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Kingston Gazette, March 1, 1817, p. 4

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» For Srile, By tht SUBSCRIBER, Tit*1 wluiJc pftus Goods on hand) Which are extensive, on a credit of one year ; the Shop a'so which the subscriber now occupies, to (lent, and possess¬ ion given immediately until the lint of May next. RICHARD SMITH. Kingston, Jan. 14, 18! 7. 36 f ■—■,,— - — --------------------- Notice. ALL per font* indebted to the fuhlcii- ber art requcftcd to make imme- dfote payment All kinds of .produce will be taken ^1 myment- 9t the Market prices. TItc fubferiber hag taken into partner- fhip hi brother, Allan li. MacOocetl, The 'vif.nrfa ID future will be carried on U"d^r lh firm <<f AL&X. \fACDQNELL% Co. In addition to their former (lock, they are r:*uv receiving a general afT#rtineniof D'^V GOODS, LIQUORS, liar then 8$ Glass* Ike. *r *o. AFX'r macdonell. Kingston, ;JI Sept. iSf& 34 </&<$/ Arrived^ 100 Quintals dry Cod Fish, 10 Barrels Ling, SO Do. Bay Cuileuv Salmon S£0 K-\>*s Loch PittC Herring. 10 Pifkiw Bolter ALSO,—A few fettfl heft \f$\*u pjnted ll.tmesses, Smi^e* and Bridies, El ::<n«v>s. Pads, Veliesea H "w Ckiaihin^j and No/tee. •TYlHE fuhferiher be^s leave to inform 5 the public that he has commenced running the Mail Stage, Ftom this town to the Lower ProvftftCf lor the enfuing feafbii, TWli'KA WEEK; To leave tins place regularly evffry MONDAY and THURSDAY Morn. lags.— Perfona wanting a paflage will J pleafe call at the Tavern formerly known J by the Sign of the Brittanla Inn, where the Stage Books will be kept- Packa¬ ges, fife &c, will alfo be depoiked at the above place. BARNABAS DICKINSON. \\ Ensign txt i>oz. " me Shors. The 'ihovc articles will Le fold cheat; t$r( ;ifh nr produce. ALEX'r, S \CDONELL & Co J w;s.'on. 24/A Jan. 1817- 34 JB/ank Deeds and Memorials^ For fiile at this Office. For Sale, 'T'HEWest half of loi number nineteen in the fccond conceffi >n of live t<>\vn jFhip of Kingston. Apply to the Prime- Kinpstyn. July 10. 181c. %1 v6 RJWWF GOOI>£ J * HE Strikers have im- I port&j direct from Lon- don, Manche(Lr, Birmingliara and Glas gov, &c. an «-.Ntenlive ahoitmentof-ev¬ ery I'peties oi Merchendfew fuitablc l« the Upper Cai,aJ;i Maiket. The Goods have been feleftcd with care and pur. jiafctj for Cath, and will be dlfpoftd of, either by Wholefaleor Retail, on the moil reafonable teims. Under tJfe different heads of Liquors, (*Mceric8% Itorth:ares, (taxhevif, llmJrm/ and J) King Aon, Jan. 1 t ^ 1817 3 21 f , For S oflj/e, A PART of z Lot near the Mar- tt^lt. kcl Place, with a houfe on ft. For particulars apply to the Printer Jan 25, 1817. 