former rtfiifesj to fettle their controvcrfy by force of arms. ^* Advices have 1 cached New-York, via Barbados, that a Revolution has taken place at Brazil Tt is faid ihat the Go- j vernor and Royal troops have furreader- ed t> the revohitioni^s, and that order had been rcfte-cj. It is a!f> faid, that the prefent G .vernment were about fen¬ ding a mdlenger to the government oi the United S:ateR, definng to be ac- knowledgd Independent. From the Boston. Cenl'inel. Latest from Cadiz.—Capt. Townfend arrived i:i Providence from Cadiz, M> foim*. that two expeditio >s, of 3000 men each, were fitti:«; out from that port for Lima and Vera Cruz. I !. -!1 ftw ike Nw-fork Sbnfytj Post. W<rf ti*t;\utt.-'-\lv the ship K«* phrau-M S>dccHfe, h 3i$ fays from Li- ?prpoo|, we Inve n\i'0»vsd Liverpool J?!^r* to »h« 43d and Lonikn to the ™wt 'i!t. Thfvy camo ! » oir hand^ at too \:\tn r-.o hour £0 give any e\*n«cfc- *0»injr Waj^tti one of thrt leader- VtheKjilli^ld n^i'tin^, a'-id who ha-. Wn Fought nfter by *hp a»ilivvnty a* the p-r-nii whothcu fired n^nn at som" hpfi^:^ is 51 passenger on board this iVip. ,y/W //fr*/-. — .In■•♦ in onr pnprr ffni.\^to pti>'i t\\>% Ihiv ft t Knifing yh'tji. IktanA L>"d->n pi) t* to thv Hth t^ Marchtaela?lvc,toid C» ii->v Lr/'vpn^l —JTranquility previMled thr h>Htvot Qr-M Britain, which is a .^'v-d c nn- military npfin Hsrt pown'4 whien Ivnve bCOrt <ran.d d !<> the -,n" runie\il.Th'*re had been no new ruse of riot m' dis(*r- der. We nnd'Tstiuid that \Villiu;n C"i»- beit. alias Petf-r V rc«p?ttOj is a p Sender in the V^:\\\c From the New Tori Spcflitor, April 26. n(Tk-nt was ^iven» on the Lospov, Mirrh 29. Th" IIovi.se of Commons will. i» I* ex- j pr'ctcd, adjourn mi Monday, for a tort- ini-i.f ; bat the alterations m the ' L-Tids' Amendments to the S.'dit.ous MetJtlngs Hill, i-nder-d it accessary that the Commons should meet this ,laV, i„ order Iff have a conference with their Lordships on the m >l'-ct of Hw alteratloMs. ThBWSrttwittbefm- ,, mediately reported to the House, and. on Alonday, if their L^dhip; concur in the «U..,ations (he Bill w.ll receive| v..... rviv ; f :i-:i'i'£- TO V1M>IA. #* n St«- ■\miiUi tin* lUvliii'^crfihc timfs, vour -pli*n- .li.l '-n'-i-inn in rite l-.-ii fia.wUc '.»a- alRird^.d m:v» aniM»f,,vMW li> 111" ]»>'.v'i"-t)i fWJi Yr*i d > ;'«»■, IiU.* i'r.'Jilv, If-e'ii yottf l^tt^f tvt'Ka l*iHtcn{M ; UiU voW(»ml»iil"a luug pu- i':i^»;i|>|j v.ill) an introduction, Uy, pnnnl<iit^, vii.e wvbavr*!»i'er wnuug \\n\ or rather, for . vjv\m M»: l tor it, let yo i arv no' \t^s Famous, j ' ->n \hs .v:o-'in. Yo>; Iu^«-imiI\ i xchar.^oil th«* f:on<' ol \-. vifu'", fur thai orimiites ly dfactatu|- iiiirii: an.i have mailc an nivan'ag-ous ox- ii-iii^t"; torii i- to4* sweeten *JiA ."