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Kingston Gazette, May 10, 1817, p. 2

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%$* Notice. TtHE fubfciihcrs to the.School, to be T-,.hrjH,'hcd tiixfci the direction of the M*J**uc Ji&riQ School Society, arc Lcrcby uoli&cd thai rSc annual mc*t?n»j trill Ik Uii i.n JhJND/ir the i2ih day nf May now cn^winjr* at l o'clock. p w. at St. George's Church, for the p -p'ifeof having a Prciident, Secretaryt| XYcair.ier and Truftces nominated and a^bcintvd by them tor th-.1 ne:;i year, a- S'tcbiy ;o tiicrefoliuionof faid Society. Cj* A general attendance is particular- Iv\^ilred 'GEORGE OKILL STUART, - Prefde.it M. D. S. S King-ton> April 18,1817. 4 8 w2 • To Joiners. TO he Iv'irtied by Contract, a Frame HOUSE, near Point Frederick, already covered. Any pcrf<:n defitou* to enter into a Contract for completing :.hc building, areieqiufled to deliver Ica- I<?d propofr.N into this office (where a I plan may be feen. and o;her particulars made known,) on or btforethe 15th of Mav next N- B No Tender will be received af¬ ter 12 o'clock on that day J MARKS, Agent V'tdmlUr. j FicluaUwg Of ice, 47 Pftht Frederich, 2y! April, 4S17. FOREIGN. * * Lord A. Hamilwn airo.fupportcd tk| caufe of reform, and 'adverted to what 1 § CLASSICAL EDUCATION. SCHOLARS maybe Kift»u£ttd at K_7 the Academy, in Mr. Hinry Bh- iJcrVtrcd houfe, r*£r (Ireet, in the follow¬ ing branches of Literature, at tire £;.ne£ed prices, VIZ \ 2i> Orilngraphy, Read- 1 £ t : 2 :6 per if\% and Writing J Quarter. ?in^lill) .Grammar. Arithmetic and Book "Keeping /J 1 ; 10 : o per quar. Cbmpofition, Oratory, the Ele¬ ments of Natural and Civil Hiftory, Practical Mathemat- ic$,peography,&c. £ 2 : o : o pr rjr. Latin, Greek and other Claitical branches. .£3 : o : o perqur. Both fexeshave feparate and commo dioiis auartments. The M"iflc9 may be inrtrufled in Needle-Work, Dratving,] &c. ' Kingston April, 1817.. 48 "FORSALE, " A HOUSE and LOT, in the village of Stuartville. For particulars cnq-.ifrc of J>>HN DARLET. Kingston, Asril 26, 1817. 47 TO JLE2 •9 rrpHE weft half of Mr. John Bayne's _li Hv.ife For particulr.rs enquire of the ,.wncr, at S. Mcrrili's. Kir.gstw, 24/A April, 1S17. 47 TO BE BUILT BY CONTRACT, A Small Dwelling Honfe, at the j Nayal Hofpital, Point Frederick. Any perfon or perfons willing to etit&i into a contrift to build the laid houfe, are rtqnefled to deliver fealed Tenders into this Office, on or before the 15th of May next. No Tenders will be received after 1 2 o'clock on that day : a plan maybe feen and other particulars made known at thib Office. J. MARKS. Agent. FiHuauing Office. 47 Point Fredcrkl, 2$d April l8r7* • Mason's Work. ERSONS willing to contiact to e- p redt a wall around a certain part of the Naval Yard, agreeable to a drawing, which may be feen on application, w.ll fend jn fealed Tenders on or before the 15th of next month, expreffiugthe rate per toife. The work mult be fiuilhed by the 15th October next. * Naval Storeheeper's Office^ 22J Apri/y\H\'j. 47 Wants a situation, "DTM fome Writing Office in this place, JJL a? a Clerk. Merchants or Auction¬ eers who may be in want of aff.ftancc in that bi^nch, will do well by calling upon the Pi inter for farther informaii*"', as tiv ; ,'ff-itt who wifHh U% engage v/j'IJ tc in readinefs to attend to the fame on Monday,next,the r8th toft, ■ Kingston, April 22,1817. " 47 P'jglHiS is to forbid all and every per -if ion or perfons whomfoever, i.ncd- dling wiih, 01 iuany wife interfering with th- Lot* in Johnfouviilc, purchased from Jo!iq Fcrgulbn, Efq. by the fubferiber, Richard Smith ; and alfo with the Lot bought from Jean Baptifte des trois Majfrto, caiird Reau, by the faid Richard Smit't, ajid Cyrus his fon ; for Bcnja- mjn Wstfltcr' Smith and Maria Smith, without leave firfl had and obtained from John Fcrgufon, Efquire. RICHARD SMITH* CYRUS SMITH, Kingston, April 2 1. 