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Kingston Gazette, April 12, 1817, p. 2

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m i V* rf J| or a;";«eot3$ 7. id he >iilthSen*.—Ti l:lt'h via* c-U"i'ir,i..iiil v-oimM 3C0Ottl*tP4lv. Mr. F"a — r^jmrt^ thai Che couimi: • ■• u. ft- !;.iec? .^ '*.tll . .;ns<^. Mr. ' io ■ . . .-.»(tifil hy Mr ,Jos*$* inowi •hsrt . • • imim .•■• inn im'.v re.vl.— L<»*\ • TI?* W4*;ci»ixec \)M\ read n **emn1 tbn*\ the Hh •o v.vns into a cemntfuee o> eft* ty,e" tfw abmeBiUj upon the motion •>! Mr. viiitflUir-crrdPrtby Mr.Glcad^ Mr« CUrnrti reported progress, andar&td ka^t; o-'i Npaln(rt-morron, JIK "• i nrwick seconded by Mr- Robioson* rrrve.' * taare to bring in a BUI lo jnrovidc for * '. t; Chnrchc* in thil PwvintSV— Onnt'- ..'1 ih" I'ill r**"' t liiw ifrm' «*;*J Ordered \* b.'frad n-eerrd •.**• UMflOrrew. Nil. %«Oiics,sfC*>J»dei« H ivra«t,wavf!d for Iravr* u/ win* • >. a "■! ••'" .r elief pf the « Th* Sir. Van Ktti^ttH cf'theowaotJ ifr.mght au addrrvs to HiS I-xo Hency > ;.::,:.r.l ('^I'MiOr ml OlC ubJl'Ci of llir i :i appropriation of s»*! v^car, agrtff&bl) In j :.«»oli*ttPit «»f *nia Hon»e, reported thai »fc* rnmmittei ha*ijOTpftT«;a<Jra«fc}tt whirl' ilicv i,iW ir^v t<i »nfrmij nluwwr the II«u*<* wO,:lt; reee'ive ir. (tatwtd that die report l«! -■e-iwd'ou 'fueadaj mvo. Wr. C!eadi,scco;:drrib> Mr. Crvsler, mov- •ddmMi.r speaker do iwwe bis Warrant to • ho pjnpor oflicer ioivnih.1 WrJ* for the ricctt- unofa Member io represent the County oi YVvntworth, in place et .fames bticaurf, Esq. \\lio esea* tuns varefri Ij> ihe House, during flic pre-ciif Si -ion ; :::id abo a Writ for the eieeum ufa jVI»'ifi':' to r»pre»>« n i ilie Count} ol" Hnl'otl. in pltrn- el Me-ie* (tumble, I.mj. d;*- leJ-iivdiudigW* by a wicoftbiiilonsc.—tur- The Ptfblic Buildixrg Bill wa- read a second limp. Mr, BurwcH. seconded by Mr. Hall, moved iliiii 'Ii'- Uon-«-.do,o:i .o-;noiiov». resolve itself sn.Au roimnii-uv i>Fihtf wiiulr o;s the Puhiie Buildtog i>. 11—f'rdcvJ. T.r Mn*i:-e we..: im m cunmiueeon fhe DSs- iribu:ion ISiil, ^mlcniiic L- gi?i;uive Ciiuu- eiL ."^ir. Cameron rr<v:rr<l p:o;rnss, and ob- ■ ■ ••• ■ ainrd !• dve to -u a^uiri on i'.T*.i •day. «.,! •>,:• ..-i;id.n^ oi I'h'ireii^, Pom- wil'm lliU Prwvwte.- Graiifed. ptU-vras real aire--! tun;-. a«d ttwlcred '-o be peaJ asccend time <>;> M«/»»iay next- M-. .lone., -eromWiiN \It". Hall.TOOvedfor Vt:"* :obnn^iua Hill io ooanniie ih- s.ame J-a'or e<rj»t£;iuut this l*ravinCi\—(ii«nie<L UJie f3:il r«ad a nr-t timfl anil ordtud ;o be |*dtu c,::ri Jiiiieoa Mi«U»} n\:. . .; -Nsbb.yvrOinWuby Mr C»rv.rlLfn»*| red *■ - i*6 PeiiUoti or-he Lnliabi n« ■ s< tk< con. i; o: lia-thrp, aisd <li • lowodiij: of ' "^ - J■»•!: :r^% bcoow lead.—drd'-Ttd, and (lre|n-ii- Uc*n read.. Mr. MeNabb, >ee»nded by Mr. Mer^nnieL, moved for leave to brin;* in ;i Hill \o fvnxt r. nev. District, fro;u the iVesi part or the iVtidJand Di.s;ne., amit^a J'*a-i |»an of the Newe--\*iie DisL.if. a^r* eable lo t.ie pe.lH:01iaf tbe Inba-, b'.tanti Uiereof. Whereepnn, a rfivison took] place, and it was carried ia the nega *w b\ u* majority of*. fninAv, Marches The House WcatbltoCoimuitteeon me I *a* !