^11 of rrUi- fi-i;»." Ciitici-m, then, you ev|>f«*t. 1 jdei*d, aom imVt I'ctly BriHcll it ; ;in*! \\**\\ yon mnv ; Mnce, U\ your l.uky Jli-elftim^ uf |u;um% vow iiJrAicouvtritrtl U; gali inio a salutary bitter- <\\«V't. Putbfimmeroasin^taiieegnf your Jrteittm, T wlfl cit<* only vrliaf i,,'r tontalncd in a stnelr -ru:< nee. M Ilithrrrn' lie li is rrt'rr.iiu'tl from rr- l»i\ ina to hU acr.nsor^ willing perhaps to Iravr thrm tothernjuvincrf1 ol"their opiniou^or //**»*•- itfforintmShuf to (tis^vrM* thorn, when the pu*. vfofitto/ncA Ihtvr.tsciti'lihtii' ttidigtwtian, shall havesuflicien'h ^.iS-j-I'U" &c. \ on do nntrav in trading, lwTeaftcflo4lspcrfipi out M li^rwif- fcer Intending,** to do Jl: caivfultjf placing ih«- ndvrrh ot'tiinr hrforc I he word inti*Md'ni£. TliO intention tefoUl* faf^rft; and y*'t, with tin- very intention he " has hiihoito refrained.1 That he has" hitherto ' hern ** hereafter intctl- dinp;,"is Iri^li, hoth frl UTllts and ideas* So \^ theQhra?x*, " the p;i-i°ns which have excited (heir indignation*'1 Whose pa^ions, pray ? Not his Own}surely : hut Ihose of his accusers Indignation isr one of 'I",ve passions. To speak of thepas^ions which have excited their pa*- piom,up^noijie l',t<lilyiy?- Herearrtwo Hull ihono vrntenee; and) « WO were to CO over your whole prodacii'ui, we might collect e- aough of them to maH<* "pa pretty good Irish team. The reader will lu've ,n<" goodness to wall here a moment, whill 1 n'*S pawlttli oftlie>weil- taforrav I native? ofthni Island, which has gi¬ ven birth to a Swift, * H'trke, a Cur:au, ami other sons of geniaftj wit and eloquence, fo. comparing your lan^"3?^ to the w.ell-known itialcecof-omenfthcii' unli'ttcn-ueoutitrvnion; a compariBOn, to whi* h I have been compelled by »hi* rig;d laws of criticism. If the reader iiinn**', I Will now gratify you with at-otherquotaiion. M/The style of Burn**1 communication hov.ever,wa-*in itself Innocent, and evidently written more tosnti-fy thcVMfli- ty of the nsithoi, "ihau P on» any public spii ited moti\e, and iherefori' 1 think shouW liavc been treatedlrc all othef* witb the saoe iudiflVr- tanceiihid been rcarded h\ Uie gentlemen wIioi:mo>c imiaialeiy eo iceined." Style i- the Oianner of writing- To say. U}> manner of uritwijxwa-ev.dea.ly wriueii, is only one of 'lie h'-aut:^' of this*"*nsible pasmge; brim-full of thai extraordinary species of sense, which is niek-nam' tt /tca^e'ise. [asMtreyou, Sir, 1 do not mean to '.latter von; but, it isnoiuoP-lhan jn-tiee to observe, that vo.ir viyleabon id- in lignres. Yon-ay. An aior hereafter intends to ite- p*r«ehis accusers Th's is a sample of that hold tigun- called ttamhast Oh, now his poor accusers, when thtw dispersed by him, will BCampei and fly before him ! *0»c l<xjk «» Chronnnhotomhologoa will stare them into uo- tlURs r There i- a tigur** of: peccit, which Khetonci- aoshavc not named, but which is vntgniarly denominated Stung. Th"« ><"' I»»V4' '•xempltii- cd, a> follows. *fc With a view of affording thia saliifaetIontaswellas for the porpttec ol ex- pressing the wtiality, and repellmjc th • inalau- I anon- of the m:ilignant,tho envious and the str- I wieious, i slraH u-iv.ure a few ob^eivation-." fhesatne paragraph contaii.