1 81 7. 47 w6 DEllATE IS THE HOUSE OF L V M MO N8, of Ft* ruun, \ 7—ColT- rludod. Mr. Brougham always kit p«in i'» (peaking of himfelf : at the fame time he 1 \ tvuited ilu houie would gn^t him its in- dulgencecn the prefent occifion.—hear, hear! Whilfthe trfenke^1 the Nohk I Lord for the frank manner \n which he |jiad brought forward this Rbft unfound¬ ed charge?.g:u'i»(r him—oneiT,ore unfcuin- dedj he would be bold to Ay, was never brought againfi. a public mm. He did not complain of thoic vvhohad p<it the bu'ef into the hands of the inble lord, nm did he complain of the nobe lord forfuf- fering himielf tnbe muled ty thofe per¬ fons. But he did blame ttuir impatience in not waitings few days when they | would have had his full u;mwn heforcj them, which at prefent th/y had not ; as on the night in which hs made the ob- fervntions which had calld down :hc prefent cenfures of the n.ble lord, he guarded himfelf molt paiticularly agotnft giving any pledge as to tht vote which he fhould give on thn great and moll im¬ portant queilion. The h;n. gentlman then entered into a detail 01 what pafTcd at the dinner, which the ntoie lord had alluded to, and denied that any change had fince taken place in hisopinion. He then faid, and he faid now, that fixation (hould bound fufFrage ; bu. he did not mean the taxation paid by teggSra in the [Irect. He faid then, and he now repea¬ ted, that in his opinion, diect taxation towai chthc fupport of Govomr.ent fliould entitle to luifragc. Six yea^ ago he hcl.! the lam- opinion, though Ic then faid it would be politic to take wBat could be got of reform, even if it wo'e confined to the throwing open of lomc of the civic borougbi, and thus extending the repre fentation. He recommenced this ccurfc then, becaufe he though it would be po¬ litic to get a footing firfl. and having done fo, then to proceed tftthe ultimate objeft. Did the noble h>'d now fup- pofc that by producing a fa£ccll made by him at a tavern dinner, he fliould induce hun to fWcrve from any opvuon which he might fince liave taken Up» fcf fear of a charge of ineonfiltency ; a*»d, that under that fear hcihouid be now deterred from giving his vote and opinion fairly and confcientionfly—Hear !—d«:ll fc& (llould he be induced to alter his conduc't by any thing which the noblfi lord could fay ei¬ ther in the houfe or out of d@8f§t Hnir, bear! The hon. Oentleman concluJed with cxpre-iiing hia fCgfet at the fully Si maduefs which had [,ccn difplayed, and the bafc expedient \\\x\c*u had been adop¬ ted to feuarate the people, and to gtati fy party feelings, ar.-i !hc ambition and to had fallen from an hon. Gentleman op- >fitc (Mr Ward,) who, he faid, ought . be the laA to oppolc Parliamentary Reform, hclwvintr hern the friend a:.d| fuppor'.er of Mr. PittS fy«cm of reform. Mr. Ward explained, and denied that !i- had ever been a friend to the queilion of reform. Mr. Canning could not join in there* Btet exprefled by W>me Gentlemen at the - - - - 1 t 1.._. ........ navuig el For Sale, r j ^HE West half of lor number nineteen in the fecond conceflion of the town- fl^p.Qf Kingiton. Apply to the Printer, j A ingston- .y;//y 10.1815. 