■ • ton Representation Bill. Mr, Burv.ell moved for cxy.u* zi?.* 1b", Preamble, to enable hint tc i»lt"Odtice a»| amendment, which be sstid, wonld euibtavc *»ot» cniy the objrei of the bill 'wider eon-id'-iioioi:, but the wishes oTlhe people of (he eouniie-. »»t OxfordAnd Middlesex.—Mi. litiiurll stated, that bis conjtUueai^had peiitioaed two |ipoe*> ^inp Parliami.ni?, tohave choif tt*i»iv>rii;a>l0n increased ; aed be assured the eo::t nuire, that ia the cotnty of MiddlescK alone, thc-iijfca^j- . tanubniinciYa ed in number wttbbi ^-' !a.% *«« at this pet yetterday iitternoon, ibrecort'ourjrear>,as much as the biuaw.I ot 'with 14 cabin puilengcrs, of whom I 1 .ihewliiael*;»paU.iofiofi;irco.iiit> o:T.trlioii Weiv MCfr|.erH oJ the Provincial Pa.lia- Plttf Bit! to naa read a -eeoiiri lin**. The Poor Rate &,ll w:u' rad a second time. The House ver.i into rfi*a:nitl»w an ti»« Poar JViM. Mr. V«n Kou^hnel rcpartod prop'1*;*. a:ui obtained leave t(i sii ajcjv.i U»i: d;.> tJrei'iuon'h-. The Statute fiaJwrar Coiamaialkin Wll v.a- read tbe>ecand time. t'ne House v.eiu i»i.o comimttre on >i above BU!, Rtr. Howard reiorted pm^ir , .ied oiituiiis'd 1* ave to -m n^a-ri om U'ednCf^.s! - Kingston, Afuil 12,1817- On Thur.rJav at i o'c\o-k p. M. ar- rive«l at Erneft Town, :.n ihe Bpy of Qumtfti the Schooler Mary Jnn% Capt. |J. Mosier, in 20 hours frnn Yoik— and ai ]!"wa .h-Teiuieofopinion, tiiai inej bad an eqival, ifnOr4 greater claim, to bnvt1 their reprcdCutatiou atcreaseda tna.i tee coun» o. ('ctl:ton. The resoj lion forrapunjtfo&was !••-•'» Mr. Btravse reported pre-preis, and a-^'V leave .0 si* a^ain thi^ day '.bree months— Carried in the atfinaa*rve bj auiajorii,- ufT, rr.ent. This is the fev-nth voyage which this [excellent veflel has Riade tins (cafoo, to [the great credit ofh r Mailer. The Ma»y \\\w f<:i!ed Affain io ub-*Ot an hour a'irr hera»rr/aU f"1' c"c B^.y v»f •.i], wheo liio ExccllenCy having afTci.ted in His Mnj^fty's name to the fevetal bills herei fter mentioned^ and referved for His Mnjclly's pleafure the Bank Mil, and another tu eoaLIe creditors to iuc joint debtors feparattlv, put an end to the Seffion by the foljOWinjj SPEECH : Honorahts Gentlemen 0f the Legfftdth* Count tl9 and G'title-Men of the ffot/fe of JJfemhly. The Seffiun of the Provincial Le¬ gist tire having been protracted by an unusual fetetruption of bufinefd at its conimencemcnt, your longer abfence from your rc'pc&iveavocaiions, nmit be too great a facrifice tor the o! jefts which may remain to occupy your atiention. I h.ive therefore come to clofe the Seffion and permit you to return t'» your bomes. In accepting in the name of His Ma- jefly the fupply for deirayiag ihe defi¬ ciency »t the funds which have hitherto ferved to meet the charges of the ad- minilliatfon of jufliceand fupport dftbe Civil government of thfa Province. I h^ve great farisfa^lion in acknowledging the readiricfi manifelied 16 meet *f ' exigence. Turk% April 7, 1817. Rtfolutions aihpted, and thoft prcpofd to \ the Ccmmons Hopfi of •ftfrmbly for &• doption, on Thuvfdaj the "$d it.ji. fie/bhvd, 1- That an Act was pas- sed in the 1 3th year of Ocorjjtf tlie Sc cond, f'» r>atura)izfng fitch terc'^n Prot- eftants and others tfaeectm mcurioi»rds as were then or fhould thetfiafttr be fettfvd in anj of His MajeDy's Colonics ia Nom!i Apierica.