H MILITIA PENSION AGENT'S OFFICE—F©*$ IM Septonieft Mtt& )TfCfi is hereby given by the General Agent for the Payment of Militia Proviiuuii Pensions, pursuant (o the directions cota- (aincd in the Sefctttli Section of Hie Militia Pension Acl, passed in the last Session of the Legislature, that having received the Sum of Six Thousand l'.ve XTOTICE Itmdred Pounds, for the purpose of paying the sahl Pensions for die period up to the 31st of December ne«f, tho same arc now in Course of Payment. ^ LfST of'ih'sabictt Persons who have heretofore been admitted, and of those also who Claim to be admitted., as Militia Pensioners of xtce in at • (his'province, on account of iVoitmkreceived in Action^ or Disability occasioned bjj Casualties or Actnlcnts which have occurred on Actual Seiv.** .-. ..v fence of the Province, as far as Returns have been received; with the sums due to those who Imve produced the necessary Certificates and D n-iments to -c!> ing their Wounds and Disability ; and zchieJt icill/.e due to others tcho have produced (hose Document* in part, Wh&A they zcill have furnished them complete, m required bj/ Lore? up to the 8l$t of December., IS 16". * _ _________ ____ Name of Pensioner. Regiment or Des¬ cription of Service to which belonged. Action or Place where wounded, &c. Time when wounded. Period for which Pension is clue. | Amount of Pen- Frora To sion Province Curr'y. Dollars at 5.9. £\ ft D. DtllS C, Simons J ante < Kirby M WUIfaai Janrie XqSsn McDowell 1Y ->r.a? Prayer J"! ri Me'"?re£oe T -irvj failll l!"i.r\ Flu :.in J'-.y.," Mof3;t»g;or Ron-r; Kirkpatrick Donald MfDtaunid Jitmv* Rirhtii'tUoii Rehrri Richardson Wfiliam flnell Michael R**au.irfr» Til*) t:l *»il» rT'iiOi-O Reuben Ahvaid £ndiV*v Kennedy Tho*naj Scitifi ifohn Sb:u*u Jr.'; « R^rVa^d JnV- ?*-1yc Wi'.'wn MaJriitiore ffo••!* (Swam Jo— > . SKpnrd Dawd JV*aroir ,S;n.-. J Vi*j«»rs Jo-- -Vht-^ion Jncub *nv !^*r Cha 'H \N?vnnoa F.- rinhar Wrliraa A.-* "• ^ B!bHl« fitvir- rft M-Ken/.i* w;- f- U '.?;.» .!.-?•<> :Kal Jaihe*: J*-av;fnJ Arcl!-!a-■* Farrham Vr . ^ IV..-. -Itirr Ba? -? ConctnefiQ •*up.w. ".Ctrles J;iti" " ,:-.'-r<.n Jame fr/ahjua Ki'/n- .r- P»::ra|r T a- •;] vIa|or CrA- I rhiwll SaiWl Vorloa J-V;r • /.- \vrty Sti*»j -i) K.P>i'»r .A iifl rt iiorlatnl Jam—- A. M'lUct * Major Major Captain do do do Lieutenant do do do do do Ensign Lieu tenant Master's Mate Mid-!)ii>::ian Scijcant do Private do . do do do d» Bugler private do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do t do do do do da do Private yd York) isou 1st Gore L26 Lin. and In. Militia •* Incorporated do do Kent Volunteers Is* Bformont Lat^Second \ oik Incoi'porated 1st Norfolk Km* Volunteers Incorporated Second Lincoln 1m GieRjE&ry Provi:»ei:i! .Uartuc Second Norfolk Second M-.SCX 1st Norfolk 5.1 Norfolk S«! l'orfc(Iatc) l.st SlOnnOut 2il Vorfolk IncnrpontTfd d.i do do Si York (late) 5ln Lincoln Srcotd do I-1 do Iff do Incorporated 2d GJcnsary 1m Glensary Soron-I Lincoln 1 -. (ticngar^ Keu! \'.»lM.ocr5 do do ?i! Lp?