3 1 v6 * NO'liCE. ROADS IN THE NAVAL TARD. 4 NY perfons defirons of making the J^\^ Roads of this place, agreeably to a pl;:.n which enn be feen by application, will fend in Toalcd Tenders on or before the 15th of next month, Hating the price ajid time of completion. Naval Storekeeper's Office9 22d April, 1817. 47 Cedar Canoes. FOUR large CEDAR CANOES will be fold at the Naval Yard, Point Frederick, on the 1 jth of next month at twelve o'clock. They are made for rowing with oais or paddling. Naval Storekeeper's Office* tldjlpr'd* 1817. 47 -—ttj- ,7pj 71 I i.j . iiparty porpofea of a fcw individuals: he f j \HL Widows &c. recommended bvl": ,1 1 1 « ti . , n B ,!tru(led, however, tl,HC the boned man, either in the houfe or out of doors would be found to fupport the Ichemesof thefe individuals- Mr. Ward did nt>t rife to make any chlervationo on ihe feelings which rniuht actuate either the oijblc lord «r hid hon. friend, who perhaps Were each of thrm friendly to the fame caufe, tliough they took adiffeunt view of it ; but lie re¬ gretted that 11 fhould have been dated at any time, that a hcilc flep might be granted without danger, or that a lfttlc obtained at fir it ihouid latisfy firitefFortfi, j He was perluaded, that to make any in¬ novation in our conltitution would be at¬ tended with danger; and. therefore, the tiift ftep fhould meet his firm oppofition. Sir F. Burdett did not coniider that _B.. the board in the Midland Dis¬ trict, can receive their PENSIONS, by applying at the Office of Dan¬ iel Washbur;;, Efq. in Kingston. dpr'd 25» » S 17. 47.^ # $3r Particular NOTICE. in^lHE fnbfcriber wiflics to imprefs on _L the minds ofthoit who are- indebt- A LL perfons having any. demands! JL JL. a^ainft the Eftatc of the late MUPM 4LET ADAMS, p! Marys. bltrghf dcccafcd, are hereby requefted, to produce thcii clairnn duly authentica ted,—alfoail perfons indebted to the faid Eltate are hereby requefted to make immediate pavment to SIMEON WASHBURN. , . Acllng Execuojrs HalWelt 12th Nov. 1816. 31 v6 TO LET~ cd to him, that he intends to leave this place for England in Auguft next, and rcquefts that imnn'dinte payment be made, j particularly iWe Auction bills which ought to have been paid on demand, io- ftcad of which fix month* has elapfed fop porting the ilrft ftcps to Parlumenta n. — .u. j 1 i« , .- ; r>" Reform (hould be fo taken a< tonledre iiuce the goods were delivered, and not L„, m,„ „ • ,i • r •<■ , b & ' "CK!*any man agauill Komg further it found divifion whith had taken place between the advocates of this great meafuie. Ht was perfuaded they would never he ac¬ commodated, the various points pfopofed were fo oppofite. He could n >t hewe verpvoid thinking, that the noble Lord (Coch.ane) had been hardly ufed by his triends, forof all the plans propofed Iu» certainly had the majority out of doors," where all who had nothing wete for uni- v.'ifalfufTrnge&arurual P;uiir.ment«»; there¬ fore, tho' hispten would ultimately.if car^ tied intoeiTcrt, be produftive of ruin, defoliation, confifcation, and deltrudtiMi, yet it was the noble lord's plan, and let him flick to it. He invited the Gen¬ tlemen on the other fide, each of whom; had a pocket plan of Reform of his own, to bring forward their whole (lock of Imberdafhery before Eailer,that the IiouCfj might have the benefit of them all, on1 the difcuffion of the great queilion. Mi. Tierncy was too old now to enter into any vifionary fchenes of Reform ; what heT.-pfhed to do* was to make the houfe what it ought to be—the guardian of the people's lights. One thing he mull complain of, that was, that the right hon. Gentleman oppofite (hould have rib- ferved on the differences which exifled on t'lis fide of the honle, and taken Uf on himfelf to fay that thole dillerrnces could never be accommodated. Did the right hon. Gentleman mean to monopolize all power of accommodating differences of j opinions to himfelf.