•X ',rv vry you, Umv.*v r'S- ,«..,,.,» r>~ .t - 4 -1 ■ n- * aifcr* >Vt».u I »tw iU>tii • ■•( a I -I; I. fore fiiiii.r..-. (No-.. 3.3; > "■• . v -J'.'Ut fifty wSUt ha i arrived lsmih i «■ onlhicul, Willi ;;t-iip. Tins 1 :;•;••••■- •Kincfhc adds, waul ' h.tve 3 great cf../ ' iZdn Aivt-: fbmSt. : Icle 01, 4«1«J ihe f'ic;>i contains llji! fo'-lawlnij Elate- nient,—« A very cu'Tous tiicumliaoce occurred Uto n few day* ago. ii, in a age, dj Vrcd hw iVrviccuf plate to be hrekc'i 10 ci^le* which were cngr.v (.11 ihv corn market. l£x -rti'»ng w$rc H'vcd to b; effaced, and the whole to be making mi r.!l ;>.t'i-* of F.ng\iud 10 em¬ ploy the labouring poor. Com wuRCkof PjiFLAm;i.i»mA. During the laft year, there cleared from the port t?f Philad. {or foreign pons j 4*57 vciieU. of rtfiTc-renfc Jt/es making a I tonnage of 7ht^.;.i, of which, s 1 o were owned in the Ui.iU'd States. • 1 %* %<* '*J FEMALE DUELLING ! We uuuVrliand, that lad wtik. a point rS honotu W&i decided between two ladies, nejtr the South Carolina line. The detail? of this grand affair have nfit yetieiched town. 11 is faid that the iMufe of quarrel, was the ufual one i "i fucii cafe, viz /wr* The object of the' rival affe&iona of thefe fair cha.r.pionr-t was prefent on Ult field, as the rmUiral arbiter in the cJrea'ifu! combat. He hud the grief of beholding c.ic of the fuhor* for ilia fav hit fa!' before hi* eyes. Sfes iva* wounded—bxit. we onderliaod. not m>'i:*a':v—Th« wtioie buftn^Cs wa: 0 mana-;r<i w:<h all the irlle:;ihiiity and! dicoium nfaally practifed on fuch OCCa-j fimw. The eon^ue'or is to be im-. mediately married 10 the innocent fecond ! cxnvforinablv to the previous condition*' ii£ ihe duel. [Fxy'ttevittc P.:. j I difpofed nl a.i old filwr. He applied to j 1 merchant, a Klj-Jent of thij pl;:Cv*f who I •fcm.vu p'Tn i.iiou oi (he v_rovcrnor. Fie litu:it*ht that the a "omt would not. ex- ■;ied 3 <-r .-.'4000 :^eriiv,^. The Gover- »H>r coitfi oted iothc (rieu'li^ntsff ilnor to l.-ol; dl i!te pl:ie, bitl observed, flint the amoum !iv. \$-l not he iiaul to B. but de- politcd in the hands of the governor, ot the purviyor. Whew th<-merchant went to look at the plate, inileatl of the fuoi above ruciKioned, the property was about £:,ic-,jOO lU-riinii—a fum rather ton great to be procured here a; i'o Ihoit a no- lice. However, in a day -r two it i- expefiod tliat this curutiit negotiation in 11 will S'eb^osieht to a clofe. It is faid '1*1 . £•"■ , I ••• »* *' / # .,C {\':>%ft>tt /itiXtUxlfJf hi tL' tt.id Lnti'iiuit iJnijj:y li.iok S."i,'ft/^to t\\H a» an independent branch of ^ similar Society, established at Vork, and to co-operate with thv same, we l^i\c a pledge (hat we arc actuated by *:ir»ilar feelings and views—and more- (> ver, by thi<nct, w« avow the obltea- A-—■«>-<*"'■■ ■•■ '■ na castta*,-/** ri*-- tfMV&j^«^$ ■ ■ • Ki.SUSTON, FilokliARV ?5, lc17. • • ^ « • * « * F«'H TJiii IVl-N'O TON GazTXTE. Thi'nv.h?>iffit5oiJ productions^^ bfcli j haw la'oly ap,5 ar,;d in vour pap. v. '.voi.'.d have amu.w ii ith*, luul nut ih. snl)j«rt b> ni w>o "Tirtns f&r aitttf5*fn*Hit. Tlie X'iigaW i?tb!**in-<tituti^rtwa>.Mm- p].: r)-.\') liliera! hi its plan, and bad tb tntril . f:r(';!i^;; good rxatnpTe it: thv Vr .":'.i-:\ lU sUnsiiicity and lil)> ra'k- ■ fy, ?.:-,v-v-t\: .'-.a i:Oi t-» h;« v»' suile.l tf:.- autjj if B'f tlii Vork A->\?c: it:>ii, whicb. liHiU^ii ->t\:o.i'l vi j?;MCitof :L.n<;-*.va%.