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Kingston Gazette, February 15, 1817, p. 2

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*cfe ited n% aed now Weft Cod tVr the coi *on b*c iKpt i-fbd * cV amed froip ... unri^UteOttfncfc. a* w 1 as to h.ivt The* frortivencts ofr fins. NotwitbtUndnM s.j^i-. we '.."'0 not attempted a regain el*f*5. .Sir AL-xsndor John fort* the Chief JitfUce of the ifiandi hasadvifed us 10 commence preaching by an mterpreiftrs 1 fnteod, pleafe God, to do fo as foonas I can proem e one. In my lad 1 gave you a proiTtk'c of a few cxtraQs from letters which i received on the ftibjf-A of our* Mifli.m. I now attempt a fulfil¬ ment of that pronnfe. So f<ir Mr. Lynch ; who teanferibes a fcries of letters which parted between ■hiir.fclf 3nd feveral prous chara&ers, all i:;;e"etii;ig aH<3 highly honourable to ■ tbtfe friends.- An extract from three ct four of them we here [objnto. Mr \a r.ch, before he and Mr- Squan- ee left C- 1'imho, having addrcfTe^ '* let ter to a frie-id in Madia!?, reqaefttug him toforvvajd tome lcttcre to Europe, ttcci^ed feme thse after the following (titer, Madras, Aug- 19, 1814 J tear Mr, I aa> tbrry to fee h">w long I h ive t'Vayd acknowledging a lettertothelVle- th uiift MifftoflQry Committee, and one to j j manners of high tifc, ix? paths wStich l-*ad directiV (o (hr (i.'W.eilV. LJmvarcof briny *i cw it> for ani stici which you cannot paj without injuring your business or credit If you m&rrr., hi it In* our* who is net above bring tl\Q iviio of a trades* .ji.'i I*., In general avoid prutner-hips, at all times tvoid then), if um are no( pep- fcctlt acpjaWted with tin? temper,dis- position, and character of your part¬ ner. Be lirni and detorn.in^ ! in your pri¬ ces : li\ a modi-nite price- but never depart from if. Talk to your customers like a roan oTsoitse and business, and not like a mountebank. In a word be strictly honest, assidu- ousli diligent andtVu^nl—JJuvcrbreak your word or shuffle, but tea -h yam brct her tradesmen and thr1 whole world, •hat yr>\ an* a person in -r *ry possible ase to be depended mi. Qjeher Murcuiy. by the gova^ment at Pi kin. h was like wife fuppofvd, tl-at the Rutilh would endeavor to obtain a : lace at the mouth of the river, which will probably n it be j granted, as any place at the mouth of the river could becafiiy fortified, foaato command the navigation. Sir George Staunton, and the Rev. Mr. Morrifon, are attached to the embafly, as interpre¬ ters. Tie prevailing opi».ion was, that the Britifli embafTy would be cooly recei¬ ved at Pekin. FROM THE U. STATES! From the Norfolk Herald. By the arrival nfthe fehoouer Genera' Nlifs Sqnaufie. 'I gladly undertake to-j \iku{t, from .Si> thorn* '* wt learn the forward thern to England, and wouW||followinffpaiticulawr^focaiap the pat nolle enter, Sir Gregor ^rGrc^oi have .....w informed y-.u foonerd it, but from the weak ft.itc of my health, I cannot, by any means* do onehclfnf the things I would -5 and am obliged to draw largt^v on thediviiir- andiuiman pstlcncej and forbearance with rne. i have teen] with m'jeh plcofurc in the r.ewfpaper, a| 5fport of the arrival u\ yourlrlf and | your Brethrtfij at Bombayi and trafl tlipl yon aie ail come devoted to the Work f 1 he 1 ord a-nong tihe poor hea- thenj h fcnplicity aod g"dly Uncerlty. ] w•a^ well allured of the very liberal receptfon you wotdd receive from the H'*r.vnd Rev. f*ir. V-------, my much rP citj«d friend : it. him I know you will fittd •: generous i>ation. he will never be tr c!mii :f'd «f you, lo Ifti'g rj you ptrfevere with diligcuet aftd zeal in the woik vuu have underlok^n. You h?.