For Sale, By the SVSSCRBER, ' The whole of Kfe No f ice. I Goods on hand, Wtiicil are extensive, on ;•■ credii of one year ; the Shop also which the' subscriber now occupies, <o Rent, and possess¬ ion given immediately until ibe iirsi or' V'rny next. RiCUARD SMITH Kingston, Jan 14,1817^ S6t{ No lice. ALL perform in Icbied to the fubferi- her art rcquelled to make imme- diotp payment. i\\\ kinds of produce will be taken in payinent, at the Mark, t prices. Ti.e fubferiber has taken into partner- ftia his brother, Allan R. MacDonell. TJifbuJinrftin future will be cat.ied on under the firm of ALMS \UCOOXELLS< Co. In addition to their former (lock, they ire HOW receiving a general aiTortmento PHY GOODS, LIQUORS, JfARBWJBB, Earthen Sf Glass, gfe Sge. be. AEX'r. MACDONELL. Kingston, \fi Sept. 1816. 3+ f rHE begs leave to inform the public that he has commtneed 100 10 go 10 Just Arrived, iliatals dry Cod Fish, Baiv<-Js-Iiine, Do. liny t.'i>a!eui Salmon. Kegs Loch Pine Herring. Firkins 1'utter dLSQ,—K few fetta beft English Piut'.l Harnesses, Saddles and Bridles, ft'currtngales, Pads, Velicses. ilorsc Ooathinuv and £0 Doz. Fine Shoes. Tht above articles will be fold cheap for Cafh ;>r produce* / LEX**. M a.CDONELL & Co. Kingston* 241/) Jon. 1H17. 34 Blank Deeds and Memorials, For fale at this Office. Foi Sal npHF. West half of lot number nineteen hi the feeond conceffinn cf rl>e town- Ihip of Kfngftoo. Apply to the Printer Kingston. July IP- i8»;. 3 ■ v6 For §#/e, yjf PART of % t-t rear the Wsr- (t/j/ kct P.'iic^, with a hoofe on ft. For particulars apply to the Primer. Kingston, Jan 25, 1817, *a ^ Stage jp* AS commenced running from KINGSTON .0 YORK. Leaving KinglloB every MOWDAT morning at SIX o'clock, and York cv- er** THURSDAY morning, fame hoar. Perfons wifhtrsg for a paflage will call at Mr Daniel Drowns Iftfl, Euogftoo, whrre'lhe Stag*- B^oks WiJI be k-.:. t — from 20 to 28 lbs. baggage w:M be al¬ lowed E5 each paflenger, ever this they rnuft b- cjiareed for- AW Lwiggaire fern by the Sta e will be forwarded with care and deli-ered with puu&uality, and all &vours ?eknow!edged by ch?' public'** bumble iVrvant. SAMUEL PURDY. Kingston* Jan 23, 18*7. a^jj N- B. Stage fare 18 1>, liars. A few Barrels C1IAU.20NT HERRING ANli Prime Pork, Juft ieccived,and for fale by S. BARTLET. Kingston, Jan 25,1817. 341 f NOTICE. \ LL perfons having any demands il ajrainfl the Eflatc of the late ElIPHALET ADAMS, of Mary*- ourgij, deccafed, are hereby requeued, to produce thcit claims duly authentica ted,—alio all perfons indebted to the faid p. date are hereby requeued tornake immediate payment to SIMEON WASHBURN. Acting txecuotr, HaUowcil, iztb Nov. 1816* 31 v6 running the Mail Stage, From this town to the Lower Province, for the enfuing feafon, TWICE A WEEK ; To leave this place regularly every MONDAY and THURSDAY Morn. iugs.—Perfons wanting a paifage will pleafe call at the Tavern formaly known by the Sign of the Brittania Inn, where the Stage Books will be kept. Packa¬ ges, &c. &c, will alfo bedepoiltcd at the above place. BARNABAS DICKINSON Kingfton^Jan. n, 1817. 