-oU f«hJ id to be f:r-\ i» ranu and hnpor- tencQ : ro go, iivd^d, cv »r the huail o! 'j|, Y'vi, ';..:'», "'>■'» *-y by i •'••r--Vi-U ill riril. !*■• '• -si'i 1.'-,!. in»!:»n;y ri'hl e.aval ttfit i'lflr * Fl *ttt of rlli ir. vinc.o: andjfttUi"' cam- Caiv to ruUsi Mi- Dtsrpntars, a^ ttuciliaiies &v a piaaslblo cini.-cdon oh".- IViji** wiilt the I'rayf liook. Willi'i;;'**' librae HI*awn child, ft* an- tfcorevea hud ti«v coudfsc mfion to pi^o- pHehiniwilf tori V'£e«-^m*tewt oJ ihH^nind, Provmcitt! H ;ie1y. i'et, uferalt his brupv^liMit cvMtions, In- wa^rndely ac-u-'^ of ainblttoii and b'tgo! p) , (iv a iJrockvilh Ci Disinter :" and if, i1* ui* 'urn, lias L'—u h-i-lrd a « a n;isty i o* r.v.c," by ci Kin/rl.;:. t: Sc;\dc:V' wi»o. 1*41: rtnt-les** ailioit* tlr jiHine^ of his s.aiiir.:u.(^ and (iu ftr • ' of hi* VR nniiu;, but, with uucha- plfaSvhf"jK,i!*5<Wj, * r-iisnrcouicn lurwait: nl'Clni-tiv.' -.hnrifv. So m«»* n«in is it to %.' v.!'! ,;oiut out the fault? o! othorv ih ••. J^» 1) * f-ir'— '^ o;!.^lv.>- I that B. v. illieii by tuefe means to m-nke himfell i^dependen". of the P>u:!!h Go¬ vernment, and tiiat in future-lie will ne¬ ver make any application for money, but live on his mm rcfource^. His luite re¬ ceive theirs from G -vei nrnent. riotis of gratitude neare under to the So: Uiy for the propagation of the Gos- •-! in V Toign i'a.rt4, whieh3 in the iu- la;»c\ « fihi< tnv.naud settlement, c\- t-vidi-d to n.s the h»uelitsof their InstS- »uMon:;t.ifi eariched this Province with tv hioslitoable treasures of the blessed (J-pvi. As iiiat Society, therefore, has bctu instrumental to our happiness, so Ans feel ardently desirous of romnnnu- cating the same to all the families and radividuals of the District; and Ihus to co-op-rate in so n.>ble a work, with ! (h • Bible end Common Prayer Book. So* I ciofv of Upper Canada, e>tabli^hedat iork.—And we hopt« thai the (!l)- »;raisly oi a jencrocs people mil en¬ able us to <li-tribut" tlm iiiblo every wh-'iu throughout the District, and to add ti:e Prayer Book, wherever religi-1 yulre, be appointed Treasurer. \gfCffAUaa9 half ye:ir!y, to pr.-a.^t D Sermon in aid of the fudda of the Soci¬ ety. r2th. That one hundred copies of these resolutions be print'u*ir.-*rnediate- iy. and be at the disposal of the Com¬ mittee ; one to be transmitted to Uic Society for the propagation of Cue Gos¬ pel* one to the Bible and Common Prayer Book Society of Upper Canada, and to all such societies and persons as they may deem (if jand that an account of these procfeding-s be inserted forth- wiih in the Kingston Gazette,and con¬ tinue for four necks. These rules beingagreed upon, it was unanimously resolved, that Major Ge¬ neral YVn^oN be respectfully request¬ ed to become (he President of the So¬ ciety. T!;at the Honorable A. Maclean, and Tihm? »s M arkl.wo, KMiuJrc, he appointed Vice Presidmts. That the lie-v.. J. \Vik(,n. Chaplain .to the Naval Departmeut,bcappointed Secretory« Vud that ({onr.nT Rim »im><on3 Es- TI.es. ucc-^s.iur vritcr*, whiledetect- fug chpwret^ of t»telr r-|>^tiv- oppo* nfnt^* ap4) ar to tuivo T?r doubt of b"- teg th"msc:vc:. ;;■; t!:e rS«{ht. It it wo aid not b" evpo in^my-e-* to a Kimriar r«j- prc^f, I should fcffj'i ti-\v nmind nw .t. St Tie's remaik* r^p^c-iin^ limv ofth. national churches of his th:y, tnat ill. difference briween them w»s this ;— that th:; zhnwh of Itome wits infaUiblc* the chur.