\£: atrce*iv fc.t hw kiudnef*, and I trull win b ■■.';. 'lualnre in tludying to give him faM(K'C."ti»n. I doubt not but he has particularly ifflpicffed|on you the ubvj^u and extreme importance ot an immediate and ^e.leveling lludv of the native h with n' . I have witneffed his great uncatinefc, Eiat fi>nu other Jvfiflionanes, who were in O-yi 'n bef •;'• you, minded it fo little, a: dwere'io ioou uiiom^^J. IL Wffl r.*e-iVe to fit- a: other rmnd in you ; and « thifjoy I U'lll you Will gi^'e him, afftt-J red thai it e joy for the p^or heathen, j 0 that they may know ne Lord ! '-*ud that he may be glorified among their, ! J Remember eontrntiallj who it is that call* j out,** Lions, lioiH in the way ;M and who it is that challenges. H Who art ?M I have heard! From Port-au Prince.—Capt. Prcn- tifsofthe fehtinner Sufan, who failed from Port au-Pn'nce u:i the firll intlaut, informs, that advices were received there four days previous, that Chriftophe was on his march and within ^o miles of the place. In conftquence'of this intclli gence, Pel ion iunnir.ediateiy ordered oul 7000 men, and h.;d already organized 6000, who Were on the march to meet the ei or the t.n the day Capt. ?. f:u*ct. cmy. I"t was expeAcd the fo'ecs viva! ch e,%* wo'.iid meet each other f appears thai General M'Gregor \u>\ en- tirely abandoned the eatik »f the Vc«ve- zucfeansi a*tcr finding till hi* endca»or» to »'Ildrifhany thing lifce'cnncertj difci- plii-e, or rcj. uh r ^cverumcri: among them tobe utterly u:;ra.'ii.g ; auduioieovcr, that there was no longer a chance of ob Laitring t!se ncefiary fupplies cif provi\- iouii a»;d ammnnitioi: for the h'.'terogcue- ous m-tciiah: that cornpofed hU army. He th-.cfoTC concluded to change the Ivvne nf Ins art "Pent urea f"»m Venezuela TVtifhirtgtQni %«, 25. A v£»y iii»er-lli-^ debate took pta*-e ycUt-ro'ay in \hv hou'e of reprifentativcs, on the bill &ir ivilraijiing the equipment and fitting out i« ^cfl5a< from tiie DoVta of the United Siatta, io be employed 1. ] jagamfl powers i" «*nwy with u*. [tdnittort;-: itntl llgJtts at:- s»ftd6 ti>e it: • hi|-"arp^nirr*;, C'T^ir.'M'v and ^ravor \\hr;,: pot-of heialed pii.h. &c ar^ used ;—dMjJlHFSj ItakcTSa |)rint:v»s and nsanuia;-!'jn'i>, of a!i I■.»ndc, where i>u- sin;>s requires the use of tires and lights at late hours of the ni#ht«;—-fanulict arc ftlso renrintlctl of t!:o iir.poitanec of precaution, when l!n*} rotirt- (o rvst, 10 avoid loavini' r-ticksof u nod pai 1 \ b^.rui •tanuing on cud hi the ehhnney cornor. or onti burnt >tiel; lying on, or across another, and. not .ulicr a«Jtus to In kepi in a woi<Ut» \j-jx. of other vrs^o! of anj kind ; and toseethut tbeivclum- [nc\>aiv sca.Nonabl) and July swept or elpancd. From past experience, it is proved. that lircfrrnosteommoulyoriginate from these sources.: therefore, all heads of families on^litto a»*e the utmost can* and discrHiiMi, in their power, in order to prevent the tbeadful calamity of lire asthe) regard tiu'irov.ii [ires and pro- pert), as well as their neighbours.