> another exempli- ; cation. " It man eaeek the impetno»ity Iff ne faction-, to be infonn.'d, that 1 am not am¬ bitious of the hvi ftord.H By imrodueillg the pnttwe,"l am not amm- liousofthcla^wonl" without luarhitig h as a tp.oia ion, you ;ivH\ai ti.v same lime, ;.n twam- ple of a figure kilOWn by the name of Plagia- Him, Tiietigura'ivecharacrrofyour style is not yourllsgheHexcelhwcea*ail author, Jvinie.^- Uke, vonetcel ho'h, ion-'acK and defence,and C.-nectalty in the m*#l inaMeriy manner oi eo».- diuiinrareireat. \Vhiiort'unn^hrforeyot»i opponentfroni lh\ fiel.1 of di.pua-, yo-i put *»\Vr ia«»* <*C> o. , .vitU' RIC«« vtt*e li*vi-n 111" printer ha- fell [hefowae nf yourarms ^°'" admitiietn ma\ i><* s«een< in this pa^a^e. ** I Uoutil think it" unwi-eumu unp'Oi. ftftle 10 pro lot^adi-C-.ts-'m.'. in a puiniic \cw--l\iper/\hiru i* nil con in '. led wit1 the *eneialinterest. oflUv Tni-J' uun"-:ntituiofti" '.;u.e«U, r.il t;il«Mi -is oi jud>cioiia and dNrommen^ahle explanation,! \ ticll ha* been given of Ama'or'- meaning (if a ti ue on-'i "'a^m'H'ti tooequivocally CTDte pe by him, to have met the observation of many of yoar.readers, and those only >ueh as would bftVi reated ita3 absurd." So far a* Hublimfty d**- penda upon otocarity, this is superlatively sub¬ lime. Tv;t I should offend your delicacy, by ofler-i in^ toomnch pral-eat once, I will reserve the remainder of my eulogium until a fnturc dav. ADDISON. To Vt&jmX)alias Amatoii Jcstitia:. When 1 lir.>t laid my ryes on your lengthy, incoherent, uttgrammaticai rhapsody of nonsense, [though*: I would answer you in the style, you have so much courted, and which you so rich¬ ly (frscrve : luit, on reviewing the per¬ formance, I found it unworthy of no¬ tice, and could not but feel for your foolish impotence*. That you may be satisfied of my indifference as to the " last word," and to cut the thread of prolixity on the subject, I shall only ^ivc you four lines, in the smooth num¬ bers of the D unci ad) and am sure you will pronounce them very pretty. y index, the scourge of Grammar, mark with awe ; Nor less rev -re him. blftnderbnss of law: Sense, sp evh. and mea-ure. living tongues auduead. Let all give way—and Vhulix inay.be read. ASCRIBLER, Free and XJnlirmled Sale 0f PIE€fi GOOD3, V AUCTION, will br lo!^at ^ ih-c fubfcriherV aua.on r. - (ariioining Meflrs Jones and Vj-L' nld) Store-drect, cm Wednef.ir.y ',«. 14th May ir.!l and t., continue daily uq. til tlic whole is fold off, A Large variety of Piece C»./% CONSISTING OF : Superfine and || fecund Clothes, (j do do CofTuneres^ Flanntls.all col'tfi Ve'lmgs. Calicoes, Cambrics, ToJInerts, Stripe Cotton?, Turkey do Tl>frkfetts, Sliawli, Handkerchiefs, § Dimity § § Of Cordnroyf VeKeteens, Fuftia.fs# Gmghsm?, Dim<nd Hkfs. Plaid do. Brown Holland, Worcefled Hofe, Cotton do. \ ngcli do. Beaver G;/vc5f Nai»k.eenst Paper Hangings, ftc. &c. Sec. Purchasers to the ano-. t of i?yo will have ihtee months credit ; and thofe to the amount of QtOQ, 4 m..nth credit, hy furniflimg the Broker with amoved in- dorfers C5* Sale at t* o'clock each (Jay. ' " JRCHIBAD WDO\ELL, Au3Um&r. Kington, May c, 18 7. 