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Kingston Gazette, April 26, 1817, p. 1

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OViYttDAY, Ar*ii.£<>, LSI?.] ■ Kjti [vo: cms: vi.—n„.4;.i - I * 5*^^HS; Kings ton, Upper Canada—Printed and Published by STEPHEN MILES.—Price Four Dollars per Annum—Exclusive or Postage. * cecdin^ •nlrr-um. Advert'>erents unaccompanied Willi writ*en dir-Si-ins are infected till forbid, and charged accordingly. COFFEE-HOUSE. /Vot ^ advertizing in th* Gnzfiie* Six line* and under. 2/6 Sril infeninn. and \f$ every fohlVqnenr. Ton SfnCH 3U»3 tinder, 5^. firft infer lion. Mtd \JS ev."ry fubfetjm-nt. Ten linos and upwards, .%:!. per line firft ("rfertirtn, ?.s:d 2</. per line every file .1 1 * Lwitonant Gcoernorrs Office* Torly ! 9//; February, ,817. THIS is t ■ give notice that Tenders ivi!'. be received at thi* OfSce Fr« m frch perfon or perfofr as riuy be defirom. OffCootraJ^Ufg to render the who'c, cr any part > f the Water Cnmrrunicatipn beweert [ ;i Chine and Kingston, by the GOUffetvfthe Kiv r Rideau, navigable f -r Boat3 dr2;vi"c: two feel water and ten f*rtrr wiillh—a!(V>, fit boat? drawirg three fi:st water ?.nd twelve f. ct in width. T'»c Te°ders are t--. fpecjfy the num¬ ber of ! odes and the place-; at winch it is Drop 'Ted to build them : a'fo the mtm ber of Flood Gnre*ifl each l.o~k--ani the period* f>r completing the work by the Fiifh Creek. Tender- will alfobe received for open w? the Com-'muieatip" in the cir- oiion of 1 be Ride^u Lake and the water* Communicating from rhe-rce to mud Lake. <*.nd fio-r> tnencr t(> K'n'.'llon. TcimVts, ft.ttr-iQ; the f"Ci:rit!v* for per¬ forming iIk contract" wi 1 he 1reeived till the 301I1 o*" Jiihc n k< iacltifive. and fur¬ ther i>r»rTiciil«rs may be known bv a >- plyinor to the Survey**! Clvn. Of&c< at York—The Office of rhe 1>- tvtty Q»*< ter Matter General at Q, thic~OV "the I Affi^Riit Quarter Mnitcr GcueMl bi 2.<Nf/) Frbrmry 1817. 4* v 'lie lit of next month, th fub opi \t lo open S' boo) jn whi h Scholar e-. ,• he |frti folluvwtg wi -i^ho of education, at the annexed prices, vi/.. In SueWn-v,—and Rea ling En^Vifo, Vi 10 o per Q^nrter. Ei»;;lil!* Oiarronai — Writing—A- rithmctie and Ik , k-Kecpiiiir. JJ2 o o per Quartan En^'fii Campefition—The (Lie metu-; of N-u«rda;id C'vil I'illo- ry—Pi^jftirul N'iatheir.atie^—Oeo g an Charts, Tf-fE fnbferiber having opened the ! Huiile late'y eredted by Mrs. Fin-' rf.1*, nekt o\-'o> to J«.hn% & Finkle's. rcf- [jedtfully rnforms thcpnb'iic, th-^t behss r*.'ke'i i»reat *,>uins to fund lb it in every relpeCi to merit the bell [>f cuitorn. Gen- tl?:*ien travcHing may rely upor having jjo.'d accommodations and attendance. Their being a'cached to the houie a v'.ood yard and (table-:, Teamlicrs can (save fcitjblc accorn.