^ Gambit teg 13 obmit to receive a jcrio\is ch.ek in Kentucky, if a hjll before the Icgiflatt-re !hid! becofre a law. It requires an oath to be taken by every perfoil accepting a civil or military of¬ fice, that he iviil not, during his con- Uiiuance in office, bet any money or ! property un any game at hazard, or in 7 ex~ 'any other mznucits&balifts at a mart r I i cepted. The whole qnelli u of the policy of 1 hist country j m c^;. d to the eontefi now fubfininjr between bpuin and her | '1'hree fheth of an earthquake were colotiies, was f:^*-"y d.ba'ed, and at con-1 [felt at Baltimore on the morning of the (iderablc lenyttb -he impnuanue ofjISih ulh 1 his dcbite relat"^ tx»*ry other thai has: I The Governor of N. Cvi-!i;-a, 'lrt^er taken place ..t th- pvefcut feffi fu, i Inch,; jtheanrhoHty r»f the Stare, ha- corurafled that we lhall e d&ivor to give a brief with Srgnror Cam va of Rome, tor a view t/fit in out next , we lay a brief! [ latiite ot WafblugtoSf to cod 10,^00 view, for a Fiji! •*;>"»'. ol it would onui-y ' I Dvilars. linfolence fa the fi 2 \>Uze* zuu ails ■ ;:.. ' was confumtrt&ted Ly barbaiuy and cru j el'y.—The captain was fttdely abefed by j vi'or J, and afterwards hy deed. He wai aflaultcd with itripes and kick', until he remaiiied bathed in hie blood, full of con- toll >ns, and like a corple on the deck, /ifter two dayj fail, the captain of the Jupiter forced the Spanifh captain to ranium his VvMo* by a draft; the official and private cunefpoudence was opened and deftroyed, and every Spaniard ofl board 11 ripped of every thing he had,-hi9 j weaiuig apparel, or nautical inftruments ano chartK, excepting only tile papers in- difpeufaole tor the payments of the bill. They were thus abandoned to fleer their Icouife without chart or compals. This horrible adl will prove, that thofe imprefcriptible and facred righu ate not rei'petted, which conftcrate the natural and public law of nations, the tenitoiiai, immunity and dignity of the United States, in whofe very bolom de¬ predation and horror arcexerciud, when it cannot be done on t'te hiffli ie?.*» DIEGO MORi'IiY. New Orleans, \2th Dec. 1&16. • * * more than one v$ two papers. There h ittlf doubt but the bill sv- to Mexico, deeming it more prudent tol!""'^0" *»^4^ t,iC m*^^ commence at ihemmtiei of the piovi.tJl "^-^'un/^ati' nVn P"'l^utv 1 r rht ces. and within hail of a friendly power, than to follow hi. o.igiwal plan of rfaflv i.:^ a; once int.* the heart of he country. where he mud of necclTity '^e in the mi.Hi ol hisewrmefl Ta!< n^ with him-a few rvnfly foUowera, be embarked for the [fl- aud tit St. Thomas, where he arrived without accident, and had the good for- I Ik ml pcrlevcctng Rudy of the native Lnjjtiages. Stt youifelvcs to this w*rk ith i!t your hearts. 1 well know how inch Mr. T-----h intereftedaboutthL; i inie while lh< re, to fall in with about 150 choice fpiritt, of dlfTercnt co»wple>.- ions, v^ ho lea'iily joined hfc iland.nd At St Thomas's he chartered the fthnuuer Central Taylor, of this port, on ho.ird tif winch he Rowed hit new recruits, and embarked frimfelf with his foitefor Pon au Prince, calculating on railing men enough in the dominions of PrefiOcnt Pe-j tion loi opening the campa>^n in Mcki-] c. where having once got a footing, he] heed to be reinrorced hy the nativesss well aa by bands of adventurers from other quarter.