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Kingston Gazette, May 3, 1817, p. 1

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r ;:*.>;*■ .*\i.i*^>*^ L. C11\ G ... £*^ -^ - [VOLUME VI.— Np.4fcL] i ^«^S3SsH*^j 3 GA rwi In Kings ton, Up^er Canada—Printed and IV bushed by STEPHEN MILES.—Price Four Dollars per Annum—Exclusive of Postage. SbLA*vv<iri&v'> *yr**&*t '" i irTTirjiirmjllliHO flimjw»ii.. ' ^^^^JToa^jqSSSSHBSwiM^w -*~*** WMbm" WftWft 9&H* Pr/iV of irlvrrt}fi'\% in the Gazette* \ Six lines and vm Icr. 2/6 fir ft in fen ion. and 1/3 evciy fublVqnent. Ten line* and under. 3/4 firft infer- tlon. and t'S every fiihk^ucnt. Ten line* and apwird?i 4<7. per lire ^firft infenion. and 24?, per line every fuc- cecding infertioft- VSwtife'fWntd unaccompanied wilh writ in direct! »ns *re inlerted till forbid, and charged accordingly. '»■• * Lieutenant Governor's OJ}-. -TarL 1 9-'/j February, tb ■ 7. THIS \i t • give IHUUX tliat T' .. Fets will hr* receded at. ihu Office Eh m Whnerfon or j>erf-jru»as nr.<y be dcfirmis ofContracliutr to r-nki ttfc* whok, or any part.f ;he Water Cnmroiinicatioii be. men r ^ Chine an ! Ilfn^tin, l>y the conrfeohh- lifort Ridtao, Rtvigable f- r Boats drawing twu feel **t#f«d ten feet -width—affo, foi I *%9ts «tnt* ir-R three feet •wafer and twelve f' t l« tt Jth. The Tendeis.uetofjecify the ntiro berofLock i«d the t^cei ..: wU.-h it is propofed t . fniild them ; a'.fo t?«f num¬ ber of Floo-I OatMirt each Lock— and the periods f.,- completing the work by •tlwlrifh Greet ' Tender, wiii rffii be received for open in^ the Commani-^tion in the urt&u.i flfrhc Rideau Uk*, a-d tl-e water- "Communicating from thence to mud Lakeland From theoee v- KiVqftow. : f end-n, Rating the Ir-^rTttV ior o.r fintfmg the ettttiad will be received tti 1 ftegotb of Jcac next i< clnft.fr, and £««"- •tosAtctcnkiri may I. ksotfn by a^,.- Vyimrto th. Sw*cy« ften. OiFci- at ■York—The OR.-r • f """ ^P"'>' Q"'" ler ftfeftft General at (^.•.b-c-o^ the AffiftaiK Qusner Mailer Gracral m "K'o^l!"n. c///.v/ Arrive^ o0 Do. B»v CjwVrvrSahnow. in F*Ains Biirt^r jl80,-~A few feu* 1*» pnoiis'n Plated Harucases, . florsc CioailvMij?, and 20Doz. PineSUo^s. ■ The above article* wSl ^ &M chea- 'r«rPafli uV oroduce. AIKX-r M ACDONELL & Co- Kingston, 2^ J*n' ltil"- MOORE'S COFFE K -HOUSE. THE fnbferiber naving opened the Houfe lately erecttd by Mrs. Tin¬ kle, next dooi to J"iuw & Fmklc's, ref- oeclfully informs tin- public, that he has * u;en great p.iii'.s to furnifh it in every rttfpcfl to merit the belt c*f cultom. Gcn- iler-.en travelling mav rely UuOfl having go >daccommodations and attendance. Their being attached to the houTe a dOod vaij and (table*- Team iters can "iave fuitable accommodations. •Sotips eveiy day From 12 to I o'clock. oVvcn or eight genteel hwarders can be attended to, J. MOORE. Kingston* Feb. 1, t8 I 7. 35 Thomson & Betlor Have tor S<t W, ACONSiGNMEtfTOF Cheap Goods ; Amoiijj wLichare :— 50 Pieces Superfine and Se ctnrtl Cloths, 40 Do. <t<> Pelisse, do. 60 Do. Cassia;ere, sOO Do. -ILSO gG BOXEb FIN*: Ycllon 1 INEW GOODS.: THIS diy received at the Store of & Calico, fat Si'I. cost.