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Kingston Gazette, February 15, 1817, p. 4

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Fov Sntle, i a &•♦/• **& CRfSER, Goods' on hand* IrVftifti are eV.e1 'wo, on credil of one year : ' $n0$) a^soxrhkii the subscriber iowj occupies, 'o Rent, and ,>;• &&»» iotjgiven immediately uniii lite first of Fay next. RT&HARD SMITH. Kingston^ Jan 14,1817. . 36* f Kef ice* j. f fflHF. fabf*:rft»er !>"§;$ leave La inform 1 the public Lliat lie has commenced rL' r*|fti the .-- Notice, \ LL per foils indebted to the fuhfai- -/"* Ker are rcqnefred to make imme- C.'ote payment- All kfnda uf prodnoe will be taken in payment, at the Market prices. Tin* ru-ifcnber has taken into partner- flwf hi* brother, Allan R. MacDoncll. The hnfnu'fs in future will be carried oa Under th« firm or .,1/.^ ■'. MACBOVEr.L*, Co. hi vJditton to thc;v former (lock, they arc now reviving :i ireneral afFjitm nt<>f j U BJf z, r q 17 o r.s; nv' GRO^RW^KS / ilj it. 5,4 J? n WP^ 12 E rthen S: Glass, r. AEXV MACDONELL. Kingston. fftStpL t6t& 54 J u$i Arrived, 1 20 '..V: . go 10 ■ dr\ Cod Pish. a ■ • M#z7 Stage, From this town to the Lower Frovrtice, for the enfunig feafon, TWICE A WEEK ; To leave tins place regularly cvc;y MOND/tV and THURSDslf Morfi. lugs.—P. rfons wai.ting a paiTage will pleafe call ?t the Tavern furueily known by the Si;Ti of the Bnttania Inn, where the Stage Cooks will he kept Packa¬ ges, &c. &c, will alio be deposited at the above place, B/JRNclBAS DICKINSON. Kmgfh-n, Jan. n, 1817 ____31if rir^H E fuhfaibers • cfpe<5rully inform fl_ their friends and the public ill ge¬ neral that they have received an addition to their ufuft] fupply, confiding of a ge- f rtra' aff^rtment of DRY GOODS HARDWARE: Double and [ingle Stoves, Iron Car.-, Steel ar.d-Wheel Boxes, Ladies and Men's Shott, A complete aflortment of new fafiV ioned Ladic3 an J Gentlemen'a Fur Caps and Trimming for Great Coats ; Two elegant Dming Setts, With a variety »»f other articles too lengthy t» ennrrerate, which will be fold chnp for cafh. HONJEAU & St. GERMAIN. h'im> •ton, 3d OH 18 16. 31v6 ffiJlaml Dhtrict. \~7p v ? jf C.ralcur Salmon. ocll Fine Hcrrin"- • iii re i)o. Keg ALSO*—A few ^rts beft Iii!»^ •; Ptated Harnesses, S- ! vhI Bivi'e.% 5 - * v.^es. Pads, Veliese* Hr; • dioatlnng^and The above articles will be fold cheap ibrCafh o: produce. *■ A.LEX't MCDONELL $ Co. t'ie 112VK^- GOODS. I *1IE Subscribers have i:n- ] ported direct from Lon don, Manchefler, Birmingham and Glas¬ gow, &C- an ex ten five affortment of ev- *ery fpe'.ie- of Merchandize fuitable to the Uppir Canada Maiket. Tlie Goods have been fclefted with care and pi 'chafed fur Cafh, and will be dffpofed ef, either by VVholefale or Retail) on the mod reafonnble teims. Under the different heads of IJijuorXy Groceries, llardzcarcs, I 'folks. Flan/ids, Haher- dasfiety* Hon$*ry and CA B FETING, Static/.Vf*v/, Crockery and Gks$ WavCy Cofdag'e, &c. &€• They woukl enumerate the fol¬ lowing articles, vi/*. : Very belt IVc, U P. Mad^a, \ WINES, op. i* nit* old Kown hherry, ■ L P. & L. v". Teneri.T, l-iibbert's b& Brown Stout by irK Cr.^ or Dozen* Brandy, Gin, &c. &c. 5<c. Tea« ; Sug.-u-, Loaf and Mufcovado ; CofTee ; Saiu-.