—. Adopted. this cedent lavifh—Th-......- thefe, Churches might be erected and endowed, without any charge to the mother country—That to obtain lo de- firablea meafnre, a refpeftfu! reprefertta- tion be made to the Imperial Parliament, and recommending that of the Land* now appropriated as Clergy Ke- fervesfhe fold and applied as above (la ted ; and that in future there fhould be the inflead of the one ieventh part in each toivnflWp referved. ACTS PJS8ED. 1. An Act to provide for the repre¬ sentation of (he Commons of the Coun¬ ties of Weiitworthandllalton, in Par¬ liament. 2. An Act to make good certain monies issued and advanced by His Kxcellenc) the Lieutenant Governor. in pursuance of several addresses dur¬ ing the last session. 3. An Act to establish a Police in the Towns of York, Sandwich and Amhrrstburgh. 4. An Act to enable thi* Commis¬ sioners of Gaol OeliTery and Oyer anil Terminer lo proceed, although the Courts of King's Bench be sifting in the Home District, for which they are commissioned. 5. An Act to repeal part of and air ter and amend an Act passed in the thirty-third year oflu's Majesty's reign, [cntitU'd fcl an Act to provide for the nomination and appointment of Parish an.; Toun Oilicoib Within this Prov¬ ince." fi. An Act to establish a Market in ihe Town of Niagara, iu the Niagara District. 7. All Acl further to continue an j±i 1 n ii 1 ir ^ ^ , , 1 1 , v. *** ** ^r*t*| -^ 4 1 j V* * v f «««» HUUI n - C^ * li^i It'll 'Ul| I ^ ** t'"W L? M" \*4t TueHnu wriii into commjttrr on the Jn- Qointe, the h**hor of Kins|lo:i bo'i-el dira.ne till, mut fn-iu »lie Ltgblaihe Co 'iCil. ■ , i aturon reported iliai thecummltler fcaj risea, .Mr. CI each, «reo:jnVd l>> Mr. Sv.ny^eJ ttoved ii» i' tbo •■ 'jujrt Hr noi reeeiveJ—parried in the n*"th':- e by ;j ranlcrti) of'». Mr, N cmiUdccanilea on Mr. Halt ""»v"<!, i that ihe BUI -Mil ilov.nbviio- \\mui\w !/•«•- lati-;.- Ct*011CiI» cBiili:intt " jii Aci CO t'fFWItl the Abat-m:-:.: of any a\n)ii 'it*. ;in?» ;i jaJtil Obliaer, t;n;uruc:or or Partner, 0*1 nccoirni aj trio joint ra*'.jitT? not behiv mane Defeiulsnt**,."" b** read 1 seeoad tlkiir ou .*i%m4aj n*\i,— Ordered. T t!n<>- w.if in o COirliiii&V' oli >W Ph>?,l .. i.l viro.-rv Wilt Mr. .)o..oi .qionef) the Bill a* amcnt!ed» M^.Nichol, iceomle*] !•> ?»?••. Prarer,tnotcd j tha in** tyhy -n" wntl Sur|p"rj Bill be Kagnwsed au'lwarlu •titTi [Smeou Manila) next. Mi*. Hnu :\i■■!, *<eeoi!ib'(l l»v Mr. .'one^, nn»vi'»l C»r leav^tobr-uginH Bill u»o\.i«ni; thcprovi- lioasofAa Act, catiiJcJ *■ An Art to provide for certain Sheriffs in ihU Provhicp.—GrnJitfd, aud the L*ill rcjt! a tirM lime, and ordered u> be trad a secafld inne an Xfojiitey next- Tne Ri!I sent down fraui ti»e Han* tbc L(*2i&- huiv-Council, aut-UorlziJif; urreits in ecrtaiti C3*r;., Vf2& rea*l aserord time. J*jlP Uouse went iiMoromnittree on t&£-Ar-| t»*>l Hill. Mr. Pr&zer reported j.ro^re-j :»n.I ofc- tr, : ■'■; Iea>eio sit ngf>in'<n \N ed'ie*daY- TheSCiersffof Gore relitf Bill kva^reada Second tin;e. The I'ouif* went ir.to committee on the 3- bovr D1U1 Mr. McMar.in refrcr.ed the iJill amcnaV'l.