-, until his army fhould bc-j come fo fornidabiC as ro knock down all •ppof;tion. I'hflt the S American provinces will ultimately fuccced in rendering them- 1 fe'.ve.-i independent of the Spanira mon- mclla^c'of the ^fidcJt, ^ai pala the jhoufeof rcpieRf|;:itivcs without ctleutiaj lameodment, 1 he ground ol tlii> pro- Icecdinjj is, gene'rs*%« Hh i,,,c,r«ed f'Om j the debate, rttnt io !on8 a'*'- '» tb<" , -^ ic\ of the Gov."" :ncl,t ,Ji ^,:c 1J- States to mAiuttin *nc»wrf pofiUort in re^jard to the htf!th;<srcir^f il f'"ght to compel its citizens .i-i liy rP co'To-m to its policy, and to the Ipirfe °* wtttngfa**. n-)li\-Kl't Al.. UOTfOX. A Kw nch m rna.dea« N nfchat.-!. ua-iiiud Muihiffr^^ ^sad fo huvc dj- u\ .• il 'Avpri 1 ""■'•' ttwbtL ; ii eon- .-i.MSofa v.uo.i: "" Ike p'-iiphir of which rive mwV P'P*"5 half ti!h-d with r« nrnl'uAH' do-■■cfiui,, aj,d bj a simple corvtmaucy 1 -i\iv. ;;..;, \. an <ppo/u, impuUe« lie slhwi. ii, uniehine pub- liciy. and .nt "(U |„ M,i,.j,it Ji;-- bOJU-j jtiMi ct thi.diHicu!i p^&i m to a fur-j ' the:-i \^.ni,;:iTi"n U( 1 oris. I'h;* siin- plieitj of tbtV cnriMmcfi u occA<i«naa favourable npintoii :.i th thing. A s •,..\ I iHvl&i Km. rhe foilowinj* wn« haiuhd to tw- vos- bcitae t*fu.rriHion men, as they art* [called, who Inpidy fur-eons with jflc»ietiiiiR9 &c. have ktely hern over to jWsiterlau, on a fpeculation. Their (ohjea was to coih-a and 'import into E-n,.and, a large cargo of teeth. DhJ—+h\ Phii.oVInhia, the ifith'inft. Alkxafokh James Dallas, Ef^. |«te Secrrtsry of the Trcafnly of the United St(tte>.u.d an cminer^t Couniellorat Law aged 55. .? mbabitaota of 1 1 On ThniPaylail the 'lu's city, met al the C-nr 1« >uie acree- able to a notice from the Ma&ittrates ie- quelling the Ian •, 10 t;;ke into eonfidcr- ali n the Itate of the pour of Montreal. Th KlctftlJig though not vcy nurreioin wamefj.ertablc. AComT.itt• eof loGvn- tlemen wasap; oiated,among which wa-a Clergyman of the Roman Catholic rCburdl ami the Clergymen of the dif tfe-ent P; or est ant der.omiiiations, to take ; inch meafore* as ihey might deem proper for iclicviug the dfKtrefhVs of the poor. The Committee's fif^t bufinefs it j to ah citain'the niunher and iituation of the lt'ff 1 ing poor and.in the meantime to j obtain fuhiciption:. of money, eloathing r found n ill fneakinfr, and particularly that bfe zcai, admirable as it appears, i;j the love and lerviceof the Lord, and the hmU that are perifhuirr, v?ill ptovoke many. And novfr .commending yi>u, denr hir. and all ycur brethren to the j»ract 1 f God for the good work you have chofen, and myfelf to all your peayers, 1 remain, your's moll fincerely, &c. Five Mintites' Advice to Younjj; Tradesmen. WhatCTCT your trade be, ncTcr b*' ashurued of it Do not disdain to keep compatn With p opl(? of your own class—hut rather court their acquaintance. The conversation of men of .trade brings trade. Men first talk then deal to¬ gether. Without diligence and application no trade can be successful or houorabh car¬ ried on. N( ver frndr* beyond .) our stock, or give or take too large credit. Better in slip a bargain now ami then, rather than h.n a greater quantity of good- than von can pay !or. Should youraBairs «o wrong in spite of all car?1 and diligence^ br 'akintime. II" you can pay t mi shillings, do not af¬ fect to nmaiu whole until you cannot paj i^n pence. The cru'dtA of creditors is always in prr portion to the dishonesty of debt¬ or.