<b lit K*$cx dn 2 1 Norfolk 3d Uiiooln d>» do .c- kVkiYme) XOlfo»iC do jd T.«m*^> t-1 i.iiit:oid 3d York ^i?) In ->r;)ora*fd Lund>'s Lane Fort Eric & Lun- d\% I*ane York Lundy's li«!ic do Long VTooda OgdU'^abargh Cnndy's Lane do Fort Kric Ri\tT Thames Lundy*s Lane Chippawa OgdVit^burgh River Raisin Sionv Creek, L. E. <)»denslnirph Ri\'.*r Raisin Fort Eric do Quccnjton Ogdoii-hnrgh I'oii Erie Nra»a.*a Frontier Lmidy^H Lane do do York Q it»cn-(on riiipprr*. a Fitrt <T"i»r^-* Si. David's L'OidyV Lane Near (Wmvall Ojbleosburgii Cli'ipujwa Ac.-»!t-in On Duty Long Woods do Rm-. riiauied Gci/manoijut" i\io.i*;-.!jra Rivci R.usin Malcolm^ >H!ls BSack R.nk do do 0' •' n-fon r.'-:I ol.iiV M'.Wtf A^ddent on Outj do ^ u ("r..-.. (loads Fori ( i |<" i •z.y 2IVc 1412 and) ^,> Jnl) 1814) 2? April I8J9 25 Jnl> iHii do do 4 March I Nil «2 Fro. 18 LI 25 July ISU do 28 Nov. ISI2 !) Ju!v l«14 2:>.lnh \b\\ 5Julvl8I4 'J2Fel». LSI3 GMav l»li 22 Jannar\ 1818 12 Nov. l»13 22 Feb, lo'LS do JanuaiN 1813 27 Nov. !8t2 SS Nov. 18IS LSOnohor \6\z 'i2 r?l). ISl.'i 2S Nov. IStS 3 0ciofier 1814 25 July 1914 do. do. 27 \pri1 1*13 13 (let. 1312 5 July 1814 27 May IM3 2V J.;h l-U 2-ri Jul) 1311 10 Nm*. 18L1 22 !•>:>. IMS S Jul-, 1814 »ihii 1313 I iVfdreh I.-II <lo. do. <» .li.lv dn. 21 Sept- 1B12 9 V-p. dti. 22 Jan. !k'l3 BKev. 1814 M\)<.: 1813 do. lUk t3flrt.-1ftte 'i \oi. |SI I traS N..w 18!'-? ! .laiiuary 2 Dec, |J?Io 1812 1816 1HI6 — 14 I January I January 2.>.iuly 1 January —1G do. IS No\. —13 I January —16 do. 9.Inly —11 25 do. 5 do. 22 F«!>:uary —13 6 i\)ay ' —li V2 January —13 23 I'cby. —16 W May 22 .-• • i January do. do. I dn. do. do. I July I January I J 'lv '3 i-Vbv. * Z uwary lo. 27 Mav :'2 July I Jamwrv i!e». 91 r«by4 5 July 38 Oct. 1 Marco do. 0 Jith ai S--";.t. :l \.'»u-t — 15 do. — 16 — 15 — IG — 15 -If> — 15 — il» -II -It- — 13 -11 — IG do. — II —IS 22J.jnpn;v '> Nov. \V)_ Dec. do. do. I? Nov. 0 do. 28 Nov. M fa"i;ary MflJ K January ;i S»-nr. do. ■ ^•pt. i ^i A|K.l do. S Or.. do. IgAngafl Ml i •' V;,ril • lei, 12 An- do. — 12 do. —IS —14 — \:i —14 —:2 —13 (In. do. do. — li 31 IMr. do. do. do. do. do do. do. do. do, do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. <do. do. do. *lo. do. do. do, do. do. do. ' do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. ilo. do. do. do. -li. do. do, do, do. do. do. do. Jo. .In. Irtl6 do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do, do. do. do. dn. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. i do. do, do. do. do. dn. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. 20 81 40 S20 48 20 20 22 20 20 19 4^ 49 77 53 1H n 32 28 20 20 20 4U 20 20 30 20 30 17 60 20 ?1 48 20 2U 17 49 58 56 49 85 HI 4:? 80 GO 60 42 4J hi 7.s 66 73 61 47 12 iOA i2 i5 to t 3 |7 r8 18 8§ 4 3? 