49-r ■ The Editor embraces the prefent op¬ portunity of returning his acknowledg¬ ments to Capt. Owen, of the Royal Na- VV| for hi; politenefs in furn-thing him, from the Hy-'rographic Orhcc, with the1, Rate of the Tiiennufnetet, See—Ahho*' it was not fo imerelling to the readers, that he has jult received, and n.-wofPcrg of the Qazttfe* mthc immediate vicimty for fale. at ihr Store formerv occtm^ ofKinga^wyer.tothofeabra^.uwas; by Mr. ;/ Richarjfon, .ear the .Sco^ a tourer of information eagerly looked || r.amiin<r. J¥ o ti cm. THE inbfenher begs leave to inforrh his friends and tl:r public in ger-erni ..... - ^ ca£ . for by rnany. We aie forry to rind that the eltabliihmcnt is about being remov¬ ed. We h^ve fcen alerter from Wafting ton, in the State of Georgia, of the 22d March laft, which Rates that Corn was then felling for 7 and 10 dollars per bulh- jel, and very fcarceat thntpiice. ACKNOWLEDGMENT- " Pierre Dominique" will have a place in our next Ga/. ttc. Landing, Besl London Porter in B.tllk Bed Poit, 1 Oil i OK KINGSTON. * ESS ELS EXl'EUED. ,lay 3._Soii. liiurut.a, Kriit, u»a^er, from Octvck(?, with Hour. ^ — B«tai Monies >l>ra^i<\ master, from Sark- Hsnat imr, with potatoes, Csh atid t-^. —Seh. Lam», Krislt, nuuirr, frwu Inmpvillr, •w- a ;.m 'in. 1. ■ii.-.ti, ,'" » mH I'Mon'-.'-W it; Common, L. P. TencrifTe Common, Jamaica .Spirit?, Holland Gin, Shrub, Lime Juice, Sauces, Pipe Clay, Loa/<3: Mufeovadu 1 11 11 Sugars, Cadcd & Barley Teas Raiiins, Cask and Box. Cloves, Nutmegs, I Chocolate, M If .Common oc bnr.v-| ,Sf£tloW IVrrv, Park^ **£ I ing Soap, ^ifl*^ »W fcw-% ****** ISta.eh, *•> cntmnur.i'.) itttiijiriiiim-cu-rt «iin th«* p*w< thrcoroiminit*.prove*Imm .'•• tunmji >»»'•" nim-a'-aek.*a&4 •truk.o, to y*w l;^ •'"•J; 'IVinuiViUe, fonn .i .1 ^SS barrels afwa^^iw^l WINES. Cogniac Bran%, Peppermint, Vinegar, Pickles, Pipes, Hyfni, Green and Soufhong Teas, . En^lifn Chede, Almonds, II P<Tper, Ajfpice, Cinnamon, Ccjfiee, Fig Biut, uffi withou*. n much as fcuraung to look at Uie obj.-e uTit. Yon a"e a !>ig"p-^n, im-o, atf,-ve11 a1; a P.l'et^- rieiati. Amonguiuti ^leeimeusvH your Lugie, I -liall nut m> linger out <»i>e, N an t<ll tin I uoriat head, rt as wrii a^ theaUnost •■'tur.Uy r»- I riiculov" prod i"tioi» from« thel'oiw.ied main ol 1 •* U'irn. wo .Id mil ttonKVVGi' ha\f avakeiu.. «iic sUa|)iCii/tis, tftej uc^iv iniciiut'ii 10 ejectm , had it uotheva tor in»* \<" *ihs .labored aid ev- id^ntly * iidi'v*. proanetun) m you*" la*t cofiwiH- ai^«^=iiii^S^SSS T„„., fofc hnvp no, 60.iccm with it. it bfuf | ;,jCim», which the; direction. 1.1. i'j to * v« . up...... word '-i-O/HHJM- ;. • _'sr«:i::;:V:.,:,.;i.....-«.»-««» wilh«»iMira»iAl*t»a«- • «»h <"»"a"h:'J mitft,r. from SHckc- Tobacco, i-c- &c. Together vritit n few DRYGOfJDS. fuited to the fcfon, a"d a variety of other articles which he will diip.fe of cheao for cafh. EDW'd. DOYLE. Point Frederick* April. 