- of every defcriprion, Loch fine H-tfrings by the Keg ; pLMrl B-r!e\ - MimArd 3oap & Candles by the b>* ; Scotch Oat meal. Paints and C^s afT«Ttcd— Crav lev and Sliftered Steel, Swedes I- rou aiHfited- Duck* Pigeoti and Rnfot $hw N23& x Spikes of all forw, Ti"i rlate ani^'hcet Iron, Frying pans, Spades and Shovel?, Hollow Wai.—Hair, Ch»rh,wh»tewafh, Scrubbiig* Horfe, Shoe, and Ta¬ bic Brirfwa ! Knives and IVkcsaMorted,—Penknives, New Goods. npHE Subfcrihcrs, having received by *• the late arrivals, offer for fele *-»j 1 he low-: ii lerms for cafh at their Store in Kingllcn, either wholefale or retail Clotha. Blue and white di agonal Satinets, Levantine Silks, Ribbons, Laces, Kcrlcyirues, Flannel a- Rom!)a'/' tts, Bomha/ nea, Men Si Women's Hc*fieryf Irifh Linens, Dfapersv Toweling, Sattini-, Lutellrings, FooOngi Ginghams, Lace Veils, Silk Shawl*, Silk and Leather Gl'-ve?, Wellington and Auctioneering T»H E fubfci ibcr moft refpe£lfully! forms his f,fends and the public in general, that hit will have an Mt.AU. EVERY PEKING/ ■ At SIX o'Clock, at his new houfe, firft dootr above Mr. Richard Smith's Str^ Main Street. y JOHN DARLEY, rfit3ioncert Kingston, Jan. 3,1817. gjfjf Berlin Webs, With a vaitety of other articles in the Drj/ Goods Line ALSO, Jamaica Spirit*, Mnfrovado and r I 9 \ Copniac Brandy, 1 of Sugar, Holland Gin, T^?, Beft Port, Prnii'S, Spanifh, Railing Sherry and Alnrmds, M-'dci»a Wines, Barley, Pepperroentj Pepper, Shrub, Allfpicc, and » 4 * rr Lvioiaiic [nciino. For Sale, By the Subfcribera, i l-r Co,vt of Ki»g% beach, 'u.l Ji.J J;i) I "Lock^. • ^«. ftaw», Ham mors. 1 34 plcray, in and fy :he Midland Di 'iCt a- forefaid a: Mi: n.it of ILEXaKDERI W- DjO a£V*€ tuwuflifp of Marys- btirgh, in the fai'l District, ycoinan, a^-inst ihe Est.t*^ and ti'^emcnta <»f PHILIP SWIT2ER, of 'he 'ovrn- (hip and Oitr:ct aforefaid, yeo nan. t;> me dfreitcd : I lave feized and taken in , x- - • 1 .- a- !t«*lo'.?' % pa 1 he fate i PHILIP SWITZ2R, the South I wresttrjy halfof I-.>t numt^er 1 ..n i!ie Southeasterly fide >f S.mthwcst, 01 Prince Edward'a Bay in the faid town-l 11 iliip o*' Maryfbvrgh, which feld Lot of! r It land '» bmrtrd a;.d boi::id d. or ih».y b»'l ntherwife kriiion as riiU ■ :*• - ^ fay« cnflnitteneft»»j hi - ai\ uti the faSJ 1 a ,\ j [ ivi the li*P!i between Lets number i .^nd • | 2 no" a* tl.c ircctCrJy anqfc of til-; feid L ■: ; tlicfl So.nh if6 degrees Eavt, ic" jch.jns *7 litilecis 'nore 01 kfi, to tju [j tendigraatcd to Caps John Allan ; then "Ni»nh 44- JcgrecR East, 9 chains 50 Kingston% z^th Jan. 1R1 7. MUtnk Deeds and Memorials, ¥-.:r fole .1 bid Office. For Sale, THE West h-lf of ioi number nlnef--:n ij'>a,in 41 hi 'lie fce».n«i c^ncdHua of the town- j J1** m 're or ,c»« to *« --ntrc of tl., ,' ilifp of Kington. Apply to the Printer, i'3"3 lot •lhni N<"'th «5**>■«• W-t, A'inaju.n 'Tuj'y \o i8r>. 3»v<5 ir%r iSa/e, /^T /■ i7fof a Lot near the Mar- A/Vi kct Place, with a houfe on it. For oartico- rs apply to the Printer. Kingston, Jan* 25, ift* /. ^4 ^4 Stage 105 chains, 27 links, more of Ids, to! •jj South West«0T Pn'nce £dn*3^d^ Bay;! jj then Sonthcrly along the waters ed^c of j the fai.j 0 ,y, to the place *>f beginning, ! being partly cultivated, with all the bml- dfnga thereon erected, contann'pg bv admeufurement 100 acre^ be the lame more or lefs.