^ / ft o^;/ Bartlet, 100 Calks wrought and cut Nails, ot all fizes. Window Glafs,Iron, Steele, Nail rods, Si)eel Iron, CRQCKEM & GLASS WARE in Crates and Hogilieads, White Paint, MustJi'd \r> Kegs, Hyfon Skin Tea, Coffee, Chocalate, Mufc3vado Sugar, Jamaica Spirits, Currier's Oil, and A large addition to his Stock of Dn/ Goods ; rijnd haven the way mi fccrni Monirea^a.i- , « , , GOODS, " - - HAGERMAN, Ofainost every ilefcriptiori. Which will he fid very cheap by wholc- fnle oniy. Fr^rmarj i, 1817. 351/ Custom-House Office, 1/? /?/>//*/, 1317. IN order that Masters and owners of VefTci', Boat*. Hafts, &c. coming into the Hatlvr of Kingston may be a- waie of the regulations of the Port ; thf following notice n given for iheii intor- mati. n and guidance. The Master of every defcription of Craft coming into the Port, i>-, on his I arrival, and previous to unloading any i part of his Cargo, to make report at the Custom Houfe, and there receive a nro-, tecVon and certificate of entry.— i'his role is to be oblVi ved by vcfiels of every ^cl:iiption coming up the river as weii JB hole from above, and to be as ligid •i \v/tttcnded to by Britifli fubjefta as fo- grura. ^All craft on leaving the Harbor to be jovided with a Clearance. Any crah not belonging to a Bntifh uhject, found engaged in the coasting irade of this coutttiy, will he fci/ed, to- ^t.lier with it^ cargo. OiRce hours from A WAITER at a refpeaahlrhoufe, "•ho underfitands hisbufinef* In e- jvery rtipeA. No one need apoly \ ut jwho is thoroughlyacquarnted with the bafine&.— Enc|uireai thie Office ripril\$9 1 Si 7. 4_iSrf Garden Seeds. ■ ■ 7 IB IHi". tobferiber has just received a JJ_ frefli parcrl of GA-^PKN SEEDS ; Which, in ad Jit i n to h^ firmer stock, makes hia afliirtmcnt contpU te. ALfc.: 'r McLEOD. Mar!-I Place, \ iS./j dpril, 1817. ] ±6veA 46W6] Collator. PROPOSALS, FOR PF1NTING, B\ SL iiSCIMPTlON. ALtUNV, i\- i- v.e'rV.s of tipper Canada, & .,,„...* MAP O'TIIK PflOVlXCE, Kf'^ftou, March c, 1^17 lot* , \ A:.;! , t. .^.Hj»i„r;ii ..,.<! \u wiicd rtescrip ------- || UOi|Of« " IU' U"i t: »lu c!-rn.« .heiaie 1 New Goods. S Sul.lcvi'.c--, having ivecived by '; j \Y*i v.i'inu ;ont inar its i*i.ii.ia. CONi>JT10.\S: *HB SukbrSbei-, havmg kcww oy:; l- TM« W.-..k will be comprised hi ,h. tl ■^•■'. *? &■ 6b- ™ 0.iHu.,!!1T,ofabou,.;0Upn,t,. te l^eft term, ',- cnlh at *. Br S:o « M "' - *°* 0 Pf a'"' ■«• P*^ Cloths iilie un.i w;.i ,- di-j|fK:': Dollar atsti^-v.muv- .'i\. tl.-Mts i„ IC« rU-vmeres, ■ Bombazettft, Riimha7.e"ea, •("-n r\ Women's K'vficry, I ,!h Lii.cnS, Diapers, Toweling, Sattiut-, ;; Ltilcltnngs, agoi ;d Jatfnc*; Levantine wilks, Kibb' n», Lace-5, Fooling, GinghauH, Lace Veils Si'k Shawls, Siik and Leather G! *ves, r** I W. llaigton and Benin Webs W.th a variety of other anicitain the Dru Goods Line.] ALSO, Jamaica Spi-its Mulcovado and lv«:ud>. oi-"i\\f>j;>c|iarw ;ul,i |.-;|,V Outs? ( .early bound a.., U tt veo. The] Uook> [vi!1 '.,<■ i\i*\\\-i-r»*\] in Kiu^t-o at tU* S*lm} pi'uv oi, Two Dollars aud Plf- ■ ' -.'-, «.vi*h »lhc addition ol the im- jio>l dulj, lUv'.y,, 3. '1 « tht&e 'who subscribe f:;r Te" ( vpics, or picture TenS».l;*-v rihers, an KU**.f*tl*h C*vpJ will be given gratis on t'..