—report received, c-»d the pill ordered to i»e engro^ed aiid read a linn* time Oil Monday ne*i. TheClrrliCi" the Ctfm-nh.iuner* Ik',1 ivas read z cfcor.d time. lheliou-e went in'.o committee on thra- bo\e Hill. Mr. Cameron reported ])tot'ie;< and obtained leave 10 rii Bjtatii on Tuo>ditj. Th" House weal intO co mniier of a;, and nief!:>s. Mr/Burnham reported |>svigreL> aail chained Ifave iosi* ac-iin on Monday. The Shop Lieei.ce liill was r« 3 I a secoad t»u:e. * • The JIo:ifce went into cn:nmi;ter on the abo>e Bill and obtained leave to sit agaiaon Tiie-dav. The Hou;e went inloeononittee on the Bank j J Bill, Mr. Sccord reported jnn^'e^ aud obiainrd l.cz;e .0 Ai again o.i Motiday. ■» ry<t rmich erowd-d «riih ice. O: Htr?{fiday t Apr?!, tho F:^ia- cial rarli.-.mcnt of tfj>p»*r Carta da wa,s pivirr^ued- riii^Mi(I«t"naiu1 tmeM?e< f d -tep wnsi ing nies in America.*'—Ad »t>t%d, H.ffjhtd. 3. That the laid Afia v/i»e enacted f^r ih< exprefs prrrpofe af faeifi- taiino; asd encouraging che fettlement in His M;Jtftyfa Am. u'cau domirrion^ RrjUvui, 4. That the fetid Act-. »re iMi^uiMM-iKiiiw unc\(/r< t u -11-0 **«« j j $1: hi lo»ce, nud that Kiibjcib t>J the 13- taken in coUM-jurnre'd (in.- ^oatinoltsj 1 ofttrd Si;«les may lawfully come into and lionse of .Assembly, havhuroii Thurs-j fcttle in th.s Province, hjhl hindsand.be 1 ", *••--- ■ -• • entitled to all the pfsvilii*e«,and irnmnni tic* 1 or natural horn Su^j^£l< therein, on comj>!ying with ihe St vera] foror&a^tk4 required by th„- f,:fJ \&$t and the tstll tag Law* oft) i\ province Refmii&L 3. That an fii& waspa^- / . x r T1. *, . A , *;t ps.-t* o ::i Hie fOrty-Mxth year ot sed in t.)t jou. year*:! Mu Maicliy a ii; \i •„ ,. • _ J.. , 1 c * . d. , ■/ . , f J 7 Htf Ai'-ij' sts'-. reign, entitled tfc nn Ac' rc!t»". cnti:tj»ed *l an Act for encauruff* 11,___„\ n • • a? . c?, . v ' B ' ... . ia-M.iL.>, 1 tf make provision tor certain Slieriff" ■ . * ,, • . J, y m«i:t. I k'ovmce, e*iunl5o to extern! day Sd in ?. aftor lo d'.v- notice, re- votvra it-elf into u CfininnHu«fl f>f 11:*' whole to thkc into eonsitleration tin present state of the JVovince, Tiic Sahjccts proposed to be discussed, vi ere-^- l t. Tho propriety and expi'diftnc) •/f preventing emigration from the CJnitud States. 2d* The Post oflice cf.il>!; hment. .'»d. Ilie Crown and Clerg* ile- ■orves. 3th. The ffranfing of F/lnds to Hte V olmitV'or lr!ailk Coni[>«mes and the incorporated Militia, who served dur¬ ing tlu- late War. Oil Ui;J ifoy (Thursday) it vvasim- aninioehlj rel'dwd, n -\ I ar|iatneftt«- an tcp, towaru. obiaiiHi^ tho ncccse (iu; Hifomiatifii, i bat mt humble ad- .'Ire-si.- presewfed to ff ^ KKcc'len.-y jandjuirbcr for Hi, M«j. ily'/\Vt(l In- Hi.r-L . (^ovrrnor, requesting him to IttfWiu litis Motive, wheth1 r any order-'- hnv^ hern r-coip.-d from ffis Mije t/s Oox rnuvnt at liome, making an ai<\t- ImiMit (.