iCo fief. \LL pcrf . »I1 lehtet] in the fnl>(cri- bcr arc relucted to make imme difitc pavment $11 bin*}* of produce will be taken in Da?mfnt« at the Market prices. T- e ;".?bkM iher has taken into partner- hi<< ill* brother, Allan R. ViacDonell. Th- btifiirefi hi future will be carried on i>n<JOr the finfl »f ,*>:v YiwnosFj.LkCo. In addition to their former flock, they jrfi row receiving a general aiT>rtmentof DRY GOODS, XJTQZ70R&, GT?Q'*!SRiES /rJ R D JTJ R E, Earthen $f Glass, VfoHcB* H *c. Sec. AEK'R. MAC DONE LL. 18!6. «4 K.i.'ssiin, if! Sefif, J list Arrived) l:)i) thi\ U\Uury Cod Pbhj £Wi, B«"\ C1lva!(Mir Salmon. $U Kn*tp l/»rii Fine Ucmng, & f-r-kiiis Bttttev 4T£Q9~A few fetta Left Kn;- -1 Plated Harnesses, Saddle** and Bftdles, iV -a: ij !*£*>*, Fads. Veuests, 11 u-r CkAfllUig', Bttd 2: D '". Fine iRhtieit. The above articles w21 b^ fold cheap €'rCafh o? produce. •v LEX'r M ACDONELL & Co Kingston 2.\iu fan. 1817. 34 ►^ •* *■»■ * Blank Deeds arid Memorials^ ■jr fiile .u this Office. For Sale, T HEWc-,1 fcalfofloi number nineteen in rhc fecond conceiTr n of the town THE fcl.fr.iber begs leave to inform the public thai he has commenced .uniin, the Mail Stage, From this town to the Lower Province, for the crfuing feafon, TWICE \ WEEK ; To leave fh:* t'v regularly every MONDAY and? HURSDAY Morn¬ ings.—Perfons wanting a paflage will pleafe call at the Tavern formerly known by the Sign of the Brittania Ion, where the Stage Books will be kept. Packa¬ ges, &c. Sec, will a!fo be depofited at the ab.ve place. BARNABAS DICKINSON. King (ton. Jan. n, i 81 7. 32tf fTlHE fubferibers refpc&fiifly inform J. their friends and the public in ge¬ neral that they have received an addition to their ufual iupply, conlUting of a ge¬ neral aflbrtment or DRY GOODS, HARDWARE: D> uble and (ingle Stoves, lion Bar»j Steel and Wheel Boxes, J .adleg and Men's Shoes, A complete aflbrtment of new fauS- foned Indies and Gentlemen*-* Fur Caps and Trimmings for Great Coats ; Two elegant Dining Sells, With a variety of other articles too lengthy to enumerate, which will be fold cheap fo; cafli. MONJEAU & St. GERMAIN. Kingston* §d Oft. 18I6* t\ v6 tViOXTHEAL Air Furnace. JO.itiPli LOVGlt& Ok EG leave to announce to the Pub¬ lic, thai tl.ey have commenced tlic btifincf* of Founders, On their properly, fo»*t of the Quebec I - ,n riw icpma concern- n or uu «..v., . s,lb,„b9) imfne(j:at..]v ^|jr,i,unK the Ship 0»ip of Ktnfcfton. Apply to the Prmtvr Ya.d of Ucfib. Hart L^u & Co. fCrnyim, July i C 18 i 5 3/ v6_ whm th W|„ fur|J;)h M;,, Caftfnffa o! /• wd Mor oate, P 'RT o a L< t near the ^ar- I t Place, with a !:o»u> on it. For ja'tictilirs apply *•» the Printer. Khipton, Jon Z$. 1S17. _____34 A stage £ I AS commenced running from K %afel1ON m vORK, ■ l nng Khffltm every M0ND.1Y inc». 1111^ Rt o:X o'clock, and York ev¬ ery fHURSDAT ■■: r.!! ;g, Tame hour. ».. rfbn v'Thi:'^; *.;■ a piuTa^e will cal & ** r • nvittl Brown** Iin- Kiinrlnn, v\.;^:e ihe $t4gp R-.ok" Will be ket-t---- Cro" 2 . *'. -'« lbs. brggajfe will b' al- li-"*e; . zvAi o.