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Kingston Gazette, April 5, 1817, p. 3

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• A it « c " t. . * * i»- I 4 ■ 'iiiir n tltC Juitlt i. Led, rtud Mr. 1. e Chair. Mr. Bill will) Mlt J J.in- '• t ,i,# Vm. 8|.ii 'H »- Cunvt! t llovva'd *' „oricd the Ordered, that the report he rtteived. *!% H«nifc went ! to committee on the i;ire Security Bill, Mr, Cotter in tht Chafr. Mr. Speaker refnme 1 the Chair. Mr Cotter repontd progrefs and obtained leave t > fi: again Lo morrow Agreeably to the ordrr of the day, the Weftern Diftrift Goal and Court- Houfe Bill, w<is read the fecend time. On the third reading of the School Bill being called, Mr, Nichol, feconded by Mr H-tll, moved that the School Bill be now recommitted, which was carried, and Mr. McNabb took the Chair of the committee. The Speaker refumed the Ch ;ir Mr, McNnbh repoited tht Bill a* amended, Mr. Howard, feconded by Mr. Mc Martin, moved f»r leave to bring in a Bill to provide for the representation of the county of Carlton. Which was granted, and the Bill »ead. Mr Nichol moved, feconded by Mr. Burwell, that the Houfe do now refolvc itfelf into a committee of W.iys and Means, to provtide for the fupply voted to HisMajefcy, which was can led, and Mr. BarnhaTi took the Chair. Mr. Speaker re fumed the Chafr. Mr. Bnniham reported pro^refs and obtained leave to fit again to morrow. Mr. McN'.bb feconed by Mr, Van Kou^hyt, moved rh?t he have leave ■to bring in a Bill for the relief of Al'ey Dor land and Cynthia Van Dyck, which *as granted, and the Bill read, Mr. Mc Nabb, fecondedby Mr Cafey, tooved that the Bill for the reli-f of Alley Borland and Cynthia Van Dyck, be read a fecond time to morow. The fccond reading of the Common Plea Bill being called, Mr. McNabb, fcconded by Mr. Jones moved, that the Speak«r do direft the Clerk of this Honorable Houfe, to order fifty copits WtheCommon Plea Bill to be fmtnedi- ■ely uiinted-by the Printer of the Up¬ per Canada Gazette, which was ordered. Mr. Clench, feconded by Mr. Secord ^oved, that the Town Meeting Bill be °ow committed, which was agreed to, and Mt Rohinfon took the Chair. Mr. Speaker refumed the Chair. Mr R-obiufon reported the Bill amended. Mr. Van Knughnet, feconed by My. racHabh moved, that the Town third tunc to nu>rr.»w, which wasordercd. Mr. nichol feconded by Air. Jotlefi moved. ih*i tbe Pcnfion Bill, be com- ni;;-. J io a committee of the whole on Monday ne^. \ ;.»». Nichol gave notice, that he would to morrow move for leave to briiie in a Bill to provide for the Licen gng0f Merchant Shops in thi* Province. v,r. -icNnbh, ice nded by Mr. Van Jtonghnet - oved, for leave to bring in a J}iU. to provide for the Clerk of Com miflioiKr* under the Devifee Aft. Frr. y l/i&&cMux< In RiSM Mtfpreto, infbr-f 'HUlion I requested, If you two Gcntli-im-ii. • ■ i i"mulish a i'Vrrv between the point* you in*< n.xrd upon, cannot an;, OtUrrtivo Juvti- Me^rs C-Umming and Kon- "riwe* n two oih' •e-. For ii^tnnn\ .vs, #st;ii>iMi oiu- beinei n two other points, a« "win tin- mil ul'ttiore