-hof Kn^taud, aiway- rlgltU and til? Kirk of Scotland in rcr wrong. By this tin,-, the ivndr, probabij. thinks ,1 a-:i pK-k*ngoi;£:not:»s from the eyes of my n^ijjhfcottrSj without per-) wiving; the beam in m> own. 1 Will take f ho hint, s^ntic reader, and reliev-. you from )onruue-.^icH^s.altcrjust tel- iin; thoprojo tor Cr this unlucky union of th:> Pmyev Cook with ihv Bible, as a L>riri-!> t°.r ftnw -aid to a \ankcy D-acon. who had read the Psalm, M'hich was sun^, tine of*-t iine, by the ulnto Congelation, with morezoaland louring ^fvoi;v, than regard to time or tune 6% You have n^t only been ma- Idng a noi-e yoariuii', w ; l>l't you tare b"cn the cause of all tjiis plaguy Uoisetuadt! by the r »st of thorn." A FiM5f.THIATJtKR. LONSiOV.Nov. 2. A Tom-Cat.—The foih»whi*j carious examination took plart on I'rtday, Le- ft>re the ma^lirates c.t Qiieen-«p?arc po- ;ice office :—Mrs. E. Germain, wife oi" a nroker, appeared to aniwer a fummows iffued agaiivit htron tl;e cho-e of Jo- feph Chclier, a ^cntfeman's feivantj for an afTault. He dated, that about three years a^o, he had a li: e tabby catj which he had brought j;» from ? kitten, and which he lent to a Mr. Chapman, who then kept die i?in-houfe in Chelfca — That perfonlet the houfe to Mr. and Mrs Germain,, a^d '.eft the cat in it. Af¬ ter fome time thv as^ain let the honfe to up prefent polTedor. and took away with them three cats, among which wa^ that he claimed. A few days ago he went to d« mand the cat of the perfon whotiowkctps the ban*honfe, who in¬ formed him Mr._ Germain's family had taken it, and alio where they now lived. He accordingly went on Friday to their (hop, and anted for bis cat, when Mr*. G' informed htm it was loft, but he not believing it. began to whittle and call " Tom !" All ivtoett, lltt \_ra &HHA k.i^J the fhop, and mi uu his fide and fhnul- dei, as he had taught him to do when a kiiten He was going to take the cat away, when defendant pulled U» cat out of his hand, and ilruck him on the back part of his neck and f»ce Mrs. G the defendant, faid, that complainant came to her (hop a* he had dated, and a/iced for a tabby cat.* Ihe told him the cat he mentioned had been given to her by Mr. Chapman, but that it had fincc tun away. He whiuMed, and calied <£ Tom," and the cat run into ch- (hop and up his aim, as he had de- fcribr.d, but that h. would do to any one, being a trick their boys had taught him. [■She thought he h^d no more n'jrht to rake aw y ifeecat (as flic did not know] him, nor bad evei fee eye. on him before) than lie had to take away a faek of dour, -•n hi- own aflertion that it b^ion^ed to him, and llmefore &.-•: pulled the cat; out of his hand, and pufhed him down the (leps. She had kept thecat now up¬ wards of two year*., and it Mr. Chapman wifhed to have it agai t, ihe would icadi- ]y deliver it to lum, on being paid loi its keeping. Mr Fielding the magiftrate, faid, that quiet pofTcffion of a cat for two years I was certainly^a good title, and ay to the j keep of the cat, defendant migh; ceiiaiu ly make out her bill. He could not, therefore, be angry with her for not let¬ ting the cat go ; but flir came there to anfwer to a charge of an afiault, and as complainant had fworn that Ihe ilruck him, he was bound to beiieve his oath, and therefore (he mull pay the expenfe of thclummons, and they inntl fettle their difpute about thecat in the belt way they could. gsons prep.)s,e.»ion doe-, not interfere : and with thi* view, we tall upon all ):ous Cliristians, of every denomination .0 e-ntr-bute their assistance, and by an union of charity tn exhibit n proof j o: the unity oftfai- l^itlt*" Mr Si.jail hayinii [\i0n left the chair, tho Me ting rt'sol von itself into a Uom- itfe « forth.