^odations. ^nups every rlay from 1? 10 1 o'clock. S'.vtw or eight genteel boarders can be alien Jtd to. J. MOORE, Kingston, Feb* \ * 1S17. 35 V -• • 8 ! iiomson & jjetlor Have for bale, A CO V-S7G V MEN T 0F Cheap Goods ; Among which are :— ...0 Pieces Supeifirifi aiid Se- i-.ul Cioth;;, \\) Do. do Peii.sse, do. <»i) Do. Ca^sinice. ,U0 Do. Ca!ico3 (atSfl.CoM.) ALSO, Yellow Soap. KJngftp«, Ma--h c, 1S17 4otf. i MEWGOODS, THIS day received at the Store of .S. Bartlet, 100 Caflcs v^rought and cut Nails, of all fixes, Window Glafs, Iron, Steele, Mail rods, Sheet Iron, CR0CKERT& G LJSS WARE \ ir. Crates and Hogfheads, White Paint, Mustard in Kegs, Hyfon Skin Tea, Coffee, Chocalate, Mufcovado Sugar, Jamaica Spirits, Carrier's Oil, and A large addition to his Stock of Dry Goods ; An& has on fhf way up from Montreal, A GREAT VARWCTOP G O OJDS, Gf almost every Defcriftion, Which wiii be fid very cheap by whole- f-vlc on'y, February 1 * \ 3 f 7. 3^tf! \ Ov the iil of next month, tn tub t.rdiers piojv •- lo open S' html *X I u .'1; -.i.-itp' C * : •' • v>-. »«>*•- ' ' ^ i.ul.uc.uj i New Goods. 1 pHE S'ibrcribcra, having receive] by 11 PROPOSALS, FOR FH1 «!! w;, |$y »UliSCRJPT!ON, Sh'fches of {tpper L\ma<hi WITH > .IVm OKTHM P(t")VlN'T., \iutu Tl|Hig£ n; *i-..[ ai'ri SI:-*or'! a! Ocserlj) Ui>n of >lif i:. 11,., (onjriii ilnni.tf iu-Iau- Varv.i:!. , ,..i«! j-. ,,, ,.*. I.i.mte. CpS'tSJTlOyS: I. Tiiis m i.i|v V\iii (j,-. (Mforiscd in '» u j tbe lowed term.-. io« calh at their Store.-" [ in rCn-^liotij eitiier whoiefole or retail | RUk :<*"1 white dt- agonal 5arfnet3i 1 tvantine Silks, Ribi>on», 1 .ac: s, Foolinff, Giiigbnmp) Lace Veil--, Silk Shawl** W\\k and Leather G: »-e5, WellJngt'W ^nd J> r;:pl»\, v.dih the ufeorihe Globes.! nA Th- Cortf\r-.tvio;v of Mup^ and J J.'2 10 0 per Quarter La'in—Gie' I:—and tlie Klementt of Speculative Maihenwtictf, xviih fiioii of ihv other Ivauehc^ as may be required, ('3 o o per Quarter. JOKM WidlTELAW. A. Pi IMGl.E. Kington, April \1* 1817. 4S^*" Gorert Contract. T^r-'^SONS wU%« to Conttaa to JL di'i^'.r l,be Wiowing quamhies ttf Tin, ^!*ink .*r.d hoards, f>ri >r to the ^i!l GSobo i'cxt. arc r^qii^ted to letui in feuled tieisders, paniing '^t'w fureUe-^ for the due performance, Oil the ill day of next month- 5.000 fei-t, 10.ceo do K'.uVymeres, VI initeU, Bon^ia/etts, tiomoa/eneft, Men % Women's H .fiery, Iriin Linens, Dtapors. Towe'iing, Sattni', Lmeftrings, the !aie arrivals . ffer tor iale on | (an OcftlTfl v- h.nir. «, nboul :00 pages, printed on a ^..,,(| t^pj «,,..; ,,»»- paper. t>. Tin' prii, u, MihscrD) r. \yil be 'n« :sn! -..uT'.v. !