str-et, at Kirby's and Worden*8 wharves, i«micIi landiue place a« li'\v may prefer on (heother aide, U'twoJus- rer can licencea-ferry between the Town of Kingston and Point Frederick, cannot ttte\ or woolliei upon the•ame principle, grant a li- •'inefortht ferry between Kingston wu] Wolfe I (ami. and thtt^Mipereede Ibe Licence gran%- t) for thai ferry bv ilie lieutenant Governor? !f two JuNticescan least a ferry for the term of .ree year-, why not for ten years, or for life, 'ircven grant <t in fee? which I believe is.-nore ihancan b" done by alltlie Justices of the l)i>- rricf, assembled in General Quarter Sessions, By ti»e aci for (he regulation of Ferries, the C»nrt of (Quarter Sessions are authorised to lim¬ it the fret or rates of ferriage.* a\ auy ferry in their District,andto ordain rules and regular Irons to be. observed bj the fcrrij-:nau. This is hesiibsiance and extent of their power on the ubject. As to the establishment ol the ferry ii>f1fjj airdtbe appointment and hcenrin^oftiie l-Vrry-man, the act is silent, and there beii»£ no pro\ision made on those points, the Lieutenant Cloverao'- it >ee!n>, has thougiit ii to be WitllSil •lie Rova* prerogative, in the same manner a^ Marriage |/cences, for which there is 110 pro- virion in the Provincial Statutes, his Excellen¬ cy havaccordingly from timctotinic,4ipon pro- \t-*ra}%.pUcati0ii,granted licences, for ferrie-fc lntjrantinfr'hem,doubile-s he always pay due re^pvci to oie npinluns aud recoramendaiions of t'.ie \la^Niia.a'i of ibe i)i-trie|. \\\ cxeu rising the ight, however, he evidentl v cmirid- ersit tone v.-t. .iin the office of the Represen- tatne<>f the Crown, a* a branch of the rtrccu* (ive fiovernmeni,and not in die Court i»/*.sVs- iionn. Upon thh principle, you are M-n>ihie Petitioiihi a.e been addres ^i «o hiui for the ferry proposed in your adv*rti?^0ie»t—and in an application (org ferry (not in I • Ui-'inij vherein I was in "Cnnc measure eon.'ero- d, in aletierfrom hi- Kxcellency'v 3ecre!a.;s, 1 re- reived the following paragraph, winch dis¬ tinctly shews that hte Kxeeilenc\ eo;wideri< the right of granting Ferrage Licence-, to be vested in the Crown; " Tl being the e-faMi -h- ed u-a»■■ hitherto act d upon, that all aopluj can:- for Ferrie< sbonld be receomm.nded by the Magistrates* in Session, as prober p*:-ons to ke^prhem, howevernnnece-arv hem::; tt'ink nvch a formal it) a respects Mr.------------,d«Pa not feel himself atlib^rty to >,wt from Lne adopted mod v; bu; will readil \ accede to his a])plication for the ferry Brum------r« ____ wh" mad* in tl /• accn^'emed form." But whaU ter da-.a the Onuri ofticr- • al Quarter Sc^ions n..\ nave, ua ib*1 ^hi ofe-abli^ii's ferric*, and gmfttng !i«-ne*» or lea-esof Terries, tm a rent, or bo\ or i-ne • n.be paid for h • privi!"Z"- UA»^ >'>' thUnw, httttW0j,'l*ti'CC*-O»>? of S--urns i.iwever res. nectabte .|k> raayfc-, r*u dghifull) -la- .1 Or lawfully exereiseMrcB aufhorHy. ^:ne act- be pei formed by a -\v.£\-) ■•;c.