-. X well sorted and well chosen cjuan- rit\ of good l- preferable toa shop en¬ tirely filled with an immense quantity. The retail trade-men, -'.nd tradesmen in gencrai9 »nu^t lay in a very ^r.^at stork of patience—t!u-y must conquer their pasilous, and endeavor tow* athcr the storm of iinpertin^ttce* 1'rdfusiou of expense. Ijyjp^ likrl your nei^.bcrs and uimtcking the: aoda'ddiefsof hi* daumleAadveutuivra. ,.;." :ru 1 V-......"■ ".* "' ^'" wiii h*&m At {.dependence of Mexico. ^ ^Kf "* ^^ Letters from Ufo», of -he , jrh Ny. ... " '^^ "J ",,."U " *«*««" vember, quote .Wiran n-,„r « -.iv-elvc I ""^ \ N\'i!;i;i»"-"-"^"'->>:,. ,,,, j 11 1 l i» t . . il tn .at. Jo, i,s. loinr. 1 o;» \\ on .; ;1# dollars and a halt on boani, nee fevcnS'-...... •**•»• »j»m j;t. dollars nnda half per 130lb*, on board* They Hate that the exportation of bread fluffs wa^ prohibited from France, Italy and Sicily. The veffela which had hecu front Lifbon to the Black Sea, had re¬ lumed in ballad, not being abic to obtain any corn. or neceflaries. Thf> i^ exj» fted to he done bcforeTuefday at ten o'clock) when the •committee i* again to meet From the Allegheny Magazine, Burning Springs—Abmu three quar* ters of a mile eail of Port'andv on Jake Etie, is a imall dream, which in theiapfc of time, has worn an trregular trotighi of ten br fifteen fert in depth, and of greater widtii into a body of foft argil¬ laceous flaie. At the bottom of this trough in actuation of romantic fecnery about fix ro.is from the Jake, there are feveral aperture, from which continually iflitea an inflamable gas—The writer of this .iitiele latciy vifned this fpot, at a time when there was but little water in the block. He found one of the aper- iwietf covered with a flame dohuen inch¬ ed high ; and hy putting a blaze to two1 or thee othei apertures, the gas immedi¬ ately caught and flafhed like fphiis of wine. "I he htat is fuflicient to make water b«»ii. Die flones placed about the fpring found on fuc, wcie nearly red hot. At fine n\ thefc aptnures, a circu¬ lar hole of about enequartei of an inch in diameter, a current of air, like that from theiioifeof si bellow*, wasconltauf- !y emitted—A llro.g Icrnt i> perceived in approaching thefe gafc* xu Ipriiigs, not unlike that which iflbea from a fo#m- iny pit coal. From the Watchman. Pth. i«!0. t i Latest from the Eajl Ind'rs. — By the brig Macedonian^ Captain Dlakeman, from C3.»ton, we learn, that the Eall-In- dia Company's fliip Lord Hughes, Campbell, had returned tro.r. the Yellow Sea, where fiie had landed the prefents for the Britifli embaffy at Pekin ; it is fa id they weic well received by the inha¬ bitants in the vicinity of the place of lan¬ ding, who furnifhed them with refrefli- inents. When the mandarines in the countiy received intelligence of their be¬ ing [here, they immediately put a flop to ail inteicouife with lh;m, except thofe attached to the embalfy, and complained of their having landed on