03 n £ rH iS I i i7 n i2 iS 12 II tS i7 I o g 9 f at 17 rS 9 I1? ■:! i5 3i H x '2 Oh ■03 M O 2 o ,1ft Lt*TOfH'idvivs uvA Orphan Children admitted as Militia Pensioners^ revious to the Actpmsttdin 1816; shoeing the snot due to each in uitoance to the Slj/ >,f December, ISi',*. Us fur ris th ' V.'o/r.v hn-e been returned. Ibme of Wiftrr, Sf« Name of Uhip Ifu^lmiid or Father of Orphan Oiiidrvn. Rank iu Militia.! It £|.H< if 01 • wlii*;» lie 'Acion io uaicJi killed, iii'tf.i"* J. ' -"xf. Tin..- of Oi-rrair. ii'eriodior v.Molt IVn^ion i-iol»ed II;' ■§»■> \t.»:. line Boadv......... » • ■ * • . > * . Ha -i ■ Halite-.,- Marfan BsfOiJi.... Nanrj a**-- "oil................. Ann' r■■" i^7................. S:i a.»..aJ Mcllonell............ Jeru ha )c loc .....•......-•- Aunt" l"a 'iCii^n................ CVct e R*a .-i*................ r«a; r - M» rrav............... F! <ib?*:t' '•>*!,*"!1.............. yjt/i'OfU W/ijfiit.. • Sum*. T-«\ior....... Lauri iile lioiui /......... i i .•-.taoi • * ■ * •. Joolivfl Bonui.............. John Corroli.............. Grarz* T*:;ne> ............ Cbii»tophcr M< Dondl...... .I<> li: !>:-tlor............... Pierre RaiMclutn........... Pa*r;:l H- aume............ Daniel Mnrrav............ George Cqg&efl..........,. ____I Clin-lcNV, rfeht........____ ___I Koin-ri Tavlor............. ]»"iiya1*'*' Bit^'do .-•........... Mi:i Ad&m:.................. L . .if h 1'° V................... M."*- Blanc.HeHe.............. 11.1;:*;.;': Vvi \ tit............... ?i.:■•,;■) ,Vill:'*i on.............. Kaacj Cleadenj*cn............. 1:111111 Smith.............. ■. m* # 9 a ■ * # » • * * * t * 4 * * « Cn'hai ine Wolf ruin............. \ 1)1 l;i l***il Ok •■■*■## * »-e€ » • e • a • a • * Child of...................... Ch'ljrrn of.................... f'hrl'ir-n of.................... O Id re 11 of....................I Thomas S.niih .. Ctnl Iren of...................I John ffmderfifinl' Joseph i>a.-.»do Saaiurl \dr.m* 8(epftm Peer ... Lewis Blanchette James Forbvth............ Jacob Wilkcrion........... Ati.nnClendeiincn.......... Chnr.rv Smifh.............. Philip Wolfrum......... .. Mafhias Saunders.......... John UcGratli............. William Cameron.......... Martin, BilcGlctlan.......... Captain Tirno'Xv Skinner • t ■ - ' .'■.lain do do do do Lieutenant Knvicn Private t reorporaic'd A'olinji on O.\ootl Second Llncoli do Third Vork St-comi r.M.t'X THrrd \ork ; -r f Lincoln flo S'cond Lincoli do do do do do do First Norfolk 1 irs: Oxford Incorporated First iork Inem pointed J'ir>; Lincoln do Second do T:o-rl Voik Pifth Lincoln --------c----- ^."ajirain N -J.- rose Mci^.1 Fori Lnc Cavualfy Fusually ( iiijipaiva do Vork Kivcr Ra<lo do York Lnndy's Lane I on fii'ojgc Chlppavin do do do do do do Fort F.rie Accident do. at Kingston York Fort F.rie ' Fori George do Clirppav a OiinMiSToit (^u.vn-iion heights «3 —: I —ill —•J —d>. C2 \ , 27 On, 27 Vi|» 5 Julv do 27 \; ij —13 2r Jaw. do do 27 VrU da -------14 -*13 - it do do do do dn do --r,» - tI —r3 do ?5Jnlv 27 Kay 5 July do do do do do do 2j< Sov. 5 Nov. 2i to* 2* \pril 24 Sept. -|4 27 Any —^3 do d.'; ojMjy —1| i3 Oct. —12 is Sept* do From 1 I V • 0 •> Vlity I8i5 :«i Deer. > 1 Jan. —16. do -10 1.) do do K> do • Io do do do do do I Jnly —16 do 2? July — t"> do ?" Jan. -!t> do T Jan. (In do do do do do da do do do do do do do (io do do do do do do do do io f|o do do do do do do do do do do t Jitlv do do 1 Juniiarv do do do do do 1 July —r5 do do do do i Jan. —1(1 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Amount, Pro. F;irr*>. Dollar- ;">«, S3 2 54 20 40 20 SO 20 10 2* ! 