34 pjnHE fubfen'bers : efpe&fully info: oti _I_ theii friends and the public in ge¬ neral that they have received an addition to their ufual fupply, coniifting of a ge¬ neral alignment of BUY GOODS, AND HARD WARE: D "ib't and fingle StoveSg Iron Bars, Steel and Wheel Boxes, I.adie.s and Mfir'n Shoes, A cpmplete aiTortrnent of new faHi- ioncd Ladies md Gctlemen's Fur Ca;js and Trimming for Great Coats ; Two elegant Dining Hefts, W'th a variety of other articles to-* lengthy to enumerate, which will be fold cheap for cafh. MONJEAU & St. GERMAIN. KwjjtUn, vJ Oct \ 81 rt. 3 1 v6 MONTREAL Air Furnace. JOSEPH LU'.Gh& Co. ]J3 EG leave to announce to the Pub JUJ lie, thai they have commenced :he bufiitcftt <\£ Fouiiilcrs, On their pw*pe*fy, *o -t ;f" the ^aehec Subuib3, inunediately adjoining the "hip Yaid of MuTrs. Eian 1-oj.on & Co. where they will lurnilh Mill Cafthi^e oi di (telcriptitifWj agreeable tu fnch uuiern a-- they may receive,—All«>, Blot kfmhh'? work if every kuid executed with neat nefs and difpotch. Montreal, Nov. II, IH16. N- B. Cafh given lor old Metal, deliv¬ ered at the Woiks—fay at the rate of £5 pe« ton, and for Old Braid 4d, an Copper 6d per lb. 3 1 CHEAP 11! WHOiiESAUj] & RLTA1I I New Goods. | rHE Subr-rriberf, having received by the 1-itr anivals, oii'er for fale on the lov.-eft terms for calh ;it thtir Stores in Kinoilo.), either v'holcl'ale or retail cioth;. .....•- Keritymere3, CAMMTING, Stationary, ( rockery and Glass I fart, , Cordage, &c. &c. They would enumerate the fol¬ lowing articles, viz : Very beft Port, L. P. Made.a, v WINES. op. rine old brown oherry, ( Flnnneh, Bomkazetts, Bombazenes, Men Sc Women's H-'fu'ry, Irilh Linens, Diapers, Toweling, Sattins, Lutcftrings, Blue and wliite di¬ agonal Satfncts, Levantine Si.kj, Ribbons, Laces, Foot ing, Gingham?! I.ace Veils Silk Shawls, Silk and Leather Gloves, Wellington and . Berlin Webs, J ( ■ With a variety of other articles in the Drj/ Goods Line ALSO, For Sfefef B) ihe SubfCriber3, THOMSON* £1 ri.Ok! Kingston, Dee 14. 1816. 29 Notice. by the Jamaica Spirits-, Cogmac Brandy, Holland Gin, Btfl Port, Spanifh, Sherry a^d Madeira Wines, Pepperment, Shrub, MolalVes, Mufcovado and Loaf Sugar, Teas, Prunes-, Kaifins, A ImondSf Barley, Pepper, Aiifpice, and Indigo. Walter McCuyiFFE &f Co. Kirtifftori, 19th July, IH i 6 3iv6 L P & L. M. Teneriff, ) [| Hibbeit's beft Brown Siout Call; or Dozen, Brandy, Gin, Sec. &c. Sec. Teas ; Sugars, Loaf and Mufcovado Coffee ; Sauce! of eve. y defcription, Loch line Heirings by the Keg ; Pearl Barley ; Milliard Soap Sc Candles' by the b- x ; Scotch Oal tneal, | Paints and Oil^ affoftrd— I Crawley and bliilered Steel, Swede! I-' II Kv/ jlur(1i r„..'t tL r 1 rr , ,, , ,v Ml Ja- DV tl.e laliicnhers, under the firm ron ailui'to. DUCK4 rifieoii and ftfo,i ■ 1 M**jr*. »■•. n r/r 1 0 . ». M .. e ., ? «r ot **»o*^»-* Mac Kay &Co* wasdiflalv- Sn,,cSoocNail^S,,,keS of all forts,: Cl?nnliieylh in[t by nintua, COnfcnU rinP.ate ami hmtt Iron ^, ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ rrymjr pans, Nja*ie»aiiiJ bhovels, _ ■ u*-J k« D M"__v j l r • u ii tir !i • />i t 1- .1 QWWwUKI by K. MacKuv, and thofc m- taoliisw Wan—rlair, Cloth, whitewrilli, i-ur#M| ,n :. ...p ,„ * j , 4» o ... m p tn 1 •« aCDt«KJ o it are requeued to pay their ocruhhm:, tlorlc, bhoe, and la- r 7 THE fubferiber having emraecd b f-.pply the Garrifon at *h* pJ Mth Peafe Oat8 & Straw for this feafon, he then fore informa the Public thatkc vyill