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Kingston Gazette, May 10, 1817, p. 1

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[SATURDAY, MAY 10, 1817.1 i [VOLUME VI.------No. 49] GAZ towwwt, nun CANADA^pRmTEP and Published by STEPHEN MILES.-Price Four Dollars per Annum-Exclusive or Postage. MOORE'S GOF FEE-H0VSE ^^fiJ7x;-.r;.:.v.yc>->:: vettv&g&v MCjESSSe sa^5Spapa.^ P/re of aJwrufirtf in the G.i^citc. Rk'hV n-vl utifW, ?/T> firit infer. i*n9 and iyj| every lub- q-ient. Ten Inic^i miri aoqer, 3/4 firft infer lion, ind i-T» cvpt; fnbftfqiu.at. Ten line* and ry.wuds. 4//. per line flffl infer!t w, and 2<A per line every fuc- tte:diu£ in left ion. A dvertifd'nents unnecomoanicd wftb wSttm (Kftr&i nw ire ■ nlcrtcd till forbid, en<! harmed accordingly. mnift* UttitMjnt Cover-tor's Office* TV/', I oh February, 1817. »£?**2nsrlics that Tender a- win 1,0 received at thi» Office from Inch cc?fun orpevfonsas mny he defir'MW of CiMitrr.cKn'.r to render the whole, or any paftHF the Water Communication be ween I a Ch:n<" R'H Kin;>t'»'\ by thr courfe of t he River Rid-.au, navigable f*r Bftlti drawing two feet ti atcr an?] ten feel U-i-'ch—:;*iV,t T..r !,;«SU* dra1- i:»^ ihu-c feet VSTeraiHj twelve frtt in w-dth. 1 lie Tenders -ret'* f*eci*"y t*1? nitffl berof T ocks and die places at whj h it upm j ! t' bilQu the-n : a'1 To the num¬ ber ui i'.ood Gates in each Lock—and the period* for completing the work by Ae Iiifli C-eek. Tender* will ?!fo be received for open WTthfi Curnmut;iVat;on !n the direction of;!ie Rtdeau Lake, and the waters ci-£nnun:e^i!n^ from thenjee to mud Ijflke, and f™**? tnc-rtCV tn Kingfton. Tead-rs, Etatitr^ the frcrmuei for per- foroiing the com rail will be received til! ill* ;oti) of lone next hclufive% and fur¬ ther |/%nicnlars may be known by ap¬ plying \n 1 he .Surveyor Gen. Oifier at Y i-lc— The Office of (he Dtfjwity Quar¬ ter JfaSet General at Quebec—or the AflilW Quarter Mailer General at jrj/A February 1^17. 41 Just Arrived, 100 Quii taUdryCod k-\sh, 10 l&ivrels Ling* 20 Da Buy Ckil«n? Sa'mon- gO Kfcg* Liocli I ine Lie mug, ]0 t,*rk*-w iSuttpr. 4Z,S0r*& few f«t\ beft j&uidics mid Bridies* A?nrtij)ga!ft8, t*aii*fl Velieses, Horse Cloathhig, and 20 !>oz. Fine Sioes. The above ditie^es will be fold cheap fcrCafh or produce. MLEX'*. MACDONELL & Co Kittson, 24/* 7^- i-'-t/- 34 rJTViE fuhferiber having opened the JL Houl'e lately erected by Mrs Fin- fcle, next dooi to Johns & Fmfcle'tti ref- pertful'y informs the public, that he has taken great pains to fnrniih it in every refpeft to merit the bed of cuhom. Gen- tlcT!-e:i travelling may rely Upon having good accommodations and att^dancfi. Their being attached to the houfc a ^ood yard and ftabtcs, Tcarjirters can bave fnit«ble accommodati'-n*!. ■Soupa every day froni i2'o 1 o'clock. Seven or eight genteel boarders can be attended 10. J. MOORS. Kingston ^ Fib, i9 \ 8 ! 7. <J5 Thomson & I)eilor Have for Sale, A roNSIUMMENT OF Cheap Goods ; Among which are :~- 50 Pieces Superfine and Se¬ cond Cloths, 40 Do. do Pelisse, do. 60 Do. Oissimere, 100 Do. CaUco, (at St'I. cost.) i ALSO, 50 BOXES PINB Yellow Soap. Kingfton, March 5, 1817. 40tt. I Education. THIS day received at the Store of S. Bart let, 100 Caika wrought and cut Nail-, rlaHifizes, Window Ghfs, Iron, Steele, Nail rods, Sheet Iron, CKOCKERTisfGL/iSS WARE in Crates and Hogfbeads, White Paint, Mustard in fCegS, Hyfun bkin Tea, , Coffee, r.hocalare, Mufcovjdy Sufjar, Jamaica Spirits, Currier's Oil, and A kr** Edition to his Slock of Dry Goads ; ^7nd has on l-(€ Way up from Montreal, A GREAT VARIiai OF (GOOpS, • Of almost every Dcfcri/nion. Which will le i dd very cheap by whole- 'ile only. ^Fcbwary ^1817. 