— Now I An hereby give Notice, that the aforefaid Lot 'and premifes; ivill be fold and adjudge to th # f AS commenced running from KINGSTON In YORK, Leaving Kin r<l,n every MOffDJPl mo'nintr 5-t %S1X o'clock, and York cv-J cry TNURSD/tV morning, fame hour. [ PerfillM \vi(hinff for a pafTaqe will call at Mr Daniel Browns Inn, Kiu^fton, j \y!iere the Stagre B<-oks will be kept.— frorn zo 10 28 lbs. bagtrajTe will be nl- lawed to each pafT^n^er, over this they rouft be charged for. «^il baggage Cent bv 1 be Sta *e will he fi^rwarded with care aod delivered v/Jth punctuality, and all I ^vcitira acknowledged by the public's humble fervant. SAMUEL PURDY. Kingston^ Jan It,, 1817. 34-*^ N. B. Stage fare 18 Dollars. Bo M and .Sh,c«— Nanfeefn*,Ci^dmoys, Snipes, Cotton*, Chrcta, Bombaacttt, Mdliiv, Si|H^l$3 -^imiln-'. 1 apes, lioohm ; Srown, Qznate' »tTi 3hirli*g and Sheet ing Li:^i'.»- ; Laces, Can.hrak', Vv-lling-. Saitius, Ribbons, bifc. ■Viik Ha--dkerehirfs : Isavy l>;u-.? L>la*k Gray ,*nd faflrionabU1 Superfine itoad C!ocke« a>»d C«* iloieiefi- * I.nii-V and 6e^Ienfeavs *&m* inA* nufieiT, Carpeting of various pat terns In affortment0f Sch o!b.u>ks and Sta^ : io nary.-. ©k& ware««d Cractoy by the C.nt^ or cftflCi -nd pat ked to fott Coun try Sb.oo>it 11.|Gentlemen's pr5Mf Beaver Ha«-: McnV youths' a.,c| Q (V»S Can H h-V ind plated d., ml.;.'3 \v;i!ow Hats. 1 *dfe»' & GuU9 BeavtftrJm'd Boi.nris. White, Red, Yellow-id Blue I'lar.ncls, and Green broad Baize. 2 to 3J- Point Blankets—Counter panes, ^ Bed Ticfe, &c, &c. Storage anil Wharfjije .it the coftor.vj zry prices and Com million Bufinefa exe¬ cuted at the ufjjal rite JOHM K1RCY ScCo. Kingston^ fajy 26, 18 i 6. 30*6 Waltm McCu; iffe b5 Co. Kingflon, 19th July, 181(5- 31V6 ^1^HE Concern heretofore carried on J3 by the fubferiherti, under ^ firm of Rr.derick Mac Kay & Co. wa« SSblv- ed on the gth 10H by mutual confrut. -Vll demands againft the firm will be li¬ quidated by R. MacKay, and thofc in-, debtfld to it arereqnellrd to pay their accounts. SQDx. MacKAT% JQHh KIRBr Kingston, \ 1 th Jan. 1817. 32 N B. The bufinefs will be continued by R Si A. Mac Kay. .V few G ivv>-Is excellent € IM m B, THOMSON & JLVRTLGR. Kingston. Dec. 14* l8fS 2n ' Notiee. K If iHE fubferiher having enyatied t6 Jt fnpply the Gairifm at t!ii^ Poll with Pcaie Oats St Straw forthfa feafon, he thertf'Jte informs the Public that he will commence recciveing the above fiv tie'e^ from \hU date, at his Store, ad¬ joining the White Bear Tavern, EDWARD BARNETT. Kingfton.fith Dec. 1816. 3X And the higiiesi price paid fo; B^ WILEY, 11YM, G O Oaj CHARLES SHORT & Co. h^est bidder, at™7;;ffi«^t!,e town!,1 "nr^EG 1 tm to inform their ftfends of Kiugpton, on OTSDNE&BAY, theft JOl and the wibllc. thai tltev Lav, lull A tew Barrels CHAtJMONT HERUING AND Prime Pork, Ju!l ;eceived,anJ for fale by S. BARTLET. Kingston, Jan 2$, 1817. 341 f NOTICE. A ***' F^rfons having any demands JLl a-.Mt the E&te 0f the late EJJPHJLET AD4MSfQt Marys but-,-.f d.-cc-fed, are hereby rcqueilcd, top ftdoce thai claims dulyauthentica tec .