10 J 18 15 I 20 20 «0 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 10 20 20 J<> 30 SO 20 5>0 H 7dbm and Qejdutw (tdu died as Militia Pensioners under the Prozifteial Statute passed in the J \ar ISf tf, wtfilt as their Names haer been returned. ;Name <N Rhukoi DecCawd ill: band. &c. Kane of Widow, &c j Name. I Rank. ■ Nam'- of Guardian ot Regiment to which O/phan Children. a>cea-cd belong¬ ed. 'J'nnc ot Decease. F*v ivitat BoardlPerto ' lor nrhseh Pe««Ioa is due; Amount, Ih'e Widow Ac.----------------------•-----------------'*rov. (nrr'y. Sn i;; Bntier Cautarine Haiuer Doroth; May I"br.-ineih Dennis Bat baa Teal CaMu&rEn^Teal B.« ha a Rrowft Ca»h;inne Rock Man i'oon Marv Clark Mary VauderbanecJt J»Jar) flra^a Ta>- •• r ]Jov**r Hannah Clee.dinnen Sop 1 .* lia-ner llar»cr llainer tli/aiet-i SVeavcff I'!*- o.- Warmer CVfaariac Sewlcirk A una Johnston Cariiarsne Limburncr FT^be Adair Tru.M Balm CJuldren of Fh'hlren of r-'idreo of . ( ildrw of .. Children of .. CtoJdnii of .. .. C*ii*d en of .. C'» h-r**n of .. .. Children of .. Coi'dr.-h of ,. Childi -oof .. .. ClnlHi.-i of -. .- L iCn'i.a Sic wart • Maria RaM»ee ^i«ii* Lottridge B-riJUa K'ini I li<.t"o :o ipill i\l. "I'v Vaii'ic.kle <" li*trt-*»n 01 .. .. , Wi t ^ Mill* r-*a . U*."~ * id -1 0. C^ddCfflflf . . « * * • « 4 ■ v ■ • 9 • Jo'tn on Butler George llainer John Ma^ Joseph Di-nnis Laurauce Teal Zacharidi. teal tsdac Brown Joan Rock John Coon Joim Clark Con a. V'aiiurrbaneck MIchaiH Grass Conrod Wolfe Ma" in Boyrr Abner i leiMliniicn Zac'..ar<ah Hainer David nait;er Francis W eavet .Michael Earner Benjamin Newkirk John Johnston Alexander bimburner John Adair Jacob Bairo Camper Shnfelt John S.iakleton Join. OaHipot Ga-ham Conger W illiam D'-nnis » John Smith Jonathan Griffin Charlee StCVeaton l.<aar Walker Lewis Bongfmfir Abraham Acre Samuel Noun J Mr, ■ Smart John B. ttabbre John LottridgO Georgv King Ki.oi Hull DavidVunsickla John Sevan Solon.o*i Miflfl hr,- »j tlcOi-rt • .'*rre Caba-ierc L.. Col. Lieut. Lientcucnt Private Serjeant Private Serjeant Private John Renner Senr. John Warren Peier Tnunhle Lawrence Jennings Sarah Do<k>teder George Adams Smith Griffin Anna V'oungs William Walker JlehnorCi.amberi Uobei l St lies Charlotte Acre fifflS ^fcirror* tixcflcd.