\ cr tv. FROM EUROPE. By the Ann, Capt Crocker, the editors of the Gazette have received; London paptrs to the 7th, and Liver-1 pool papera to the 9th of Janu ry. h'tivyork Ga%. The Ann brought out 50,000 dollars in fpecie There was a very deftniirive * fire in the city of Smyrna on the iSih of Nov. which continued from 5 in the morning) till l 2 at noon. The London papers given report of a Commercial Treaty having been made by Mr. Pinckncy between Rome and the United State?. A friga/e, well manned, was on the eve of failing from England for Canada. The Brin'fh gun boats on the lakes are to be reinforced, and their crews increa- fed. The following fhips have been com- miffioned upon the Lakes of Canada :— Kin^fton, 56, Com. Sir Robert Hall ; Burlington, 42, Capt. N. Lockyer ; Charwell, 50, Capt Montrefor, on Lake Ontario ; Champlain, 32, C Dnell, on Lake Champlain ; Confiance, 32, Captf D. Princ uu I uke Erie The allied army in France ;s to be reduced 50,000 men—the Britiih, 3,000 a month. The Prince Regent of England has dtre&ed th it in future, ell the veffcls in the navy iball be diftinguiftied by the number of guns a;;d caironades they adtud'y mount, and not according to the nav Uepeitoime* . j,,.!;,,-.'-;. nrC«-riJ "«• «»«" **?*??£ Vrrrinto wtwuwwolgeel itwwjrMMj - <> ibr Hmmv r.-<,uii-d t«bc in the '.t-iu-.al '..••»•- ...rs-*«i-, and two Jasliw^lmw 10 wm ,ou.*r to Licence afri?y,thpn th-> vi- .- n- !•„,..<. pttwia warwn wteo proper ijr.Hica- iionis rnaHf for liw-snK'. ,. if Go.tiemen, 1 have miM.ndeMood >0U^ ad-.Vtisemei.t, orr/.iMaken either the la. or 1-unintentional and I aopelt may iw correct- '•* ni .v. lure thecbarartertof our re«pcr<able soeletv. bv which lie has probably been > "J1^?1-11 ? lf,?r latter was the object, thi- nobicr1J"*0ln.on»H lo have known that true merit i"f»hich h',f:»n posses none) will always^tand Jul»\nor l0 lnr v.lea tacks of an envious, low l"^1"^ *"«"- ymoua puffer. Anv reader of ,,,al ******* calion would Mippo?e Ibe authd! "V11 ,0 havo been present dnrbig all the dK1™™ carmine on the 8th March la^ : bulthaV ' Win^, »as notihecas-,anda^allthefacts;dledpedto have been committed on theeventfuj '"f1" ««wthaw been Inserted in y oar paper mi"' v *ro,n JJ^J sn , il is a pity ai. affidavit had ,101 bf,<'n y*? to prove the veracity of them ; lM'cnUM' ,f l,n' tiriton had stated the factsa*tm:.vnr,ua,lv baIJ- pened, t sho-ld have been vert m"°Jj P»wcl, but ifnece^vary the quarrellerand (r,rn,h ('«> whom he allndes) will come fifr»ardand prove thataereatpartuflliatComm^1,lcatlon ,h l0- ially false. * x-* rvi * xr \ ( YNAD1AN. J whip for the IIor St, X bridle r"r the 4««f and a rod for the foolN,,ack< Mr. T'.d'Tor, VYII1LR pursulnemy cu^omai*y »«5»« few morning since, the words '|GnU^ B™» tion," printed inconspicuous ;baraciers on a sheet of paper, and pasted tti a wall1 m ™e rou^e of the precedinp night, £««** m3 oh' nervation-1 wa-induced by cJ'"/? y t0eS.an|p ine this deed of dnrknes* ; nn\ <l<^overed. to n,v inexprevMrdea.na/.ement.1^' 't exhibited the da v of Judgment. asapJav^ttP b> co'n" mandoftheKinrof Kings. l,hc ?rand Ci\iu summation of all thin- which. "V Vlvin' r ' cree. will takepiace on t!;at J»™ dfeya when Heaven and Earth shaJJ p&*» Wi a,,a Ii,nf' shall be nomore, i> in tMHWa4^e'noi« p.oduc- tioo,irP'verenlh considered pWW< *« The^trieHl nerlo'nnance. and »>weed from the gMcand manner iu uliich it h^omposed, it is deceit tod.tcrm:ne uhethe, »« anthor d-.