(' Landatnthe Volnnteorand In-! Reived, ji That during the late War with the United State--, front wart t,f population^ ttfc operations of ihe King's atmfe wen- frequently delayed a"nd deft•,t*d-—the eonntry itillf mneh injured by tlu flcq'ient cd»« upon the people ft)i Mi • ct.t icrviec and i )f trans¬ port, and an cfcorrnons expenfe occafion- ed to thv ii"M!ier eotintry from the in- fufficicncj uf Ctanffjor! and uffupplies, Re/ohcd, (>, That the Province a%w- taii.a immenfc traftc (,f land of the very l-til quality, which if oceupitd by an in- duftnous pof '.'lati ii», would in a fliort tiftic ft.rnilh :i.-i. p!e fapplfefl ofprovi!;o»s :|ie piovisions of th:' said act." 8. An Acl 'o repeal part of and a- ro'i'd :in act ]).tssc(! in tlie fifty-sixth year of !!i; Majesty's reign, entitled, ■• a 1 at t Hi repeal part of and to alter find amend the laws now in force, for granting pensions to porst^is disabled in the service, nud the widows and children of poi ons who may have I)' .:i hilled in the service/1 and to ex¬ tend (he provisions of the Kamc. ; 9. An Act granting to Uia Majesty JMWa .">* r. <fw\ 'for certain purposes tin rein ni«ntionrd. jrornora^d .ViiPfia, who served during; :e v. a 1. Mr. Joiie*,seconded by Mr. Van Kouithnet, mavrd that it ber^.-oIverl,thut it i.- the npiuion of tbi^ lli>'ifie, tli^t an hmnnle rrl.lic^- \u< jire- g"*r<(i ;o H:sEtcelleacj Hie 1. -.itenaHf C*o-J verno*,rcq«n-t»pj; !iim to hiAn'ni ilie Ruvnf, x 1 1 k ft -k _ [the Lit Aftrr which Mr. Nit hoi pronosi-d thv following re>-o!uiiens on the* first and third suhject*,siulNo. I wa^udop-j tea-—the committee thou 10.se, report¬ ed their resolutions and asked leave toi ':it ttifsin on Saturday. On that day the investigation of the suhj ct was rourr.ed : and aftei a fiscal d. aj of debate, KoSj 2 i; 3 were adopt¬ ed- When ihe 4th was propofed feveral Bills which passed the Lower Lou si, mid not the Lcgida* live ('<>unciL An Acttfl provide for Ihn rrgis* try of D-f-d-., Wills,Coiivejatieo^&c. An Act to alt; r the limn of hold \,± the court of Quarter Sessions hi the JohtiKfown District* All Aci 10 Coufirm the title of Brit¬ ish tutfcjfi-tri to lands derived frotn al- itiiM. An Acl lo afford relief to the heirs and drvi .res of the nominee:* of the Crown, \c. An Act to repeal certain laws efT- eefbii* th" prtKWS fl!id couirc of the I pare anfl cndcfilrrT r^li^ir-n of finjj, ! suffering lo^througfc the indi.-creCoi, of ih frlendfl r No sir, the man is blind who cannot trace his fears to thHr source, and behold from the very faw of his incon-istent story the fabric of P--------wh:;hhr wishes to defend*. Look at the spirit in which it is writ. ten, examine it from the beginning to (he end, and sec if it emits one spark of that charily wjrich the gofpe] die* tates ; well may he acknowledge his lack of superior religious sentiment for if we are to judge him from his pre. -ent production, lie baa neither part nor lot in the matter, hut is a stranger to both its theory and experience—. Hut as he puts on the cloak, talks a- bont our holy religion, he evident y desires to suppose, that he is a reli¬ gious character. Lot us then begin with his