-!fc-nger, over this they *r. :". !. rhar/«J n>r AW baggage fent by r*u fii-3 .c wi'l be forwarded with cave an • t-*:J cud with punctuality, and ail fa- " icknow!c<Jgcd by the public's* Jk; vatU lervant. SAMUEL PURDY. Kingston^ttn* Sj, 1817. 34tf N ri. Sta^fjreiS Dollars. all de!rripru»08, agreeable to fuch ordir.^ as they m:-y receive,—Alio I5la«:klmich'.- work »f every kind executed with neat- Deft and difpatch^ Montreal^ Nov. II, 1SI 6. N B. Caft given for old Metal, deliv¬ ered at the Works—fay at the rate of Cj Pcr ton> and for old Bra Is ^.d, and Copper 6d p< r lb. 31 A quantity of feafoned Boards Sf Plank, Fot fale by GEORGE SCOUGAL. Kingston^ Feb 1 1S1 3? I^HE fobferibera beg leave rr> inform . thei; fnc-nds and l!it public that ,<a Ci A tcv-' Barrels CIIAUMONT HERRING AKD Prime Pork^ Juft received, an*! for fale by S. BARTLET. Kingston, Jan 25, :fti7. ^4*f NOTICE. A Lih perfon< h-'^ing any demands Jr, ajtainft the Eftate of tlic Jate E/.IPH4LET ADAMS, oi r>!ary9. bir^r., deceafed, arc hereby rcqnerted, to produce thtii claims duly authentica red,—t»ifuall pcrfone indebted to the fa:d E'late are hereby requefted lomake immediate payment to SIMEON WASHBURN. Acting Execuotr* Hallo well, nth Nov. 1816 3iv6 Strayed or Stolen, Cvk T t! c ni^ht of the vzA February, V . »;h-hi Chrfnut HOR,SE. with a , v " > ::r;| e in his forehead, and une white . h"'d f«»t a^ont ttn years old. If Mo¬ de whoevtr wHl detect ihe thief, fo as to ec vet-the horfe, fii .11 receive Ten D •i.a'-'. by applying to Wm. B. Whit- rev KTngftoo* tfr to Kolph H. Ro¬ gers, Kin^ltoB Mills. March 1. 39 miGUSON'S Jmnr vc<I Tab'e of cbe valne of Grains cf Golo OI»;» »vcr or un Icr weight, :/ -■ -. bale at this Oifiec. they have commenced the bulincl Grocers Sf Spirit Dealers, At their new Brick Store in the main ftreet> adj tilling Mr. Henry CaffidyV ; where they will be conliamly {implied with every article in iheir line of the va-y beit quality, and hope, from the modera tion of toeir prices and th?ir attention to bufinefs, to merit a fhare of public fa¬ vour. BELFOUR & FERGUSON Kingston, Feb 22. 1817. 3H / id ^jHE fubferibcr having purcliafed the J_ Lot No. to in the firft conceffioa of'he tuwnfliip of i\rcy, will profeeme according tci iaw any perfon found cut¬ ting rimber or otherwife trefpaiBng there¬ on without hia iKrnufTion. JOHN M. BELFOUR. Kingston, February 22, 1817. 38 New Goods. JUST received, and for fale by the fubferibcr, Second and third Cloths, Calicoes, Cotton Cambrics, Sewing fi!ks and Twill, Silks f r Ladies Gowns, fi'k fancy drefi Handkerchiefs, fringed Ca? Bimere Sliawls, 3tc.—The above being a coulignment, they will be fold by the piece only, and very low for Cadi. SAMUEL MERRILL. Kingston, February 8, 1 81 7. t6lf -* » ——-----------------------■----------------------■------------- 1- - , _— ___^_^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Garden Seals. 