-s | notrntenilr »re>emin* it a^ ;t"""'*•—^"iboni preiendii:f.op(^essamoretl.»nord.nanp<>-; ibm of n-fei-wi switiraent, 1 ril,mo1 «»» Km mneti my f.-elinjt^ were -^•,« ^'d on ^roc cwtomnor ran ?, a< one of th^ f^^^|lcnTO^^en0in|ottioiii which had long forheavpnblieh evpre-. .,£ e> d. '^ ion or ,hePv.pio>a:utnrofan-ai:^ ^^' «nploy- |rgo gi^v.i. into IWC. ed. (aMi.-t imagined 11 to I- ^he de^oerajC j| Since tiu 4th of Juae^ l8'4* lhc ~ "*"' ' " ..... ' Broiihsirrny loft, in the field, or by naui-al deaths no fewer than fixty-thee ^..........________ general • Hirers. 1 rT."iM? '"•}--...... t ^. ..+«„u\i\\ fei. indie-11 A female has been fentencedto death! In Fiance, for poifening about 20 of her relatiiins. Prince Blucher was very ill in Silefia, and had lent to Berlin for his phyfician. 1 ONDON, Jan. 6. Parliament was on Thurfd<iy, formally proToguedi by conimiffion, tiil the 28 th Inst. The King (tnd £h\-ai.—The ifldifpo- Gtion of the Queen was a fuddeo and violent attack of inflammation in the bowels ; it caufed the clofe confinement of her Miijcfly on Wedenfday morning. On Friday her Majcfly*S dlforder, we arc happy to fay, ti>ok a favorable turn The account we have received dates, that the Queen had 3 good nighton Saturday, and was better ycflerday. t> KINGSTON AMATF/S THEA TMM. ON MONDAY EVENING, Tht 1th April. \H\\, Will be p-rformed the Play of The Mountaineers To which will be added, the favorite Farce of WcFlybyh OR, Long* Stories. Doors to be opened at SIX, perform¬ ance to commence at SEVEN o'clock. (Cf TICKETS to be had at Mr. Macaulav's *#* ^° M°ney T,^> be taken at t h? door, or Children admitted. N. B. It is reouefted, that every per- fon going to the Amakur Theatre, will go to the Box for which their Tickets aie numbered ; tholl who aft contrary to this rule, will fubjeft themfeives lobe removed- GOV EPv N M BNT CON T it ACT. * • * * eonipoHOnn of ot\w miffing I i^h'l, who mi.-li¬ ed in mab: a mocVrv nf oar M'/ religion, and to hold np to ridicule the mo-'O^'-ia and inte- re'tir^^nojeciev.Toireredu)r»*'^Mitempip.o"u ofhainun be"ing»; 1 cor..eq*ci.ii\ feb indSg- mint thai he wa» not treated leeording to !.i- de>err '•) th-pvepera«"};or:iie<^-! wo- like- \v^e-**»t'iMe that the repufm'on of tiie kihii tvo'ildli. co- ipromi«ed,wert ;»»> pPlWltsrtiffeved r«^ttek'ip -uchfirrilc^iott: w"i!i;»^- widi i.n- pnailv in a'»rStreet", Jii'isr' then, Mr. !'i,:i- or, wi.eihermv tu pii- Ma-Oininisl'eu on i*e- I i,i£-hiceiiifiife» -I ii,a':ieeri»n Dibsentina: Mi- n'^.er «:i- the a »;Auoifr pmiwffator of !tl.p r- iriew.:'- |.'iir:ieriii :i. ff thisje;rorf b« correct, ii wnislJ he '.nicii.i.iiaiiie in ijipo-e bteffttwlf* iji'.'-* \mt l*ei»lher thangftni!. v we mn^i aee«ir- tdirjcl\ lame-ithi wautof jntUment; Bum bile ivt-utake-everj r>*2 or :h-e:'",vrance. let him 1101 P>rsjef tbal te*iW««vi*e ai'de.it or pr.it-euor- .hv in in- one c'»-u eii, nui% •*- lit*- eHth»isins'ic ds-ire ol co'i.