morning walk, and suppose him as a religion* man, comtngfcift from the holy exercise of religions tie- votton (for !ic uho ncglecls m <Lirc;i his morning sacrilice, is an L-ilidel irt practice if not in sentiment) and OS he passeth along, his eyes fasten on the words *• C rand Exhibition," &c. Hut how was this religious man struck v,"h inevprcssiblf: anic. %n;cnr, ffh&i tlie a- lomnities of that aw ful any wa» brc't to his — mind, which in the r:.U\>i if all his religious divotions. he h<"d s-> dom, if ever made the topic uf lihaic^ ditarion—and hear Sir, how doth ho expose himself, w hen he calls Scrlptow blaspliemy, and thai an irr'-VLTcntpro- tluction. which is produced nitrgnthet from God's holy word, and which ih*1 person whom lie has ridiculed would have thought :i an honor tj have been I the author. Doc- he iinc; fault with the style find manner in which it is writt.nr i.ie style Sir, is ctegaot, and tin c ftawt rxpresKJve and bothfrvidcnOy^hcw that ifs author wa* :i na:i of no ordinary ?eune awl piety; does he cmuplainol ii? Lomparisoit?, figures and aiiiwtfw* in so doirijr, hf» contemns, »ed ccm- plains of tins lUuler&tunding and cofl- dnet of those, whwo nauwa dohonotf foSacrcd U;»tory,aiid(ifi vrrheknc^) he has ,roi>;et fhai <in.i!i!'!dc>, fei»te?, and parables, rsak:» upa^veat patt cJ ancient Jewish diseour-vs, aiidrtl,r Lord's sen; 011s abound \.ith m»:taplul,c ical obscrvaiions. Is hti oli-'ud rf to behold the word of God slurJi«Piu theatTcet ? ':i.c Jcus «f r>WM i5 written on ptflan of sto:n- hvttg &(>'>uf. their neckv, and nailed to the pn#^» ttJioindoni> :. and.wv^r, V <\s*\y \,^ streets of London, it is not hpptvfcu b!e Lut some leKpecttibtr, nvd tn^. worthy gontIonian would pot or.e 0V Hirrso pop?rs into his -hand-v. at winY; he ha- .tah- n thn a'.ann, and ttAforche proceeded mar.j paces from bin*, |u might behold r.noth r «fn< U upin ^^ eonspiceoos place of the rtrcvi ])(Ki:, h* a (hide hi the ci\il etlu-ers ? Thanks *- td to lih Maj.*'ty the la-* Se-ion inenthyAn \ct entitled lfc An id «'»r chan¬ ting (0 h\> Majesty a sum uf money tOVarcte defraying the e5»'ei.ees of thc-C'hSl Af'mir.- Utraoon oS'the Government of-ttil^ Proi *•••," has been apjiroptiatiM, and if >n, ill what manner gata :hat th'* 5th r«ile»f :hu livwbc dispensed wfih, to enable Hip Hon*e to dn ao. Carried in ilie aflrrrna« ion by a mnjoii'V t*\ J fi'e-srii* Vail KuUgtinet ann BurwcIJ were aj>pointrd tObes tornmilee to draft <*in addrcj to His Kjieellency,agreeable to tjie feregoin rostHarion. Mr. M«G6nnirk9 seconded by Mr. BurweU, moved for leave (o bring in a Hill fo: ilie d.viionof tlie Western Plbtrict, V/biehviaH r.j: granted. Movdat, March34i TNer-r forthe relief of the Sheriff of the Di tr: 1 of Core, r*aa read tlie t'iird Ji.ne and p:j*ed. I!ie KoMse weni into commhtceon the Piiy- *]'■ a»«l -S*' x 'r> Bill, ytr. Jnr.r rej;,tr;ed the rjji] amemled. Kr. N'e'.ol, seconded by Mr. Frazer- movrii'ttat tile Phvdc and Sn-gery Bill be eogf" "-j an J read ^ -bird time to-aorrow 'J. » ,J.0'. uent in•<>eommit'*pf»oii (he Auc¬ tion 3'11. Mr, iVJeOuneH ;.■•».:' | :,«. BDIas anrpd -.