the coalt with¬ out having obtained permiffion from the mandarine^ of the province* The fri¬ gate and other ihips, after having landed the embaffy, had returned. The embaf¬ fy weie about going over land to Can¬ ton, and the Lord Hughes, being a com¬ pany's (hip, proceeded to VVampoa for a cargo The Grand Happao of Can¬ ton, allowed her no pilot to come up the liver, but lent three rmn of war junks along fide, to 'lop all communication with her. The Macedonian puffed the Lord Hughes in the river, and took a number of letteis from her for Eoiope. It wat fuppofed the objeft of the embaffy waft to obtain tedreffi ffil commercial a- bufes pijcrii'.-ri at Canton* by the manda- nng and hong roeichautfj unauthorifed (Si^md) 'TnoMA-i Iii-ki*so\. *• This is intend, d to ascertain the current; w:hoer%-rpick> ii up h n> guested lo acknowledge it by pubiica- tlOi ?> Captain Coulsou picked up the hot- He in th- prcseni mouth, on the south- ea-it point ol llouea^o. [_( narL Mi/npttmr*'] FxtraiS of a letter from Thomas Ap pleton, Conful of the U. S. at Leg horn, dated Sept 27. " The late feafbn has been the moil cx!rn<nOmaiy one remembered by the olde*ft ano moll obfejving farmer ; there has not been a fingle day i^ which Fah¬ renheit's thermometerhaa rifen above 75 deg.' generally it marked from 65; to 70 drg ; the ulual heat in f"mmer is from 75 to B3 deg. Our barveft of wheal has been much below middling ; the Indian !,corn has brcu fi« blsiL'-d ihat it doea not exceed one tenth pait of the ufual crop**. O'l i>'«hf'jutely a nulliiy. The great eff pait of ourjjtapes have dropped fro^n the vj.-ics, and the remainder have not, Inspecting tits destrncttve clement of (ne a late Boston da iie has til ■ following remarks, tittd rtfao head ci h" Tih-wlj/ Mais to prevent Jke" A due Jittention to mk Ii precaution Us {are liure &aggc"stod would doubtlebH be atif-nded nttti the best effects in this city ; I "At this inclement seu>on w u il even yet, airivtd at ptstfcA maturity ; fo (that our w.ne m\\ be dear, and of a vetyl I bnfbds in eac j iodine ciit gua'itv." " :.i . c c ! -r? r 1 ; - I ^he County of JSXtraCi of a letter from James P^faurv, Conful of the U. 8. at Liverpool, da¬ ted Nov. 7, ib'tC " The lafl lumroer has been the cold- cft I ever have witncfTed—has be« * moil unfavorable for grain, and the prices have been rifingfor fome time pafl. At this plac wheat now fells for 3 guinea per iiivs most freijut ntl) happen, and the! Is - '>.....— rvi couseqaencw arc most distreswni* t- j jh'fliel of 70 lbs. equal to 4 dollars pei citizens of tni^ metr"pouc3 of every dc-i' script ion, arc imperiously ceiled upuu 1» be more than connnonly vigilant, \- Wincheftcr buftd of60 lbs. TO THE PUBLIC. Whocvri contribute* 10 tl.e favJng 0f food. a*. t|ttu,tiWffc«ft ^MRl, <"<aMivi.:.y confers an important benefit i.n foeiety. The*objeft iif the following remarks b tocallibe attcnti.-ii of the p-iblic to ibe faring Potfrt-es for food by cutting out the eyes to j.lam «f i|„ fe that mt to be dreflid for eating, by HmJ, means a pieau|uamitywillbe Ei«td dt tilre of piinttrga Let each fnmPy prepay r vcfTrl to receive the eyea daily as ,J,,y 3ie x?ikvn out of thofc prepared to dn-Ps for 1 he leed end n>ay he cot off and laved for plantiBg)caief|jIly prefervtng ihem fruV troft, and not with fl ending they will diV and fiiMnk up, it has been proved beyond all doubt they will grow and do as well ti,» potatoe would. Many people have cm pairings From the potatoe with an e>-€ for planting, bat experK-itce has proved that :he eye fli-uld be cut oui deep with a pointed knife. .