—Hcar% hear !—Cer- tiiuly he had great ta'entsthat way. lr 1 he Right hon. Gentleman would inform the houfe how he and his colleagues had accommodated tiieir differences, thole on his.fidc the houfe need iu>t dcfp^ir ; for no differences could ever be trreattT inBu thefe of the noble lord and the right hon. gent, who now fat by his tide had been.—Hear, hear ! Mr. Lyttlcton, defended the conduft of Mr. Brougham, and contended, that the Noble Lord was ui.jullilud in the attack which he had this night made. With refpeft to the noble Lord, he was molt welcome to enquire into his (Mr. Lyttfeton's) conduct, as he neither fear¬ ed his enmity, n-.^r courted his friend (hip he (hould always be found at his poll op- pofmg the plans of thofc dangerous inno vators, whole advocate the noble lord was, and who was feconded by the right hon. gentleman oppoiite.— (Mr. Canning.) The petition, which waa from Narbo- rough, in Leicesterfhiie, was then -.ro't up, and read. Lord Cochrane, m moving that the petition fhould belaid on the table, laid, ] he had no perfonal motives toward the hon. and learned gentleman. In dating his former opinions, he had only wifhed to fhew that the hon. gentleman was not Ijufiiiied in fpeaking or the large body of 1 the people who favotned annual P.ulia- mentband univcrfal fuffragc in the dii- rcfpeftful terms he had clone. He ho¬ ped the houfe would receive and entertain tin's fuhject, other wife the public would conlidcr thcmfclves as having great caufe of complaint. He trufted alfo that full circulation would be given to the debates and that the galleries of the houie would be ope to I he public.—Order, order! die suspension ofthc ;I.v?.rAST >arr%,^ai3«io» vd in PsrtSament, aiul r:irrio<l by a n»;i"jriiv of 175. Qthenwc&wesof an eacrgetic cba. raetef. hs^ nl*o been adojirH. A paasenjcrln the Cmnel informs n«, tW wlien-hisailed from Havr:\ nti*arrnim! i^d hven recoivwl «f the Prlncr liegent Mcn-'d the Habeas Corpus Bill. TUv Loiiddn C;r::: Tnf the(20ih of Feh. rc->. tr.ln- t'..on'|n»ii-of lhccOTnmit:?<^<»fSrCTiW •loth ot'^iiieh wcrfc p>e<C»tcd l'» Ihe Mo'.isc of t'ommonf. Thcfonrral froturrairf these ps pfirtsare similar. T\\r bnr&\ camniittffitS- ijr^s^thei full ennvtctioa lliai 'In* deigns tf<t •tractive nf the ISnnstHvUnjt, tl have bi-cn v.v- tctsd*^, and are still extcndhifr widely in ma¬ ny other yn?n of Great Britain." The rii-aMVcii'i1. adopted Hie rliflcrcnt form; andsymbo&of the French K^volntion • %?.& \lr.t th<»revolution they medifa'ed wo?,i[ p,v • i!)lc, moTC stveepipg and imnvMTJe in i;s t& fecte. Tltey ftreroto iio^in byclcpriTin*fvrr» man of hi > landed and funded projtertT, tt> <;.-. elare all (lie land in common, and in ^lin^'ush She fund?. -Vnr tvos the rrl^-:»a of the coootry ■to be more re-preled. The\ rv^nt to r.^riic ;>rnfs;ne ps^oil:*^ of the liter*v*» ^r -w^; fcjgf* ph**mitTffthe Ifolj Scrtphn*e<, One of thefr handbillsexpre55cil,t( all cinj^iobl ^trtrntond a man of nsto be pun throtigH. N1 Reg**.it-* no CfHtfavfig])—i){f nith i!ie»r head—r-oplar; men, riiltes, or tn<'!oj.i!rcs—ro bishcpV* The lymbnl*of revolution, the tri-f.