>• !!:i(i ;,,.,: ;';it^ ( , ,i/s r. ;i;',_, Ijo.hk! and h itftnvc]. i*l-J iiooUs v.ill 1)" d div-r* d in |\Mi"v'ori :\t ilw .\lhanj pric^rf IVo. Iin-i'lm anil Fif- 13 L'ntb., witli LUc atlldliionof tli« mi- pO\l dut) - '-iily. :>. To th- s." who *:nhsrTth« for Tm * L-pie^orp ..eoi^'lV, uSirt) reifaoA, uif KWoutli Co;. ttritS ll ,- given gratis on drli^erji and payment (>f tiic Copi<s sub crihed For. {yrSt-b*tttp!io,isfrx!y (jlt. „/,ove Work jj ;;*/'/ 'v rwffovdM Huh Oj/rcr. Received J«dv tj^. ,*0,. ,.f Amos Custom-House Office, 1 ft April, 1817. IN order tlint Master and owners of VeHVU, Boats, Raft?, Sec. coming] into the Harbor of Kingston may be a- ware cfihe regulations of the Port ; the 1 following notice i? given for then infor¬ mation and guidance. The Master of every defen'ptiun of Craft cntnin.g into tlie Port, i\, 011 hi- arrival, and previous to unloading any part of hit. Cargo, to make report at the Custom H-Mife, and th^re rec ive a pro- tection and certificate of ^ntry.—This rule io tobeoblVrved by vvflcls of every dtfcription coming up ihe river as well as tbofe from above, and to be a« rigid¬ ly attended to by britilli fubjcAs a* fo- leigntrs. AtU craft on leaving the Haibor to be provided with a Clearance. Any craft not belonging to a Britifli fubjeel, found engaged in the coasting trade of thi? edpntry, wili be fci/.ed, to¬ gether with its cargo. Office bpurs from 9 o'clock, a. m. to 4o*cLck.p. M. CU'r. A. HxVGEIIMAN,' 46w6] Collator. Notice. \ LL petfotr indebted to the fubferi- ?\ ber are rcqnelled to make imme- diotc payment. All kinds of produce will be taken in payment, st the jfl/nrket prices. Tl-e fnbferiber hns taken into parrner- flltp \\U brother, s/\hu \i. M*cD&*t&* The buUitefs in future will be carried on under the firm of ALEX. MlCDOXELLk Co. In addition \o their former liock, they are now receiving a general allortnvntof dry noons, cnopp.uirv eUBLI.C NO'I'ICE THE concern hirtiof.irc carried en by the fubfevfbers undei tKe ii'in of John Kiil>y and Co is thii rav dte fdved by mutual concent, Al] (fcruatidfl a^fnfl the firm will be liq id t» d by J 'hn Kirby, and thnfe indebted to p.iy their accounts without delay. JOHN KIRBY, ANN MACACIi-AY. Kingfton, April 12, 1S17. ^53 LETi !••'&£ n>inii\if>ig in (he P<xU Ojice at Kingston, on btk JpriL 1817. JV'ul.S Arki'ru-an, Daniel Anfej&u g, \ ism tit i»:it.. Kdmar.it \fmstroafe, ;:.mi- < AUraaf, J'Vrm:^.i Aliii, l>:uid Av.dttuw. 'I»nr> Baldwin,Joflpph B»rM*. Mam !v*;-- I)i , Jaied <»» ( o»."lnu BliMUtCj TiK>*na> i»( s.ie, I 1:;.. <i I5ri. taall, Niehotafi Bvotirk, .'.im Brown, Mi<« &■ ^ >•>■. 