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Kingston Gazette, March 15, 1817, p. 1

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[SATURDAY, March 13, 1817.] TON [VOLUME VI.------No 41] ~ GAZETTE. Kingston, Upper Canada—Printed and Published by STEPHEN MILES.—Price Four Dollars per Annum—Exclusive of Postage. 7 Price of advettifjhg In toe Gazette. Six lines and under, 2/6 firft infertion ajid n every fubfeqnent. Ten lines and under, 3/4 firft infer¬ tion, and l/B every fubfequent. Ten lines and upwards, \d. per line firft infertion, and 2//. per line every fuc- ceeding infertion. Advcrtifements unaccompanied with Written directions are inserted till forbid, and changed accordingly* COFFEE-HOUSE. FjlViE fnbfcriber having ooened the JL Houfe lately erected by Mrs. Fin- Jde, next doo; to Jdms & Finklc's, ref- peSfully informs the public, that hr h^ taken great pains to fnrmfli it in <very tefcdtQ merit the bel* of cuftom. Gen¬ tlemen traveling ™ay Rely upon having go#'C accommodations and attendance. 1 heir being attached to the houfe a freed yard avd liable*. Team.it .r»-s can Rave fuitaSif accommodations. ■Soups cve-.y day from x 2 to t o'clock. Seven or eight gentee- boarders can hi intended to. J. MOORE. m Kingston* Feb. 1,1817. 35 UQWA ; "V? ' ONriiACT. W'ANTED, FOg His Mnjdty** -e«vice, t- be Jiiivcnd ar KINGSTON, on or bclore the foHowtfig period* ; i-o'Uj BfelYCltf ol*~ Fir.c Flmir on or before Sst Juuo, 1.0UO do. 1st Au- The above fupply Will be paid for in Bills of Exchange, on LomV.ru at the current rate, or in Drafts on Lowei Can. ada at the option of 'he CommiiUnat. |Nj«» Tender will be noticed unices un- C*'-c-%t*'*nable fecurity is nfP'fcd at the fame time, far the due petf trmnftct of anv contratt the parties may with to en- § Propofelfi addrefled to this OfSrc, will be received imtfl the ill April, Comj"ffttnat OJficc Kingston, 6th March, vlSJt. TO be fold by PUBLIC AUC¬ TION, on the Firft of APRIL, at Io o'clock in the forenoon, at the Victualing Office, Point Frederick, the following Damaged Provifions, viz. Flour, i>0()4 pounds, Sogte, 233 do. Butter, 172 do. Cheese, J 94 do. Raising, 124 do. Pork, 97 t>ieceso£4Il) each, Wine, 519\ gallons*, ■ Oatmeal, 17TO gRiion** Chocolate, §*»9 povinuN. The above Provifions will be put up in ht which may be viewed by apply¬ ing; at this Office, Four days previous to the fale. J. MARKS. /fgnit Fitluailer. Nav.nl ViatnUm* Ofice'j Print Frederick, ftbV 4° March f817- J ~PAPE\! IlANGlNGS. ■"TpHE fubfenber ha? lately receivedil 3 a final! Bflbrtsncm &f PAPER}j HANGINGS- for fale on reafonable' •.rms if applied fcc foon. A few Qox4 Mould and Dipped And uncvlspply' f Brv Goods & Hardware. \ S. BARTLET. March, 1S17. POETRY. MERCY. B7 StLSBCK OSBORN. To crown creation's mighty plan, Th'Alm'ghty mandate thunderered forth> " Let prrwrcant earth produce a Man ! And ftwght the creature fprang to birth Health, fbength and beauty cloth'd bis frame* He mcv'd with majefts and grace ; A blight, a pure angelic fizr.e Illumiu'd each feature of bis face. Upon hi-brow fet calm repofc, His ey<S with love and mildnefs (hone; Till a ?rin band of imp? arole, MORALITY. LETTERS From the Methodist Missiona¬ ries in the Inland of Ceylon, ' in t.\e East Indies. [Conducted.^] Th$ following account of the conversion of ihe lladltist Priest* tea* drawnty) by Mr. Gtui'GHi at the request, ana' published in the Ceylon Gazette* \teith an introduction written'] ftp Am Excellency (he Governor. "Coro-ttBO, 28th Doc. 1814. '." On Christmas-day a very remark¬ able baptism was celebrated iuthemid- dlr of Divine Service before a full con* gri gatioji at the Fort.—A iludhi- f IJriest* of great emiuence for cbatac- iter, talents, and literary attainments. And mirk'dthe vi&im f 9 There Hac* in livid hues po'irtrayed Thegmfliing tooth,the blood (hotcy There cunt ingratitude difplay'd . The foiJfft blot, the bkckell dye. ' And Avarice, ambition too*- ,. To plail her odious image there— Cafl o et li« cheeks a fallow hue, And winkled marks of worldy care. In wrath th* Eternal view'd the (lain, Which mar r'd the ofT^pring of his Spurred she weak wretch with high dif:!:-.ji, And b-udt ficra Jvjl'tcv lift the fword. 