1<HE Subfcribcr has juft received fiom Montreal a t'eletfion of GARDEN SEEDS, lor fale at ht& Store, nearly oppofite the Market. NEW GOODS. * HE Subscribers have im¬ ported direct from Lon don, Manchester, Birmingham and Glas¬ gow, &c. an exteniive aifortinent of ev¬ ery fpecies of Merchandize iuitable to the Upper Canada Maiket. Tbe Goods have been felr&ed with care and purchafed for Cadi, and will be difpofed of, either by Wholefale or Retail, on the moft reafonable terms. Under the different heads of Liquors, Groceries, H&vdvaares^ Cloths, Flannels, llaher- flasher 11, Itoshry ind CAKFE'TING, StaliotiartJ, Crockery and Glass IVare, Cordage, &c. &C. They would enumerate the fol¬ lowing articles, viz : Very beft Port, 1 L. P. Madeira, f WINES. op. i'lneoid brown bnerry, t L P. &L.M- Teneiiff, ; Hibbeit's beft Brown Stout by the Cafk or Dozen, Brandy, Gin, &c. &c. &c- Teas ; Sugars, Loaf and Muscovado ; Coffee ; Sauces of every defoliation, Loch fine Herrings by the Keg; Pearl Barley ; Mullard Soap ft Candles by the box ; Scotch Oatmeal, Vints and Oils allotted— Jrawley and Bliftered Steel, Swedes 1- ron affurted. Duck, flgeon and Sni^c Shot. Na9s& Spikes-fall forts, Tin Plate and Sheet Iron, Frying pans, Sp<u!cs and Sho'cds, Hollow Ware— Hair, Cloth,"hitewafh, Scrubbing, Horfe, Sho^ and Tc- ble Bru/hea Knives and F^rktsafforted.—Penknives, ScifTors, Spoons, Razors, Shv:^g Cafe,; -Locks, Hinges, Saws, Hammers, Files, Gimblets, Scci 8co &c. Boots and Sh-.cs — ^a'keens. Corduroys. St»it)eP> Cottons, Checks, Bombesetts, Mufiins, Shawls. Dimilka, Tape«. Bobbin ; Brown, oxn:,b":g^ Wiirti«g*»<! Sheet ing Linens ; Laces, C^nbncks, Vefting8, Sattins, Ribbon*, blk. 5ilk Handkerchiefs : Navy Blue, Black Gray and ufhiona'ole Superfine Broad Clolh'» and Cas¬ hmeres. Ladies' and Gentlemen's 01oves and y/(/i/(fiy, C^pc'ting bf vaimiis pat¬ terns /J^fl affortment of SchouIb<,oks and Sta¬ tionary.—» ©•lau* ware and Crockery by the Crate or caflc, and packed to luit Coun¬ try Shops, (Sentiernen's proof Beaver Hats: Men1** yvUths' and Boy's Ca"*e! hair ami 1 plated do. Men'? Willow Hats. [Ladies1 <& 01113* Beavertnm'd Bonnets. w\Tnite, Red, Yellow and Blue Flanncis, and Green broad Baize. 31034 Point Blankets—Counterpanes. Bed Tick. &c. &c. Storage and Wharfage at the enftom- a—v prices and Comrniflton Bufinefs exe¬ cuted at the ufual rute- JOHN KIRBY &Co. Kingston, July 26, I 8 ■ 6 3 ■ v6 New Goods. THE Subfoiibers, having leceived by the late arrivals, offer for fale on the loweft terms for cafh at their Stores in Kingllon, either wholefale or retail. ( Adcertisemen t. THE fubferibers have juft received at their Store, near the Market, h frem affoi'tment of GOOE) a , Feb. %i, 1817. ALE2i< McLO/tD. 38-fi ^rom Montreal ; which thry will dip pofcof at verr reduced prices for cafh, produce cr on credit. Among which are India Cottons, do. Silks, Swansdown Veiling, Brown Holland, Cotton Shirting, Women's beft Hole—Men's do. Men's Lambs' word do. Red and White Flan ids, Fine and Superfine broad C!oth.6, Pocket Handjterfs, Bombazertrrs of various colors, Men and Women's fawn lined Gloves, Men's common do. Striped Cottons, Calicoes and other articles too nume¬ rous to mention. They have alio received on commjV fron, One .Sad of FLANNELS,— vv'hich they will sell very low at whole¬ fale only—and fhortly expeds an affort- c; nt of GROCERIES, Which will likewile be difpofed of ad- vantagecufly for purchnfers. CHARLES SHORT & Co. jijfingsfon, 1 ph Feb. 1S17. 