—O-' "*d ',-,; ,'•'-.., ij,* recei¬ ver". «*• u'; 'so' - '■' : Kr. Hawaii noved . -. Uir A"ctliib ;t,!l |„- engro.-sed a.iC rtaU a uuid \irxt Lu-tuunovr. wether ibe whole ikpm\ wjri oftl;.• sum yi.tn-^i ', \ -1 " "..... rf pa,,iaJ j member* who hnd va ed for the adop* tiofiof :he other two, ftatcd that they •could not in jnflice to themfelvcb, flip* jptirr this refolution, without firft exam- imiig and being convinced that the afts 13th Geo. the 2d and 30th Geo 3d \wiif (till in force, as therein ftated, and jpavticuiarly fo, as fevtral Members feem- fed todoiibt that faft. Tliequeftion being put, was loft by the calling vote of the Chairman Mr. Camtron. The Committee then rofe^ reported the two rcfolutiona adopted, and aficed j leave to fit again on Monday. The Speaker icfumed the chair and on the qneflon for fCccivine the report tiie houfe divided, and the Yeas and Nays were as follows: YZM—.M'fiowrtl, M'Martin. Cam- cron. Jones, Howard, Casey, Robin- son,.Neliis, Secord, Niehol, Burwell, .Vi'Cormic, Cornwall—i's. Says—VanKouirhnet,. Chrystler, r'rr.-ev, CWter. Ai'^abb, Suayze, and |C encn—7. Cnrrt«j by a majority of fix. On Mpadaj the 7th iniK fit u din Colonics—.""rcicifc the carrying trade of cur Vtrtlui Cot.nl. y„ ai-d a !d cc...(id ei-ably 'o the general V-eath and profper- fty of t.')«r Britilh lio.pire. Refidved) 7. That at the prefent nfo- mtnr, from the diTeouvagement given 10 fettler.- from tSe United St;itcs, very ma¬ ny rtfpedable atid valuable fettles have been iMcventeiJ from emigrating to this) j Piovii.ce Reohcd.S Tl be prefcoted to Lieutenant G*ver w n....... that has been .nftained by the Province t"n VV<.ods. snd the check given to its population and j j . ^l} ^vt to enaf>'ft && Sheriff of the district of Gore to coniine debtors in. Court of King** JJcnch. ic. A« Act to provide for the arrest of debtors in certain cases by the com* ini»sioi!rra of the Peace. An Act to indemnify Moses Gam¬ ble. An Act to provide for the assess- .... *....s,w„fi w „„.. .mtnitof Land- of sb^itees., Sec, , An Act to rcpi-ai part of and amend .a: an humble Addrtfc! |,hr !au's in {ori^ tor establishing Dia- His Excellency the| itr]c* Schools, &c. nor, Sating the injury I Ai; Act t« prevent damage by firing be to God (hat fhry frotn COUrtltHwj 1 ay nave Deen mane pi admilGon of perfonn from the United 1 States to take the oath of allegiance, be j refciuded. I Refofved, r. That the large tra£h of An Act to continue the laying an additional duty on Stills, An Act regulating the trade with the Refofved, f- That the large traSs of An Act regulating thetrade with the Crown and Ckipy Referves throughout! [United States, kc. the Province, are infurmonutahle obfla- j Au A, t to prevent the profanation cles to the fonming a well connected fct- = °'tne Sabbath. dement, whir.