-dored Da^and t?ir-» rial c:ip nf rraie\ uere ad:»pfed hero, rj wtIi «s tht* uanvof t.'ie revolutionary comrd'i- te***«; they had tin\rrominiUr'• "f «'iblir afr- ty and the conservative eoTynrtfoe. To the ^nhlier3 they had hy SCCoh'd u^i^rminntion, rr* ^tved lo adopt the means of *edne*lo9- Tm Ihe iir«=t plan andimpr.lt^na«t!ie m*?rderof ;l:e uldici1} by mirinighft The report fntli^tfox* moos i'lform--, that u tbed^i^it, v.as hv a rud- den rising lnl!le<fen l ofllie ni^hi, to sorprUf and iivcr|i<mor the soldiers in their different '•arrrrct;*, v.nicinvcri' to hese; on lire. Anrs uere |»n»caired ; a lorgu quantity of pike heads «>i dereil: and a macb'rne prnj. ried lor clfariPR rhestvects of cavalry. The [iri-niiora Wrelo he train.".! ; and the uxurdcrers. ;:nd the ftflon, and the criminals ofaH dejcription«were mhc let loo»e pjioq the mejrnpolli- wit*/ arm*. The general thing was fixed for the S jco>itl of Dc. eember. hsroR^At,, UfarfJi I J. Manchester.—Tin- Txnm of VOdns iiay*ays» ;'»a la-i i-'r'u'a;, e\.*-ninjj an .vpn <* wn* rs'^i^ \ed at tho i lono VecTrf,":r\ uiS\a:i'"-•>Tire, iitc pnr^o.n of which natofsvcha nature, iimnKv dialelj to induce governihen! '«» rfe.*palcJi one. 01" the police ir.a£tsirai-i aid a Rlrp*" Ve-fra- L^er to Manchester, for the opiMVliemion »:f |ierson% biiHjicftcd of hlfh tna ou-f"»ir per- »»ns wi'Tv taken up, and a search instituted ai« it mherft . The followingcjctraci i« ';^^ r-t n-!a. (U \*r>: \r. \!a^ Aftcrloneandnaiirnt'eVM;'" " .M:i™-- -ovcrnme,,. an.-l (nki„„ ^t!$J$S ° Important Umigtncepom Mancfa. ... icr. muriMngW|iavefortl»r aod „-,-■> J\,, .1 m i>r-.,..,.o .., ......„ „ ws umnujtca thai (i,: ■'K'fi'"i. Placanleweresttiol ,.„ .„„, ,, , bill- dsStrih,,te.|. Tl„- p.nnlc ,-f S Ck I,!amU •wy riiu. t^JhjsmSSSXRSJSi during'(he ■*««" — -• • "^TnorK ■-iHiigiiruavcittrciirr and me 1 in •« ..... vms »o.r.JwcJ. i, «,s ilIIim5!trf| Wft It- AND p'.ffcffion jriven the firfl day of May next, that Store and Houfe at prefent occupied by Mr. F.ichard Smith. Apply to TORRANCE & McLEOD. - Kingston March 13,1817* 41 A Gentleman w if lies to procure a X5L Nurfe, to attend a fick Lady, An c-Idrvly WQtr-ZTl wou'd be preferred; to whom liberal wagefl will he given. Apply to the Printer. * ' Kingston, 10th Jan. 1817. 32 A smal] nuantity of ONION SEED Fur falc- ai iht Drugglil Storir of F.'-CAR LISLE. Kingum, Manb u, i X17. 4»i(| I Kindlon, 'M 2318.j. cernsby ihfl fame time, he requefh thofe that may be indebted to him by Stort accounts, to fettle them as fooji as poi- siblc. The GOODS he Has on had, viz. Cloths, Flannels, Counterpanes, Elegant Furniture Calicoes, Large Silk Shawls, Boots, Shoes, Green Table Covers, • Boxes Perfumes of moft fnpenor cjiirility and well a fib r ted. The wholeof which he h determined to fell-low for cafh. J. THORNER, New Brisk Houfet Store street. Kingflon, April 26, 1817. 49 Blank Deeds and Memorials, For fale at this Olficc. Wanted, A COOPER. Libera] wages will ^1. be gIvcn for a good workman bv applying to JAMES ROBINSON. II ^ With refptft to th<e fe?*r° which an hon. j Gentleman (Mr. Ward) feemvd to enter- jtafn of any innovation, in the Con Hit u> {tion, why, the Irifli Parliament had been putchafed, and an hundred new Mem¬ bers had been added to this Parliament. Were not thefe innovations in the C011- ftinition \ Yet the hon. Gentleman had fuppnrted thefe meafures.— Hcar% hear i Wii . refpe&to thefubjc<a which gave! rife immediately to this converfatisn, he! was forry to find perfons, who both with- \ ed well to the caufc, thus dividing and weakening the caufe they advocated. As far as related to the extenfioo of fuffrage, he was perfuaded, if fuffragc was extend¬ ed to dircft taxation, the people would j be fatisfied, and nothing more would be I heard of univerfal Diffragc.