37 ! JUSTreceived and for fale at this Of ^ fice, price r/3, Forms on his Do- rfCStic Circumstances^ by Lord Byron.— \tVilh tile Start}/ the Legion of Honour, a,.d other Poems ; to which 13 prefixed, fk Lift of the Noble Author. Nov. 28. '26 Cloths, Kerfey meres, Flannels, Bomhazetts, Bombazenes, Men Sc Women's Hofiery, Irifh Linens, Diapers, Toweling, Sattins, Luteftrings, Blue and white di agonal Sarfnets, Levantine Silks, Ribbons, Laces, Footing, Ginghams* Lace Veils Silk Shawls, Silk and Leather Gl<wes, WellinpfMi and Berlin Webs With a variety of other articles in the Dry Goods Line. ALSO, • Jamaica Spirits Cogniac Brandy, H-dlnnd Gin, Beft Port, Spanifh, Sherry and Madeira Wines, Pepperment, Shrub, Molaffes, Mufcovado and Loaf Sugar, Ti as. Prunes, RaiCns Almonds, Barley, Pepj-er, Allfpice, and f-.d-j'o. Walter MtCumFFE&Co. Kingfton, 19t>i July, iol5. 3 u6 ADVERTISEMENT. THE Concern heretofore carried on by the lubicribers, under ihe fi>-m of Roderick Mac Kay & Co. was diffclv- ed on the 9th infl by mutual confenr. rf/ll demands againfi the firm will be li¬ quidated by R Mac Kay, and thofe in¬ debted to it arc requefted to pay tl.eir accounts* RODk. MacK/ir, JOHN KIRBY. Kingston, i \ th Jan. 18(7. $1 N- B, The bufinefs will be continued by R- & A. Mac Kay. THIS day received at the Store of S. Bartlet, 100 Calks wrought and cut Nails, of all fizes, Window Gtefs, Iron, Steele Nail rods, Sheet Iron, CHOCK ERT&GLASS WARt in Crates and Hogfheada White Paint, . Mustard in Kegs, Hyfon Skin Tea, Coffee, Chocalate; Mufcovado Sugar, Jamaica Spirits, Currier's Oil, and A large addition to bit Stock if Dry Goods ;% y/nd has on the way up from Montreal, J GREAT VARlETTQi Gooms, ■ Of ahnost every Defeription^ Which will be fold very cheap by whole¬ fale only. February 1, 1817. Jjff Notice. THE fubferibcr having engaged to fiipply the Gatrifon at this Poll I with Peafe Oats Sc Straw for this feafon, he therefore informs the Public that he will commence receiveing the above a* tides from this date, at his Store, ad- I joining the White Bear Tavern. EDWARD BARNETT. Kingflon, 6th Dec. i8i<S. $i GOOD KRESIJ BEE! 1 THE fubferibcr informs his friends and the public, that he keeps con- it tntly on hand, at bin Cellar, under the office of D. Wa'hbum, Efq. good Be;-f, at a very 1c ■ pi ice, at any hour in the day, by the hundred weight or fmaller quantity, ALSO, Y^sfcfcte flf slffiell every ileferlBtfen, together with Egga, Fowls and Butter, nil of which Will be fold for Cafh only, JOHN YOUNG! Ktn"ftojt1 December 5,1816. 31 cf JV^ OT1CE fj liereby given, that the i_^l Partnerfbiu hitherto fubfith'ng be¬ tween tbe uudeiligned, in Lower Cana¬ da under the (urn of GEORGE * WILLIAM HAMILTON, and in Upper Canada, condu&<*l by each part¬ ner occafionallv in his own name, will m be and h hereby (iiffolved by mutual con¬ tent from the 3 1 ft Dec niber. All perfous having claim* again ft the faid concern are requefted to prefent them for payment to George Hamilton, and all pcrtons indebted to faid Co-part- nerfhip to make in*u-ediate payment of their rcfpectfve rccbutt-. to him, with the exception of the amount-* dtfC to and from the concern at Kinglion, which will be received and liquidated by Wil¬ liam Hamilton. GEORGE HAMILTON. Montreal* December 26, 1816. WILLIAM B A MILTON. Kingston, 08. 