3J*T PROPOSALS, FOR rRPwNfi, gy Si BKCRtPTIOjl, By Wsk%mnn &' Ss'isxuns^ ALBANY, N. V. Sketches 0f Upper Caimla, WITH A Mu» OF THE PROVINCE, And a To;vojrr;(rilica| nid Htofnfc ^ Dcacrip lion of tlw hMiUs r<mfEhi <l.i.i:.5 iltelate «4r «»ihi,? :kud ii-.-ar Us Limits. ( ONDITIONS: 1. ' his »Vork will b<* comprised in Mr. & Mrs. WOOLF, _r /t 1EG leave to inf-.nn lh«- puhlic,| ,in. 0l *fvW V(|:imjN ol'aibout 300 pages, 15 th piintrfl on n pood txyfi and iine paper. 2. Th*1 prfc« to subscribers wiU b^ One IN'oii:ir and ^i!V.:uiriJPTpw<C»fHii+> *m boards, or'l'wo DaIIaits mA Pift\ (Vn*> Bcatlv bound andh«ttt(Mvd. The Hooks wiU be dul'iTtrrcd \u Kingston at the Albany prh 3 rtfTwoi Dollars and Fif-^ ty Cent . with the suliditiou»f the in»- po&l duty, * i»iy. 3- To fchoje who subscribe for Ten (~^m:.»«7 or p r"ur-x TVwF •b-'*)Hi*,rs, :i" KIcti -th Cisuy v\ill ibo ^ivni gratis, on u« livi-ry and paymemt of the Copu-v sulrM*r":r<l lor. S3rSubscriptions fiorthr above Work J! :dU i»B received Hi th ■ QMcc. at on the 12<U inft. tluy pur- j»of*' to commerce a Boarding and Day , SCHOOL* in the h »uft recently occu¬ pied by Dr Naraubiy \ for thr inftruc- rion -fVounw Ladi in the different braneWii of Female Education. Cird-of terms and ev*ry other re- q tHte infoffevtartov] may be had on appli» catir>n to them. Kingston* yl May% 18x7. 4S Building*. PERSONS willing to iM.devtike to| make the New Cues to the Na-| •mI Yard, an:! Corrple;e »he iwo fu* .11 bnildinjj«which willbe attached to thcmt G.Mrronwm R.^it.? »tl »he svat-tnJs re- II ^ _. c ^^ Dcrd. ^ ..M >u of jni.c-O ; Phrs.icc. Ot thework canbe,^.^ lhoufap^ i&& of 1and_We the . •ic." to pay ir Received July n, 1^02, -f Am- fecn at this Yard, ar-d fcaled icntoi"«« ! fu,,rr ;..er do r, ,m;fr „ 1, He received on tlie «5th M.(y, idi; Naval i'-tor: keeper's ttfficu. To Let, A ND pcrfTdfion civen mc firft da- of J3i J"nc:re\tf »ha^ ^fiufc Gardffli f! i -md Stc.be, Occupied by the fubfcttbci HilNRV SAKCR. For Sal AT (:'t Sture of tai iiibfcnber, Tork, Flour, Ptafe, Oats, S ed Corn, And a General efafttmt rfSf'.tKIR GARDE C»KKDS P. WETdT-L. BLAIR'S Sermon, lJoneu>' f,Vl denrep, the Canadian Vifi'oT, bonvdor Gujrle, t-^thvr *it>i a -rcai rf L(on, |9 variety of alcful B-* ks and Tr-icA^ for \\ j(J . thc ]sJotcs and accounts fo»coltev- young people, for Salt at thla Office ;— j; ( wl»erc accefs may be bad U> a firo&fl ci«- j j Mblfiu( Library, three times a peek, vr.; Bindr»".te terms. auguil I, 1816 1 Custom-House Office, i/i April, 1817. IN ordj-r that Masters and owners of VefTcls, Boats, Rafts, &c. coming into the Harbor of Kingston may We a ware of the regulations of the Port ; the Following notice is given for theii iufor- mati. n and guidance^ The Master of every dtferiptton of Crafe coming into the Port, i*-, un his arrival, and previous to unloading any part of his Cargo, to make report at the Custom-Houfe, and there receive a pro- teft-'on and cerificate of entry.