-Further fo iliufliate the ftihject we vvdl fuppofc in a Town of fix mile", Iquarc, tluie are 200 forms, each of which will plant 2 acres ,-,{ p„.aioes, maluVg 400 acres. Reckoning 12 tz bnHielK t • the acre for feed will take liuc thonfand hnfhds. Should the plan recommended be adopted, it wou'd pro- dow a faving of at lead f„„r thouiand ■h",h"" '" ......ii town, »nl nle-HiMing . Wafln'ngtoa equal to ten fncii town* there would be the imn.eni'e 'laving 0/40,000. In Varrr.-jnt not l.fs thnn 500,000. I ! AMBKIC/XN COIN. /arrfui, in regard (-• niljiras and lights which they have occasion to ustt ■ aitd toattcoa, ph-rMniils- totlieirbi-ingdu- | From the Federal Republican & Baltimore Teh'^rahh Tiie Dfrc^or of th*-' (Jotted States .'Mint rf porta the cuina^e, for the loft yar% of z 888,135 pieces, an.oumiiiQ- !o jf>. 5^.7^>.57t via 47,r?o n^f tio'lar*,, 20,003 4r* dollars and 2,820, !j$2 ccntj. Sfttnjfb Cc;ifu!ute.—\\-\ the Lonifinna Courier, No. 1439, of Monday lall, 9th , / 1 ------ ■; —St—- ---------------i . .". i+yy,ui .viUIJUdy IdU, (Jill !y extinguished at night : and to tru,t; ! December k has been (la-ed inconectlv ;is \\\t\it as poassbii • to tin ii- apprcRtl- ceSj servants, or dioncMics, ulio-e in- terestsand feeliuij'. •'- this rt*spect,can- oot be equal totiietr own. in panic- Man it cannot b-** ;»'nivs to rcnuud all and whl.out.a km>\ -rlge of the fa&« t!iat one of the Spanifli vL-iTcJs lately cap* tured within fight t>f the Bali»4 has been already returned, or given up, and ii1" C'.nfeqncnce had entered the river. occupiers of shop., and other plaeesof Theveffel thosfpoken of is the fehooner business, whom in"1 >*oves and fuu- TT' " * " ' uelsaro us"d, ospe i*H) in carpenters, joiners, and cabiuci makers' shops ;— also in merchant:; ("uuiiu- rooms, law- Hipolfta, which waa captured by an arm- yi rs ami other offu *p where nres arcJU^e balizc.vwho waa on liece»siarHylefl,wh:»' ab^nt ou busi-[,the ir.egnlarfty of the ^ .... „ww ness or otherwise : "Owner^andoecu-j Jtfonofthegoaranutf and jurifdiaion ol piers of livery and :-*taw italics, where j the United States, waa pcrpetiafed by td pilot boat Ichooner, called the Jnpitei. at anchor will.in gun fhot of land, in fpite of the reprefentatton of the pilot of boaid to prevent act T*ie viola- ! Naw VoRK.Kov- \'j —Com.B> kos, with one brig and two fchoooers, with the SpaniHi P-itriot, Gen. Bolivar, oh board, from Hnyti, failed from Cumana the 4*h December* * The arrival of M'Gr^gor in tli?- Weft Indies, and of Gen. Min'A at New Orleans, as Coin O'Brism f«ys, Iook3 " finally" for the patriot caufe. FIav^na, D-'c. ^'J-—The royal troopfl have taken Boquflla de Pfedras, and put tf»e patriotic ^-a-rifon to the fword—• Thc-.th^pTsceoiud have been carried by afTrtult- ^^^-. The Weft India reports of the fticccft of M'Crecor, over the Spaniih, arc mere echoeB of echoes of old floiaM M'- GasOOft forfomecaufehaiileft Venc::ula--

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