32tf HpHE fubfcribers rcfpcftfully inform JL tl tlr friends and the public in ge¬ neral that they have receive<l an addition to their ofual fupply, confiiling of c. gc- ncial aflbrtment of DRY GOODS, HARDWARE: Double and fingle Stoves, Iron Bars, Steel and Wheel Boxes, Ladies and Men*6 Shoe^, A complete aiTortment of new Ffffh- ioned Ladies and Gentle«T)<rn*s Fur Ca!>? {: wo eiegaiit Dining Sells* Wilh a variety of other crtides too lengthy to ennmerate, which will Le fold cheap for cafh. MONJEAU &St. GERMAIN. MiJ!('thlDistricty\ t'">Y virtue of a r&tVtrs j JLSlWRTToi EX¬ ECUTION tffued out of His M..; -ty's Court of King's beuch, hvl-ii ^ civ}! ylca.. in a:;cl &r the M ila.i'i Distrift a- urefaid, arihefult of ALEXANDER AULDJO, oftJ-ie townffiip of Marys burgh, in the laid Di^tridt, yeoman, stgatmt the lan«l>i and tenements cf I'HILIP SWITZER, of the town- flv.iand DlstriS afovefaid, ycomun, to me dirtied : I have frized and taken in exccntitm, a«* belonging co the laid PHILIP SWXTZER, the Smith- westerly half of Lot number l on the SoutlieaHtrily fide of Southwest, ox Prince Edward's Bay, in the faid town- fliip of Mary/burgh, vshich faid Lot of land i» but led and bounded, or may be Mtherwue knoon a* follows, that is to fay, commencing in f.-ont on the faid Bay, in the li'Tu't between Lots number 1 and and Trimmings for Great Coats ; T NEW GOODS. THE Su^scriber$ have im¬ ported direct from Lon don, Manche(Ut% Birmingham and Glas¬ gow, ike. an C£tenfive aflbrcment of ev¬ ery fpecies of Merchandize fuitable to the Upper Canat]a Maiket. The Goods |,avtr been felffted With care and pnrci,3fct3 for Cafli, and will be dffpofed of, cither by Wholefale or Retail, on the n,0|t reafonable terms. Under the different heads nf Liquors, Groceries. Hardwares, Cloths, I'lumu Is, llaber* daxhertf. Hosier?/ and CARPETING Stationary, Crockery and Glass Ware, Cordage, &c* &c. They would enumerate the fol- lowiog articles, viz : VerybeaPoit, J L. P. Madeira, f WINES. So. i'ineohi bro»m ?hf".*rj», i L P. & L M. Tenenff, ) Hibbert'a beft Brown Stout by the Calk or Itozsftf Brandy, Gin, &c. &c. &c. Teas ; Sugars, Loaf and Mnfecyado ; CofTee ; Sauces afevery defcrfption, Loch fine Heirings by the Keg; Pearl Barley ; MtHfcrd Soap & Candles L; the box ; Scotch Oat meal, Paint* tod Oils aflbrted—• Crawley and Bliftered Steel, Swedes I- ro'n airortrd. Duck, Pigeon and Snipe Si..;t. N«li&Sp£ke» of all forts, Pin Plate and Sheet iron* Pvyinjj pans, Sj^dca and Shovels, "lioihuv'vVarc—Hair, Cloth, whitewaf!;, Scrulhingi Morfc, Shoe, and Ta¬ bic Brainc* Knives and Forkesaflbrtedj—Penknives, ScHTors, Spams* Razors, Shaving Cafes; -Locks, Hing*** Saws, Hammers, {He* OiroWetfl, &c. &c &c. Boots and Shoe*— Nankeen3,Cord'i»'oy*» Stripeft, Cnltons, Cher ks, Bonihwcttti Mu!]ins, Shawls, P'lniti-' , Tapes, Bobbin ; Crown, Oznabli'gi Shining and Sheet Jng Linen** ; Laces, Cambnek»i VdKnfZ^ 8auin*i Ribbqasi blk $3k HaudMcrchitft: New Goods* | THE Subfcribers, having received by the late arrivals, offer for falcon the Weft tem« for cafh at their Stores in Kinofton, either wholefale orrcta.l Cloths. Blue and white di- agonal 5arfnets, I Levantine Silks, "■ Ker fey meres, Flannels, Bombazette, Bombazenes, Men Si Women's Hofiery, Irifh