commence rectiveing the above «. ticlea from this date, at" his Store, id. joining the White Bear Tavern EDWARD BARNETt. Kingflon, 6th Dec. 1816. *-, J1 And the higiuwt price paldfoj B*4RLE Ti RVWs. A0VERT1SEMSNT. ni^HE Concern heretofore carried on b!c Bruges Knives and F«ttkesafbrtcd,—Penknives* Sciffors, Spoony Kazors, Shaving Cafesj — Locks, Hinges- Saws, Hammers, Files, Gi-^biets, &c. &c. &c. Boots and Sh- CS-* Nankeens, Ci»rdutoys. Stripes, C"tton«, Ch'.ck'-, Bo nba/.etts, NinfliiH, Shawb; Dimirici Tapes Btf^lmi ; Brown, Q7*ifllW*rgi Shirii-g and Sheet 1 .iiu1 s ; Laces, Camb«u iiWfi* SattioSi RihLous, blk mg '■:*, T : d SJ'k 1-1h»> Ike-relutf Navy BIik, Bl->ck Grs»y and faftSionable Superfine Broad '!oilie6a:id Cas- 'funeies. Ladies' ;md GentlcrnruV G!o<-e« ^nd Holiery, Carpeting ^f various pat¬ terns An aflortinentoi' Sehoolbookfl andSta, ti-Miary.— G!a!» ware and Crockery by the Crate or c;if!<, an^j packed to foil Coun¬ try Shops. Gentlemen's pn*.,f Beaver Hats: Men's youth-1 and B y'> Camel hair and V m . ■ ____ __ I account. ROD*. MarKAY, JOHN KIRBY. Kingston^ \ lib Jan. |8» J 32 N. B. Fhe bi'fuurls will be continued by R. & A. MacK:.y. Kingston x A S (age J^ • AS commenced running from 1 KINGSTON to YORK. Leaving Kiu^a-n every MONDAY rporninrr »i SIX o'elock. and York ev¬ ery THURSDAY morning, fame hour. Perfooa wifhliig for a paflage will call st ^Tr Daniel Browns Inn, Kiugfton, where the Sta^e B oks will be kept.— from 20 to 28 lbs. baggage will be al lowed to each parTcger, over this they muft be charged for. AW baggage fent by the Sta,;ewlll be forwarded with care and delivered with punAuality, and all favours acknowledged by the public's iiomblc icrvant. SAMUEL PURDY. Kingston, Jan 23,18(7. 34tf N B. Stage fate 18 Dollars. A few Barrels CHAUMONT HERRING AND Prime Pork, lull leceived, and for fale by S. BARTLET. Kingston, Jan 2j, 1*17. 34if NOTICE. ALL perfons having any demands againft the Eftate of the late ELIPHALET ADAMS, oi Warya- burgh, deCCafedj arc hereby reqnelled, to produce their claims duly authentica ted,—alfo all pcrfons indebted to the iaid Eftate are hereby rcquefted tomake inunediate payment to SIMEON WASHBURN Ailing Rxecuotr. H ^h;wc!l» 12th Nov. 1816. 3 I v6 1 j 1 9 r |pjHE fubferiber beg leave to inform JL his fritfnds and the public, th-U he has taken lha' e'rant new Brick liwfe til the main ftrect, buiic by Mr, Win. M'Clurcj adjo'inii^g MefTis Belfour and Kerguion, wncrc nc offers for laic, at low¬ er prices than can be purcbafedin Kiugf- ton. An (iffbriment of •BfiY GOODS Coniubiig ot Woollen (jio-oda, of all de¬ scriptions, Callicoes, Hid) Siik Sliawbj Merino, Do. Baze Covers for Tables, Large Counterpanes, Irish Linens, Elegant Furniture Callicocs ana Triinrniiij>*s, Gen llemen's Dressing Cases., Laities' Work Boxes, EiegeantTea Catiics, Gentlemen's Hessian and YVelUngtonBootSj Do. Stron" and Dress Shoes, liatlies' JSdoes, &c. &c. JNJtihicai Instruments and Per¬ fumery. ThosC who wish to favour him with tin ir customs/tall hove good liargaim. Countrj/ Merchants, and o- thers will do welt lo eull befbn they start for Montreal. ' T. THORNER, Commonly called Venduemasler. Kingtton, Feb 7, 1817. ^6tf 1 plated do Men's Willow Hats. eaver trim'd B<»;ineis. I r adics* ft Oirh1 B White, Red, Yrllowam) Blue Flannels, and Green Jroad Baize, 2 to 3-;- Point Bhinketft—Counterpanes, Bed Tick, Sfc- &c. Storage and Wharfage at the enflom- ary prices and Commilllou Builncfs exe-! cuttd at the ufoal rate. JOHN KIUBY &Co. Kingston, Ttiiy 26, l8»6. 