—This rule is to becibferved by veflcls of every defcrJotinn coming up ihe ri/er as well as thofr from above, and to be as rigid¬ ly attended to by Britilh fubjcAs ai fo¬ reigners. All craft on leaving the Harbor to be provided with a Clearance. Any craft not belonging to a Britifii fubject, found engaged in the Coasting rra ^e of this countty, will he feized, to¬ gether with its cargo. Office hours from 9 o'clock, A- m. to 4 o'clock, P. M. CH'r. A. IlAGKKMAN, 46w6] Colledor. ~ ----------- '- Notice. ALL perfon* indebted to the fubfcri* her arc reque'led to make imme* dtote payment. All kind* of produce will be taken in payment, at the JJ/arket prices. The fuhferiber has taken imo partner^' (hip hi* brother, ytfllan R. A/acHoiiell, The buiinefs in future will be carried on under the firm of ALEX. MACBONELLft Co. In addition %o their former Hock, they :ire now receiving a genera! afloi tment of DRY GOODS, JLIQUORS, GROCERIES HARDWARE, Earthen Sf Glass, cVr. fcc. %C. AEX'?.. MACDONELL. Kington, 1/7 Sept, 1816. 34 " MONTKKAL Air MbtSPU LOUGH & Co. BEG leave to annoui.ee to the lie, tl it they have commenced the bufiuefs ut Founders, A WAITER, at a refpeflable houfr, who understands his bufincf* in c- very refpeft. No one need apply bOc who is thoroughly acquainted with the bufineft.—Enquireal thi3 Office. April \%, 1817. ^fttf Garden Seeds. THE fubferiher has jujt received a frefh parcel of GARDEN SEEDS J Which, in addition to his former stoci* makes his afFirtment complete. ALtXfR McLEOD. Market Pltce, \ \%th April, 1817. \ f6w$ I^or Sale, LOT No. 23, ntKconcefTionofthr townfhip of Pccy, Diftrifi of New-Cattle.—also, one fifth of an acre in the Town of Kingfton. For terms enquire J. this Office. Kingfton, 14th april, 1817. ^6if USTreceived *nd for fale at this OU fict, price t/8, Poems on his Z>>- mestie CbpcumsHtticct) by L«rd Byron.— With the Star of the Legv.n of Honour\ and other Poems ; to which is prefixed, The Lift of the Noble Author. Nov. 28. t$ Furnace. r\»b- PAPER HANGINGS. THE fubfertber has lately reccivrcl a fmal! aflbitment of PAPER. HANGINGS, for fale on rcafonabifi terms if applied for (odd* ALSO, A few Boxes Mould and Dipped CANDLES & SOaP. And a new fupply of Dry Goods & Hardware. S. BARTLET. March, 1817. 43 Juii received and for fale at this Office, 11. Reams Writing Pofl No. tp 9 ditto ditto uncut. On their property, foat of the Quebec c;bn'V.-, immediately adjoining the Ship to ^ino> y/nfly, twenty lhillin£,s pei acre fi^r fuch p ""T anr' f^rh qnirttl:V nfj tlu at>ovc lan u, abWC ba»c iu potlcQIoufl| i'atd of /Meffrs. Hart Logan & Co. and may wifh to rctattt as our property, | where thev will rnrnilh <T/ill Caftiugs of the:; iC% oh t mvio m icn * r ' 1 flOM. vhe firft day of January, 1803, with interefl nntil paid, and the fubfcribc»e fhal* m-afureoff fucb quantity as they '.\0.\ to purthafe out of earn lot that foi fuel Ithcv mayb v»: in ; oil fu^tt, mtd \ 'qu-mtity 'hey lhall be confidered to pay T^ji concert h«-.-etefntc carried on j jiarcreft,and no moT bv tl"- fubic ib<-ro, m$tr the fi; m j <.f KingMMiry & sleeper, 1< this day dif i fo'ved lyv mutual contort : ;1" thofe in i dented to ind Sim arc rcoiirfted to cau ai«o feitte 'lic.^. as th.-ir Nnsevnrroimh I I Cloth ia left with Mr. David oe- iuu. For Sale, CVT reafonsble terms, a remarkable W hindfome Bay Geldim AWt j yvzta old next Graf-,—g'.e< «k)1 in 1-ia.nefs, is ve-y gentU .nd known to be one of the belt brrd be:-jet in the neighbourhood. Enquire at thl* Office, or at the Store of M& Walter McCnniffe. Kingfton, April 4. l8,7-_____fr*. AYonng man w^o can write a good hand and keep accounts. Nor.c Deed Rpply who cannot produce * Rf"J° recommendation from fi>me refpeftaD.e merchant in thU town. Apply at this Office. April 26 *5 TJaniel K.ing(bu:y, .1 joiva E. Sleeper. tV6\' XMuetVLiXU* April »^ 18.17. 