'N'yul i;. a-1, ltr.»j^ niin b'tfirrhfld. Hi ijamUi Bird. ".i.ltrM ( :: "Oihl "., (if'/M,;je i Ul'ff'ICr, DllQ- i\*u Cameron, fbidlay Cam,.'; 11. i.,;xi(| Cao« ro't. Efhvord t'arl y. Genre11 1 .: ■• r, \an V-ari\M$, Samuel n.asv.Ju' i UlofL, F ^eniem S. ( UtlJCll 2, Jo'tn ,1- i,.fn.i, Jot.11 » « ■ . Pf Irrra t'uniir.ti ••/-. John CotetL, K, C . - u . [sh9c ICnlhe*-!, Michael Cnnnii.&imtf. Aiitome i>ai*le •', fVnc'tl D -.id. Be i it.iin Oavis, Tuoin-is DougJas, I/aviU I.'.KjIJma, .i.-woli Kilrrt, ThoVnas Empcy, Mi>. ;>u-ii, F)o*:r. John F.uinj;- JotCph r'an.i.1. Utetrc Feron, S? 1; - ■! lal- !.-r, Vucster ri^tcfi^r, Mt-a Ko-I..... V.run To he<ry, Mr. Foster, M>. ManouM,,... .>. u. • i'--r-'aid. Pnmcois Pazaillcj, George f»aq Irll, Pairldt Gorman, Qfkg£ GfatKim, Jo.^,'h (;,n..ri, Wiitiam fan»in»cf. Am^in A. Uai<». Alexander tlamiUoi;, ,?o- •*>/\ Haminf9t Hatvii, Alrxui Ln Man?, Jrhfd U^\ylcv, Fiwttmtfv, VVilGuui mvJ.i.. wi- r'ia'l Hi*. "«i 'mi, »».. i,. it I !riM-.nj. >. .hIqs H't/an, 1. •« v M. J],.v.uril Unn.. I W „,,!■], i.i'.-;. Uubuard, ).li/:^\\l; ;?..n, u ..^(> I!i-;ri»invOii. .I;»iir-- lier..:a.". \\ ;!»•■; .f.i :k on, \ ranrci- Jarnae, John ..'a- .0, \11loinr .Kan. ;n. Kb«IC«W *0'^t*||. o. Kay, J. Kaufl)oan. Ra«uu •■• M.l*aw5 Jofn haniberj, \\r\ \ \,\- dry;JWpti tauigwWoe, Sir. i..i.-..;•, 1 :;iy 1.. «i>, Uiii.ruo i.Mti-i.Mi. V, hi. Li\ itg -• -mi, •Woj&c t:>i *'.- Cbtyty t L»n(. • ( ;, .-, 1 . .. - 5fc< rnllujav, 1 ... •. .1 I Berlin Webs With a vaneV of other attu ies in the Drj/ Goods Line. ALSO, Jamaica Spirit^, N!u(covado and Cogutac Br-.ncy, Hullaud Gin, Bctl Port, Snanifb, Siicrv and m Madeira Wines, reppenijcut, SI 011b, Halter McCuxjFfEZy Co. Kmgftoa, igtU July, 1816- 3^6 J KJ. Jit ix. r y ^ ' Jj ■.,......!, r..it:..,: Markkv .'.*.-.!. '.la.*.;. U.vuJ VP**wthort A* I 2lt:Sfi+ I V.i.:uv, Pi-n-e ViioiHi.., ri.oi...,-. Ant!., \- X-/* %-r p,r I'V".'. Utlcs'VVm. (SacCatt>. AF.X'K. IviACI'ONELL. | Snn...-I {>- .....Clnul.-O.l!-. T.O. rinnn Khi-storu ill Sfpi. 181 *;. 34' Loaf Sugar 1 Teas, Prunes, K a: fins, AlmondSj Barley, Pepper, Allfptce, and y/rficy, ^he titie, Dcedh a id pofll-filon of hiir-e thoufand acres ^ land—We ibe nubtcribers do promifc ;ind a^ree to pay to rfw* Anfkf* tv%..-lUy (hillings per j On their property, foot of the (>>ebec| MM and faeh quanrity of Suburbs, immediately adjoining the Ship HGNTIIUAL Air Furnfice* JOSEPH LOUGH & Co. KG leave to announce to the Pub- lie. tLat they have commenced the bufiuefa of Founders, Indigo. acre for liK-h \ the above lands, as we '-.avc in poffeffion,!] Yard of Meffra. Hart Lo^an 8c Co. and may with to retain as Gi»r pi operty, jj where they wiR fuinifli Mill Cafttngfi of ali deferipttoo*! agreeable to fuch orders asthev may receive,—Alio. Blackfmith'a ij.