-h is an obfcA of no fmall 1 l forbear comment. tlemcnt, whir h is an objedofno fmall' importance in a country where the ope- ning and keepung toads in repair is atten¬ ded with pfreatt expenfe and labor—But A Canadian Commoner. in a political point of view, the tneafure ! Ps* u" is tl ill mere ohjicCtiouabiC from its holding J \aJ0if!'" out great intSucenients to future wars: i '- ■ _wul H Ih ft at hfdeth haired with fyjfng afurc ^'^ uudlliitlla^ uttcveth a alundcv is •vrcer a find according to his with the United States by aftonline the j /cUM;J™t h* be vise in his own con- mearih of panti-dly indemnifying them-J C ' fe'ves in rewrartding their followers in the 1 ^X:- F.oitor, event of eonqiucit. j } Am .Mr. AttselmO in your last pa- Refolvcdy 2.. That the falc of the ! [P^came from Solomon, unto Solomon Crown ReitTives iaftead of leafing ihcm ; !' ',avf RS^° referred him. (as at prefent)) would relieve the Province , 'f is vvitl1 ww*o«j Sir, that f behold u from a heavy e.'harge now brought a^ainft its revenue, amd w. old relieve the moth¬ er countiy fn>*m all charge f<i the v. ivfl Ellahlifliment,, introduce into the Pro¬ vince a re^ccftoMfi pefdlau^pi wbicfa hypocracy assuming the visage of chris 'tiar.ityarnl malice, com ng forward i*i the cau.e of truf/—But i it in the .cause of the Gu.*/cl that Mr. Aur»,;r:i.. II t ^ ------- "MAS as well its l!,e CjIoWUS con ..^nrou 0f the British Lw*, foeJ ii th# tr duf> t0 support and ct' feud il*;> H'tistfAn rtlh gion; and who would not ;jiT«j his' voice for such a paper to hn ,.u( ji;to the hand of oyer} bbabiiant of Kin^ti ton, while he * -^ r> up a prayer to the Supreme Being fo '..rife it* evinteati on every hear*. * \v:!l conc!*:clo nth Mr. A**, om n wonls, by obsen in^ (hat he has iu this instance mlsappMed biicf. forts, ovciL-f/'pj.i d the bou-ids efderc- rum, ouha;. d propriafy, arid finally displayed a species of zenl ;-.s extraT&» gaut a» fndiacxviit. T /' Km U. >. B. Should any thing :- ore bo vuft on (he Sflbjt ct- I Shall think it my dnfy to lay the cond!. ts of the papvrhirjues, tion befr-rc tli» public, ami slieif its consistency from first fo ta;t. TO JXzELMO. Sra, I read yc-nr publication in the f«a/ffte of ln«t v.<" k. with mixed em- otions of fudigoatimi and >onmr. { wassorrj to yei-yu wantonly attack a worthy clerical irei^hbnrtr, and a!- tempt to wound hi* f« < lingF, to rai e % public prejudice a^urnsf hiit. and fhus lessen his influence^ aiufoJ course di¬ mmish his ust >fui»e& : end 1 could act but w feohindiiiiiaut," attjic means yen have adopted to < fleet your purpose. You introduce your attach with the proverbial motto, " A whip for tlie hor*e,a bridle for Hie ass,and a^dfop the fool's back." This callimj cfltfrd nnmes ; this bald application of tb$ terots, Hurtr^ Jto$ and Fool to ^tv^ pec table clergyman, may, iu \our«.w« Kubiime estimation, be a proof of pa- HtencssaiHl wil ; but, to my^cak W1* demanding it appears uotthifinrii-rc lessthnn a-pueimenof vuUnr Mv!.:< gnardism,nacre worthy of n pmftffi«wel Billingsgate Rhetoric, than «•! a Cluft* tian, a g^ntl^ir.ao or a scholar* Vt?u decla:^ that, npon wndiogfi* performance, 11 hich >ou adbu^c thod* ■ sentinp mijii-t -r nf pi-epa$ati«j£ >cm«t tii^t w-Hitiiied ft i<t 0e tne d^l'hewrf* (emp ?ion • ." * gerft'nit utdr'i 1 A . .< 1 t'i i «... umii "on isi 1 u't ii* ti e n 1 «r,» comes toward 2 1, Jie aimrf e| ^.-WW^towlftS^ ofW 14, J|

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