1817_____49 STEAM BO T Mansion House. rir^HE fuKfcriber begs leave to inf .tin I his fiiends and the public gene¬ rally, that he has taken that Lar^c and commodious Houfc In Sacketma^bor, lately occugid by Capt. Win. Vaughn^ which is now opened for the accommo¬ dation of travellers. He pledges him- felf to the public, that no pains dial! be fpared on his part to render the fituation of his cuefls pleafant and agreeable. Good Can ioges, and careful drivers, will be kept for the accommodation of gentlemen. h WILLIAM JOHNSTON. 49 Sackef/harbor, May I, 1817. 1 • M ■ ,^n<;reck,a?reatpi ,nd M Jiers in the fcrvicc of tP^± pnfTcd the Houf. of Lord, ou the 7^ London every Thor day,_ OW J"* lovaUd4re-Tes and d.clarauons frotn all warts of th-: kinffdoffl. . . P On the , ft of • March . fefj «J took place at B:drun, (Ireland) n*on fcqnenceofthepopulace attempt..^ to Aaqr;tvofo.ru,^ hereon thr way to W.g ^ /3 fired ftfwrf rounds ; th'-e 0I , , .e,ekiU^,nd about t^nty w«u„ kd. r, .• .4 „f Mirrh. " Gal way prden bnfcc the Wind,»,vs, Saftd, Doora, *c of every [tore ui the town .....-" •,, t1 6*Ytea.4 A iwifflber »f UiSriew LO lilt- ep»t<i**t(>1 laa'• clause might be exhibited a^ specimens, natdeLtt.ev rrquUe, that the deaw be UnrW., cs: Vou have oi.ricirn >our composition with tumnf it is tiflghshj and, it* not alt elfl-ical, i^certauiU *......." *»M lii \ con-ici'-rable por- iolutiiy ;'al»iyn, Mid of a ttctt -asssF*a=*Mf*B= tc*&ri^*0raTFtoamm occur* in the if their niithomliip. U101, ncui) PMse»gfw«Ju Baggage. For Sale* the Subfcribers Floor, Pork, t Peafe, \ .. .] Corn, Oats, Cheap for Cash. THOMSON 8t DETLOR.. gr/; iW.77, iSt7. 49<v£ it tss^s=:r:s AGENCY. ' ' "f"....... t„;*vof ao— 5 member:, .< Front fur^S"'"^"^ ,,h,ough four oim. ll«V,^™^r£llwkBOWft \es,Sir; tue u-a- 1' benefi aco.,n:lerahl,?.m-n.nt,andt^RavenL to a report of an American Loan. The ICI-VR of Spam .S M wJjJ vif.ted hi. pSfons, and ordered all inllru- ro^ioftoYiuretobedearoyexl. Patoenger CJ.BA/IEV. m -l.-Sch. Kh«Min, Kent, m»ier, for llch r.m.n.c.Jorc Petty, i'ark^r, lor Sack- -Stitfc Whitney, for O^vr^. . 1 lAi-t^i Manes, lor Geneve. D.nrh. Yet th.- ;:;",„.„^W,thal yaa a* ,ul.,av inf--r'»e^'0,,,V; vou write anoil.n .,, «a. 1.0. -. -»••';' ""££11* of Kenaau) ,Ue l^ oUiolland, ur U.c ~re ^",•" , , IShd • • Vo" Lave fnrnuh «I a :'"'aC;i '"ll vo'.: <"'»«■*>, dragged Uiw l-«>>- .^i^taanvUtcUWcu.^.aoMUc.n- tlcri* THE fe-btciiber having been upwarda of ten years in the D^p, Pay:nafter General's office, and bring one of tl:e re- Juced unfortunaic-i, he refpeflfully off¬ ers hU fervicca to all ttaff. retired, half nay officer, and others who may havs occafioa for an agent in Qoeb«:c. He tiuftsihat.frwi bis intimate acquaint- ance with the natnre of fach tcanfactirtB^ he vill be found feting for the bnfincfs El3*» JOSEPH CARY. Quebec, Ap:i'- tS- 1817 49 ^ j do hereby in tify the pwWtc that ^ t!.e parperty Iate'y exchanged by Mr. Blsfce, with Edward Barnctt ia the Village of Stuart-vilk, U robjeft to w; clam.* '-f tlowciy.ana I loibn. all terfbm porchalh.g faid property w.th- o>u previoufly cailiag on ne. P MARY BARNETT; kin°sto», My j, 1 a 1;. 49*?