3'^6 Ad res 'tisem en t. If |l HHE fubfen'bers have jttfl received JL at their Store, ueai the Maiket, a frefh aiToriment of Aqua, tityof fcafuned irds $ Pian / Fot fale by GEORGE SCOUGAL. From Montreal ; which they will dif- pofe of at vciy reduced prices for caft:f produce or on cedit. Among which ate India Cotton»> <io. bilks, Swansdown Veiting, Brown Hol)?» d, Cotton Ph» firm* Women's heft Hofe — Mtn'i do. Men's LambV ivOol do. Red and White Flan-els, Fine and SupKifin* broad Cloths, Pocket Han^-kerfj, Bombazeite* <'f varfous colors, I Men aod W^">ifn's fawn lined Gloves, Men's comrr >n do. Striped Col' >"S CaHcoesand other ai ticks too nume¬ rous to mention They have ^Ifo received on edounli- fion. One BsS of FLANNELS,— which they will' sell very low at whole- fale only—and Portly expects an aflort- nient of GROCERIES, Which will llikewiie be dilpofed of ad- vautageoun) fu'r l-uvchafcrs. CHARLES SHORT & Co, Kingston, \$th fti, 1817. 37 ! Jl Kingston^ Feb. i, 18 j 7, 35 JUST received and for fale at this Of ficc, price '/H, Poems on his Do¬ mestic CinumslM'tus* by Lord Byron___ With the Star 6>f tht Ltgion of Honoury and other Poem,H » to which is prefixed The £jfe of the Noble Author. Nov. 28. 26 Cheap Woolen GOODS. THE fubfen'bers have jn*t received, by the late arrivals from their Mamifadnring Hotiic, in Kugland, a large qumuity of SUP£RF!NE & SKCOND Broad Cloths; Ladic^ Police CLpTLiSand CASSFMERES, CONSISTING OF :---- Blue. Black, Waterloo. Bot¬ tle Green, Brown and Mixture Broad Clot lis ; Brown, Trench Gray, Oral), and cobir'd Pelisse Ci<»ths ; B!ark. Bine and Mixture Double Milfd Ca^simeres. Whic'Il liny ii(->\» offiT for fn!e at the Store of Mes-W. Thomson & Detlor, vrry low for cash* JERRY WHITEHEAD & Co. Kingston, 17th August\ 1816. 31 GOOD FRESM BEEF ! 1 THE fubferiber informs his fucods and the pnijiic, that he keeps c»n- ll.w;tiyon h?-»d, at his C»l'ar, under the office of D. Wathbiun, Efq. good liecf, at a very low price- at any hour in the clayj by c!;e hundred weight or fmaller quantity a • JLSO, Veqctahksof almotl every defcription, together with li^* Fowls and Butter, all of which will be fold fn C.ifh only, JOHN YOUNG. Kin?flcnt December 5, 1816. 