Linens, Diapers, Toweling, Sattins, Luteftrings, Ribbuntj Laces, Footing, Ginghams, Lace Veils, Silk Shawls, Silk and Leather Gloves, Wellington and Berlin Webs, With a variety of other articles in the Drj/ Goods Line ALSO, Jamaica Spirit*, Mufcovado and Cogniac Brandy, Holland Gin, Beit Port, Spani.'h, Sherry and Madeira Wi'mrs, Pcppernicnt, Shrub. Molaifcs, Loaf Sugar, Teas, Prunes, Raifins, Almonda^ Barley, Pepper, Alii pice, and fnd&o. Notice* A MEETING HOUSE is tote erefted |immediately hy the Ca« nndiao Methodlfts, for Public worfhip. Perfone A\ifhing to contrnft for build* ing the fame can see the plan by calling on Mr- Duimagb. Tender will be re. ceived bj him until the 28th inll. Kingsicn, Feb* 15, 1817. 37WJ # For Sale, By the Subfcriber*, A few Barrels excellent c 1 n mm. THOMSON & DETLOR. Kingston, Dec- 14, I 816. %* Notice. THE fubferiber having engaged to fupply the Garrifon at this Poft with Peafe Oats & Straw forthia feafon, be therefor* informs the Public that he will commence rectiveing the above ar¬ ticles from this date, at his Store, ad¬ joining the White Bear Tavern. EDWARD BARNETT, Kingfton, 6th Dec. 1816. $\ Wavitz McCuNirfE&Co. Kinrfcon, 15th July, 1816. 3Iv6 ADVERTISEMENT. 'n r T T7 I Concern heretofore carried on y the fubfcribers, under the firm of Roderick Mac Kay & Co. was diflblv- ed on the 9th inlt by mutual confent. .411 demands agaiuft the firm will be li- qntdated by It. Mac Kay v and thofe in- debted tci it are requefted to pay their accounts. P.ODk. MacKAY, JOHN KIRBY. Kingston* \ 1 dj Jan. 1817. 32 N- B. The buliticfs will be continued by R & A. MacKay. Cheap Woolen GOODS. THE fubfcribers have just received, by the late arrivals from their MavyBlvic, Dial* Gra^ a«d faflltom»b!« (M»»u&Awwg Houlc, in England, a Superfine liroud uiolhcaanu c»j. fimeres. Ladies' and Cicntlcmeo'fl C^ovea and Hofieiy, Carpetir^of various|iat- terns An aflbttment of Schooib->c?« and Sw tionruy.— GM» ware 3nd Crockery by the Crate1 or caflc, and packed tu Rut Coun¬ try Shops. Gentlemen's proof Beaver Hats: Men's youths'3rd B'-y'l C:^irl hair end plated do Men's \^ Blow Hat?. Ladies'& Gni * Bearertrimfd Boanets, White, Red, Telkwand Blue Flaunil». and Grcrn broad Bai?e« 2^3! Point Blankets— Coonter panes, Bed Tide, &c. &c. Storage an 1 Wharfrge a! the enftom* ary priced and Commii:ion Buiincfs exe¬ cuted at the u{ ial rale. JOHN KIRBY &Co. Ktagstoa, J«ty 26, 1SI6 31V6 2, and at the westerly ;i'»gle of the faid Lot ; then South 46 degieea East, icj chains 27 link., more or Lis, to the iand^g-snied to Capt. J<_>hn Allan ; then North 44. degrc<» Er*f 9 ciauns 50 links, more or loft, to tLc centre of the tni4 Lot; then North 4/Vdegrees West, r05c!i«in3, 27 h'uks, n;orc or !efa, to South, or Prince Edward? Bay; then Southerly a^uig the waters edge of th< faid Riy, t'» the place of beginning, being partly cultivated, with all tht buil¬ dings thereon fcre&cd, containing by admeafurement ico aens, be the fame i roore or leli.—Now I d«.