-no 4 a<low;.' / audieacr^ "ie Jta- :u ihi ii.siane:* i:e-:»nplU d h • eiror:^. o\er-tep- • rl t ie bui*ndi 'f ilrm ».n, witrnged prot>rie- iv.andi'eia'.y n.^pla\eda peeies of zeal as e\ira«.li'aru u^ indi^reel. * ANSELMO, Tn hie Eitrr.m. MR. PaiSTEH. \ private tmlividiial, \\ho^cireuiii>i»oce-iln iy>*«iablehitn tupu, il: ■ exti^neiMfl'liuaiMt. 1 I ••• j er for :t'iM«' , i\\ !e -Mll^iea-er expj HCI oi nUtH-M'.K 10 :• ■<• tain a oue-iion of rigli WANTED, FOR fcrvicc of the Royal Enirinefi* Department, to be delivered at Kingfton or Point Henry, as required : 1,000 Bushels Safrci on or before lOlh ?.Iay : 2,000 Do. do. 10th June; 3,G4j Do. do. 10th July. Total C».04j Bushels. •Propofals for the above will be recei¬ ved, at this Office, until the 15th April. CoMiniJurlat 0Jfi-'ef /Sngtton, UtJprih 1817. 44 SIR, Kingston, teetibk % IS 17. coMMUStcrnoss. t ToTHOM.V^ JIAaKljWn %** PETER ■ SMITH, KsijutuES. flEyr^a;S-rti^nt,pnb.^din»hc t«rt Kindlon Ga-ette. V0V h&M P«™ "o!:c°' P tfM nf.t will be ».anl.<\ lo. Ai p-cif.ying >» ed rive for the Fern. ft«. >» .• «he-J,erthevrice:hustJbe^ «ricc :hu«t.,.H-£ivcn. is to be con- «red a> a L« r.,-d an <h, Lca-c, *g benefit. If the leSSOf-S OT a ta v, ni '■ ' "«« ofadutyonthel.-u,-;^^^ , iheritis to be pa.cl t" '"- ?»X*Z p,0,;„cia» for ibe use of the OMi JJ*^^TSS Treasury, for tbc «* "' " ^ , c 0f t!.«' l)i- JhrOMrt 2J*SdeS -.he u^e of the tnet; or to the «a-C.en . n ,;,. poor. Here b -Iomi,. MlJ*. Jar.a I «0 such tax provided for \^,;T^ap. tronr-urionofit.^o that itnay- *^ If the TOih Regiment had m:'.r:r--:-0. i di>po>itii»n to violate either o»»r n^lits'j ••r";*. i Up«.»Waupeal oi'a '• Briton** in yom Sj ijm- pc*r would havem*M iV u»| rovsil nrnl au^pin j»*'ciiism loott •n^pi.**i,i\—bu' v h'-o iyp s«fcr| an ailaiv ;Lppa>enil\ -n\eoial,eon*mie.i nuo a disposition of llii^ kind, it is lime an eilVirl wa* mode to quell the featv wbirti I! »ua\ hwve ex¬ cited, and remove the -tain v.hicS it iniondi d to in* ir! on fhni Corp** Are we to hrlip^c ibfl' i ilicoffirrr*and menoflhai ('orp- uie-o Iiki to 1 tVirdilty at»d the fe*lin^ of Briton- a* 10 en- conrape such practices ?—The romidunic.Uion aU"'ded 10 atririn-a-mtu h, and 1 H-plHNtl to (he inhabitants of Kin^'-to^ v. heiher tliai commit- titration 1 notrrettect'ms a dJ^race u;-on the Corp*, which we axe. In justice 10 them, bound 10 remove, AVh«»n thcTOlh Regiment *o far forgets it-.i If a-* to deeivc nWfi treatments" Brltoai*1 should he npoti hi* guard ; and it i- then, and t'.icn on¬ ly, FORCK against FORCr. n occessary. Had an\ eomplahii existed on 'lie part ftf the | Gentlemen inenlioned !»\ a *4 Britini/1 ibej !-htmld have had recourse io ll.e ('ominandine Officii of thai Corps—there thej '.vould, wiih- oui doubt,have received every ^-aii faction they could require; but this was not tiieir object, it was the Corps which they were ambitious to stijr'riati/.e. In the 70th Regiment, as well a* in every o- . ^ w — ^ » m — — — * » t ■ ^— -— ■ ~ ^ » » — — — ■ tfitS It.ant :.i'N i^« itU'ina'i uei|«»;riiii'd with \U l^aw>Ol thi ui:iil"\, io inform tiuii,th.onjili :' *" . tnt-dutmot'vo irn-ip r, \0ie*hera Ju-tieeuf Mi- Peaee, WpOK ilter'iii nie of ill- jire-idmjr OlR- c-rn'j Re»iiiH'\.Mii,ourl Mar.