4a; j But Mrrcy. heaven's lovdhVll child, __^* 1 [itiplonng, knelt befi»re the throne ; I \ . .^.lyift r malure fi.Miheiatii^n, and a carc- ;or their oS -^ fui perll«aj 0f ,i,e Gospels in the Cm- TO he fold by Public Auftion at thc^ N^val 'lofpital, Point Frederick.; on the Fiift day of APRIL next, atj U bl Alternate pray'd, and wept and fmild, With a'.gel fweetnefs all her own. i the Fit It day ot sirriiu next, mii— .. v, ,. . . Ni^ o'clock, a quaiitii) ot MfcnkraJITm HWrdto Mm*mMsA embrace, I And wept to fee his dire decay ; \ VORES & NECESSARIES, |Hf •?»{? f]TTu°n w*0"* « °r 40 WINE, PORTER, B:.DS, BED ?ICKS, BLANKETS, ' RUGS, SAUSE PANS, PEWTER PANS, And a number of iher articles in con¬ venient lots—whi<*h may be feen by ap plyVtr at ibis Office four days pievioo- to the fale. j. MARKS, Agent. Na-val Ilofpital, 40 fMJfWjmNS TAKZ NOTICE ! Jy . ELtbrros Ccol, m»**f at law, &»««/ 5- C„/,;-^/7, merchant, ^«*«" 7. bv trade a carpenter, awl John P. IhuJr, who bcar; tl,i-title ot capta.n, ..U lare;v ?t>& aie rTn* aay '"x O;ok AwMVI t*iis olv'.C '-*and Ccii*. Ud?e.( .»• ,• v liiitAJ* ADV^Rnsl.MKiNT. NEW Garden See'ds. Thomson &Detloi Hav^for Sale, A CONSinyiMKNTOF Cheap Goods ; Among which ^re :— 50 Pieces Supcrtine and Se¬ cond Cloths, - 40 Do. <lo Pelisse, do. 00 Do. i-HssinKiv. :;U0 Do. Oilies, (atSll.cost) ALSO, 20 BOXES FINS Yellow Soap. 1 *alvse lauifoa^e^ had determined t rryow a»idcJ his yellow nbcs5 and cm- bia/** the Christian religion* ii It was in vain that his resolution was availed hy liis brother priests, nt»d by tne &n!icitation« of hi? own fam¬ ily. Tlwlr importunitie6 only served to a^itaf" his feeiin^<, hut could nut • hake ins determined conviction, foun¬ ded upon examination and reflection. He gave up rank. allluence,c^ni»exioii and family, to follow the dictates of his conscience, lie was baptized imme¬ diately after the second I ^on, by the name of ftPetras Pandiui Sokarras,1 and Air. A-monr and Mr. Clough were hi* god-lathers. From the natural in- ttueiircof his character and abilities, *u.ch an example promises tobe ofsijtf- aal uve in the propagation of (.'Ir.i-tian- ity. The causes which led to his adop- tion of the Chmjian religion, and the probable consequences of his conver- •ion, were noticed with mucheffvd b> Mr. Twislcuni in his sermon, and they fi'rui-lied a most a;rj)rnpriate concle- Htuu bo a tfoti oufse cnjri.ron;<l o*iJtt» a^t- •) niversary of the Nativity of Him who wns destiVed 4 tube a lit;ht ko lighten the Gentiles.' 4t We have ^ibjoined a narrative of the processof thi> conversion, written by the Rev. Mr.Clough,a MiH$ionar>% to whose exertions the success is clr.ei- !v due. ifc The Accmnit of the Conversion of o Jindiu'st Priest, through the mam:: of th'- Re:. Mr. Cuovcn. " The mni.ter iiiMliich I became ac¬ quainted with Mie Budhist J'riest, was. bv attending thetdolatrottsivorfhipand ceremonies* On these occasions [ was always attended by an interpreter, by whose means i was enabled to ■ mice many inquiries ; and I now particular- addivSM d thu priest, perceiving iha' y aUUlvSSi 1 l «t ** * f lllic possessed acuteness of intellect, and j. yy-yfi.oa, M<,.,-h e, 1817. 4^-Ua^acknoMk(Tged to be the beft v. r- HA LOSi'ur STULEN. <i;fl.one! J1 iluvU^'C 11';<[ faiHe* Ueis^iWffcd GENTLEMAN, lately , from London, has brought nut to this hi, bail and «** ««^ [° ^5^f |SS2 ncwly'difc.v.red. a,d very f^c-l 53 hl5; Lior KITCHEN GARDEN SLEDS o .« ,tcr n«r at prefent in Inch yr.t d^damongtt] ......-_ ... , ,,...,.:..,,..„ .,„ts!ul»e Gardeners %.d HoRT.cuLxt- E nn other rr.eae.s. n ,., . .m .,»:—J'fed according to tlu-ufualwoy in which a.r.iiio- i-cc 0--.I-"-- wttUthe Gardeners and horticulti- anknown Lee «*uJ > ; ; ouantity of each could be ohtamed.- their friends t,, i«:fTer ft* bail, .