- tim btujg, and fratned induuatiunouyl) auiivu ujpii thus fot- lotving Itulrsuud rl^u!ation& :— 14. Thai a Soeiery be fvrm.rd to be :ahed TueKingston Ac.vn.ivuv Bi- m Lki'ov.uosPnw ruOooiw Society, :o cristas an in-dup ndent branch af a imilarSociety ostabll-bed at loik, & to co-operate with tin same. That the ' bject of the Society be the distribu¬ tion of the Bible ai.d Common Prayer Book, separately or together, to the poorer classes of the Midland District. 2d. TiKK ilia Excelleucy the Lieu¬ tenant U^vernor be respectfully re¬ quested to become tt|e Patron of the Society, 3d.'That every v>TSmh by a sub¬ scription oi one Guiiu.ta become a mem¬ ber for the time belt^y0f by a donation often Guineas, a pej-p..jai member oi tiic Society.—The p^ ment to be made at the time of vubscr^tidtti _ 1th. T.uu a sum n,it exceeding one Resolved^ That the thanks of fhis Meeting be given to the Rev. Geokoe Okim* Sti'aut- for hisexertions In pro¬ moting the Institution, and to the Ilf.- norablc A. ^Iaclean, for his able sup- port of the same* The meeting was then dissolved. Hvduogkapiiic Office, Course ofI he Wind er. fa Tiimnemt- % 9 fer. Gruutest <2 7th.—9a. m. N. W. 1-^0 P. ML 8th—9 a*m, modrt. Noon. ll p.m. V. East'lv Ou*—9ain " *29,Htk> 29.9^0 29,300 2&,560 • • • • • * • Quebec, Feb. 6. A btter from a gentleman in Three divers gives the following account of an ixtraordinarv emiination from a fertile Ind hitherto Bourilning part of the Pro¬ vince.—The caufc thereof is not men- ;ioned : 11 Upwards of eighty families have fone from the town(h:p fuuated on the it, Francois in the Diftrid of Three- (Rivers within the Ian1 month, and others ire following. Thrir couvfe is for the U:e of Pennsylvania, and Upper Cawa- This will prove a fe. ioas lot to :his 'rovince. The tine fett'ement will be fftitulc of inhabitants by ariother year.* MARiUED. On Tuesda; Evening last, by the Ilev. Odicial Stuart, Air. HfiVUV VV. WitKiNSox, Merchant, to Miss Ei.tz v Patrick, both of this City. The Kingston Auxiliary Bible and Common lJraj/er Boole SOCIETY. AT .VMi:KTIXCJiolden in Saint Geor^o'sChnrch, iu the town of Riu^toti, on thc^nth day ot January, 1817, for the purpctftt oi form-lug and establishing a " Bibte and Commtm Praj/cr Boole Sovrlij" Upon tha motion of (h-a Honorable Allan M.VCLiiAX, the P.cv'd. Cwutu; Okill Stuart, Hector of Si. Greorgc's Ckuivh, was calh d to the chair. The iiev'd. aiv. Stuart having taken the chair, thus brVily stated the object of i\v: Mtelihi;. « In/' rriiija So -'.ty. to be denom- io.trrn or ine money actuality laid out iu Books, Di:applied to the purchaseof i'ray.-r Books, :u\d that evt'vry subscri¬ ber be permitted to limit h\\s subscrip¬ tion to the purchase of BiVoioa nu^i £<■*.•- laments unly, and that succh limitations' appear on tnu lrtasurer*--. b^oks. 5tli- That each Membo<-r be permit- Itedta purchaMJ from the S«ociety9 books tolhe amount of his subscription, at Ihe rate oi three fourths *of tius actual cost7 provided W. \H. ;'or llw.e pUrposc of ctuUiUqus distributioui oth. That the pr. sent toe considered the lirst general meeting o>f the Society, and that in future there shall be one uch general meeting otu the second VVedue^dayof January.ainnually. And that lie- buMti.