-id. >lr..io^ rHui k, person, *umnufcfied ri,: a vtltiieis beffln? tin 'ionf*, hii< refu-c'l to gh.' t^-tiTony, can lav\ iiillv i-ue;i Wava:,i toruk«*andifnpri^nMidi |iersiiu. until he %\ill i%^\\h ? and whether *in imnn^ame'U under -ueh Warrant wonW, or ..mild not. be a f-l e hnpri onmrnu for wWcli 1 Ian action would HeforcCovtrdaiHUges? jMe'aiicholy Accident On Wei'n.^day 1> !,a- a man \\\ the name of \V/M\ UAl.L'a ittfh-i* of-4hV foiled Sa es> na<atuorJi on M> Patrick Sm>t!r- Hoiwe, near the MarkH Plwe,theScaftbldgave \\dy. and. melrsnchcl) to pelate, he f< U and expired almOit imm.'JJati 1\ A foroner's lnqu»a was held, and 'he Jurj brought in a verdict /,f Accidental Death. LATEST FROM ENGLAND. By the Amelia, 'lo0' W""-' Wl received the comn-crcial papen of that . lace to January 25, and Pans papers to the *4th, containing London dates to the.'ich Bast .Mi Meeting* continue to be held Hi dil- feteat parts Of Great Britain and Ire land, with a view to cffc&ing a reform ot Pariliamcnt, hut they arc condufled WKb more Jifcrction than heretofore, and nave been accompanied with no outrages. The Bank, of England advertifed to pay fpecie or new bills for -all bills of one o. two pound, iffued before |&l*. It had out 95o,oor>l- in thrfe biUs-yet infevcralweksonly 1500I. have been brought in for fpecie, 50,000 for new bills the rea are Rill out. Midland Dhtria,lrvpHE Court of to wit : J iL General Quar- ter Seffinn of the Pe ice for this DiitiufL will be hoiden at th« Cc^urt Huule in the town of Kingfton, on Tuefdaj tht tweR- ty-lccond day of APRIL, zl the hour of Ten o'cloik in tl.c forenoon : There¬ fore, all Jullices of the Peace, Coroners, Confiables, and all other Peace OHictra, as well as thofe that have ary bulinefsto tianfaftat bid Comt,are her<by requi« ted to take notice, and give then attin- 5©™ M'LEAN, Sheriff. S&erjf i OJtee, April 4, 1817, 44. * ■ • « • Sfe.rr.s's JK5SS but that the conduct of the Corps generally t.as oreaMoned us to bevpon. our guard* the vfttejes of 1 he majority of the Town are ready to deny. The aitemptsof an individual to excite Uie a'tention, and arouse t!»e fearc of a ronmuuity, ca'inot avail unless Justice and tmnartialit^ go bund in hand. AN TNH.\BITANT. Kiagston,<2d April, 1S17. FIRE! On Saturday, :he 29th March, the new two (lory hoife, in Stuartville, be¬ longing to Mr. A. G. Goss, of this town, and occup.-dby a Mr. BlancWd, as a Tavern, was burnt to the ground, between the houvtof nine and ten o'clock in the morning -^.The lof* of Mr. Gol's, 'wc underfland, k about £700, having about £jzqo wor'h of Butter and Cheefe deftroyed in the ie!Iar. Mr. Blanchard loft five feather bq]* and the gteater part of his other ftirniutre. It :s not known how tl e firetook^. \Mt Jt wa8 first difco- vered in the garrtfc ' THc FiWt Qt-arterly Meeting of the Km- Hnrr«rr.