28, 181 6. ZZW12 And the highest price paid fot BJL m '1L E F, RYE. V.S'D At (he old Bre.wery ol Ja.-.. Robinson- Gillespie Sf Burtty Kingston, 26th December, 1 816- 3^ A Gentleman wi/lies to procure a Nurfe, to attend a lick Lady. An elderly woo^an would b^ preferred ; to whom liberal wage*- will be given. Apply to the Printer. Kingfton, 10th Jan. 1817^ - 32 *"" CAUTION. i r*TlHE fubferiber informs the public, JL that the B«>at now building bv Meflrs. McDonnell & Smith (near the Aitillery Park)^ his property, and here¬ by forbids all perfous fro.r. purcha'ing the fame, he having furnifhed them with money and matcwals for building the faid boat. JAMES MEAGHER. Kingston, March I, 1817. 39^3 Rags! Rags! Cash and the highest price paid for CLEAN COTTON AND LINEN R A G s AT THIS OFFICE. Wanted^ A COOPER. Liberal wages will be given for a good workman by applying to * JAMES ROBISON. Kingston, Fab. 19 1017, ■ 38 tf For Sale, 7 A Valuable Double Lot, fituatcd{a ** a pleyfanr part of the Town with Two good dwelling Houfes, Jja^ Houfe, Stables, Sec. the re fide nee of tfc fubferiber, which will be difpofed of on good terms.—-If the prope: ty is nor f0fj by the fir(l of May next, it will be rent- ed for any number of years. For fUN ther particulars apply to the fubferibcr on the prerniies. LOUIS TAPIN. Kingston, Feb. 15, 1817. *, For Sale, A VALUABLE Farm, with bolM. lx ingf aLo large improvements there. on, Favorably fitunted within 28 mild of King ton. Perfons deSrous "f pun charting to inquire of the Printer. hin-:stony 'July iof i^rc j!vg FOR PKINTIVG, BY SI USCaiPTTOjir Br IVekstlks $ S'Hryy^ns'1 ALBANY, N. Y. Sketches of ( ))per Canada, WITH A MAP OF TJii- PROVINCE, \ini a fopo^nphical and Ili-rorical Dpfirriiy1 tionnfine Raulfs fotigtrt duringihrlaie "»Var w'uljin ar*! m*ar i- LimiLs CONornoxs: 1. This Work will be comprised m an Orfavo r< lumt\ of about 300 page*. printed on n good rypr and line paper. 2- The price to Mifccribfft v. ill bo Our L'oIIar and S v*vuf\-Kivc Cents in boards, or Two Do ilafd and FifiyCeiUs neatly bound and l-'i.'.wfd The BpoLa will bs delivered in Kington aMhc AIbHnv prieoofTwo Di>!:arsand Fif¬ ty CVt.rs, with tin addition of the im¬ post <lut\\ only. 3. 10 lh**b«j who«ub«rribo f*>r Te»i Copies, orp.ociu. Ten Subscribers, ao Kleve-uffa Copy uill ba ^iwii^ra(i»,on dcliviy and payiiiciU of the CVpies aiibs* (ibod for. $3r Subscript tors for the tthovc Work Kill lie received at this Office. ' BLAIR'S Sermons Porteus' Evi¬ dences, the Canadian Vifitor, bound or fingle, together with a great variety of ufeful lio ks and Trails, fof young people, for Sale at tlm Office ;— where acccifa may be had tor- a fmallcii- cularing Library, three lime*; a week, 00 moderate terms. augu'l !, 1816. * Q BLANK BAIL BONDS, arid SHERIFF'S SALES, For sale at tins OJlitc.