-r 1!ICU 4 >i I J\.U 00 1 T 4J "ZC coo do 5CO0O Jo 3C.COO do 40,000 do 2C,OCOdo 30.000 do Arts S? Sciences. rT iHE Teacher oi the Academy, hie- JL *ly opened in Mr. H. Bakcf't n d ] hojfe in rear llreet, acquaints hh Friendb j ..nd the d-.'lie, that hw rfcho«i Kootn iu riauably ftirmlhed for the reception oi a nuiiicr-Oo pa iment: d let t>f Students. Larger a- nd the afliitjnee 0* an ritfiiced Uffitr will be engaged ex ne invtuld an occ:'.Ilou rcqui he them. b"i!i l*.xc Na.-al Storekeeper^ Office, 45 Piiiut F; »lerick, yth Vnni, 1817- .1 will be fepaiauly fitnaied. He B«*»r- Siirncd itc-a k» iln.lc wl.o may fawour hi., wrth Jmi Arrwen, \m Quintals dry Cod Fish, 10 Barrds Un$, <i0 So. B^ Cfarfwir Salmon. 20 Ke^ liW* l<ine oernng, 10 Rrkins Butter, JLUQs—h few fc'.tshelt En«iUSi Piatert t^meaw^, S:idd:^and Urtdic*. *i i)o.:. PiMoS-i.::s. The ihow aniens wil» be fold chenv j j 5jr» ffli 01 product. ^ ......* tv rheti patronise b h that no exertions wall :fs oi 1C wanting to fac»:ivate the progrct* o, iiMntuii«, and, itriet mttmw mA ta y urin to retain as oirr piopcri\ ihe money to be paid 1.^ ten years from ( the firS day oi January, 1803, with] h.tered until pa;d, an J the fubferibers I j (\v«\\ nieafureon Inch quantity as they j with to purchafe out ,-»f each lot lhat !tl.e\ may hr.ve in pofic^nn3 a»d for fuch I 'qunntiiy they (hall be v.-onfjdered to pay ' |interfctt*and no more- yjs Wlttieft ourhnhjs nt Gprlwrighu in thr county of DdniUiire, and sMUofNew-YvsX, ynfy Aj, x8o2. Alrah.m :h -^htclhig^ Stuhud i'/tii'xyi Silm Grttfiffnte, John ffM}M*!ing9 James Tvmig% John R.i::>:-yy Jtot StrnJa^ At/am Van i' ~c!&:r.burgb9 £il'/ina H'ht..fS^ Frt dcfhl ST' wffl$ George Kr:J:: J»fTh '&*%*** 4» , work '»f every kind executed with ncat- nefs and difpatch. Montreal, Nov. II, 1816. N. B. Oft\ given forald Metal, dehV ered at the Works—fay at the rale of Pc per ton, and for old Brafs 4d, and Copper 6d per lb. 3 l &W5 And t'ue hkhest price paid for 3^1 WE, K Y, rif? Jfi M JJL-4 } BOPR \ttheoie! Brewery of Jas^H^bUisen. GH^iuc § Burly. Kingston, 261b December, lj&l6- 32 Francni- rui*ant, \.%\-**u< ;'..,.,<-,, i^.i. \\\ l\ v..» . Levi Pcarce, U4h-hj Pwrcea I iirmn? !*n;'-:rn;Ji. Jofi 1 Itvatl, \J.<. RreJ,.'oli*i [terhltn, jIp»»- r\ K'ipHHi« Kalnh rtortger*, T;..:* . Ji. •. . i( • -an " y.'/v. Wui. (!"•>,..;:!'(.• 1'-. 1 1!. r, .i,|> Ryekioa;i«: - itfl Tt>'i'»jntti>« Uuvut ILui un. .le.. . S.Joil. I/O »..-tJ-i." ."I'll", JnltU >,.. j;- »i."rt', M in. SRCTiii'i \y< i*». .T»)iifviii«,.l:in]- S uilb, ,;n|( . SimiH, *.t:teu*j Smj.li. IV.lip > a til, Co- n-% Spene^r, Rtcnanl isj; i.tv», Nvm. ■*|: !.<•• r. \lvn !iti*u1l^n>, J'i'iit i (.;'. Si \,i, t. '. n v 1. H i.niL'". Ml. "*ytUe-,Tn»:,N'i %,i;'.r!