«iUbe bobtoa on WEDNhSDAl tfcf MXTH il-iv «t" APRIL, at the Court- House, at ONE "Clock. * * • * 4 * AUCTION, nf^O be f dd by aofiion on Monday II the ^ih inft. in rear of Mr. Wil- liarr.a' Slioe Store, in Store Street, a Quantity of LUMBER, Confiding of Scantling, Boards, Sfc. BY * JOHN OAKLEY, > Audi- JOHN TltOKNKR,? im.ers- C?$Ae to commence at 11 o'CIock. April i,tb. 44 MARRIED, On Monday the SUt day ojlgwh, b> tlie llevcrend Official MLAU1, Mr. JeOPfl Cooper to Miss Mary Lewis, after publication of Banns. O.i Tuesday the 1st day of April, Mr. JoiivMirr- of Frodericksbn Sh. to Mrs. Anna Forbes, by Licence, On VVednesday the 'id uiy oi April .Mr. Mkhat-.l Arnold to Miss Mary Axss towBY. by Licence. TO LET, uiTABLEfora pc'foni^a mercan* Klj' tile or other public line of bufinefft, a lar^e new built Hottfc two ftoriefl hiob. Iwitl- a good cellar : a Wharf and Store. [gtttaleiei a rtofl eligible part of th.* town foi boisncfsj being in the vicinity I of the market place. For particularr em in ire of the Printer. -?v MR. T.D1TOR, It was a no .malUe.ree of .„rpH;r that ;h pcrlons;, are in poursu"" ^l aantity eve and above what they j want for Uanttng on their ov/n! From the 4lbanj Gaxrtte } The Society for the Promotiort ofj] Ufefal Arts in th* ftate of New-Yo-V., j*' aware of the greq fcavcity of INDIAN CORN SEED, jarticc.arly recommend to fuch pcrfons ;4. are in pofTeiMon of any q may v premifes or who<novv c: sny town or country wherr a \»pply carabe obtained, to communicate ^formation thereof to the public, aseany as poffible, through the medium of che pullic papers, or otherwife, in ordcr tbit fuch psrfett as may be in wr.nt Ray know whereto ap¬ ply. Any comnun,\;a:ionaon this fub- licfi, addreffed t> Lhc foc;ety in Albany HvcuoGitAPiiic Office, From?8th Mardi to Uh April. Course of th* Wind, 8ffc /?«- I rnwe- fi,r. O r Wan ted, A Steady Man as a Servant in a fmal? _i_ A. family. For particulars apply to the Printer. Kingston, April id, 1^17. a 89.939 SIS?""""" 1SS8 S I I 545 .10 C9 -f. 3/ 5 >««*, <| P. tt,$oxrtA% ( HJdnjgftL clear* (\\ i. 'f. StrutJivili/, ( tttdnW-'. 30,0CO 2ftv930 2-»,9;«) 29,872 -20 JM wHlbethankfnl'jrvceJvcd, and the iu-j| | formation immeci2tciy difleminated by j them in the moll exle:zlive manner. $y Printer* in t\;9 2M0 the neighboring Sates, and in Up.er and '^wcr Canada, \. \*. s. ft. are requeued to .;v, ;!.r above tion in their refpc^{v., papers. Albany, Mi.<h lg| 1817. an i infer- 2 J.Vauii, WV3M "20.S 10 ( !/?/f»ii*f/»;,'■'■.'.n\ ______'>0.130 1 re"/: 1/. \. RbMv pti$*P •t < •I ,/. &f. V. JK '■'""•• (lygO.f.Jtf.SoirfAer^ St ,510 80,15* 44 ! SCOW FOR SAUL Apply to the iuhferiber. RICHARD SMITH. April 1. 44 ON reafonable terms, a remarkable handfome Bay Gelding, About 5 years old next G«af->,—goe* well in llarni-fs i^ very gentle, and known t be one of the belt b-ed Hortcs in the neighbourhood. Encjui.c at thi* Office, or at the Store of Mr. Walter itcCunifte. SlSSli Kingaon,AF:i4f 1817. 44*- 3: I 4«0 ?s |_526 •

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