* hereby give ! Notice, that the aford";id Lot arc! ; premi&s will be fold and adjudge to the I bigheat bidder, at my office in the town of Kingston, on WEDNESDAY, the 18th day of DECEMBER nest, at ro of the clock in the forenoon, at which time and place theconiJons of fale will be made krr<wn. CH \ RLES STUART, &mf And every perfon or perfooa having Fraw Montre** I whtds ihcy w \\ dif- | claims on the above defcribed Lot cf pof? of it very redurc-i ^liics for caffc, I land and premifes, by mortgage cr othei [\ produce or on cicdit. Among which ; right or incambraoce, are hereby edv-r-J1 India Cottons do. S^ks, tifed to give notice to the fatd Sheriff, I! Sv/ansdov- Veftinrr, at hie Office, in the town of Km^a.'.-ii, I Advertisement. THE fubftrnbers have j »:! received at their Store, near the Market, a frelh affortmrnt of are prisons to the fa)c thereof. SUrifsGJi,:*, Ofi'tli iUt l8iC. 19 r THE above fale is postponed till the :4th of February next. CHARLES STUART, Sheriff. S&*9 ff^0$<e* Dec. 17, 181 r>, 29 MONTREAL Air Furnace JOSEPH LOIGH&. Co. EG leave to announce to the Pub¬ lic, that they have commenced die bufincfe of Founders, On their property, toot of the Quebec Suburbs, immediately adjoining the Ship Yatd of Mtflrs. Hart Logan & Co. where they will furnifh Mill Callings of all defcriptions, agreeable to fuch orders at tliey may receive,—Alfo, Blacklmith's work of every kind executed with neat- ncf< and difpatch. Montreal* Nov. 11, 1K16. N- B. Calh given for old Metal, deliv- tred at che Wo-ks—Uy at the rate of £5 per ion, and for old Brafs 4d, and Copper 6d per lb. ^1 Brown Holland, Cotton Shirting, Women's I *-# Hole—Meu\. do. Mli;-s Lambs' wool do. Red and White Flan lels, Fine and 8#f>eifine broad Cloths, Pocket Ha^-kcrfs, Bombazei 14* °f various colon, Men and ^/omen's fawn lined Gloves, Men's com.-non do. Striped Co*tOti*, Cai;c>esari^ other articles too numc* rous to menti*00 They have alf° receivec} on commis- fion, One />;'" of FLANNELS,— which they w:" sell very low at whole* fale only—an<d flwrtly exptft^an afTort- ment of GROCERIES, Which will1 likewife be difpofed of ad- vantageoufly (for' purcbafer*. CHARLES SHORT & Co Kingston, 1 r// Feb. 1817. 37 JUST receded and for fale at this Of- fice, pritfr* !/8, Poems on his Do¬ mestic CircuntfttffiCtti by Lord Byron___ With the Sta? °f die Legion of Honour, and other Potftma \ to which is prefixed. The Life of iM IMIe Author. Nov. zH^ 26 bU;t3tfINE& SECOND Broad Cloths ; Ladies* IV^p CLOTHS and C \ si.wEUES, Ci■•'siSTING OF ."—> R!ut», IJiru k, Waterloo, Bot- llv Ctrcilj Brown and Mi\tui\ IJroacl CSotlu ; Brown, Etvncli Gray. Orab, (and colorM Pelisse Cloths ; Ulackj Blue and Mixture Double Mill'd Tassinjores. Which they now offer for fale at the Slurcof Mee«r& Thomson 8c Detlor, rcrj l«*w for cafh. JERRY WHITEHEAD & Co. Kingston, 1 yth August, 1816. 31 GOOD FRESH BEEF« THE fubferiber informs hh friends and the public, that he keeps con- tiavtlyon hand, at his Cellar, under the oftice of D. vVafhbum, Efq. good Beef, at a very low price, at a-ny hour in the oay. t$\ \uc ««J*dred weight or fmaller A' c • Vi'jfer'ahiCSofahuol '.'rrydefc- , .ion, together with E.xg?, Fowls and EJuttcr, all of which will be fold for Carbon] -. JOHNYOUNG. , KingEju December 5, 1816. 