«,i: 1. ('h-itl.*- Tul«;r, Robert L'ftom; soar, ttolk'rt ;. oniMjn. 't'imtuhv liioinpson, Uoaeu Xniild, • ir. Tull. Cnnrral L'ado.ner. \arou \ a; dyck, Kicb&rd Vanontaro, Jaoif» Wadf, St (>i • n Warner, Jot-pur. "Adiu-. 15r. Zailoc >. Wiiliatn, 2, M.»n. i< n/u R. Vi". Wood, tb'iir;. \\mm. Danul U ii^iu. Tice Young, William Young. LETTERS Rtcefocdfrom tin Pu$t-0ffiw nt Cape r ",rrnt. on the Aaicn'r-an straw ml- tlre&sed to persons vtaiMng hi this to&to) or neighbourhood^ Kingstotu I7//V April, IM7. i ,A\\v -ill" :, Joi;&tlian TV. ADcn,"WD».Al- i»\-ji*Mn»r, Daniel Anjw on, Qforgr H-nks, Ildiiv fiiiUMi. bnac BrintnaU, Frrruwio 1 li-iiei., .1,1-. Codiraiie. V. ::iiv»i DcJitar, Mo- •1 ■ U. ..iinno.ul. Dartiel inula-'I. (Icorgv* Ora- liam. S:.»plien flnwlia\, t"iint'n-. lEohn«^ ;,.. Mmn *!• -in Ireland. I);i»:d hii:.:^ Ai.-r-w Kunin.rh. \lav!t:itl 1.j:«:m'. .r«iit.j |(i,;, \ j,.v_ ...*.h% 1 MeKoy, Joh.i M-*n/.ir>, ftnnnH :^„'. .. i>'n:nn>( Parker* 1L<ubej. P«nuHtUHaH 'lir^ Mh oirw Poricr, Wm. Kirbarus, Philijj Ifu- dioos Jacob rfchram, Su-pln-n t. Uhojima, >t.1 :tna- H*afibivU 'fJiOioa* Sunia^i!, N:ci. t':,4 TmroaiM, .-o'tn IVa 1 1 .. Jamr* iK-: \\,\, tlaut Wilion, Ansos WooJvJo&pph Woo"rtf,|j»(J - Jt'UN A!.'.'. A I t.W, KOSX-iVl ISTER. truth ol religion and monwtty contameu ii the Holy benptwrcs, , , The Evening behool will be connu- Fo. til Ilia, K::»«fton, Apnl 12, lM7- &c. pleafc apply to th. 45 tf Blank Summonses it'm-the Oistrivt Courts, fat baic at tUis Oiice. Dealers .it their new brick St,rc ffl the main ihcet,adj"fining tAu H.nry CafGdy*« ; where they will be coiYlullily l,«pp led vv»tb every article in thei ]j|iC 4>f the vei y r>cit quaUty, and hope, lrom t(K. modera- •::-•.: >'t uxeir once- and ^cjr attention ro ;ufv:ieft, to merit « iliui, oJ ptibllc fa- BEI FOUK & FERGUSON TO i£T, (i^^'jiTAnLE for a petfotl in a -nercap- :i large new built Houfc two (lorieshiy.h with a good cellar : a Wharf and Store. fituau' in a nmll eligible part of tin town fit bulinef", being m the vicinity 1 f the market place. For pa/ticulai enquire of the Pi inter. ^ TO LE T, A TWO Stoiy Honfc, in Stuart Ville, j'fft ootGdeof the Town, w\ -he road leit:'-ng to'i.e Bay of Qurnlfi. fherewa B.ker's Oven in the I*i««p part of it, and an excellent Kit !..*(. For fin the r particulars app v to the fahJvu- ber. * JOSEPH CLKMEN*K Kh^slnn, Marrh It,38l7- 4t a Wanted, A Steady 4atl ac a Servant in a fnall t\ family. For particular apply t- the Print- r. Improved Table r*f ihe '.'.»I-.e ef G ^ins f Gsld Coin, over or nn.'ev .v iJiC, For Sflieut thii Office, A QUANTITY uV SEfiOCOllN For Sale at ih«.s OiHce. 43

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