^ Captain Li'Mttcnant Private Serjeant Private Sarah Bangluirt j 5'north Lincoln Firai do do Third Lincoln do do Second York Third Lincoln Second do do do First do do do do do do do' ilo do Fourth dn do do Second Lincoln Third do do Second do do do First do Fourth do do do do do do iffilifia Artilicr* Aniller\ Drive* Fifth Lincoln Second * 01 k Incorporated Mil. Fifth Lincoln do Second } 01 k Fifth Lincoln ___ m-comuiciidi'd. j 1 Dec. iMi2 22 Nov i4 H Nov i2 ^1 Jan. i5 9 Jan. rS •7do do iO i)ec i2 1 do do 2 Jan i3 1 \h'c i2 i^ March 18 17 \h*c rV 10 do do 20 April r3 £3 Oc;. i2 2 l>b>. iS 6 Oet. do 1.0 Nov. 14 1 do do rS do 12 1 Dec. do 13 Aug. rl 18 Dec. i2 2 do do 6 Jan. rS i4 Dec. i2 9 do do 3 do do r3 do do 25 Aug. il SO Oct i2 H Nov. do 4 ilo do 14 do do SO do do 1 Deo dn i« .March CI 20 do do 29 Nov. iS Ji Dec do -SO june tS 'VXiajrara District ' 12 ||»corpor;ir ,1 «%B.Cabasiere PiediaCaplivHva a !"•:-oneroi f^ :it Dec. SO Nov G July SO Nov. 2M Feb. •i llie l'niti.1 do it |2 iS , District of Gore > From "r Dee. |«|2 22 Nov. i 4 8 Nov. i2 Hi jan. 9 Jan. 17 do U) Dec. 1 do 2 Jan. 4 Dee. 18 March |3 17 Dee. i*^ iO do do 20 April iS 25 Oct, i2 2 Feb. 6 Oct. 15 Nov. I do 13 So\. 1 LVe. 13 M:g. 18 Dec 12 2 do co 6 jan. I .< 14 Dec. IU 9 do do 3 do do 15 do do 25 \as:. II 20 Oct. 12 5 Nov. do 1 do 14 do 3it do \ nhc, do 19 March 13 20 do 29 Nov. 12 31 Dec. do 30 June 13 31 Dec. 12 30 Nov. do 5 .iuly I I 30 Nov. |2 28 Feb. la To ™ _ I_____ » 'J (2 io i3 do 12 do i3 i2 i3 13 li do '•'2 do 1 J I Dollar" a' ft*. 31 ike Irti'f Hi 13 Mi i!0 do 4z. 3 10 da do Si id : 2 do do 38 7 z ilo do 79 11 \ J do do 79 % • ilo do 61 4 1 do do yi 13 io- do do 19 ii do do M ! io 8 do do 73 ! 16 K do do 80 10 , o do do 81 i 1 I do do 71 — 6A do do S3 H &k do do 78 f do do 64 1 64 do do 42 11 do do 43 0 10 do do 8z 13 8.!- do do Hi 13 ii; ;io do 17 11 6 do do 80 15 4 do do M K 10 do do 79 fii do do 80 19 y5f do do Si 0 2 do do¬ Hi i U 9 do ll*. 8i -^ H do do 47 II 4 ilo do 81 —— do do 1 A2 10 2 do do SJ 3 6f do ilo 82 j 12 7 do do Si i Li i i do do M IN 11 do do 1 75 13 I 7i iio do 'ib 14 rf do do Si IU . 1 do do 80 1 1 do ' do 70 1 1 do do SO 1 1 do do 8l i$ do do 19 17 ' 3 .lo do *i 15 I do do 38 10 5 New Goods. ■r JlHE Sohfcribcrs, having rcceivej by *- t& Idte arrivals, offer for fale oq the loweft terms for cafh at their Stores in Ktnglion, either wholefale or retail. Cloths, Ker fey meres, Flr.nnels, RomhazettB, Bornbuzcnes, Men 5: Women's He fiery, ( Inft Linens, Diapeis, Toweling, , Sat tins, Lutellrings, Berlin Wcbt, . With a variety of ether articles in the Dry Goods Line. ALSO, Jamaica .Spirit", Blue and wMt« di. agonal 5atfn^r3, Levantine Silk% Ribbons, Laces," Footing, Gingham?, Lace Veilflj Silk Shawls, Silk and Leather Gl'»ve«, Wellington and Cogniac Br-.ndy, Holland Gin, Bra Port, Spaoiflj, Sherry and Madeita Wines, "Pcppentient, Shrub, MolafTes, Mufcovado and Loaf Sugar^ Teas, Prunes, Ruifms, Almond^ Barley, Pepper, Allfpicc, and Indigo. Walter McCuniffeZi? C% Kino-iton, 19th Tilly. i$l^. %l\G New Stage. A \ ifetatcs l£i>\VALUl Ai.