31 tf JVj OTICE h hereby given, that the -u% Partnerfliuj hitherto fobGSing be¬ tween the underugucd, in Lower Cana¬ da under the firm of GEORGE & WILLIAM HAMILTON, and in Upper Canada, conducted by each part- ner occafionally in his own name, will be and is hereby diiTolved by mutual con¬ fent from the $ 1 ft December. AJ! perfv>ns having claims agaiuft the faid concern are requefted to prcfer.t them for payment to George- Hamilton, and all perfons indebted to laid Co part- neifhip to make immediate payment of their respective accounts to him,' with the exception of the amounts due to and from the concern at Kingflon, which will be received and liquidated by Wil¬ liam Hamilton. GEORGE HAMILTON, Montreal, December 26, 1816. WILLIAM HAMILTON. Kingston, Qff> a8, 1816, 3 2 w 12 CASH, And the hi^kesi price paid fa* B*4 R JL ffl Y, RYE, AND A to procure a a fick Lady. « AGcntijinan wifhc Nurfc, to at 1 end All elderly woman would be preferred ) to whom iibeial wages will be given. Apply to the Printer. Ewgfton, 10th Jan. t$a* $2 At the old Brewery of Jas. Kobinsort Gillespie 8$ Barley. Kingston, 26th December, 1816. %t Take Notice. LI-perfons indebted to the fubferr- ber, cither by Note or Book ac¬ count, are requested to come and make, or they will be fned immedf ately. Wu McLAUGffLEN. Kingston, Jan. 17, 1817. 33 Take Notice. \ «/v/L,V ,P~'fon8 fndeb««l to the firm 0H call and fettle the fame immediately J5 !"ve cost. T. G. BALL ScT _ Kingston, 17th Jan. 1817 3J For Sole, A Valuable Doub1e Lot, fituarcd fB ** a pleafant pirt of the Town with Two good dwelling Homes. Bake HouG., Sianlei. &c. the refidcocc of tla lubienber, which will be difpofed 0t\a good terms-^hihe property u ,l0, ( j by the rirft of May next, it will be renr ed for any number of years. For fUf* ther particulars apply to the fubferiber on the premifes. LOUIS TAPIN. K^gston,F.b, 15, 1817. 3j For Sale, A VALUABLE Farm, with brib¬ ing* aUo large improvements there, on, favorably fitoated within 28 milo of King-ton. Perfons defirous of j-up chafing to inquire of the Printer. Ringstor., July i o, 18 r c 3 ,v$ PROPOSALS, ran pitrmsa, by subscuipuiok ALIAXY, N. Y. Sketches cf Upper Canada, WITH A MAP OP THE PR MINCE, t nd 11 T«|.vgrap}iira| «md Historical Dejrrip] ti'Javi'Uits l^tttleu toisglu din-in^ the late War \\i'l.'i ;?n.i near itftlymUs. vosnrnossz t. Thix Vi 01 k hjII lie comprised in an Qrini -« volume, of ihout 300 pages, prinred on a pood type and line paper. c2. Thr price hi subscribers will be One Dollara^d Scvc nly-Five Cents in boards »rTww Dollars and Fifty Cents H:Htt\y bo'and ami lettered. The'Uooks *i"}t bi'dolivcvud in Kiiu-sron af the rVlbr.n) price of Two Dollars and Fff- t> Cent-, with the addition of the im* post duty, only, 3. To those who subscribe for Ten Copies, or procure Toil Subscribers, aa fr/!eveufh Copy will be given gratis,en delirory ami pnyment of the Copies sobscrlbed for. $&Subscriptions for the above Work :cill be received at this Oj/ke. BLAIR'S Sermons, Purteus' Evi¬ dences, the Canadian Viiitor, bound 01 fingle, together with a great variety of ufeful Books and Traflijor young people, for Sale at this Office ;•— where accefs may be had to a fninlJcir* culatiug Library, three times a week, 00 moderate terms.