-iivi'i) «ii'l piuj incut of the Copn^ ttbu 'rih^d foi. ; Or': $:>r* riphjonsfortke above Worl Notice. A LL per foil- indebted to the fubferi- Jt* ber are re quelled to ccuke inune- diote payment . AH kinds of produce will be taken in payment, at the i/arket prices, The fnbferiber ri3s taken into partner¬ ship his brother, 4\ha R. /I'/acDoncll. Tin bui:;:el5 iu future will he canied on tinder the .1. m "f ALi.a. WiCDONELL* Co In addition iu their former lloek, they are now recriving a general alT»rtment of DRY GOODS, LI-QUOMS, HARDWARE, Earthen Sc Glass, fre fa. S?e- AEX'r. macdonell. Kingston, ijl Sept. 1816. 3-1 ' For ba5«, jiT rbe Store of tLc subferiber, Foik, Beet, Flour, Oats, Stefl Com, rsTTAKFR P. WETSEfe C------LAIRDS Sv.oas, Potteas* EV). the Canadian ViUto:, Cogniac Brandy, HcHan i Gin, licit Pott, .■M>a^ifh, 5hc ry ^nd Madeira Wines, Pepperment, Sluub. Molaffes, Loaf Sugar, Teas Prunes, Uaitini, Air., -nda, Bar:ey, Pepper, AUlpice, and [ncis£<>« Ucce:v-d J'^y 13, !?C2. of Amos A fl.y, he li^'e, l>vd- ar.d p-.iTenion of :ii-e th'.uf.*nd acres of land—We the fuWcriUcrs d° P>omife and agree to pay j to Wmos AtiQfi twenty fliillings pet | aereft'f (uch p-^tand fuch quantity of j the above lancis, ?.3we ii:i»ein piikfBflto* and may with 10 retain as our pio^erty, he mouevtobe pairl in ten years from the firfi day J' January, 1803, with irtcrcft outtl p'^id, and the f-.bfeviber- Aall measure oti fuch qnantuy Its the^ j rtifli to purchaff ©Ut of each lot that J thev rr.ay huve it] pm£ JH*>n, and for fuch j quantity they il.all U-coalidered to pay 1 intev.fr, an^. no mr>7C. As fPbv& our hands at Co: iwngnt, the MONTREAL Air Furnace, JOSEPH LOUGH & Co. .. j> F G U-avc 10 announce to ilic Pub- ]|jj be, that they have commented die bufinefs of Founders, On their property, foot of the Quebec Subutbi, immcdlattly adjoining the .-hi|. Ywd of Wrlfn Hart Logan & Co. wheve ihcy wiH lurnifb MM Calhugs oi LOT No 23, »2th conceffio" "f tlie towufhip «f Peter, D»t*"ict of New-Caftle.—ALSO, one fifth .»f jii acre in the Town of Kin^llon Pot »e:ins enquire at this Office. Kingfton, I4*h apiil. '817. 46// D UST received and for fale at this oS v" fire, price i_/"8, yV/wx 9A A« Do- mtstic Ciram} stance Si by Lord By mil;— With the Star of the Legion jf ffonour, and other Poems ; to which it prefecd, The Life oj the Noble Author Nov. 28. 26 paper hanglsgs. THE fubferibe*- has lately received a Itnall ;.j • neut of PAPER HANGINGS, tor fale on rtaiouablc ttrms if applied for foon. j ALSO, j A few Boxcb Mould and Diopad I CAM?LL:-i & SOAR And a new Etlpply 1 f Dry Goods & Aiardivare. S. bARTLET. March, 1817- 43 Tuit cecdved and for f^lc at J this Office, 11 Reams Writing Poft No. 2, 1 9 ditto ditto uncut* * B •^itm MeCwm* 3 Co. Kmgftoih, iff* Ju-Y- ^6. _3-,v6 ylrtt 4"- Sciences. . Ifl ... ..... . _ ~X „ A . ,nlJ state of N^.rorLjulyii, 1802. ,-M-lH^ Teacher ot the Academy, hue- J T fj^ ln Mf- H.BAcr'.«d| %ned ^ ftv«/v or Delaware\ mid ^'^T^rT^eVtim.saw.ek.on moderate tern.5- F- A v o remarkable N rcAfoiv.ble terms, a / bntidIbwB § Bay Gelding . - * ,* Md next GfsFy jl iy ».»wv«.^v.....'ir. H. u.iker huufe in rear lirect, acquaints his friend* rand 'he pnl>lu\ thai his School Room lis fuitably Eurntftied tor the reception ot 3 miTerou* let of Students. Larger a- pattfnent? and the affiftance of an expe rienced Uihei will be engaged, IhouU an occafion tequire tliem. Both lexc- ■ill be fepatately fituated* He >;i«ar amies to thole who may favour him w;tl ihtii pairoe.'