3irf OTICC iv herci)y given, thai the PartiiniTij.) hitherto fuhllrlilJ£ be¬ tween tht uudcrii^ned, in Lower Cana¬ da under the fh'.n of GEORGE & WILLIAM HAMILTON, arid in Uj'pcr Canada, conducted by each part¬ ner oce<*lion<fiIy in his own n?mc, will j be and is hereby diilolved by mutual con- fent from the 3 1 ft December. All pcrfons having claims again (I the faid concern arc requeued to prefent them for payment tu George Hamilton and all perform indebted to fjild Co-pan- nenhip to make immediate payment of their itlpcctiV. accounts to him, with the cxcepiii>uof the amount- dne to and from the concern at Kiuglion, which will be received and liquidated by Wil UaOQ Hamilton. GEORGE -HAMILTON. Montreal. December 26, 1816. WILLIAM HAMILTON. Kingston, Oct. 28, 1S16. A At the old -Brewery of Jas. Hobiof^ Gillespie &; Burh-i. 'Kingston, 26th December, 1816. p For Sale, Valuable Double Lot, (ruattdifl a pleufant part «»f the Tovvo, wirh Two gaud dwelling Houfes bake Hoitfe, Stables, &c. the refidence of the fubferiber, which will be difpofed of on good terins. — if the property is not fold by the firll of May next, it will be rent¬ ed for any number of years. For fur¬ ther particulars a; p!y to the fubferibtf on the premilVs. LOUIS TAPIN. 37 Kingstont F.i. 15, 1817. . For Sale, A VALUABLE Farm, with build- * x ing8 also large improvements there¬ on, favorably fituated wirhtn 28 mil» of King ion. Pcrfons defisons ti ^uf* chafing to liiqntrc of the Piintet. Hinzsfm. Jnly ro, rfire J^ PjKOPQ3iLS\ Van I'RIM'lVn', BY HtrttsntlPTIOS, n> tnwrm if iMIsaiSL " •ALBANY, N. Y. Sketches of Upper Canada, WITH A MAP OF TUB PR >VINCF \»A a Topoir..M>nir:il ;,,„! Mmorlcal IhJri'L uon nt.h.. Battle* fonphl rlurm- ihrlJ" Warwiitjin ami n««v \t. L*nulfe CONDltlONS: " 1. This Work will be ccmprtccd fn an Ocfa .0 r^Vume, of about ;;oo Paaes printed on a go: d type nncl line pair' e. The price to sub^Hbiw will be One Dollar and St vrnry-Fivc (Vuts ii l>oii.riN,orriVo Dollar- and Fifty Ceiifc nmtfy bound nndlclrnrrd. The Hooks will br* delivered in Kingston at the Albaov pvicrofTuo Dollars and Fif¬ ty Cent^ n4th the auditjon of the im" post duty* only- • ^ 3. To tivnf.e who suh<:rf1l)c for Ten Copies, orp.ocureTonS Ictibers an Rtevaxth Copy will be gimi wi^on d.Mvrry aiwi paynieiit of the Copies subscribed for. ^SuhscnptiovsfnrthenbwcWorh -tent he received at this OMce. N BLAIR'S Sermons, Porieus' Evj. dePces, the Canadian Vifii0, boind or fin^e, together with a gJl variety of ufiefnl Books and Tr.-as.for young people, for Salr at this Office';-! wl.crc accelv may be hnd to a fmsjl cir- cnlatm,; Library, three times a week, oo morieiate term::. augurt^i, 1816 To Millwrights. . ■^n8r7*ANTED ?.x the Pe.th Stule- MILLWRIGHTS, And pcr'ona to atte. •' a Oiift and Silf, Mill. — None iifrcdapply whoennnot yivf fattefadlary n.f«.rcnccs an<| fc'curitv if rfqniicd. fnr completing fuch udfltiad aj they riiay cs*tCT into. Application to be made at the Go* vernn.e"t Offi^f*. Penh on the Toy, $d Ftb. 1SI 7- 364 . k Su 3 2 rv 1 2 BlatiK summonses For tlie District Courts, for Sale at this Office. A rtffitlcrmin vvihS rfc to attend a fc& Lady. es to procure ___ a _ An rldcrly wOftja« would be p.cfcTreli' • 10 whom hbcal wage will be gi»cu. ' Apply to the Frimcr. Jua received and for j&fe at this OMce, 11 Reams Writing Pod No. 2, 9 d.tto ditto uncut. II BLANK BAIL BONDS, and SHERIFFS SALES, For sale at ihL, Qflm ■

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