-sof thou ^:u,ra! mee¬ tings j hall be to appoint a President, two \r\cc 1 residents, a Sifc»erelary and Treasurer, to inspect tbu; ar.couaU of the iu?t)var. touuicntl this* old or frame new laws, and to discuss Eguch subjects as may relate to the. gencrral welfare of the Vciely. 7th- That for conducting the busi¬ ness of the Society, a ConhmittfiC shall be formed of the Military anci Xaval commandiug ofheersjthe iField Olliccrs of ii. M. ForcesandoftlHeJHIitia,and tue Captains ol the Navy, the hcadi o; the .>.-veral Military ai*u| ^aval Del paitmeuts, the Micih audi Aia^i^rntes oi the &Ut?u t. tiie Ui).ioi.a;.|,. ;v. JJac* 1/au a„d Tno:na. Mafklftmi |J^. tiitt Rev. the lector of St. (George^ the Chaplains of thQ Army a)n(i Xavv. all regular Ministers of the i;Vnte*rr,'nt re¬ ligion, of whatsover deuo,iniaat;on, the members of the Board Qjf gdncatinn, and the DlKtrict Sehool Syfo icr> \ntJ that any ^ix of the aborc, »i(h the Pre- Md-nt, or, ♦. 1 his ab.-enci^ of!C 0i ?M Vice Presidents, the S;0%..vta.j and Treasurer, slmll forvn % Qwrur.i.— Provided however thatai1; sllvh persons be members oftheSocicW. 8th. That the Commit'.'^ mGet four tiraps in the year, viz :— On the first Wednesday of January, April, May and October, to consult o.in t]ie ,)r0p..', disposal of such Booksaa 'r|iey may have on hand, to give direet;;(Hls though thAt Secnnary, for the pu1:.cnas..0r ^tjj. etN, and to remit money Jf0T {^e snrne, and to perform all othera^s connected with the business of ihe Society- 9th. That the S?>retar,y ^..jj jlilve 10th—0 p.M. IV'Iy. ■ :• skh 10 6 41S 11 no 11 —<>p.m.\Vly. lir's. 100 1 15 •80 b U 510 3'.:. 4i:i l^Ut ti a. m. 29,»50 ivoon Northerly, j 29,850 it IS IS 7 481 40.V • ■-> *»« i^ui>>a. in. S. Vv. noon S. NV. <iaie 1 yn,*juo £9,550 5 li IS u | S3J Uiii—6 a.m. Yi->. U0^300 .100.1 1 ;■:«),'{ H b 5 V- 563 41-a * Tliis note signifies above Zero, and ADDITIONAL POT.ICE And v?H.ik<-t Regulations. " The Mr/oisiiaf.es in Ses¬ sions assembled^ Order— rSP^'.T.ho PipeM of Stoves B now pasring tfawragii the oiuls and sides of houses in t!:e Town of Kingston, slial! be ta¬ ken down and passed through il'< roof of each house imsiedi- aU-lv, with a plate of Sheet Iron i\<ei\ round the Pipe; and a space of six inches let* between itami the wood, on the penally of Twenty Shfilings—and "that from and niter the first day of May next, evoiy Stove Pips passing through the roof of a house' as aforesaid, shall be re¬ ceived into a Sue made of Brick, under the penalty of Tw*-ntv Shillings ; witfi the exceptioa of the Stove Pipe in the build¬ ing- occupied by Gilbert Vandre- ser and others, who shall build a Brick flue for the reception of their Pine immediately.— They also oruer, thatall Sici^lis, or other Carnages resorting- to ihe Market, sha!! repair to" Hie Sostfa Wevtsidcof the Market rionse, in order that tiie Street on the other side thereof may be kejit clear and tree tVom carria¬ ges and other impediments, and that it shall be ti^c duty of the QerK»f the Market ,^iid the Po¬ lice Officer, to attend strictly t<> ihe execution of these Orders^ Bj/ Ord< r, ALLAN BTACLMN. Clerk of the Peace, M. D Kingston, Hth Fvl>nw>\u, 1317. Etegulationsu KINGSTON AMATEUR THEATiim On :\iOi\ DA V ii \ 1L£> LWii, Tim llth February, 1817, Will be reprekntcd the Comedy of the Honey Moon. To which will be added the favourite Fares of Love Laughs at Loch Smiths. Doors to be opened at SIX, pciform- ance to commence at 3EV &N o'Clock. Tickets to be had at Mr. Macaulay's. No Monev to be taken at the door, or Children admitted. N. B. It is rtquelled, that every perfon going to the Amateur Thcatie, will go to the Box For which iIkh dekets are numbered : thoie who act cor.traty to tkii ;i'.ie, will fubjeft thcmiclvcs to be removed. Blank Sumnionies, Subpcc- nas and Executions, for ths Court of Rcqueiis, for Sale at this Office,_________________ Notice. A MEETING HOUSE is to br eitctcd immediately bv the Jana- ioi 11 McthodiR, for Public Worfi.ip. Perlons wJihrng to CODtro£l for build- in 1 the lame can fee the plan by calling or. Mr. Dulmaoe Tcuoei> will be received by him until the 20th init. K'nwton, Feb, 15, 1817. 37'2 For Safe, A VALUAiJL£ Double Lot, fit- -l » oared irt a plealn'it ;>artof ihefowff| w^th two good dwelling HooTetf, Bake Koiife, Stable, &C- the retidence of the fi bicfibcr, v. ,'lI» will be difuofed 'f on g j term*.—Ii the property ib not iold !>;• the hill o\ iViay next, it will be tented ft: any uurnbei of years.— For further pnrtieulars aj'P'y the fubferiber on the p ouiles. LOUIS TAPIN. 1 Kingston^ Feb* 15, 1 Si 7. 37 Advertisement y"3~^H[i fi b eri'Uts banc pd\ received, 1 atthePr Store, neai the Market, a frdh aflbrUo^Rt of ;>ower to call a special '"'.■ltiur of the Co#iimittee at any time betwoe„ (|i(; quarterly me. t'm--, fthouy my three m mhi'rs rcqcteHtfto ^im,\t it»th. Th»taniiwa! *Q%«eriptiomi«ad donation?; be now entert^j aillj reCcivvd i;v the Treasurer. Uth. That the Seen . lary. the name of ilw Society, iV4UJL%jt thp jjju- [liters oi Vac Various l»* s ^^ q^ From Montreal ; which tlu.y will difpofe of at ve»y redoctd prices for rr.fli, pro- dticC or on credit. An OH? wi.ich are India Cottons, da Siiksj Do. Silk Han.lkerhiefs, Swanfdown Veil in-, Brown Holland, Cotton °»! !r*'ng, Women's he(l Hofc, Mci:'s do. Men's Lamb** wno'l do. Red and white Fla-M.eU, 1 Fine and fopctfinc bi'oad Cloths, Pocket Handkctehiefy, Bombrzertes of varimis colors, Men and VV.)iren's fawn lintil Glove?, Men's c»>nimon do. Striped Cotton", Calicoes and other articles too numer¬ ous to mention. They have alfo received on Com mi* lion, One Bail of'FL4NNEL&— which they will fell ve>y low at whole- tale only—and (hortly cxpc6ls an cf- foitment of GROCERIES, Which will likewi&r be difpofed oi* advaotageovily for pur-halcrs. CHARLES SHORT & Co. POST OFFICE, Kingston, 12th February, 18 17. •^JI^tiE ivlAlL for Lower Canada will Ji in future he cloled at ten o'clock, on AfCNDsiVafid THURSDAY. 37 Condemned Barrack Stores. rilO be fold by Public Auction, on X TUESDAY the 18th inltant, at 11 o'clock, at the Barrack Store lately [occupied by JolVph Foi.yth, Efcj. the following condemned barrack Stoies> viz: 2.m> Bed Cases, "S Bolsters, 871 Pain Sfteets, [6~BUmkels> *■>?) Green Rugs, 3 htm PotSj 4 Pairs Dog Irons, 2 Candlesticks, 4 Lanthoms, 5 Stove PansS JOHN DA RLE 7, Auctioneer. February 12. ' ?7 Look !! handfomC reward will b<- given to any perfon who wiil inform the; A. .. propvirtor ot the Boot Sfrre, who took the SIGN (the la^ge Ribh ) irotn it on Sin-day evening laft. A gencroH>p: will be given fur the Sign i "' ii jioor. :icr