--Mfovl pirfona indebted to the fail »a»v- are herebv reoucfted tornnke ^mnr Jv»c paym-Tir 10 SIMEON W a SHBURN -% Aa'wrr Extcuotr. itoJoTOli^nthNov.id,^ 3,v6 iSth day of DECEMBER next, at 10 of the clock in tlw Forenoon, at which ijtime aod place the conditions of fale ;vii! be made Itn ?wn. CHARLES STUART, 5*er^ And every perfon or pcrfons having claims on the above defen ied Lot of land and premife0, by piortgage .?r other right <-r irxumbrancc, are hereby adver- tifed to jrive notice to the fatd "hnilf. at his Office, in rhe town of Kingston, privious to t!ir I'^Ic thereof. Sheriff** Office, October 12* 18(6. 19 THE above fale h pofiponed cill the 24th of February next. CHARLES STUART, S&ertf Sherif's Office, Dtc^x 7, 1816 29 MONTllEAli Air F*urnace« JOSEPH LOUGH & Co. TJ EG leave to announce to the Pub¬ lic, that they have commenced ihe bufinefs of Founders, On their property, foot of the Qu£bec Subu»l)9, immediately adjoining the Ship Yard of iVkfTrs. Hart Logan & Co. where tluy will furnifh Mill Catlings ol all defcripttonSf agrceabh to fnch orders as they may receive,—Alio, Blackfmith'a work '( every kind executed with neat- nefi and difpatch, Montreal* Nov. M, 18 \ 6. N B. Cafh given for oid Metal, deliv¬ ered at ti.t VVoiki —|-iy at the rate of Vs per ton, *nd for old Brafs 4d, and Copper 66 per lb. 31 y navej j r-cefved at'd now *■({■»: for fale, at their I Store fronting thr Market, an affortment iiDHT GOODS, GrneemfS Cwvfczrjf, %c. §t. j Superfine and low pvic'd Broad Cloths, Jwht'e, yellow and red Funnels, green I Baize, fancvYefthies filk and woolen Cheap IV00leu rHE .ubferiber- have just received, hy ifee late arrivals from their Manufacturing Houfe, in England, a 'arq;'- quantity of b V ? EIX F l N E & S BOON D Broad Cloths; Utli^IVfket'LO'rMSand CASStMEItl5S, GOKSISTISG QF I— Blue. Black, Waterloo, Bot- lle Green, Browd unci Mixture iln);ul CJoths ; Brown, French Gray, Drab, jiind color'tl Pelisse Ciotlis ; Black, Blue and Mixture Double MiHVi Cawimercs. Which liny now offer for fale at the Store of %fes*rs. Thomson 3c Detlor, cry h-w Ji;* c2fh. JERRY WHITEHEAD & Co. Kingston, \nth August, 1 Si6. At the old 'lirowvrj ^2" .?a:. itobiiron^ Kingston, 261I1 December, 1816. p Founds A A .parcel »f SILK ffrMDKER* JiSL Clf/MFS. The owner will re¬ ceive his property by applying 3t tfc$ Orde»iy Room of the 70th kejft- an" pacing the rxpci.fc of thiaadvertilc^nU Pebruaiy i>. ' 36W * f .* 3' GOOD FRESH BEEF! Take Notice. ber, titlir-r hy Note <>r Bock ac» count, are requested to come and ma!;0 payment, or they will bs f: cd imatedr- jtely. JVm. McL/tUGilLEN. " Kingston, Jan. 17, 1817. ,,( Take Notice. LAST TALL. /^LL perform indrhted to :he firm 0? (S/jL Hall & 8impf( n arc requested h •-all and fettle the fame iflunedtacelft and r7 do. whte Quilting, Bomhazetts affoited j color?, Calicoes, Gtnghaais, white and I black Cambrick, Dimity, Cotton Shir- ] ting, Irifli Linen, Gentlemen's white cotton and black worfted Kcfe, Ladies do. do. Ladies K'd and Morocco Shoes I Mens Lamb's Wool Slockhgs, filk and cotton Btaces,Barcelona Handkerchiefs! fi'k Shawls, India Bandannoes, Ladies Kid and filk Gloves, Gentlemens Bea- »er and 61k t'o. Satin filk Tmbniis. Thread Footing, Thread and Cotton! Lace, fewing litk and Twill, filk Velvet, Ribbons filk Shawls, black filk Floien- tine, figured Sarcenets. &c &c. &c. ALSO, Hyfon and Green Tea, Spiiita, Tort and TeneriiTe Wine, Mufcovado and Loaf Sugar, Raifin , Peeper, Muftard, Coffee, &c. &c. which they will fell theap for Cafh, or fhort approved credit. Kings/oft, Sept. 13, 1816- %tv6\ j a UST received and for fale at tin's Of¬ fice, pric'e l/S, Poems on his Do¬ mestic Circuit'*ianres. by Lord Iiyion.