> «SI as DJ , ^ ^ fa^^ be tafi,y propaga. tuher meatf* „ .., ., « „.,•._<, I'T^d arrovdine to ttu-nfualwoy in which npHREE NVte, flf hand given by JL Htnry VnndufeM to William 1 u Ht rt,,r t<k Mrvi.fa'ini:in' pnyablj in yearly pwncnta on nvnoK. Iiasi bmotfttl r*ut to tn.sii .n.c» ' »' rA > o rt f r^iuwIvmU Iheiirftday ;>f J.nuiirym 181O, 1817 a few packeu ot U-me new' y cul- - .• J J . ^ ... «ianu !oio% ail drj.vn on the lame Incet ot paper and witnef:^ |j« y^*' Bulmndge. -\l! perfonsare Ifeicby ro^bi 5 puTchafing the above drfcrib^d Notes, :»s they ^rc partly paid; and lYnat j3 due accounted for by new Note*. WILLIAM r/JRMAN. Marxfiurgh, Ma*ch 5,1817. 39'3 1 A P Signed, by order of the Lo-^ge, STEPHEN LE-Ei **c ry. Doled08. $0*-A z"5?'6: For Sale,p T AUCTION, «»n WEDNES- ^ DAY.thel.ftd8yofApnln«t ^vtoftheTownLot.bvl.T,^ totl ht« Tohn Loney, conta.n.n? «0 tret In J on ?nd. 32i" rear. The ab^ ,s of- £2 for We for the purpofe ot tog the debts of ?M Efcate. tne p em to ^nbeviewedanytimeprev.ovsto the ^^^anK'^ey. Kingston, March l, *Si7- 39w3 <? 6 4 Notice. AMY Perfon having a MM OIK'todj y^GGO.V to difpofc off wd. find a pmchafer by appKing" d*,0ffi^j Warcb 1. New earliest Frame Peas, Large Imperiai Dwurt'do. Kiiight'a new Marrowfat*, 5 Mixi Giant.Brocoli, G Large deep Orange Carrot, T Anderson's early Turnips, 8 Curwen's new Cabbage, v) Giant Coss Lettuce, 10 Large Curled Parsley, 11 Fine Scarlet Radish, IS New mixed Mustard and Caress. To be had of S. Bartlet KfagSan, U. C at Si* Dollars per packet. 1 here •irronlv 12 packets fol iale. K;nurton,March7,,8,7. 4^ For Sale, ^T r/?f S/or<. 0f the subscribers Pork, [Blatik Summonses 'For the District Courts, for I sale at this Office. Beef, Flour, Peafe, Oats, Seed Corn. And a General a^!mentof SHAKER GARDgtv SEEDS. p. WETSEL. KinS!t.,n,Mai./jlt,Si-j. 39 Now Goods. JUST receive^ an<j for fale by the fubfi-iiher, i.ondan<(j|,irdCtotli5, lk« k f;mcy dnfs Ha";j.ercj,j,,fs fringed Cav simtrt Sli i«'ls> Si._—-fiie above being a i-onfignmciic, thiv w\\\ be fold by the piece or.i- . and v ' ]qw cnr ca(h. " ?AMr1lhL MERRILL Klnss- Mi ■-' -A' \ary 8, 1 g 17. 36// sea in fiie ground-work of fin* religion of bndhu, and In flu* sciences of Hi< country. 1 h-^an to take grcntl phma- ?*ure in (OiM.r-.ini; with him : ami the ph asurr app?ariug to be reciprocal. our intcrvir\v> became fretjuwt, andol protracted Length ; in one of wivch iw- r?que^ted (hoping it would notolVcud) mat lie Dii.^ht be allowed to pat a few questions i<> m^, rflalin^" to loo Chris¬ tian religion, to which when I read.I) assented, ht* began bj ob*^rring thai man must be fickn«w ledired Co posfcC** two spirits or principle^ of action : tirn one actuating him todogmd, and tin- of her to do bad. He then commenced !.!•> qu* stions by asking whethi r- if tic tlodof the Chrl^tiann b<* perfceth ho- h, that (»od can be th* anthorof ovil: and il not. where did man g t'hut spi¬ rit to "do evil ? I answered that he got it from h\> lorc-rather«, who could trac- it up to our progenitors^ Adam & Kvc. He thr*n inquired, from whence d;d ou. lirst parents receive this evil ? M\ an¬ swer was, the awful consequenceo1 dis¬ obedience to thi'ir Creator; whencc^j then said he* that disposition to diso¬ bey (»od r Temptation I replied, and the-devil \cas the tempter. What, said he, is th** de.vil ? An evil spirit, 1 re¬ plied. Who, sajjd he, made the devil, and how did he become evil \ God, said I, created him a pure rt)gel9 totat on his refufing tt> give due honor to Jo- "Second an.ffi,irdUOthS, on hisreluMns ro prvnur -»-■- -'■ Calicoes, Coaon Cambrics, Sewing fife hovahrGnd ip»#rf h« J a jta u him and h'.s wicked associates to it for¬ ever. The I'au-lish are planting BiM - :n almost every langnage, which Fnffi- •uMit'y treat on this subject, and Mi?