4«4r>. h:'-» yy/ fVinefs our hands at Corlnvrighty in the county ,f Dtlo'varc, and'\ slate efNiW'Torj^ July tj, 1802. Sigeed Gt&g* 8ipk9 Ah ahum H>yughtd\ng% StWHid Vv hin,ty% S\lns Grt"rjiitc-t Jo;::i Houi>i.u;thgy Javncs Ttoif9tr$ a*i dcuS«p*iotti, agreeable t« luch orders as they may receive,— Alfo, Bluckfmith's A'»M'k "f every Wnfl executed with neat- nefs and difpatch. Montreal) ^ov. II, 1^'6. N. B. Ca(h given for old Metal, deliv¬ ered at the Works—fay at the rate of £5 per ton, and for old Brats 4d, and Copper 6d per lb* 3* wTTTBEltSAS Hannah my wite \\ left my ben and b-»arO, and re- fdCrt to live with me ; this !» therefore tO forfctd all pcrfons from ha.bo.M.A « tiulhr,^ her on ir.y account, a, I wall not pay any debts of her contracting aker ihiodate. wn ^T-r-nr x? FRANCIS TF-EPLE. Loughborough, May^8^7j_jr8 BLANK BaTlTbOnDS, and SUhkiFFs SALES, For sale at this Office. %John ttc'::,irt j.M Sirailrr, Adam Vm: V^Unlurgh% tlLuin llo'tnts, Frederick %r<fft% George &r09 Jtfrjjh Gr;„UTj0n9 4' STR For Sale at this OrFicfe. March 1 ^ O A T S„ For SaUatthis 0&*c' C1AME into the CRclofure of the fub- J fcriber, on or uhout the 24th ult a Corrf matked as fi>|tow«, viz: Light red colour, with a bag back, apparently feme advanced in l&n. The faid cow has had a calf fincelhj came to the pre- mifea of Ibc fubferibt^. The owner is lequefied to prove pic,%Crty9 pay charges and tht printer for infer ting the fame— and take her a-.vay. NATHEfe BURNET. 1 Kingaon, May z, J 817. 483W Blank Suinmonses For the District Courts, for Sale ai 6M5 oiiice. And the highest price paid for RYE, BOPS,' At the old Brewery of Jas. Itobln^cn Gillespie # Burhy. Kingston, 26th December, i8i6. 3a tole¥, ^CJoitable for a per Ton in a mercan- ^) tile of othur public line of bufineft, a large new built Honfe two ftorice high. with a good cellar ; a Wharf and Store, fituate in a rnofl eligible part of tb« town for bufineft, King in the vicinity of the market place. For particular- enquire of the Printer.. 44 For Sale* Al PART of a Lot near the Mar n/JL ktt Place, with a lionfe on it. For particulars apply to ih« frinl<r< K'tnploi', fan. 25, 1817- •*» JAS. FIW. ANDBR&ON, Fnvn His Majesty's Dock- Yard Pnrt&rnouthj INFORMS the public, that he [9 car. Tying on the bufinefa of PAINT- \lNGi in all its branches, mod particular lv that of Figure Painting. It will be done with the utmoft nicety and expedition. N. B. An apprentice 'wanted* Kingfton, Ma*ch 15, 1817. 4itf. For Sale, A VALUABLE Farm, with build¬ ings aLo large improvements there¬ on, favorably iitnated within 28 miles of Kingston. Perfons dtfiroua of pur* chafing to inquire of the Printer. Kingston^ July to, if If• 3! v6 TO LE T, A TWO Story Houfe, in Stuart _£\. Ville,ju(l outfideof the Town, oa 1 he road leading to the Bay of Quinte. Thete is a Baker*» Oven in the [owe/ part of iu and an excellent Kitchen. For further particulars apply to the fubfert¬ ber. JOSEPH CLEMENT. Kingston^ Marih 11,1817. 41 FERGUSON'S * Improved Table of the value of Graifl» of Gold Coin, over or under weight, For Sale ax thi» Office. A QUANTITY OF SEED CORN For Sale at this Office. 43 C'AME into the incloiure ,-f the fnb- fcribcr fame time fintc, a Cow- The owner is requefted Co prove proper ty, pay charges and take Iter away. Thomas Graiu"*- fCngsfJtJh May 3. 1 tf 17. 40^-3

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