__ ;J| With the SW'V the Legion of Honour, j and other Poe'ns ; to which is prefixed, j The Life of the Noble Author* Nov. z$- 2$ rHE fubferiher informs his friends and the public, that he keeps con- :! Ultly on hand, at his Cellar, under the office ofD. Wafliburn, Ef<| good Beef, .it a very low price, at any boOf in the day, by the hundred weight or fmaller quantity. 4LSO3 \ egetables of almoil every description, togetherwith E^», FowUand Butter, all of which will be fold for Cafli only. JOHN YOUNG- I King (ton, December 5, 18x6. 31 r f f^TOTlCE is hereby given, that the j^i Partnerlhip hitherto fubfiilinjj be¬ tween the nnderfigned, in Lower Cana¬ da under the tirrn of GEORGE H WILLIAM HAMILTON, and m Upper Canada, coidufted by each part¬ ner occafionally in his own name, will^ he and is hereby diflblved by mutual con- ftnt from the 3 I ft December. All perfiij. having chums agafnfl the faid concern are requelled to prefect them for payment to George Hamilton, and all peif<n» indebted t«> laid Copart¬ nership to make immediate payment of their refpcciive accounts to him, with the exception of the amount- due to and from the concern at Kinjfflon» which will be received and liquidated by Wil¬ liam Hamilton. GEORGE HAMILTON. Montrealy December 26. l8l<5. WILLIAM HAMILTON. Kingston* Ott. 2S, 1816. 3 2 w I 2 lave cost. T.G.II/JLL tfCo. Kingston, 17th Jan. 1817. ^ Improved Table «.f rhe value of Graii of Gold Coin, over or under weight For Sale at tliu Office/ A Gentleman wifiien to procure a Nurfe, to atrend a fick Lady. Au elderly woman would be preferred ; to whom liberal wages will be given. Apply to the Printer. Kingilun, tetfa Jan. 1S17, ^2 Fc^r Sale, A VALUABLE Earm, with bniMx. •^ * ingg aUo large improvements then, on, favorably fituated wiihin 28 mi'- of Kington. Perlons dtfirous of pu chnfi:)^ to Inquire of the Punter. A inystcn. '7u!y IO, ? 8 T e. 3-ftfi fok PRINTTVG, \i\ »p»sc;atPTiox; By IVkBST1:lis lV Sh 1 v vlJtv, ALBANY, X Y. Sketches 0/* Upper Canada, WITH A HIP OPTHK PtOVfNC . Ai'da r:>;jo^'-n;:(ii"al and Historical Desa «i tion of ilie Ca,*li!fl fihi^bl Jarirg rhcla^f War utMjin ami tii**W iis Lia.its. i'JSOl'VlnSS: 1. This \\"\k will ho comprised N in Orfnvii voiumc. ofah^ut .700 pn^r , printed on ■*> Rood type and fin? nap ■ 2. Th«" prK'- to stib.-rril). v- «'<ll i— One* Dollar and feyrnty-FSirr Qn*A • boaids-(»r'l1Mo|>el!arAUiid Immj 'J •:• ucaih hotmcl rtiki fett^r^d. Ttic I-"-'J will I)'- didiu re<l in Kin^tah nf " Alijan) p;icc oJ'Tv.o Doilar^aud J: fy Cents, with ihc addition of tlw i - post duty* only. 3. To th'.sc who suhs-criho for T i Copies, or procurv foil Stifiscri'bcr*? M Eleventh Copy will ho given gratis •' (hdivcrv and paymeut of tiic COjik >ubscrihrd for. H* Qfip'StfthfcrJplIovsfor the above tlo\ icill In- receive J at this Office* JJLAIlv'S Sermons, Porteus' 1 9 denecfl, the Canadian Viu-- bou*do; fingle, together with a a^si variety"of w:ef&l Bo.-ks and Tra^s, ;'." young people, for Sale at this Office ; - where aceefe may he bad to a finK c eulating Library, throe i;me» a week, moderate term*. ( augv;'l /, i8.cX 34

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