- sionaries are sent with them to exp'ai. • nem : and in the course of G"*S pro. vidence I and my live companions uare come to the Island of Ce)lon ; and that it was uot for the past darkne<9 of the Cin^ale^e that Gofi would pun>- ish them, but for rejecting the offer of those exalted blessings tendered to thom by us. I added, I have now to offer you the blessings of tire Gost&t of Jesus Christ, and if you reject this offer, you will assuredly be condemned at the last day. Here he began to f>A greatly agitated, aV.d gathering up ids loose garment with a countenance ex¬ pressive of p-cat concern, he mitdly fe- plied, " I hardly know whet to do, I have been brought up in the i^ii^ion I now prof»*ss. and am settled in it ; I know not how to think about citangiac it, and it is a thing which 1 caannt at present determine to do. He then took his !eav° of me, aud I began ta suspect that J had oll'ended him. U^ however, delayed not long to make n)c ;ino'ther visit, and we resumed Qu U50- «1 subject. rt Conceivingthat heconfinued to Ge ver/ inquisitlvf about Christianity, I furnfched him with a copy of the four* GospdsmCingalese, with which he wa^ much pleased, .-aying. that it was whai lie had lon^ wished to see, and said. b\ assured I will read it with great atten tion ; but, mav 1 request an additional favour of) on, which is, to allow me to trouble you to xplnin any parts which I may not understand ? To thi* [ readily assented, and I presented to him the Gospels at his own heathen temple, when some of his pupils prepa¬ ring for the Budhist priesthood were present, who were not a little surprised at the joy he expressed, and the care he manifested in wrapping it up, as bc- ins more valuable than gold. u After this, he soon put me to the pleasing \.ukof explaining to th^ best of my ability, those tilings which were rather mysterious to him. After he had read the Gospels several times, he Old Testament, «nppo*tng it would AfG hini a clear explanation of the New. w* I must vw pass over a number rtf interesting »*ve>»ini; cuiversations, and hasten to the interview when he made a public c Klfi K>iou of the state of Ids mind and present views, wkich wars nearly as follows ■— *• I fee! a wish to give you a rein tion rfnil preseul condition, and I believe from what I kuow- of you, thatjOuwil] not mnLs a wrong use of w hat 1 ay.— Since 1 became acquainted with you. your conversation and yoor answer^ to my different questions have made a deep impression on my mind ; and du- lingthc past three weeks, 1 ha\e been in a state of great distress of mind. I have frequently returned home after my interviews with you unable to sleep for many nights. u I asked him the cause of this trou¬ ble ? he rcp'ied, that it aro*-e from an | apprehension, that he and his country¬ men who followed Ihe religion of Bod- liu, had f)»'en mistaken in their religi¬ ous principles, which was to him, a consideration of the greatest impor¬ tance. He added, that the more he thought on the. subject, the more the apprehension increased, in as much as • hp evidences in favor of the Christian religion were making stronger and stronger impressions upon him. 1 then asked him, whether he thought that the God of the Christian, was he, who sughtto he worshipped in p/eference to idols I He replied, that he had be*'ii considering the subject candidly, as though he were a member of neither communion, and had oliered up pray- »rs for direction in a matter so impor¬ tant, and that if he. and his countrj men were in error, he prayed that he might receive conviction in the clearest man¬ ner, and that a way might be opened by which he might leave Ids present profession, and embrace Christianity, •iot only for his ow n goodj but for oth¬ ers to whom he would preach it. He Ddded, that the more he prayed, the [more did his desire to quit the religion of Budhu increase* He thenafkedrae to aasi t him in managing this matter, for which hi? gratitude would be et- tretne, aud (hat he should think that the great Godhadsewtme from Kng- 'and to Ceyloii, on purpose to instruct liirn,and shew him Uie right way of ':/0r>hip):n« God : and in returti h? vhould thit*k it ince'-henl on him, l« :d> latest hour, to wake known to Ids ,'ounrrjmeo the blessing of the Wi *

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