\<M iUQN\ G4*a&dJ^&Pwto£Miiltta&~Hjer^ 7X1HE fubfciiber propofc* to nm a 1_ STAGE between Kvngftun and Yoik the enfoitig winter; to commence the firlt Monday after the 11 ighiflg will poffiMy admit—eo leave Kiogfton evety Monday morning, nnd York every Thurf- day morning. The fubferiber hopes, by his unremitted exertions for the *& comrrod:itioii of travellers, and the fafety of their baggage^ to merit the patronago of the Public. SAMUEL PURDT. King.tton.Oel 9, 1816. ^,v(^ For Sale, VALUABLE Farm, wfrh buIM- ing« a!.-.c» large improvements there* on, favorably fituated within 28 miles of Kingston. Perfons defirous of 0ft chafing to inquire 01 the Pi inter. A infjtort, July 10- i S1 v- 31 *'6 NOTICE * ALfj perfon9 hnving any de^amfj againft the liilate ol the |at. ELlPHslLET ADAMS, oJ Mary* burgh, decealld, are hereby reqnclled, to produce tlicir claims duly authenlica- ted,—alio all perfons indebted »o the laid Eilace arc hereby requefted to make, immediate payment to SIMEON WASHBURN, Aeiinrr £.\a utjr. Hallcwcll, 12th Nov. 1816 3lv5 Midland District>\ gJsY virtue of a To IVir : J i3WR!Tof tX- ECUTtON affiled out of His Majestjpt Court of King's bench, holding civil picas, in and for the Midland Disttict a- forefaid at ihe fuit of ALEXANDER. AULDjO, of the townfliip of Marys. barjjh, 10 the laid Dijrtria, yeoman, against the lands and tenements of PHILIP SWITZER, of the town- [hip and Distriol afortfaid, yeoman, to me directed : I have fcized and taken in execution, a<* bcldognig to the faid PHILIP SWITZER, the South- westerly half of Lot number 1 on the Southeasterly fide of Southwe-t, or Prince Edward's Cay, in the faid town- mip of Maryfburgh, which faid Lot of land is butted and bounded, or may be otherwife kxuhw a?i follows, that is Co fay, commencing in front on the faid Bay, in the li nit between Lots number t and 2, and at t!ie westerly angle of the faid Lot ; then South 46 degiees East, 105 ch-tins 27 Inks, more or lek, to the fendsgrautH to Capt. John Allan ; then North 44 degrees Ea*t, 9 chains 50 links, more or lef», to the centre of the faid Lot; iben North 46 degrees West, 105 chains, 27 links, more 01 Ifcfr, to {South West, or Pii.ice Edwards Bay; then Southerly along the water? edge of the faid Bay, to the place of beginning being partly cultivated, with all rju buil¬ dings tiier-on ereded, containiag bv* admeafurement 100 acres, be the fame more or left. — Now I do hereby give Notice, that the aforefaid Lot and ! premifea will be fold and adjudge to the highest bidder, at my office in the town , of Kingston, on WEDNESDAY, the i8thdayofDECL».BERnext, at 10 of the clock in thte forenoon, at which time and place the conditions of fale will be made known. CHARLES STUART, Sherjf And every perfon or perfons having claims on the above deicrioed Lot of land and premifes, by mortgage or other right or incumbrance, are hereby adver- tifed lo give notice to the faid Sheriff, at Uh Office, 1*11 the town of Kingston, irivious fo the &lc tlitreof. Sheriff's Office> October I 24 18 16. Uj THE above fale 13 poltponcd till the 24th of February next. CHARLES STUART, »rjf S.l>a'iff,tVf..itD^ tr. ri-"'i. a , t