—Hear hear, Mr. Brand cxprefTed fiu rcgretj that attempts fliould be rnr.de by interelted perfons to introduce chimerical and vi- uonary fchemes to injure the great caufe m which they were all to much interelt¬ ed. He alfo regretted much the ill-ti¬ med perform] attack which hnd tin's night ■feeen made on his hon. friend by the no¬ ble lord. fc& trotted the noble hnd would refrain from loch attacks in future. | Mr. Curwcu ww ia favor vf a rational reform. CA •h li 'jdjrt cuatr .' Mr. Brougham again repeated, that his conduft would never be influenced either by the threats of thofe who tnftruc- ted the Noble Lord, and whofe tool the Noble Lord was, without doors. One • thing he mult fay, the Noble Lord had uttered fentiments which (hewed an inten¬ tion to intimidate the houfe. The quef tion of reform was not to be carried by intimidation ; and fhould the noble lord I ever utter another feiUencc iimilar to what he had this night thrown out, he (Mr. Brougham) anxious as he was for ' the caufe of Reform, would adopt one of two coutfes, either to confine the debates within the walls of the houfe, or to move to adjourn the queftion of rcfoim alto¬ gether.—Htar, hear, hear I XKW^YORK, April 81. Arrived ou Sunday evening the ship Comet, Captain Center, in 3d days from Havre dc Grace. Ily laisarrival, the Kdiiorsoithe Com¬ mercial Advertiser have been favored with a filft of French papers to the tOiii ofjVJarch,witli London dates to the 6th inclasite. The state of tliifiga in Kngland has, \t ap¬ pears, becutut* f.xiremi l.v critical and alarming. The two-reret committees (appointed by the house of Lords and house of Comroou?0 batre rc- ported the result of their investigation, Uj | ueieh it would icrp\ fhfrf the spiritofdisaffpc- ticu uhich '»:i,J ajci'ntrcl the ;rie;ropOlt$, h;id spread »'nlcl> over thccountry,aDrlthreatened an immediate and general i^*volution. In con- sequeuce of tau fiuU ui^tloa^u iu theie reporfoi 9 week, making every rflaH rft ;^ utmc thepuWic n,i„,i. ^ to %g™ «fj» y mo awni&fc on rhe day *g$£f% I r patched with vvair.TUs.and as wA'atPd mt» Hay fo..r wre apprehended on t:„njuv; lir sir' " °' n n"iv" ^^"dero/ihc Dfe Ita, Sir .Jolm Byng and the ittat-isfrttcs, bad takenprfcaiifioiw. Th,.si,,rk,,-Trt (S had .-.-rsjome«; ma „croa!so£™ J*,*" • ..-r.-r) ,0 a, to be m readlnee to act i„ fa* of Man< hestw i>a,,.-r u li.a. rhf arrival, in .he SftTfli ;ia-V<i,,!,: n':: !,r "-^ ""■"• *«n "D 10 hi.uh). At ihe meclir.p tb<vc wa» 20TOP and a great rnat.y jamm in e»n:«-qitence of the "it.inanon that the meeUag wnid pnirrrd in a body 10 LonifoD, had provld. <l themsrlvcs uitb Miap>ar..« ^,»;;!aii>h.s such «;rtie|« as Hjrv might muiitiB :lr roa.I. A iemrorarV stas'o weserected itponacart,and the In^K'mot use raecfing appeared upon it at nine rfcWJr, iheirltarai-gawnrei^M fo ha»e l„-en of.iK- moil toftonmNiry kind. The .tuntber. fourrd in, m shoah ewr.v n.im.t.-, and it vss t\fCinfi necessary to call iu the cMJami nMUm por- A party of the bt Dragoonswithtnctt' gi?«rate^ kg a quirk mmPmwil sntmimded the cart, and conveyed nil whoweieor. 4mmn prison. About 200 have been appi-eh«id^. B,lLTiaiOHE, April 17. Warin South America.—'£he mm. papers t>t Jamaica speak mt as deri- ikc'iy in favor of the Patriots, as any papers in this couatrj, K; a Kingsion article of the |7th of Vmrh. H is >fn- lot), flint General Mnrinn had takm Cttmana on the Oth of that numtb, with the loss of from 1 ((> .",(0 nu-n—ihe lloyalisN. Ruropenn troops Uwm COO lo 1000, were all put to the sword. It b truly afflic#r«f to hear of the horrible eraeltiea on both sidp; in this A kt»er Irow T;^iuad, d«- waif:

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