-»gt th?.r no exertion? Ihas- he wanting to facilitate the pto^refs ot his VW\\*> and, flrift attention will Ins u*u tne.Tals. He returns %orge Sipkt Abrai,.tm Honghtelings Samuel Whitney 1 &!iis Gnoi/la:e9 J11' >l rjoughtelingf *)<W»: ToUllg) John Ransitr, Jost grader* jtdaw Fan Votiinlurgh Ethafy Humest Fredrick Kr*ft9 Gjcr^ Krefh J$$b GrinmMt eery :ufo OJid . fpai- •. Montreal, Nov. U, 1816- N. B. CaflTgiven for old Metal, deliv¬ ered at the Works—fay at the rate 0? tJ5 per ton, and for old Brafs 4^1 and Copper 6d per lb. 31 And the highest price paid for BA M L M Y, JAU. FRO. ANDERSON, PvlIM'l'EM, From His Mujestj/s Dock- Yard Pt*rtsiMVtk3 "ITNFORMS die puWic, that he" rnr- 1 ryin.g on the bunnefs of PAINT- /A'G, in all its branches, mod particular¬ ly that of Figure Painting. I It will be done with the utinolt ni<?ety land expedition. • N. B. An apprentice wanted. Kingllon, March 15, 1817. frtt£ 41 goeh nile, a»i About 5 v«rB old ncx veil in Hamefc. «£* ^* lOMMliK beoneo fit * * ■ 2t thi intbeneubb-uh^od. tnq« Or.ce. or at the Store Oi -*r- MoCuwffc. Eiiigftoo, \fts141 ,!SI7' ! 4+t W^l^TEm Youne man w1 o .an write a ST1 None AYoune mai w u — h,,d and keeo acc.'^, _ ^ •* aP,ly who ea»^P,»l*^ 1 I ne reco ■ncrchvnt in Oib *»•»« Blank Summauses Distrivt Courts, toil For the 11 v » #*\fli - ^ftr-' Z(>- M bale at this Office. i?;HE fublcibers beg Uave to inform their fnnds and the pubic that they have corni^cec the buimcfs of Grocers Sf Spirit Dealers, At their new luck State in the main Urert.adj.ininr.M.. Henry CalT.dy s ; Uheic they wi«be coniUutly fvpp.»«l with every artiqc i;. their line t>f the very bell quality, ai.| hope, from the nodtll con 0* ■«" Ptfccs and thci. attention to r.uiiuelh, 10 mv--a a (hare of public ta- UEl.r0UR&rER.GUbON 3* HOPS, At the old ilreweryof .las. Robinson, Gillespie ^ Btttlev. Kingston, 26th December, 1816- 32 TO LET, I ^^u it able for a per foil in a mcrcau- 1 K_^ tile or other public line of bulincf*. ji large new built Houfe two Buries high with a good cellar : a Wharf and Store, lituate in a moil eligib-e part of the town for bufiuef?, being In the vicinity of the market place. For particular^ enquire of the Printer* 44 For Sale, A VALUABLE Farm, with huild- tnec aUo large improvements there¬ in favorably fitu-dted within 28 milea of Kington. Peribns defirous of i ur- vhafmir to inquire of the Piinter. h ingston, July 1 o, 181 c. 31 v6 TO LET, ~ A TWO Story Houfe, in St wart Villc, inll outfide of the Town, ou he road leading to llie Bay of Oumte. I'hereisa biker's Oven in the lower j ..art of it, and an . xce'.lent Kitchen. For further particular* app'y to the |.il»fcn- ber. V JOSEPH CLEMEN C. Kingston, Marth 11, 1817. 4' ," WWGUSON'S Improved Table of ihe »aluc of Orains of Gold Coin, over or Uitdcr weight, For Sale at thti Office. A QUANTITY W SEED CORN For Sale at this Office. 4.3 \Wh^i9>>> F'1'-:2, i»i7 For Sale, At PART of a Lot neai the Mar- a/7/ ket Place, with a hoofe on :t. For particulars apply to the Pnnter Kingston, Ja»>*$i il5l7' for Sale. ^ppW to tbefetbfcnhe-. Pl ^ RICHARD SMITH. 34 J j April i •

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